#Mercy hates mirelurks. She just hates them
sparrowsingsstories · 2 years
Some Sentence Sunday
Well then - it's a little late, but better late than never!
Tagging: @alder-berry @twolargepepperoni-and-a-calzone @kyngsnake @adventuresofmeghatron and uh...and uh anybody else who wants to join - my brain is shorting out!
From Chapter 12 of Cry Mercy! There's some angst, some humor...some...stuff....that I won't mention because You Have To Read It (probably posted on Saturday).
Anyway! From Chapter 12 - Mercy learns what a Mirelurk Queen is and she's Not Happy!
“News about the Castle. It’s…uh…so.” Preston shifted. “A mirelurk queen.”
“A what now?” Mercy asked.
“Mirelurk queen.”
Mercy stared at Preston who scratched at the scruff on his chin. “Think of like, a giant angry mirelurk the size of thirty of them, with babies, and they spit.”
Mercy stared at Preston, “What now…a giant…spitting…angry…mama crab?”
“Is at the Castle…”
“Just this giant crab?”
“Oh no, it’s also filled with regular mirelurks and nests.”
Mercy walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee. Piper leaned towards Preston, “I think you broke her.”
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bokatan · 6 months
2, 9, 11, and 28 for all of them
[ oc asks ] @fuzzydreamin
2: what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
Reed: I think he'd really like 70's-80's punk and 90's/early 2000's alt, but he's the type that'll find something he likes in pretty much every genre.
Mercy: I think she'd probably also really like 80's-90's alt, and she'd enjoy country music too. She's not very picky and will listen to most music, but she has a preference for more acoustic sounding music.
9: favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
Reed: He loves things like soups, stews, etc- he's not picky as long as it doesn't contain anything he has an aversion to. I don't think he has any one specific food that he dislikes, but he doesn't really care much for sweet baked goods. He has an aversion to preserved prewar foods, and he won't eat anything made with dog/canid meat or 'bug' meat(bloatfly, radroach, bloodbug, radscorpion, stingwing, etc)
Mercy: Her favorite type of food would probably be sweet baked goods, especially ones with fruit involved. I honestly can't think of anything she outright hates- she'll try pretty much anything. I don't think she'd like foods that are extremely spicy though, and she isn't a fan of mirelurk and similar mutated crustaceans. She doesn't have any known dietary restrictions.
11: what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
Reed: He got slammed with pretty much all of my mental illnesses and problems lmao. A lot of his personality is pretty much just my ADHD with less impulse control. If past relationships are anything to go off of: we'd probably get along too well, to the point that it'd get a bit toxic and there'd be way too much tomfoolery and shenanigans. And also probably illegal activities. Friends like him are how I ended up getting my car searched by border patrol while smuggling kinder eggs back into the US.
Mercy: She got slammed with my control issues + issues with being a femme-presenting person working in STEM, assorted medical interests, & interest in vulture culture/collecting specimens. The weird sense of justice/morality is all her and not something I'd actually vibe with, but she's fictional and it's fun to play with. I do think we'd probably get along decently, but I'd also be very intimidated by her so who knows how well that would go
Delta: They're actually the closest one to being a self-insert; a lot of their personality + interests are very in line with my own and they're the kind of person I try to be. I'm personally a fucking disaster when it comes to robotics/motors/wiring/etc so we do not have that in common, but in all reality we'd probably vibe and get along pretty well.
28: how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Reed: It can be hard to tell when Reed genuinely likes someone- he's typically able to work with most people regardless of what he thinks about them, and he's also the type that will attempt to befriend certain people if he thinks it'll benefit him to be on their good side or if he's trying to get something from them. When he genuinely does like someone, he tends to act a bit like a cat- he just likes to be around them and he'll seek them out to do so. He also has a habit of collecting little trinkets and things to give to specific people. It's much easier to tell when he doesn't like someone- he can get very abrasive and argumentative, and will often go out of his way to instigate problems(in a way that isn't going to get him reprimanded, of course). He also has a tendency to steal things from people he just flat out hates but still has to work with, just as a little petty way to bother them.
Mercy: If she's present, she either likes at least one person involved or she really needs whatever she's being paid with to be there. She just flat out isn't going to waste her time dealing with people she dislikes. She does take a while to warm up to people and may not be especially talkative or friendly at first, but again- she'll just leave if she doesn't like them. When she does start to open up more, she also tends to be a bit cat-like; she just enjoys hanging around in the same space as someone else. She's also very likely to just show up without warning if she needs something, or if she's found something interesting that she thinks the other person will like.
Delta: They're typically pretty friendly and easygoing, so they tend to get along with pretty much everyone. When they do like someone, they tend to be much more talkative and actually show their real personality more- they're pretty quiet and introverted by nature, but that obviously changes when they're around someone they're comfortable with. It can be hard to tell when they don't like someone though- they have a hard time setting boundaries with others and saying no to things, and they don't want to cause any hard feelings or issues later on by shutting someone down.
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
Molly can handle literally everything but Mirelurks and feral Ghouls.
Mirelurks have too many legs and ferals freak her the fuck out.
Normal ghouls are fine. Normal ghouls she just nods to because she served with dudes that got more fucked up, face wise, in Anchorage.
But Ferals are just,,, i have the D.E.C.A.Y mod for making ferals have like,,, skin infections, open wounds with bones showing, detached jaws etc. Basically just ramping up the spook factor.
And since they weren’t always a just.. fact of life to her, all she can imagine is some poor person suffering deeply without even knowing what they’ve become-- with the optional fear that they have enough of their minds left to know how bad things are. Just enough to suffer and plan an attack, but not enough to stop themselves.
Molly sees killing ferals as a mercy thing, on top of being necessary-- though she tries to impress on her men that it’s different than killing roaches or molerats. They used to be people, so they deserve some respect after you kill them. ATM not enough people respect her for it to carry over past the ones based in Sanctuary and Tenpines, but it’s getting there.
Meanwhile i get jumpscared by fucking every single “feral comes through the ceiling” scripted event and i Hate it. She has a .44 and more courage than I do because i would have hidden in Sanctuary from most things, let alone waves of ferals at the drive in.
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hyper-cryptic · 3 years
Nick and Hancock headcanons?
YES...YEEEEES. I am so eager to talk about these two! Especially Nick since I have been talking all day about Hancock, not that I mind of course. 😳
Starting with Nick!
He really likes animals. I have no actual explanation for this, he just looks like the guy that would take in a lot of cats and then have his house infested by stray cats. Ellie loves the cats, but they GOT TO GO.
He literally forgets he has his hat on sometimes.
I feel like he would like going on strolls around DC, for no reason, just to stretch the legs or to take a smoke. It’s calming for him to go around, seeing the city working and people interact with each other. He prefers going out at night, he likes the lights. :)!
He is actually very disorganized with stuff, forgets where he leaves his files, puts files in the wrong places, sometimes doesn't even file a report...I mean, look at his agency, it's a disaster and I adore it. If it wasn't for Ellie, who at least tries to organize when Nick is out, or busy, he would be so lost.
Okay but, he likes rain right? Imagine him just going out to his roof when it's raining and just be there. Maybe he likes it because of how it feels, the bits of pressure on his skin as the raindrops fall, and maybe the calming sound.
He totally meets up with Hancock every once in a while. Just to catch up with stuff. How is the town going? How are the cases going? Mostly casual things.
He is absolutely terrified of Piper, but in the best way. He admires her determination and how brave she is, but god, he wished she slowed down sometimes.
He likes coffee a little bit too much...Tastes good!
I honestly wonder how his vision is. A part of me wants it to be something similar to the V.A.T.S or even the power armor screen, has little colors and a lot of analysis shit. Or normal, full color vision with the analysis shit on, so he can be happier. :)
He really sweet food. He doesn’t eat much, but he likes to get some treats once in a while.
He likes children. This doesn’t mean he would like to be a father though, he thinks he wouldn’t be able to give the kid the attention he needs, and bla bla, you know him. But he sure enjoys spending time with Shaun and chatting with him, or just doing whatever activity. He is just interested in the dumb things the children do, thinks it’s funny. Imagine the feeling you have when you see a cat playing with whatever? Yeah, same feeling.
Likes to play chess...and he is real good at it. Thinks it’s a really fun pastime and enjoys watching your face as he totally beats your ass at chess, that is if you're bad at it. If not, he enjoys a challenge...if you win he’d be really impressed and give you praise, if you lose he keeps his smug face and suggests to try again if you want to.
Continuing that, he is really competitive. He's good sportsmanship, don’t get me wrong but he likes to be able to keep his ego as high as he can.
Would totally accompany Daisy to the library now that is safer, they both have a love for books. He is totally into dumb, noir novellas...You literally can’t tell me I’m wrong.
Now for my self-indulgent part of the headcanons...He has ADD! Yeah, if little habits like smoking would pass down to Nick, why not this? After all, it was a brain scan, it is totally neurological and ADD being a neurological disorder, it would make sense that it passes down to him! This would also explain how unorganized he is, and I got to say it is very interesting how a synth, a literal bot made for work has traits like “forgetting his appointments very often”, plus his impulsivity and fixation with Eddie. Besides, it makes me happy that I can find a character to relate to at that level.
He really enjoys the Silver Shroud plays. Not a super fan, but definitely enjoys the show! It’s something he would be into. (I actually don’t know if this is canon I’ve never heard him say anything about Silver Shroud, but he has some voice lines about it, PLEASE TELL ME, I WANT TO HEAR ‘EM SO BADLY.) Plus, Kent refers to him as “Synth shaped Silver Shroud”, he takes the compliment!
He is a good hugger. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. He might be a good hugger, but he isn’t too sure about them anymore ‘cuz of how his body is built.
His synthetic skin is actually quite soft! Not really soft, but more than expected.
How to break him: literally place your hand on his cheek plus some eye contact and watch him melt onto it. He is pretty much touch starved at this point so any touch will make his heart skip a beat, but do that and he will be at your mercy.
He sends letters to DiMA (obviously once he meets him, accepts him as a brother and isn’t killed) every once in a while to catch up with him! Chase is the messenger. :)!
I just realized that I’ve written lots about Nick already, so! Now Hancock. :D
If he isn’t doing drugs, he’s chewing gum, well...not at that rate, but when he can get his hands on some gum he’ll have some! He really likes it! Mint is his faV. as a funny extra, he didn’t know that swallowing it is...bad, until Sosu or Nick tells him, LMAO.
He would have a pet snake if he could have one. Like really imagine it, he would love reptiles, and know all kinds of stuff about them. He probably really likes Deathclaws.
He knows how to play the guitar. No, I do not have an explanation for this, no I do not accept no for an answer.
He likes very sour or citrus foods, his taste buds are a bit fucked up thanks to radiation, so he likes the fact that the sour taste can make his buds go off the rails. And that’s why he could eat a lemon with a straight face and even enjoy it.
He also really likes coffee, not as much as Valentine but he really likes the strong taste of it! He would drink black coffee and nothing else.
Okay, okay! Last one about food! He is a texture over taste kind of guy, that’s a big reason why he doesn’t like Mirelurk, it’s slimy and weird, no matter how cooked or uncooked it is, he absolutely hates ‘lurk meat. His only exception is boba, he loves boba.
He probably goes around the house only in boxers...because. Doesn’t he give the vibes? Like he would be either shirtless or without pants on relax days or in the mornings.
Autumn is his favorite season. He just likes the orange view of it all, even tho there isn’t much of a change, he does like the chilly breezes that are very common around this season, not cold enough to be annoying but enough to be enjoyable!
He is probably warmer than a normal human because of radiation, so his hands and overall body are warm all the time! (another reason why he likes autumn and cold weather). But yeah! Cuddling and stuff like that are so much more enjoyable with him. :)
His favorite flower might be the carrot flowers there’s around in the ‘whealth. They remind him of the sun *looks at Sole*.
And! That’s all I have for now!! :D
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skull-bearer · 7 years
OC asks for Nate
What is your OC’s favorite color?  Nate loves red. He’s not sure why, or even if he needs a reason, but he has a lovely collection of red dresses that he’s very proud of.
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? Books mostly, and a smaller collection of nice clothes and makeup for special occasions. Nate and Nick are meticulous in saving books in the commonwealth, and they both love to read.
What kind of things is your OC allergic to? Nostalgia ;p not really anything.
What kind of clothing does your OC wear? A red dress, if he can, but when he’s out in the Commonwealth, he wears the Silver Shroud outfit, and a skull gas mask.
What is your OC’s first memory? It’s hard to place his patchwork memories in order, but Nate thinks the earliest one he has is of a Christmas. He remembers the lights, the christmas tree and the presents beneath. He remembers dancing with a woman, or tall girl, standing on her feet as they waltz slowly to Silent Night. He wonders who she was. Mother, aunt, sister?
What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? Nate cements his lack of sanity by liking Deathclaws, although to be fair, they’re not hugely fast, can be seen from far away, and don’t always attack you. He really hates baby mirelurks, they’re really fast and almost impossible to hit until they start jumping at you. 
What element would your OC be? Water. Changable, glittering, and with dangerously deep currents.
What is your OC’s theme song? Bright Eyes, by Bridge and Tunnel. Also Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix.
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? I posted a picture of Nate before, and his voice is similar to his canon voice, only with a little more Boston accent, and just a hint of Louisiana there from his parents.
What deadly sin would best represent your OC? Wrath. Nate sometimes struggles with his emotions, he has no gears to control them and tends to just have to ride them out. He’s usually a very upbeat person, but his one real vice is his anger. It takes a lot to get him angry, but when he hates you- he has no mercy. He is utterly terrifying.
What are your OC’s hobbies? Reading when he can, if not, he likes making things. He makes weapons and armor out of necessity, but really loves making settlement necessities and luxuries.
How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? Not very patient at all. he doesn’t complain, but tends to get restless if he has to wait for anything, and goes off to do something else, even if it’s just pulling one of his guns apart for cleaning. Nate likes to be busy. As for hot-headed, if you manage to really piss him off, it’s less hot-headed and more trying to stop him going for your throat. 
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? Gay male human. Mixed white creole/African American for ethnicity.
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? Ah yes, food. Nate’s favorite food, once upon a time, was his mother’s seafood gumbo. These days, if he can manage it, he actually likes radroach. It actually tastes rather nutty and quite sweet. He will never, ever eat bloatfly, once was quite enough.
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? He’s very happy with Dogmeat. Dogs are friendly, loyal, incredibly useful and capable of looking after themselves. The perfect animal companion.
What does your OC smell like? Machine oil, cordite, hubflower tea.
How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? Nate has a lot of jobs, like most people in the Commonwealth. He helps out with the Minutemen, runs jobs for the Railroad, and takes the odd detective job with Nick, but in the end, he makes his living scavving. He’s good at it, likes it on the whole and it gives him the material and caps for the things he really loves.
What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? Losing his mind again is the main one, but losing his friends and loved ones is up there too. He’s vulnerable due to his PTSD and other issues, and is very creative and absolutely brilliant.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? Old school rock and roll ;) I push the fallout soundtrack to the 1960s, and Nate adores Jimi Hendrix. His favourite song is All Along the Watchtower.
If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? Freak out completely. Eventually calm down and realise he hasn’t gone back in time and this world is not as bad as the one before, but would still very much want to go home. He’d probably find a way home, and if possible stock up on books and music to bring back with him.
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? His struggles with his PTSD and eating disorder. He’s torn between trying to find out what he can about his past and therefore maybe understand what’s wrong with him and get better- and staying the hell away because whatever is in his memory, it ain’t good.
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? A complete nerd. A really smart, not very socially skilled kid. It didn’t help that Nate had a lot of puppy fat until he was about fifteen and hit his first serious growth spurt. He was a bit of a bully magnet.
What is a random fact about your OC? He was on the swim team in college, and joined a dance club before going to university.
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? Determinedly upbeat. The world is getting better, every day. The worst is over and even if things are hard right now, the general slope is going up.
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? Nate is my Fallout 4 character. I do have a little story featuring him that’s real world/urban fantasy, but right now he’s staying in Fallout. I originally created another character completely for fallout 4, but they didn’t fit at all and slowly, little by little morphed into Nate. I stopped the game, started a new file, and have been laying it over with Nate from the beginning.
Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?) Definitely Nick. Best friend, boyfriend and general life partner, Nate is completely staggered that he’s manage d to meet someone that amazing. Least is probably Shaun. Nate actually gave up on finding him completely after about a month out of the vault, and only ran into him because he wanted to bring down the institute. Nate shoots him and leaves him to die.
What kind of childhood did your character have? A good one, he thinks. He was bullied a bit but it was fairly low key stuff, and his parents were kind. He can;t rememeber most of the details now, but the overall feel of it was happy.
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? Nate does need to keep busy, and he wills tart to fiddle with things if he doesn’t have anything to do.It’s a form of stimming, and he finds weapon care particularly nice to help him wind down. He doesn’t take drugs, even down to alcohol.
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? Nate has no intention of dying (and leave Nick alone?)
Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? Nate might one day get married to Nick. He loves him, but marriage is- uncomfortable. With kids- after Shaun, Nate’s learnt his lesson. He is not father material, and he will never breed again. Synth!Shaun gets adopted by Sturges and Tinker Tom, with Mama Murphy as a grandma and Glory as a scary awesome aunt. Nate is, at best, a somewhat distant older brother.
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? Ugh. The issue is picking one. There are a lot. Probably opening fire on unarmed civilians in a food riot. Or shooting down protesters from a vertibird. Or holding a family at gunpoint while the army- (Nate curls into a little ball and starts crying) His favourite memory is also a little hard to pick. Meeting Nick. Blowing up the Institute. but maybe the best will always be climbing out of Vault 111, seeing the sky for the first time and knowing down to his bones, that everything is going to be ok.
If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? There isn’t a physical thing Nate wants, but he would give quite a lot to be healed. He loves the world, he wishes he could explore it without fear of panic attacks or starvation.
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?  Well, since this is the Commonwealth, usually try and kill him first. If they don’t, then they will need to be a clear and present threat to him or others.
What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? Nate likes to join in with evening songs and stories around the campfire in Sanctuary. He’s got a very good voice and a massive repertoire of songs, so often gets asked to sing. Nate will do that, but he often prefers to take more of a background role as the audience, or just taking his turn int he storytelling.
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? Nate has a good imagination, and enjoys a bit of escapism in reading, but for the most part he stays here and now. His imagination draws him pictures of new settlements, potential weapons, how the spare parts he has fit together to make something new. He spends little time thinking of the past or the future.
What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? He wants this to continue. He wants his life as it is, right now, to never end. Oh, he doesn’t mind change, that’s inevitable, but he just wants to keep living this life, with variations, for ever. And Nate has plans for that.
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? Collect boxes of Abraxo Cleaning. he gets shit for that from everyone short of Nick and is getting really sick of explaining that Abraxo Cleaner has acid. Acid goes in to making bullets. Bullets go into guns and keep us alive. Next person who tries to make fun of him is not getting any more bullets ever.
What would your character do with a million dollars? Wipe his arse. LOL. paper money is pretty useless. At least caps are aluminium and therefore pretty damp useful just as raw metal.
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? Nate doesn’t have a fridge, but he keeps a few eggs and mutifruit in a coldbox next to his house. Books on the floor, and maybe a few items of clothing. The one table in his house has a small shrine to Atom on it. Nate doesn’t throw anything away and would probably re-purpose the garbage can as a lightweight turret.
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? Most likely the Third Rail, Nate loves Magnolia’s singing. He’s in a nice red dress, heels and has a couple of red tassels hanging off his gun. He’ll be with Nick, of course.
What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? Scream and throw things if he can’t do anything about it, Nate has a hot temper and needs to let off steam. he tries to go somewhere quiet and throw rocks if he can. If there is something he can do- Nate goes very, very cold, becoming frighteningly meticulous. The Institute survivors thought he was a Courser up until the end.
Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?  Quite a few. This isn’t the easiest life. Nate has a half dozen scars on his face, a lot more on his hands from making things, and a handful across his body. He also has a brand on his cheek in the shape of Atom, and a small tattoo over his heart. It’s a little blue heart, with an arrow in it ;)
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? Probably a hell of a lot to the Brotherhood and the Institute, but in terms of someone Nate actually gave a damn about- he’s not always the most tactful person and has blundered a few times with Nick. He once made a snide remark as to old Nick Valentine being white, and Nick shot him down pretty hard. Nate was mortified at himself. (old Nick was Korean)
How does your character react/ accept criticism? For the most part, very well. He will consider all criticism, even from people he loathes in case they might be onto something. That doesn’t always help them, thought. (’traitor’ Shaun screams. ‘Yes!” Nate laughs.)
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? Nate doesn’t mind the flavor, but this is more food than he’d eat in two days. He manages to get the slice down, his brain kicks into overload, his stomach heaves and it all comes out again.
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? Oh wow! Nate immediately shows it to everyone. It’s a little voodoo doll! He suddenly remembers a visit to his grandmother in New Orleans and seeing these hanging in a little Marie Laveau house. He puts it up beside his bed and likes looking at it.
Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? Not really. He can do blueprints but people and living things are harder. He likes art though, and enjoys watching Preston paint.
What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? they were kind, and supportive. They started his love of reading and music, and a strong social awareness of privilege and oppression. they also betrayed him utterly when he needed them the most, so there’s that too.
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? No. Nate does not like candy. He thought it was just his general avoidance of pre-war food, but then Curie got a hive of bees and they had honey and it was so sweet he thought the roof of his mouth was going to peel off so- no.
If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? Nate would not give up, he would keep fighting to the end but, if it was clear there was nothing he could do- he would be very calm. He’s already faced the worst thing that could happen to him, and death doesn’t come close. It’s even something of a reassurance, knowing that once it’s over- no one could hurt him again. He’d be sad about leaving his loved ones behind and would try and be there for them, but in the end, he wouldn’t be afraid.
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