#Milah & Liam (The Dead One) Jones is one of my biggest brotps for her
justmilah-archive · 7 years
Because @gusenitsaa has been giving me feels and I need some Milah & Liam (The Dead One) Jones bromance in my life.
Summary: "So the rumors are true. After all these years, my little brother is finally here." In which Milah is the source of the rumors.
They never would have gotten along in life but loving the same man in different ways had forged an unlikely bond in death. 
She had intended to leave him a note, just a scribbled out warning to bypass the lack of informational flow. Of course, this being the Underworld, her plan was thwarted by a severe lack of pens, an over abundance of paper, and a bartender who never understood what 'day off' meant.
Milah was  draped over the bar, rummaging through and testing inkless pens on napkins when she felt the air shift around her. She sighed and slid back down to the floor, arms crossing over her chest as she attempted to glare up at the bartender. "Do you realize your smug superiority just sort of leaches into the atmosphere? How do you do it?"
"There is nothing smug about it." His eyes narrowed as he leaned in as far as propriety would allow. "What brings you here? It isn't like you to ignore a ban, of which you have three days remaining."
"Gaston deserved it. He's an ass." Usually she saw her abrupt nature as a flaw. It was failing her now and she greatly wished it would come back."My ex husband is here."
Liam's eyes widened. "Dear heavens, no wonder you're in such a state."
"How can you tell?" Then she remembered she was talking with a Jones. Apparently a shared family trait was being annoyingly perceptive. "That isn't actually why. I just...I was going to leave you a letter just in case. I don't trust him, but Liam, it's about Killian, so of course I have to try."
Liam stared at her before a look of determination slid over his face. He gave a grim nod. "Right, then. I am coming with you."
"No! That isn't why I'm telling you this!" She reached out and took his hand. Touching was not done much between them, it wasn't who they were. The occasional hand on the shoulder during a centennial birthday or anniversary was perhaps the closest they got to physical affection. "I don't trust Rumple, Liam. If Killian is here, one of us needs to be there to watch after him."
"Alright." His jaw ticked. "But you should know if anything happens to you I will be sorely put out."
Milah smiled at him. That was probably her first mistake. "I know. But I'm probably worrying too much. He's already killed me once, twice would be overkill." Hugging him was her second mistake.
He was tense but she didn't move until she felt the awkward pat of his hand against her shoulder blade.
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