#Mer is touchy bastard with Nozel
thurilostiel · 4 years
For the OC and their partner(s)!! 💗,❣️, and 💓~!!
A little word ahead as this wasn’t stated in OC post. I’m not sure what’s the time in BC manga as of today so while Nozel is 29yo Oracle is 23yo. They first met while she was 19. She doesn’t know her real name, Nozel called her Gulisa during first week of them knowing eachother, later he called her Libi. And now: 💗 Describe your OC’s partner(s) from their point of view! What do they really think about them? “Calm man with no chill.” and “A loveable idiot” She knows he’s smart and really disciplined, doesn’t care about the other traits that much. She liked him from the moment he forgave her the robbery. Mer likes him so for Oracle he can’t be a bad person, birbo even tried to betray his mistress to become Nozel’s pet, but Nozel isn’t best with animals so Mer came back with his head down, not that Oracle could see that anyway. She loves the fact that Nozel will make it known that he came somewhere near her, will walk to her slightly louder than usually, knock on something so she won’t get startled. For first time Lilith/Libi used a spell that made her regain sight for a short while she saw Nozel’s cold expression and just “oh... so you are an emotionless bastard :/ ” *Nozel is confusion* “YOU KNOW EMOTIONS?!?” *Nozel is angery confusion* She still calls him emotionless bastard, but she learned that he just doesn’t like showing off what he feels. Now she’s able to tell how he’s feeling just from the way he speaks and how much noise he makes. Oracle half-way gets it why SE members describe Nozel as the Cruel Captain, but to hear that from his sibs is weird. Especially after all that Nozel told her about them. “Brother Nozel sent me on that stupid mission in peasant village again :c He hates us all after that accident in the dungeon” *Blind Oracle.exe stopped working. Critical Error* “...wot?”   ❣️ When did your OC first realise they were in love? How did they react to the realisation? That would be about 2 years after their first meeting! She got up earlier than usually and cought a maid preparing clothes for her, and well, even is she had money now, [thanks to Silver Eagles helping her out with a little magic supplies bussines], she hasn’t yet get to search, let alone employ a house help, so she asked why was the woman doing this is she wasn’t getting paid for this, “But I am. Lord Nozel told me to do so. His family summer house is nearby, but they don’t use it too often. There is little to no work there, so I take care of your house as well.” *Is shooketh. Realises that’s why whenever she comes back from her adventures to borders her house is neat clean and not even a fly sits on the floor*  In a span of 2 minutes she got flashbacks to everything that was happening to her when she was near Nozel and the feeling just hit her. “Thsh! ... emotionless bastard” She made a mental note to always have his favourite tea in stock. She didn’t think of this as true love at first, but she wanted to be someone he can open to and speak freely in her presence. Lilith even started inviting Dorothy, as Nozel mentioned her as a good friend, and so the three of them once in Glamour world would talk out the entire night. But Nozel is still the bastard he was before the realisation, Lilith was just slightly more touchy with him from that point on. Would always want to at least grab his shoulder or hand if they met outside her house/SE HQ and give a tiny sqeeze for noone knows why but she’s made it an ordinary thing by now. Lil Bonus: Mer was extremly ‘touchy’ with Nozel from the start. Birb never in his life cuddled with Lilith out of his own will, outside cold winter nights but they don’t count- those were life or death situations, but he will not survive if he’s seeing Nozel around and won’t get a cuddle with said man’s neck. Will sit on his shoulder and comb his hair with his beak, or he’ll pat Nozel’s hair down with his wing, looking proud as never, like Noz’s hairstyle was his doing. Mer is probably one of very few animals that ever come to Nozel out of own will and not cuz he got food, according to Tabata’s rankings Nozel, Noelle and king Augustus were in the Most hated by animals so... Birb saw a man looking similar to himself. Birb loves the man. 💓 What is their favourite activity to do together (that isn’t time in the bedroom)? READING! Also tea parties to talk about everything and nothing. So Oracle can use a spell that’ll help her see more clearly than with her mana sensing skills, but they work for about 4 minutes max and depending on her current mana pool situation and health she’d be able to see quite a range of colours or just black, white and grey scale sketchy things that are worse than what she’s able to see[imaginairy] with mana sensing or mana layer- sending out a thin layer of own mana like a wave to cover your surroundings so to know where you can put down your feet, so it’s not really helpful after a day of working on a magic artefact or while catching a cold. Nozel visits her at least 3 times a week, always in the evening hours and they sit together on the fluffy couch and Nozel reads out loud whatever book she wants, mostly it’s just some old archives about findings from dungeons and ancient relics. They were doing this almost from the start! Back when she was living in SE HQs and working directly for the squad to redeem herself from trying to rob their Captain in the light of day, [with HER OWN BIRBO SELLING HER OUT!! Mer screatched at Nozel while Lilith tried to untie his pouch from the belt], with the first two days they’d sit a bit further apar, and she’d try to take notes of what he’s reading to her. Noticing her strugle he made sure to get another member into the room to read the informations from books while he sat down with her and helped with the notes. And before anyone will say “But she’s blind, she won’t be able to read the notes, she didn’t have the spell yet!” Yea, and there is no braille or anything like that as far as I know in the Clover Kingdom, but if you press the pen/pencil down really hard it will make such mark on the paper you’d be able to read it without looking, only rule is that you need to know how the letters look before trying this out, and Oracle was made blind at her 15th birthday so she knew how to write and read before. They also started enjoying the evenings, when the sun is about to go down. If they’re outside for this, Lilith will sing silently or hum something, and Nozel will try to describe the sky to her in most details so her hums/singing will fit the scenery. He calls it “troublesome evening walks” she calls it “entertainment of the day”. She’s innocent in her ways of thinking, innocently gloomy. Mer loves to interrupt any activity they do together without inviting him at first. Hope that’s what you wanted to know.
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