#Mina Wyndia
r0botarmsapts · 2 years
Title: Sorrow Born in Shadows. Characters/Pairings: Nina Wyndia and Mina Wyndia Words: 1,000+ Disclaimer: I own this fanfiction but not the characters or game they’re from. Notes: This contains spoilers for the main story. Takes place after the event but before they leave. First BoF fanfiction, not the last. Some tags: Whumptober, Whumptober2022, Gen, Story Spoilers. Whumptober day one: This wasn’t supposed to happen.
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Nina had no time to weep over the decision her dear little sister had made while her heart felt like a sword had been plunged through it. Nina was the one with the cursed black wings, she was the one ostracized and sent away from her home town of Wyndia, denied her title of princess by the guards and her parents.
Even if their parents revealed their love all along, those wounds would take time and effort to heal(pained as she was, the young woman still held love in her heart for them but it would take time and effort for things to be anything close to good between them again). But her sister, her dear Mina, who believed in her all along, never denied her existence and tried to make it so Nina could return, would never be the same again.
Because of her ancestor unintentionally cursing the Wing Clan out of love for another outside of it, Mina would never get to be a human again. Nina could not be mad at her namesake, however. She had fallen hard and fast for a Dragon Clansman herself and it was Mina’s sacrifice that would allow her to help on the journey they were on.
Mina’s words of encouragement and support repeated over and over, each word a jab to her being. ‘It was never meant to be this way, Mina,’ Nina’s wings folded at her back while she was alone in the groups shared room in the castle still. She could not bring herself to be any kind of at ease now. With the young woman getting ready herself, the others had split up to prepare for their flight to Evrai- to continue the investigation of St. Eva and the churches, to rescue Rand’s abducted mother, Daisy, to save countless lives in the world and the world itself, it seemed.
Things had become increasingly dangerous and complicated in a short amount of time.
‘I didn’t know anything!’
Mina had sounded so, so upset from it; mad at herself for not knowing Nina’s own painful burden and at the curse for separating them so long. Nina had suspected their parents continued keeping her sheltered inside the castle, but to not know of the curse that even the children of Wyndia spoke of so casually was to the extent she did not expect. Not as though Nina had ever told her directly either, figuring that conversation was one best left for the King and Queen to explain.
Nina tried to keep her thoughts in order but unable to keep them from replaying that event over and over, hearing her little sisters voice and her own pounding on the sealed shut doors while she shouted until her throat ached for Mina to open them, to stop the ceremony. To not make a grand sacrifice so young. One that was not reversible.
Mina’s wings were not black. Nina’s hands still ached from how they bled hitting those stone doors.
Her legs had nearly gave way under her when the doors finally opened. Opened when it was over and too late. There, Mina stood having turned into a beautiful, majestic bird with feathers of purple, pink and white.
‘I’ll always remember you, Nina, even if I can never be human again!’
The voice of the memory came close to bringing her to tears, the room spun, her grief keeping her frozen on the spot for a time that lasted too long. Sweet Mina, all too determined to help in her own way to support Nina. Mina saw strength Nina did not, saw use in her dark magic and abilities that would aid in their journey.
Mina that was more sneaky than Nina had given her credit for. The girl was light on her feet, leaving Nina to forget at too crucial a time that her sister could be stealthy, having a sway with some of the kinder guards that would accompany her when she would sneak out of the castle, like she had not all that long ago back in HomeTown and ended up hiring Ryu and Bow to get her precious pet pig Suzy back.
“I’m ready, Ryu.” Nina answered after a small pause, grounding herself again. Ryu had spoken her name with a concerned kindness, the rest of it going without saying out loud. If he was back alone, then they were ready and waiting outside. Outside with the transformed Mina.
Her emotions a swirl still, the winged-woman able to keep it steady. Above all else, she was determined. “I cannot allow Mina’s selfless act to be in vain,” Nina said pointedly, turning to face Ryu. His face showed understanding as he nodded, his green eyes easy for her to read in that moment. He stood waiting for her to join him before they continued to meet the rest of their friends.
Rand had offered her earlier to cast Cure on her hands since her own magic was only on the offensive side of it. She had turned him down then, but heading out of the castle doors, Nina would ask him about it, needing to be in her best form. Their mother and father had already bid their goodbyes not long ago, and if Nina could see her mother holding strong while in public. Something long since honed as her days of royalty and dealing with their people. Her tears would be shed once they were gone and the couple were in the privacy of their room. Their father was recovering, not able to give as proper a goodbye and knowing his youngest had done such a thing to help had certainly not done his health any favors. Had he still been as sick as he was, the event could have killed him, Nina was certain.
The sunlight of the morning hit the pair as they approached the rest of the group exchanging encouraging words with one another.
Upon seeing Nina, Mina spread her wings with a loud, excited caw, eager to take them to Evrai, to do something to support Nina after learning the terrible truth of it all. Nina was sure Mina was agreeing with the others and their determination to get going and put a stop to things.
‘I will not let you down, Mina.’
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tanvatrapettagi · 13 years
A Breath of Fire II commercial with Mina Wyndia transforming.
Just as good as the Final Fantasy VI commercial.
Why did they make these things 15 second commercials and not full live-action films? They would have been so beautiful ;_;
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