#Midam deserves a modern royalty AU
michaelmilligan · 3 years
Day 14 of B&B's (@drgarth and @starrynightdeancas) Holiday Advent Calendar Event! (Aka modern royalty AU! Because why not lmao.)
Sleigh Ride//Blanket//“Sleigh Ride”
Michael hadn't been sure what was supposed to be romantic about a sleigh ride, but sitting there with Prince Adam now, sharing a blanket... well. Maybe he could see it, after all.
Which was awkward, because they weren't romantic. Michael liked to think that they were friends, in a way, but anything more than that would have been wishful thinking. Even worse was the fact that Adam had been humming 'Sleigh Ride' on and off and while Michael didn't know all the lyrics of the song, he was sure there was something about hand holding and cuddling in there.
His hand kept itching and he had to curl it up into a fist to keep from reaching out.
They had been mostly silent since getting into the sleigh, just looking out at the snowcapped landscape around them. A few snowflakes had come down on them since then, but it had remained a light dusting, hardly worth mentioning. There were a few ice crystals in Prince Adam's hair, though, sparkling between the golden strands. One more excuse for Michael to reach out and-
But no, he couldn't just dothat. No matter how much he wanted to run his fingers through that soft-looking hair, he hadto keep a grip. Making Adam uncomfortable was the last thing he wanted to do. Not to mention causing a diplomatic incident between their kingdoms.
Michael sighed.
“Sorry you're stuck with me,” Adam suddenly said. His eyes were fixed on the trees around them. “I know you wanted to go with Dean.”
“No,” Michael said, frowning.
“No?” Finally, Adam turned to him. “But... Prince Gabriel said...”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Gabriel says a lot of things, and most of them are nonsense.”
Adam bit his bottom lip, a thoughtful look on his face. “But your dad is always trying to set you up with Dean. I thought...”
“My father has a lot of ideas about the world and the people inhabiting it.” Michael grimaced, not eager to say much more. His father was a good man and a wise king, but sometimes...
“So... your dad wants you to date Dean, but you don't want to,” Adam summarized, shifting on the bench.
“You could say that.” Another way to say it was that Michael hated Dean. And Dean hated Michael. He was frankly surprised that they hadn't killed each other yet.
Maybe it was because Adam was usually there to defuse the situation, and to make Michael re-think his desire to murder the entire Winchester family.
“Oh,” Adam made, giving Michael a calculating look. “So you... hm.”
“Is that... a problem?” Michael asked, suddenly nervous. Had Adam only been nice to him because he thought he was in love with his brother? Because he had felt bad for him, or had assumed that he would marry into the family at some point?
“What? No! It's not...” Adam bit his lip again. “I'm just... confused.”
“Well, I'm surprised you thought I liked him. We literally yelled at each other just last night.”
Adam shrugged. “Just figured you two had a weird way of flirting.”
“I threatened to stab him!”
“A veryweird way.”
Michael slumped back on the bench and ran a hand over his face. “Adam, hostility isn't flirting. I think you might have watched too many bad romance movies.”
“Hey, Jane Austen already wrote about-”
“Okay, one: I'm fairly certain that Mr. Darcy never threatened to murder Elizabeth. And two: Things between them only started getting romantic once he apologized for his rude behaviour, which, frankly, is just not going to happen because I am entirely justified in my low opinion of the horrible man who is unfortunately your brother.”
Adam blinked at him in surprise, then laughed. “Wow, someone has opinions about Pride and Prejudice. And also 'unfortunately my brother', huh. Not that you're wrong, but...”
“Well. He isthe only downside to knowing you,” Michael huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“That's true.” Adam's voice was teasing, but his eyes were soft.
“Yes, well.” Michael hadn't actually wanted to say it like that. The phrasing seemed... a bit obvious with regard to his feelings. But now it was out in the open, and it wasn't like he was going to take it back.
“So, theoretically. If someone else – someone who isn't Dean – were to ask you. Like. On a date.” Adam's face betrayed absolutely nothing about where this was going. Was he going to...? But no, that couldn't be. There must be someone else he was asking for, or maybe it was really just theoretical- “Would you say yes?”
Michael averted his eyes and cleared his throat. “That would depend entirely on who's asking.”
“Hm. Do you have a list of people who would qualify?”
There was still no way for Michael to read into Adam's expression. At least none that wasn't fuelled entirely by anxiety.
“No, of course there isn't a list.” Michael floundered, then swallowed down the panic. “One name is hardly enough to constitute a list.”
“One name, huh.” Adam's voice wavered weirdly. “So you're in love with someone else.”
Adam probably meant 'someone else than Dean', but it sounded like 'someone else than Adam', and Michael couldn't let that stand. “Well, I... like someone.”
Adam turned away, but Michael caught an expression of pain on his face.
“You look sad. Why do you look sad?” he blurted out, panicking again.
“I'm sorry. It's just... I'm stupid. Since you're not in love with Dean, I thought maybe...” Adam pulled his coat tighter around himself. “... that maybe we could... Look, I'm sorry-”
Michael grabbed his arm. “It's you,” he said, hoping, praying, that he hadn't misunderstood.
“What?” Adam asked, eyes wide.
“It's you. The one that I like... is you.”
Adam blinked slowly a few times. “What?” he asked again.
Oh no, he had misunderstood. “I'm sorry, I just thought you were saying-” He tried to pull his hand away, but Adam grabbed his wrist, holding it in an iron-clad grip.
“Go out with me,” Adam said with determination.
Now it was Michael's turn to blink and stare. “What?”
“Go out with- oh you know what, this can already count as a date.” Adam's hand loosened its grip, but only to slip down and entangle its finger with Michael's. “Go out with me again some time?” he asked cheerfully.
Michael looked down at their joined hands, dumbfounded but happy. “Yes.”
“We could watch Pride and Prejudice.” Adam smiled.
“Which version?”
“The one with Matthew Macfadyen. Who knows, maybe this time he will threaten to stab Keira Nightley.”
Michael huffed out a laugh. “I sure hope not. But... We should probably check, just to be sure.”
“Yeah.” Adam squeezed his hand and shifted closer to him on the bench until their legs and arms were pressed together.
Oh. Michael suddenly realized that they were holding hands and cuddling. He found himself humming a few notes of 'Sleigh Ride', and Adam leaned in and kissed him.
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