#Michael Afton bashes in William's knee caps
William, meet Crowbar. Crowbar, meet William’s kneecaps. (Part Two)
The first thing that Springtrap/William Afton noticed when he woke up was the loud blasting of music coming from the security guard’s office. To his ears, it was horrible with the electric guitars that his eldest brat of a kid, Michael, used to listen to and tried playing before he sold it after Evan died. The thought of Michael made him laugh as he recalled how he sent his oldest son to Circus Baby’s Rentals to ensure that he would be killed by Elizabeth and the other robots. It meant he no longer had to worry about any loose ends and while he was concerned after Elizabeth’s location, he was positive she would survive. After all, she was just like him. He would step into the office with his usual ear piercing death screech only for a long clang and immense amount of pain in his knee caps. He would instantly fall forward and held his knee as he cursed loudly. “Oh bloody fucking hell! My knee!” Springtrap would glance up to see who the culprit was which started down at him hold a slightly dented crowbar in his hands. The security guard that he had been stalking and tormenting for months wore a pair of jeans, sneakers and a black hoodie which covered his face for a moment save for the ballcap sticking out underneath it. He also had a backpack on his back and a golden Fredbear plushie standing on his shoulder. Wait. A Golden Fredbear plushie!? The music would kick up into the main lyrics of London Calling by the Clash to which the figure smirked. Michael pulled away his hood to reveal his blackened hair and purple skin with a grin and white eyed glare leveled at his father. “Hello, deadbeat. Remember me? Your favorite son, Michael!” He smashed the crowbar into the other knee which made the animatronic holler in pain. How and why the old man felt pain as a corpse in a furry robotic suit was beyond Michael but he didn’t care because it felt satisfying. Apparently Evan was getting into it as well as he waved a tiny soft arm around. “Hit him in the face, Mike!” He called out which made Springtrap’s eyes widened. The animatronic stared at the Fredbear plushie in shock the same time Michael was swinging again. “Wait! Evan!” He tried before he got his head bashed by the crowbar. Michael proceeded to violently beat the damn deadbeat called his father with the crowbar, further denting the tool along with his father’s robotic body. During this, the place starting to catch fire from the sparks hitting the gasoline inside the building that was spread out earlier by Michael. However the brothers seemed to be focused on beating their father to notice.  Michael smashed the crowbar down on Springtrap’s left arm, shattering it the lower part and revealing a broken bone. He was ready to strike again when Evan began screaming and panicking. “AH!!! IT BURNS!! I’M ON FIRE!” The young terrified voice made the undead teen snap out of it and drop the crowbar. He quickly grabbed the Fredbear and began to pat out the flames while starting to run out the office. He leaped over the fallen Springtrap as he began to hear the screams of William. “NO! MICHAEL! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE!!!” Springtrap begged as he wasn’t able to move currently due to being stunned by the beating. However the teenager just turned to him and gave him a middle finger before slamming the door shut, leaving him trapped inside the fire. Michael rushed over to the car and carefully set down Evan to examine the body. “Evan. Are you still there?” He questioned in concern as he examined the slightly burnt plushie. There was a heavy concern it was too late and he was gone until he heard his brother’s voice again. “I’m weaker but I think I could recover. I just...I just don’t know how much longer I can last really.” He replied as he looked up at his brother. Michael frowned as he carefully picked him up into his arms and got him into the car with him. He watched from inside the car as Fazbear Fright’s burned in the night, sending fire and smoke into the sky. He started up the car and began to drive away, not wanting to deal with authorities when the fire department and police arrive. Hopefully this should end his father. If not, he wasn’t sure how they would track him down. “Alright. I think...I think we need to head back to Uncle Mike and see if we can lay low with him for a while. Try to see if we can fix you up and wait for news.” Michael replied, talking about the boys’ uncle, Mike Schmidt, from their mom’s side. He continued down the road at a normal pace, watching as emergency vehicles such as police and fire trucks roar past him in the other lane towards the fire. For now, he just drove but let a smirk rest on his face as it did feel great to beat his father’s kneecaps with a crowbar. That and if William returned, he knew where to hit him hard.
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William, meet Crowbar. Crowbar, meet William’s kneecaps. (Part One)
It was once again another cold, dark night outside the city limits of Hurricane, Utah. There were hardly any signs of life around the area asides from the Fazbear’s Fright horror attraction. The place was full of controversy given the gruesome history behind Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and the sheer fact someone was trying to profit off the horrors of the events that happened. Or rumors given many believed that the horrors were mythology. However for the driver of the beaten up purple car that pulled into the parking lot, the myths were true and that this place was on it’s last night existing.
Michael Afton parked in the parking lot, his spot far away from the building as possible. Not because of the policy of employees parking in the back to give customers front parking with easy access to the building, but rather because he didn’t want his car to be damaged in case the fire was more out of control than he planned. He glanced back at the red can of gasoline in the back seat, full and sloshing with the highly flammable fuel. If he still had his organs, he’d probably be feeling the negative affects of the fumes. However, that wasn’t likely given he was the purple zombie from hell.  He decided to pull down the visor and look at himself in the mirror for a moment, seeing the purple eyes with white glowing pupils in the center. Despite the purple skin and the signs of decay, he could still easily see the teenager he had been before killed and used as a skin suit by his own sister. He winced at the memory, slowly rubbing his neck for a moment along before adjusting his hair for a moment. Despite being dead, his hair hadn’t fallen out but did turn a dark black color from its original brown. Still, it could be worse. He could have turned into a walking bald skeleton and really scare the shit out of everyone even at night. Thankfully a ton of deodorant, Febreze, some taxidermy supplies and some embalming fluid helped make him look somewhat human as long as he was masked up or wearing heavy makeup. Not that he could go out in the day.
“Okay, Mike. You can do this. Just go inside, pour gasoline all over the place, spark some wires, start a fire and leave. No need to go the extra steps.” He talked to himself for a moment, giving a firm look in the mirror. Though he stared at himself for a moment, his eyes drifted to the passenger seat where a decent sized crowbar was laying. Initially the crowbar was going to be for opening the doors in case they got stuck given how rundown the place was. However the temptation to just let loose decades worth of anger onto his deadbeat of a father was growing strong by the minute.  “Mike. What are you thinking?” An eerie yet familiar voice asked, causing him to look away from the crowbar to the golden plushie sitting on his dashboard. The plushies eye’s had white pupils that started at the teenaged zombie while its head tilted slightly. Mike looked at the plushie and sighed.
“Sorry, Evan. I was just thinking of wanting to just let loose on our deadbeat serial killer of a dad but given he’s trapped in the Spring Bonnie suit, I’m not sure if its a good idea to start beating him with a crowbar.” He confessed to his brother to which the plushie looked at him with a hint of questioning in its eyes. Evan Afton hadn’t passed on nor possessed Golden Freddy like that one Cassidy did. No. The boy had possessed his own plushie which lead to the two boys slowly reconciling over the years and trying to stop their father, William. It was an interesting arrangement and currently Michael was working on his own special project to give Evan a small body to move in. 
“Go for his knees. Dad always had weak knees even with the suit on.” Evan replied, reminding Mike of all the times his dad complained about his knees. Originally that was due to the weight William had gained over the years prior to becoming a serial killer but after the first accident with Spring Bonnie and a change in diet, he lost all the weight but the problematic knees remained. He smirked as he gave the Golden Fredbear plushie a pat on the head.
“Alright, Evan. I think it’s time to say hello to dad and introduce him to Crowbar and Gasoline.” He replied as he grabbed the crowbar off the seat along with the gas canister before stepping out of the car. He had a lot of work to do ahead.
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