#Mikey does ballet can we talk about this please
phoebepheebsphibs · 1 year
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I'm doing a DTIYS on Twitter
Mystical majestic Mikey
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molzies-fanfics · 5 years
Our relationship in emojis pt.1
It was New Year’s Eve, the turtles, master splinter, Casey and Vern were round at April and Y/N’s apartment to celebrate. The thing is, every year Y/N found herself on the roof of the apartment complex with her mom thinking about the year to come. Except this year was different...because her mom was no longer there.
Splinter told Y/N once that your pain makes you stronger...but right now, she was trying so hard not to fall apart. This was the one thing they always did together and Y/N felt like she could barely do it alone. Thank god Raph found her.
“Y’know the party is goin’ on downstairs, right?” He spoke aloud as soon as he got up there
Y/N quickly wiped the proof of her sadness from her face before he could see. “Y-yeah, this is just something me and my mom would do...every year...” she trailed off
“...you okay?” Raph knew Y/N hated it when people saw her cry, but he could tell she was hurting.
She turned to look at him, a single tear trailing from her eye, “I just don’t want to be alone right now.” Was all she could find herself saying.
Raph gave her a fond smile before sitting down on the gravel next to her.
Out of everything that had happened in the past year, Y/N was so grateful that she had met the turtles. It was funny when April found footage of when Y/N was just a baby and she was looking at the turtles in that lab all those years ago. But having friends her age, it was the greatest gift she could’ve ever asked for.
Especially Raph, he gets it. How it feels to struggle with sharing emotions, how anger was always bubbling somewhere. He just...understood her.
And she understood him.
“Thanks Red” she breathed.
“No problem.”
Their breathing evaporated into white smoke, drifting into the night air that seemed to be buzzing with energy.
They can hear the excitement from Times Square, the anticipation of the ball about to drop and bring in the new year.
That was when something popped into her mind.
“Raph, what do you and your brothers usually do for New Years?” Y/N found herself asking.
Raph seemed a bit taken aback that she had even asked that. “Uh, nothin’ special, we just watch the ball drop on tv and watch other people celebrate and that’s about it.” He sighed. “Too busy out to patrol so we just stay in. Mikey always tried to bring in new traditions to make it more excitin’ but it never really stuck. But this year is special since we don’t have to spend it underground and we’ve got friends to spend it with.” He grins at her when he finished.
Y/N could feel the breath being stolen from her lungs when he made eye contact with her like that. “so you guys don’t have any New Years traditions?” She could feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach from the mere idea that her brain had produced.
“Nah, none”
Silence settled over them like a blanket before they both could make out a distant countdown echoing from the heart of the city.
“Is it almost midnight already?” Y/N found herself asking before standing up, she wanted a good view of the fireworks
She felt Raph join her at the edge of the roof, looking out over the streets.
Finding herself staring at one of her best friends, she couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face from the magic of it all. New Years in New York City.
That’s when the idea started nagging her again.
Breathing in, she walked towards him.
Breathing out, she placed her hand on his bicep.
She watched his head turn around to meet her gaze.
Placing her other hand on his cheek she felt herself rising onto her tippy toes, just like in ballet.
And just like that her lips met his.
She found herself wrapping her arms around his neck as he started to respond to the kiss, with him placing his hands on her hips, eventually crawling around her waist, pulling her closer as they melted into one another.
Lips gliding over the others, they ignored the fireworks going off around them as they got lost in the others embrace.
But they found themselves coming up for air.
“Wow.” Was all Raph could find himself saying. “That was...amazing.” He breathed into her lips, still wrapped around one another.
“I could say the same about you.” She stared up into his eyes, mesmerised by the colours she found there.
“I can’t believe I’m your first kiss.” Raph found himself saying, remembering the situation Mikey had brought up a couple months ago when they were playing a game of truth or dare and first kisses had come up as a subject, revealing that Y/N hadn’t actually had hers yet.
“Well I’m yours too Red.” She rested her forehead on his, looking into his eyes with so much fondness. “Does this...mean we’re a thing?” He asked hesitantly, hoping with all his heart it wasn’t just a one time thing.
Y/N’s heart stuttered at the thought, “Only if you want us to be” She found herself saying.
And instead of answering, he just kissed her again, knowing that this year was going to be amazing as long as she was by his side.
* 🌹
February 14th, Valentine’s Day. Usually Y/N spent it alone watching Brooklyn 99 or friends with April but this year, April was on a date with Casey. Leaving y/n alone in their living room trying to decide which movie to watch...
That was until she heard someone tapping on the window leading out to the fire escape.
Pulling up the blind Y/N saw her terrapin boyfriend staring back at her behind the glass. A smile broke out across her face.
“Hey red. What are you doing here?” She asked once she opened the window.
That was when Raph pulled out a single rose from behind his back.
“Happy Valentine’s day.”
Y/N was so shocked she had to take a step back.
“Oh my god, thank you. It’s beautiful Raphie.” She commented as she took the rose from him.
“Also, to answer your question, I’m here because I wanted to spent Valentine’s day with my girlfriend.” He smirked up at her.
“Well come in then.” Y/n blushed at him referring to her as his girlfriend. They’d only been dating for a month but all of this was still fairly new territory.
Straightening up, Raphael stepped into the human girl’s living room.
“What you watching?”
“Brooklyn 99”
“Huh, never seen it.”
Raph chuckled at Y/N’s expression.
“Ok, wait one second and then I’ll put the first episode on.”
The giant turtle made himself comfortable on the couch whilst Y/N filled a glass vase with water and placed the rose inside it. She then walked over and joined Raph, cuddling into his side as she flicked through Netflix.
“So, what’s it about?” He asked.
“It’s a dark comedy about cops in the Brooklyn precinct.” She stated offhandedly.
“Oh...a dark comedy?”
“Basically it’s just a comedy except without the audience laughing in the background.” She explained.
“Ah.” And for the rest of the night they stayed and watched, glancing at one another every once in a while.
Y/N sneaked looks at Raph to see if he liked the show and Raph glanced over at Y/N to see if she wanted to do anything else at one point. Not to say, he didn’t enjoy her warmth.
“Are you having a good day so far?” Raph asked nervously.
“What do you mean? I’ve been home all day.” She answered
“You could’ve come down to the lair.” He suggested.
“I was helping April get ready for her date with Casey, you have no idea how difficult it is to get that woman to pick out an outfit.” Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed afterwards.
Raph shot her a fond look and thought to himself how lucky he was to have someone on Valentines this year.
He found himself leaning in.
“Yeah?” Y/N turned away from the screen to find his lips on hers. She melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck once again and falling backwards until the couch cushions hit her back.
Sighing into his lips, she let his tongue dart out to taste her before she let him in. Y/N let out an embarrassed moan. “Sorry.” She mumbled, a crimson blush blooming across her cheeks and spreading to her ears. Raph found himself smiling at her adorableness. “Don’t be.” He leaned back down again, trying not to squash her, being oh so delicate.
“Thanks for coming over.” She gasped into his mouth.
“No problem.” He groaned back, that was, before they heard April’s keys jingle in the lock.
“Shit!” Y/N whisper shouted to herself. “Just pretend we were watching the show.” Her eyes widened almost comically as she resumed to cuddle into Raph, wiping his saliva off of her mouth hurriedly.
Casey let out a bark of laughter as he and April stumbled into the apartment.
“Sounds like you two had fun.” Raph let out awkwardly as the pair watched the other slightly more drunk pair.
“Oh, we did.” Casey snarked, April hit his chest playfully.
“Please don’t be spending the night, you two are way too drunk to be fooling around.” Y/N chastised.
Pissed off that they had ruined the only action she had gotten in like...ever.
This is two months after their New Years kiss/first kiss (ever), and so it is also two months into their relationship. Y/N visits Raph during the cold winter months of New York (early March) and brings a whole load of blankets and quilts with her since she knows how the cold effects her terrapin boyfriend. She ends up dragging them all into his room and on top of the bed until she’s made a mutant-turtle sized cocoon of blankets.
After wrapping themselves in blankets and settling herself into his side, Raph looks down at her fondly, noting her increased heartbeat against his plastron.
“There’s nothing I love more than the warm feeling in my chest or cuddling up to the person that puts it there”
Raph freezes for a minute, seeing as y/N, like him, struggles to talk about their emotions sometimes. He’s not only shocked but astounded at the words that just came out of her pretty mouth.
Except what came next shocked him even more
“God, I love ya.”
This time it was Y/N’s turn to freeze, seeing as she didn’t directly tell Raphael that she loved him but went for the more indirect route. She slowly turned so she was looking up at him, her chin perched on his chest.
A smile spread across her face as she read the nervous look written on the red masked turtle’s expression.
“I love you too Raphie.”
Raphael felt tears build up in his eyes as he finally heard the words he thought he’d never get to hear. Especially from her of all people. What happened after that was obvious.
He kissed her as if she was his oxygen, and without her, he couldn’t breathe.
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