#MiniMav AU
Always be my little girl- Part One
(Aricka “Little A/Mini-Mav/Lucky Charm” Mitchell and Pete Mitchell)
(Pete meets his daughter for the first time)
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Gotta hold on easy as I let you go.
Gonna tell you how much I love you, though you think you already know…
Pete stood in the crowded terminal of the airport, waiting for something- for someone- he never expected he’d be waiting for.
Today was the day that he became a dad, officially.
Two months ago, his on again/off again partner, Charlie Blackwood, called him late at night, saying he was the father of twins-!- and that she was signing over custody of their daughter- his daughter. A little girl. She said her name was Aricka; after his twin; and that Pete deserved to raise one of his children and that Aricka was his miniature in every way.
But he knew that Charlie had never wanted a daughter. She’d always wanted a son. This was her way of giving her to someone else who could raise her. Someone who’d always wanted a daughter.
He had a picture of her with him, held tightly in his hand along with a pink stuffed bear, his first gift for his kid. The picture showed two blonde haired children, a little boy with Charlie’s grin and facial features, and he had Pete’s same colored eyes and a protective grip on his twin-which made him smile- and then he saw his daughter. She was blonde, yes, but her eyes were definitely his- green with blue specks. And her smile was his, too. There was no denying that she had the same mischievous, “up to absolutely no good,” smile as he had.
She really was his mini-me.
His twin walked over to him then; looped her arm through his. “You look like you’re about to vibrate outta your skin, Pete,” she says. “Take a deep breath. The plane just landed. I’m sure wrangling two toddlers is difficult for anyone. Including Charlie.”
“I’ve missed four years of her life already, Ricki,” he says. “She doesn’t even know me yet. What if- what if she doesn’t like me?”
Ricki makes a tsking noise, “now that isn’t the overconfident “all ladies love me,” Pete I know and love.” She moves to stand in front of him. “She’s your daughter. How can she not love you already? I’m sure Charlie’s told her all about you. I’m betting she already adores you. And she hasn’t even seen you yet.”
I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink so soft and warm.
You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born…
Just then he saw a flash of blonde hair in the crowd. “We’re about to find out,” he says, and waves so Charlie could make her way over to him.
She was holding their son- Jeremy- on her hip, and had a firm grasp on the hand of someone else- and that’s when he saw her.
Aricka Mitchell. His little girl. She was wearing a floral print blouse under a pair of pink overalls, and had a pair of pink and white converse high tops on. Her hair was secured in two ponytails with pink bows on either side of her head.
Pete thought she was the most angelic creature he’d ever seen. “Hi, Charlie,” he says, unable to look away from his kid- his daughter, who was staring up at him like he was the coolest thing she’d ever seen.
“Pete. I’d like to introduce you to your daughter- Aricka Mitchell.” Ricki gasped softly and it was then Pete remembered he hadn’t exactly told his twin the name of her niece.
He kneels down, makes eye contact with his daughter, who looked very unsure but very curious at the same time. “Hi Aricka,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you.” No answer. “Do you like stuffed animals? I saw this guy in the toy store and thought he’d be a good friend for you.” He holds the bear out. Watches.
The four year old looks up at Charlie, who nods expectantly. Little Aricka looks back at him, and takes a step forward. Touches the soft satin bow around the neck of the bear.
Then two tiny hands snatch the toy from his grip and pulls it back towards her like she was afraid he’d take it back. She hugs the bear close, probably noticing like he had that it smelled faintly like strawberries. Little green eyes meet his, and stare right through him it seemed.
You're beautiful baby from the outside in.
Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again….
With two steps, she was in his space, little arms wrapping around his neck and her little head resting on his shoulder, and instinctively, he held her close. “Daddy?” She whispered, and with one word, Pete was irrevocably tied to the little girl in his arms. He knew in that moment, the rest of his life would be devoted to her safety, well being and happiness.
He would be the best parent ever for the little girl he was holding currently.
Go on, take on this whole world.
But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl.
“Yeah, baby,” he whispered, face pressing into a tiny shoulder, breathing in her baby-scent. “It’s me. It’s daddy. I’ve got you.”
With those words, his daughter relaxes and sighs, snuggling even closer to his warmth. “My daddy,” she says happily.
My little girl, Pete thinks. Always my little girl.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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TopGun AND TopGun: Maverick OC 1 of 2
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Full name: Aricka Leanne Blackwood-Mitchell
Reason: she’s named after her aunt, Aricka “Ricki” Mitchell, her dad’s twin sister
Nicknames: Little A, MiniMav, Princess, Li’l Bug, Shortie, Little-Legs, Munchkin, Icicle, Sweetheart, Darlin’, Sissy, Twin
Date of birth(changing her and Bradley’s birth years): May 18th, 1980
Face claims:
Ages 4-7: Mia Talerico
Ages 7-10: Michelle Tanner
Ages 10-19: Bailee Madison
Ages 19+: Maia Mitchell
Physical Appearance/Characteristics
Eye color: Blue-Green
Hair color: blonde until she’s seven, then it darkens to a deep shade of brown, when she’s ten she fully dyes it to match her dad.
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 170”
Build: athletic; thin but muscular
Notable features: her constantly-red cheeks, the Mickey Mouse birthmark on her left bicep, she has lightning bolt birthmarks on her legs and thighs, she has naturally long eyelashes, and she has a strand of hair that won’t dye brown; it’s permanently blonde.
Jewelry/accessories: her ears are pierced, and she has a couple tattoos on her back.
Dominant hand: she’s left handed but in a pinch can use her right hand.
Are they healthy?: yes. She’s in the navy so she’s usually healthy. Sometimes when she’s on leave she eats more than a little unhealthy foods but she makes up for it with all the exercise she does.
Any allergies: pollen, any type of fish, soybeans, coconut and mustard.
Hometown: Miramar in San Diego, California (for this AU it’s gonna stay in San Diego and Aricka lives there even when her dad is deployed
Education: high school diploma, bachelor of aviation, associates in music therapy
First memory: meeting her dad when she’s four years old. She was in a big scary place for the first time and her mama wouldn’t hold her but she was holding Remy (Jeremy), and why were they even in the big, loud scary airport to begin?
And then she sees a man with her eyes and smile looking back at her and she suddenly feels like everything is okay. She finds out that the man is her daddy, and wow, isn’t that AWESOME, her daddy wears a cool black jacket and still carried a pink teddy bear around with him until he found her. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him as far as she could reach and he pulled her close to him, and Aricka remembers feeling safer than she’d ever felt.
Worst memory: when her aunt Carole and uncle Ice were both diagnosed with cancer almost two months apart. It was a scary time in her family’s lives, and things got jumbled around, including how Aricka and Bradley were cared for, but neither kid felt like they were being ignored or left behind, cause they always had each other when the adults were busy.
Both her aunt Carole and uncle Ice were in remission nearly a year after their initial diagnoses, but that time in which they fought it was the worst memory Aricka has ever experienced.
Best memory (as a child) : when Aricka was seven years old, her dad and her unofficial yet official stepmom/true mom Penny took her to the pet store; and she got to pick out her very own puppy. She was wandering the aisles; listening to all the barking and yapping and sticking her fingers carefully through the fencing to let several puppies sniff her fingers, but she didn’t find the puppy she wanted until the very last cage, when she found a scared, grey, shy Great Dane puppy hiding in the corner of the area. She begged the owner to let her in to try and earn the pup’s trust, and with some time, love and patience, the pup eventually rested its head in her lap, Aricka talking softly to him and promising to be its friend. “Don’t worry Scooby,” she said, “we were alone before but now we have family and each other. That’s all we need.”
(A/N: Scooby-Doo premiered in 1969, so it would make total sense for Aricka to name her puppy after him if she’d watched the show.)
Best memory (as an adult): when Bradley asked her to marry him. Story to be revealed later on :).
Most important childhood event: when Aricka was eight years old, her dad was promoted to the rank of captain, and she got to play a role in his ceremony. She, along with Bradley, got the big honor of pinning the captain insignia on her and Bradley’s dads’ uniforms Her hands only shook a little bit, but she got the pin on the first time she tried, and then her and Bradley sat together and held hands quietly the rest of the ceremony. As soon as it was over, both kids were running to their dads to congratulate them; and Pete spun his daughter around and kissed her temple as she told him how proud she was of him.
Most influenced by: her dad, her uncle Nick, her aunt Ricki, her uncle Blake, her mom Penny, her best friends: Bradley, Jake and Bob, and her uncle Ice.
Role models: her mom Penny; her aunt Ricki, her aunt Carole; her future best friends: Natasha and Callie, Brooke Shields, Patti LuPone, Bernadette Peters, Lea Solonga, Jodie Benson, Howard Ashman, Alan Menken, Olivia Newton-John, and Dolly Parton.
Who does she live with and why: She lives with her dad- and eventually her twin brother, stepmom and two half siblings- because her mom in part wanted her dad to be able to raise one of his children and in part because she didn’t want a daughter.
Where does she want to live and why: she wants to live in Anaheim so she can go to Disneyland whenever she wants to- even as an adult.
Type of childhood: she never went without love, she was spoiled in the best way possible. Her aunts and uncles loved her deeply because for a little while her and Bradley were the only two babies in the cobbled together “‘86 Squad Family,” as they dubbed themselves. Both of them were treated like royalty but they also were taught the importance of the word No and learning when enough was enough. Her dad tried to give her everything she wanted to make up for the neglect she faced in the first four years of her life. But she had all she needed with her dad, her best friend, and her aunts and uncles and cousins.
Immediate /Birth Family
Dad and best friend: Pete Mitchell:
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Biological mom: Charlie Blackwood
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True mom: Penny Mitchell-Benjamin
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Jeremy “Remy” Blackwood
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Amelia Benjamin
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Nova Mitchell
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JJ Mitchell
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Extended Family:
Adoptive grandfathers: Mike Metcalf and Rick Heatherly
Adoptive grandmothers: Melissa Metcalf (OC) and Sharon Heatherly (OC)
Aunts: Ricki Mitchell-Kazansky, Carole Bradshaw, Sarah Kazansky-Davis (in my canon Sarah is Tom’s younger twin sister)
Uncles: Tom Kazansky, Nick Bradshaw, Blake Davis, Ron Kerner, Rick Neven, Leonard Wolfe, Marcus Williams, Charles Piper, Bill Cortell, Sam Wells
Godparents: Nick and Carole Bradshaw
Cousins: Aurora, Piper, Davey, Carter (Davis), Jasper (Davis)
Pets: Scooby Doo and Marley; a Great Dane and a boxer respectively
Non Familial Relationships:
Best friend and future boyfriend/husband: Bradley Bradshaw (or others depending on the AU but Bradley is my main f/o for TopGun: Maverick)
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Best friends: her twin brother Jeremy, Jake Seresin; Bob Floyd; Javy Machado, Natasha Trace, Callie Bassett, Neil Vikander, Mickey Garcia, and Logan Lee
Friends: Reuben Fitch, Billy Avalone, Brigham Lennox, Jasper Davis, Carter Davis
Time line coming next !!!
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @callsign-revenge @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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