#Mhin hating both vere and Ais and vere’ got reason but Ais is like ‘…why
todayis-snowy · 1 year
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I’ve stared at all the relationship charts and played the demo too many times over so here is my take on all their silly relationships + a blank version + ur OC if you wanna do the same :)
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vermilionsun · 2 months
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I've seen everyone post their Touchstarved MCs, so I thought why not show you mine as well :)
(Aka, can you tell I'm indecisive?)
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Akachi: The Unnamed
“I prefer to count my blessings.”
Pronouns: she/they
Birthday: January 16th — Firstborn; The date the priests took her in
Hair: wavy, mid-thigh length / later shoulder length, white
Skin: very very pale
Eye colour: Gold
Height: 174 cm / 5’7’’
Personality: Benevolent Deceiver — The Sun
Likes: Board games, drinking competitions, children, fairy lights, dressing up, perfumes and nice scents
Dislikes: bad-smelling things, being underestimated, rudeness, being unable to control themselves, the Senobium’s Abess
Fatal Flaw: Can’t seem to break free of their past
Thinks of their little group as a found family
Isn’t as hesitant with her hand movements since they grew up unafraid of the curse disguised as a blessing
Isn’t that much into romantic stuff — sure she might fool around a bit with Leander and Kuras but they have made sure they knew beforehand
Have shamelessly commented on Leander’s abs more than once
Loves playing with the children of Lowtown
Considers becoming a teacher someday after getting rid of their curse
She has made living arrangements with Kuras opposed to staying at the Wick (later), but then again, they hang around there more often
Mourns their childhood
Has said “I swear upon my name” when mad multiple times out of habit
Had a mental breakdown once after a very bad encounter and ended up cutting her hair (cutting their hair was forbidden during their days at the temple, and at that moment they felt the need to do something to regain some sense of control over herself), until Aeron found and comforted them before anything worse could happen
Is both super open and very secretive about what they went through in the temple, depends on their mood, honestly
The moment they learned there is an Abess in the Senobium, she immediately got a very bad feeling about the place. They try to excuse it to their past experiences with the cult’s Abbot, but their feelings have never proved her wrong.
The priests found her in the wastelands surrounding the temple. Some priests argued they were born of the Allmother’s opposing deity, and wanted to sacrifice them in her name, but most were against it and thought of them as a divine gift.
She grew up as a gentle, kind child, but was denied contact with the world outside the temple. That didn’t stop her from periodically escaping to see travelling troupes.
One day, a mage arrived and went berserk the moment she saw them, telling her she had been lied to and revealing the truth of their curse, claiming they raised a child with the same exact curse. The priests escorted her out immediately but it was too late. Akachi escaped that very night.
Arrived in Eridia with the caravan
Kuras — liked
Finds him generally pleasant and amusing, albeit a little scary. If either ever has free time, they take each other on long walks.
Leander — close and disliked
Can see right through Leander’s charm, but plays the whole “how was I supposed to know about how the world works when I was locked away in a remote temple?” innocent card. She knows something's wrong and if they aren't proven right by the end of her stay in Eridia, they swear upon themself she’ll turn back to the temple and curse them out. Truth be told, they find Leander's desperation to get close to her funny.
Vere — close
Has to resist banging their head against the nearest surface whenever he opens his mouth, but finds it very difficult to do so. Hates herself for grinning at his stupid jokes and definitely doesn’t enjoy going shopping with him… or gossiping… or—
Ais — liked
Drinking buddies. With him, Akachi found out she’s practically immune to alcohol. One time she carefully entered the Seaspring, only for Ais to pull them out as soon as he saw her. For some reason, he seems incredibly protective over her after that.
Mhin — liked and disliked
Doesn’t mind them around. Neither seems threatened by the other, there is just this odd dynamic where they can’t figure out what they want from each other
Strength — 1
Luck — 3
Wisdom — 3
Empathy — 4
Astuteness — 4
Flower: Snapdragon (Carnation) [True flower — date flower]
Aeron: The Hound
“If I could turn time back, I simply wouldn’t.”
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: August 19th — Second Born; He chose the date he made his first kill
Hair: wavy, short, dirty blonde/brune
Skin: tan
Eye colour: Gold
Height: 182 cm / 6’0’’
Has a healed scar on his right cheek and a few faded ones on the rest of his body
Personality: Miscellaneous Harbinger — The Moon
Likes: Books, dogs, music, good company, origami, Mhin
Dislikes: Incompetence, loneliness, someone—or even worse he himself—hurting his family
Fatal Flaw: Always believes he takes the best course of action, even if he doesn’t
Is actively trying to quit smoking
The moment he had money in his hands, he went into the first bookshop he found in Lowtown and bought a book
The best shoulder to cry on & is a cuddly bear
Has earned the title “mother hen” from a few people
He fell for Mhin almost instantly
Stays at the Wick with Arioch
Aeron is the most protective of the three, watching over the other two despite being the middle child
Has become an errand boy and picks up orders for the Wick
Soft spot for that one macabre–themed bakery hidden in a corner of Lowtown
Generally tries to start fresh, avoids committing crimes anymore and hopes he can find a cure at some point
But if needed, he will punch a bitch without hesitation
Always carries a weapon with him, out of habit—usually a handy dagger
Grew up with a group of orphans in the streets of another city, which they had to eventually abandon due to the increase of Soulless.
Arrived in Eridia with his best friend, who then betrayed and stabbed him, leaving him to die in an alleyway.
Thankfully, that alleyway was the one behind the Wet Wick, and Leander found him quickly.
Kuras — liked
He and Kuras don’t have a particular relationship. They greet each other, maybe engage in small talk once in a while—probably about novels. Aeron’s a frequent visitor to the clinic, either for errands or tending attention to any injuries. Kuras’ also the one who encouraged Aeron to pursue a relationship with his siblings
Leander — close
Good friends. Leander saved him, got him a place to stay for free and even a job right after he was betrayed, effectively saving him from an alternative timeline of chaos and bloodshed that would have gotten him killed. Aeron came to realise that soon enough and promised to repay Leander as soon as he could… except for the drinks; those are, again, on Leander, right?
Vere — liked
Loves this bitch to death, for fuck’s shake. The banter is top tire and so is the unhinged flirting. Of course, they both eye someone else, but practice never hurt anyone, did it?
Ais — liked
The moment Aeron saw Princess, he was on his knees petting her and cooing at her, which immediately put him on Ais’ good side. He doesn’t mind pet sitting this “adorable fluffless ball of sunshine,” as he has called her. Despite all that, Ais is a bad influence for him when it comes to smoking. But, Ais is also his to–go person to help hide a body, if he ever needs it again.
Mhin — liked, developing to close
“Oh damn,” were Aeron’s first words when he saw them. Not quite a romantic at heart until that very moment. Loves to tease them, hoping to get them flustered or at least get pinned to a wall by them again. Mhin seemed to actively try to avoid him at first, then they warmed up, until they pulled away and the cycle repeated itself over and over again. But that’s fine; Aeron doesn’t mind waiting.
Strength — 3
Luck — 2
Wisdom — 1
Selflessness — 3
Reading — 4
Flower: Sunflower (Gladiolus) [True flower — date flower]
Arioch: The Alchemist
“Isn’t life too short to be sad?”
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday: June 30th — Third Born; The date their “mother” told them they were born
Hair: none/bald
Skin: dark
Eye colour: Gold
Height: 165 cm / 5’2’’
Is blind in his left eye due to an experiment going wrong. The colour hasn’t changed much, but it looks more faded
Personality: Unforgiven Innocent — The Star
Likes: Dancing, bubbly potions, bad jokes, sweets, journaling, earrings, Kuras
Dislikes: silence, small spaces, lemonade, Vere
Fatal Flaw: They trust way too easily
Sees Kuras as a father figure
and also helps him around in the clinic
Gives the best gifts
Has a snack with them at all times
Always perches in a high place whenever possible. Like, they never sit normally. Is that a bird? Is it a plane? Nope! It’s Arioch sitting on a random rooftop!
Has developed abandonment issues
Often suppresses their own emotions and thoughts, maintaining such strict self-control that it occasionally leads to overwhelming impulses to violently destroy something
Once upon a time, they accidentally left their journal unattended and a very sneaky and totally mysterious individual made quick, yet very detailed, sketches of everyone mentioned in there on Arioch’s extra sticky papers
Stays at the Wick with Aeron
The exiled mage found them abandoned in the wastelands as a baby. She decided to take them in the moment she saw them and raise them as her own
They found out their “mother” was cultivating them as a test subject through some forgotten notebooks. They couldn’t even finish reading before they bailed out of there with what little they had on them that moment.
They literally walked to Eridia, surprisingly without trouble, although they might have noticed some turfs of red hair suddenly appearing here and there as they were getting closer to the city
Ended up stumbling in the Seaspring’s temple
If they had flipped to the last pages, they would have seen her regret and abandonment of her original plans.
The mage was searching for them until the day she died, yet never found them. The closest she got was when she came across Akachi’s cult temple.
Kuras — close
Has grown attached to him. Not in the “I always wanted a father,” sense but in the “you make me feel comfortable enough and you take care of me and we don’t mind me being myself,” kind of sense.
Leander — liked
They find him a little pushy and overdramatic, but other than that they have no reason not to like him yet. It’s nice to let go of those damn bandages for a few moments… or hours—
Vere — disliked
Avoids him if they can. They get an uncanny feeling, like the foxian resides in every shadow they pass. Too much knowledge has hurt them in the past, so they simply don’t want to know whether they’re being hunted down like prey or they're just delusional.
Ais — liked
Definitely wants to see Princess again, but is too afraid to leave the city for now. Ais is all but encouraging them not to visit. They like to joke around with him, though Ais’ violent… solutions are stirring something in them they’d like not to name
Mhin — liked and disliked
They are each other's confront person. They will cuss each other out, then sit at the stairs behind Kuras’ clinic and feed the cats while chewing on sweets. Arioch is Mhin’s first taste of what a family would look like.
Strength — 2
Luck — 5
Wisdom — 2
Kindness — 4
Confidence — 3
Flower: Peony (Rose) [True flower — date flower]
Timeline of events:
The triplets Akachi, Aeron and Arioch were born and left in different places (January 14th)
Aeron begins his journey to Eridia with his best friend
Arioch finds out the truth and runs away to Eridia
Akachi finds out the truth via Arioch’s “mother” and runs away to Eridia
Arioch stumbles upon the Seaspring temple
Aeron is betrayed and stabbed & Akachi’s caravan gets attacked
Leander finds Aeron and tends to his wounds, Kuras heals Akachi, Arioch stumbles upon Vere
Arioch gets a room at the Wick and stays there till nighttime
Akachi meets with Leander & then Vere, before heading for the Senobium
Akachi meets with Ais
Aeron wakes up and settles down at the bar, soon meeting with Vere and Ais
Akachi gets attacked again by the Soulless, meets with Mhin and returns to the Wick accompanied by Mhin and Kuras
At the same exact time, Aeron is drinking green booger–shots at the bar (still bandaged up), Arioch descends the stairs and Akachi enters the Wick.
They all just freeze, staring at each other
“Is that a new trend? Foreigners dressing up with bandages, looking all mysterious?” Vere breaks the moment
It takes the three a while to figure out what the actual fuck before Ais casually mentions: “You could be siblings. You kind of look alike. Not to mention…” your curse isn’t said, but heavily implied
It does take them a little while—especially Aeron—to make a decision on how to move forward.
Arioch knew the moment they made the connection that they didn’t want to lose a potential bond.
As for Akachi… she’s always wanted siblings, so why not give it a shot?
All three just want to protect each other from what they went through
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harmlessghosty · 8 months
Hello 👋
I love video game theories and was interested on your views of the Touchstarved demo and what theories you might have on it :)
Oh my gosh, hi! ❤️
I am but a ditzy romance writer, not a lore keeper, but I have thoughts?? Apologies for how much is wrong or ridiculous because I don’t know all the current lore, and the wiki is so bare that I can hardly find anything confirmed by the devs. This is kind of just stream-of-consciousness!
Excuse my format because I don’t know how tumblr works lol
— Leander is a reference to oleander, which is a flower found basically everywhere and a fairly common, beautiful plant despite widely being considered poisonous. It gives me the idea that Leander is NOT someone to mess with and has lots of surface-level escapades (which is implied in canon) with people who find him physically beautiful but not necessarily beautiful on the inside. He also uses many underhanded, mysterious tactics to kill Soulless/Monsters/criminals, you name it. He’s everywhere, everyone knows him, everyone loves him, but he’s very dangerous under that beautiful exterior. Maybe he even kills some innocent people for the right price of big secrets. I bet he knows a LOT about Eridia’s people, so he’s viewed as trustworthy because what else can you do when he knows everything about everyone?
— Interestingly though! Leander’s main flower is the lily?? Lily is super poisonous to cats, which makes me think maybe there will be some sort of connection between Mhin’s stray cats and Leander being a danger to them (or possibly to Mhin themself).
— I feel like Leander gave himself that big scar. Maybe something went horribly wrong when he became a powerful mage. Maybe he went to Ais and the Seaspring even. It’s possible this is why their relationship is strained and they’re always trying to kill each other.
— Ais’ gang didn’t just go for a walk. They died or got turned into Soulless. Maybe after drinking from the Seaspring, after some amount of time, people turn into Soulless. It could be revealed that all the murdering of Soulless ends up being murdering of your fellow humans?? One really big secret.
— Mhin is a stereotypical “broken bird” trope. Super cynical and sarcastic. Went through major trauma and now they’re a hunter with a heart of gold. Not to mention their bird motif that a lot of people say is obvious?? I think that’s an interesting way to look at them.
— Also! “The vultures can smell death.” It gives Mhin the connection to the birds, that they’re turning into a vulture maybe?? Maybe they hate it as well because they’re drawn to stray cats as friends, and vultures go after smaller critters. They’re scared of hurting the only friends they have (including Kuras, who practically took them under his wing). Not to mention it’s a reference to them being able to smell death on the MC.
— Vere and Kuras were both in Eridia since the days it began, and they’ve butted heads for many, many years. Maybe Vere was cursed by Kuras into his current Monster form for having connections to the Senobium. Kuras thought it was funny to give Vere traits of a sneaky fox, maybe not even knowing that they would last forever OR because Vere did something awful to him. That may be the reason Kuras is repenting so much.
— This also can give credence to the idea of Vere saying (paraphrasing), “You’re not a human but not a Monster, like me,” to the MC. He was turned into a Monster rather than born one.
— The “Lloventian knot” Vere mentions, when you look it up, leads you to the “true lover’s knot,” which involves two overhand knots and some parallel ropes. Makes me think he’s got some big secret of a lover he’s lost, or maybe he was just teasing the MC with something that sounded sexual, but it seems odd to have a specific mention of something that may (or may not even??) exist.
— “Danger is drawn to you like a moth to flame,” from Vere. He absolutely can sense something “special” about the MC that, no matter what MC does, they’re in grave danger. Hence why the game description says that the ending can either be lovey-dovey or blood-icingly awful. I don’t know about having theories for this quote, but it feels so very important.
— There’s got to be a riff between Kuras and Mhin at some point for their opinions on the Senobium. I just feel it in my bones.
— Ais was the first to drink from the Seaspring, which is why he’s not technically one of the Groupminds. It also explains why he’s the leader of the gang, since he’s the most sound of mind, but I’m betting he’s scared of Ocudeus. He speaks in such short sentences most of the time because his brain is so muddled. I also find it interesting how the MC has only heard of the Groupminds but never seen one, given their assumed upbringing in a rougher environment. But that’s just kind of my opinion with no real basis in the demo.
— Sparrows symbolize a lot of things, like hope, bravery and friendship. I like to think that Ais picked the nickname for people who come to the Seaspring, because they’re all full of innocent hope that they can be cured. They also symbolize community, so anyone who drinks from the Seaspring is part of one big happy family!
Again, a lot of these could be counteracted by canon content from the devs, but I still think there are lots of fun things to explore about this game, even if I’m not right about a chunk of things. Just think of everything I said as an AU!
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