#Milkha Singh death news
spidercookie18 · 11 months
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒆
The Lost Boys 1987 AU set in modern time. None of the boys died, and all the Emersons/Star/Laddie/Frog brothers are vampires. This is explained later…
Tags: General violence, halfing vampire, swearing, choking, mentions of suicide/death/kidnapping/dangerous acts, unprotected sex, breeding, scenting, degradation/praise, use of y/n, afab, use of she/her. MINORS DNI Word Count: 8.6k Previous chapter here: Next chapter here:
“No one should suffer what I suffered. I still dread those scenes when man killed man. I lost my parents, most of my family, by running away.” — Milkha Singh
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Chapter Two:
It had been over a week since David last saw you. He went by your house most nights and saw that your lights were off, and your truck was gone. He noticed that wherever he tried to mark as ‘his’, was gone the next night. Your scent had the same potency each time he went back, so he knew you were there during the day, which he was fairly sure you knew he wouldn’t be by to bother you then.
Where the fuck did she go. David's thoughts kept returning to the memory of you and how he longed to feel you against his flesh once more.
He was irritable again, and the other boys noticed. He had been avoiding Max as he was sure he’d be able to smell you on his clothes, and he didn’t want to get yelled at – if that was all Max would do, David thought. He groaned with frustration as he put on his boots.
“Come on man, are you fucking going back there again?” Paul yelled at David as he was walking up towards the mouth of the cave.
“Shut up Paul,” David grumbled, not turning.
“Dude you’ve gone like every night this week,” Paul responded.
“Yeah man, it’s not like she’s going anywhere, all her stuff is there, right?” Marko said, turning the bag of chips upside down into his mouth. “So why don’t we go out,” Marko tried to appeal to David, his mouth full of chips.
“This really isn’t healthy behavior, David,” Dwayne said, casually throwing some candy into his mouth.
David grumbled; he was annoyed but knew they were right. He felt a pang in the pit of his stomach, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep, he was on edge all the time. He sighed, “fine,” he turned back to the boys, “I got to get out of my head,” David said, grabbing the keys to his bike. “Let’s go crack some skulls,” he smiled a dark smile and the boys rallied behind him. They grabbed their jackets and headed to the bikes.
“Hell, yeah man!”
“Let’s go kick some teeth in!”
The boys yelled as they followed David up out of the mouth of the cave towards the bikes. They sped down the hill and towards the city, hollering the whole way.
They rode into town and up the boardwalk to a spot they knew would cause a commotion. They wanted to roll heads tonight, and where better to do that than where you’re ever so despised.
They parked outside a new ice cream shop that had been open a few weeks and there was still a line of people waiting to get in. They skidded to a stop loudly and revved their engines to turn all the heads.
The boys loved attention and smiled and chuckled at the contorted and angry faces that stared back at them. David looked over at his brothers and asked who they thought would be able to put up a good fight, they all laughed.
“So, y’all just constantly go around terrorizing people is that it?” A voice cleared itself behind David; he turned and saw you.
He had been looking for you all week and suddenly, the second he stopped trying, you appear.
The boys all turned to look at you, “can we help you?” Marko spat, clearly still pissy from the bar.
You looked over at him and rolled your eyes, then looked back at David, “I need you to move your bikes for the night.”
David shook his head in disbelief at how haughty you were being right now. “You want to run that by me again?”
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A few minutes before, you had finally got to the front of the line for the new ice cream shop that you had been dying to try since you first stepped on the boardwalk. You’d been much too busy with work this week and finally had a second to yourself to go get a little treat.
It had taken much longer than you had initially thought to get your sweets, and it was now dark out. You finally reached the front of the counter and tried to order some of your favorite ice cream.
“I’m so sorry, but we’re out,” the boy behind the counter told you.
Just my luck...You sighed, “fine, can I get…”, you scanned the menu for something that wasn’t marked ‘unavailable’. “Can I just get a churro with caramel?”
The young man behind the counter apologized again for the inconvenience and turned to tell your order to his coworker. “I haven’t seen you in here before,” the young man tried to make small talk while your food cooked.
“Yeah, I’m new in town. I’ve been wanting to come here all week.” You watched him stare at your breasts from under the brim of his uniform hat and you handed him the money from your bag.
As you waited, you heard the roar of motorcycles coming up the boardwalk and turned to see David and the boys park opposite of the shop. They immediately begin provoking the customers standing outside, and you chuckled. Those idiots.
The cashier groaned and turned to his buddy, “they’re back again.”
“God damn it,” the other teen responded. “Well, I’m not going out there again, you tell them to move.”
“Nuh-uh, I’m not going out there,” the cashier quickly responds. He takes the churro and places it in a white paper bag and starts to hand it to you.
“I bet I can get em to move,” you say pointedly. The teens look at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah, fat chance,” the one furthest laughs out.
“No, I’m serious, I bet I could.”
They turn to look at each other, “...okay,” the cashier begins to haggle with you, “what do you bet?”
You think for a second, “tell you what, Charlie,” you nod at his name tag, “I bet, that I can get them to move for the night...for an extra churro.” The cashier smiles, “and all the money in the register,” you finish saying. The one making the food scoffs, “and if I can’t, then...” you stare at the cashier and wink at him, “I’ll let you take me on a date.”
The cashier makes a face like he’s thinking. He’s weighing the options of the ridiculous bet; no chance you get them to move, he can’t lose. He smiles down at you, “I’ll throw in the churro, and you got yourself a deal.”
You take the small crinkly bag from him and walk out the door, they’re both watching as you walk up to the ‘biker gang’.
“If you move, I’ll make it worth your while,” you raise an eyebrow at David.
He looks you up and down, “what do I get out of this,” he sneers at you. He wants to be upset at your demeanor, but you look adorable in the green off the shoulder dress you’re wearing.
“First,” you waggle the food in front of him, “this churro, but you have to snatch it from me… Second, is the cashier looking?” You turn to point with the churro at the shop.
David leans on his bike to see around you, “yeah?”
“Okay, well I made a bet with him that I could get y’all to move for a prize, and if I lose then I have to go on a date with him.”
David scrunched up his face in a frown at the sound of your words, you could hear him growling lightly.
“And I really don’t want to do that, so…” you trailed off.
“Well, what’s the second part?” Paul chimed in.
“It’s a surprise,” you smiled sweetly at the boys. David stared at you with a blank face, unamused by your little ‘bet’.
“Please,” you asked, with honey dripping from your words, “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
He looked back at the boys, who also seemed bored by the idea. But he really didn’t want you going off with some human, on a date.
“Fine,” he stated, and the boys started to protest at the idea. “Enough,” David’s response was quick and scathing. He looked back at you, “if you even think of weaseling out of this…” he narrowed his eyes.
“It’s not like you don’t know where I live,” you remind him; that’s exactly the point he was trying to make. “I’ll meet you on the far end of the boardwalk in fifteen mi-”.
David cut you off, “you’ve got ten.”
You smiled at him, “deal,” you took a step back and the boys started up their engines; David easily snatched the snack from you. They rode two circles around you, David was eyeing you the whole time- the image of sharks in the water crossed your mind. Then they took a turn down the stairs of the boardwalk, swung around on the sand and headed off in the direction you agreed upon. You could hear them hollering as they rode off on the beach, you walked back into the ice cream shop and sauntered up to the counter.
With slack jaws, the teens watched as you nodded towards the register.
“What… what did you say to them?” The cashier asked.
“Oh, I just told them if they didn’t move, you’d come outside and kick their asses.”
The one further away walked up to his friend, who stood frozen behind the cash register. “My dad is going to kill me,” the cashier whispered, unmoving.
He looked over at his friend who’d elbowed him, “come on man, fair is fair.”
“Tell you what, how about I take you out tomorrow?” You smiled up at the cashier and his nerves seemed to have been soothed. As he looked at you, his eyes became glossed over, his expression became blank, and he slowly, and unwillingly opened the register and emptied the drawer into a plastic bag. The one that was prepping food handed you another churro in a small crinkly bag. “Pleasure boys,” you took both and walked out of the shop.
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It took less than the ten minutes you’d thought it would to walk over to where the boys were. “You’re almost late,” David yelled at you.
“No, I’m not,” you smiled and tossed the heavy plastic bag at him.
He reacted fast and the bag hit his gloved hands with a THUNK, he looked inside at all the money you’d just given him. “What’s this?” The boys were by his side curiously looking in the bag as well.
“It’s the other part of your gift,” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Dude that’s gotta be like six hundred bucks!” Paul shouted and happily shook David by the shoulders. The boys are happily bouncing on the balls of their feet and David, who was still sitting on his bike looks up at you.
You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly, “yeaaah, sorry. I thought they’d have more cause they’re so busy; but I guess most people don’t pay with cash anymore huh?”
David was more than pleased with how the bet played out, he flashed you a toothy grin, “not bad, Y/N.” 
“Oh, but there is one more thing,” you said as David handed the money to Dwayne to stuff in his saddlebag. “The cashier, Charlie, he’s still expecting a date,” David gritted his teeth, “so can you, like, do whatever it is you do to make people go away?”
The boys snicker, “what makes you think we just make people ‘go away?’” Marko laughs.
You shrugged, “well, they seemed scared nuff’ of you, so I figured you could fix my little problem.”
David laughed and gestured for the boys to head back to their bikes, “sure, we can do that.” David nodded to Marko who led the boys off on the bikes, presumably to fulfill your request. It was just you and David standing on the boardwalk now as you watched the boys ride off and out of sight. 
“While I’m not upset with the money,” David turned back to look at you, “I was picturing something a little…different when you said you’d ‘make it worth my while’.”
You giggled, “you don’t think you can charm my pants off the old-fashioned way?”
David laughed heartily, “hop on, I want to take you somewhere,” he grinned sweetly. You moved over to the bike and threw a leg over and tucked the hem of your dress under your thigh so it wouldn’t fly up as you rode. You wrapped your arms against David’s waist, you felt so warm against him, he throttled the handle, and you felt the vibrations against your core.
“I like to go fast,” he turned back to you, “so, don’t let go.” You squeezed tighter, and he took off. You were flying down the road; he wasn’t kidding when he said he went fast, you thought.
You leaned into David’s ear, “if you’re gonna kill me, can you at least make it quick?”
You can feel him give a deep laugh over the sound of the bike and the wind, “I’ll try to remember that.” 
You rode by a lighthouse on your right, and you could see the light turning as the two of you sped past it. You wanted to ask where he was taking you, but the air felt electric; you were too nervous to speak up, so you just held onto him. The ride itself wasn’t very long, maybe five, ten minutes, but the way David was driving made it feel frighteningly long. He zigged and zagged through traffic, and you thought he’d kill you both more than a few times. Every time you asked him to slow down, he’d speed up; so, you just stopped asking.
“Don’t ya trust me Y/N?” He’d yell over his shoulder.
“No!” You’d shout, and the way you were pressed up against his back you would feel him laughing.
There was one point where he was trying to pass someone on the two-lane road where you were sure you were going to bite the big one. He was tail-gating damn near every car he’d passed but this one wasn’t going to let it go; when he moved into the next lane, the car sped up.
You saw from over his shoulder there was another car coming from the lane you were in, “David,” you tried to get him to move back over, “David there’s a car coming.” He didn’t care, he wanted to feel your heartbeat against him, he wanted to smell the fear coming off you. “David, the car!” It was almost too close a call; at the last second, he gunned it in front of the driver that wouldn’t let him pass and ran them off the road. You turned to watch the car slide off into a ditch, and you could feel David laughing again. “Holy crap,” you clutched to him; “David I want to get off,” you hid your face in his jacket.
“We’re almost there,” he grumbled.
“No! I want to get off now!” You dug your nails into his side.
“Fuck!” He grunted and kept driving.
He kept going; you dug in harder, and you could hear him wince with pain. “Calm down already!” He shouted at you, “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you!”
“Please,” you were whimpering into his shoulder; to be fair, he was probably a much better rider than you were giving him credit for, but for Christ’s sake it wasn’t fun anymore. It wasn’t much longer till he pulled off the main road and turned towards the shoreline. You were riding up hill and he stopped the bike when you were at the top.
“Happy?” He kicked out the stand and turned back to look at you.
Your face was still pressed against his back in terror. “Take me home David.”
He sighed at your response, “if I take ya home now, I’m just gonna drive the same way.”
“Then I’ll walk,” you grumbled.
“Will you fucking look up already? It wasn’t even that bad.” He stepped off the bike and watched you hide your face in your hands. He almost felt bad at how scared you were, almost. He rolled his eyes at you, David had enough of your behavior. He leaned down to brush your hair behind your ear, “come on Y/N.” You sheepishly pulled your hands away from your face.
The view before you was gorgeous; the moon was so full and so perfectly placed above the cliff you stood on. The lights from the city were all but gone, and you could see every star in the sky. The waves crashed on the rocks below you and you couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the scenery.
You stood from the bike in awe, “wow,” you held your breath.
“Told ya,” David crossed his arms smugly.
You took in the scenery a little bit longer, staring up at the stars; without looking at David you started to tell him off, “if you drive like that again without letting me know,” you looked over at him with wide eyes, “I’ll fucking kill you.”
He laughed again from the pit of his stomach, “alright, alright, I’ll let ya know next time.”
He walked over to you and placed his hand behind your neck. Before you could react, he pulled your face to his and kissed you deeply. He tasted like cigarette ash and the cinnamon sugar from earlier. You tried to pull away from him, but he held you tightly; his other hand came up to your cheek, and he pushed his tongue into your mouth. “Mrmph”, you struggled against him. “David,” you whimpered, he smiled against your lips. You felt your body start to get hot, you were still so angry with him, but he was so strong. You wanted to trust he wouldn’t hurt you, but you knew exactly what he was. His hand behind your neck traveled up to the back of your hair and pulled down hard, “aah!” He smiled against your neck, your whimpers and moans sounded so sweet to him; you felt him kissing and sucking marks on your skin, his grip turning into his nails in your skin. You were mewling at his touch, “David,” you breathed out. He loved the way his name sounded off your lips. So sweet, so full of want, for him. You felt his teeth scratching against your skin as he continued to suck marks into your flesh.
“Not so hard,” you whimpered, and felt his fangs grow, you could hear him growling under his breath, you could see his eyes glow under his lashes. He started biting lightly, then harder. “Not so hard David.” You knew what was coming next, you felt his sharp teeth getting ready to rip into you; you reached down into your bag and searched as quickly as you could. By the narrowest margins, David’s fangs had pierced your skin, when he was stopped by a cold piece of metal against his temple. 
He heard the gun cock. “I said, not so fucking hard, David,” you panted out the words, and he pulled slowly away from you.
Without turning his head, he eyed the gun, then looked back at you. He raised his hands up by his head and stared at the gun nervously. “Take it easy there,” he watched you intently, as he blinked, his glowing amber eyes turned back to their normal blue. “If this is about the drive over, then I’m sorry, alright?”
You stared directly into his eyes, “no, I think you know what this is about.”
His eyes narrowed, “you know.” It was more a statement than a question.
“Uh-huh,” you nodded.
“How long?”
“Pretty much immediately,” you said pointedly. “You guy’s made it really easy.” He scrunched his face up, “you all were sniffing me like…animals.” David rolled his eyes, keeping his hands above his head, “also, you’re going to STOP pissing on my fucking lawn.”
He stepped forward to defend himself, “Alright I can explain th-”,
“Ah-ah,” you waggled the barrel of the gun in his face; he stepped back in place.
“You know they’re gonna kill that guy, Charlie, right?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Why do you think I asked y’all to get rid of him for me?” 
He laughed weakly, “so…you gonna kill me?”
You scoff at his words, “this was never about that,” David raised an eyebrow in curiosity, “I just wanted you to stop biting me.”
He exhaled in relief and put his hands down. “Fuck me, you had me there for a second,” he placed his gloved hand on his stomach and laughed gratefully that he wasn’t going to be shot in the face.  
“David,” you kept the gun pointed at him, “you can’t have my blood unless I say so, got it?” He stared at the gun and tried to keep from growling. “And,” you continued, “I don’t want your blood… Give me your word.”
He groaned at your demands.
“David I’m serious.”
“Fine, fuck!” He growled out, “you have my word.”
You turned the gun from him and decocked it. In an instant, he’s on you; your back is pressed hard against the ground. Your teeth clang as your head hit the dirt below, and your ears rang loudly. You strained to focus on the vampire before you, your double vision cleared to reveal David and his glowing amber eyes. His features start contorting in anger, “what makes you think I won’t just kill you now?” His hands around your throat, squeezing hard, and you can hear the blood pounding in your ears.
You reached for the pendant around your neck and held the vial up for him to see, “do it.” 
He held it in one hand and sniffed it. “What is this?” His voice dark and distorted.
You cough, “do you think I knew what you were off of a hunch?” He squeezed harder, the pressure behind your eyes making you nauseous, “you’d be doing me a favor,” you choke out, tears running down the side of your cheeks.
He turned the vial in his hand and saw a bubble move across the surface. He released his hold from your throat and stood quickly to his feet. “Whose blood is that!”
You cough and rub your throat, “my sire.” He feels his stomach churn at your words. You sat up on your elbows, “he killed my family, everything I ever loved was destroyed by his hate,” you yell at David. “He wanted to turn me, and I told him I would kill us both…”, you stared off over the cliff and let the tears come to your eyes. Your voice cracking as you spoke, “I told him if he spared my life that I would never run from him, never fight him… I would just be…his.” David was in disbelief; his body was in anguish at the words that came from your mouth, like poison in his veins. “I ran away from him thirty-five years ago,” you tucked the vial back into your dress. “I’ve been running ever since,” you stared up at him, and wiped the tears from your cheeks. 
David was livid, you were his. He didn’t care who had claims on you, you were his now. He knelt down to snatch the vial from you.
“If you do that I’ll die.”
He growled and let the vial fall to your chest. “Then take my blood.”
“David! I just told you I don’t want it!”
He gripped your jaw harshly and snarled in your face.
“I am not tethering myself to another vampire,” you shouted back at him, “not after all I’ve survived!” 
He bared his teeth against your neck and pulled away resentfully to keep himself from biting down, “you are more than flesh and blood can bear!” 
David sat on your waist, angrily. He claimed you as his before he met you, the second he smelled your scent, he claimed you. You stared at him, defiantly. His nostrils flared as he stared down at you from his position. “You’re smelling him, that’s why you’re drawn to me.” David placed his head in his hands, he felt he was running out of ways to rationalize keeping you. “It’s instincts! Alphas seek out other alpha’s mates, it’s part of why war is waged for territories… we’re the only ones that can bear the weight of your love.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “just… stop talking for a second.”
You sighed, crossed your arms in frustration, and laid back down on the ground.
So, this is what Max was going on about. 
David had known for some time that there were vampire lords all throughout the world. They were sires to many, and masters of their vast territories. They were, ‘for all intents and purposes, kings,’ Max had explained to him once. And that it was best to avoid them at all costs. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!” David shouted into the night. 
Why couldn’t he have just said that.
Should he kill you? Was it easier to just remove you from his life? No, like you said, it was instincts, he wouldn’t be able to do it. Could he get one of the other boys to do it? No, he felt sick just thinking about your death. David stared down at you; your attention was off over the cliff somewhere. Were you thinking of running away from him too? No, you ran away from…, “what’s his name?”
“Montgomery,” you didn’t look over at David, you stayed pretending you were somewhere else. 
She ran away from, him because he was a bad pack leader.
Whatever he had done to you to make you break a vow and stay on the run for all these decades was something that David would never drive you to.
I’ll never make her run away; he thought as he looked softly down at you.
“What David,” you looked up at him finally, still fuming.
Whatever you had said and done to keep your old alpha from turning you must have been enough that he thought it was easier to bewitch you into being a halfling. David knew he wouldn’t be able to turn you and keep you from murder suicide, not forever. He knew his persuasion didn’t work on you, so he couldn’t force you to be docile, especially not if he turned you. There was only one way to keep you from leaving.
David raged against the thought, he bellowed and screamed in his mind. His nails gripped into his palms with all his force, if the gloves weren’t on his hands, he would have surely bled on you. Civility was not something David actively practiced; nor was he used to not just taking the things he wanted, things he claimed as his. He took a deep breath in, sighed, and reluctantly got off you. He threw himself on the ground beside you and looked up at the sky, still raging in his mind.
“I don’t want you to run away…” you looked over at him as he spoke softly, “I won’t drive you to that.” He said, it was almost a whisper.  He sighed, loudly. He threw his hands up to his face, and pulled down on his skin, with a groan.
“Thank you…” you uncrossed your arms and smiled at him.
You could hear him growling, and the creak in his gloves as he continued to clench his fists. “This feels AWFUL,” he protested.
You laughed, “I’m sure it does,” you placed a hand gently on his arm. “You’re not really supposed to go against your instincts.” 
David looked over at you, a look of annoyance on his face, “I could still kill you; you know.”
You rolled your eyes at him; you knew he didn’t mean it, but were sure he didn’t know how to process these new feelings without lashing out at you. As you watched him, you noticed his coats had lain open when he threw himself on his back. The edges of leather and wool falling off from his abdomen and onto the grass by his sides. Breathing in, you could finally smell him.
Leather, oil, cigarettes, salt…David.
His scent filled your nostrils and swirled around in your lungs. You could feel your chest heave as you panted, breathing in more of him. It was the first time you noticed his scent. Not even when you were wrapped around him on the bike could you smell it. The coats did a very good job of masking him, and as his air filled you, you instinctively began to squirm. Your body becoming hot, the flush in your cheeks; your heartbeat quickened. You could hear little over your own panting, but David could hear you quite well. He cocked his head as you tried to stifle a whimper.
“I can help you though,” you kicked off your shoes. You needed something to quell the fire in your loins. You slid on top of David and sat atop his hips. You leaned down to kiss him, you felt you could trust him; but more importantly, all the screaming and yelling and raging fell utterly unimportant in comparison to the instinct that demanded you roll your hips against his.
 If he was willing to give you his word, he wouldn’t feed on you or try to turn you; and he wouldn’t hide you away from the world like some stolen prize, maybe he wasn’t the vampire you thought he was.
You put your hands to the sides of his face and kissed him deeply, he sat up with you still on him. You moaned into his mouth, and let your hands wander down to slip off his jacket.
“No,” he whispered into your skin, he stopped you from taking them off.
He shrugged you off his shoulders and slid his hands under your dress to pull it off you. You stayed kissing him while your hands unbuckled his belt, and feverishly unbuttoned his jeans. He put a hand to the back of your head and pulled you closer to slip his tongue in your mouth. “Mmhm,” you whined and grinded your hips down on his stiffening cock. He was kneading your breasts and moved his hands around your back to unclasp your bra. “David,” you whimpered, and he smiled against your skin. You loved the way he sounded when he chuckled, so deep, and dark; he excited you so. David kissed and licked your nipples, “ahh.” He was enjoying the feeling of your soft, plush breasts in his hands. He loved hearing you melt for him.
David pushed you down on your back- you always forgot how strong vampires were- and you giggled as he nibbled down your neck. He pulled away from you and took off your panties; his gloved fingers hooked under the thin fabric, and he kissed down your legs as they came off. He put them to his nose and took a long inhale, and you felt a blush come to your face at the sight. You saw his pointed ears twitch with excitement and his eyes flashed bright blue to a deep orange. David stuffed them in his pant pocket, “you’re not getting these back.” His voice was deep and slightly distorted again. You giggled and he shoved his jeans down enough to free his cock. 
David was big, enough to make you clench around nothing at the sight of it. Not overly long, maybe six, six and a half inches, but he was impossibly thick. He had plum, prominent veins running along the underside and one on the top, his fat tip already leaking precum. You gulp, and he laughs at your reaction. “You might be too big for me, David…” you make a worried look, and he runs a gloved finger up your slit.
You mewl under his touch, and he chuckles, “you’ll take me just fine, darlin.”
He circles his finger around your clit as you begin to whine for him, “aah, fuck.”
You bite your lip and look up at him, he brings the finger to his mouth and licks your love off it. “Fuck, you taste so sweet,” he moans, and grips your hips tightly to pull you to him, you yelp as he drags you. He pushes his pants down further around his thighs and you chuckle nervously as his ample balls sway lightly. He He’s smiling down at you, licking his lips; he lines up with your cunt and presses into your heat.
You cry out as he stretches you to what feels like past your limit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, David,” you push your hand against his hips to keep him from driving more of himself in, and he ignores your pleas. With force, he slams his hips against your ass, and you move to grip his forearms. Your nails are digging into his coats, and he growls as he pushes into you to the hilt. David gives you no mercy, and you can feel the wind be knocked out of you in shock. His cock is pulsing as he nestles against your cervix, you’re whimpering, and he tries to remind himself you’re still part human. David huffs as he tries to regain himself, his fingers digging into your hips. You wrap your legs against his waist to try and keep him from moving. “Wait,” you gasp out and you can hear him suck air in through his teeth. You try to adjust to his size, but he hooks his hands under your knees and pushes your legs forward. Your hips are off the ground, and he starts pistoning into you.
“Fuck!” He growls.
You’re so full, the weight of his cock feels like it’s going to tear straight through your cunt. “David!” You dig your nails into his forearms and keep moaning your screams; you can see his fangs growing in his open mouth.
He leans down, and you’re folded in half, “you’re so fucking noisy,” his words accentuated by each thrust. He covers your mouth with his gloved hand and your eyes roll back into your head. He feels so good, he’s so, so big, and he keeps hitting against your cervix. You cry out, and he’s laughing, “ohhh, sweet thing, does that feel good?”
You nod under him, his hands still covering your mouth, “mmhm.”
“How about this, darlin?” He releases his hold on your face and moves his hands to your hips. He lifts them off the ground, changes the angle of his thrust, and his tip is rubbing against your sweet spot.
You moan and scream and writhe into the night.
With his hand off your mouth, your tongue lolls out; David laughs, “you look like a dumb, fucked out toy, you know that?” His pace is punishing, it sounds like a sledgehammer breaking against your pelvis, and you try to focus on breathing as your orgasm quickly approaches. He looks down at you and his eyes narrow at the sight of the vial around your neck. He batts it away so he doesn’t have to look at it as he claims you. You breathe out a chuckle between gasps, and he can feel you squeezing against him, “are you gonna cum already sweetness?”
“Please sir,” you moan out, “please can I come?” He groans and thrusts his cock in harder, “fuck, David!”
He can’t get enough of your noises; you sound so cute getting fucked out on his cock. “Come for me sweet thing,” he rubs his thumb over your clit, and you spasm around his cock.
You’re moaning and gasping for air in between sweet ‘thank you’s’. The image of you crying and trembling under him is being burned into David’s mind. He holds your thighs close against his body and shoves his cock in as deep as he can reach and paints your insides white. You can feel his pulse hammering inside you as he comes. It’s so much, you can feel it dripping out of you and down your ass. David’s throbbing cock feels so good pumping you full of cum. He doesn’t stop pistoning into you, he just turns you on your side and fucks his cum back into your wet cunt. You’re clawing at his arms now, “fuck, David, wait!” He ignores your pleas; he can only hear the sound of your pounding heart, and the squelching of your soft warm pussy around him.
He’s growling, moaning something like, “so fucking good. So fucking tight f’me. So soft, n’ wet, n’ warm, f’me. My sweet thing.”
You can feel him slipping away from you as he mumbles into your flesh, he’s going feral fucking into you.  “David,” you call out to him, and he looks down, his features completely foreign to what he looked like a short while ago. He grunted as he pushed your leg over your head. “Fuck! David calm down!” He fucked you hard, as hard as he could manage. Your breathing was staggered from the weight of him pressing over your ribs. The sound of his hips cracking into your pelvis was painfully loud. You were glad no one was around to hear, the plap and wet noises was sinful, and you moaned like a whore for David. The feeling of your gummy walls sucking him in was the best thing he’d felt in so damn long. He let his cock bully into you and drag slowly out. His fingers pushing into the plush of your thigh, the sound of your wet pussy getting fucked raw inviting him to keep going. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and focused on how good you felt around him. 
“So…soft,” was all he could manage as he grunted and came again in you. His voice completely distorted now. He let his open mouth settle on your calf, sucking lightly as he came. You could feel his teeth, not enough to break the skin, but enough you were sure it would leave a mark.
Your arms were up by your head to cover your face; you panted, and wheezed, and gasped, hard, trying to get air into your lungs as David kept railing into you, “please David.” You begged, tears coming down your cheeks. The pleasure was too much, you couldn’t stop cumming around him. You thought you were gonna pass out as he ripped another orgasm from you, you needed air.
He grabbed your arms and pulled you up towards him, “don’t look away from me.” He had his arms wrapped around your upper half and was fucking up into you now; you were sobbing. Your body went limp against his and you let your face hide in the crook of his neck.
“Too much… David” you cried out. His hefty cock kept pistoning up into you. It was too thick, too heavy, too much, you could feel him ruining you; and you felt your cunt spasming around him again.
He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, he loved how needy and pliant you were for him. He couldn’t get enough of you, your pretty little pussy, your cute noises, your scent. David groaned and bit into your shoulder, he lapped at the dark purple teeth marks on your skin. He focused on his hips slamming up into you, your legs weakly draped around his hips; the warmth of your body seeping into him. He snaked a hand up to your jaw and lifted your chin to look at him. He loved how you looked, glossed over eyes, flush cheeks, baby hairs stuck to your forehead with sweat, mouth agape with soft whines escaping with each thrust. He bit his lip and kissed you. He swirled his tongue around yours, and you whined into his mouth. Poor David couldn’t stop himself, his mind screamed that he needed his scent to envelop you. He came again and your head fell weakly against his shoulder.
You felt David reposition you, he turned you over to all fours. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back towards him. His hips pressed hard against your ass as he shoved himself back inside you. You let your hands grip at the ground beneath you, you tried not to clamp down on David’s cock, but he stretched you so goddamned good. “I’m gonna come again!” You half begged, half thanked him, the way his girth dragged in and out of you was divine. You felt your legs buckle under you and David held your hips up to keep you from falling over.
“Come!” He demanded, he let one of his hands wrap around your body and rubbed your nub.
“Fuck!” The high-pitched whines that came from your throat a clear indication of how hard you were coming undone for him. David felt your walls sucking him in again and growled as he fell against your back. He pumped his come against your cervix once more with a groan. He bit down on shoulder, his tongue tasting the sweat from your flesh. It took everything in him to keep from sinking his fangs into your skin wherever he could.
All the while you focused all your strength on not buckling under yours and David’s weight. You could feel his come and your slick drip down your folds and your clit. You whimpered at the feeling, you felt so fucked out and loved it. “Daavid,” you whined, he stepped out from under you and grabbed you by the top of your hair. “Aaah!” you shouted in pain as he pulled you to a kneel, he pushed his cock into your mouth and started fucking your face. You gagged and moaned against his girth; David moved his hands to hold you by the back of the neck and, pushed his thumbs up to your nose to fuck down your throat. You could feel his cock down the back of your throat, through the tears in your eyes you could see him above you; completely lost in his own instincts.
His cock slid quickly in and out, atop your tongue and he moaned, “so good.”
You could taste yourself on his length, your come and his come mixed in your mouth with your saliva. His cock was painfully big in your mouth, it almost felt like your jaw was going to pop.  David pushed you deep on his cock till he was at the base against your lips, you could feel yourself beginning to gag, and he fucked hard shallow thrusts against the back of your throat. Your hands grabbed at his arms and dug your nails into his flesh as hard as you could manage; he pulled you off so you could breathe. You gasped loudly and he shoved his cock back inside. 
David fucked back into your mouth; his pubes pressed against your nose. You fought to pull yourself off him, but his hold was too strong. He pushed the back of your head down on himself, shot down your throat and slowly pulled you from him; you were gasping for air. His come was salty and thick. You coughed as you tried to ease your breathing, but David still held you by the back of your head and jerked off in your face. He was going to cover you in himself. You flinched as he sprayed on your face and breasts. You could feel his cum dripping down your face, and you grumbled in protest. He ignored your complaints; hooked his hands under your arms, pulled you up off the ground, and wrapped your legs around his waist. David was standing; he had you held close against his body, and he lowered your weeping pussy back down on his cock. He licked a long stripe across the length of your neck and sucked bright red marks into your chest. 
More, more, MORE, his mind screamed. 
David held you by the plush of your ass and fucked up into you. His fingers gripped into your skin and if it wasn’t for his gloves, his claws would have ripped clean through your flesh. Your hands gripped tightly to the collar of his jacket, you whimpered and moaned as you felt his thick cock slide in and out of you. Your pussy was raw, and it felt like he had been fucking you for hours now; the pleasure that ripped through your body took your breath with it. The sound his hips made slapping against you ass was loud and wet, and you thought again of how grateful you were that there was no one around to witness you getting fucked like a pathetic doll.
“David,” you cried with the last of your energy. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t stop, and you didn’t entirely want him to stop.
“Keep squeezing my cock like that, sweet thing” David growled out. The way you spasmed around him had him fighting back the last of his sanity to not fuck clean through your cunt. He couldn’t push himself far enough into you, the way your fat little cunt sucked him in was enough to bring him to another orgasm. He could feel his and your cream dripping down his shaft and down his balls, he wanted to fill you to the brim, and he would fuck you as long as his hips would keep pistoning.
As your vision faded to black you watched David’s face. He was completely gone, and you were sure he was far from stopping that night. You felt him reposition you, he turned you around and gripped you by your hair and fucked you standing up. Your limp body being held up by his sheer strength; the pain on your scalp matching the pleasure that came from your pussy. You were going to pass out, and all you could do was listen to David as he moaned and growled, and whimpered praises and degradations into the night.
“Such a good toy; such a dirty whore; you fucking tease, you wanted this. My perfect fuck toy, my sweet thing I’m going to fill you. You want that don’t you? Of course, you do why else would your soft little pussy be sucking my cock like this? You want my come, don’t you? Say it. Say it! SAY IT!”
David adjusted how he was holding you; he laid you back down on the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist, he was pistoning into you again, demanding that you begged for his come. He looked down at your limp, weak body and screamed a loud, pained growl into the night. He couldn’t stop himself. He felt his mind slipping away. He was worried he hurt you, but he physically and mentally couldn’t bring himself to pull himself out of you. David had gone completely feral fucking into you; he couldn’t think of anything but scenting you and pleasuring himself with your warm wet cunt. He pressed his sweaty forehead against yours and covered you in his scent. There was little you could do but moan weakly, your eyes wouldn’t even flutter open anymore. He pulled your hips towards him and pushed deep against your cervix. You sobbed quietly, feeling his cock throbbing inside you, and he filled you again.
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David finally stopped ravaging you some hours later. He kept going until he was past the point of exhaustion. You had long since passed out from the abuse on your body, and David knelt over your unconscious form. His mind stopped screaming, and he panted, hard. You were covered in bruises, bite marks, scratches, and his sweat and come. You smelled overwhelmingly of him, and he was finally satisfied. He looked over the cliff, he didn’t have the faintest idea how much time had actually passed, but he knew it would be morning soon. He gathered your things and stuffed them in your bag, he snorted softly as he picked up the gun and put it away too. He placed the bag on your chest and wrapped you in his jackets, he was much too tired to try and redress you, and he couldn’t guess when you would wake up. You groaned softly as he placed you in his lap and straddled the bike. He didn’t want to take you home like this, but he had little choice. He was too weak to fly you both home and he didn’t want to leave his bike so far from the cave.
So, he started the bike, with you draped over the front of his seat, and cradled you between his arms as he rode. Luckily, there was no one else on the road at this hour… whatever hour it was. It took longer to ride back to the cave than he had hoped, as he had to drive slowly for fear of dropping you. Finally, he’d reached the entrance to the cave, he put the stand out and carried you down into his home. 
“Aye, there he is,” the boys shouted.
“Hey man, we brought you back a doggy bag,” Marko, who was wearing the cashier’s uniform hat, pointed to a 7-11 cup that Paul was sipping on. “Dude fucking knock it off,” he chucked an empty beer can at Paul.
“My bad,” Paul laughed and popped the straw out of his mouth. The big gulp was in fact, filled with blood, “where have you been all night?”
David walked down the entrance into the cave, cradling you close to his body. The boys sniffed at the air, “dude, what the fuck is that smell.”
The boys covered their noses with their jackets.
“Bro what is that?”
Their senses were assaulted with the unbearable scent of David that was coming off your body. He walked you down to a small alcove where the bed was, he placed you gently down and the boys walked over to investigate.
Still covering his nose, Marko looked down at you, “oh David… what the fuck did you do?” David moved to grab a bucket and some rice for you and put them by the bed.
“Is… is she still alive?” Paul asked, peering down at you.
“Of course, she’s alive you idiot, can’t you hear her breathing?” Dwayne mocked him.
David had knelt down by you on the bed and brushed your hair out of your face. “David… what did you do man?” Marko asked worryingly.
“She’s fine,” he sighed out, “she’s just tired.” He handed your bag to Dwayne, “put this where she can’t get it.” Dwayne looked briskly into the bag, then flew up to put it in a hanging light high in the cave ceiling.
“Dude she’s covered in bruises! What happened?”
David snapped his head to look at the boys, “it’s not like that,” he growled at Marko, “I just…I just got carried away…,” he looked back down at you, his expression softening. With the back of his hand, he rubbed gently on your cheek, “really…she’s fine.”  He stood and took the cup from Paul, “no one is to touch her. And no one will tell Max about this.” The boys watched him as he flew up into the roost, “I’m fucking going to sleep.”
Paul leaned down to sniff you, “ugh,” he wafted his hand in front of his face and left to the roost. Marko pulled the jacket closer around you and turned to follow the others to bed.
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ashutentaran · 3 years
Milkha Singh death news – Milkha Singh facts career biography – Legendary Indian athlete Milkha Singh died on the night of 18 June in a Chandigarh hospital reportedly due to Covid-19 related complications. He had tested positive for Covid-19 and was hospitalized on 3 June. He tested negative for Covid-19 on June 13. However, due to post covid complications, he was shifted to ICU where he was fighting for his life, which he lost on the night of 18 June 2021. His wife, Nirmal Kaur had passed away just five days back reportedly due to covid related complications.
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hummingzone · 3 years
Remembering Milkha Singh: Do you know how much ‘Flying Sikh’ charged for his biopic ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’?
However, Singh had inserted a clause into the agreement that about 10-15 percent of the profits earned by the film would be transferred to the Milkha Singh Charitable Trust. (Credit: The Indian Express) Legendary athlete Milkha Singh who breathed his last due to Covid-19 related complications had become a household name after the film ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’ based on his biography released in the…
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thegossipsworld · 3 years
Milkha Singh Death Reason: Legendary Sprinter Died, Check Age Wiki Bio News!
#MilkhaSingh #Milkha #MilkhaSinghJi #Milkha_Singh #MilkhaSinghRIP #ripmilkhasingh #RIPMilkhaSinghji #RIPMilkha #Trending #TrendingNow #Viral #NEWS #LatestNews #thegossispworld
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thegandhigiri · 3 years
Milkha Singh के निधन पर Farhan Akhtar इस तरह हुए भावुक
Milkha Singh के निधन पर Farhan Akhtar इस तरह हुए भावुक
मुंबई: फिल्म ‘भाग मिल्खा भाग’ (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag) में मिल्खा सिंह (Milkha Singh) की भूमिका निभाने वाले अभिनेता फरहान अख्तर (Farhan Akhtar) ने महान भारतीय एथलीट के निधन पर शोक व्यक्त किया है, जिनका 91 साल की उम्र में कोविड-19 से लंबी लड़ाई के बाद निधन हो गया। Milkha Singh: ‘फ्लाइंग सिख’ मिल्खा सिंह 91 वर्ष की उम्र में निधन फरहान ने इंस्टाग्राम पर मिल्खा के साथ एक तस्वीर पोस्ट की, जिन्हें…
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newsreadersin · 3 years
'Flying Sikh' Milkha Singh death at 91 years age
‘Flying Sikh’ Milkha Singh death at 91 years age
Chandigarh: Legendary sprinter Milkha Singh breathed his last on Friday night. He was 91 years old and came out as the winner after a strong fight against COVID-19. His corona test came negative on Wednesday. Milkha was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of PGIMER Hospital in Chandigarh. The Milkha family issued a statement confirming the passing away of the legendary sprinter. Read…
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spidercookie18 · 11 months
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒆
The Lost Boys 1987 AU set in modern time. None of the boys died, and all the Emersons/Star/Laddie/Frog brothers are vampires. This is explained later…
Tags: Killing/murder/ death, swearing, gore, violence, drinking, smoking, mentions of SA/domestic violence/toxic relationships, use of y/n, afab, use of she/her. The song David is whistling is: Killing Me Softly Warnings: This chapter is obscenely graphic, gore and violence ahead. MINORS DNI Summary: Seeing Y/N's memory of her abuser, David paints the town red. Word Count: 7k ish Previous chapter here: Next chapter here:
“No one should suffer what I suffered. I still dread those scenes when man killed man. I lost my parents, most of my family, by running away.” — Milkha Singh
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Chapter Five
David and Marko were walking over to the couch when they heard footsteps coming down the entrance of the cave.
Dwayne and Paul had figured they’d given it enough time since Marko’s ass chewing that it would be safe to return.
Dwayne went to visit Laddie, and Paul went to collect more bones for his new ‘art’ project.
David pulled a cigarette from his jacket pocket and pulled the lighter out to ignite it.
“Hey, did you guys’ kiss and make up yet?” Paul taunted them.
“Fuck off Paul, stop bringing bones back here,” Marko yelled back.
Paul stuck his tongue out and rattled the plastic bag full of bones at him as he walked past the couch to his alcove.
Dwayne sensed the tension and walked over to where David and Marko were sitting. If something was going on, he wanted to be in the know.
Paul tossed the bag towards his beanbag chair and threw his arms above his head in a stretch. He heard the others talking on the couch, but he couldn’t be bothered; he hated talking about heavy shit.
As he stretched his long arms up, he sniffed at the air; he could smell the sex still lingering around the cave. His head snapped to where you were sleeping in the bed, he looked back at the others and quickly crept over to where you were.
Paul, being the biggest pervert in the group, peaked his head through the curtains, intrigued by the smell. He knelt by the bed and inhaled the air around you. He could still smell David and Marko on you, but it wasn’t the assault it was last night. The scent of your arousal was much stronger than his brothers’. He grinned, and looked back to where the other vampires were, they were still talking and hadn’t noticed that he snuck away to harass you in your sleep.
He chuckled and brushed some hair from your face. You groaned and turned away from his touch. You were so pretty, covered in scratches, and bruises, and hickies, and bites; he was jealous, and cursed himself for not returning sooner.
He turned your face back to him and when you mewled, he shushed you softly. His thumb grazed over your lips, and he slowly parted them.
She’s so fucking soft, and warm, Paul thought, happy to finally be this close to you.
He licked his finger and gently pushed it into your mouth, and you, sleepy, dumb, fucked out thing, sucked instinctively on his digit. Paul bit his lip to keep from moaning, he swore to himself that he would be there the next time you were being passed around.
Paul watched your pretty pink lips wrap around his finger and relished the feeling of you lapping him up. He groaned and shifted on his knees.
“PAUL!” His head snapped back towards the others. “Get your fucking fingers out of her mouth, NOW!” David yelled.
Poor Paul, his perversions were short lived.
“Not cool dude, let her sleep,” Marko scolded him, and Paul quickly pulled out of your mouth and scurried away from the bed.
David glared at the wild blond as he scampered off towards his alcove.
“Wait, so why won’t she take your blood?” Dwayne asked David, bringing his attention back to the conversation.
David had explained how and why he had been drawn to you- and why the others would begin to follow suit.
He explained the blood in your vial, and how it kept you… mostly human, but essentially a vampire. He told the other boys seated around him how you had belonged to a lord, how long you ran away from him, who he was, and how sick his blood made him feel.
“So, why didn’t you just turn her?” Marko pressed.
“Because I gave her my word.”
“Why would you do that? You should have just turned h-.” Marko started.
“She had a fucking gun to my head Marko!” David defended himself.
Marko scoffed, “she does not have a fucking gun.”
“No, she does. It’s in her bag.” Dwayne chimed in. “I saw it last night.”
Marko stared at the two, his face scrunched up at their stupidity. “It’s just a gun dude,”
“Yeah, and it was against my fucking skull, Marko!” David angrily pressed his index and middle finger to his temple to accentuate his point.
Marko rolled his eyes. Secretly, he was actually impressed; he wanted to laugh, knowing that you had so easily scared David to resignation.
“Dude, she pulled a gun on you? Spunky, ha-ha!” Paul started laughing loudly from his room.
David picked up a rock and chucked it at his brother, “piss off Paul!”
He squeezed the cigarette between his fingers, it was too cinched to pull out anymore smoke and he threw it to the ground in anger. His mind wasn’t closed off from the others anymore, and he let them freely look at his memories and thoughts.
Marko and Dwayne sat around David in disbelief.
It wasn’t often that they were at a loss for words, and even less often they saw David uncertain and nervous like this. They truly didn’t know how to ease the tension, so they just sat in silence as they watched their elder brother pull out another cigarette and light it.
The boys heard Paul fumbling around with the plastic bag, and the sound of clinking and clanking as he emptied the bones onto the floor. At least he was amused with himself, and he mumbled something about this being his ‘best work yet’.
Marko and Dwayne looked nervously at each other, then back to David; they let their heads hang as they waited for time to pass.
David puffed on his new cigarette and lifted his hips to put his lighter back into his pant pocket where it belonged. He let his head fall back as he blew a cloud of smoke into the air, the smoke danced in the moon light, and he looked over to Paul. He had no qualms sharing his mate with his brothers, but he didn’t like that Paul had disturbed you from your sleep; he made a mental note to knock him upside the head about it later.
The boys sat in silence for a short time, when they heard the sound of whimpering and rustling.
David stood up without saying anything and rushed over to the bed where the noise was coming from; Marko and Dwayne followed suit, making sure to keep their distance from him as they watched. Even Paul heard the noises of unease and came to check on you.
Had one of the pigeons bothered you? Was there a spider? What was it that made you make those pathetic scared sounds.
David pulled the curtains back swiftly and came to your side by the bed. You were still asleep and jerked and twitched as you moaned. He anxiously puffed on his cigarette as he watched you. You were having a nightmare, but now that you were asleep David could see into your mind.
Your walls had fallen as you slept, and he could see the frightening scene of your distorted memory play through your dreams.
The rest of the boys stood on the other side of the curtains. Watching as David stood over your naked, sleeping, twitching form. They watched as he sat next to you on the bed, his hand coming to rub your arm. He leaned over to whisper in your ear, and he soothed you.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright darlin,” he cooed. “I’m right here,” he held your hand in his and he watched as your dreams slowly dissipated and your twitching ceased.
Now that your mind was free to explore without the nightmare, David easily sifted through your memories. He felt sick watching them. He saw your abuser, and the things he inflicted upon you… He was outraged.
It’s no wonder she’s still having nightmares all these years later…
He felt a rage come to him, this was not something new, but this time it came with a ghoulish sick feeling that made him have to leave your mind. He huffed, trying to ease himself and the boys took that as a sign to give him space. They wanted to be there for their brother, they did everything together. But this, was something David needed to process himself.
He leaned down and kissed you, your eyes slowly fluttered open and David was surprised how easily you woke.
“I’m here darlin, I’m right here.” He rubbed your hair to sooth you.
You brought your hand up to cup his face, eyes half closed. “Y’all right?” You hummed, your soft sleepy voice and kind demeanor a startling juxtaposition to the scenes David just watched run through your unconscious mind.
“I’m alright sweetness...” David let his free hand pull the blanket higher up your body, “I’m gonna go out, I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“O…kay” you said, the sleep hanging off your voice as you yawned in the middle of your word. “Be safe,” you wiggled under the blanket and let yourself drift back off to sleep.
David stayed, watching you for a moment. The vile feeling running through his veins like it would never end.
Without a word, David stood and walked up out of the cave. Marko, Dwayne, and Paul eyed each other uneasily, they made no move to stop him; wherever he was going, whatever he would do, hopefully the fresh air would help clear his head.
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David’s boots thunked under his step as he walked up the creaky stairs. The smell of the ocean air, and the sound of the seagulls were usually a calming presence, but tonight his mind raced to everything.
‘Be safe’, your words to him echoed through his mind.
Me? Be safe?? He angrily thought to himself, as he walked along the sidewalk, after all that she was still thinking of ME? MY SAFETY???
David clenched his fists, the creaking of the gloves reminding him to take them off before he began his rampage. He began plucking at the fingertips of his gloves, not wanting to ruin them. He finished yanking his gloves off and stuffed them into his jacket pocket.
His boots thudded on the concrete below, not paying any mind to the people that walked past him as he trudged along with his hands deep in his pocket; still puffing on the cigarette in his mouth.
How can she think about MY well-being after all that! His mind wandering to the nightmare you had. That sick fuck, I’ll fucking kill him!
The real reason he had to pull away from your mind being the fact that he saw your abusers face. He let his features burn into his mind, if he ever saw him… David growled at the thought. The people walking past him looked at him, startled by the noise that came from this ‘man’.
I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him. I’ll kill h-
David’s train of thought was derailed by the sound of a woman’s drunk voice. She was protesting and trying to pull away from her date. David changed direction and began walking behind the pair.
He noticed the man was trying to pull her into an alley way; he could read his thoughts; they angered him more than he already was. Her soft protest weakening as she felt her body slowly start to give way. The man put her arm around himself and began to half walk, half carry her into the alley.
David stepped in front of the pair and put his arm across the man’s chest, in a warning not to move further.
“Hey buddy, get lost.” The man angrily said to David.
David watched as the young woman swayed uneasily side to side, half slumped over, her thoughts all over the place. David crooned his neck to look at her, “do you have someone you can call?” He asked, not yet looking at the man.
She gave a shaky nod and tried to speak, “yea- “
“I said get lost dude.” 
“Call them,” David took her from under the man’s arm.
“What’s your fucking prob-” the man began to speak but David threw a quick left hook, and the man slumped against the dumpster in the alleyway.
“You stay right there,” David’s eyes flashed a quick amber as he ordered the man not to move.
He helped the woman to a bench as she called someone to get her, he didn’t want her to witness what he was about to do to her date/his victim.
She offered some half slurred, “thank you,” as she watched David walk away.
He didn’t help her out of the kindness of his soul- or lack thereof- no, he wanted someone to suffer, and who better to do that than someone who deserved it. David leaned down and grabbed the stunned man by the back of the collar and dragged him further into the dark alley. As he stood him up and threw him against the wall, the man’s head cracked against the brick of the building. David finally got a good look at the man.
The snarl that ripped through his throat was enough to make his cigarette tumble out of his mouth. This man, however, coincidently, looked like the vampire David was looking to torture. He looked like the abuser of his new mate… oh how this man would suffer.
This poor soul would pay greatly for things he didn’t do/ had yet to commit, in his last few moments before death. David was known by the boys to do horrible things to his victims when he was in a particularly bad mood, but this would go down in the books as a very terrible death.
He gripped the sides of his victim’s head with his nails, the smell of the human’s blood seeping into the night. David looked deep into his eyes and in an instant the man was under his thrall, “don’t scream.” David ordered, his voice deep and inhuman. He wanted to relish in the feeling of hurting this man; the man that looked ever so like your abuser, but he didn’t want the screaming to ring through the air.
David wanted him to feel every second of pain he would inflict on him, and he would have loved to hear his cries fade into the night, but he would be satisfied with the crying that came from the man’s mind. His victim nodded softly and let his mouth fall agape, no noise but the sound of his breathing came forth.
David turned his victims head and licked his rough snake like tongue against the open wounds where his nails dug in. He could hear the whimpering of the man that came from his mind; David chuckled darkly and savored the taste of his blood. He gripped the man’s shoulders and threw him against the ground, he gripped his jaw as hard as he could.
The man was brought to tears from the pain and tried to shut his eyes and pray for death, “open them.” David ordered, and his victims terror-stricken eyes laid once again on the vampire. “Good,” David trailed a single claw down the man’s neck and chest, ripping his shirt, “I want you to watch this.” The vampire’s eyes a deep orange; he pulled the man’s shirt open and continued to drag his claw along the man’s stomach. The blood pressed against the thin open wound in beads, it slowly began to pool and drip down the man’s ribs and sides. David smiled, his fangs in full view and laughed when he heard the man cry against the walls of his skull.
David leaned down and pressed his victim deeper to the ground by his throat, he didn’t want the man to escape from his hold while his rough tongue lapped at the blood.
The man was frightened, but he was too scared to move, his voice was out of his reach; rather, he couldn’t bring himself to make even a squeak. This leather clad monster kept him trapped with just the fear that seeped into his mind. The human watched as David crouched over his body, he felt his Adams apple bob in his throat as he swallowed hard, the gulp pressing against David’s hand. His eyes trained on David as he watched his blood be licked up by this… thing. He could hear David growling; he felt the rumble of the noise hum through his stomach.
The vampire had licked a long clean stripe down the man’s torso following the blood, and licked slowly back up, looking deep into his victim’s eyes as he did so. David hated this man; not because he had wronged David, but because the vampire had, in his mind, labeled this human man as your former vampire alpha, the one who locked you away from the world.
In his mind, David had decided this was the one that had tortured you, that made your mind sick and made your body suffer; the one who ruined love and safety for you. He would do things to this human man that he only imagined were done to his mate. David smiled a sickening smile down at the man and took his hand in his own. The vampire turned the hand over in his, and his nimble fingers caressed each of the mans, but they found hold on the pinky finger of the human. “What was it that you did to her?” He spoke slowly, trying to make his voice sound human, “something like this?”
The finger was bent in an odd direction, it happened so fast that the human man didn’t even recognize the pain for a second …when he did though. His mouth fell agape in a mute scream, his face contorted as he flailed and tried to squirm out from under David, who was perched fully on top of him. The man kicked and tried to pull his arm from David’s hold, but the vampire easily held him by one finger, the ring finger, David gripped it with ease and laughed as the man tried to flail away.
“Or was it something like this?”
David broke the next finger. The tears came in a flood down the cheeks of the man who feigned in attempt at getting away. “No?” David moved his hold to the next finger on the man’s hand. “What about this one? Did you break this one?” David’s grip on the finger was enough to frighten the man into pleading with him, anything to get away from the blond that would surely break every bone the man had.
Pleeeaase! I don’t know what you’re talking about!
The breath that came from the man was rugged, his eyes rolled as he tried to keep from throwing up. The sight of his fingers bending in directions they shouldn’t have been, kept him on the edge of fainting.
David looked down at the man who was now a sick grey, pale color, “is that all you can stomach??” His voice one of amusement and annoyance.
The index finger was the next to go, and the man screamed in his mind. David held the human by the thumb and waggled his hand around by the hold. “Are you gonna throw up?” He leaned down to laugh in the man’s face, still waggling around his hand.   
Please… I never hurt Hannah.
“Who?” David’s grip on the man’s thumb tightened and he saw the man’s memory flash to the girl he helped to the bench. “I’m not talking about the girl you were trying to date rape.” David’s voice was blunt and angry.
“I don’t care about that.” He let his hold on the man’s broken hand fall to the ground with a thud. The man winced silently at the pain of his broken bones hitting the floor, and the sight of them… his head fell to the ground as he blacked out.
David leaned over the man and patted his face with the back of his hand, “hey, wake up.” He smacked his cheek to make his victim regain consciousness, and the man, the fool, woke up. “Don’t do that again, I want you awake for this.” David half turned to see where the man’s other hand was and moved to grab it.
The man yanked his hand away before David could get it and he was met with a vicious stare from his attacker.
David’s lips up in a snarl as he spoke, “give it to me.”
His words accentuated by his growling. The man held his hand uneasily away from David, too scared to move; but with all his will, he fought against David’s thrall, he knew what would happen if he let him have it. “I. Said. GIVE IT. TO. ME.” David repeated, he could hear the man whimpering from his mind again as he reluctantly offered his arm up to David.
The angry vampire plucked the humans hand quickly, and swiftly, as if it was an apple from a tree. David stared down at his victim with a fire in his chest, he gripped the hand with force, squeezing till the hand began turning red. The man staring up at him with wide eyes, full of terror.
Please I never hurt anyone!
“LIAR!” David gripped the man’s face with his free hand, his own face mere inches from the mans. “I can see into your mind, DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!?” David’s nails gripped into the jaw with his claws. He took a long deep breath and released his hold on the man’s face, his other hand still around the man’s throat.
“Ya know?” He cocked his head side to side, “you really are the spitting image of him.” David took a quick breath and regained his train of thought; he looked around to make sure no one had become suspicious of what was taking place in the alley.
People walked across the boardwalk without the foggiest clue of the savagery taking place nearby. Couples and groups walked by, laughing and gossiping, their voices feint against the sound of the man’s internal crying.
“Now then, where were we?” He went back to his position over the man, his unchained claws free to tear into the flesh under his hold. The gulp the man let out was the loudest he could manage to scream as David’s nails dug into the skin around his throat. Choking the life out of this man was not enough, he had to force every ounce of his rage into this man’s corpse.
“What are you hiding??” David pressed his nose against the man’s cheek, he inhaled the fear that was coming off him. “Let me see all the pain you’ve inflicted on others!” David pressed his forehead against the man’s own, his grip on the throat almost enough to crush the windpipe. His thrall keeping him from looking away or passing out. With the last bit of will being pushed out, the man’s memories began to flood David’s vision, and he saw the same sick things from your dreams.
It sent him over the edge.
David grabbed the man’s unbroken hand and squeezed with a strength the man knew was unhuman. He cinched the hand until the skin started to turn purple, the bones beginning to creak under the pressure. Soon, the hand crunched and popped and sloshed around inside the skin like soup in a leather bag. The man felt his vision go black and then quickly recover, the power of the thrall now fiercer than it had ever been.
David’s eyes were blood red, his fangs pushed fully out of his mouth and his ears long and pointed. He felt the rage seep through his body, blackening his vision, it pushed to the surface like a pot quickly overboiling. He let his fangs rip into the man’s flesh, crunching the already broken bones and slurping the blood from the limp bag that used to be a hand.
David sucked and slurped harshly on the black and purple skin, knowing the pain was agonizing as the man screamed and wailed against the walls of his mind.
David detached from his victim with a satisfying gasp, he licked his long tongue across his cheeks and lips, the image akin to a lizard. He sat back on his haunches as he let go of the man, David breathed in the night air, the acrid smell of what was oozing out of the dumpsters a foul reminder of where he was, what was happening. He looked back down at the half dead man who kicked his legs out, trying to scoot away from his attacker.
David chuckled, his voice gentler and more human from what it was earlier. It didn’t matter though, the man knew what he was, even if the drive for blood had been satiated and he regained his sanity; for now. David reached out a hand and easily found hold around the man’s ankle, he laughed as the man protested and cried against his hold.
“Oh, don’t be such a wimp.” He continued his assault in a humorous tone as he turned on his haunches. “I thought you liked pain,” he crawled over the man, “you enjoy making so much of it.” His eyes narrowing as the sickening scenes crept back into his mind.
What this man did to his victims, what was done to his mate.
He growled deep in his chest; David let his hands fall on either side of the man’s inner thighs, he kept that ghastly look on his face as he rubbed them up the man’s jeans.
“This is what you like to do, right?” David’s voice was dark. He watched the man try to pull away.
“You like when they’re weak, huh,” the man began to pray in his mind. “That’s when it’s the most fun, right?”
David’s hands pushed the man’s legs open, his claws scratching against the denim. The man looked up in prayer, the tears running down his cheeks to his ears. David’s hands reached around the belt loops, his hands gripped hard around the man’s hips, and he yanked him down to where he was kneeling.
“What’s wrong big boy?” He threw his head back as he laughed. David relished in the morbidity of the situation, his deep chuckle hanging off the air, as he let his head hang forward, he looked at the man from under his brows, “you don’t like when you’re the one getting fucked?”
David rubbed his fingers over the man’s skin that peaked out under his jeans, he let his claw trail over the flesh and curled it over to pull lightly against the denim. He listened to the man plead and beg; uncaring and unmerciful, David made a sick smile. The rage that came with his growl was a sound that was animalistic, almost demonic in nature.
David moved his hands to grip onto the man’s hips and squeezed his fingers around the bones.
The pressure the man felt quickly became unbearable, he felt the pressure over everything else; the blood that seeped through the puncture holes in his hand, the broken bones, the twisted fingers, the cuts on his head and jaw, the fractured eye socket from where David hit him.
The pressure was greater than all that, and it continued to grow.
The sound that came when the bones finally gave was deafening, and the man could feel it all the way in the back of his skull. David felt the man’s hip bones shift and crunch as they moved. The man leaned back and hurled, the vomit covering his face and chest as he gasped for breath.
That ruined it for David.
It reminded him that this wasn’t if fact the abuser he wanted so to torture, it was just…some man. A man that was in his own ways a monster, but not the monster he wanted on his killing floor.
David groaned as he looked down at the man, the sight before him annoying him. This poor fucker would die soon enough, but David figured it would be better to do it now.
He snarled and leaned down to rip a hole in the man’s jeans. He bit down and sucked the last of the blood from the body. The man coughed and gasped for air, his wheezing full of terror. Silent tears slid down his cheeks as he suffocated. The man stared at the night sky, the telephone wires and the roofs of the buildings not the sight he wanted as he died.
The man watched the black sky, no stars to see from the lights of the city. He watched a helicopter fly above, the soft whirring and flashing red light as it moved overhead.
The man let out his last breath, and expired. David detached from his victim and looked over at the drying tears on his face, his frozen expression still staring at the night sky.
Now that the man was dead, David stood. He looked down at the mangled corpse below him. The pale, limp body covered in its own blood and the wet slime of the alley.
David leaned down, he gripped the body by the ankle and snaked his other hand through a belt loop of the pants. He turned and grunted, tossing him in the dumpster. He avoided looking at the body in the trash, he shook his head and shut the lid.
“Fucking guy,” he dusted his clothes and began to clean himself off.
“He’s not sorry,” David licked the back of his hands and wiped the blood from his face and hair. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled his cigarettes out to get the foul taste of the alley out of his mouth. He took one last look at the mess on the ground and began to walk out onto the boardwalk.
David watched people walk in tandem, their skin exposed to the night air. Their human scent wafting through his nose as they walked past him. He grunted, still annoyed by the thought of his last victim. David wanted more than anything for that to have been his mate’s abuser.
Fuck it, David tried to shake off the sick feeling in his stomach.
In between puffs, he whistled a tune.
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He walked along the boardwalk and scoped out his next victim. Something nice and easy, just to clear his mind. David noticed an open patio and snatched a drink from one of the people who wasn’t watching too carefully. He slurped on the straw in the pink plastic drink as he walked over and leaned over the railing. He looked down on the beach, gripping the drink in one hand, and the cigarette with the other.
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David plucked out the paper umbrella, and licked the tip of the toothpick, he twisted it delicately between his fingers and let it fall slowly to the sand below. He sipped on the drink as he looked out over the ocean, the waves crashing against the sand. He breathed in the salty ocean air, the drunk blood of his victim sitting heavy in his belly.
David let out a loud groan in frustration. He hated these feelings, he wanted to be back home, with his pack, nestled in the roost happily with his brothers.
He should be back at the cave, rough housing with the other vampires, cuddled up next to his new mate. He should be back with them, with you. He sighed, and hopped over the railing, he landed gently on the sand, the noise below his boots barely a rustle as the sand shifted beneath him.
His coattails fluttering down around him. David was going to bring you and the boys back some shells before he went home. He usually pocketed things he thought the boys would like; it was something to focus his mind on, and a small form of an apology.
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He sipped the sour drink through the straw while he meandered around the sand under the boardwalk. The damn thing was so full of alcohol, he wondered if there was any mixer in it.
He continued to smoke and bent over to pick up a scallop shell and turn it in his hands, it was pink and white, and it shined in the moonlight. This one was acceptable by his standards, and he stuffed it in his pocket.
David continued to shamble around, walking further under the boardwalk as he looked all over the sand. He rubbed his thumb over the ridges of the shell in his pocket. He knelt down to pick up another shell he thought was interesting.
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He turned it in his hand, nope. It was cracked, so it wouldn’t work. He flicked his wrist and tossed the broken shell aside. His finger sifted around in the sand, and he brought up two more next to it. The clam shells were smaller than the first one and had brown and orange stripes running parallel to the ridges. He pocketed them both and stood.
As he continued to meander, he noticed a group of men off a bit deeper under the boardwalk. They were standing around a fire in a barrel, they were playing music and throwing glass into the metal drum. He ignored them, focusing on his task. The group kicked up sand and drank their beer. He could hear them make a joke to each other and began to walk over to him, he groaned and hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with them too.
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“Look at the homo,” one of them belted out as they walked over to David.
He continued his search for shells as they circled him, disinterested in another fight.
“What kind of fag drinks something like that.” Another one chimed in.
David bent down when he noticed another trinket, it was a small conch shell. The outside was a pretty cream color, and the inside a pink pearlescent, he smiled at it and put it in his pocket.
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The three men were standing around him now and David stood, an annoyed look on his face. One of the men was blocking him from moving now. David stared at him and puffed on his cigarette. The man stood tall, not saying anything; not like he needed to, he knew what they were thinking, what they wanted to do.
“I’m talking to you, blondie,” the tall one spoke, trying to make his voice sound deeper than it actually was.
David eyed the guys without moving his head, one of them was a tall, thin man, maybe 6’4”. They all looked ‘older’ than he was, and their clothes were covered in grime and beer stains. The last two were smaller, one the size of Marko, and the other was a gruff looking brunet; his curly hair bounced as he drunkenly swayed.
“I’m not interested tonight guys,” David said, trying to walk past him.
“Not interested? Hard to believe coming from a flamer.” The tall man put his hand out to keep David from moving.
The blond vampire looked the man up and down, only his eyes moving. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Sorry buddy, but you’re not my type.” David puffed on the cigarette and held it between two fingers. He looked at the two other human men that stood on either side of him. David used the cigarette to point at the curly haired brunet, “well, he is.” David exhaled the smoke, laughing at his own joke.
The tall one made a face of disgust and took a step back.
“You’re just asking to get your ass beat, huh?” The short one yelled. He was holding a six pack of beer with one of the cans missing, he held it in his hand, and it sloshed around.
These men smelled; they reeked of stale human sweat, booze and weed, and David just wanted to return home to his pack after the night he had. He was annoyed and knew things would escalate if he didn’t leave. He put the straw to his mouth and began to sip it as he turned to walk away. When David turned, one of the men slapped the cup out of his hand. David looked down at the spilled drink and looked back up at the brunet.
“You really wanna do this?” David asked, his head halfcocked, and his eyebrow raised. His low tone of voice stressing how serious he was.
The men closed the circle, the tension rising. David put the cigarette to his lips and sighed, he readied himself for the fight.
The brunet swung and David quickly ducked, the punch missing him.
All three men were clamoring over him, and he easily dodged their cheap shots.
He grabbed the tall one by the back of his neck and swung him around, away from the group. He held the man firmly in a headlock; with his free hand he took the cigarette out of his mouth and pressed the lit end to the soft skin under the corner of his left eye. David released him from his hold and the man fell to the ground, screaming and clutching his face.
The howling was loud and painful to David’s ears, but he ignored it, he turned on his heels to face the other two men.
The short one began a series of quick jabs that narrowly missed David’s face. He let one of the punches get close enough that he could grab the stout man by the arm. David yanked the man to him by his sleeve, and as he did, David headbutted him. Their skulls collided with a loud CRACK and the short man stumbled backwards, dazed.
David grabbed the man by the sides of his face to keep him still, but he noticed the brunet have moved to hit him. David swung around, his claws taking the short man with him as he moved. The short man let out a scream as he felt David’s nails dig into his skull.
David kicked his leg out and connected with the brunet’s sternum. The brunet let out an audible grunt as the air left his lungs; he tumbled back and landed on his ass in the sand.
David turned his attention back to the man in his hands. He let out loud, animalistic grunts as he continued to headbutt his opponent till the man’s nose had shifted entirely from its position. The short man sputtered and coughed as he gasped for air between drowning in his blood.
The tall man laid on his back on the ground, still clutching at his eye and screaming.
The brunet coughed as he tried to regain his composure, the sight of David bashing his friend’s face bloody fueled the rage in his drunken body.
“Hey! You fucker!” The brunet screamed out.
David let go of the short man and he fell to the ground wheezing and hacking. He turned his attention to the brunet that had begun to stand. He watched as the man half crouched and got into a sparring position.
David chuckled, “ha-ha! I knew I liked you.” His head tilted down, his eyes wide as he walked towards the man, staring at him from under his brows. His face drenched in the short man’s blood. David licked at his cheeks, the sick smile on his face terrifying his opponent. The brunet swung, David ducked, his long arms reaching past David’s face but not able to connect. David laughed heartily as the man tired himself out. He kicked at David and his boot left a dusty print on David’s thigh.
“Oh, you fucker!” David screamed out, not from pain, but anger; he just fucking washed those damn pants, now they had a goddamned boot print on them.
David swung his right arm out, connect.
Left hook, connect.
Right jab, right cross, connect, connect.
David kept hitting the man till he backed up to a pillar. He threw out another fist and the man weakly dodged, it made David punch the wood with full force, splintering the pillar. David growled, annoyed with this fight, he was going to end this now.
He grabbed the man by the collar and held him still. David landed another blow on the man, once more in his eye, hard. It was enough to make his head hit the pillar then bob forward numbly.
David snarled, he let his sharp claw come out and sliced it across the man’s throat. The brunet flailed and twitched as David lapped up the blood. He didn’t want to have to drag all three bodies into the ocean, or a fire, so he planned to make it look like a mugging.
“Ahh! I didn’t want to do this!” David screamed out in despair.
The corpse slumped against the pillar, and David turned to finish off the short man.
His victim was still spurting and hacking on his own blood when David found him. The vampire knelt down and licked across the man’s face; he winced with pain, trying to pull away from his attacker. David slid his claw across the other man’s throat and lapped at the blood. When he was done, David sat back on his heels, he groaned. His stomach was full, and he began to feel woozy from the alcohol and drugs.
By this time, the tall man stopped clutching his face and sat up to the scene before him. His lively friends now laid dead. David was hunched down over the short one’s body, burping into his hand.
The tall man, horrified by what he saw, screamed, and turned to run away.
David heard him scurrying in the sand and flew to catch him. The wind swirled around the tall man and caught him off guard. He stumbled and David caught the man by his throat. He dragged him up off the ground and held him a foot over his head.
The man clawed at David’s arms, to no avail, with his other hand, David brought his claw up to the man’s throat.
“I fucking told you not to do this,” David growled, “look what you made me do.”
The man looked at the others on the ground.
“P-please, please, I won’t tell anyone,” the man choked out.
Ignoring the humans babbling, David slit the man’s throat. He pressed the claw to the skin right under where he held him. The hot red liquid trickled down David’s hand, he dropped the man, and let him bleed out on the floor.
David let out an exasperated, pained noise, like a wail, or a bellow. He looked down at the corpses around them, the cigarette and drink had long been discarded. He noticed his gloves had fallen out during the fight. David bent down to pick them up and slid them back on his hands, the wet blood and sand sticking to his skin.
He walked to each corpse, methodically turning their pockets out; resentful of their dead bodies that they interrupted what he was doing.
What was he doing?
His memory went fuzzy as the drunken, high blood sloshed around in his belly. He groaned and belched atop the corpses. His stomach was distended, he felt sick as he stood, and swayed gently as he looked at the wallets in his hands. They were all empty, figures, David thought.
“Goddamn punks never have anything good.” He grumbled, throwing the empty wallets in the burn barrel. He groggily walked passed the short man, bent down to pick up the six pack of beer, and stumbled off towards home.
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newsmatters · 3 years
Farhan Akhtar's picture from 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' put up on running track in Noida Stadium, removed after backlash
Farhan Akhtar’s picture from ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’ put up on running track in Noida Stadium, removed after backlash
New Delhi: Two days after the death of legendary athlete Milkha Singh, a picture of Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar on a board on a running track in Noida Stadium has gone viral on social media. The picture was shared by a Twitterati who requested the Noida Authority to replace the board with the picture of the ‘real Milkha Singh’ and not ‘Farhan Akhtar’s character in the movie’.  The user was…
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hummingzone · 3 years
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Milkha Singh dies at 91: President Kovind, PM Modi, celebrities Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar lead tributes to Flying Sikh
Legendry sprinter Milkha Singh passed away last night after battling a month-long battle with Covid 19 pandemic at a hospital in Chandigarh on Friday. He died less than a week after he lost his wife Nirmal Kaur, a former national volleyball captain, to the same ailment. He is survived by his golfer son Jeev Milkha Singh and three daughters.  See Zee Business Live TV Streaming Below: His demise…
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earshotpodcast · 3 years
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toriexpress · 3 years
Milkha Singh dies of Covid-19 related complications, few days after his wife's death
Milkha Singh dies of Covid-19 related complications, few days after his wife’s death
Legendary Indian athlete, Milkha Singh has died at the age of 91 after a month-long battle with Covid-19, just days after his wife died. Singh contracted Covid-19 last month and was being treated at a hospital in India’s northern city of Chandigarh. He died late Friday June  18, after developing complications including fever and dropping oxygen saturation levels, according to News 18. “He…
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thegandhigiri · 3 years
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Milkha Singh: ‘फ्लाइंग सिख’ मिल्खा सिंह 91 वर्ष की उम्र में निधन
चंडीगढ़: महान धावक मिल्खा सिंह (Milkha Singh) ने शुक्रवार रात अंतिम सांस ली। वह 91 साल के थे और कोविड-19 के खिलाफ एक मजबूत लड़ाई के बाद विजेता के रूप में सामने आए थे। बुधवार को उनका कोरोना टेस्ट नेगेटिव आया था। मिल्खा को चंडीगढ़ के पीजीआईएमईआर अस्पताल की गहन चिकित्सा इकाई में भर्ती कराया गया था। मिल्खा परिवार ने एक बयान जारी कर इस महान धावक के निधन की पुष्टि की। Read This: Chandrashekhar Vaidya:…
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newsreadersin · 3 years
Corona Update 19 June: 60,753 new cases of corona in India
Corona Update 19 June: 60,753 new cases of corona in India
Corona Update 19 June: After found 60,753 new cases of corona in India, total number of positive cases increased to 2,98,23,546. Total number of deaths has gone up to 3,85,137 after 1,647 new deaths. ‘Flying Sikh’ Milkha Singh death at 91 years age It is the second day in a row in the past two months that the number of daily deaths from the pandemic has dropped below 2,000. This is also the…
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nasiknews · 3 years
Milkha Singh death news: India's sprint icon Milkha Singh passes away at 91
Milkha Singh death news: India’s sprint icon Milkha Singh passes away at 91
Indian sprint legend Milkha Singh died on Friday after a month-long battle with COVID-19, during which he lost his former national volleyball captain wife Nirmal Kaur to the same ailment. The Padma Shri awardee was 91 and is survived by his golfer son Jeev Milkha Singh and three daughters. “He breathed his last at 11.30pm,” a family spokesperson told . His condition turned critical this evening…
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