minnieluvsmouse · 5 years
Permission to Break a Heart
Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N has to stand by while her best friend (and the love of her life) asks for advice about marrying his girlfriend.
Word Count: 580
Warnings: Angst
A/N: I know this a bit short, but I though I should post something since I’ve been gone for so long. Let me know what you think and don’t be afraid to interact with me! Request some stuff for me to write.
Nothing ever seems to go your way. No matter how hard you tried to be a ‘good girl’ and follow the rules something always ends up going wrong in your life. 
There was moment where you believed you were cursed, but then you met Tom.
Tom Holland was everything you needed at that stage in your being. You were at a low point and felt worthless stuck in a constant state despair. Life dragged along and you were losing the spring in your step. Everything had become to feel numb and distant. Then Tom walked into your little bubble and brought color back to your world.
That smile made your heart soar and his laugh was like music to your ears. He treated you so differently to anyone you had known before and you loved him for it.
But he wasn’t yours to love.
You suppose if you two had met sooner things would be different, but as your luck had it that was not the case. So here you stood as your dear friend spoke to you about the girl that made him feel like he was on top of the world. The exact way he made you feel.
“I mean, I don’t know how to explain it,” He took a long pause before continuing “Its almost like she’s perfect, but not. And that’s okay, because the thing that keep her from being perfect are the things I love the most about her.”
Tom leaned back in his chair taking a sip of his beer in the process. He stared off in the distance for a split second before looking toward the person sitting before him. That person being you. You remained in silence for some time before Tom grew impatient waiting for a reply.
“What exactly are you asking me Tom?” You questions already knowing the answer.
“Should I ask her to marry me?” 
You knew those words were coming. Of course you did. Why else would he have gather you all together so early in the morning? You weren’t clueless. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Tom was in love with his girlfriend and was ready to take the next step with her. But knowing it was going to happen didn’t make hearing the words any easier. It was still a blow to your heart and hurt like hell. 
You chose to remain silent as he continued discussing the topic on hand. After a few moments of conversation Tom noticed your quietness and addressed you again.
“Y/N, What do you think?”
Tom looked at you with hopeful eyes. You knew your opinion mattered to him and the words you said would greatly affected him. This made you heavily contemplate your words before finally speaking. 
“I think you already know what you want to do.” A smile instantly appeared on his face and he stood up from his chair. He pulled you up from your seat and into a hug.
“Thank you.” Then he muttered a quick goodbye before rushing out of the front door of your apartment. 
You found yourself standing in silence for sometime before reviewing what had just happened in your head. The way he had spoken to you and the way he said ‘Thank You’ He had said it like it you had given him permission. That you were allowing him to propose to her. 
Like your were giving him permission to break your heart.
And in a way you were.
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monooniewrites · 8 years
minniewrites replied to your post: I know you're interested in foxcroft but who are... u r so special and must be protected i love u and ur precious
pfft what are you talking about??
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haliawrites · 8 years
minniewrites replied to your post “mood: it started snowing slowly and i’m eating chocolate by the...”
this is beautiful when can i be u
haha it’s such a pure state to be in c: today i’m studying by the radiator window still and it’s such a bliss
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jenwrites1x1 · 10 years
minniewrites replied to your post: okay so i’m getting close to my 2000 p...
omfg not my 2000th follower, my 2000th post! hahaaha i'm not even at 100 yet for followers I ain't that good x]
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dragonfly1x1-blog · 10 years
minniewrites replied to your post:looking through this latina poc faceclaims list ...
it makes sense bc she mentioned nationality in her description thing but nationality isn’t useful for fcs/pocs, yknow?!
i just... the entire point of having a masterlist of poc faceclaims is because people of colour are never represented enough in rps. in any media at all, but in rps as well. 
so i don't understand how adding people with white skin/blue eyes/blonde hair to these lists is going to help with poc representation??? it's not. so just what... i don't get it.
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minnieluvsmouse · 6 years
The Kingdom Front (Royal!Tom) - Prologue
Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Love comes when you least expect, but you always welcome it with warm arms. However, this time love surprised you in a whole new way. Every little girl dreams of Prince Charming, but what happens when he’s standing right in front of you? Is he truly everything you’ve dreamed of?
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 324
Notes: N/A
Love has always been a very complicated thing. The reason for these complications is that the emotion of love does whatever it pleases and will never follows any rules. Of course this often means trouble for the holders of this emotion.
Love could care less if you are from the most upper-class family of all time, or if you’re a commoner barely getting by at the end of day with the little money you have to your name. Think of Romeo and Juliet a classic tale of two lovers of conflicting status.
You see the strong feelings you have for someone will bypass all other things and ignore all the consequences it might face. Love enjoys the chaos it brings to a situation, the vulnerable state of lost hearts. It craves the attention and longs for the satisfaction of bring two hearts together to make one.
Love is exactly what happens to his majesty, Prince Thomas Stanley Holland. As love once again disobeyed the rule by going against some of the strongest put in place. Royal etiquette. This time it broke one of the oldest orders in placed.
No Member of the Royal Household may marry a person without consent of the Ruling Monarch.
But nothing could keep his majesty from falling in love with her. For to him she became so much more than his title. She was so much more than a baker from a small town. Y/N Y/L/N stole his heart and he could be happier. But I am afraid this isn’t the end of our story.
Fate brought them each other and love made them ignore the world. But reality must come back at sometime. Happily ever after is nowhere near and there are people not so joyful about this couple.
Will Y/N be able to fit in with the royal class? Or will she crumble under the pressure of what it is expected of her?
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monooniewrites · 8 years
@minniewrites: #about#I HATE JENA 2K17
Well that was rude...
0 notes
ohmisere · 10 years
minniewrites replied to your post:"She was an angel in disguise set out to protect...
u game?
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allypuffrps · 10 years
minniewrites replied to your post: if you say you’re coming to our house ...
i totally thought this was going to be a ‘dont come at 12pm’ or something kind of thing bUT THE PERSON CAME SO EARLY HAHA I LAUGHED SORRY
oh gosh tbh i wish they didn't come at all lol i understand laughter though!! tbh if i was actually awake enough to socialize i would have probably laughed too instead of being so upset
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jenwrites1x1 · 10 years
minniewrites replied to your post “minniewrites replied to your post “i really want to play different...”
0 notes
heisingrps · 10 years
✉ for shiolet & brenny ;)
unsent texts for shiolet and brenny? Are you sure you want that?
[unsent] Could we talk, maybe? I have no one else I could *erased*
[unsent] Hey, Vi, there’s this new yogurt place if you want to come with me.
[unsent] Haven’t seen you around… I heard you’re dancing with partners again.
[unsent] I still want to date you.
[sent] Yeah, no, totally I get it. Maybe another time?
[unsent] jenny, wanna go for a drink?
[unsent] Max sucks ass
[unsent] I miss your boobs… They were the nicest
[unsent] It seems I can only press send when I’m drunk.
[sent] ssx, now. at jungles. wait yuo've gto a boyfreind now.
0 notes
minnieluvsmouse · 6 years
The Kingdom Front (Royal!Tom) - Part Two
Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N deals with the aftermath of her conversation with boyfriend, Tom.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,032
Notes: Taglist open for those interested. You can also request other stories.
Prologue Part One
As a child you had always dreamed of Prince Charming showing up one day and sweeping you off your feet. You had daydreamed about the castle you would live in together with a little village right outside of the gates and the citizens you would rule over. However, as the years passed this fantasy began to change. The thoughts of fancy lace dresses and shiny jewels turned into flour covered aprons and colorful oven mitts. Elegantly crafted food served on gold platters faded into precisely constructed pastries on silver trays. You no longer squealed at the idea of having more rooms than you could count, but of a beautiful kitchen with a surplus of ovens. You grew out of fantasy and into reality.
But here you are now.
Packing for a trip to far off land, where your Prince Charming anxiously awaited your arrival.
In your room you neatly put clothes in your suitcase as stayed in deep thought. Did you really want this? It was impossible for you to think of how horrible this trip could end. With one wrong move everything could become a nightmare.
But you pressed on despite these growing fears. You deeply cared about Tom and couldn’t help to envision a future with him. This all needs to go perfectly in order for that future to even be a possibility for you anymore. Truthfully that was actually the thing that was making you so nervous. You greatly feared ruining everything you and Tom had built.
There’s a little knock on your door pulling your attention away from your clothes. You look up to see your father standing there with a small plate of cookies and a glass of milk. A smile appearing immediately as he comes to sit next to you on your bed setting the milk on your nightstand.
“A cookie for the nerves and milk for your confidence.” Your father said with much enthusiasm in his voice. Cookies and milk were a common occurrence in your house. They were your father’s go to comfort food. He truly believed that a good cookie could cure any pain.
There were so many memories between you that involved these cookies and milk. The most memorable being after your mother’s death, you both would often sit on your back patio eating cookies in silence just looking at the night sky. The little treat brought you comfort in your darkest hours.
You let out a little sigh as you reached for the cookie and taking a small bite. A delightful hum leaving your mouth, “Delicious as always dad.” Finishing the cookie with a swallow.
“Would ever expect anything less from me?”
A peaceful silence fell between before your father hesitantly spoke again. “Are you going to be okay going there. If you don’t wanna go alone I can leave Y/F/N in charge of the shop and come with you no questions asked. I don’t want you to be alone.” Concern drips from your father’s voice.
“No, I’ll be fine,” Your father gives you an unconvinced look “I promise! I can do this and I won’t be alone Tom and Harrison will be there too.”
Your father opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off, “Dad, I can do this. I will be fine. I am your daughter after all.” A large grin appears on his face and he give you hug. “ Okay, Okay. I know you can take care of yourself, but if anything goes wrong please tell me and I’ll be there in heartbeat.”
You give a nod. “Okay then. Enough with all the fussing let’s start packing.”
A small chuckle leave your mouth before you and your dad begin folding your clothes.
Nerves ran through you as you waited outside the tiny airport that appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. You currently sat on a small wooden bench with your luggage safely next to you. Tom has given you very little instructions on what to look for so you had to be extra vigilant. Anxiety ran through you with every car that passed by. The idea of calling or texting him began to float around mind. Bu
A sleek black pulled up to the curb ripping you from your inner debate. The driver rushed from his seat to open the back door. Emerging from the back was a very familiar face. You suddenly felt calmer and walked towards the pulling him into a hug.
“Harrison, you have no idea how good it is to see you.”
He let a chuckle, “It’s good to see you too, Y/N.” The driver grabbed your bag as Harrison escorted you to the backseat of the car. “Come on, we have a long drive ahead of us. If we wanna be back before noon.”
Once the driver was done setting your things in the trunk you were off. You gazed out the window as you passed farm land. It was spring and the harvest was almost ready. You had no idea what to expect or what to look out for, but you didn’t feel like asking. For now your were happy with the silence present in the car.
After sitting in the car for what felt like ages you saw it. A large castle like building with a beautiful gate surrounding it. Your eyes widen just at the sight. It was gorgeous and was even more that what you had dreamed as a little girl.
The grand gate began to open as the car approached it. As you entered you noticed the guards placed strategically around the front. You gasped at the beautiful array flowers in sight and the beauty that was the house.
As the car reached the front doors you noticed the group of people standing eloquently before it. In the line of people you were quick to notice your boyfriend standing next to a woman that stood with her head held high. Chills ran throughout your body at the sight of her, Tom’s Mother. Before you had time to process anything else the car came to a stop and Harrison leaned closer to your ear and whispered,
“Welcome to the Kingdom Front.”
Tag List: @spidermansmj14 (sorry it won’t let me tag you) @hollandechart
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monooniewrites · 8 years
minniewrites replied to your photo “Here’s to hoping that my sister lets me keep this ring.”
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haliawrites · 8 years
minniewrites replied to your post “i have to do an interview all by myself today y a y anxiety plus we...”
THANK YOU MINNIE YOU’RE A GEM actually it went pretty well imo :) 
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vvosgess · 10 years
minniewrites replied to your post:
i HATE IT MORE THAN ANYTHING IT’S CREEPY AND WEIRD the animated version is so much cuter and nicer and funnier
SERIOUSLY. and they drag the plot out and its just so weird. don't give me freaky jim carrey grinch
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