#Mirror Gazer
lostyesterday · 2 months
I made the following graph because I was interested in which words show up most often in the titles of Star Trek episodes and movies:
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I included episode titles from all twelve canon TV shows and all thirteen movies. I only counted nouns for the graph to avoid including boring words like “the” or “and”. I also counted plurals of a word as the same word (“stars” counts as “star”) and compound words where the singular word still carried the same meaning (“starship” counts as “star”). A complete list of episode/movie titles for each word listed in the graph is below the cut.
Amok Time (TOS)
The Time Trap (TAS)
The Naked Time (TNG)
Time Squared (TNG)
A Matter of Time (TNG)
Time’s Arrow (TNG)
Timescape (TNG)
Hard Time (DS9)
Children of Time (DS9)
A Time to Stand (DS9)
Time’s Orphan (DS9)
Time and Again (VOY)
Once Upon a Time (VOY)
Timeless (VOY)
Time Amok (PRO)
The Time Devouring Scavengers (PRO)
Beyond the Furthest Star (TAS)
Starship Mine (TNG)
Starship Down (DS9)
Far Beyond the Stars (DS9)
North Star (ENT)
Battle at the Binary Stars (DIS)
The Brightest Star (Short Treks)
The Girl Who Made the Stars (Short Treks)
The Star Gazer (PIC)
The Stars at Night (Lower Decks)
Starstruck (PRO)
A Moral Star (PRO)
The Man Trap (TOS)
Where No Man Has Gone Before (TOS)
The Schizoid Man (TNG)
The Measure of a Man (TNG)
Manhunt (TNG)
Tin Man (TNG)
Man of the People (TNG)
A Man Alone (DS9)
Our Man Bashir (DS9)
Inside Man (VOY)
Renaissance Man (VOY)
Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad (DIS)
The Voyage Home (movie)
Home Soil (TNG)
Homeward (TNG)
Move Along Home (DS9)
The Homecoming (DS9)
Homefront (DS9)
Homestead (VOY)
Home (ENT)
Far From Home (DIS)
Coming Home (DIS)
Friday’s Child (TOS)
And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)
Plato’s Stepchildren (TOS)
The Child (TNG)
Galaxy’s Child (TNG)
Children of Time (DS9)
Child’s Play (VOY)
Children of the Comet (SNW)
Children of Mars (Short Treks)
Half a Life (TNG)
The Quality of Life (TNG)
Life Support (DS9)
Lifesigns (VOY)
Real Life (VOY)
Life Line (VOY)
Life, Itself (DIS)
Wink of an Eye (TOS)
The Eye of the Beholder (TAS)
The Mind’s Eye (TNG)
Eye of the Beholder (TNG)
Eye of the Needle (VOY)
Blink of an Eye (VOY)
Kayshon, His Eyes Open (Lower Decks)
The Lights of Zetar (TOS)
The Inner Light (TNG)
The Darkness and the Light (DS9)
By Inferno’s Light (DS9)
In the Pale Moonlight (DS9)
Point of Light (DIS)
Light and Shadows (DIS)
A Private Little War (TOS)
The Dogs of War (DS9)
Warlord (VOY)
Warhead (VOY)
The War Within, the War Without (DIS)
Under the Cloak of War (SNW)
Night Terrors (TNG)
Wrongs Darker than Death or Night (DS9)
Night (VOY)
Two Days and Two Nights (ENT)
A Night in Sickbay (ENT)
The Stars at Night (Lower Decks)
The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)
The Game (TNG)
Armageddon Game (DS9)
The Killing Game (VOY)
Endgame (VOY)
The Least Dangerous Game (Lower Decks)
Shadowplay (DS9)
In Purgatory’s Shadow (DS9)
Shadows and Symbols (DS9)
Shadows of P’Jem (ENT)
Light and Shadows (DIS)
Through the Valley of Shadows (DIS)
Mirror Mirror (TOS)
Shattered Mirror (DS9)
In the Mirror, Darkly (ENT)
Mirrors (DIS)
The Mirror Universe (PRO)
The Enemy Within (TOS)
The Enemy (TNG)
Face of the Enemy (TNG)
Silent Enemy (ENT)
Behind Enemy Lines (PRO)
Let that Be Your Last Battlefield (TOS)
The Battle (TNG)
Battle Lines (DS9)
Nor the Battle to the Strong (DS9)
Battle at the Binary Stars (DIS)
Dagger of the Mind (TOS)
The Mind’s Eye (TNG)
Frame of Mind (TNG)
Mining the Mind’s Mines (Lower Decks)
Mindwalk (PRO)
Bloodlines (TNG)
Blood Oath (DS9)
Ties of Blood and Water (DS9)
Blood Fever (VOY)
Flesh and Blood (VOY)
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (TOS)
The Best of Both Worlds (TNG)
Strange New World (ENT)
All the World’s a Stage (PRO)
Strange New Worlds (SNW)
Ship in a Bottle (TNG)
Starship Mine (TNG)
Starship Down (DS9)
The Ship (DS9)
One Little Ship (DS9)
Day of the Dove (TOS)
Data’s Day (TNG)
Day of Honor (VOY)
Thirty Days (VOY)
Two Days and Two Nights (ENT)
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vgperson · 1 year
Vocaloid Highlights: April 2023
No foolin', she IS the star. Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== April Star Toe Loop Cheap Property King Queen Jack Dance Samsa Heart-Fluttering Star☆Land! Nero Misfortune All Ameri A Brief History of Us Gourami Kiss Spring Express Train Unclear Wisdom Requiem Startling Dystopia Kotonoha Dance Da-Da-Da-Dance Strobe Caster Euphobia Record of Exile Simulcaster Know Misery Rain Shelter Babel Obscured Mad Head Worm Open Eyes Lost in Void
========== Worth Your Time ========== Anomaly You-Colored Sky Non-Inevitable Greed Gazer One Day At A Time Ms. Dummy Insomnia Meaningless Music FROM A TREASURE BOX On a Night of Red Ruin Be The MUSIC! Closing the Distance to You Absolute Status Quo Keeping Imitation in the Mirror Burnit!! Plant Human MAGIC CITY NIGHT Diva In Praise of Youth Apple and Pomegranate Retro Future Being Dream Dancer Rainy Noise Words Are Longing To Get Out Happy End Konpeito and Love Horoscope Let Me See Water Space Ultramarine Let's Die Together With the Piano After It Breaks You Don't Listen To People, Huh Fleeting Eternity RED Final Correspondence Muddy Bouquet Demo Song Dream Girl I'm Home Haustier Conspiracist I Just Can't Live SUSHI-GO-ROUND Destruction Girl The Same Outcome Gerbera Lost Forever Impurity save to heart Aster Stop the HICCUP Midnight Railroad Crossing Last Order Spring Haze, Clouding in Windstorms If Life Has a Weight Happy Creator Te-Te-Te Metamorphose Lost City Girl Love and Sakura are Moments. Season's Cheeks and Wonderland Night Walk Gold Prize Rainy Raine-chan '89 Da Da Dawn Our Experiment Sound of Spring's Departure Trash Can Search Climber Wind Sprint Won't Kill Divine Possession Parallel White Clouds Lethal Pervert Waiting in the Sea Sorrow's Pocket Nothing to Sell But Kindness Light Blue Damage Fashion Poor Loser Gymnastics #1 Seriously Sick Blossom Scar PAREIDO (Parade) Anaphylaxis X-Mark Batter Your Point of View The Day I Learned Love PLUG→OUT Labyrinth Lamentin' Bein' Sick (Special Version) Reminiscence Poetry Vanity L Violet Refrain & Remind Round and Round and Under Teto-Teto-Toteto Monologue The Day's End Boiling Isol-ization (2023 ver.) Beyond Sleep, It Doesn't Rain. You said you love me
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thegigilwriter · 5 months
08 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Implied religious themes (OC is Catholic), slight angst, Drama
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08 | Crab Dinners and Star Gazers 🌌
Sunday PM June 25, 2023
Lucy sighed shaking her soft waves as she ran them through the hairdryer. She stared at herself in the mirror, her head cocked to one side. She put the hairdryer down, pulled the plug, and stowed it away in her dresser drawer. As she began powdering her face, she wondered if the crab meat was thawed enough and hoped that Bradleyʼs special dessert was baking as desired. The ice tea was prepped and resting in the fridge, the table was set, and the brioche toast was buttered and flavored, ready for the oven. After Lucy applied her final layer of mascara, she gazed into her own visage. Something had changed — something deep within her and it showed in the gleam of her eyes, the stretch of her smile, the glow of her round cheek, and the way she stood in front of her own reflection.
Her face wasnʼt so wide anymore, the mole on the corner of her lip and the one near her eye didnʼt look so bothersome, and she held a new fascination with her eyes. How odd, she thought. She straightened her dress, checked her lip gloss, and proceeded to walk into the kitchen.
She drained the water from the half-pound of backfin crab meat and put a pan on high flame. When the surface was hot enough, Lucy heated a tablespoon of butter and the juice of a half lemon. She then added the crab meat and seasoned it with salt and pepper to taste. She stirred it around the pan a little before popping the lid on and putting the toast in the oven. Just then, a knock resounded on her apartment door and Lucy excitedly rushed towards it.
“Hey Angel,ˮ Bradley breathed. He swears, he was getting so spoiled from seeing Lucy like this twice a day. Tonight she opted for another dress with a shorter skirt. It was auburn-colored with a halter strap neckline. She had also paired her outfit with little open-toed black heels.
“Hi,ˮ Lucy smiled as she opened her door for his entry. As Bradley stepped in, he couldnʼt help but quickly notice how full and vibrant her space was compared to his barren house.
“Make yourself at home,ˮ she told him, returning to the stove as Bradley wandered into her living room. “Dinnerʼs almost done.ˮ
He saw the green tendrils that hung by her window as well as her lush plant box. He noticed the tall bookshelf with weathered spines as well as Harry Potter memorabilia. He was fascinated by the tortoises, Tip and Toe, in their makeshift enclosure acting as her TV console. He peered into Walstead fish bowl on her living room table, and admired the cherry red shrimp among the pearl grass as well as the slow-moving golden snail. Bradley sat on her grape-colored couch, and a handsome, classical, rosewood guitar caught his eye. He walked towards the instrument and lifted it in his arms. It was old, but well maintained. By the light of the street and of the moon streaming from her window, his fingers grazed an inscription on its curved side.
To Ford, play with a tender heart.
Bradley instantly put the guitar down as carefully as he could before stepping into the kitchen. Lucy had just set down a lidded cast iron pan beside the pitcher of ice tea and a serving bowl of brioche toast. Bradley smiled, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the side of her head. He banished all thoughts of the guitar in his head as he pulled a seat for Lucy as well for himself.
“This smells so good Angel,ˮ Bradley sighed, inhaling the aromas of the table. Lucy lifted the lid and Bradleyʼs eyes widened.
“Is that—?ˮ
“Norfolk-style crab!ˮ Lucy announced. “You told me that you grew up there and I wanted to create something close to home. Do you like it?ˮ
“I love it,ˮ Bradley replied. “But Angel you didnʼt have to—“
“I wanted to,ˮ Lucy interjected. “If youʼre set on spoiling me, then why couldnʼt I do the same for you?ˮ
Bradley chuckled
“Whatever you want, Angel.ˮ
Dinner conversations were alight with banter, flirty remarks, and laughter, but at the back of his mind Bradley thought about the guitar. Who was this Ford? What did he mean to Lucy and why was she still holding on to something that belonged to him? It bothered him just a little, knowing that before him perhaps another man sat in her dining room or that she was in the front seat of his car. But what was most bothersome is that perhaps in some way, Lucy was hurt by this man so severely that it warranted Tita Ramonaʼs concern.
“Be careful with her, please. There are things that can only be broken so much.ˮ
As their discussion waned and their plates became empty, Lucy went to the kitchen. As Bradley quietly conducted his train of thoughts, all rails came to a halt as soon as the lights in her apartment dimmed slightly and Lucyʼs voice resounded fluidly across the space.
“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you...ˮ
Bradley gaped at her as she carried a cheerful, yellow ceramic plate on which she served a chocolate mound with a dollop of cream and a white candle on top. For a while, Bradley was stuck in a daze. Lucyʼs lovely visage and her auburn-colored dress. Her soft voice. The dancing flame. The rich smell of chocolate and vanilla and sugar.
“Happy birthday to you!ˮ Lucy ended.
“Angel—“ Bradley gasped, slowly coming out of his daydream. “H-How—?ˮ
“Phoenix told me,ˮ she replied as she set the plate down. “I have to say... Iʼm a little disappointed that you didnʼt tell me that your birthday was two days away and it happened to be on your deployment date.ˮ
“I didnʼt want you to make a big thing about it,ˮ Bradley told her.
“This isnʼt a big thing,ˮ Lucy assured Bradley, as she reached for the small spoon. “Itʼs just a little something special.ˮ
Bradley took the spoon from her outstretched fingers.
“Now dig into it,ˮ she smiled. “I wanna see if I got it right this time.ˮ
As Bradley dug his spoon all the way down the mound, a rich chocolate ooze appeared from its depths and ran across the remaining space on the plate. Lucy clapped her hands and did a little celebratory dance.
“Chocolate lava cake,ˮ Bradley remarked. “Impressive, Angel.ˮ
He took a bite, the balance of the cream and chocolate cake and ooze— their respective textures harmoniously melting together on his palette. Bradley moaned, taking another spoonful. He urged Lucy to sit on his lap before feeding her a bite, to which she relished with a satisfied hum.
“Chocolate soufflé, chocolate mousse, and chocolate lava cake...ˮ Bradley recited. “What should we have next, Angel?ˮ
“A nice cup of tea?ˮ She suggested, feeding him a spoonful with his arms wrapped her waist.
Bradley hummed thoughtfully.
“Under this beautiful night?ˮ He suggested. Lucy smiled.
“Iʼll get a thermos and a sweater.ˮ
Bradley parked the Bronco in an isolated area by the beach. They moved to the backseat of the car and Lucy draped their close bodies with a big fluffy blanket she grabbed from the pillow basket near her couch. She poured the passionfruit blend into two small portable cups, steam billowing from the rim. Lucy leaned her head against his hard chest and Bradley put an arm around her, frequently turning to relish the scent of her fragrant hair. They sat there for a while... among the silence of the stars and the rhythm of their breaths, savoring something hot and delicious.
“This is nice,ˮ Lucy sighed. “I havenʼt stargazed in a while. Theyʼre all so bright tonight. Thereʼs Perseus, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda...ˮ
“You sure know your constellations...ˮ Bradley remarked.
“When I was younger, there was this small balcony near our room in our house at Oregon where my brother and I used to go to when we couldnʼt sleep...ˮ Lucy remembered with a nostalgic look in her eye. “He loved the stars. He memorized their names and the constellations, and whenever he saw a shooting star, he would wish for a telescope. I would stay up with him all night, just fascinated by how much he knew...ˮ
“You have a brother?ˮ Bradley breathed.
“I had one,ˮ Lucy smiled sadly. Bradley turned to her, and noticed the gleam in her melancholy gaze.
“Angel—“ he sighed. “You know that Iʼll still choose to be with you, right? Whatever brokenness you have... Iʼm not leaving you — no matter what you say.ˮ
Lucy choked on a gasp, and Bradley was quick to wipe a tear sliding down her cheek and pressing a kiss against her forehead.
“Iʼm not ready...ˮ she breathed deeply. “To talk about Ford yet...ˮ
To Ford, play with a tender heart.
The guitar flashed across his mind.
“Please be patient with me Bradley,ˮ she whispered.
“For you, Angel?ˮ Bradley smiled. “Anything.ˮ
“But there is... just one thing though...ˮ Bradley hummed after a moment of stillness.
Lucy shifted in his arms and averted herself to him swiftly, concerned. “I really, really, really...ˮ
She nervously waited for his reply.
“... want you to be my girlfriend.ˮ
Lucy smacked him across the chest with a flushed face, her eyes gleaming but her smile wide.
“Why do you have to say it like that?!ˮ She half-growled and half-laughed, shaking her head. Bradley cupped her face into his hands, chuckling.
“Iʼm sorry,ˮ he crooned softly.
“You know what?ˮ Lucy breathed, composing herself. “I really, really, really...ˮ
Bradley held his breath.
“Donʼt think—“
His heart fell suddenly.
“That thatʼs a bad idea.ˮ
And then it soared.
“So yes?ˮ Bradley blinked, his heart thundering in his chest like a drum announcing the commencement of a celebration.
“Yes!ˮ Lucy exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes as Bradley bent down to kiss her. Her hands wandered through his locks greedily as she moaned into the kiss. Bradley lifted her on to him, letting Lucy straddle his thighs. His fingers gripped the flesh of her hip, and the other set remained cradling her soft cheek. Bradley began to press kisses against the side of her neck.
“Do you mind if I leave something here?ˮ He whispered to the shell of her ear.
“Make it last as long as your deployment or else Iʼll be even more disappointed,ˮ Lucy replied as Bradley began to bite down on her soft, fragrant skin. He loved the small noises she emitted with every breath and the way she would grip his hair and shoulders.
“Youʼve got quite an edge Angel,ˮ Bradley smirked as he kissed the newly-formed hickey just below the shell of her ear and far into her neck. “I like it.ˮ
“You have no idea,ˮ Lucy smiled impishly. “At least not yet.ˮ
Bradley chuckled kissing the mole on the corner of her eye and the one near her lips. Lucy rested her forehead at the juncture of his neck and shoulder — inhaling his essence.
“I donʼt wanna go,ˮ Bradley said to her softly as he stroked her hair. “I just wanna stay here, kissing you and eating your food and spoiling the hell out of you.ˮ
“And Iʼm afraid,ˮ he admitted as she turned to face him. “Iʼm afraid that Iʼve just gotten something so wonderful, and that itʼll be gone the moment I go away.ˮ
“Oh Bradley,ˮ Lucy stroked his face and let her fingertips graze his scars. “Thatʼs not going to happen. Do you know why?ˮ
Bradley looked intently at her.
“Because on the day of our first date, I went to church, and I asked God — ‘if this man was the one you meant to send for me, show me a sign and let him sit with me in front of You’ ... and this morning you did just that.ˮ
Bradley stilled, swallowing deeply.
“Iʼve had much taken from me Bradley,ˮ Lucy whispered. “And for the last two years Iʼve always wondered why, and now I know — every hurt and every path Iʼve taken since... has lead me to you.ˮ
Bradley kissed her forehead, holding her closer.
“In time, Iʼll tell you everything — everything, I promise. But for now, I hope that youʼll have me for what I am in your eyes.ˮ
“Angel,ˮ Bradley sighed. “However broken you may see yourself, in my eyes you are whole, and now — wholly mine.ˮ
Lucy knew it was naive of her — to think that there are good things in this life that can never be taken away no matter what promise or assurance was given. So as they held each other closely in the cold of the night, she offered up another prayer — one that asked to bring him home and to let this one good thing stay for good.
Bradley and Lucy are official! I have played out how this scene would happen in my mind so many times, but I’m glad how it finally turned out on paper :)) Thank you for reading! Now on to the next chapter 09 | First of Many.
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withlove-xixi · 20 days
— STAR GAZER: marcille x f!reader
ᥫ cw: none ᥫ wc: 1198 ★ once again, xixi writes marcille to themes about celestial bodies lol this one's for you 🌻 (pointing to the crowd, shooting a basketball into the hoop and missing) cross posted on ao3
[♡]: it was something distant to marcille, the stars in the sky. something she felt she could only ever appreciate from afar, too distant for her arms to reach, try as she must. but you always loved them despite it, always loved to lay your back on the dewy grass of the hill, fix your eyes on the endless sky above. marcille didn’t quite understand, but she was honored nonetheless to have been invited to lay next to you and watch the stars.
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THERE ARE ONLY ABOUT AS MANY STARS AS YOU CAN COUNT, it was something Marcille was told by some adult in her childhood, some teacher in some class or some character in some book. It was the idea that they were practically infinite, there could be as many stars as you’d want there to be. Really, it was a concept Marcille didn’t quite agree with. How could there be so much unknown? How could it remain unknown for eternity? Being a longer lived race, the concept almost bothered her, the concept of infinity, of never knowing everything to its full capacity. It just felt so foreign to leave things behind, to let the universe keep its secrets. Somehow it was a concept that completely had a hold of you though. Marcille remembers she had brought up the topic once in school, meant to rant about how foolish the whole idea was until she caught a glimpse of your face, eyes shining brightly, completely enthralled by the idea of infinity, the vast expanse of the unknown.
It was something Marcille truly couldn’t quite get. She relished the comfortability of knowing; she liked knowing things, prided herself in her studies and her knowledge. But if it was something that interested you, as much as it bothered her, she couldn’t truly bring herself to ridicule it.
Which led to now, sneaking out of the school dormitory late at night, laying in nightgowns and looking at the stars. It was a nice night out, a full moon high in the dark abyssal sky, a lack of clouds that allowed the finite stars to dance along the edges of the horizon.
She knew you did this often, sneaking out just to get a better view of the night sky, and on days you didn’t, she knew you looked out at them still from your window the same way you look at them now. She watches as you stretch out an arm to point at a star, almost as if you were trying to reach for it, which was silly because it was impossible.
“That one is Mintaka, next to it are Alnitak and Alnilam, you see?” You ask, voice quiet to mirror the silence of the sleeping world around you, but Marcille catches the distinct excitement in your tone when you speak.
She pouts up at the sky. They’re all just dots to her. “Not really.” She answers truthfully.
You scoot a bit closer to her, then you gently lift her hand, guiding it to follow the imaginary lines that connected the stars. Your fingers just barely intertwine with hers as you trace the sky together.
“Mintaka here, see? Then Alnitak and Alnilam.” You explain again, soft and slow, patient.
Marcille nods, though she’s far more focused on the warmth of your hand seeping into her skin than she is with those stupid lights. You smile at her and the biting chill of the late night completely vanishes, replaced entirely with fluttering warmth.
“They’re called the Three Kings,” you explain as you turn your attention back to the sky. You move yours and Marcille’s hand together, tracing more senseless patterns in the sky. “If you connect these stars here, and these there… You’ll see that the Three Kings are actually part of a constellation. See? They form the belt of a warrior.”
She nods again. “I see it, I guess.” Her voice sounding a bit more confused and disinterested than she intended. She cusses at herself for it.
But instead of calling her out, you giggle. “Not everyone does. They never really form an exact shape too, but I think that’s what’s beautiful about them.” Your hands leave hers to rest on top of your stomach, much to her disappointment.
“Really?” She asks, doing much better now at masking her disinterest. Had it been anyone else she would’ve scoffed and told them it was all so idiotic, but it was you, so she bore through the conversation.
“They say there are only as many stars as you can count,” you say, and she feels dread settle in her stomach. Such a stupid saying…
“How many are there then?”
You hum before you reply. “Maybe twenty—”
“Twenty?!” Marcille exclaims, pushing herself up by her elbow. “No way there’s just twenty stars up there, there are far too many lights in the sky.”
You giggle, which instantly calms her down from her sudden outburst. “It’s as the saying goes, only as many stars as I can count.” You reply easily.
“Still…” she murmurs, “Could count more than twenty…”
You giggle again. “Think you’re missing the point, Marcy.”
She frowns at you before settling back to lay next to you. “What is the point then?”
“Having the world in your hands.” You reply with a soft laugh at the end. “It’s taking in only what you can. I could count for centuries and keep going, and I’m certain the stars would rival that number tenfold, but for now I’m only counting twenty. I am in control of things, I choose which paths in life to take, which books to read, which songs to sing, and how many stars there are in the sky. It’s a reminder to take things easy.”
Marcille frowns a bit deeper, not only because it makes sense but because it raises more questions. Was that really what it meant? Was it never about infinity, the endless eternity after her Marcille had lived dreading? The world in her hands… having full control of so much yet so little. It made sense, she supposed. In life, there’s only so much she could do for things to go the way she wants, whether it be for her or her community. To architect a dungeon, to study more about ancient magic, besides that, there were still things Marcille could do. Taking things a bit at a time… With her long life she always knew there was still finity in what she’d be able to accomplish; it was to take that limit and basically treat it as limitless… To see so many stars but only choose to count twenty. In a way, it was freeing, in the same way, it was dreadful.
“Hey,” you call out to her and when she turns to face you, she finds you’re looking back at her. “Only as many stars as you can count.”
She blinks at you, before a small smile breaks out on her face. You were right after all, despite everything, it was a sign to take things easy.
“What other stars can you tell me about?”
A bright smile flashes on your face before you turn back to the sky, reaching out for the limitless possibilities and impossibilities ahead of you. You point at a different batch of stars in the sky, telling Marcille each about their name and their story with so much tender care it was like you had put them up there yourself.
There really were only as many stars in the sky as you could count, and as Marcille’s eyes stayed fixed on you, as yours were fixed at the sky, as far as she could tell, for her, there was only one.
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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian
Chapter 5: Meat Gazer
Raian had a bad habit. Well, he had a lot of bad habits but this one bothered Ohma the most. Not that he wasn’t used to seeing naked men of course, but like most of the other Kengan fighters he wasn’t particularly pleased when another man decided to stare at his dick when he was trying to take a piss. 
Unfortunately for him, Raian was a meat gazer. Not in a sexual way (most of the time), but he just really liked to fuck with people and through experience found that this was one of the most effective ways.
(Via military terms: A piss test observer to make sure you aren’t faking clean piss on a piss test, but often times they’re just trying to look at your dick because they like it. -VETTV)
Kure Raian was not beyond voyeurism. Frankly, nothing was beyond him. If it was nasty he was probably into it, with very few exceptions.
Rihito had already been an unfortunate victim.
When asked, the beefhead will vehemently deny that anything happened that fateful day in the Kengan tournament, but he could still feel Raian’s cold ass hands on his dick every now and then when he had to go to a public urinal. 
He had also developed a habit of fugitively looking over his shoulder every time he heard footsteps behind him in the bathroom. 
The first time Ohma had experienced it was on an early Spring morning shortly after he had moved into the Kure residence. 
He had still been woozy and exhausted from all the drugs they had pumped into his system for his heart surgery and was unusually mellowed, so the lapse in awareness wasn’t all his fault. 
The bright light of the bathroom burned his eyes, forcing him to squint and look away. The door was cracked open. A mistake he wouldn’t soon forget.
His fingers worked at the drawstring of his shorts, abnormally clumsy. Groaning, he turned off the lights after letting his shorts fall to his ankles, eyes hurting from the light. The only sliver of illumination came from the entrance.
Sighing, he felt his bladder slowly deflating as he began relieving himself.
Then he sensed it.
A dark, malicious presence, and a warm weight on his shoulder. Something rough and firm wrapped around his dick. 
Ohma’s eyes shot open, his reflection gazing back at him in shock through the mirror.
He wasn’t alone.
The low light was enough to highlight spiky, light-blond hair and broad, rolling shoulders. 
For a long second Ohma stood still, muscles tense like a spring on the verge of action as his brain struggled to catch up to his body. Black, glinting eyes flitted quickly from his cock to his face, then back to his still-pissing appendage. 
He was so casual about it that Ohma felt his brain short-circuiting. Is this bastard really…
A raspy chuckle finally broke him out of his stupor, and the static energy that had been festering inside him boiled over like a volcano. He flung his arm back, twisting his body as he tried to shove Raian off only to feel an intense tugging pain in his groin that made him groan through tightly clenched teeth. 
Raian hadn’t let go, and when Ohma tried bucking him off he had kept his death grip on his dick. Hissing, he did his best to pry Raian’s cold, clammy fingers off without accidentally clawing the now pulsating flesh. Whether it was from pain or pleasure he didn’t know and didn’t care to find out.
“What the hell is wrong with you, you shithead?!” Ohma roared, shoving the cackling devil to the ground and stomping on his chest. He felt a shred of satisfaction as Raian wheezed, though he seemed thoroughly unaffected by the blow. 
“Jus’ investigating,” Raian sneered up at him, shoving his leg off. 
Ohma barely had a chance to open his mouth before Raian barreled into him and out the door, laughing hysterically as if he just told the funniest joke he had ever heard. His head thudded painfully against the tile and the sound of clay splitting echoed in his ears. 
The door to the bathroom hung precariously on its broken hinges, and Ohma was helpless to do anything except lay staring at the ceiling in shock. His heart rate was elevated in a way that was vaguely worrying, but right now that was frankly the last thing on his mind. 
He was gonna pound that bastard straight to hell in the morning, but for now, he needed to find some ice for his dick.
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queersrus · 11 months
Npd/Narcissus theme
[npd/narcissus theme]
including narcissus from greek myth as well as anything related to the narcissus flower and npd.
tagging @clusterrune, @narcissist-hoarding
narc, narci, narcis/narciss, narcisse, narcissa/narcisa, narcisso/narciso, narcet/narcett/narcette, narcetta, narcetto, narcel/narcell/narcelle, narcella, narcello, narcin/narcine, narcina, narcino, narcissus, narcissi, narcissist, narcissisa, narca, narcisset/narcissett/narcissette, narcissetta, narcissetto, narcissel/narcissell/narcisselle, narcissella, narcissello, narcissin/narcissine, narcissina, narcissino, narcissisti, narcissista, NP, ND, nargis, narkissos, narciso, narcyz, narkas, nargiza, narges, narcaf, narcas, narce, narcel, narcie, narcia, narciz, narco, narzy mirror, mirra/miraa/mira, mirrora, mirrorer, Major reflect, reflector, reflecta, reflection, Royal daf/daff, daffy/daffi/daffie, daffo, daffodil jon/john, jonqui, jonquil po/poe, poet, poeti, poetic, poeticus, phea, phae, pheasant, pink, pinki/pinkie/pinky, pinks, pinkster, Prince, Princess, Princex, Prinze eye fin/finn, find, finder, findern lil, lili/lilli/lily/lilly/lillie/lilie, Liriope taz, taze, tazet/tazett/tazette, tazeta/tazetta, thespiae King Cephissus queen, queeny/queenie
Narcisse, Narcissa, Narcissi/Narcisi, Narcissist, Narcett, Narcissisa, Narciso/Narcizo, Narci, Narca, Narcis, Narcy Myrror/Mirror, Mirrored Reflector/Reflecter Daffodil Jonquil Poet, Poeticus, Pheasant, Pink, Pinkster Eye(s) Find/Finde, Finder, Findern Lily, Liriope Tazetta Cephissus
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ni/nar/narci/narcine/narcself ni/narc/narcs/narcself ni/nar/nargi/nargine/nargisself mi/mirr/mirro/mirrine/mirrorself ri/re/reflec/reflectine/reflectionself di/daff/daffi/daffine/daffodilself ji/jo/jon/jonquine/jonquilself pi/poe/poet/poetine/poetself phi/phea/pheas/pheasine/pheasantself pi/pink/pinks/pinkine/pinkself eye/ee/ey/eyine/eyeself fi/fe/find/fine/findself li/lil/lily/liline/lilyself ti/taz/tazets/tazine/tazettaself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
no/narc/narcs/narcself no/nar/nargis/nargiself mo/mirror/mirrors/mirrorself ro/reflector/reflectors/reflectorself do/daffor/daffors/daffodilself jo/jonquir/jonquirs/jonquirself po/poeter/poeters/poeterself pho/pheasar/pheasars/pheasantself po/pinkster/pinksters/pinksterself eyo/eyer/eyers/eyerself fo/finder/finders/findernself lo/liler/lilers/lilyself to/tazer/tazers/tazerself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
narc/narcs, np/npd, npd/npds, np/d, n/pd, narc/narcissist, narcissist/narcissists, narcissist/narcissistic, narci/ssist, narci/ssistic, narcissus/poeticus, nar/nargis, narg/nargis, nargi/nargis, nargis/nargis', narcissus/tazetta, narcissus/jonquil mir/mirror, mirr/or, mir/ror, mirror/mirrors, mirror/mirrored, mirror/mirroring reflect/reflects, reflect/reflection, reflect/reflector, reflect/reflected, reflect/reflecting, re/flect daff/daffodil, daffodil/daffodils, daffo/dil jon/quil, jon/jonquil, jonquil/jonquils po/et, poet/poets, poeti/cus, poet/poeticus, poeticus/poeticus, phea/sant, pheasant/pheasants, pheasant/eye, pink/ster, pink/pinkster, pink/pinks, pinkster/pinksters, pinkster/lily fi/findern, find/ern, finder/findern, findern/findernself, findern/flower lil/lily, lily/lilys, lil/y, li/ly taz/tazetta, taze/tazetta, tazetta/tazettas, taz/etta
the narc, the narcissist, the narcissistic, the one with npd, the npd haver, the one who adores themself/their reflection, the mirror gazer, the one who gazes into the mirror/their reflection, the self-admirer, the flower, the daffodil, the jonquil, the poet, the peots daffodil, the poets jonquil, the poets narcissus, the nargis, the pheasant, the pheasants eye, the findern, the findern(s) flower, the pinkster, the pinkster(s) lily, the lily, the tazetta, the narcissus tazetta, the narcissus jonquil, the (x) of Cephissus, the (x) of Liriope
(prn) who is narcissistic, (prn) who has npd, (prn) who has grandiose delusions/delusions of grandeur, (prn) who loves their reflection, (prn) who loves daffodils, (prn) who loves jonquils, (prn) who loves the nargis, (prn) who loves the pheasants eye, (prn) who loves the findern flower, (prn) who loves the pinkster lily, (prn) who was born to Cephissus, (prn) who was born to Liriope
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hotforharrysheart · 1 year
Be My Policeman
You scoot into the back seat of the luxury sedan in your champagne colored evening gown. Thankfully it had two thigh high slits making the “scoot” a little easier because God knows the dress was tight enough to make it hard to make the move without them. Harry follows in his emerald green jacket looking fashionably dapper as usual. You look forward and see Cal’s familiar eyes in the rear-view mirror.
“Hey Cal, thanks for keeping the car warm, I’m freezing,” you say with a shiver.
Never one to mince words, Cal gives a nod and a quick wink.
“Brrr…Emma must be like ice! God, they looked breathtaking, though,” you say rubbing your hands on your arms.
Harry gestures for you to lean forward wrapping you in his strong arms and pulling you against his warm chest. “Kep’ acciden’ally steppin’ on tha floofy thin’ they had wrapped ‘round ‘em, decided ta jus’ carry it s’ didn’ acciden’ally rip it off ‘em,” he comments close to your ear.
“I saw that, that was sweet and cute of you to do so, all up until you kicked it out of the way at the podium…Jeffrey and I snorted at how typically boy of you that was…’if it’s in the way and all else fails, kick it’,” you giggle turning your head into his lips, “I looked at him and said, ‘Hello international film world let me introduce you to my friend Harry, he’s almost housebroken’.”
“It wasn’ tha’ bad! ‘Sides it was in the way…Err, did it really look tha’ bad?” He asks with a smidge of insecurity.
You quickly kiss him, “Nah, it was very ‘Harry’ and very cute,” you whisper with a shiver and snuggle in closer to him. “You looked amazing in your lilies tonight,” you say fingering the lily corsage on his jacket.
“Lambert though’ ya migh’ like tha’. ‘sides God knows I love lilies. Are ya named after the flower?” He asks kissing your temple.
“My Auntie said that my mum always loved both the flower and the name so she had always said she ‘claimed’ the name Lily if she had a little girl. She said she found it quite ironic when she met my father with the last name ‘Rose’. So when I was born ‘Lily Elizabeth Rose’ it was.”
“Always loved those really cool star-shaped lilies wi’ tha red middles…what are they called…,” he says thoughtfully.
“Star-gazers…Star-gazer lilies. Yeah, they’re really stunning,” you say pulling one side of your dress that had slipped off back over your leg, much to his dismay.
“Hey, was enjoyin’ tha’ view, thank ya very much.”
“Yeah, well, I’m cold…”
“Getcha warmed up in a minute, babe. I promise.” He says kissing the shell of your ear.
Cal pulls into the parking garage quickly and circles close to the elevator to drop you off. Nerves immediately start to settle in because you have plans for tonight. Big plans and you just hope he’ll be on board. Although it’s been months since you and Harry first screened ‘My Policeman’, you hadn’t been able to shake the way it had affected you. Not only had he given an incredible performance tackling a tough subject, he’d looked absolutely stunning in the film. He looked as if he were born in the era and, let’s be honest, a naked Harry would forever satisfy you. It had brought out a curiosity in you that you hadn’t known existed.
On the elevator ride, you nod as he talks about…well, to be honest you aren’t really sure because you’re focused on his moving lips and not the words coming out of them. God, he’s so beautiful. The love scenes in the film rushing back into your front consciousness.
“….then when the alligator chomped down on ma leg, I said ‘would ya like salt wi’ tha’?’” He says teasingly.
You shake your head…”Wait, what…salt?... What?” You say confused.
He chuckles, “Wasn’ sure if ya were even lis’enin’ ta a word I was sayin’ so I though’ I’d check..”
“Sorry, babe, I’m a little distracted,” you say sheepishly with a blush.
“Wanna talk abou’ it?”
“Ummm…well, I plan to…” you say with a shy smile.
He knits his brows and grabs your hand, “Sounds serious, should I be worried?”
“No, not at all…everything’s fine, I just…just…have somethin’ I wanna give you up in our room.”
He smirks smugly, “Tha’s funny ‘cause I ‘ave somethin’ righ’ here tha’ I wanna give ya up in our room.”
“I like the way you think, Mr. Styles, international film star.”
The elevator dings and the doors open just outside your room door. He leads you out with a gentle touch to your bare lower back. His hands are warm and your body is on fire with a mixture of nerves and arousal. He opens the door to the room and you step in only to have him swing you around and pin you to the door.
“Been distrac’ed since we go’ outta the car, Jezebel. Wanna ‘no wha’s on ya mind,” he says breath hot on your face, eyes filled with intensity and concern.
You close your eyes, heart rate picking up and you gulp. Your eyes open to meet his green ones. “Remember…remember when we first watched My Policeman months ago?”
“Yeah, course I do,” he rasps, eyes boring into yours, fingers trailing lightly down your neck.
“That scene of you and David on the couch…I-I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”
He presses his forehead to yours. “There’s a fantasy in here,” he says, tapping your head, “I wanna ‘no wha’ ya’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout Jezebel.”
“Yes, I…god…I don’t even know how to say this, but…” you say, looking down.
“Look at me, Jezebel. Tell me,” he licks his lips, “tell me wha’s been on ya mind.”
You meet his eyes. “You always make me feel so good and I-I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel and…and…” you puff out a breath, “I want you to re-create that scene with me. I bought a toy…I’ve read up on it and I want you to…to…be my policeman?” You say in a rush.
He doesn’t say anything, he just stares at you. It’s disconcerting but you can tell he needs time to process your request. He can feel his pulse spike at the thought of it…he’s always wanted to experiment with this but it just never came up…the couch scene in the movie was the closest he’s ever come to it and now you’re standing in front of him asking him for it. A soft smile curves the corners of his mouth tilt up and his hand moves to your cheek. “‘M yours, ma Jezebel ta do wi’ as ya please.”
You bite your bottom lip. “Really?
“Yeah. Wanna do this fo’ ya bu’ can’ say I haven’t thought abou’ it befo’,” he says smiling his most beautiful smile.
You blow out a breath. “Ok, give me a few minutes to get ready.”
He smirks at you. “No’ befo’ I get a kiss, ma love.”
You press your thumb to his bottom lip, slightly pull it down and watch closely as it pops back into place as he leans in. Just before his lips reach yours he whispers, “Jesus, Jezebel…love ya s’much it hurts.”
“Harry…” is all you can manage breathily as you cup his cheek.
He tilts his head and opens his mouth tongue meeting yours before your lips even get a moment to touch. He devours you with a growl. “Tas’e like champagne, swee’eart,” he mumbles as he kisses to your ear. “Need help gettin’ outta this dress?”
Choking back a swallow of arousal, you say, “H-have you s-ssseen the back on this thing, hhh…,” you stutter as his teeth find your earlobe, “h-had a hard time keeping it on all night, c-comes off easy.”
“Goddamn…so sexy. Go’ me fit ta be tied, Jezebel,” he whispers against your neck trying to pull the strap off one shoulder.
You push slightly against his shoulder, “No way, mister…I’m gonna go get ready…alone,” you say pressing your finger to his lips as he opens his mouth, no doubt to volunteer to help. He closes his eyes and groans while pressing his hand to his tented pants. “S’hard…,” he says under his breath.
You saunter over to the dresser, open the top drawer and pull out a medium size black velvet bag. You open it and pull out the leather and lace thong harness and leave the slender silicone attachable dildo and warming water-based lube inside. Tossing the bag on the bed, you loop a leg of the thong over your finger and hold it up letting it drape and sway from your finger just out of his reach. “Be right back, baby.”
He smirks as he feels a surge of blood rush to his already hard cock. Damn, this woman will be the death of me he thinks as he begins to tear off his clothes. Oh, what a way to go!
In the bathroom you make quick work of undressing and pulling on the leather harness. It’s black with the circular opening in the front for the attachment of the dildo and a thong back with lace ruffles around the edges. For what it is, you’re astounded at how beautiful it is and how sexy you feel in it. You turn to take a look at your bum and smile. It looks really pretty with the black lace ruffles framing your cheeks. He’s gonna love this look. Your smile turns to a smug smirk very similar to something you’ve seen on Harry’s face on more than one occasion…several times in just the last hour, for that matter. When you open the door to the en-suite bathroom you’re greeted with soft light…the only light from a lamp on a table next to the burgundy couch across from the bed. You take a few steps to find him naked, lying on the bed resting on his elbows. Before he can even focus, you turn to show him the back of the harness and toss a very saucy look from under your lashes as you look over your shoulder.
“You like?”
He simply nods his head and says, “Christ…Lily…,” again. He’s hard and leaking; he’s aching so much.
You crook your finger in a come hither gesture and move toward the couch.
He scrambles up and begins to drift toward you.
“Bring the velvet bag with you, Harry,” you say with a flutter of your eyelashes.
You grab the throw blanket you bring with you everywhere and drape it on the couch and turn to sit down catching him staring at your bum and licking his lips. He’s enjoying this immensely you think to yourself. It boosts your confidence in spades. You rest your head back on the couch so you can look up at him, moving to position himself over you placing a knee on either side of your hips and bracing himself with a hand on the back of the couch by your head.
He looks from side to side, smiles softly at you and rasps, “This ok?”
“Oh yeah….it’s perfect,” you say leaning your head to one side and running your hands up his chest. You stop with your middle fingers over his nipples and circle them. “Thank you for this. You nervous?”
“Fuck yeah….bu’ ‘m so hard fo’ you…,” he smirks, “curious….”
You lean forward to kiss his chest and he leans over to kiss the top of your head, hands on either side of your neck.
“Harry…” you breathe out. “Thank you…oh my god, thank you. Couldn’t stop thinking about this…” you tell him kissing his wrist, your hands covering his.
“Baby, try everythin’ once, twice ‘f we like it.”
“Wanna check one thin’ first,” he says slipping his hands down to the circular opening on the strap on harness. He slides his middle and ring finger inside to find your sopping hole. “Mmmm….wet…,” he rasps pushing them in, pulling them out and then bringing them to your lips. “All the honey…” He says before leaning down for a deep kiss.
“Help me put this together?” You say breathlessly.
“Only thin’ ‘m worried abou’ are ma balls…ya so small, baby, ‘fraid I might rack ‘em. Hate tha’,” he says with a chuckle
You smile a smirky smile, “I would hate that too, kinda fond of those myself. I’ll take very very good care of your balls.” You smile fingertips grazing down them. “Gonna take such good care of all of you, H. Wanna make you feel as good as you make me feel,” you say leaning up to kiss him.
He opens his mouth wide to devour your desperate tongue and breathless longing. It’s like the very breath in your lungs he desires in his own. His tongue reaches deep, tasting your passion, seeking your pleasure and to be pleasing.
When he pulls away you’re both breathless. “Harry, I don’t know what I’m doing…I’m all flustered.”
“Baby, we’ll figure it out tagether, yeah? We’ll go slow. Jus’ wan’ ya…ya wan’ me?” He asks searching your eyes.
“So much…,” you say feeling your nerves relax.
“Now, how does this thin’ work,” he says running a finger along the waistband of the leather harness. He pulls out the narrow silicone cock and together you work to attach the little silver bullet that will rest over your clit when it’s in place in the harness. It’s a fumble of smiles and stolen kisses, caresses and touches, but you manage to get it situated in the harness snug against your body.
He looks down at you in the harness with the silicone cock and he tucks his lips in his mouth.
“Jesus Jezebel. God, this is s’fucking sexy…”
“It kinda feels sexy,” you say wrapping your hand around the shaft and pulling up. “This how you do it?”
He groans, licking his lips.
“Yeah…god…doesn’t look like tha’ though.” His eyes flick back up to yours. “Never thought I’d see ya jacking’ off Jezebel.”
“I can feel the bullet an it’s not even on yet, it’s cold as ice,” you say shivering.
“Lemme turn it on,” he says running his finger down your tummy. He presses the little rubber stopper and it delightfully comes to life with a low vibration. it’s your turn to groan and lick your lips.
“mmm—hm,” you moan out quickly, eyes rolling back in your head.
He leans down to nose your nose and whispers, “look down.”
You look down to see the dildo slightly vibrating against his dick and his hand holding them together. “Can feel it on ya clit at tha same time ‘s on ma cock. This wha’ a vibrator feels like ta ya?
You nod and he gasps.
“Fucks sake, baby” he says as your hips roll with the vibrations, the dildo hitting his cock on each pass.
You lick your lips, your hand grabbing for his. “I’m so sensitive….ungh! Fuck…gonna cum!”
You throw your head back as you cum for him.
“Good girl…good girl…,” he coos and praises. “Fuckin’ amazing when ya cum fo’ me, nothin’ in this world like it…beautiful.” He licks his lips. “Jus’ realized ‘m gonna feel tha’ thing vibrate inside me,” he says against your lips.
Still panting you question, “Do you want me to turn it off?”
“No, no’ at all, wan’ the whole experience,” he says smiling and kissing your forehead. He’s panting in anticipation. “Ya got another orgasm in there fo’ me? Need ya to cum again fo’ me.”
You lean your head back and close your eyes for a moment. “Harry, my body has endless amounts of orgasms for you….you have no idea,” you say finally meeting his love drunk stare.
“Fuck Jezebel.”
This time he takes the dildo shaft and begins to stroke and shift it, sending the vibrations in all different directions over your already swollen hard pearl of a clit. Your body covers in goosebumps and a full body shiver takes over.
“Yeah, wan’ tha’ body orgasm of yours, wanna feel ya spasm all over “
“Mmmm…gonna give it to you…gonna cu-uhhh-mmm!”
He pulls his hand away and you cry out. “No’ jus’ yet, Jezebel. No’ until ya inside me.”
You gasp at his words. You inside of him…fuck.
It brings your whole fantasy back to you.
You fumble around shaking hands looking for the little velvet bag. “I-I got this warming lu…,” you start with a stammer as your shaking hands begin to open the bag.
“Breathe babe, give me the bag,” he says calmly taking it from you. He pulls out the bottle and looks at the label for just a second, out of curiosity you suppose. Then he looks at your expression and smiles. You’re blowing out small streams of air trying to calm your wound up body. Then he catches you eye him chest to shaft…before your reach for his hardness and begin to slowly stroking him. You want him to be as hard as ever before you enter him.
Your hand slips down to cup his balls
“Don’! I’ll cum!”
“But I wanna touch you here,” you say, running your middle finger around his tight freshly showered bum. “Does that feel good, H?”
His eyes flutter closed.
“Gotta…fuck, gotta ge’ me ready.”
You pull your hand back, “put some lube on my fingers, baby,” you say softly while looking up at him from under your lashes. “I wanna touch you like you touch me.”
He flips the cap and pours a generous amount on your fingers.
Your fingers circle his hole and his eyes flutter closed again.
It feels just as good as he remembers from the plug. His nostrils flare as he attempts to regain some control as your fingers slip inside, slowly opening him up for you. You scissor your fingers and he falls forward, chin on your head, “fuck, fuck, fuck” leaving his mouth.
You kiss his throat, “ok?”
“Mmm, fuck!” He says gripping the back of the couch with one hand and holding the side of your face with the other. “Yeah, I’m good,” he eases back far enough to look down into your upturned face.
You’re pink cheeked, slack-jawed and have a deliriously drunk look on your face. You breathe out a hot exhale and swivel your hips. Your inhale includes a soft squeal of joy.
“Baby, ya all fucked out by this, hmm?” He says biting his bottom lip and involuntarily flexing his glutes.
“I’m so turned on, H….”
He feels you squeeze his cock tight between his legs.
“My fantasy….mmmm…my fantasy….be my policeman…”
“Fuck, Jezebel, be wha’ evah ya wan’ me ta be.”
“I wanna fuck you,” you say easing your fingers from his body. You regain focus enough to add lube to the dildo and feel it warming the slender silicone. Just like he would you, you guide him closer to your body with your hand on his lower back and feel his full body shiver.
“God, Jezebel…never knew ya takin’ control would be s’sexy.”
“Ride me, Harry.”
You say as you hold “your shaft” stiff and vertical between you. “I’m hard for you, baby, put me inside you, sink down slowly,” you say feeling confident, sexy and sassier, not to mention extremely turned on.
He blows out a breath and moves forward to line himself up. You keep your eyes on his knowing how important it is for your sense of touch and communication to make this as easy as possible. “Tell me when it’s in the right spot…” you whisper maintaining eye contact. He simply blinks his eyes in agreement.
Once the tip of the dildo is in place, he begins to slowly push downward.
“Breathe for me, H.”
“Fuck…tha’s wha’ I say ta ya, Lily,” he says breathing deeply.
He watches as you gasp as he fully seats himself on the dildo as it presses the vibrator against your clit. “There’s my gasp,” he says smirking.
“You feel so good on me, can feel you pushing on my clit”, you say then glance down at his cock. “My god Harry, so so hard. How does it feel?”
“Dunno…,” he says then raises up slightly. He stops immediately and growls deeply in his chest and a bit of ejaculate spurts out, and he falls forward hands hard against the couch. “Jesus! Fucking! Christ!” He says panting heavily. You know from your research that the pressure on his prostate is at a height. Your hands go to his face. “You should see yourself, baby. Riding me…does it feel good?”
The growl he lets out is gutteral.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you say smugly. “Keep moving, baby. Cum for me…because of me…”
He moves on the dildo and every movement pushes the vibrator against your clit. His hands move to your breasts, fingers pulling your nipples. “God, ya tits are amazin’. No’ gonna last much longer. Ya gotta cum fo’ me.”
You bite your bottom lip. You can feel your orgasm coiling with every movement forward. He swivels his hips on the next downward movement and you both cry out. He does it again and your head snaps back on your shoulders and your body shakes as you cum.
“Ahhhh…ahhhh…ahhhh! Oh fuck!” You cry out, cumming hard. He’s panting above you, barely hanging on but waiting for you to come back to him. You meet his eyes and gasp. They’re nearly black with desire and arousal.
He begins to slowly slide up and down the dildo his knuckles while on the back of the couch on either side of your head. His stare is so deep, so intense you don't dare look away. The strength in his jaw and the flex of his neck, shoulders, biceps and arms tell you volumes about how he’s reacting to the stimulation.  "Keep going, H...Oh God...thought of this, dreamt of it, fucked myself thinking about making you cum this way, please keep going."
“Wait, ya fucked yaself thinkin' abou' this?" he says through gritted teeth.
"Yeah, deep with my fingers...once with that dildo that’s inside you right now...fucked myself with that dildo before it ever touched you." you sob out in a stumble of admission. “Told you I wanted this...after that first screening of My Policemen, I just couldn't get this out of my mind. Keep going, handsome...I want your cum on me," you smooth your hands up his thighs to his hips. You run your thumb over his bee tat with your initials. “Gimme your honey, H."
“Fuck, Jezebel..... cumming, cumming, cumming, cumming.... goddamn, goddamn fuck, fuck, fuuuucckkk...!" he curses violently before an animalistic growl leaves his chest sounding like it originated in his very soul.
Your hands move up and down his dick and you gasp as his cum spurts out over your breasts, both of you breathing hard. The dildo slips out as he pants above you and then you’re both working furiously to get the harness off of you. It’s finally done and he tosses it to the floor and turns around collapsing against you, your arms wrapping around his shoulders.
You run one hand up and down over his chest and pecs, the other hand placed over his forehead pulling his head to the side ever so slightly so you can place kisses on his temple and ear. "Shhh...shhh...breathe for me, H... was so intense," you soothe feeling his chest heave up and down and his breath come in quick panting bursts.
“Nev-Never...ever...c-cum...so...h-hard," he stutters trying to catch his breath.  He raises his head and looks down. "Yup still there...thought it might've blown off. God Lily...," he says, shivering. “Fuck, this tha way ya feel when ya flood, baby? 'Cause f-feels like 's too much almos'" he says, hiccuping and emotional.
You kiss the spot beside his ear. “Yes, it’s so intense…almost too much.” You hug him tighter. “Thank you for letting me have this. It was amazing to give this to you. Want you to feel as good you make me feel.”
You trail kisses down his neck, feeling his pulse jumping under your lips. “So beautiful baby. Did so good for me.”
He’s still breathing rapidly but not as heavily as before. You smooth your hand over his forehead and smile.
“Was it good for ya? Ya fantasy? Was it as good as ya hoped?”
You turn your head, lips against his temple and close your eyes. You sigh unable to speak for the moment.
“Babe?" He asks finding your hand on his chest and squeezing it.
"I'm just speechless, it was more than I ever imagined...it's like touching a part of your soul...," you say softly.
"Lily, never done anything like tha' wi' anyone else, ya 'no tha' righ'?" he says turning his head toward you.
"H, I don't care if you did...just wanna be the last one ya do that with." you say honestly as your lean around to kiss the corner of his mouth.
He pulls your left hand up to his lips and kisses your knuckles and pancakes it between his holding them up in prayer position. “Ma ring is in here, on tha finger of the one I love mo’ than anythin' in this entire world. Mo’ than friends, fans...mo’ than music..."
"Don’t say that, I’d never ask you to make that choice, but thank you for saying as much."
"'S true though, ya own me, Lily, all of me, no’ because ya gave me an orgasm ta die fo', bu’ because ya gave me the mos’ precious gift of ya love, ya trust, ya great big beau'iful brain an' I fuckin' love tha' sexy dirty mind..." he says making you giggle lightly and sway your body with him smiling with tears running down your face.
"Suppose I should get up ta clean us up?" he says pulling his head back farther in attempt to catch your eyes.
"Wait just a minute...holding you this way is part of it...," you say bottom lip pouting out. You squeeze him tighter to you and he laughs his breathy little laugh. “Wanna light up a cigarette and share it?”
You throw your head back and laugh.
“Not part of my fantasy, baby.”
He feels so good against you, so warm and hard. “I love you Harry. I love you so so much.”
“Love ya, darling. Than’ ya fo' makin' love ta me... fo' bein' inside me an' makin' me cum s'hard. ‘M sorry, made us a mess...grab a shower wi' me...then cuddles?" he says reaching back to thread his fingers in your hair and pull your lips closer to his.
“Mmmm...sounds divine," you mumble against his lips.
He sits up and looks down at the leather and lace harness and dildo and smirks. Reaching down to grab it, he unfastens the silicone from the strap and stands to take it with you to the shower for a nice cleaning. You smile a knowing smile and pucker up asking for a kiss to which he gladly complies. "Been in both of us," you say with a smirk as you turn to walk toward the en-suite.
He shakes his head as he starts to follow along. Goddamn he's got a minx on his hands and he wouldn't have it any other way.
The shower feels nice with warm water sluicing down your body. With very satisfied smiles you wash each other while exchanging intimate glances, stealing soft kisses and caressing touches along the way. His eyes are droopy and his body slack with a deep contented sleepiness. He’s moving slow and it’s making you giggle. It’s about time he knows what it’s like to be completely fucked out, especially since he’s done it to you so many times.
“Here, baby, give me the towel,” you say taking the towel from his lethargic hands, “I’ve got you.” You dry his body and tousle the towel through his curls attempting to dry it as much as possible. You drop the towel and finger comb his hair as he stands slumped over so you can reach his head. Grabbing his cheeks you kiss him soundly. “Honey, go lay down, I wanna dry my hair so it’s not a mess in the morning,” you turn his body and gently push him in the direction of the door to the bedroom. He smiles and places a sloppy kiss on your lips, “Thanks Jezebel, ‘m beat. Ya comin’ along soon fo’ cuddles?”
“Yeah, baby, I’ll be out soon.”
“Love ya s’much,” he slurs placing a last kiss to your lips and then your nose, “Don’ be long…”
“I love you too, I won’t…promise,” you say running your hand along his arse.
You watch his beautiful body as he walks away, then turn to take a look in the mirror. For whatever reason it feels like you look different. You run your hand down the side of your cheek and turn your face side to side to admire your pink cheeks and whisker burned chin. It feels like your skin is more vibrant, your nipples darker and more supple. Your breasts hang lower than they used to, but they’re soft and pillowy, tummy curved more than you like to think, hips full and sturdy. You’ve never had a particular fondness for your body, but are amazed at what it is able to do. You run your hand down your sternum to your tummy and realize this is the body Harry wants…and that’s so powerful. To be loved completely. You run a brush through your hair and flip to use the blow dryer. You finish with a dollop of lotion on your hands and head to the door rubbing your hands together. At the door you reach to switch the light off when the sight before you stops you in your tracks. He’s laid out flat, on his tummy, naked as the day he was born, fast asleep in the middle of the bed. You flip the switch and lean your hip against the door facing him still rubbing the lotion in on your arms. You can’t help the smug smile that slowly appears on your face. Just staring for a moment you pop your fingers in your mouth to nibble your nails and you can hear him scold you to stop biting your fingers, but you don’t pull them away. You are one lucky bitch, Lily you think to yourself. “Perfect match,” you mumble against your fingers. You’re a perfect match for each other…in every way. You walk over, flip off the lamp and crawl up beside him. Laying on your side, you spoon up next to him, kiss his shoulder and run your hand along the middle of his back. He moans softly, but doesn’t move a muscle. “Love you, H,” you say and close your eyes.
The call of nature draws you from your sleep and you lay in the same spooned position next to him. He hasn’t moved much other than his knee that’s drawn up slightly.
You get up quietly and go to the bathroom and slip back into the bed next to a still sleeping Harry. He’s still sleeping on his tummy, the muscles in his back prominent and so, so defined from hours in the gym. He takes immaculate care of his body and you never get tired of looking at him or feeling his skin move against yours. Your fingers move lightly and slowly down his back, circling his muscles, skin warm under your touch. You close your eyes as you remember the sex you had last night. The way he made your fantasy a reality, yes but also that you were finally able to give him a little bit of the overwhelming feeling that he gives you.
You sigh and press your lips to his skin. You should let him sleep…he’d had an intense experience last night and deserves his rest but your lips can’t stop kissing his warm skin. Your lips kiss the warm skin of his neck as your fingers tangle in his dark curls and before you can even process it, you sit up and straddle his back, lips moving over his skin again. You feel him stir and the sharp intake of breath as he wakes up.
He may be awake, but he isn’t moving or even bothering to open his eyes. You smile at his sweet lethargy. How special is it to wake up next to him, to feel him, his warmth. Needing more of his skin on yours, you slowly rest forward, first your tummy then your breasts against his back. Your lips gently rest on the base of his neck and you run your fingers along his outstretched arms, mimicking his position. The sight of your left hand on his, engagement ring circling your ring finger makes your heart skip just a little faster. Could love feel more complete…more satisfying and comfortable? Turning your nose back to his skin you breath in deeply. Closing your eyes you drift in the contentment, when you feel his fingers rise to thread with yours.
“Love you,” he murmurs against the mattress.
You smile. “I love you.” Burying your head in the curls at the back of his neck, you nose the skin there before smoothing your hands back up his arms and in to your body. Touching his shoulders, he pulls his hands in to his sides as well. The flex of his tricep and bicep making your mouth water. You rise up just enough to kiss those muscles.
“God these arms…” you moan aloud.
Lifing his head the muscles in his shoulders flex and bunch under the skin of your breasts. You rise up that much more so that your nipples drag along the lines and bulges of his back.
“You know the girls go nuts for you in a tank or shirtless…don’t blame them. But I know what they look like flexed above me. How this back moves when it’s pushing into me…,” you words draw out with your soft sway along his back…your nipples dragging back and forth. You feel his deep inhale and see the flex of his jaw. One of his hands slides down to grip your leg just above the ankle of your straddled leg. Your back arches at the feel of his fingers. “Leaves me breathless, Harry…,” you pant out.
He turns his head toward the mattress and flexes his shoulders arching slightly with his forehead on the bed. “Fuck…,” he groans from deep within his chest. Resting his head back on his side he rasps, “Tell me Lily, does it make ya wet?”
Your eyes flutter closed. “You know it does…” you breathe out, pulling his hand from your ankle and pulling it to your pussy. “Feel what you do to me…how wet you make me.”
He inhales deeply as his fingers press into your warmth causing you to gasp. He pulses his fingers and your back arches, head thrown back on your shoulders. Your hips move of their own accord silently encouraging him to move his fingers.
He smirks against the pillow at your neediness. It never fails to amaze him how your body reacts to him.
“I…I need you. Move please,” you breathe out as your hips move again.
“Hmmm…use ma fingers Jezebel. Take wha’ ya need bu’ don’ cum, hear me?”
You’re whimpering above him as you start to move your hips grinding down on him on each slide forward. You’re panting above him chasing your release and you start moving faster against his fingers.
“Don’ cum, Jezebel.”
“Harry please! I need to cum…’m so close…I-“
Then he pulls his fingers from you causing you to cry out. He lifts his fingers to his mouth and licks them of your honey. “Ya cummin’ when ‘m inside ya an’ no’ a mo’ sooner,” he says twisting his head to look in your eyes. “Lift up so I can turn over.”
You flex your hips, pull your body up and shimmy down slightly the best you can in this state. Your hands can’t leave his body…the need to keep in contact, to touch, imperative. He pushes up and is wriggling his body to roll over. His hands slide up your thighs to grip your hips to help you hold yourself up. His face is a picture of desire, his green eyes soft in their stare. “Hi, beautiful,” he says softly with a smile.
“Hey handsome,” you reply using your forefinger to draw the curl out of his eyes.
His hand reaches up to cup your cheek and pull you down, “C’mere, sweet girl,” he says as he draws you down to his open mouth, tongue waiting to devour yours. “Make ya mine all ov’r ‘gain” he slurs, accent thick against your open mouth.
Your hand on his cheek, you feel his lower jaw open and close as he sucks, licks and penetrates your mouth. His teeth clamp down softly on your bottom lip and pull as he ebbs and flows with your sway. “Wan’ ya so fuckin’ much…baby…stay righ’ ‘ere wi’ me, ‘kay?”
You nod against his lips, “’Kay.”
His eyes hold your stare and his hand runs down your back to your bum and down farther to grab his hard dick from just below you. It’s as if his eyes tell you what he needs you to do. You rise slightly, enough for him to position it at your entrance and he raises his eyebrows in question.
“There,” you answer swallowing as you feel the tip of him press against your wet hole. It’s not lost on you how you can both be so in tune with one another that it takes no words to communicate. “Do it,” you whisper. As he pushes in you, your eyes flutter…and he stops.
“Please lemme see ya eyes, love, ‘aven’ been inside ya fo’ days now, might’ve fucked las’ nigh’, bu’ this is differen’,” he pleads.
You open your eyes and breath in deeply. He pushes up and you push down, working together to get him inside you. You mouth is open in an O and your lips are wet with saliva. The sting of his size never fails to cause a shiver and gasp.
He smiles a breathless smile, “Beautiful,” he whispers softly almost as if the comment was for himself and it just slipped out. Once his hips meet yours, he pushes up just that much more for deepest measure. That motion causes you to involuntarily squeak and roll your eyes.
“Mmmmhmm…” you moan with a high-pitched note. Your brows are pinched in concentration and your hands fist the pillow in either side of his head.
“Good?” he says against your lips.
“Yeah,” you say breathily in reply. “You feel so good. You always feel so good,” you breathe out, hands moving to his chest, desperate to touch him as much as possible.
“Ya don’ even know how good ya feel, Jezebel. How I can’ ge’ enough of ya…’s been almos’ a year an’ I still can’ ge’ enough of ya. Wan’ ya all the time…fuck!” He says as you clench down on him and his hands slide down to your hips. “Ride me, Jezebel.”
You let out a shuddering breath and rock your hips back and forth on him.
His hands slide up your body to your breasts and his fingers pull at your nipples. “Naughty girl wakin’ me up ta fuck ya, hmmm? Wan’ted ma dick tha’ bad then?”
You nod your head frantically. “Yes! You looked so good. Couldn’t…fuck…couldn’t help it,” you pant out.
“Greedy lit-tell pussy…can’ tell ya no tho s’ c’mon Jezebel, ya close? Gonna cum fo’ me?”
“MmHmm…just a little more, Hahh…Hahh…Mmmm…please cum too, fill me up, H,” you say panting while you move up and down his shaft stopping on the downward motion to grind him in deep.
“Take wha’ ya need, hav’ it all…all of me…cum wi’ ya, mmm…baby, clenchin’ good on me,” he says pulling one of your hands from his chest to run it down your tummy, “touch baby, feel it, feel me inside ya?”
You gulp back an animalistic groan, feeling the velvet hardness of his cock speared inside you as you move up and down on it. You face contorts into a sob, “Fuck, H, please, cum wi’ me! Begging!”
“Hold still, love, lemme ge’ us there,” he says as he grips your hips still, stiffens his legs and bucks his hips up into you over and over and over. The sound of his hips slapping your bum fills the room along with the sound of your moan that has turned into a single sound sung in different notes.
You feel the familiar burn, the way your body is getting wetter and opening even wider, preparing for release. “Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod…oh..oh..oh..oh,” this is the only communication you can manage before the intensity spills over.
He feels that tingle at his lower spine and the closer you get to orgasm the deeper the draw. “Cumwithme cumwithme, baby please!” He grunts and holds still deep with a shout. The force that you both feel as your body contracts over and over and his pulses and releases is palpable.
You fall forward onto his chest, breathing heavily. You can feel him turn his head and press a kiss to your forehead.
“Wanna fuck ya fo’ the rest of ma life, Lily.”
You smile and press a kiss to his neck, lifting your head to look into his eyes. “I want that too, Harry.”
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follyglass · 5 months
Follyglass : Mirror
The little looking glass was unremarkable; it wasn’t encircled in gold laurel or hung by a length of green ribbon as was the custom of the time, and there was a certain fogginess that rendered the gazer as if they were looking into a fairy pool, but Cedar was drawn to it all the same. This mirror was the only thing in his uncle’s house that he could stomach, not because it was the most simple object, but because nobody else seemed to want it – everything else had been at best, bickered over, at worst, screeched about by his family from the delphine carpets to the inkblack books to the icefire chandeliers– and so he took it from the wall, said his polite goodbyes and brought it to his little room over the bottle shop. After he found a suitable place and hung it, his fingers traced the arcing light in the bevel. And he found that it sang. A quiet ringing note that was barely audible, but it sang all the same. Cedar wondered back to the street musician who played the goblets, and how the varying levels of champagne within influenced the magic of the music. Cedar ran his thumb around the mirror’s edge in a slow, deliberate crescent, and brought watery chiming notes forth, each beginning to ripple the mirror’s surface, the fog giving way to a shimmering view of the lost lake of mists.
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mantrabay · 1 year
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Hieroglyphic Hearths BC 2
(Additional Lines at the bottom
and new photographs)
On an ancient sea cave wall appeared a drawing,
of a tribal leaf clad pair awash with eros.
Fingers, hearts and hands in swirling patterns,
chronicle their wonder world enchantment.
Deep blue eyes that eerily engage,
another’s longing send a shiver.
Red tinted headdress overblown,
tingling charcoal member’s sensual form.
Creepy atmospherics, hollow sounding echoes,
phantom drip-drop puddles only,
whet my sense of wonder.
Goose pimples from the union of another age,
mills and boon back dated,
mirror on the past beyond imaginings,
well outside the compass,
of our gadget-ridden zeitgeist.
Me, unshrinking era gazer peered,
for other clues and likely plots.
Happily a haunting ever after caught my eye
“This picture tells a story for all time.
Our secret lies within the lines we scrawl.”
“A tender pulse both ripple and dream sigh,”
“eternity’s faint starstruck mist.”
Literary work and pictures
All mine
I value everyone on Tumbrl who
support my posts
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acharyaganesh123 · 10 months
Luminescent Beauty: Moon's Journey through Rohini
In the vast tapestry of the night sky, the moon takes on various roles, weaving its celestial magic across different constellations. One such enchanting journey unfolds in the embrace of Rohini Nakshatra, a radiant and graceful celestial dance that captivates the beholder with its luminescent beauty.
Rohini Nakshatra, often associated with the bull Taurus in Vedic astrology, is characterized by qualities of beauty, abundance, and artistic flair. It is within this celestial backdrop that the moon embarks on a mesmerizing journey, casting its silvery glow on the cosmic canvas.
As the moon traverses through Rohini, its glow takes on a special quality—softer, more ethereal. The luminescence seems to be infused with the very essence of the nakshatra, creating a celestial spectacle that transcends the ordinary.
The journey begins as the moonlight delicately touches the edges of Rohini, gradually illuminating the night with a gentle radiance. It is as if the moon, aware of the grace bestowed upon it by Rohini, takes on a more refined and elegant demeanor. The stark contrast between the darkness of space and the moon's brilliance in Rohini creates a visual symphony that astronomers and sky gazers alike find irresistible.
Rohini, often referred to as the "star of ascent," imparts a sense of growth and blossoming. This symbolism is reflected in the moon's journey, as its glow seems to evolve and mature as it moves through the nakshatra. Each night, the moon reveals a different facet of its celestial beauty, a progression that mirrors the cyclical nature of life and the constant renewal of the cosmos.
The ancient texts speak of Rohini as a nakshatra that bestows prosperity and abundance. As the moon bathes in the celestial energies of Rohini, this prosperity is not merely material but extends to the emotional and spiritual realms. Those who bask in the moonlight during this cosmic journey often report a heightened sense of tranquility and inner harmony, as if the very essence of Rohini has permeated their beings.
In the stillness of the night, observers on Earth witness the moon's journey through Rohini as a sublime dance—an intricate choreography of light and shadow. The moon, a luminescent ballerina, pirouettes through the celestial expanse, leaving behind a trail of awe and inspiration.
As we gaze upon the moon's journey through Rohini, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of the universe and the profound influence that celestial bodies can have on our lives. It is a reminder to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, both in the heavens above and the world below.
In the quiet moments of a Rohini night, when the moon is at its zenith, one can't help but marvel at the luminescent beauty that unfolds—a beauty that goes beyond the physical and transcends into the realm of the soul. The moon's journey through Rohini becomes a metaphor for the eternal dance of the cosmos, an ever-evolving symphony of light and shadow that enchants and uplifts all who cast their eyes upon it.
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liviavanrouge · 1 year
???: She's charging, everyone hush!
???: Sorry, sorry!
Livia: *Opens her eyes, her charging tree dimming*
Shroud Family: HAPPY ADOPTION DAY!!!
Livia: *Flinches in alarm, almost firing an energy ball at them*
Mrs Shroud: Sorry for startling you, Liv-Chan!
Idia: We adopted you Livia, w-welcome to the family
Citro: We got a little sister how great is that!!
Pen: So great!
Pan: Yeah!
Ortho: Welcome to the family Livia Aidon Shroud!
Livia: *Blinks in surprise* Livia....Aidon Shroud
Mr Shroud: Forgive us, we looked up your name and saw that a middle name was registered
Mrs Shroud: Since we adopted you we decided to give you a new name!
Livia: *Smiles wide* Livia Aidon Shroud!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Idia: We have a gift for you...
Citro: You always say you wanted to go into space!
Pen and Pan: So we copied Ortho's Star Gazer gear and remodeled it!!!
Mr Shroud: *Carries a new gear in, setting it down*
Livia: *Floats closer, her eyes lighting up*
Mrs Shroud: Do you like it, Liv-Chan?
Livia: No.......I LOVE IT!!!!
Mr Shroud: She gave me a fright for a minute there
Idia: Wanna go into space Livia? The gear is specially designed for you to be up there for days without ever getting tired-
Livia: *Squeals causing the lights to flicker* Yes!!!!!!
Mr and Mrs Shroud: *Quickly places their hands on her shoulders* Let's calm down!!
Mr Shroud: Livia, daughter, we don't need another blackout....
Livia: *Giggles as Citro hooked her up to her Space Gear* Sorry Father, I'm just so happy
Idia: *Glides his fingers across the keyboard, Livias eyes closing*
Livia: *Opens her eyes, looking into the mirror* Wowie! It's amazing
Mr Shroud: And we installed an opening in your room *Presses a button, a space in Livias room opening* you can go in and out as you please
Mrs Shroud: Be back better dinner, Liv-Chan
Livia: *Nods and activates her blasters, taking off through the opening in her room ceiling*
Mr Shroud: *Stares after her then rushes to the computer, tapping into the security cameras*
Mrs Shroud: Oh, he's worried about her
Idia: She is the only daughter now...
Livia: *Smiles, blasting through the atmosphere, heat surrounding her body but vanishing*
Mrs Shroud: *Communicating through a speaker* Liv-Chan can you hear Mommy through the helmet speaker?
Livia: Yes, Mother!
Mrs Shroud: Good be careful but have fun!
Mr Shroud: Daughter, if it gets too dangerous tur back, don't jeopardize your safety.....
Livia: *Nods* I will! First stop! Saturn!!
Mrs Shroud: Mommy and Daddy Shroud out!
Mrs Shroud: Let's get dinner ready
Ortho: Alright!
Mr Shroud: *Stays silent, keeping close to the microphone that lets them speak with Livia*
Mrs Shroud: She'll be fine Papa, but if you're really worried you can stay here and keep an eye out
Mr Shroud: *Nods silently, worry waving off him*
Mrs Shroud: Let's go make dinner boys!
Citro: Alright!
Pen and Pan: HECK YEAH
Mr Shroud: *Sighs* Be careful....My Daughter
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tasmiq · 1 year
Jumu'ah Khuthbah: 18 August 2023
I begin with Divine gratitude, Shukran Ya Allah, for these weekly Khuthbah for enriching my connection to You, palpable in my unfolding moments. Equally gratitude for the fellow gazers into the frequently-cleansed mirrors of my heart and soul. Now for a focus on the now, bismillah ...
#1. Heartsmith Shaykh Nishaat had me flabbergasted on hearing my life's spiritual weakness being described. My tendency to hone into negative assumptions of Allah by conflating human action and Divine inaction! However, this is why I confidently argued with your Aunty Amira at her kitchen table in our shared past that there has to be a hereafter for Allah to mete out human accountability.
Additionally, where we only see the ones who give and receive gifts in this world as other living entities. However, who is the ultimate Giver of these gifts but as an Invisible force ..? It is Allah, and the recipient is you! If we think about it; in every moment, Allah is giving us something. When we are not in gratitude, we may not like something there, and we miss seeing Allah. We don't see Allah in every action when we should be!
In that moment, the Heartsmith relayed during our congregational Zikr, we have the opportunity where we can make a conscious choice to praise Allah and nothing else! Is it a gift from Allah? Of course it is! If we look at our lives, it is a never-ending receipt of Allah's gifts. Even breathing is a gift from Allah as other gifts from Allah, but only if we see it that way. Only then, we'll be grateful.
#2. He continued projecting a magnifying glass to my bruised heart from my past. He first related haqq (a truism) where gratitude and contentment give us happiness, and with them, we are able to see so much more. However, gratitude is treated as a transaction when we should be seeing it every day and every moment!
Even our pain, losses, and failures are gifts that are still playing out. After some time, we see the blessing but not at that moment! Then, we are angry with everyone around us, even Allah, we are ungrateful and act out misdeeds, which remove us further from Allah's mercy! If only we are patient, instead of acting on our nafs...
When we look at how we ought to see life and see Allah's gifts in our lives..? Allah is able to see all; and we have limited capacity to grasp everything around us, yet we confidently draw huge conclusions therein! We show little gratitude because we cannot see the Giver who gives the gifts, and we don't see ourselves as the recipient of that gift. Yet we are receiving gifts all of the time! We may say that we don't understand, but why don't we try to understand what is within and all around us. We must be more grateful and live in gratitude.
#3. Having a post-accidental cough that continues to linger after months of suffering, Shaykh Taner's message of varying intensities, which requires an appropriate spiritual reaction, really hit home. It's an insight that he received after a health ailment, his being an allergic reaction to medication.
While performing our wazifa (a regular devotional litany), we have to mean what we say and even talk to the Prophet SAW each time and be good to his family. In life, when we make dua'a and rabita (heart connection) with intensity, we must be aware and do it from the heart. It is a time for us to step up. We have to mean everything that we say. When we see and meet people, we have to be respectful to Allah in them with Hu.
#4. Fadhila then related her rabita (heart connection) to Ibn Arabi because Shaykh Taner felt his spirit:
Ibn Arabi (May Allah preserve his secret) through Fadhila said that intention is really important in our daily lives. The intention and intensity in our every action should be our focus. The intensity should always be with the intention to connect with Allah, and it depends on how strong we want it, so there are different levels of intensity. It comes down to whether Allah will be pleased with the effort being put in. As Sufis, the right intensity must be found because there is always a balance in the intensity because some actions require more or less effort. You always need to check what kind of intensity is needed. You will find the right intensity when connecting with Allah in the strength of your connection needed!
It is connected to how much you want to please Allah in each action. Will Allah be pleased with the intention, intensity, and effort that you are putting into it ..? As Sufis, we need to find the right intensity as a key aspect because there is always a balance where some actions need different levels of intensity. The different levels needed need to be checked each time because some may not be good for you or the people around you. You will find the right intensity with the connection to Allah to match your intention. Therefore, connect with Allah willingly and with the intention to be guided.
#5. Thereafter, Guru Rennie, our Silat teacher, was asked to relate intensity to self-defense. Describing my reality, he said that in this life, we are all going to have pain and accidents; however, we are choosing to be Sufis in relieving our suffering. As our community and teacher get stronger, we get help from our friends because our capacity is raised up. We can acknowledge our pains, but we still have to go and do the work 😅
As Fadhila said, our intensity is our capacity to have a connection with Allah, and it's the question of the degree of accepting that. In Silat classes, because he is so gentle, he gets asked how he knows to hit people as hard as he does ..? When they have the capacity to handle it, that's the awakening moment!
I just make rabita (heart connection) as the teacher, and suddenly, all the understanding comes. In class, I say that I am the physical education instructor, and Shaykh Taner is the spiritual education instructor. Sometimes, when I am stuck, it takes days, weeks, and months to understand.
Shaykh Taner then interjected with a reflection; where we can't apply full intensity for the beginners because when the teachers are sure they will use the gun for the right purpose, only then are they given the gun! Being in conflict physically is not acceptable, Sufis don't fight. We need peace and togetherness to go to Allah; and when we fight, there is nafs! Everyone has to focus on Allah so that there is no fight.
In conclusion, as a former senior Martial artist, I was taken by the integration of spiritual and physical knowledge. Furthermore, Guru Rennie is so gentle and formidable as a teacher ... I pray that it is an opening to revive my former physical sustenance:
Ya Fattah Ya Razzaq (Yearning Allah's opening into His sustenance)
Ya Ghalib Ya Azim (including Allah's ability to succeed in His ventures)
Now for the Arabic Khuthbah with your Abbu, bismillah...
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septembersghost · 2 years
A thought is starting to form on how many replacements (with consent or not) there are in brbabcs? Like Jesse is a replacement for Flynn, Skyler, Matt and Nacho for Walt and Mike respectively, Saul seeks out Walt partly because he’s reminded of Chuck, Howard is Chuck for Jimmy and a better behaved version of Jimmy for Chuck to parent, Jimmy is a version of Mrs Wexler who actually sees Kim and doesn’t neglect her, and takes on caring for Chuck like nursemaid after Rebecca leaves. I know there’s more but this ask is already long as hell
the way the whole abquniverse is mirrors on mirrors and patterns repeating and every action and relationship echoing another and time bending back on itself and fate unfolding inexorably. the tragic mythicism of it all. i was reading some shelley the other day (from whom came ozymandias of course), and this made me think of these stories (even though the original subject is entirely different, Romantic parallels are fun):
"Below, far lands are seen tremblingly;/Its horror and its beauty are divine./Upon its lips and eyelids seems to lie/Loveliness like a shadow, from which shrine,/Fiery and lurid, struggling underneath,/The agonies of anguish and of death./Yet it is less the horror than the grace/Which turns the gazer's spirit into stone;/Whereon the lineaments of that dead face/Are graven, till the characters be grown/Into itself, and thought no more can trace;/'Tis the melodious hue of beauty thrown/Athwart the darkness and the glare of pain,/Which humanize and harmonize the strain."
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caspianmaxson · 2 years
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“ Shay.” She heard her name whispered, as she looked in the mirror to see a young girl sitting, but as she turned around, she saw no one behind her.
The girl was visibly younger than her, and her clothing gave away which region she was appearing from. The girl had been sent, by Marcus Gazer. As Shay stepped closer to the mirror, the young girl kept her head lowered.
“ I have terrible news for you, news from the capital. Your father personally asked me to tell you, I normally wouldn’t haven’t granted such a favor. But the pain in his eyes, I recognized and I promised to tell you myself. Your mother passed in his arms, she’s gone. He has agreed to allow you one final visitation to say goodbye to your mother and brother. I personally will be coming to collect you. Do you know who I am.”
Shay nodded, the child in the mirror was the very reflection of Emma. “ I will bring you there and back, the Duke is already in the area. When you hear the bells, that is the announcement. I thought I would give you time, before the others.”
Shay nodded again silently.
“ Be strong princess Shay.. your father will need you.”
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cent-scratchnsniff · 18 days
ramblings of a mad man that has attempted day 46 mostly for archival purposes? Sploilers obviously. If you do read though Hiii! Thank you for doing so. I'm having so much fun playing this
Includes: Apologizing to the screen for deaths caused by my ineptitude, tembling hands, pie?, apoc bird for some god damned reason it just kinda happens??, body count at 9, my favorite child (abomination) now with 12 ego gifts total, PALE DAMAGE???, and more
It took 2 hours total because of me being nervous. I love coffee
im scared. ive just been stat and gift grinding day 41-45 for the past few hours of the game. everyone is above 100 fortitude. there is three people per department at the least currently (excluding safety and training). about 5 aleph inside my facility but it honestly isnt that bad. two sets of gear for all due to being done with disciplinary's core suppression which ive done all of them so far actually.
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WHY THE HELL DID IT MAKE ME PICK TWO. WHY DID IT MAKE ME PICK TWO (soon found out why it made me pick two.) i got big bird and wall gazer. terrified to re extract so i didnt. was thinking of mem rep after just doing apoc bird for that sweet sweet beautiful gear for my favorite little agent (maxim) but decided that i should at least try the day in its enirety.
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WHY IS THE DEPARTMENT SO GOD DAMN MASSIVEM FICK. WHY IS THERE 8 SLOTS!!! I DIDNT KNOW THIS!!!! I didnt get any spoilers for mechanics day 45 and onward PLEASE KEEP IT LIKE THAT. SHHH. im honestly so so SO excited. I love feeling challenged. i love feeling the despair that comes up from knowing that it isnt just simply repetition anymore to where it loops back to insane laughter and a blooming joy i havent felt in my body for ages.
... i did not account for the fact architecture team would need agents when training though
Maxim (beloved) and Mary (got the 2% gift from nothing there?? when did that happen. go off girl boss) got moved down to there. I LOVE LOB POINTS!!! RAUGHHHH
twas at this moment i realized the meltdowns were going to be facility wide again. oh god. oh YES!!!
CHRIST THE DEPARTMENT IS MASSIVE WHAT THE HELLLLL it did not go where i thought it would the hallways are so LONG and it was at this moment i also realized big bird was a clerk lover as well. yes. put big bird in the department with the LONGEST HALLWAYS KNOWN TO MAN!!!! Goodness Gracious. Doing typical works, hoping for gifts but at this point everyone is level V (except for melendez his fotitude is V though hes just on train duty (i had the fuck ass train in central since day 27)) and EX on fotitude and most other stats. the newer hires had been positioned in record and Extraction for a bit. record is just alephs. and one teth tool. Blue star, nothing there, the silent orchestra. ow. extraction is actually rather chill? the one painting tool, CENSORED (okay not chill i just dont touch it because its a pain to wait for sanity to get back up and i already got the weapon), little red, and king of greed.
white dawn with dawn WHITE DAWN!!!
lmao nvmd aint shit
bella. bella lobe of my life. please. please get a normal with the pink lamma. PLEASE GET A NORMAL WITH THE LAMMA. BELLA!!!!! BELLLAAA!!!!!!!!
im cooked its getting iut isnt it
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Was worried about the mirror of readjustment (?) melting down and if there was a new mechanic about it and if i NEEDED to resolve meltdowns like in binah's but nope. its fine. tools arent a problem still.
WHY IS ALL AROUND HELPER OUT? WHAT?? its nota. big problem oj its own BUT HOW!!!! ITS IN SAFETY TEAM ORDEAL SPAWNED INSIDE DISCIPLINARY!?!? almost forgot this was categorized as a core suppression so sephirah communication is down. hold on. looking at logs
??? ??? okay it looks like it was just always normal work. guys. you have attatchment over 100 or 100. why are tou getting NORMAL on ALL AROUND HELPER for REPRESSION WORK. im disappointed. not mad but just a bit disappointed. mods(agents). ban it
thinking about it. if dawn is WAW already . whats going to happen next. what level is going to happen when noons activates
just doin typical works rn. nothing special. gotta get to noon
?!?!?!??! WHO KEEPS SENDING FIXERS INTO THE COMPANY TO KILL ME. but also WAW its okay. ..... What do you mean its immune to white damage. most of central control 1 is WHITE DAMAGE DEALERS
HILT SHIT WHAT. OH MY GOD WHATHF holy shit . uhm. mosb is going to breach. uhhh dubbed mosb bully pair go juggle it for a bit
shit how did they die. im sorry. whatm fffffff ukckk. WHY IS VERA DEAD. oh when the white fixer goes down to pray it. does. red damage.... (my ass thought it was only white) fuckin religious ass.
WHY ARE YOU AIMING UP!! oh okay just go ahead and do a circle. uh huh. mhm. yupm just a god damn circle.
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okay MY bad it was a PIE.
shittttttt theyre dead. ahh im so sorry my ineptitude caused you all to die... .. .
. . . . Erm. okay. uhm. mosb and little red are out. AND BIG BIRD JUST NOTICED RIGHT AFTER!! christ.
mosb suppressioned. easy as FUCK dude it isnt shit. little red was also done, sent maxim over to help (has mimicry gear so red damage wasnt a problem).
errmmmmmmm game plan. kill all clerks at the start of the day via execution. i feel bad but they will die regardless so its better to get it out of the way
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... oh dear.
Big bird is still out. i need to check on train and even tools like train count towards punishing bird's qliphoth going down. I KNOW I MENTIONED TO PEOPLE BEFORE THAT APOC BIRD WOULD BE GREAT. BUT NOT RIGHT NOW!!!! WE HAVE A SITUATION!!!!!
you knowbehay. days fucked anyways. here birdy birdy
didnt type for this but judgement bird egg was dealt with. it spawned in Disciplinary while punishing bird egg is inside extraction and big bird's is inside information. i moved at least one employee per hallway (save for the few like control team only having ppodae or how ever you spell it to escape or info only having fire bird to escape.) going to small bird egg since its closer
.... fuuckkkk burrowing heaven is out i got anxious about everything else i forgot. melendez im sorry . agh i need to send someone else into that hallway. no problems when it comes to meltdowns also happening but i need someone there for train specifically since out resident babysitter is deceased
RED IS ALSO OUT. BTWM AHAHAHAHAH!!! AH. A. RED IS IN EXTRACTION. AHAH. i sent maxim and Courtney (red damage dealers that cant help with the egg) over there to try and help the agent being targeted which was positioned in the hallway. i think they might die (agent targeted) but i donthave any bullets left. im sorry ahh
THEY LIVED!!! THEY LIVED!!!! OH GOOD JOB!!!! SPLENDED WORK . second problem censored had. meltdown twice in a row but the sanity wasnt healed enough to i needed to send someone else it during that scuffle
second egg down!!! no casualties on that part so far (besides burrowing heaven which also got suppressed while the rest were working on the scuffle. im not counting burrowing heaven . . .) possessed are a bit of a problem but other than that everything was covered so far and nothing else got out. yeahhhh!!! nice work so far (i say as im talking to the screen of video game pawns)
APOC BIRD DOWN!! yeah that honestly wasnt bad at all tbh. its just violet midnight but some mechanics moved around so it wasnt hard. just a lot to manage. okay it guess thay counts as 'hard' i think im looking for the word 'overwhelming'? which it hadnt been. .... okay it isnt violent midnight at that point BUT the concept of seperate stationary entities that need to be suppressed while having to dance around aspects that you cant directly attack that does damage still stands. neither are too miserable. i actually like violet midnight over amber midnight. WHEN IT ISMT HOKMA'S SUPPRESSION AND I HAVE PAUSE!!!!
forgot vincent died. sorry vincent. ermm okay hoon go up there for me please
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my favorite child. my lovely abomination. i shall have to draw you later. but for now back on track I STILL HAVE WHITE DUSK AND MIDNIGHT TO DO!!!!
well good news all the clerks are dead so we dont need to have a mosb (mountain of smiling bodies), big bird, or black swam problem. bad news. uhm. everything else that happened so far. i dont think ive had an agent casualty rate this high since my first midnight. and i had done mem rep after to bring them back. suprisingly binah wasnt that bad (final successful try at least I HAD MULTIPLE WIPES BEFORE I ACRUALLY WENT IN WITH A PLAN UNDERSTANDING ALL MECHANICS) . we arent even done yet. sighhh (only five are dead so far im scared. im not even done yet. thats screwed up.)
i might continue if it goes well. +7 stats to EVERYONE is super good. greed...
i got reloads on bullets. cleeerrrkkksss pspspsp. thank you for surviving this long but you shall need to die for the good of the group. uhm. why is there more than three. WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE. THERES ANOTHER ONE??? WHATVTHEBFHEPL
fusk. dusk. good lord. i hope. i HOPE dusk is still a WAW. if its aleph i will scream in teror and then laugh maniacally in joy. probably not sane at that point but AW HELL YEAH!!?!?! okay it started. WHATBTHEBFUCK WHY ISBTHERE FOUR. four total. four. PALE DAMAGE? why are you PALE.
okay sorry locked in for that its over. four dead the panicked were recovered. big and will be bad wolf got out somehow? i think the black fixer ends up messing with the qliphoth in the hall when still alive as it also sets qliphoth meltdowns after death. so qliphoth mechanics wouldnt be too far off. i sent little red after him though so i just maneuvered the rest of my agents around that fight. happened while still supressing the other four. courtney tanked red fixer. even if she didnt do damage she still took the brunt of the attacks with mimicry so thank you courtney that was very helpful. PALE FIXER CAN JUST FUCKIN TELEPORT PKAY??? went over with white fixer when the ganf was beating the shit of of them. not good. they lived though! the only casualties at thay point was my carelessness with black fixer for one(?) and the rest came from pale fixer. sorry.... 3 dead total then. why is everything i have white damage btw. really bad. really really bad i need to fix that.
refill of bullets for midnight thank you. couldnt find it at first but the odreal (CLAW??? CLAW?????!?!?) is in central command department 2 on the top most floor. grouped everyone up before hand and then sent them in. WHY IS HE RESISTANT TO EVERYTHING. WHY. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT BE ANOTHER BINAH I KNOW YOURE BOTH RELATED TO THE HEADBBIT PLEASEE!!!! DONT HAVE A SEXOND PHASE FOR AN ORDEAL THAT WOULD BE SCREWED UP!!!!?!?!
nvmd that was. so fucking easy? literally got stun locked after the gang just dog piled him. less than a minute. about 30 seconds on 2x speed. BUT ITS OVER!!!!!!
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surprisingly good rating score. body count is at 9 but everyone did a good job. now for the story
wow. okay. erm. glad i did the core suppressions HAHA ohhh god. that got me teary for a bit for some reason. god i love lob corp so so much
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mangus-khan-blog · 6 months
Star Gazer
CHALLENGE RESPONSE – MOONWASHED MUSING’S – STAR-FLECKED He was enchanted by a woman whose eyes mirrored the night sky—dotted with constellations and shimmering with the light of distant stars. The kind of eyes depicted in storybooks and legend. Each glance into her eyes he fell deeper into their boundless and mesmerizing sea. He was powerless and that was okay. The specks of light slow danced…
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