#Mirage felizima
capturecharlesau · 3 months
I made a cute mini comic for fun for this day <3
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Context: Luciano is Danny’s father and Mirage and Annesa are Danny’s siblings <3
Allwork is a SUPER close friend to Dan since childhood! :D
And the reason why Burt is there is not only because he is Danny’s nephew but also a tech whiz like I said <3
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annashadowstar · 4 months
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Small doodles. If you guys have no idea what does this means, I will tell you. In Chinese, sticking a chopsticks in the middle of the white rice 🍚 means someone die. Imagine you bring someone a bowl of rice with and they ask you if someone is dead.
Danny and Mirage-@capturecharlesau
Chris Galeforce-me
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annashadowstar · 1 year
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This is what I have so far about Hybrid Au. I also need a name for this Au. Any ideas? Btw, I’m still a starter and still learning how to draw animals and wings. Please don’t judge me.
Accordion is a lion, Violin is a deer -@bluetorchsky
Nicole is sugar glider -@lovelygirlnicole15
Jay is a fox, Ulle is dragon, Scottie is a raccoon, and Crusher is a wolf -@jaytoons7
Amelia is a mouse -@androidcharles
Danny is a cheetah, Annesa is a normal cat, and Mirage is a bobcat -@capturecharlesau
Brutus is hummingbird -@smoresthehalloweenqueen
Cameron is an orange cat -@rarestdoge Finally, Lay, Chris, and Kai is a bird.
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annashadowstar · 5 months
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I AM BACK FROM MY CAMPING TRIP!!! WHAT HAVE I MISSED?!? YOU GUYS BETTER DONT HAVE TOO MUCH FUN WITHOUT ME!!! Anyways, have some doodles I did in my art notebook. You got a baby CHRIS!!! Do Mirage have a baby photo Chris can see?
Mirage and Danny(mentioned) - @capturecharlesau
Lay and Chris - me
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
Danny has a family that support him! :)
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annashadowstar · 1 year
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Few doodles about Hybrid Au. And don’t rush me, I’m working on the story.
Mirage Felizima - @capturecharlesau
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annashadowstar · 11 months
This is a hybrid Au that I’m working on. It will be a comic and story. This is part 1 of Hybrid Au. Hope you like it.
Cameron Calvin -@rarestdoge
Danny, Mirage, and Annesa Felizima - @capturecharlesau
Ulle, Jay, Crusher and Scottie - @jaytoons7
Accordion and Violin -@bluetorchsky
Amelia Copperbottom -@androidcharles
Chapter 1: Vocation
Hybrids. A rare creature mixed with humans and another species. Everyone knows hybrids are really rare. You could be born as a hybrid. Another way to become a hybrid is a more painful way. Being experimented on. Most of the hybrids were being experimented on as a test subject. A lot of hybrids escape the lad and live on their own life, hiding their hybrid form to blend in as a human. Mirage and his siblings were one of them, and so were most of his friends. Mirage was running down the hall, so he was told to be in Reginald’s office in 10 minutes. He knocks three times when Mirage stands in front of the office door.
”Come in!” Mirage opens the office door and closes it, facing the chief. “Come sit down.” Mirage takes the seat and faces Reginald. “Sir, what do you need me for?” Mirage asks, curious and confused. Maybe is one of the missions? “No, I don’t need you for anything.” Mirage raises one of his eyes brows. “Then why do you call me…?” Reginald fold his hand and place them on the table. “Well, you and your siblings had been working in the Clan for almost 2 years, correct?” Mirage nods. “Well, RHM and I had talked a little and decided that you and your siblings will go on a break for all the hard work you three give the Clan.”
A break. Mirage can’t believe his ears. The Chief decided to give the Felizima siblings a break from the crime. “Are you sure about this, sir?” Mirage asked. “Yes, I’m sure, Mirage. You and your siblings have done enough crimes for the past 2 years. So we decide to give you guys a break.” Reginald told him. Before Mirage could question where they would live, Reginald beat him.
“And don’t worry about the government or CCC. You guys will be living near a forest which makes it very easy for others to get lost. I’m pretty sure you can handle yourself since I’ll give you a map.”
Reginald looks at RHM and gives him a nod. RHM walked to one of the drawers and grabbed a tan color map then handed the map to Mirage. Mirage opens the map and looks through it. They are gonna live somewhere in North America. Mirage folds the map looks at his chief and gives him a bow. “Thank you so much, sir,”
“You’re welcome, Mirage. You’re dismissed.” Mirage walks up to the door, exits it, and then closes it. “Yes!” Mirage then ran to the cafeteria to meet up with his siblings. “Oi, Danny!! Annesa!! I got some good news!!”
The kitchen door flew open as a waiter, Danny, came out from the door. “Hey, bro! What’s the good news? Can we maybe talk somewhere-“
“DANNY FELIZIMA!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!” Mirage looks at the kitchen and then back to Danny. “What did you do this time?” Danny nervously looks at Mirage. “Oh… you know… just accidentally eat a fish?”
“Oh boy…” Mirage looked up and saw a very angry Scottie stomping out of the kitchen. “Didn’t I tell you those fish are for the CUSTOMERS?!” Scottie looks like they’re gonna explode. “This is the SECOND TIME THIS WEEK!!” Mirage quickly stepped in. “Heyy, Scottie! You can’t blame us, can you? We’re still part of a cat!” Scottie glared at Mirage. “So?”
“So? Cat eats fish sometimes, Danny is a cheetah after all!” Scottie didn’t say anything and crossed their arm. “… Fine, I will let this one slide. But if I caught you again, not even the chief can save you.” Scottie points their knife at Danny and then walks back to the kitchen. “Thanks for the save. Anyways, what’s the good news?” Annesa appeared behind Danny. “Well, as ya can see, Chief Reginald decided to give us a break!”
“Really?” Danny ask. “Yeah! Awesome, right?”
“You do know that everyone is getting a break, right?” Accordion appeared behind the Felizima siblings, making all of them jump. “Accordion?! Where the hell did you come from?” Accordion chuckles with Violin next to him. “We just got here. So, where would you be living? Accordion and I was gonna live somewhere in North America.” Mirage looks up. “Us too. Chief even gave us a map.”
Annesa pulls out her notebook. ‘Wait… how long is the break?’
“Oh, it’s gonna be a year, at least that’s what I heard,” Mirage answered her question. “And when are we gonna leave?” Danny adds in. “We have until next week to pack. So in the meantime, we can get ready now.” Violin told him. Scottie comes out from the kitchen with some snacks. They put them on the table next to everyone. “Might just eat something before we start packing.” Everyone sits down and begins to chat. Scottie still glaring at Danny about the fish. The cafeteria door was opened by Crusher, Danny’s boyfriend, Jay, Ulle, Nicole, Brutus, who is holding Cameron’s hand, and Amelia, who is glaring at Cameron. Seems like those two got into a fight again.
“Hey, love.” Crusher came over to Danny and kissed him on his cheek. It has been a while since those two started dating. “Could you two, like, stop fighting for 5 seconds?!” Scottie gives Cameron and Amelia a harsh glare and quickly shuts them up about who’s the favorite child. Everyone takes a seat. So, we all know where we’re gonna live?” Violin asks, making everyone nod. “Let’s start with Jay first.”
“Well, I’m gonna live in North America. What about everyone else?” Ulle starts next. “Gonna live with Jay since he doesn’t mind me living with him.” Ulle points at Jay. “Accordion and I were gonna live together. Cameron and Brutus are gonna live with us. What about you, Scottie? Do you want to live with us?” Violin kindly asks Scottie. “Um… I would like to live with Jay and Ulle if that’s not troubling you two.” Ulle gives them a wave. “Of course not! And Amelia, where are you gonna live?” Once Amelia heard her name, she stopped glaring at Cameron and looked at everyone else. “Oh, I’m gonna live with…”
“Wasn’t your fathers gonna take you with them?” Danny ask. “Oh, no. They want a vacation by themself. I don’t want to bother them so I told them I’m gonna live with one of you guys. I might live with Danny, though. If you guys won’t mind.” Amelia awkwardly looks at the Felizima siblings. “Oh, no, it’s ok. We got a lot of rooms in that house.”
“Crusher, Nicole, where are you guys gonna live?”
“I’m gonna live with my sweetheart.” Oh no… Mirage sigh. “And I’m gonna live with Jay, Ulle, and Scottie. Ulle and I already talk about this.”
“So everyone has a place to live in?” Everyone nods. “Great! Now let's get packing. Don’t want to pack too late.” Everyone got up from their seat and started heading toward their room, while Danny and Scottie left behind to deal with the dishes. Mirage got his luggage and started packing. He got the things he needed, like clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush, some extra money for just in case, shampoo, etc. He wonders how big the house is. It says that it has at least 5 or more bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. A large kitchen, a backyard with a swimming pool,(don’t think they’re gonna use it), and a forest. ‘Why is there a forest behind the house?’ Mirage couldn’t think much anymore. He needs to stretch. He makes sure he locks the door and transforms into his hybrid form.
Mirage is a bobcat hybrid, and maybe living next to a forest isn’t that bad. He swigs his short tail and uses a hair brush to brush his ears. “Next week, we get to leave and enjoy ourselves. Mirage grabs a remote turns on the TV and watches the news. “Breaking news. A factory has been destroyed by three giant bird-like monsters. The police officers searched for the survivors but found none. They guess they were being killed by those monsters.”
“Bird monsters? Brutus is the only bird hybrid we know of. Then there must be other hybrids like us… wonder where they are.”
The next weeks came pretty quickly. Everyone was waving goodbye as they got in their drop ship. Once they arrive at their location for the year, they start to get ready. When they arrived, they were kinda surprised that they were all neighbors. Danny, Mirage, Crusher, Amelia, and Annase start looking around the house, which is more like a mansion. There are 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a backyard with a big swimming pool, a balcony, a large living room, and a kitchen. There’s also a third floor. The third floor has some extra room, a good room to hangout or work out with. But there's one bad thing about this mansion. There's dust everywhere. When they first step into the house, dust hit their faces. Mirage went to the backyard and took a good look at the forest.
“It’s a pretty big house for the four of us, no?” Crusher asked, looking at where Mirage was looking. Mirage rolled his eyes. “It would be better if you weren’t here.”
“Why do you hate my guts so damn much?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you’re the one that got me in jail for a year?” Crusher slowly chuckles. Mirage felt a pull on his shirt looked down, and saw Annesa holding her sketchbook. ‘You guys should put away your tophat before someone sees you.’ Mirage and Crusher look at each other before running back to their room and putting away their tophat. Mirage then closed the window carbon and himself back to his hybrid form. "Guys! It's time for lunch!!"
Oh yeah. It takes almost 2 hours to travel here. Mirage walks to the living room. Annesa and Amelia was already there, eating. Well, not Amelia. "Remember to wash your hands, Mirage." Danny put two plates on the table and went back to the kitchen and grab the last plate. After Mirage finished washing his hands, he went back to his siblings and Crusher and sat down. "So, have you guys heard the news?" Crusher asked, with food in his mouth.
"Dear, don't talk with your mouth full. Yeah, I have heard the news about that factory. It was destroyed by a bird monster. Do you guys think it's a hybrid?" Danny asks, rolling his pasta with his fork.
"Yeah. But Brutus is the only bird hybrid that we know in that factory and he is with us all the time." Amelia points out. 'Should we go and find the hybrid?' Annesa asks with her sketchbook in hand. Everyone looks around at each other. "...Maybe we should. Who knows what people will do to them. But the world is so big. How are we suppose to find them?"
Silents. No one talks. "Let's just force on the vocation right now. We can talk about this later." Danny stood up and took his plate to the sink. Annesa and Crusher followed. Mirage looked at his food and began to poke them. "Brother, stop poking your food. It's gonna get cold." Mirage smiles and continues eating his food.
After he finished, Mirage decided to grab a seat and sit down, facing the forest while sunbathing without his hybrid form show since he didn't want anyone to find out. He then slowly started to relax until he heard something. "Crusher, I swear if you-" He opens his eyes and looks around, notice Crusher isn't here. Weird... He could have sworn he heard something.
Mirage turned back to the forest and saw something yellow. "Che diamine…" Mirage stood up and went into the forest for a closer look, but he couldn't find anything. He looked down and saw a feather. A yellow feather. It's not an aqua feather and it's too big to be a hummingbird feather. Mirage pick it up and begin to get a closer look on this strange feather.
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“What do you find?” Amelia appeared behind Mirage. “A feather. It’s not Brutus’s feather.” Mirage shows her the feather he found. “Maybe it’s mine?” Mirage knew Amelia was joking since she’s a mouse hybrid… Computer mouse hybrid.
"Mirage? Amelia?" Mirage and Amelia turned back to their house as he heard Danny calling for them. "Can you guys help us clean the house?" Mirage turns back to the forest and walks back with the feather in his pocket. "Coming bro..." Two pairs of eyes watch him leave. “Wanna bet I will clean faster without a break?” Amelia challenge. Mirage rolled his eyes. “You’re a android. Of course, you don’t need a break.” Amelia chuckles and begins to run back. Let’s hope they don’t need a day to clean the house.
Clearing the entire is tiring!!! Most of the places in this mansion are dirty. When was the last time people lived in this mansion?! "Tired already?" Crusher asked, sitting on the couch with Mirage. "You're the one to talk!" Mirage look at Crusher. "So, what were you doing out there?"
"What were you and Amelia doing out there before Danny called us to clean the house?"
“Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.”
“… Amelia and I went into the forest and found a yellow feather.” This got Crusher’s interest. “A yellow feather?”
”Yeah!” Amelia joins in and sits next to Mirage. “A light yellow feather. Mirage found it and I’m trying to figure it out which bird it belongs to.” Crusher hums. “Can I see the feather?” Mirage reaches for his pocket pulls out the feather he found on the ground and gives it to Crusher. He took it and analyzed the size and the color. “You think it’s a duck hybrid?” Amelia struggle. “It might be. But don’t think so.” Crusher gives the feather back to Mirage. Amelia stood up and reach for her pocket and took out two different feathers. A blue feather and an aqua-green feather. “Where did you find those?”
“I found it in the forest, but not that deep,” Amelia answered. “Are lunch, I went inside the forest and got some fresh air. Then I saw something or someone moved so I chased after it to get a better look then I found those feathers.” Amelia explain. “Can you give me those for a moment?”
“Here.” Amelia gives both feathers to Mirage. He then compares the size to three different feathers. “What are you guys doing?” Danny and Annesa asked. Danny goes behind Crusher and lies on the chair with his arm crossed while Annesa sits across Crusher. “Amelia and I found three different feathers in the forest.”
“Feathers?” Danny asked, looking at the table. “Yes, dear.” Danny hums and opens his mouth again. “Do you think it belongs to a parrot?” Everyone looks at Danny. “Because think about it. There’s a forest behind this mansion and there must be a lot of animals. Parrots might be one of them. "
"I don't think so. Parrots live in a rainforest, I think." Amelia points out. "Let's just get some rest. It's pretty late. And, if you want to call the others, there's a cell phone in the kitchen. Good night!" Danny walked up to a bathroom and went to take a shower. Crusher followed behind. Annesa told Mirage and Amelia, saying that she would be in her room. Amelia stood up. "Whew. I'm gonna go and charge myself up. You can keep those feathers. Night!" Mirage wave at Amelia and took the feathers and went to his room.
He placed three feathers next to his bed and went to the bathroom, to take a shower. After he finished, he sat down on his bed and pulled over his blanket. He was about to close his eyes but saw a glow. A yellow glow. Mirage sat up and saw three feathers glow. His eyes widened a bit. Those feathers belong to a hybrid. A magical hybrid Animal feather doesn't glow. The reason why it glowed was still unknown to Mirage. He picks up the yellow feather, and stares at it, before putting it next to his pillow.
"I will tell the others tomorrow. It's late at night right now." Mirage slowly closes his eyes and drowns in sleep. A figure was watching him for a second before flying away into the forest.
I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Hybrid Au. See you in the next chapter or comic!
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annashadowstar · 11 months
Danny, Mirage, and Annesa Felizima-@capturecharlesau Amelia Copperbottom -@androidcharles
Cameron Calvin -@rarestdoge
Accordion and Violin -@bluetorchsky
Crusher, Jay, Scottie, and Ulle -@jaytoons7
Nicole -@lovelygirlnicole15
Chapter 2: Shopping
Morning has come, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and a beautiful day outside should not be a waste. Mirage slowly wakes up from his dreamless sleep. He slowly sits up and makes a big stretch and a jaw-cracking yawn. He then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After washing his face, he returned to his bedroom and saw three feathers. Two next to his bed and one next to his pillow. Oh yeah. He had to tell the others what he had found out yesterday.
Mirage went downstairs to eat breakfast. Maybe some peaceful coffee will help with his sleepiness- “WHO THE HELL TOKE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE?!” Never mind. Mirage walked into the kitchen and saw Amelia, Annesa, and Crusher, around the table, while Danny was looking around the fridge. “What’s wrong, bro?” Danny turns to Mirage. “Someone took all the food in the fridge and only left a few bacon, eggs, and some bread. Oh, and a half bottle of milk.” Danny then slams the fidget and sits down, pitching the bridge of his nose. Oh boy, it’s only 8 in the morning and they have to deal with this?! It’s too early. Way too early
“I mean, we could make some sandwiches for breakfast. Not the best but it will fill our tummy.” Mirage points out. Danny look up at Mirage, annoyed. “Yeah, but what about lunch and dinner? We can’t just have one meal a day!” Amelia then speaks. “There is a store nearby. We can maybe buy some food for ourselves. Or we can ask the others since they all live next to us.” Crusher then smiles. “Alright. Then let’s cook some breakfast.” Crusher stands up, opens the fridge, and took everything out. “And whoever stole our food, they will pay for it.” Oh ho, Danny is mad and their food thief is gonna have karmas.
Mirage walks up to the cell phone and begins to call Accordion or Violin. Amelia stands beside him. The phone rings once, then twice, and then… “Hello?” Cameron answered the phone. Oh boy. “Who is it?” Amelia asked, curious. “Hey, isn’t that father’s least favorite child?” Cameron asks, trying to start a fight. Amelia looks like she’s gonna snap that cell phone and scream at Cameron. Fortunately, Mirage stopped them before they got further. “Hey, Cam. Could you get Accordion or Violin on the phone?”
“Ok.” Cameron seemed like he was taking a deep breath and then. “ ACCORDION!!! VIOLIN!!! MIRAGE IS CALLING YOU!!!” Damn, his ears are gonna bleed. Someone took the phone from Cameron after a ‘thank you’ and answered the phone. “Hi, Mirage. This is Violin. Do you need something?” Violin ask. “Well, this morning, someone stole our food from the fridge and we were wondering if we could borrow some of your food for today. We will pay you guys back.”
”Oh… it happened to you too?” Mirage raises one of his eyes brows. “What do you mean?” Violin sign. “This morning, when Brutus woke up, he told us someone stole all the food and kept some fruits and bagels. Jay also called us and has the same problems.” Violin explains. Mirage and Amelia look at each other and back to the phone. “Ok. Thank you for telling us. Seems like we need to go shopping. All of us.” Violin chuckles. “Yeah. I will tell the others. See you soon.”
“Ok, bye.” Mirage hung up and walked back to the kitchen with Amelia. Danny, Crusher, and Annesa had already started eating. “So, how’s it went?” Crusher asked, taking a bite of his food. “Violin says they all have the same problems as ours. And so is Jay and the others.” Danny sigh. “Seems like we need to go shopping. Alright, get ready after breakfast. Mirage, Amelia, come and eat. Your sandwich is getting cold.” Mirage and Amelia quickly take a seat and start eating their breakfast. After they finished, Danny took the plates and began to wash them while Mirage and everyone else went upstairs to change their clothes. After Mirage finished, he took a look at the feathers and picked up the yellow one only before heading downstairs.
“Guys. Need to talk to you all for something.” Everyone turns to Mirage, listening. “Remember the feather from yesterday?” Everyone nods. “Well, those feathers, I believe belong to hybrids. This one just glows when I’m heading to sleep.” Annesa took out her sketchbook and started writing. ‘You sure you’re not seeing things?’ Mirage chuckles and pats Annesa's head. “I’m sure.”
“Ok, so we know that those feathers belong to magical hybrids. But do you know where they are?” Mirage glares at Crusher. “You think I got any ideas?”
“You’re the only one who has all those feathers in your room. Who else we’re gonna ask?” Damn, he got a good point. “Plus, why did you only bring the yellow one, and not the blue and aqua-green one?” Crusher points out. “Because this is the only feather that glows,” Mirage answered, getting annoyed. “I think that’s enough.” Everyone looks at Danny. “We need to get ready and go shopping. I know is a bit early but whoever this ‘Food thief’ is, we will have to deal with them later.” Danny stops his brother and his lover before they get into a fight. He really hopes they will get along in the future. After they were already, Danny, Annesa, Mirage, Crusher, and Amelia went outside of their house and wait for the others to come so they can all went to shopping. And it’s already 12:00 PM.
Mirage brought the feather with him, telling everyone else what he had found out. Once everyone was here, Mirage rejoined the group. "Damn, Violin. You got a long list!" Jay points at Violin's list, which is like 4 pages long. "Hey, you never know when to go shopping again. Plus, just in case! Anyways, Mirage. I notice you have a yellow feather. I do feel some magic from them. Where did you get that?" Violin ask, pointing at Mirage's feather.
"Oh, I was about to tell you guys. So yesterday, Amelia and I found three feathers. This one and the other two are in my room. A hybrid left those." Mirage explains. "Ok... Let's go shopping." Jay request. Everyone starts going shopping for more food and clothes. They were separated into 6 groups with two people each. Accordion with Amelia. Violin with Scottie. Danny with Annesa. Brutus was lucky to be teamed with his lover, Brutus. Ulle with Nicole. And a piece of bad news for Mirage, he's teaming up with Crusher. And it was Danny's idea.
"Why the heck do you let me team up with HIM?!" Danny looks at Mirage and sighs. "I want you guys to get along."
"Alone with HIM?! You know what he-" Danny cut him off. "I know what he did to you was unfair but it's in the past now, Mirage. You can't keep getting mad at him." Mirage groan. Really didn't agree to this. "Can you do it for me?" Mirage looks at Danny for a while then sighs. "OK, fine. Only for you." Danny smiles. "Ok, Let's see." Everyone turns to Scottie. "The most important thing we need right now is food. Who's gonna get what?"
"How about two groups get vegetables, the other two groups get meats, and the last two groups get everything else? That way, it will be faster." Ulle points out, giving a suggestion. Everyone agrees. "Here's a list." Accordion hands everyone a list of what they need. Mirage and Crusher look at their list. They need to get some eggs, milk, some bread, and some fish. "OK, let's get going! Meet up here when you're all done shopping. And if you're here early, you can go and buy yourself something. See ya all later!" Everyone went to get what they needed, while Mirage and Crusher just stood there. Both of them look at each other and back to the list.
“So… what should we get first?” Crusher asked. Mirage groan. Out of everyone, he’s teamed up with this guy. “Eggs,” Mirage answered with a single word and started walking to the food store. He’s wondering what’s the other groups up to.
Ulle and Nicole start with some carrots. They then walk past a pet store. “Oooh, can we see some pets? Maybe some Sugar Gliders?” Nicole ask. “Aren’t you a sugar glider hybrid?” Ulle ask. “We can come back after we finish our tasks in hand.”
“Please~ It won’t take too long.” Nicole gives her puppy eyes. Ulle sweat drops and sighs. “Fine… only for a few minutes.” The next thing Ulle knew, Nicole already running toward the pet store. “H-Hey! WAIT UP!!!” Ulle follows her.
Brutus and Cameron were holding hands with two bags. One is full of some tomatoes and the other is filled with fruits. “The next thing we need to get is meat.” Brutus read from the list. “Come on, love.” Cameron sigh. He wants to feel Brutus’s feathers. “After the meat, what is the last thing on the list?” Cameron asked, tired. “We will need to buy some bagels. That’s all.” Cameron stood up straight as both of them entered the meat store.
“Wait… what kind of meat do we need to get?” Cameron asked, wanting to double-check. “Um…” Brutus goes back to the list and sweat drops. “… If I told you, promise me you won’t run away?” Cameron raises his eye brow. “I… promise?” Brutus sigh. “It’s goose meat.” Cameron froze. “NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!” He quickly turns around to exit the store but Brutus grabs the back of his shirt. “Hey! You made a promise!”
“I know it’s scary for you but they’re dead! They can’t chase you or do anything to you!”
Cameron thinks for a second before groans. “Fine!!!! But I’m not going near it.” Brutus closes his eyes and smiles. “Fine by me. Let’s go.” Cameron and Brutus walk deeper into the store, looking for what they want. Cameron is regretting this.
Amelia is hopping around while Accordion follows behind. They already have some tools they might need. “What else is on the list?” Amelia asked Accordion, as he took a look at the list. “Well, we still need some body wash and that’s pretty much all.” Amelia hum and continue to walk. “How do you think the others are doing?” Amelia asked. “Well, I’m pretty sure everyone was doing great. But as for Mirage and Crusher, is another story.” Accordion comments, sweat drops when the first time they see each other again. It wasn’t pretty.
“Have you bought any baby clothes?” Accordion turns his attention back to Amelia. “Oh, yeah. We’re having twins. I’m pretty sure they are a mix hybrid of a lion and a deer. Why did you ask?” Amelia awkwardly points to a toy store. Accordion looks at where she’s pointing at and chuckles. “Yeah, we can buy some toys for the baby and for you.”
Violin and Scottie had finished everything on their checklist, which was surprisingly fast. "So now we're all finished with the checklist, now what?" Scottie asked, clearly bored. "Now we wait for the others to show up. They wouldn't take too long." Violin answered, rubbing his stomach. Scottie saw a store that contained pots, dishes, and other kitchen stuff. Scottie wants to take a look and maybe buy some stuff for cooking. "I'm gonna go and take a look at that store over there." Scottie stands up as Violin does the same. "Ok, then. Let's-"
"No, you're staying here." Violin looks at Scottie, confused. "Look, I appreciate that you and Accordion had been taking good care of me as your child, but you're now carrying two babies. I can't let you move around too much." Scottie points out. Violin looks at Scottie and smiles. "Ok. I will stay here and watch over the bags. Be careful." Scottie gives him a thumbs-up and begins walk toward to the store.
Danny and Annesa were in a kitchen-related store, picking some stuff to use for the kitchen. Danny feels Annesa tug on his shirt and looks down. 'Are you sure is a good idea for Mirage and Crusher to stay together for this long? What happens if they start a fight again?' Danny sighed and put the pot in his hand back to where it belonged. "I know it sounds like a bad idea," Annesa crossed her arms. "Ok, It's a horrible idea. But they can't be mad at each other forever. I bet you don't want your big brother to get hurt too, right?"
Annesa could only sigh and nod her head. "Danny?" Danny heard someone familiar and turned around to face Scottie. "Oh, hi Scottie. What brings you here?" Scottie didn't say anything and pointed at the sign, which said 'Open For Any Kitchen Supplies'. "Oh. Where is Violin? I thought you were teamed with him." Again, Scottie points outside of the store, showing a figure outside, sitting and watching over the bags. "Oh..." Danny now has nothing to say. "Have you finished all your checklist?" Scottie asks, to which Danny nods.
"Hi dear! Why are you here by yourself?" Danny, Scottie, and Annesa looked outside and saw everyone was coming back. Everyone but Crusher and Mirage. Oh no... where are they?
Mirage and Crusher were holding bags, ready to finish the final thing on the checklist, bread. Once they entered, all of them sweat drops. There's a lot, like a LOT, different types of bread. There's Chinses bread, Indian Bread, and so on. It feels like all the bread in this world is here! "Um... what type of bread they want us to bye?" Crusher asked, not sign up for this.
"I guess... The classic one?" Mirage answered. "Just... grab whatever you think we will eat for the morning." Mirage then walked off, leaving Crusher standing there and going to the separate side. Mirage looks around and everything he sees is bread. This is gonna give him a headache. "Oh, mio Dio!! You know what, I'm just gonna grab a toast." Mirage went and grabbed, like, 9 bags of toast bags and rushing out, but was stop by someone.
"Sir? Are you buying all of those?" Mirage turns and oh boy, this girl is filled with makeup. "Um... yes... I am?"
"No, you're not. I was about to buy those." The girl tries to snatch it but Mirage quickly moves away. "Girl. there are still 21 bags of toast over there. You could grab those."
"SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THOSE BREAD!" A Karen. Just the perfect thing to ruin this. "Look, piccola ragazza. Like I said. There. Is. Still. 20. Bag. Of. Toast. Go get your own." The Karen seems like she's gonna slap his and guess what? She raised her hand and before she could slap him, a bag full of bread hit her right in the face. Danny turn around and saw Crusher walking over. "You know it's wrong to hit a stranger?" Oh, you're the one to talk...
The Karen look at Crusher from head to toe and smile. "Well, hi, handsome. How are you doing? You know you make my day when I see your pretty face?"(I actually want to throw up when I'm writing this.) Crusher looks like he wants to throw up. "Um... I'm sorry miss. But I'm taken." The girl walks over to Crusher. "Oh? Then how about breaking up with her and dating me instead?" Crusher moves away. "Miss, personal space please. And no, I'm not breaking up with my Husband."
"Your HUSBAND?! EW!! YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY BREAK UP!! YOU'RE A GUY AND DATING WITH OTHER BOYS IS DISGUSTING! YOU'RE STUPID HUSBAND MUST BE SO UNLUCKY TO HAVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU-" OK, now she had crossed the line. Mirage walks up to her and grabs the back of her dress, making her face him.
"EW!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET Go of..." Mirage's eyes are glowing in grayish white.
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"I don't care how much people trash talk about me. But if I ever heard anyone trash talk about my brother or his husband, I will make sure you will never see tomorrow’s daylight ever again..." Crusher was just standing there, surprised. Yes, he had seen Mirage mad before, but never THIS mad. The Karen got so scared and ran away after Mirage let go. Mirage’s eyes slowly got back to normal. “Let’s go and pay for those and go back to the group. They’re probably waiting.” Crusher didn’t say anything but follow him.
After they paid, Crusher was think about what just happened. Did Mirage just stand up for him? He was in defense mode for a spare second. “Hey… thanks for defending me back there.” Mirage didn’t say anything, still was a bit angry and annoyed. Once they rejoin the group, Danny and Annesa rush to Mirage, to check on him. “Are you ok? Annesa and I feel that!”
“Feel what?” Mirage asked, acting like he didn’t know anything. “You know what I’m talking about! And you’re voice is filled with anger. Tell me what happened?” Mirage didn’t say anything, didn’t want to remind him what happened. Danny turned to Crusher, hoping he could get some answer from him. “Well, a Karen happened and let’s just say it didn’t go so well.” That’s all Danny needed. All of them went home and grabbed the stuff they needed. Mirage quickly sits down on the couch and rubs his face. Accordion came over and ordered a glass of water. Mirage took it.
Crusher walks over and sits next to Mirage. He knew Mirage hated him but whatever happened back there was pretty… scary… “So… Danny and Scottie were in the kitchen, cooking some for us to eat.” They are staying in Accordion for dinner tonight. Mirage just nods. “… Um… I said this once but I will say it again, thank you for defending us. Me and Danny.” Mirage didn’t say anything. Crusher lay back. “So… I never have siblings before. How do you and your sibling's hybrids form work?” Crusher asked, trying to come up with a conversation. Mirage sigh. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” Mirage asked, don’t want to talk with anyone. “Oh, come on. You clearly need someone to talk with. Plus, everyone is pretty busy, if you ask me.” Mirage looks around the house and sure enough, everyone is busy.
“Fine. Sibling hybrids were bonded to be together. It didn’t matter what type of hybrid you are, as long as you’re a sibling or a family member, you could always share your magic.” Mirage answered his question.
“And if other hybrids don’t have magic?”
“Then you share them your strength. I don’t have magic but I share my strength with my siblings. Any other question?” Mirage asked, clearly wanting to be alone. “Well, back in the mall, Danny and Annesa ran straight toward you after we got back. Mind tell me what’s that about?” Oh boy. How does he explain this to him? Let’s see… “You know how dangerous the defend mode will be if we can’t control it?” Crusher nods and gives him a thumbs-up.
“Hybrids who can’t control their defense mode will be taken over by their anger. Like an evil side of you takes control. The only way to stop it is when your loved one is near you to comfort you. It doesn't matter if it is your family or friends. Mine is Danny and Annesa." Mirage finally finished explaining as Crusher hums. Since he has no siblings, he could bet Danny is the one to comfort him if he is in his defense mode. "OK, everyone! It's time to eat!!!" Scottie yelled from the kitchen as Crusher and Mirage stood up, walked into the kitchen, and started eating. Cameron and Amelia start fighting again and Scottie is the one who shuts them down again. Amelia almost, ALMOST, started a food fight.
After eating, everyone starts heading back to their home. Once Amelia opened the door, Danny made a beeline to the kitchen and put away the stuff in the fridge. Mirage and everyone else start heading to the bathroom and take a shower, calling it for the day. Once Mirage was ready to sleep, he saw a glow in his pocket. He walked over and took out the yellow feather. Surprisingly it wasn't ruined since it has been in his pocket for a day. Mirage completely forgot about the feather. He then turn back to other two feather, which didn't show any sign of glowing.
Mirage sighed again and put the yellow feather near his pillow again. The light yellow reminds him of Danny when he uses his magic. Mirage turns and faces the ceiling. 'Today is a tiring day.' Mirage heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" Danny opens the door and closes it, sitting at the end of Mirage's bed. "What's wrong?" Mirage asks. "I just want to talk about what happened during the mall. Crusher told me everything." Mirage feel himself froze a bit.
"Mirage, I know I wasn't there but whatever that lady said or did, don't think too much about it."
"No, I don't want to hear it. Whatever happened is not your fault. I don't want you to think too much about it." Mirage didn't say anything and moved toward Danny and hugged him. "Danny, fratellino, After our father and mother passed away, you had been taking care of us for so long. But please, don't over work yourself or put too much stress on you. It won't be healthy for your health." Danny touched and hugged Mirage back. "I will try..."
"Aww... Cute and whatever. Can we now sleep?" Danny's cures asked. 'Shut up and let us enjoy this moment.' Mirage and Danny continue to hug each other and finally let go after 2 minutes. Danny then saw the yellow feather next to Mirage's pillow and the other two were on a table beside his bed. "Um... should I be asking why do you put that feather next to your pillow?"
"Why not?"
Danny didn't say anything but chuckles. "OK, whatever. Let's go to sleep. It's getting late." Danny stood up and went back to his and Crusher's room. "Night." Mirage waves and lay back down to bed, slowly falling asleep.
First Next
This is chapter 2 of my 'Hybrid Au' story. I hope you guys enjoy this. If you have any questions, ask right away! Fanart accepted!
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
Just some funny memey moments with Danny and Mirage being the chaotic siblings that they are! :D
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ACCORDION!!!! Today is a very SPECIAL day!! I hope ya like it @bluetorchsky the Felizima’s made your boys a strawberry cake! :D 🎂
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Don’t worry Annesa is making sure Violin doesn’t accidentally drink any alcohol like in that one roleplay hehehe! >:]
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
Haha I realized that all the icons I did on Discord I didn’t post them here lol :D
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I had LOADS of fun making these! :D
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annashadowstar · 1 year
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This is a Au about THSC OC ONLY. (Not really, but mainly force on the OCs) This au is about hybrids. Hybrids are really rare. People will usually use them or sell them for money. Most hybrids hide away from human and some of them were abundant by parents, making them grew up by themself or with their siblings.
Mirage was on a vacation, few weeks away from the Toppat Clan and relax with us siblings. He wasn’t prepare for a bird hybrid in the woods.
Mirage Felizima - @capturecharlesau
Chris Galeforce, Lay Copperbottom, and Kai - me
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annashadowstar · 1 year
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I honestly don’t know Mirage’s height. But since Chris is 195cm, I think he’s taller than Mirage. ( Can’t get those two out of my head!!!!!!!!!!)
Mirage Felizima - @capturecharlesau
Chris Galeforce- me
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annashadowstar · 1 year
A story about Chris Galeforce meeting Mirage Felizima. This is their first time meeting in my Au. I hope you guys like the story. I use google translate on the italian.
Tw: Stabbing.
Mirage Felizima - @capturecharlesau
Chris Galeforce - me
"Breaking news, after 5 months of mystery from the death of Dreamers family, the police decide to close the case. The dead body of Elizabeth Dreamer was sliced into three pieces and Michael Dreamer's body was tied up in strange blue strings. The police guess he died of blood loss. Their youngest child, Lily Dreamer, was gone missing for the past 5 months. Daniel Dreamer was also found missing after the death of Dreamer's family. How they died was still a mystery says to the polices."
The soldiers in the cafeteria were surprised by the news. They then start to discuss how the Dreamer family died. Some say they were robbed and other says the Toppat Clan did it. While other soldiers were talking, a young soldier named Chris Galeforce was eating, facing down as he overheard the conversation of other soldiers. Someone then walks over to Chris and sits next to him. "Hey, bro." Chris looks up and faces his adopted brother, Charles Calvin. "Oh, hey Charles. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great! Um... Are you ok after you heard the news?" Chris knows why Charles is asking him this since he was the only person who knows about his secret. "Yeah... I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Chris gives Charles a small smile. Three other soldiers come and sit with Chris. Chris looks at the soldiers. "Hey, guys."
"Hey, Chris." All three soldiers waves. The three soldiers are Rupert Price and the Bukowski twins, Calvin and Konrad. "Yo, Chris! How was the mission with Rupert?" Oh yeah. The mission with the Toppat stealing the ruby.
"It was... Um... The Toppat got away." Chris answers. Calvin rise an eyebrow. "How do they get away?"
"I don't know. Maybe they are very good with the plans?"
"Plus, those Toppat we met is huge! They are like six feet tall." Rupert explains before taking a bite of his dinner. "By the way, What do you guys think happened to the Dreamer family?" Konrad asked. Chris flinch at the name as Charles put his hand on his shoulder. "Who knows? Might be killed by the Toppat. Or they might get robbed. Plus, who will hurt the world's richest and kindest family in the world?" Calvin ask, food in his mouth.
The 'kindest' family in the world? More like the world's most toxic. "What did those families do?" Rupert asked, curious. "Well, from what I heard, they give money to the poor and build a park for a school. They even give food to the people who needed the most." Calvin listed all the 'good things' the Dreamer family did. Chris rolled his eyes but no one could see it since his hair was covering it.
'They only know the outside but not the inside.' Chris thought, continue eating his dinner. "If they did all of that, a lot of people must love them." Rupert point his fork at Calvin.
"Yeah, I know. You know Daniel Dreamer, right? I didn't meet him in person but I bet he is very kind." Konrad comments. Well, they got that correct. "Well, we only know about them when they're outside, but what about the inside?" Charles asked, making the three soldiers look at him. "Well... On the inside, they must love their children very much. I bet they give their children a goodnight kiss." Chris spit his drink out and start coughing. "Excuse me, what?" Chris looks at Konrad.
"What? Most of the parents give their children goodnight kisses." Chris wants to throw up. His parents? A GOODNIGHT KISS?! He didn't give get a hug from them, let alone a goodnight kiss. The dinner is over and everyone was heading back to their camp tent. Chris cringe up, still thinking about the 'goodnight kiss'. "An interesting talk, don't you think?" Charles asks Chris.
"Yeah. The 'Goodnight kiss' was sooooooo good to talk with. I will rather burn the house down then get a goodnight kiss from them. Blaw"
Charles laughs. When they got to their tent, they sit down on their bed and begin to talk. When night hits, they got on the bed, and begin to sleep. Chris, on the other hand, can't sleep. He turns his body around and face Charles's bed. "Hey, Charles, you're asleep?" Chris whisper. Charles opens one of his eyes and looks at Chris. "What's wrong? Want me to give you a goodnight kiss?" Charles jokes. "What... No... Just want to tell you that I'm going out for a bit."
"You know you will get in trouble for that, right?" Charles sits up as Chris follows. "Well, get any better idea about how to sleep faster?" Charles shakes his head. Chris got off his bed and put on his uniform and put on his earpieces. "If I got into any trouble, I will call you from those earpieces, ok?"
"If you get in trouble, I am not involved." Chris give Charles a smile and a thumbs-up as Charles went back to sleep. Chris got to where the cliff is and sit down, looking up at the stars. Chris always loves to see the stars, since he will sit with their little sibling all the time to watch the stars. "I miss them so much..." Chris moves his hair, showing two large scars on his face. "They know nothing about them... whatever. It's better that they're dead... but what happened to them?"
Chris then heard something. He quickly covers his eyes with his hair and stands up, waiting for whatever comes out. A man, looking around 30, come out and saw Chris, froze in the spot. "Who are you and what are you doing in the government camp?" Chris asked, stay on guard. "A government camp? Little boy, I didn't see your government name here."
Chris notices the hat he's wearing and glares at the man in front of him. "You're one of the Toppat members, aren't you? Well, you're coming with me." The man smiles. "If you can catch me, ragazzino" The man then starts to run away. Without thinking, Chris runs after him. Jumping over the log and dodging the branches. Chris then started to catch up to the Toppat but then, he made a shape turn, making Chris crash into the tree. "Ow, I think my nose broke."
"Pfft, is that all you got?" The Toppat continues to run but then was run into a portal and was caught by Chris. "Che diamine?! You cheat!"
"You think this is a game? You're coming with me." Chris starts search the Toppat.
"Cool. Do you even know the way back?" Chris stands up and holds onto his shirt. "Of course, I know. It is... um..." Chris looks around the woods, but nothing looks familiar. "Let me guess, we're lost, no?" Chris looks at the Toppat. "Yeah, and that's thanks to you."
"Hey, not my fault that you starts to chase me."
"If you didn't run, I won't chase you. Whatever." Chris reaches for his earpiece but notices there's nothing on his ear. "Wait what?" Chris search for his pocket, but nothing. "If you're looking for that earpiece, it drop while you were running.” Chris turns to the Toppat. “Then why don’t you tell me?”
“Why should I?”
Chris groan made enough with this Toppat. "Oi, I never got your name!" Chris turns to the Toppat and glares at him, which of course, he can't see his eyes. "Why would you want to know?" Chris asked.
"Don't know. So I could stop calling you ragazzo carino." Chris rise an eyebrow. "What? Can you speak English please?"
"What, can't say my home language now?"
"Ok, 如果你想让我说我的母语,我可以一直这样跟你说话-"
"OK, OK! You win!" Chris smiles a bit and turns, start walking as the Toppat follows. "So... Where are we going?"
"I'm gonna try to find a way back to my camp. As for you, you're still coming with me." Chris answers. The Toppat looks at Chris. "Hey, Knock knock."
"Not now. I need to find my earpiece."
"...Knock knock~"
"...Who's there..."
"Joe wh-"
"JOE MAMA!!!" Chris flinches at his loud voice and turns to the Toppat. "Why are you yelling? You're gonna call in the wolves."
"Wait, there are wolves?"
"Maybe. Come on, let's keep walking. I don't want my brother to me worried."
"You have a brother?"
"I was adopted. He is my adopted brother. I also have a little sibling." Chris answers. "What was your little sibling's name?" Chris looks at the Toppat and answers. "Lay. Their name is Lay."
"No last name?"
"They do have the last name. But it brings back a lot of bad memories." The Toppat replied with an 'oh'. "I also have a brother. He is a Toppat like me and I have a little sister." Chris suddenly stops walking and looks around. "Hey, why did you stop?" The Toppat asked. "Shh!" Chris continues to look around and notices something moving. "Hey, Toppat. Did you bring anyone with you?" The Toppat looks at Chris. "I have a name and it's Mirage, ragazzo carino" Chris turned to the Toppa- um- Mirage. "Just answer my question, did anyone come with you?"
"If I did, they already come and beat you up already." Chris turns back to the noise before something comes out. A bear. A giant freaking bear. " Holy S***!! Is that a bear?!" Chris turns to the Toppat. "RUN!!!"
Both Chris and Mirage start running while the bear follows them. "How is there a bear?!"
"How am I supposed to know?!"
"You have a camp here?! Who else am I gonna ask?!"
"Never this far from the camp!"
Mirage then trips on a branch and twists his ankle. "Ow!!! S***" Chris quickly turns to Mirage as the bear towered over him. It open its mouth and about to bite Mirage, it bit a large branch. Chris holds onto the branch and steps in front of Mirage, saving him. "You." Chris picked up another branch. "Stay AWAY FROM HIM!!!" He then stabs it into the bear's eyes. It screams in pain as Chris anger the bear.
Chris turns to Mirage and drops the branch and picks up Mirage continues to run. Mirage holds on to his hat and looks at Chris, blushing in embarrassment. Chris then stops running and looks ahead of him. A cliff. "Shoot." Chris looks behind him and saw the bear was still chasing him. "Hey, isn't that the cliff where we meet?" Mirage points at the cliff, which is pretty far. "Ok, you might want to hand on tight."
"Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?"
"JUMP!!!" Chris jumps off the cliff as the bear tries to grab them. Mirage was screaming bloody loud as a portal appears under them as they land back to where they met. They watch the bear jump and fall into the ocean. "That's a dumb bear."
Chris then put Mirage down. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Chris asked.
"I should be the one that asking that. You were fighting with a freaking 7 feet tall bear!!!" Chris kneels to Mirage's ankle and starts healing him. "You got healing magic? Man, you should be a media. The Toppat Clan always welcomes you."
"Yeah... no thanks. There. Think you can stand and walk?" Mirage slowly stands up and tries. "Yeah, won't die."
"Oh, here's my earpiece." Chris put his earpiece on and was met by yelling. "CHRIS!!!! WHERE WERE YOU?! YOU WERE GONE FOR 7 HOURS!!!" Charles yelled, worried. "Dude, calm down! I'm fine. You're gonna pop my ear if you keep yelling."
"Chris Galeforce." Chris flinch. Oh no. "Heyyy, dad."
"You come back to the camp right now, young man. We will have a little talk." Hubert Galeforce says, clearly mad. "Yes sir." Chris took off his earpiece and put it into his pocket. "So... you're in trouble, right?" Mirage ask.
"Yep, pretty much. So... where are you gonna go?" Mirage didn't answer and looked around. "Gonna call my brother and told him that I'm going back." Chris nods. "Um... Tonight is interesting. Hope you have a nice day and... Let's meet up again... somewhere."
"Why not here?"
"Because me and my brother will sometimes come. I don't want you to get caught." Chris explains.
"Wow, is a government falling in love with a Toppat?" Chris blushes in embarrassment and looks away. "Oh... I will take that as a yes..." Mirage looks at the ground and kicks some rocks. "See you again, Mirage." Chris starts walking away and turns to Mirage and gives him a big smile. "Let's meet up again! Same time tomorrow." Chris runs back to the camp and meets up with a very mad Hubert and a worried Charles. 'I am in very big trouble, aren't I?'
"Where had you been, young man?!" Hubert ask-yelling. "Um... I can't sleep so go visit the cliff, sir."
"For 7 HOURS?!"
"I fell asleep?" Hubert pinches the bridge of his nose. "Go back to the camp with your brother. We will talk about this later." Chris nods and follows Charles. "Sorry, he just come in without any warning."
"It's ok, Charles. It's not your fault." Chris smile. "By the way, what actually happened?" Chris looks to the other side. "I... um... will tell you at another time."
"Okay?" Charles answered, confused and curious at the same time.
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annashadowstar · 1 year
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Honestly, I just want to draw Mirage since I like his style. This is not canon, yet.
Mirage Felizima- @capturecharlesau
Chris Galeforce - me
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capturecharlesau · 6 months
I wanna talk about Danny’s relationship with his BIG BROOOOOO Miles I mean- Mirage Felizima! I’ll put nice and simple ….. you know how Greg and Rodricks relationship are in Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies were? Think of it something like THAT-!
Mirage is a very goofy manipulative annoying big brother and LOVES to annoy Danny like any other big bro would do yunno sibling stuff! He always bullies Danny ESPECIALLY for his height I mean just look hahaha-
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He always blames his little brother when he gets in trouble and he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing when getting out of trouble or using Danny for a prank hehehe
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He may LOOK slightly dumb but he is in fact an GENIUS when it comes to sibling rivalry to him and Dan and getting him in trouble and bullying him hehehehe he is mischievous but has a good heart
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He of course loves his little brother Dan and whenever he or his little sister Annesa is hurt you BET YOUR BUTT HE WILL COME FOR THAT BLOOD-!
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He cares for his family a lot he’s just a little silly and mischievous but he’d never go to far with his fam hahaha
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