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Today, we're shedding light on the risk factors associated with testicular cancer, which predominantly affects young men but can be managed with early diagnosis. Key Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer: Age: Most common in men aged 15-35. Family History: A family history of testicular cancer increases risk. Personal History: Having had testicular cancer in one testicle increases the risk of developing it in the other testicle. Undescended Testicle (Cryptorchidism): Men whose testicles did not descend into the scrotum normally before birth are at a higher risk. Race & Ethnicity: Rates of testicular cancer are higher in Caucasian men than in men of other races. Body Size: Recent studies suggest that taller men may have a slightly increased risk of testicular cancer. Prevention and Early Detection: While some risk factors like genetic predisposition can't be changed, awareness and regular self-examinations play a crucial role in early detection. If you have any of the risk factors or notice any changes, consult with our specialists for guidance and screening. Let's work together to spread awareness and safeguard our health. Knowledge is power!
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