#Minsungies... you ok?
intrikatie · 2 months
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cocacolaismybias · 6 years
tag :’)
rules: answer 30 things about yourself and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
for the first time in 27358273618319371 years i was tagged in something im shook thank you @blushing-sungshine 
nickname: i dont really have one feel free to suggest some thanks
zodiac sign: taurus
height: 5′5″ exactly average woot woot
age: 18
time: like 9:30 or something
favorite band/artist: can i just say my ult bias is jonghyun also coca cola oppa but thats a whole different thing
favorite song: I can literally never choose a favorite anything im so indecisive
last movie seen: that korean one about a mom who came back from heaven i forgot the name omfgggg im a mess
last thing googled: GDragon HQ
other blogs:@ayano-in-the-house
do you get asks: not unless i scream about how i dont for days and days
what inspired your username: coca cola oppa was huge in predebut era and im never planning to change it ok next
following: lots
average hours of sleep: either 3 or 12 theres no in between
lucky number: 5
currently wearing: Leggings and long sleeve camp shirt that somehow became pajamas
dream job: idk man i dont even know what i want to eat i just know that i want to eat
dream trip: road trip with friends!
favorite food: umm burgers or sushi or boba or dippin dots icecream or
do you play any instruments: haha i wish
do you play any sports: i used to do swimming and taekwondo but now i have like three separate injuries that make it harder to do that so not at the moment
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
iconic song: idk i tend to play songs too much and then hate them so
random fact: Im allergic to beef
aesthetic: so many things i lost track but right now i really miss snow so
id like to tag umm @bunny-minsungie bc im annoying asf 🤪💖💝💕 thats it bc probably everyone on the face of the planet already did this yall too advanced with ur tag culture thanks for coming to my ted talk bye
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