#Mine just look super messy to me OTL
kaguraspetsims · 8 years
Yo! Ask thingy questions uhhh...even ones after number 50? Yeah that seems like a reasonable amount right? That's a lot of questions lol
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed! Tho I wish I was ambidextrous
52. Favorite food?
Yakisoba, definitely
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy. I am so messy. I wish so badly that I was clean QuQ
56. Most used word?
Neato and/or hella ;D
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I mean...I think sometimes I do. I got it from my dad tho so I try really hard not to have one? It’s v difficult tho ; u ;
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Sometimes I do yeah! It helps me focus on things tho, since my ADD makes it hard for me to keep my attention on things |D
62. Are you a good singer?
NOPE. Although sometimes I hit notes just right and I get embarrassingly proud of myself lol
64. Are you a gossip?
Unfortunately I am very much a gossip. THINGS ARE JUST SO INTERESTING THO I DON’T KNOW HOW TO STOP
66. Do you like long or short hair?
On my self I like short hair, but on other people I like long hair (although if you look good with short hair then ye I like you with short hair ;D)
I used to want my hair to be as long as Miku’s but then I was like...nah that’s too much work |D
68. Favorite school subject?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but my parents have been :o I’m too scared to do it myself, the ocean and i dont get along past the parts where i can stand |D
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not necessarily. I used to be really scared of it tho because up until last year I had really bad visual hallucinations that were way worse in the dark, and I hated that. I only stopped using night lights when I was in 8th grade >.>
74. Are you ticklish?
very. do not tickle me i am loud and obnoxious *sob*
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Yes! I was camp counselor for about 4 years and boy howdy do kids need someone authoritative to keep them in line. I can be mean when I have to be but I try very hard not to be >.>
78. Have you ever done drugs?
I’ve only ever done prescription drugs ;D 
But seriously try not to do drugs they’re not good for you
80. How many piercings do you have?
None! I’m so scared of pain that I can’t even get my ears pierced |D
82. How fast can you type?
I mean...pretty fast i think? Or at least, pretty fast for someone who’s nails are super long > v >
84. What color is your hair?
Right now it’s blue and brown! (The front is blue while the back is brown~)
86. What are you allergic to?
Spring. Spring is the worst time of year for me. I NEVER USED TO HAVE THIS PROBLEM BUT WE HAD TO MOVE TO GEORGIA WE JUST HAD TO
88. What do your parents do?
Well my dad...I’m not sure what he does now but he used to start up powerplants around the world! (That’s how he met my South African mother!) And right now my mom is currently working at the same kennel I do, but she’s about to be working at a mattress firm while going to school to (officially) become a nurse!
90. What makes you angry?
Shitty people, people who don’t treat others kindly, people who mistreat animals, shitty drivers...generally people make me angry OTL
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Aw man, I know it’s super extreme but I would totally name a girl Fantasia and a bot either Oscar or Oliver....although I really don’t plan on having children |D
94. What are you strengths?
I’ve been told that I’m really good at giving advice and being nice to people, as well as being able to understand them? So I guess empathy is a big strength of mine (i think thats the word im looking for)
Also my forte is art, so that’s a strength too I suppose :o
96. How did you get your name?
Check it, I was going to be named Suyen, but then my dad was like “nah” so my mom thought Dominique was a really pretty name. But because “Dominique” is super long (and so is my last name, hoo boy), my mom shortened it to Niqi (that and spelling it “Niqi” is super fucking cool if I do say so myself > v >)
98. Do you have any scars?
If I do I am unaware of them tbh. I think I have a scar from when a dog accidentally scracthed me but I’m unsure if it’s still there |D
100. Color of your room?
Turquoise-y blue!! My favorite color * v *
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