herpsandbirds · 4 months
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Central American Jumping Viper (Metlapilcoatlus mexicanus), family Viperidae, Costa Rica
photograph by Wildlife With Daniel CR
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snakebusters · 5 years
TAXONOMIC VANDALISM ON STEROIDS!!  Metlapilcoatlus Campbell, Frost and Castoe, 2019 is an illegal junior synonym of Adelynhoserserpenae Hoser, 2012. Under the rules of the ICZN the earlier name is the correct one and must be used.
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reptilemanaustralia · 4 years
Species illegally renamed by thieves ....
Got trouble keeping up with the taxonomic vandalism of the Wolfgang Wuster gang. Well here are over 70 illegally renamed reptiles! Illegal name coined by associates of the Wolfgang  Wüster gang of thieves and improperly promoted.Comments or reasons given by author for breaching  International Code of Zoological  Nomenclature.Correct taxon name according to scientific  ethics and International Code of  Zoological Nomenclature.Acanthophis cryptamydros Maddock, Ellis, Doughty, Smith and Wüster, 2015Falsely alleged Wells and  Wellington, 1985 name not code compliant. See Wellington (2016).Acanthophis lancasteri Wells and Wellington, 1985Afronaja  Wallach, Wüster and  Broadley 2009.Falsely alleged earlier Hoser paper  not published according to Article 8 of Zoological Code.Spracklandus Hoser, 2009.Ahaetuliinae Figuero et al., 2016.No reason given. Due to time  factor and authorship, oversight must have been deliberate.Charlespiersonserpeniinae Hoser,  2013 (Alt: Ahaetuliinae Hoser, 2013) Amerotyphlops  Hedges et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser  et al. documents of 2012/2013.Altmantyphlops Hoser, 2012Antaresia stimsoni (Smith, 1985)Name published after Wells and  Wellington, 1985, (date priority) but improperly not renounced.Antaresia saxacola Wells and  Wellington, 1985. Note: Nomen nudem  claim on Wikipedia is false. Antillotyphlops  Hedges et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser  et al. documents of 2012/2013.Mosestyphlops Hoser, 2012Archipelagekko Wood et al. 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Extentusventersquamus Hoser, 2018Asiatyphylops Hedges et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser  et al. documents of 2012/2013.Argyrophis Gray, 1845Bartleia Hutchinson et al. 1990Deliberately ignored name authority  to rename taxon (nomen furtum).Techmarscincus  Wells and  Wellington, 1985Bassiana  Hutchinson et al. 1990Deliberately ignored name authority  to rename taxon (nomen furtum).Acritoscincus Wells and Wellington, 1985Brachyseps Erens et al., 2016Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Oxyscincus Hoser,  2015Broadleysaurus  Bates et al., 2013Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Funkisaurus Hoser, 2013Candoiidae  Pyron et al., 2014No reason given, but authors and  stated reviewers have improperly attacked Hoser for years.Candoiidae  Hoser, 2013Carlia isostriacantha Silva et al. 2018No reason given. Did not cite  Wells and Wellington, 1985.Carlia mysteria Wells and Wellington, 1985Cautula  Hutchinson et al. 1990Deliberately ignored name authority  to rename taxon (nomen furtum).Harrisoniascincus  Wells and  Wellington, 1984Chelodina burrungandjii Thomson, Kennett and Georges, 2000Alleged Wells and Wellington,  1985 not code compliant when it was.Chelodina billabong (Wells and Wellington, 1985)Chelodina canni  McCord  and Thomson, 2002Falsely claimed Wells and  Wellington, 1985 nomen nudem.Chelodina rankini Wells and Wellington, 1985Crocodylus halli Murray et al. 2019No citation or reason given.Crocodylus adelynhoserae (Hoser, 2012)Ctenophorus spinodomus Sadlier, Colgan, Beatson and Cogger, 2019Falsely claimed Wells and  Wellington, 1985 name invalid.Ctenophorus hawkeswoodi (Wells and  Wellington, 1985) Cubatyphlops Hedges  et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser et al. documents of 2012/2013.Dannytyphlops Hoser, 2012Cyclocoridae, Zaher et al. 2019 (via Weinell and Brown,  2018)Authors cited Kaiser et al. (2015 version)Oxyrhabdiumiidae Hoser, 2013.  (by later author’s family definitions)Dasypeltis arabica Bates and Broadley, 2018Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Dasypeltis saeizadi Hoser, 2013Diporiphora granulifera Melville et al. 2019.See for Lophognathus horneri Melville et  al., 2018.Diporiphora melvillae Hoser, 2015.Diporiphora gracilis Melville et al. 2019.See for Lophognathus horneri Melville et  al., 2018.Diporiphora garrodi Hoser, 2015.Egernia arnhemensis Sadlier, 1990Original name over-written in  expectation ICZN would rule against Wells and Wellington (they didn’t!).Hortonia obiri Wells and  Wellington, 1985 (genus in contention)Emydocephalus  orarius Nankivell et al.  2020Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Emydocephalus  teesi Hoser, 2016Emydura macquarii dharra Cann, 1998Alleged Wells and Wellington,  1985 not code compliant when it was.Emydura cooki (Wells and  Wellington, 1985)Emydura macquarii emmotti Cann, McCord and Joseph-Ouni, 2003Alleged Wells and Wellington,  1985 not code compliant when it was.Emydura macquarii windorah (Wells and Wellington, 1985)Gehyra arnhemica Oliver, et a. 2020Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Phryia paulhorneri Hoser, 2018Gehyra capensis Kealley et al., 2018No reason given. But published  several weeks after Hoser, 2018.Dactyloperus bulliardi Hoser,  2018.Flexiseps Erens et al., 2016Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Clarascincus Hoser,  2015Hapturosaurus Bucklitsch, Böhme and Koch, 2016No reason given. Also co-published  hate rant (Denzer at al. 2016).Shireenhosersaurea Hoser, 2013 Indotyphlops  Hedges et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser  et al. documents of 2012/2013.Maxhoserus Hoser,  2012Japonigekko  Wood et al. 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Sparsuscolotes  Hoser, 2018Leiopython  meridionalis Schleip, 2014Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Leiopython  hoserae Hoser, 2000Leiopython montanus Schleip, 2014Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Leiopython albertisi bennetti Hoser, 2000Lemuriatyphlops Pyron and Wallach, 2014Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Elliotttyphlopea Hoser, 2012Lepidodactylus  aignanus Kraus, 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Shireenhosergecko  jarradbinghami Hoser, 2018Lepidodactylus kwasnickae Kraus, 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Adelynhosergecko brettbarnetti Hoser, 2018Lepidodactylus mitchelli Kraus, 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Adelynhosergecko stevebennetti Hoser, 2018Lepidodactylus sacrolineatus Kraus and Oliver, 2020Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Bobbottomcolotes bobbottomi Hoser, 2018Lepidodactylus zweifeli Kraus, 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Bobbottomcolotes potens Hoser, 2018Lophognathus horneri Melville et al., 2018No reason given in paper.  Description lifted from Hoser, 2015. Editor cited Kaiser et al. veto.Lophognathus wellingtoni Hoser, 2015Macrochelys apalachicolae Thomas et al., 2014Falsely claimed no holotype ever  existed. Claim rebutted by co-author.Macrochelys muscati Hoser, 2013.Macrochelys suwanniensis Thomas et al., 2014Falsely claimed no holotype ever  existed. Claim rebutted by co-author.Macrochelys maxhoseri Hoser, 2013. Madatyphlops Hedges  et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser et al. documents of 2012/2013.Ronhoserus Hoser, 2012Malayodracon Denzer, Manthey, Mahlow and Böhme, 2015No reason given. Later published hate  rant (Denzer at al. 2016).Daraninagama  Hoser, 2014Malayopython Reynolds et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2014Invoked Kaiser veto; also falsely  claimed Broghammerus a nomen nudumBroghammerus Hoser, 2004 Malayotyphlops  Hedges et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser  et al. documents of 2012/2013.Katrinahosertyphlops Hoser, 2012Matobosaurus  Bates et al., 2013Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Swilesaurus Hoser, 2013Metlapilcoatlus Campbell, Frost and Castoe, 2019No reason given. No citation of  Hoser, 2012.Adelynhoserserpenae Hoser, 2012Microauris  Pal et al. 2018No reason given. No citation of  Hoser, 2014.Tamilnaducalotes Hoser, 2014Monilesaurus Pal et  al. 2018No reason given. No citation of  Hoser, 2014.Skrijelus Hoser, 2014Montivipera xanthina occidentalis Cattaneo, 2017No reason given. No citation  of Hoser, 2016.Montivipera yeomansi europa Hoser, 2016 (or simply M. yeomansi Hoser, 2016)Montivipera xanthina varoli Afsari, Yakin, Cicek and Ayaz  2019No reason given. No  citation of Hoser, 2016.Montivipera snakebustersorum Hoser, 2016.Myuchelys  Thomson and Georges,  2009Falsely claimed Wells 2007 breached  article 8 of Zoological Code.Wollumbinia  Wells, 2007Mopanveldophis Figuero et al., 2016.No reason given. Due to time factor  and authorship, oversight must have been deliberate.Chrismaxwellus Hoser, 2013Narawan Esquerré et al., 2020No reason given in online paper.Nictophylopython  Wells and  Wellington, 1985Naja (Boulengerina) guineensis Wüster et al.  2018Wolfgang Wüster said on Facebook  he invoked Kaiser “veto” to coin new name.Boulengerina jackyhoserae Hoser, 2013Niveoscincus  Hutchinson et al. 1990Deliberately ignored name  authority to rename taxon (nomen furtum).Litotescincus Wells  and Wellington, 1985Oedura elegans Hoskin, 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Marlenegecko shireenhoserae Hoser, 2017.Oedura nesos Oliver et al. 2020Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Oedura bulliardi Hoser, 2017Oedura luritja Oliver  and McDonald, 2016Falsely alleged Wells and  Wellington, 1985 name not code compliant.Oedura greeri Wells  and Wellington, 1985Ophiomorus kardesi Kornilios et al., 2018Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Ophiomorus macconchiei Hoser,  2015Paralaudakia Baig et  al., 2012Author was a signatory to Kaiser et al. documents of 2012/2013.Adelynkimberleyea Hoser, 2012Pogona brevis Witten,  1994Witten falsely claimed the Wells  and Wellington, 1985 holotype was “missing” when it never was.Pogona henrylawsoni Wells and Wellington, 1985Ptychozoon cicakterbang Grismer et al. 2019.Authors over-written Hoser names  previously. See for Mopanveldophis.Cliveevattcolotes (or alternatively Ptychozoon) steveteesi Hoser, 2018 Rhacogekko  Wood et al. 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally ignore rules of ICZN’s  code.Alexteescolotes  Hoser, 2018Silvascincus  Skinner et al., 2013.Co-author Mark Hutchinson has long  term form for renaming Wells and Wellington taxa (e.g. Niveoscincus).Karma  Wells, 2009.Solomonsaurus Bucklitsch, Böhme and Koch, 2016No reason given. Also co-published  hate rant (Denzer at al. 2016).Oxysaurus Hoser, 2013Stegonotus melanolabiatus Ruane et al. 2017No reason given. Ostensibly  overlooked by 6 authors and alleged peer reviewers. Diagnosis effectively  lifted from Hoser 2012.Stegonotus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2012Sundagekko Wood et al. 2019Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Scelotretus Fitzinger, 1843 Sundatyphlops  Hedges et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser  et al. documents of 2012/2013.Sivadictus Wells and  Wellington, 1985, (Note: Anilios  Gray, 1845, is a different genus: Type sp. australis)Suta gaikhorstorum Maryan et al. 2020Cited Kaiser et al. (2013) as a basis to illegally  ignore rules of ICZN’s code.Feresuta hamersleyensis Hoser, 2018Tribolonotus parkeri Rittmeyer and Austin, 2017No reason given.  Remote possibility it was a genuine  oversight.Pediporus (Feretribolonotus) greeri Hoser, 2016Tropicagama Melville et al. 2018No reason given in paper. Description  lifted from Hoser, 2015. Editor cited Kaiser et al. veto.Melvillesaurea Hoser, 2015Tumbunascincus  Skinner et al., 2013Co-author Mark Hutchinson has long  term form for renaming Wells and Wellington taxa (e.g. Niveoscincus).Magmellia Wells, 2009.Tympanocryptis osbornei Melville et al. 2019.Falsely claimed T. lineata holotype was T. telecom Wells and Wellington, 1985  to assert species unnamed.Tympanocryptis lineata Peters, 1863.Varanus  teriae Sprackland, 1991Allegedly overlooked name authority  and then refused to renounce synonym.Varanus  keithhornei (Wells and  Wellington, 1985). (Note: genus assignment is in flux). Xerotyphlops Hedges  et al., 2014Author was a signatory to Kaiser et al. documents of 2012/2013.Lenhosertyphlops Hoser, 2012  Underlined names in original document (not copied here as underlined) are OBJECTIVE synonyms (as in exactly the same type specimen or type species). Items in blue (others) are so-called subjective synonyms, but based on second authors taxonomic diagnosis are one and the same taxon as earlier items on right, meaning oldest available names must be used.  Items in blue typically include specimens from same location and collection series and/or extremely closely related species if genus, with later authors typically lifting important diagnostic material from earlier authors papers (mainly uncited or alternatively derided, but bootlegged). About half the junior synonyms have NOT been recorded in Zoobank (ICZN Repository) as of end January 2020 and many of the others are incompletely listed. All senior Hoser names (most on this list) have been fully recorded in Zoobank at time of original publication since inception of Zoobank (ICZN), and also recorded on publication and archived at Zoological Record, National Library of Australia, Natural History Museum, UK, etc, and fully comply with rules of the in force International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Last updated 20 May 2020. Learn more here at http://www.smuggled.com/scientific-fraud-wolfgang-wuster.htm
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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Guatemalan Jumping Viper (Metlapilcoatlus occiduus), family Viperidae, found in the cloud forests of Central America
photograph via: Saint Louis Zoo
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Olmec Pit Viper (Metlapilcoatlus olmec), family Viperidae, found in only a few locations in southern Mexico and Guatemala
photograph by PeteSnakeCharmer
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