#Michael definitely cheats at playing cards that guy is ruthless
michaelmilligan · 2 years
Helloooo! For the wip thing, how about sabriel fake dating? :)
Hi!! So Sabriel fake dating is pretty much what the title says - Sam and Gabriel pretend to be dating. For completely logical, altruistic reasons, of course. 😌
There's also Saileen in this story, because ultimately my agenda is always Sabrieleena polycule endgame.
Have a snippet of the beginning:
“You're dating who?!” Dean asks, sounding like someone just insulted Baby, or said that cake is better than pie.
“Gabriel.” Sam gestures to the angel next to him, who has been smiling smugly ever since they agreed to do this.
“'Sup, future bro-in-law,” Gabriel says. When Sam glares at him, his grin just widens. “Yeah, Sammy and I are a thing now, better get used to it.”
“Don't call me that,” Sam mutters.
“And why would you-” Dean gestures to Gabriel, then to Sam. “No, why would you-” Finally, he looks to Cas helplessly, who has been frowning all this time.
“What about Eileen?” he asks, very seriously.
“Oh, it's fine. We're on a, you know, a break. Of sorts. Don't worry about it.” Sam can feel himself starting to sweat. Damnit. He pretty much lies professionally, why is this so hard?
“A break?” Dean seems concerned, but he doesn't say anything more, just glares at Gabriel.
“Congratulations?” Adam says from the table, where he's still playing UNO with Michael. They barely looked up at Sam and Gabriel when they announced they had something to say, and he doesn't look at all bothered by the fact that Sam is supposedly dating the brother of the archangel who is possessing him.
Michael frowns at his cards, then puts one on the pile in the middle.
“Another reverse card?? You have got to be cheating,” Adam complains, grinning when Michael glares at him.
“I don't cheat,” Michael informs him. “... much.”
Adam rolls his eyes, but he's still smiling. It's almost cute, the way the two interact as if they've known each other for years. (Which, okay, at this point they have, even if you don't count how time works in the cage.) The thing is, that's all they're doing – playing games, watching movies, smiling at each other dopily. Sam has never even seen them hold hands, much less kiss, even though there is clearly something between them.
Same for Cas and Dean, really. Even after beating God and getting actual free will, those two are still dancing around each other. Somehow, Sam always thought that once all the obstacles were removed, especially once it wasn't Chuck's story anymore, they would figure it out quickly. But instead it's worse now. Cas seems to be keeping a distance from all of them while he waits for Jack to return from Heaven, and Dean has been throwing himself into hunt after hunt, even though he used to talk about retiring after all the God stuff was over.
And that's exactly why Sam is doing this. Maybe if his brothers see that it's possible to date an angel, they'll finally get their shit together and start doing it themselves.
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