alexrentsch · 13 years
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Berlin Mitte
Potsdamer Platz Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park
Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L@Canon EOS 5D Mark II
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let-kowski-alone · 1 month
In conversation with Christoph Letkowski: From Salzland to the world
Interview from February 28, 2017.
Leipzig/Groß Börnecke - He is a police officer in Tatort, a permanent investigator in the “Nachtschicht” team , a nurse in the film “Feuchtgebiete” and has already played alongside Christoph Maria Herbst in “300 Worte Deutsch” .
Christoph Letkowski is not only a secret weapon when it comes to acting, he also processes his thoughts about the world musically with his band “Von Eden”. The four guys’ current tour took them through Germany.
Although the stage is Letkowski's home, he has not forgotten his roots in the Salzlandkreis and always enjoys coming back here. His current film "The Rest of My Life" will be released on May 25th and has just been awarded the Fritz Raff Screenplay Prize .
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Noticed everywhere as a free spirit
Three things that he associates with his homeland? His answer: "Fresh air, idyllic surroundings and isolation." Consciously or not, Letkowski speaks from the heart of those who have turned their backs on their homeland of Saxony-Anhalt, at least professionally.
Letkowski was born in Halle and grew up in Groß Börnecke near Staßfurt. "I knew pretty quickly that I had to leave," he says. He was a free spirit and attracted attention everywhere with his attitude.
Today he lives in Berlin and earns his living mainly through acting. "I always met the right people at the right time and was very lucky," he says.
He had his first contact with acting at the age of 18. "My girlfriend at the time wrote a play that we performed at the Salzlandtheater," says Letkowski.
"To be an actor, you have to know who you are. You need your inner center." He owes his hometown "to a large extent a sheltered upbringing. It would have been harder if I had grown up in a city like Berlin," he says.
A little bit of everything
Christoph Letkowski himself says of his professional career: "I was always able to do a little bit of everything and nothing properly." He wanted to become a competitive athlete. After training as a track and field athlete in Staßfurt for some time, he wanted to join the SCM squad. After thinking about it for a long time, however, he decided against a career in sport.
He discovered his love for music at an early age. At the age of ten, his father taught him to play the guitar. Through a friend, he quickly came into contact with producers.
After starting out as a stagehand at the Babelsberg Film Park, he was accepted at the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”, where he realized that acting was not a profession, but his calling.
The signs point to change
Christoph Letkowski lives a life that involves risks. In a city like Berlin, finding acting jobs is not easy. "It's not Los Angeles," he says. Nevertheless, work is characterized by change.
"I have resigned from my permanent position at the Volksbühne and am taking the step into self-employment," says Letkowski. The Berlin Volksbühne is currently making national headlines. After 25 years, Frank Castorf is ending his directorship.
What follows will probably make history. A Belgian museum director restructures the house. Chris Dercon is faced with more rejection than any other director before him.
Christoph Letkowski also regrets the consequences: "Nothing will be as we know it. That is a shame for the Volksbühne, because it was considered the last contemporary, somewhat left-wing and socially critical building - especially in Berlin-Mitte."
Music or acting?
Will the Berlin resident ever decide between music and acting? "There is no decision," says Letkowski. "I always choose what is important to me at the time, where I have something to say or what is close to my heart at the time."
Sometimes he has to set priorities. "It's more a question of time management." At the moment, the 34-year-old is putting a lot of love and heart and soul into music. After a few released songs like "Land in Sicht", an album will soon follow for the waiting fans, which has to be financed. "In acting, there are just so many stories that want to be told. In our band, we have nothing but ourselves."
The middle found
In a profession like acting, it's all about credibility. You only have credibility if you know who you are and where you come from. "Although I don't like everything that happened to me in the past or how situations turned out, I'm grateful for my homeland," says the Salzland native.
In his opinion, life is about change. “And people are afraid of change,” says Letkowski.
This is also shown by the results of the 2016 state election, which shocked him: "I thought I was losing my faith," says the 34-year-old. "I was a refugee myself. My grandparents are refugees.
The problems that have been exaggerated by some politicians do not exist on this scale in Saxony-Anhalt or are not noticeable when compared with a city like Berlin."
It is typical that we always want more and that things could always be better for us. "I have seen a lot in the world and we are actually doing well - even in Saxony-Anhalt," says the Berlin resident.
His parents always supported him in his bold plans, but remained loyal to the region themselves. They "decided to rebuild the East," as Letkowski jokes. Today they run a practice together in Groß Börnecke.
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But what is the secret of his success, apart from his charisma? "If you try to force your way through a wall, you won't make it. You just have to stay true to yourself and listen to your instincts, then you can achieve a lot," says Letkowski. His appeal to everyone who has a dream: "People, keep your courage for everything and don't stand still." (mz)
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yo-misterxx · 8 years
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So happy the cold days are nearly over and the spring is taking over Berlin!
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𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝐸𝒹𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒹
♕ 𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝑒: Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick
♕ 𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒: His Royal Highness Prince Edward The Duke of Kent
♕ 𝐵𝓸𝓇𝓃: Wednesday, October 9th, 1935 at No. 3 Belgrave Square in London, England
♕ 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈: His Royal Highness Prince George The Duke of Kent (Father) & Her Royal Highness Princess Marina Duchess of Kent (Mother)
♕ 𝒮𝒾𝒷𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra The Honourable Lady Ogilvy (Sister) & His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent (Brother)
♕ 𝒮𝓅𝓸𝓊𝓈𝑒: Her Royal Highness Katherine The Duchess of Kent (M. 1961)
♕ 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒹𝓇𝑒𝓃: George Windsor Earl of St Andrews (Son), Lady Helen Taylor (Daughter), Lord Nicholas Windsor (Son), & Lord Patrick Windsor (Son: Stillborn on Wednesday, October 5th, 1977)
♕ 𝐸𝒹𝓊𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓸𝓃: Ludgrove (In Berkshire, England), Eton College (In Berkshire, England), Institut Le Rosey (In Rolle, Switzerland), The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (In Berkshire, England)
♕ 𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒲𝓸𝓇𝓀: Interests: Armed Forces (Air Force, Allied Code-Breaking, Arms, Armour, Army, Artillery, Aviation, Blues and Royals, Children of Deployed Parents, Defense Studies, Fallen Soldiers, Lifeboat Services, Life Guards, Navigators, Navy, Pilots, Retired Service People, Security Studies, World War 1 & 2), Business (Business Leaders, Community Leaders, Investments, & Trade), Education (Electronics, Engineering, Chemistry, Global Aerospace, Heritage of Counties, Informational Technology, Science, & Vocational Training), Health (Apothecaries, Burn Treatment, Chest Illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dentists, Doctors, Environmental Medicine, Heart Illness, Hospitals, Leukemia, Myalgic Encephalopathy, Occupational Medicine, Pharmacists, Plastic Surgery Treatment, Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, Strokes, Surgical Research, & Veterinarians), Other (Agriculture, Conservation, Geography, & Railways/Trains), People (Boy Scouts, Civil Servants, Freemasons, Joint Cultures, Motor Safety, Polish People, Social Clubs, The Disabled, & Young People), Sports (Alpine Ski Racing, Bobsled, Cricket, Croquet, Falconry, Fishing, Golf, Hunting, Lawn Tennis, Race Car Driving, & Skiing), & The Arts (Art History, Broadcasters, Cloth-making, Dance, Journalism, Literature, Music, Opera Music, Photography, & Writers). Work: Associate Member of The International Lawn Tennis Club of Great Britain, Chancellor of The University of Surrey, Fellow of The Royal Society, Founding Member of The International Baccalaureate School, Freeman of The City of London, Freeman/Liveryman of The Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Freeman/Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Mercers, Gold Card Life Member of The The Children’s Charity Variety, Grand Master of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England, Grand President of The Masonic Charitable Foundation, Honorary Chair of Gilwell Fellows, Honorary Doctor of Law of The University of Leeds, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy of London Metropolitan University, Honorary Fellow of The Charted Management Institute, Honorary Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Honorary Fellow of The The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Honorary Fellow of The Royal Aeronautical Society, Honorary Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Honorary Fellow of The Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, Honorary Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine, Honorary Freeman of The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, Honorary Life Member of The Band of Brothers, Honorary Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers, Honorary Liveryman/Assistant Emeritus of The Worshipful Company of Engineers, Honorary Member of Cambridge University’s Scientific Society, Honorary Member of The Guild of Motoring Writers Limited, Honorary Member of The Household Division Yacht Club, Honorary Member of The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Honorary Member of The Royal Automobile Club, Honorary Member of The Royal Photographic Society, Honorary Member of The Work Foundation, Honorary Membership of The Old Wellingtonian Lodge, Honorary Preses of The Royal Caledonian Hunt, Honorary President of The Airlander Club, Honorary President of The Royal Geographical Society, Honorary President of The Royal United Services Institute International, High Steward of The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, Joint Associate Member of The Lawn Tennis Association, Joint Patron of The Anglo-Jordanian Society, Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Salters, Master of The Lodge of Antiquity, Member of The Blue Seal Club, Member of The Countryside Alliance, Member of The Honourable Artillery Company, Member of The Mountbatten Medal Advisory Panel, Patron of Bal Polski, Patron of Bloodwise, Patron of Boundless by CSMA, Patron of Buck’s Club, Patron of The Canterbury Cathedral Trust, Patron of The Catalogue Raisonne of Works by Philip de Laszlo M.V.O. P.R.B.A. 1969-1937, Patron of Combined Cavalry Old Comrades, Patron of Endeavor National Youth Organization, Patron of Everyone Can!, Patron of St. Mungo’s, Patron of The Army Winter Sports Association, Patron of The Bartok Festival, Patron of The Bletchley Park Trust, Patron of The British Computer Society, Patron of The Charles Douglas-Home Memorial Trust, Patron of The Devonshire and Dorset Regimental Association, Patron of The Edge Foundation, Patron of The Freemasons’ Fund for Surgical Research, Patron of The Gallantry Medallists’ League, Patron of The Hanover Band, Patron of The Institute of Advanced Motorists, Patron of The Institute of Export, Patron of The Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Birmingham University, Patron of International Musicians Seminar Prussia Cove, Patron of The Kandahar Ski Club, Patron of The Keighley & Worth Valley Railway Preservation Society, Patron of The Kent County Agricultural Society, Patron of The Kent County Cricket Club, Patron of The Lifeboat Fund, Patron of The London Philharmonic Orchestra, Patron of The Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association, Patron of The National Army Museum, Patron of The Newbury Spring Festival, Patron of Opera North, Patron of The P.G. Wodehouse Society, Patron of The Polish Hearth Club (Ognisko Polskie), Patron of The Restore Burns and Wounds Research, Patron of The Royal Air Force Charitable Trust, Patron of The Royal Armored Corps War Memorial Benevolent Fund, Patron of The Royal Institution of Australia, Patron of The Royal West Norfolk Golf Club, Patron of The Scots Guard Association, Patron of The Ski Club of Great Britain, Patron of The Society for Army Historical Research, Patron of The Staff College Club, Patron of The Supreme Council 33°, Patron of The Tank Museum, Patron of The Tree Council, Patron of Trinity College London, Patron of The Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Patron of The UK Friends of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Stiftung Foundation, Patron of The University of Surrey’s Postgraduate Medical School, Patron of The Watlington Hospital Charitable Trust, Patron of The Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum, Patron of Wigmore Hall, President In Chief of The British Racing Drivers’ Club, President of The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, President of The Anmer Club, President of The Army and Navy Club, President of The Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men, President of The Cavalry and Guards Club, President of The Chest/Heart/Stroke Medical Research Funds of Scotland, President of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, President of The Duke of York’s Royal Military School, President of The Engineering Council, President of The Football Association, President of The Henley Society, President of The King Edward’s VII’s Hospital (Sister Agnes), President of The King’s Lynn Festival Limited, President of The Noel Coward Society, President of The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, President of The Royal Armories Development Trust, President of The Royal Choral Society, President of The Royal Institution of Great Britain, President of The Royal Nation Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), President of The Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies, President of The Scout Association, President of The Stroke Association, President of The Board of Trustees of The Imperial War Museum, President of The UK Trustees of The His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conference Leaders, President of Wellington College, Royal Bencher of The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, Royal Fellow of The Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Member of The Royal Society Club, Royal Patron of The Admiral Ramsay Museum, Royal Patron of The American Air Museum in Britain, Royal Patron of The British-German Association, Royal Patron of The Dresden Trust, Royal Patron of The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, Royal Patron of The Last Night of the Proms in Crakow, Special Representative (Formerly a Vice-Chairman) for The United Kingdom’s International Trade & Investment, Vice-Chairman of The British Overseas Trade Board, Visitor of Cranfield University, & Visitor of The Centenary World Scout Jamboree.
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jammeke · 5 years
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Tidelander | s1 | 7,5/10
Grimm | s6 | 8/10
The Last Kingdom | s1 | 7/10
Medici: Masters of Florence | s2 | 8,5/10 
When Calls the Heart | s1 | 7,5/10
When Calls the Heart | s2 | 7,5/10
When Calls the Heart | s3 | 8/10
Suits | s6 part 2 | 7,5/10
Tyrant | s2 | 8/10
Derry Girls | s1 | 8,5/10
Derry Girls | s2 | 8/10
The Umbrella Academy | s1 | 8/10
Star Trek: Discovery | s2 | 8/10
Queer Eye | s2 | 8/10
Santa Clarita Diet | s2 | 8,5/10
Santa Clarita Diet | s3 | 8/10
Roswell New Mexico | s1 | 8/10
Bonding | s1 | 8/10
Project Blue Book | s1 | 7,5/10
The West Wing | s1 | 8/10
The Lost World | s1 | 7/10
Downton Abbey | s1 | 7/10
Mindhunter | s2 | 7,5/10
Knightfall | s2 | 7/10
Fleabag | s2 | 8/10
Parks and Recreation | s1 | 7,5/10
Absentia | s1 | 7/10
Good Omens | 9/10
Carnival Row | 9/10
Zorro Disney | s1 | 8,5/10
Zorro Disney | s2 | 8/10
V Wars | s1 | 6,5/10
The Witcher | s1 | 8/10
Aquaman | 8/10
The Favourite | 8/10
The Saint (2017) | 8/10
You Get Me | 6/10
Dumbo (2019) | 7,5/10
Anastastia | 7,5/10
Can You Ever Forgive Me | 8/10
Music and Lyrics | ***
Rocketman | 8/10
Men in Black: International | 8/10
The Hustle | 7,5/10
Spider-Man: Homecoming | 8/10
Spider-Man: Far From Home | 8,5/10
Bankier van het Verzet | 7,5/10
Thor: Ragnarok | 7,5/10
Avengers: Infinity War | 7,5/10
Falling Inn Love | 7/10
The Knight Before Christmas | 7/10
Kid Gorgeous -- John Mulaney | 8/10
Elias -- (F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Excelsior | 8/10
Voor Wat Het Waard Is--Pieter Derks | 8,5/10
Avond van de Filmmuziek 2019 | 9/10
Wicked | 8,5/10
Aladdin | 7,5/10
HAMILTON | 10/10
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert  | 8,5/10
The Book of Mormon |8/10
Een Muzikale Lekenpreek, Delft Chamber Music Festival | 7/10
Vrouw Houtebeen -- Een Scheveningse Odyssee | 8/10
Missa in Mysterium, Gregorian Chants | 7,5/10
Der Fliegende Höllander -- Richard Wagner | 7,5/10
Eh... -- Brigitte Kaandorp | 8/10
De Lama's | 7,5/10
Hadestown Original Cast Broadway Recording | 9/10
Soldaat van Oranje: de Musical | 8,5/10
*** = re-watched series/films
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sizekitap · 4 years
Marton Borsanyi & Friends (Etkinlik)
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Márton Borsányi & Friends, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi Fıstıklı Teras’ta sizlerle buluşuyor.
“İkinci konserimiz; Macar klavsen virtüözü Márton Borsányi, İstanbullu müzisyenler İklim Tamkan (klavsen), Senem Demircioğlu (mezzo soprano) ve arkadaşlarının vereceği son derece dinamik bir konser olacak. Borsányi, parlak tekniği, etkileyici stilistlik özelliklerin olağanüstü ustalığını bir arada barındırırken, seçtiği repertuvarın ifadesi ve süslemesi ile dinleyicileri büyülüyor. 27 Ağustos’ta gerçekleşecek bu konser, İstanbul’da ilk kez iki klavsenin aynı anda sahnede bulunduğu bir topluluğun konseri olması bakımından da özel bir yere sahiptir.
Marton Borsanyi, klavsen İklim Tamkan, klavsen Senem Demircioğlu, mezzosoprano Özge Özerbek, keman Billur Kibritçioğlu, keman Dinç Nayan, viyola Mehmet Gökhan Bağcı, viyolonsel Deniz Yurdakul, kontrbas
Márton Borsányi 1984’te Macaristan’ın Budapeşte kentinde doğan Márton Borsányi, öncesinde Leipzig Müzik ve Tiyatro Yüksek Okulu’nda (Hochschule für Musik und Theater ‘Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’), sonrasında ise Nicholas Parle, Jesper Christensen ve Rudolf Lutz gibi isimlerle beraber Schola Cantorum Basiliensis müzik akademisinde klavsen, sürekli bas (basso continuo) ve tarihsel doğaçlama çalıştı. 2009 yılında İtalya’nın Mondovì şehrindeki Montis Regalis Akademisi’nde bursiyer olmaya hak kazandı. Borsányi müziğe dair uğraşını uzun yıllar boyunca 17. yüzyılda Almanca konuşulan Lutherci bölgelerin klavye müziğine odakladı.Sanatçı klavsende ve orgda hem solist hem de oda müzisyeni olarak düzenli konserler vermektedir. Güncel olarak Oberwil’deki (Basel-Landschaft) Reform Kilisesi’nin ve Egerkingen’deki Aziz Martin Roman-Katolik Kilisesi’nin orgcusudur. Bunun yanı sıra, 2016 ve 2019 yılları arasında Graz’daki Müzik ve Gösteri Sanatları Yüksek Okulu’nda ders vermiştir. 2017’den beri ise Budapeşte’deki Ferenc Lizst Müzik Akademisi’nde klavsen üzerine yoğunlaşmış organoloji (müzik enstrumanları ve sınıflandırılmaları ile ilgili bilim dalı) dersleri vermektedir. Yine 2017’den beri Varşova’daki ISAEM Festivalinde klavsen dersleri vermekte ve Macaristan’daki Pannonia Erken Müzik Akademisini organize etmektedir. Son olarak, 2019’dan beri MDW Viyana’da dersler vermektedir.Borsányi organoloji ve erken müzik araştırmaları alanında büyük ilgisi ve deneyimi olan tutkulu bir klavsen ve org eğitmenidir. Aynı zamanda bir klavsen uzmanı ve “intonateuer” (tonlama) olarak Liszt Müzik Akademisinde, Ljubljana Konservatuarında, Basel’deki Schola Cantorum Basiliensis’te ve Graz Sanat Üniversitesinde çalışmış, bu uzmanlığıyla Bartók ve Baroque gibi CD kayıtlarında da yer almış (Helga Váradi Klavsen, ya da J. S. Bach’tan 7 Toccatas), son olarak da Eva Maria Pollerus ile ve Almanya, İsviçre, Macaristan ve Slovenya’dan birçok özel müşteri için çalışmıştır. Klavsen için kullanılan kuş tüyleri ve delrin üzerine bir “intonateuer” olarak 10 yılı aşkın bir deneyime sahip olup klavsen bakımı ve tanzimi üzerine dersler vermektedir. 
İklim Tamkan İzmir’de doğan sanatçı, müzik eğitimine 1995 yılında H. Ü. Ankara Devlet Konservatuvarı’nda Prof. Güherdal Çakırsoy ve Prof. İlhan Baran ile başladı.D.E.Ü. İzmir Devlet Konservatuvarı’nda Prof. Aykut Yafe ile sürdürdüğü 6 yıllık eğitimi süresince çeşitli şehirlerde konser ve resitaller verdi. Viyana Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Üniversitesi’nde Prof. I. Häusler ile çalışmalarına devam eden Tamkan, 2002 yılında Graz Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Üniversitesi Piyano Ana Sanat Dalı Solistlik Bölümü’ne, Prof. Walter Groppenberger’in sınıfına kabul edildi. Eğitimi esnasında uzmanlığını klavsen dalında yapan Tamkan, aynı üniversitenin Eski Müzik Enstitüsü Klavsen Ana Sanat Dalı Solistlik Bölümü’ne birincilikle kabul edilerek dünyaca ünlü müzisyen ve pedagog Prof. Jesper Christensen ile klavsen hayatına başlamış oldu. Prof. Eva Maria Pollerus, Prof. Michael Hell ve Merit Eichorn gibi değerli isimlerle devam ettirdi.Eğitimi süresince çeşitli Avrupa ülkelerinde Roland Batik, Prof. Bronislawa Kawalla, Prof. Tadeusz Chmielewski, Prof. Elzbiata Guzek-Soini, Prof. Oleg Krimmner ve Laurent Boullett gibi dünyaca ünlü müzisyenlerle masterclass çalışmaları yapan Tamkan, ayrıca klavsen dalında İtalya Montisi’deki The Piccola Accademia ustalık sınıfına kabul edilerek akademiyi başarıyla tamamladı.Tamkan İtalya, Polonya, İsviçre, Slovenya, Almanya gibi birçok ülkede resitaller ve oda müziği konserleri verdi. Sanatçı, İtalya’da yapılan Uluslararası Valtidone Genç Yetenekler Yarışması’nda piyano dalında üçüncülük ödülü, klavsen dalında Uluslararası Kiwanis Ödülü’nün yanı sıra Avusturya Devleti tarafından verilen Martha Debelli ödülü ve bursunu arka arkaya iki defa kazanmıştır.Sanatçı 2016 yılında Avusturya “Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Üniversitesi” Oberschützen Akademisi’nde Prof. Michael Hell ile klavsen ve Generalbass, Prof. Susanne Scholz ile oda müziği çalışmaları yapmış ve akademiyi başarıyla tamamlamıştır. “Hofkapelle München” Barok Orkestrası sanatçılarından Angelika Fichter ile oluşturdukları düo ile 2016’da Almanya’nın çeşitli şehirlerinde sahne alan sanatçı, bu konser serisinde klavseniyle oda müziği ve solo eserler seslendirmiştir.Ünlü besteci ve piyanist Fazıl Say’ın prodüktörlüğünde piyasaya çıkmış olan “İlk Atlas” isimli albüm 2017’de raflardaki yerini almıştır. Yine 2017’de oyuncu Yetkin Dikinciler ve Senem Demircioğlu ile beraber “Yarın’a davet Nazım Hikmet” isimli özel bir gösteriyle seyircileriyle buluşan sanatçı, bu projeyi çeşitli şehirlerde sahnelemeye devam etmektedir. Sanatçı 2017’de Avusturya’da düzenlenen “Avrupa Barok Müziği” temalı uluslararası ustalık sınıfına tam burslu olarak davet edilmiş ve akademiyi başarıyla tamamlamıştır.Tamkan yoğun konser performanslarının yanı sıra piyano eğitmenliğine de aktif olarak devam etmektedir.
Senem Demircioğlu Ankara’da doğdu. 1998’de başladığı Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı piyano bölümünde Doç. Hülya Ardıç’ın öğrencisi olan sanatçı 2006’da Piyano Ana Sanat Dalı’ndan mezun oldu ve opera bölümünde Payam Koryak ile şan çalışmalarına başladı. 2009’da Bulgaristan’da düzenlenen “Uluslararası Genç Virtüözler Yarışması”nda birincilik ödülünü kazandı. Opera Ana Sanat Dalı’ ndan 2012’de mezun olup eğitimine Graz Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Üniversitesi’nde Prof. U. Baestlein’ın master öğrencisi olarak devam etti. Avusturya’da kaldığı sürede birçok operada başrol söyledi ve Avusturya basınından önemli kritikler aldı. Fazıl Say’ın “Ses” adlı oda operasının Mezzo Soprano solistliğini yapan sanatçı yine Say’ın eseri “Gezi Park III”ün Türkiye prömiyerini yaptı. 2017’de piyanist İklim Tamkan ile birlikte, Fazıl Say prodüktörlüğünde “İlk Atlas” isimli ilk albümünü yayınladı. 2019’da  Almanya “Rheingau Müzik Festivali“ ve Gürcistan “Tsinandali Müzik Festivali”nde Fazıl Say ile birlikte kendisinin eserlerini seslendirdi. Sanatçı müzik hayatına yurt içi ve yurt dışında devam etmektedir.
Mehmet Gökhan Bağcı 1990 yılında Antalya’da doğan Bağcı, ilk müzik eğitimini Muzaffer Ayhan ve Cansu Olgun’dan aldı. Akademik viyolonsel çalışmalarını Veronika Yeliz Efe, Prof.Engin Sansa, Arthur Rahmatulla, Prof. Ozan Tunca ve Prof. Peter Bruns ile tamamlayan Bağcı, Balazs Mate, Ruth Phillips, Mauro Valli, Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, Stephan Forck, Johannes Moser, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Wolfgang Boettcher, Benyamin Sönmez, Çağ Erçağ’ın viyolonsel ustalık sınıflarına katılarak eğitimine devam etti.Türkiye’de ve Avrupa’da konserler gercekleştiren Bağcı, 2012 yılında Hezarfen Ensemble’a davet edilerek oda müziği kariyerine başladı. Hollanda, Fransa, Almanya, İtalya’daki konserlerde Türk bestecilerinin yeni müzik eserlerini icra etti. Amerikalı besteci Michael Ellison’ın “Mevlana, Say I am” adlı çağdaş oda opera cd kaydını Hezarfen Ensemble ile gerçekleştirdi ve Rotterdam Operadagen’da dünya prömiyeri yaptı. Berlin Konzerthaus, Berlin Philharmonic Kammermusiksaal, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Roma Santa Cecilia Hall, Hong Kong Art Center, İstanbul Aya İrini, Kölner Philharmonic Hall, Paris Theatre des Champs-Elysees konser salonlarında orkestra ve oda müziği konserleri gerçekleştirdi. Ellen Jewett, Mısırlı Ahmet, Nina Janssen, Tatjana Masurenko, Sarah Chang ile oda müziği konserleri gerçekleştiren Bağcı, Trio Ba grubu ile L. van Beethoven’ın yazmış olduğu bütün piyano üçlülerini seri halinde Ankara/Türkiye’de ilk kez seslendirdi. 2016 yılından bu yana BEGOA Ensemble’ın “G” harfini temsil etmektedir. Borusan İstanbul Filarmoni Orkestrası viyolonsel grubu asil üyesi olarak sezon konserlerine katılmaktadır.
PROGRAM G.P. Telemann – Suite in e TWV 42 “Friday”
A. Vivaldi – “Laudate pueri“ Rv 601 Laudate, pueri
A. Vivaldi – Cello sonata in g Rv 42 Preludio: Largo Allemanda: Andante Sarabanda: Largo Gigue: Allegro
A. Corelli – Concerto Grosso in g  Op.6 No.8
A. Vivaldi – Stabat Mater“  Rv. 621 I. Stabat mater dolorosa VII. Eia mater, fons amoris
G.P. Telemann – Suite in g TWV 42 “Saturday”
Hakan Erdoğan Prodüksiyon tarafından düzenlenen festival; TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Le Meridien İstanbul Etiler, ve Dimitrie Cantemir Romen Kültür Merkezi’nin tarafından desteklenmektedir.  Kapılar 19.00’da açılır, konserler 20.30’da başlar.
Vale hizmeti ücretlidir. İletişim: [email protected]
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/marton-borsanyi-friends-etkinlik/
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brlperspectives · 7 years
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noon. || #berlin #mitte (hier: U-Bahnhof Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park)
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uhrur · 4 years
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Não gostei dessa máscara. #mascara #coronavirus (at U-Bahnhof Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXApfhKOho/?igshid=skvmo65unhli
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am-checkpoint · 5 years
Kurzspaziergang am Sonntag 
Potsdamer Platz Arkaden, Piano-See am Potsdamer Platz, U-Bahnhof Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park, Köthener Straße /Ecke Hallesches Ufer, Bundespolizeidirektion 11 und Deutschlandhaus
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furdiesentag · 7 years
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Do. Mai 18
A myriad galleries Berlin has on offer and how many have I partaken of since my arrival? Yeah. I make for the Gemäldegalerie in search of ‘real art’. I’m instantly lost in a hangar of a foyer. I can’t even see the maps the ticket lady just pointed me towards. I see signs for the library, cloakroom, and loos, so wanting a P please Bob I freshen up and take five. From the vantage point of the Damen door I’m none the wiser so I skip down the yawning depths of the staircase before me. A red floor line beckons. Obligingly I trot along a winding corridor, shove my bag into a locker, grab a finally-visible map, and off to be cultured I bob. 
Well, this is grand, if not as expected. Artefact after artefact abounds - this is what it must be like to yobbishly crowbar open Phil Harding’s Safestore unit. I’m enthralled with the Mid-Century Modern exhibitions; I feel positively academic upon recognising the odd designer’s name and even spotting sister pieces to those furnishing my own Mancunian abode. A grin grasps my mug and I linger languidly in a retro haze.
Shaking myself back to reality, map studied, all rooms appear to have been taken in - yet no paintings? Can’t be right. Retrieving bag from locker I trace the red line back to the foyer. Still only seeing signs for the library and cloakroom, confusion abounds, until a couple enter and head straight for an unmarked door in a distant corner. Wondering what snares their attention, I follow - and discover the entrance to the Gemäldegalerie. Turns out I’ve been schlepping around the Kunstgewerbemuseum instead. Oh well, two birds with one seed an’ all that. 
After another good hour or so traversing these artistic annals, I emerge into a muggy late-afternoon that demands I mosey rather than march. A born speed-walker (back home I’m ashamedly a pavement-rager that encounters a pram or zimmer-frame with an agitated huff - yeah, yeah, karma, well aware), I’ve observed a trait I’ve taken to thinking of as ‘Berlin Pace’ - a laid-back plod with zero sense of urgency. Try this kind of pissantery in London and you’d be for the chop. Attempting to scurry back to Potsdamer Platz, I’ve an enforced epiphany: it’s simply too much effort to move faster. As if a video cassette on Slow-Play, I observe helplessly as my legs jerkily move in shuddering frames. What is this madness? And just as suddenly, I’m content. I get it.
Following my route back to Potsdamer Platz I pass the Sony Centre. I have no idea what’s occurring other than that this country bloody loves Milka and I bloody love bears, so I snap a photo for the lols. Back at the S, I sit on the grass of Leipziger Platz for a minute, relishing the warmth, and realise I’m not ready for home. I nip into the nearby mall in search of picnicesque sustenance. Ice cream and tequila-flavoured beer in bag, I seek out a park. Apple Maps suggests Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park along the Landwehr Canal - sounds ideal, and I even get to amble past the hallowed Hansa recording studio (and grab a god-awful selfie) en-route. At the park, I can’t find the way in. Once I do there’s no view of water and nowhere to sit. Liberating my wilting Magnum from its condensated wrapper anyhow, I stand sheltered under an arboreal arch that doubles as a wasp high-rise, and boy do they like to throw a welcome party. Scarpering full-pelt from certain death I wind up loitering on Schöneberger Brücke, slurping my creamy hot chocolate from the cup of my palm as sarcy drivetimers honk their mirth.
Defeated in my attempts at ‘doing summer’ I trudge on homebound - but hark, do I hear that glorious happenstance sirening salvation anew? Spitting feathers, I reach into my bag and crack my can anyhow, why not? Boozing on the street’s all the rage here after all. Shuffling around a bend in the road, a brewery looms into view, and beyond that, the Park Am Gleisdreieck. No, it’s not a mirage. Everything and yer maiden aunt’s cat’s cousin is going down here. There’s ping pong, roller-blading, skateboarding, pilates, breakdancing, god-awful rapping, whatever that thing’s called where you run up the side of walls and try not to die when you jump off an adjacent structure - and of course, mucho imbibo. Perchance this is a mirage, but hand out figs I do not. I set up camp on a vacant bench and am so joyously absorbed in the ambience that I don’t move for a good hour. The unanticipated intensity of the sun combined with a coupla cans of Germany’s finest Desperados knock-off makes the teeter home (past some bird graffiti, let’s note) rather nice indeed.
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berlinverkehr · 5 years
Bahnhöfe + zu Fuß mobil: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park BVG lässt Fußgängerbrücke abreißen Welche Brücke?, aus Der Tagesspiegel
Bahnhöfe + zu Fuß mobil: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park BVG lässt Fußgängerbrücke abreißen Welche Brücke?, aus Der Tagesspiegel
Welche Brücke? Trotz ihrer zentralen Lage ist die #Überführung vom #U-Bahnhof zum #Parkhaus am #Gleisdreieck weitgehend unbekannt. Nun wird sie abgerissen.
Die trotz ihrer zentralen Lage am Potsdamer Platz wohl unbekannteste #Fußgängerbrücke Berlins wird #abgerissen. Die Brücke…
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vocaldrums · 7 years
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"O tu Palermo" Vespri Siciliani, Giuseppe Verdi. "Opera Gala" en la Berlin Opera Academy. #bassbaritone #operasinger #verdi #berlinoperaacademy #berlin #gala (en Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park)
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U Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park (Berlin)
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typeinberlin · 8 years
7. February 2017 | 95 theses for redesigning the Luther Bible
In October 2017 Germany will celebrate the 500th anniversary of postering the 95 thesis of Martin Luther. So its the right time for the typographic giant Prof. Friedrich Forssman (Fachhochschule Potsdam) to speak about his research to redesign Martin Luthers bible.
source: Staatsbibliothek Berlin
time: 18.15 o'clock
language: German
Staatsbibliothek Berlin Haus Potsdamer Str. 33 Simón-Bolívar-Saal 10785 Berlin
U2 - U Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park S1/S2/S25 - Potzdamer Platz M48/M85/N2 - Kulturforum Berlin
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