#Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Ofsted
mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Ten Rules for Children to Be Educated About
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | The ten rules for children to be educated about.
Showing Respect
The topic of respect is a vast one; however, it is one of the most important things that children will learn in their young life. As a parent, it is essential that you explain and also show your children what it means to show respect, and how they will know when they are being respected themselves.
Respect is an umbrella term that includes many things, including manners, kindness, and politeness. Of course, it is also essential that children understand that everyone deserves to be respected, no matter where they are from or how they look.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Ofsted | Play at School
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Ofsted | Play at school is more than recess. It can be any activity, in the classroom or out, that fascinates the brain. When teachers use play in the curriculum and let children follow their own interests, learning happens. When learning is self-initiated and self-directed that way, it goes deeper and lasts longer.
In The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds (2007), the American Academy of Pediatrics says:
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Be a Fit Kids | Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Ofsted
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Ofsted | There’s a lot of talk these days about fit kids. People who care (parents, doctors, teachers, and others) want to know how to help kids be more fit.Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight. If you’re fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to do, like run around with your friends.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Vitamins for kids
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Do your children need to take vitamin supplements?
That’s a question that more parents ought to ask of themselves or the doctor before they start pumping kids full of over-the-counter supplements that may or may not be conducive to good health. Although it may seem like a good idea to feed your children all the extra nutrients you can get hold of, the truth is that a simple vitamin formula is not enough to keep your kids healthy, and it not a good idea to rely on a supplement of this type to do the job of a balanced diet and other health-oriented lifestyle practices.
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Some doctors prescribe vitamins for babies or toddlers if the child is not developing properly or there is suspicion of anemia or another disorder that could interfere with proper nutrition. Since most pregnant women take prenatal vitamins, a majority of babies are born in a healthy state as far as nourishment goes. Generally, only children with health conditions that impact nutritional intake need a vitamin supplement. Of course, that decision is best left to the doctor.
If a child does not eat properly because a balanced diet is not provided, it is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to provide the right food daily to make sure kids get all the nutrients their bodies need for health and growth. Children who are picky eaters need to be trained to sample a variety of possibilities from the five major food groups. Toddlers may go through phases where they eat less than before, but they usually get over it pretty quickly and are soon ready to eat balanced meals again. Life-long fussy eaters should be encouraged to find healthy substitutes for the foods they dislike most, and learn to eat those that are indispensable. A vitamin supplement may not be needed for any of these situations, unless your doctor recommends it.
Another reason kids may need vitamins is during a prolonged illness or recovery period, or in the event of a chronic condition. Situations like these can attack a child’s immune system and create all kinds of problems. That’s why it is so important for kids to follow a healthy diet most of the time, so when they do become ill, their bodies will have the strength to fight it off. At times like this, a vitamin supplement may come in handy. Children being treated for serious illnesses with medication that suppresses their immune systems may likewise benefit from vitamin therapy.
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Some children’s vitamins come with minerals and iron. Check with your doctor to see if iron is a good idea for your child, as some kids get too much of it, which can build up and create another type of problem. Kids must be taught not to take vitamins like candy, but rather to treat vitamins like medicine and follow parental directions about when to take them.
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Prescription or over-the-counter vitamins can help to improve kids’ vitality and overall health. Ask your doctor whether your children ought to take a vitamin supplement.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Vitamins for kids
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Do your children need to take vitamin supplements?
That’s a question that more parents ought to ask of themselves or the doctor before they start pumping kids full of over-the-counter supplements that may or may not be conducive to good health. Although it may seem like a good idea to feed your children all the extra nutrients you can get hold of, the truth is that a simple vitamin formula is not enough to keep your kids healthy, and it not a good idea to rely on a supplement of this type to do the job of a balanced diet and other health-oriented lifestyle practices.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Preschool Curriculum Activities
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Why are Preschool Curriculum Activities Important?
Ok, before we get started, Preschool Curriculum Activities” are not about “Hot Housing” little children; or trying to cram their growing minds with facts and figures. Early childhood education is about providing the right experiences at the right stage of a child’s development; not only that, but they provide a guide for preschool teachers and home-schooling parents to give preschool children the best possible start in life.
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Preschool curriculum activities should provide a structured, fun, and natural approach to early childhood education. Science is saying that the best time for child development is between birth and six years of age; during that time a child should develop the seven senses, have critical child development movement activities, and many other crucial experiences. Science is also saying that the brain will trim away any areas that are not being stimulated in those preschool and child development early years.
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Preschool curriculum activities should consist of:
• a choice of age appropriate activities for children, parents and preschool teachers to chose from • provide child development activities that will engross kids in hours of learning pleasure • keep children busy with educational fun and minimal supervision • leave you free to relax and enjoy your free time • give preschool children a LIFELONG early educational advantage, simply by doing FUN child development activities • activities to feed the seven senses of taste, smell, hearing, touch, sight, proprioception (awareness of where you are in space), and vestibular (balance); the last two are the most critical.
Just imagine a child who is self-confident, has morals and values; good self-esteem; good thinking skills; well developed senses and awareness; artistic; creative; responsible; able to socialize; able to read, write and communicate ideas; what a fantastic foundation for the successful child to have.
It is all possible by giving your child the correct Preschool Curriculum Activities at the right stages of their early childhood development. Using preschool curriculum activities, or as I call it “Educational Child’s Play”, is a sure fire way to give a preschool child a successful start in life; and be successful for a lifetime.
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | One of the best answers to why are Preschool Curriculum Activities important comes from parents and teachers using Storybooks That Teach and Educational Child’s Play.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Preschool Curriculum Activities
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Why are Preschool Curriculum Activities Important?
Ok, before we get started, Preschool Curriculum Activities” are not about “Hot Housing” little children; or trying to cram their growing minds with facts and figures. Early childhood education is about providing the right experiences at the right stage of a child’s development; not only that, but they provide a guide for preschool teachers and home-schooling parents to give preschool children the best possible start in life.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Day Care and Private Schools
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Have you been searching for the perfect day care facility in the Ottawa area? Have you considered an Ottawa private school with a structured academic program? Did you know that 100% of Junior and Senior Kindergarten fees are tax deductible? And, that most private schools offer before and after school care programs – a great convenience to working couples!
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Research shows that children between the ages of three and five are at critical stages of development. Experiences in these early years “provide a foundation for language, reasoning, problem-solving, social skills, and behavioural and emotional health” (Coleman, Buyse & Neitzel, 2006). Early learning programs have proven to benefit all children, regardless of socio-economic status, and potentially the benefits last for many years into the child’s school career.
This same study also indicates that to maximize this positive outcome, the program must occur frequently and have a significant duration – the longer the duration, the more significant the outcome. Although some benefit will occur with infrequent attendance, the research suggests that daily programming over an extended period of time is preferable.
Other positive outcomes of full day, structured, learning programs included; less grade repetition, fewer referrals to special education resources, higher graduation rates, and an increased likelihood of attending and completing a college or university program. These same children also experienced later health and social gains including lower rates of teen pregnancy and smoking, a smaller likelihood of receiving welfare as adults, and a greater likelihood of being homeowners with higher income and lower rates of unemployment.
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Many parents overlook programs offered by local private schools and opt for day care centres or nursery schools with minimal structured learning time not realizing that most Ottawa private schools offer complete academic programs for these young minds – many also offer complete bilingual programs. Why not take advantage of the tax deduction available to you and give your child a head start?
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Day Care and Private Schools
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Have you been searching for the perfect day care facility in the Ottawa area? Have you considered an Ottawa private school with a structured academic program? Did you know that 100% of Junior and Senior Kindergarten fees are tax deductible? And, that most private schools offer before and after school care programs – a great convenience to working couples!
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Government has a big role in providing its citizens proper education. U K has undergone a number of changes since 1980s. Recent policy changes is slowly shaping the nation, making it look more and more like Western nations that embrace “Americanization.” U K is rapidly losing its social democratic status. Unfortunately, the so-called economic restructuring that is currently taking place is having adverse effects on the U K school system and its students also. By analyzing the changes made to U K education system we can track neoliberalism’s level of growth in the country. Privatization of education means transferring taxpayers’ money designated for public education to luxuries of the Government, corporations, and/or individuals instead of to public schools, colleges, and universities. For the poor and middle class people, to have access in proper education, government’s educational free facilities are most vital; should be available.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Ofsted | World tours seem far-fetched for budding musicians. Even seasoned proponents, who routinely tour pubs, play at events and work in show business, would admit that taking their music around Europe and playing at famous venues would be little more than a dream. The music industry is competitive to the point that even hard-work and prodigious talent do not guarantee the kind to stardom that warrants a tour around the world.
So it might be surprising that students can actually travel to different countries and play in famous venues. But expert excursion providers offer just that opportunity. Knowing the rarity of this chance, students and educators should not miss out on visiting the following locations.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery and Preschool | How to Choose a Vitamin For Your Child
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery and Preschool | You might have grown up on cartoon character vitamins that were like a daily treat of candy. Like most things of today, they aren’t like they used to be. You’re probably asking yourself as your creating your child’s diet, should I buy vitamins? Is this a necessary cost? Are all brands equal? What is right for my kiddo?
Even if your children eat like angels, Dr. Scott Rose, a naturopath states: “You can eat the best diet possible and still develop nutritional deficiencies due to: food processing/production and over farming of soil which causes depletion of the minerals in the soil; this results in produce that has lower vitamin/mineral content than it did twenty or thirty years ago.”Hey, Mom & Dad, do you turn to caffeine when you under under stress? 
Did you know that caffeine will cause your body to lose minerals which may cause mineral deficiency and when your body is deficient in minerals, especially magnesium, you may experience difficulty sleeping, muscle spasms and low back pain.Starting with a great multi-vitamin | Mighty Oaks Day Nursery and PreschoolKeep it simple and start with a great multivitamin: Women (pre-menopause) need to make sure their multi has iron. Men and post menopausal women do not need to supplement with iron.
Fish Oil: Research strongly supports a daily dose of fish oil. The American diet is very low in “good fat”. Good fats come from eating a diet rich in nuts, seeds and fatty fish. Many physicians are now recommending fish oil for their patients who are fighting health challenges such as depression, heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.Key points when taking vitamins | Mighty Oaks Day Nursery and PreschoolAlways take them with food, unless advised otherwise by your health care professional.
Take them with water, not with caffeinated beverages. The caffeine may bind with the minerals, resulting in limited absorption in the body.
Avoid vitamins with fillers, dyes and extra ingredients such as magnesium stearate or steric acid (this is a lubricant fat that is added to the vitamin during production). This fat is difficult to digest and may prevent absorption of the vitamin in your system.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery and Preschool | You might have grown up on cartoon character vitamins that were like a daily treat of candy. Like most things of today, they aren’t like they used to be. You’re probably asking yourself as your creating your child’s diet, should I buy vitamins? Is this a necessary cost? Are all brands equal? What is right for my kiddo?
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Children find their ways to grab the attention of the people around them. For that reason, they don’t mind even indulging in mischievous activities that could irritate their audience. One of the common irritants your child might resort to is to demand for items that he/she might already know he/she would not get. And we tend to reciprocate with the mistake of simply appending to the series of denials we would have already made. Has a plain denial ever given you a solution for any problem? In most likelihood, no. So what is the ‘ideal’ way out of such situations with children? Well, you should undoubtedly say no to anything unacceptable but in a subtle way and with a justification to help children understand why you denied it.
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
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mightyoaksnursery · 4 years
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