#Micro Mesotherapy In Delhi
dermoritaclinic · 2 months
Top Treatments & Prevention Tips To Reverse Skin Aging?
As we age, our skin goes through a natural process of aging that can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging. However, there are various treatments available that help to prevent and reverse the signs of skin aging. There is so much information out there that you might find asking yourself -  Where do I even start? What procedure works best for me, and so on. To learn more, we spoke with a leading dermatologist Dr. Sarita Sanke, who offers the best Anti-Aging Treatment in South Delhi at DermoRita Skin Clinic. She provided a deep dive into many safe and effective ways to prevent and slow the signs of aging. Keep reading to know more. 
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How Can One Prevent Or Slow The Signs Of Aging? 
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There is a lot you can do to prevent or slow down the signs of aging, and the best thing is that it's never too late to start. Let's take a look at simple ways you can prevent aging. 
1. One of the most effective ways to prevent skin aging is to protect it from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Before stepping out, always wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above and reapply every 2 hours. 
2. Keeping your skin hydrated is key to maintaining its elasticity and glow. Ensure drinking plenty of water throughout the day and use a high-quality moisturizer to lock in moisture. 
3. Your diet plays an important role in the health of your skin. Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet. This diet is enriched with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which help to nourish your skin from the inside out. 
4. Few studies suggest that moderate exercise improves circulation and boosts the immune system, giving your skin a more youthful appearance. 
5. Another important step is to get enough sleep because a lack of sleep contributes to the signs of aging, such as dark circles and dull skin. The ideal time is considered 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night to allow your skin to repair and rejuvenate. 
Top Treatments To Prevent And Reverse Skin Aging 
The best treatment depends on your specific skin condition, and the most common anti-aging treatments fall into a few main buckets -  
Dermal Fillers 
These are injectable treatments that help to restore the volume of skin, filling in lines and wrinkles to create a smoother and youthful appearance. Popular fillers such as hyaluronic acid plump up the skin and improve facial contours helping to reverse the effect of aging, and providing an instant rejuvenating boost.  
Chemical Peels 
Chemical peels are another effective method for treating skin aging. They help to exfoliate the top layer of skin, promoting the growth of new healthy skin cells, which gives you a brighter complexion, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, or improves skin texture. Taking a regular chemical peel treatment helps to maintain a youthful glow and prevent further signs of aging. 
Laser Therapy 
Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that targets specific skin concerns such as pigmentation, sun damage, and wrinkles. Laser treatment works by stimulating collagen production which helps tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Laser therapy is a popular and effective choice for those who want to reverse the signs of aging with minimal downtime.  
It is a minimally invasive treatment that involves creating tiny micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate collagen production and enhance skin elasticity. This process helps to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. Regular micro-needling treatment helps to maintain a youthful complexion and early signs of aging. 
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Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment that involves injecting a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients into the skin mesoderm. This treatment is popular and helps improve circulation, skin quality, and appearance. It involves a series of injections and multiple treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. 
Final Words 
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In conclusion, there are many effective treatments available to prevent and reverse the signs of aging. Signs of aging are present differently in different skin types, so it is best to consult with an expert dermatologist at an advanced facility like DermoRita Skin Clinic. It is a Best Skin Clinic in South Delhi and offers a wide range of treatments to address various concerns. The expert dermatologist Dr. Sarita Sanke is dedicated to helping you achieve your skincare goals. To get the benefits of radiant skin, visit DermoRita Skin Clinic today. 
Original Source:- https://blogreadnews.com/lifestyle/health/top-treatments-prevention-tips-to-reverse-skin-aging/
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thehairclinic · 2 years
What is Mesotherapy and It’s effects?
Recent studies have shown that micro-injections of botulism toxin into your body can help treat some skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema. This is called meso-therapy.
Meso-therapy was first described in Russia more than 50 years ago, but it has recently been picked up by cosmetic doctors around the world to improve the appearance and function of the skin.
It works by relaxing the surface layers of the skin, which allows for improved cell turnover and healthier functioning of the inner layer of the skin.
Click here to gain more info regarding Mesotherapy Treatment in Delhi
History of mesotherapy
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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels
In 1980, Dr. Franz Bruner conducted an experiment with eight patients where he injected each patient with a different mixture of products to determine what caused their skin to smooth out and re-tone. This procedure is now known as microdermabrasion and it was not until 2001 that someone realized this technique could be done in combination with another product to enhance results!
Dr. Bruner discovered his new method of micrografting by injecting small amounts of glucose into the pores of the skin. The glucose binds to nutrients in the surrounding layers of the skin causing them to layer up and be removed during your next professional dermaplaning or chemical peel.
Since then, many other chemicals have been mixed together and injected into the skin to see if they can improve the overall look of the skin. These so called ’meso’ treatments include vitamin injections, enzymatic facials, and others. One such treatment is micro needling, which will be discussed later in this article.
Many people use these treatments alone or in conjunction with one another for incredible results. Many professionals now perform both internal and external massotherapies' to treat a wide variety of conditions, most notably acne. Acne may be due to hormonal changes or bacterial infections, and these therapies work by enhancing the natural healing process of the skin.
Mesotherapy has become very popular throughout the world and is accepted by most major medical associations.
What is the source of your skin treatment?
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Photo by Cats Coming on Pexels
A less invasive way to treat skin conditions is mesotherapy, an injection technique that uses special chemicals to soothe and reduce inflammation.
Make sure to check out the best Skin & Hair Clinic in Delhi for mesotherapy
One of the most common places people get injected with chemical agents is their feet or ankles. This is because many foot illnesses can be treated using chemical injections and/or topical applications of medications directly onto the affected area.
Massotherapies' are typically made from small molecules such as vitamin B12, cortisone, lidocaine (local anesthesia), or other similar drugs. They are usually mixed together in a solution and then inserted under the surface of the skin.
The effects of these treatments take around 12 months for each person due to individual differences in medical needs and skin types. However, most patients see some improvement within eight weeks. Some find it takes much longer than this.
There have been case reports of very serious side effects occurring several days after a meso injection, but they are extremely rare.
What are the different types of mesotherapy?
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Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels
In addition to using alcohol as a solvent for your injections, there are several other ways you can administer meso treatments. One of these is called ionic mesotherapy. Ionic mesotherapy uses a special needle type that works by disrupting the natural balance of minerals in the skin.
By altering this equilibrium, people achieve various effects such as improved blood circulation, smoother skin texture, reduced inflammation, and tighter or looser collagen fibers in the dermis (the top layer of the skin). All of these changes enhance the overall appearance and health of the skin.
Ionic mesotherapy was first used back in 2001 to treat patients with chronic leg ulcers who did not respond to standard wound care. Since then, it has been studied for a variety of applications including cosmetic dermatology, rosacea, and hair growth.
You can also visit Best Clinic for Mesotherapy Treatment in Delhi to know more about various skin and hair treatments.
What are the effects of mesotherapy?
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
A growing number of professionals are incorporating massotherapies' into their practice to help patients achieve their cosmetic goals. Discussed under different terms such as microinjections, chemical peels, or laser treatments, these administrations use small injections or drips of chemicals or vitamins onto specific areas of your skin to reduce inflammation and promote new skin cell production.
One of the most popular forms is dermal fillers. These are usually injected into older areas of your face like the cheeks or the area around your nose and eyes. Some people also have their body doxurants injected directly into their skin to even out their tanneration and increase blood circulation.
While many people gain some relief with this treatment, there are no clear answers about how well it works and what possible side effects may occur. Because every person’s skin reacts differently to products, individuals’ results will vary.
Sadly, though not always, there have been reports of serious complications such as infections, allergic reactions, and in rare cases, seizures or strokes.
Is mesotherapy safe?
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Photo by Klaus Nielsen on Pexels
While there have been some reports of patients developing serious health problems due to improper use of this technique, it is not known whether or not meso­therapy can cause long-term damage.
There are several reasons why people develop unsightly cosmetic issues such as excess skin, fat deposits, and/or wrinkles. Cosmetic treatments for excessive hair growth, acne, and other conditions often include medications and chemicals. Because mesothetics contains natural substances that promote tissue regeneration, many people believe it to be safer than traditional medication.
However, just like any medical treatment, only professionals with appropriate training should perform this procedure. Make sure you research your practitioner before and after doing anything related to this work.
What are the side effects?
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Due to its unique nature, there have been no serious adverse reactions reported with meso-therapy. Some patients may experience minor local symptoms such as pain or redness at the injection site but these usually go away within an hour.
MesoTherapy in Delhi
In fact, most people do not even know they were injected with medication until later when the patient feels well enough to describe their symptoms. This lack of awareness is one of the reasons that there are so many case reports about people misusing meso-therapies and experiencing long term complications.
There have also been very few studies done on this form of treatment so we don’t know all of the potential risks involved. However, what we can say for sure is that injecting unknown substances into your body has the potential to be harmful.
It is important to note that although rare, it is possible for someone who has had a severe reaction to another type of meso-therapy (for example fluvoxamine for acne) to develop an allergic reaction to phenyl toluene in oxymetazoline. Therefore, just like with any new medicine, if you are concerned about potential side effects ask your doctor about risk factors before administering treatments yourself.
Symptoms of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction include shortness of breath, chest tightness, throat swelling, skin rash, hives and/or ulceration of the lips and mouth.
What should I ask my dermatologist?
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Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels
As mentioned before, meso-therapy is a popular noninvasive cosmetic treatment that works to improve your skin by stimulating the production of natural chemicals called cytokines.
Cytokines are naturally occurring hormones in our body that play an important role in regulating many physiological processes, such as inflammation or immune responses.
By enhancing the expression of these cytokines, meso-therapies can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, treat chronic sun damage, revitalize collagen, and boost wound healing.
There are several different types of meso-therapies, each with their own purported benefits. However, not all treatments work for every person, and no two treatments have the same degree of efficacy for anyone.
As such, it’s very difficult to say what changes will be seen after any one session. Some people may see results within a few days, while others may need months to feel them.
It is also worth noting that some studies report better outcomes from placebo treatments than those where participants received a true intervention. Therefore, even though a particular therapy seems promising, it could be simply due to the effect of suggestion.
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kandhariclinicsblog · 2 years
Best Skin Specialist in South Delhi | Dr. Kandhari Clinic
Dr. Rajat Kandhari is a renowned and Best Skin Specialist in South Delhi practicing at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin and Dental Clinic. He is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical or cosmetic skin concerns including skin infections, acne, skin growths, pigmentation problems, age-related skin issues, and even skin autoimmune conditions. He is also well-trained and has experience of many years in performing cosmetic procedures for skin like laser treatments, microdermabrasion, fillers, Botox, cryosurgery, tattoo removal, PRP therapy, mesotherapy, and RF micro needling. His patients are fully satisfied with the results of the services performed by him. He treats his patients with respect and compassion. To get an effective treatment for any skin and hair issue, book a visit now at Dr. Kandhari’s Skin and Dental Clinic.
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Contact us
S-79, Greater Kailash Part-1,New Delhi (South Delhi) - 110048
Landmark - M Block Market, GK - 1
Phone : 011-46413705, 011-46413714, 09315479193
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dermedicoclinic · 4 years
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This technique includes usage of natural proteins capable of stimulating cellar growth, proliferativeand differentiation. These proteins are transferred to skin deep either micro needling or with non-ablative laser. Number of sitting required are 3-4 weeks interval. It consist of growth factors, that are secreted by all cell types that up the epidermis and dermis. This procedure can be used in various skin condition like fine wrinkles, acne, rosacea, aging,sluggish skin and loss of elasticity. 1 week :- pre and post care is needed. Minimum allergic reactions are documented.
MesoTherapy for Hair
Hair care system can be used in conditions like Hair loss and Hair thinning in men & women, female pattern ofbaldness, pre and post-menopausal hair loss.
During each session, a session of injection using a special short needle.
The injection can be given at different depth – from 1-4mn into the skin.
Meso Solution are highly concentrated topically applied, purified growth factor formula that is designed for use with clinical modalities that enhance penetration. The constituents of meso solution is usually fibroblast and keratinocytes growth factor. Usually advised once in 3 weeks. No allergies or side effects documented.
Mesotherapy Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones and plant extracts to rejuvenate skin or for treating hair loss. Mesotherapy for hair regrowth involves the technique of injecting nutrient rich liquid in the mesoderm of the scalp. This is conducted either by mesogun or by dermopen. Each session takes 30min to complete. Total around 6-8 sessions are required and ideally one session should be 2 weeks apart.
For expert opinion, visit - https://dermedicoclinic.in/
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                                 Mesotherapy, Mesotherapy Treatment
Mesotherapy was first described by a French Physician Michael Pistor in 1952. In 1987, French Academy of Medicine recognized Mesotherapy as part of traditional medicine.
Mesotherapy is the practice of using micro-injections of vitamins, minerals, medications & amino acids just underneath the surface of the skin. Mesotherapy has been recognized as the latest breakthrough for rejuvenation of the face & neck, cellulite reduction/spot weight reduction (injection lipolysis), and hair regrowth.
more information visit web...Best Dermatologist in Delhi, No. 1 Skin specialist in South Delhi | Pulastya Cadle Skin Clinic
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Dr. Ujjwala Verma is a Consultant Dermatologist in Sarita Vihar. She practices at Jiya Skin Care Clinic in Sarita Vihar, South Delhi.
Dr. Ujjwala Verma has experience over 7 years. She is a qualified Skin Specialist in Sarita Vihar.
As a Skin Specialist and Dermatologist, her area of expertise includes Acne Scar Reduction, Nail Treatment, Acne & Melasma Treatment, Skin Tag Removal, Wart Removal, Milia Extraction, Skin Pigmentation, Moles Removal, PRP Therapy, Comedone Extraction, Derma rollers, Micro Dermabration, Non Surgical Face Lift, Vampire Face Lift, Hair Restoration With Fat, Hair Transplant, Dark Circle Reduction, Vitiligo Treatment, No Needle Mesotherapy, Skin Analysis, Tattoo Removal, Skin Tightening, Laser Treatment, Botox, Filler, Thread Lift, Permanent Hair Reduction, Ear Lobe Repair and Photo Rejuvenation. Patients from Sarita Vihar and entire South Delhi come to Dr. Ujjwala Verma with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are fully satisfied with the treatment, with her experience and fully equipped clinic.
Dr. Ujjwala Verma has completed her education mainly from Patna. She did her MBBS from Patna Medical College, Patna in 2008 and MD (Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) from Patna Medical College, Patna in 2013. Currently Dr. Ujjwala Verma is practicing as a Dermatologist in Sarita Vihar.
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Dr. Ujjwala Verma is a Consultant Dermatologist in Sarita Vihar. She practices at Jiya Skin Care Clinic in Sarita Vihar, South Delhi.
Dr. Ujjwala Verma has experience over 7 years. She is a qualified Skin Specialist in Sarita Vihar.
As a Skin Specialist and Dermatologist, her area of expertise includes Acne Scar Reduction, Nail Treatment, Acne & Melasma Treatment, Skin Tag Removal, Wart Removal, Milia Extraction, Skin Pigmentation, Moles Removal, PRP Therapy, Comedone Extraction, Derma rollers, Micro Dermabration, Non Surgical Face Lift, Vampire Face Lift, Hair Restoration With Fat, Hair Transplant, Dark Circle Reduction, Vitiligo Treatment, No Needle Mesotherapy, Skin Analysis, Tattoo Removal, Skin Tightening, Laser Treatment, Botox, Filler, Thread Lift, Permanent Hair Reduction, Ear Lobe Repair and Photo Rejuvenation. Patients from Sarita Vihar and entire South Delhi come to Dr. Ujjwala Verma with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are fully satisfied with the treatment, with her experience and fully equipped clinic.
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Mesotherapy was first described by a French Physician Michael Pistor in 1952. In 1987, French Academy of Medicine recognized Mesotherapy as part of traditional medicine.
Mesotherapy is the practice of using micro-injections of vitamins, minerals, medications & amino acids just underneath the surface of the skin. Mesotherapy has been recognized as the latest breakthrough for rejuvenation of the face & neck, cellulite reduction/spot weight reduction (injection lipolysis), and hair regrowth.
Read More...Best Dermatologist in Delhi, No. 1 Skin specialist in South Delhi | Pulastya Cadle Skin Clinic
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Dr. Ujjwala Verma is a Consultant Dermatologist in Sarita Vihar. She practices at Jiya Skin Care Clinic in Sarita Vihar, South Delhi. Dr. Ujjwala Verma has experience over 7 years. She is a qualified Dermatologist in Sarita Vihar. As a Dermatologist, her area of expertise includes Acne Scar Reduction, Nail Treatment, Acne & Melasma Treatment, Skin Tag Removal, Wart Removal, Milia Extraction, Skin Pigmentation, Moles Removal, PRP Therapy, Comedone Extraction, Derma rollers, Micro Dermabration, Non Surgical Face Lift, Vampire Face Lift, Hair Restoration With Fat, Hair Transplant, Dark Circle Reduction, Vitiligo Treatment, No Needle Mesotherapy, Skin Analysis, Tattoo Removal, Skin Tightening, Laser Treatment, Botox, Filler, Thread Lift, Permanent Hair Reduction, Ear Lobe Repair and Photo Rejuvenation. Patients from Sarita Vihar and entire South Delhi come to Dr. Ujjwala Verma with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are fully satisfied with the treatment, with her experience and fully equipped clinic.
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