#Mis selling of insurance
insurancesamadhan0 · 4 months
Navigating Mis-selling for Protection - Insurance Samadhan
Learn about common mis-selling practices like offering new insurance policies against lapsed ones. Protect yourself with Insurance Samadhan insights. Visit - https://www.insurancesamadhan.com/misselling-of-insurance-policy
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term-insurance · 6 months
Company yeh nahi batayegi
On social media, FEAR is mis-sold daily. And one of the most common industry which is misunderstood by most of the commoners is Insurance. In this video, we're uncovering the 4 Tips which will really going to help people in defining the right strategy to make use of their insurance policy.
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polifyxapp · 8 months
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Combatting Life Insurance Mis-Selling with Insurance Samadhan
Protect yourself from the pitfalls of insurance mis-selling. Polifyx is your trusted partner in the fight against life insurance mis-selling. We're here to ensure policyholders get the fair and honest treatment they deserve. Download - https://apps.apple.com/in/app/polifyx/id1623606564?platform=iphone
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insurance-samadhan · 2 years
Insurance Mis-selling
If you have ever experienced insurance mis-selling and you want your money bank but no one is responding to your calls or emails then reach out to us at Insurance Samadhan, We are the industry leaders in the Insurance Grievance Space in India.
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claimaayog · 2 years
Insurance Mis-Selling | Mis-Selling Claim | Insurance Mis-Selling Services | Mis-Selling of Insurance Policies in India
Mis-selling of insurance policies in india has accelerated in last few years. Combat with this trouble with the assist of claim aayog and continually get the right policy with the expert advice. For More Information Visit https://www.claimaayog.com/services/insurance-misselling-services
#InsuranceMisSelling #MisSellingClaim #InsuranceMisSellingServices #MisSellingOfInsurancePoliciesInIndia #ClaimAayog
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themomsandthecity · 3 months
Baby Helmets Are Becoming More Common - but Are They Really Necessary?
Morrison Goodwin was born in March 2018 with a head that looked a bit like a "Lego block," says his mom Georgina, a sales executive in Los Angeles. Morrison was twin baby A, packed below his sister Rae at the bottom of Goodwin's uterus. Goodwin mentioned her observation about her son's head to her pediatrician, who recommended various exercises and repositioning with the help of their physical therapist. When Morrison's head shape didn't budge, their pediatrician suggested visiting a cranial remolding orthosis clinic. The doctors there diagnosed him with moderate plagiocephaly, suggesting it might eventually impact his sleep and bite, and recommended a baby helmet to round out his head. "We were very skeptical. It wasn't a slam dunk," Goodwin says. "This is a business. I'm guessing that they're more likely to want to give you a helmet, if that's how they make their money." Even so, Goodwin warily gave the green light. "Our insurance paid for it. And it's very noninvasive. You're a new parent. You're like, well, I'm supposed to set this kid up for success, and I'm told to do this," she tells POPSUGAR. Plagiocephaly and brachycephaly - two types of flat head syndromes - have recently been on the rise in the United States. In 1994, the National Institutes of Health launched its Back to Sleep campaign, after a slew of studies showed that tummy sleep is linked to an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). "It worked wonderfully," says John Girotto, MD, FAAP, FACS, the section chief of pediatric plastic surgery at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI, who specializes in craniofacial surgery. Rates of SIDS dropped from 130 to 78 deaths per 100,000 live births between 1990 and 1996. "But what happened is kids developed misshapen skulls," he adds. Because babies now spend more time lying on their backs, their soft heads develop flat spots. At first, many pediatricians and surgeons were concerned about the long-term effects, Dr. Girotto says. But by the late 1990s, researchers confirmed that babies simply had "positional" molding and most didn't require surgery. Today, however, an entire industry promises to fix babies' flat spots via "helmet therapy," also called helmet orthosis. Clinics with mottos like "reshaping children's lives" devise their own guidelines for helmet therapy and sell baby helmets, which can be personalized with Star Wars and Minnie Mouse motifs. Some have Instagram accounts with tens of thousands of followers. Got an especially photogenic baby? You can even submit a pic of your helmeted baby to your orthotic company's "calendar contest." To be clear, these clinics probably aren't harming their patients. But the question of how often baby helmets are really necessary remains. Amy Mischnick, PT, a pediatric physical therapist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital who treats flat head syndrome, says that part of her job is to provide evidence-based recommendations to parents. This includes, she says, correcting "misinformation, especially when it is used as a scare tactic to place emotional pressure on parents to pursue helmeting not based on facts but on unfounded fear and guilt." Why Do Babies Get Flat Heads, Anyway? Some babies, like Morrison, are born with a flat spot (aka positional skull deformity), often due to their position in the womb. But most flat spots tend to develop gradually after birth, due to pressure from staying in the same position while sleeping and playing. The most common positional skull deformity is plagiocephaly, a flat spot on one side of the head that makes the opposite forehead prominent, which may affect nearly half of all 4-month-old babies. Brachycephaly is less common and occurs when the back of a baby's skull is very flat and wide. Parents usually notice a flat spot within three months of birth, when a baby's skull is soft and moldable. "At that point in time, behavior modifications usually do a great job of helping the skull round… https://www.popsugar.com/family/baby-helmets-flat-heads-49344030?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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localreport · 5 months
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1.27 lakh complaints against insurance companies, 26,107 cases of mis-selling
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nirenjan · 6 months
Best Insurance Policybazaar was founded in 2008 with one objective: bringing transparency in insurance. The founders wanted to reimagine insurance, so they started by simplifying all the information around plans, ending the rampant mis-selling, and preventing policy lapses.
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mybskindia · 7 months
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insurancesamadhan0 · 4 months
Safeguard Against Insurance Mis-Selling - Insurance Samadhan
Explore how sellers exploit policy ambiguities, leading to mis-selling traps. Tune in for essential tips on avoiding these pitfalls.
Visit - https://www.insurancesamadhan.com/misselling-of-insurance-policy
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polifyxapp · 8 months
Combatting Life Insurance Mis-Selling Complaints - Polifyx
Protecting your interests by addressing life insurance mis-selling complaints. We empower you to seek justice and ensure fair practices in the insurance industry.
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insurance-samadhan · 2 years
Mis-selling in Insurance
Cases of Mis-selling in insurance industry are increasing at a rapid rate and if you are facing the same issue and looking for a resolution then we are here to help. We will help you get your hard earned money back. We are the industry leaders in the Insurance Grievance Space in India.
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jacklinv · 2 years
We offer credit insurance for consumers.
The purpose of purchasing consumer credit insurance is to ensure that you are protected in the event that you are unable to make credit repayments due to a disability, illness, accident, unemployment, or death. Although this product is not meant to be appropriate for everyone and is only meant to be supplied to you if you need it, it has frequently been marketed as though it were. The majority of individuals have acquired this as though it were insurance against an event that was almost certain to occur. In the end, clients were afraid to say no, if they were ever informed about it. Most often, this has meant that customers received a product that they did not want.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We modified our e-bike at the recycled motors company. And it looks like the Indian bike a little except the seat is adjustable while you're riding you can stand up and hit your button that you preset and it you can send it for increments of half inch up to four inches or four and a half inches from down all the way and it goes up all the way and you sit down and you buckle your bicycle and your legs extend like they're supposed to and then if you want to cruise you hit the button again it drops you down it's just a lot easier to handle the bike a lot of people tend to cruise in certain areas and bicycle and others or they're exercising or they're not or they're just commuting or they go in the middle and just kind of pedaling a little and he said that you could have a couple settings and we're going to go ahead and do this it's a great way to do it it's a much safer bike it's much easier to handle the tires are great they're three and a half inch Enduro the shocks are in the front and the back the controls are simple the battery is quick charge it's our new one it's cheap isn't anything wrong with it except we can upgrade the motor and the battery and put the dot package on for a moped an electric moped and it go about 60 70 mph and it will be a full-blown moped with signals and the extra breaking breaks and more to make it a moped is a few fairings and some parts are more heavy duty but really it doesn't weigh too much more about 10 lb and it's got a much bigger battery and it'll go about 250 MI now without pedaling and the moped law in Florida is you don't need to moped license or motorcycle license you just need insurance and you can do it on the good faith you open up another bank account and you can even name the bank account good faith insurance and they do that for you at the bank in florida. And now this is a great idea because people need these and that wants them for tourism stuff too it's a little more dangerous than a scooter because oh when you're going around the corner if you have the wrong foot down you're going to you're going to fly although it's a little bit higher up on the pedal and that's where the seat adjustment helps I'm usually you'd have to take quite a corner in order to catch one and they also make them folding on a moped and they do that on purpose so we might add that feature and people said we probably should and if you fold it up your foot's going to get a little hurt but you're not going to be flying definitely. And we all think of Doug hand s*** and his moped his puck and it looked like one and it's red and he's going 35 and everyone goes by him at 45 and slipping everyone off cuz you're speeding and he just could not keep up with that damn thing and with this you can keep up and it looks kind of like a motorcycle it's really nice looking so we want our son to have one so going to work on it this is a great idea and it's great for tourism too if the breaks down you can pedal back it shouldn't break down if you run out of charge this is going to be fine but we'll put the charger on the moped that you can do it the gas station and actually he could go all over the place up and down the 41 all the way up to Tampa when a moped
Thor Freya
Is God starting stupid but it's a great idea people want to go out on Saturday and Sunday and relax they could all go on their mopeds to the beach I'll tell you why this is the best idea I've heard yet electric moped and you can make a gas version and he does that with this company everything is interchangeable and they do say all the bolts and everything and not the same ones on the motorcycle except they have some extra bigger ones it's going to go like this they can make these things real fast and it's recycling and we have tons of stuff to recycle and they're offering to purchase it now so we're going to start selling these things and we want what we sell to come back here so I'm going to check the catalog and see what I want and I'm going to sell some cars Mac and daddy says and we're moving on and now there's not done happening but there will be soon apparently Stan lost a few ships his twenties fleet is down to 50 million and his big fleet is cut in half and that one was 200 million no that one was 100 million and now it's 50 million so I can wait till later see what's going to happen it's quite horrible the other base is being taken over by the morlock
Thor Freya
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What Is Good Mileage On A Used Car?
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Knowing what is good mileage on a used car is a principal question that many people ask. Whether you are considering either to sell or to buy a used automobile, it is crucial to know what is good mileage on a car. Multiple factors influence the overall distance traveled by your automobile. However, it is not the sole factor that you can use to determine the condition of your car.
Whether The mileage is an important factor for determining the condition of the vehicle will always be debatable. Car producers always provide data that states how many miles will your automobile last. Does this mean that it is truly the main determinant criterion to access the condition of an automobile? Not really, as some car makers exaggerate not only mileage but also all the other performance stats.
If you look at two different cases of vehicle owners, you will notice that despite the similar mileage their cars can be in thoroughly different conditions. For instance, if one person uses an automobile on a daily basis to get to work in the city and takes good care of it, it is highly likely that the car will have a long lifespan.
However, if another person recently bought the same automobile but uses it for racing and does not take good care of it, it might have half-life expectancy than the car from the previous example. The mileage is simply the indicator of the number of miles you have driven. However, it’s not only the number of miles that you have to take into consideration but also how you cover this distance.
Besides mileage, there are many crucial factors that affect the life expectancy of your car. For instance, driving habits, frequency of maintenance, weather conditions, road system, and many other factors will determine whether a car is in optimal condition or not.
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As you have seen, many factors influence the condition of the car. However, the mileage is still a vital criterion as it is used to access the life expectancy of an automobile by the buyers. This is why so many people seek to find out what is good mileage on a car. Similarly, Insurance companies use this factor to determine the payments that you have to make annually. Hence, it is vital to know what affects this seemingly useless indicator and how to keep it at a reasonable level.
In order to know what is good mileage on a used car, it is essential to know the factors that will affect it. These factors are also essential to determine what good mileage on a car in general. The main factors that influence the mileage of the automobile are location, age, gender, income level, lifestyle, cultural traits, etc.
If you are one of those individuals who has to drive each day to work long distance you will know the importance of this factor. Such people tend to travel more than average (13,476 Miles / 21688 Km) and reach the expected life expectancy of their car sooner than average drivers.
As it appears the driving habits are noticeably different when we use age as a determinant factor. Based on Federal Highway Administration of the US, the drivers between 20-54 are more prone to long-distance traveling as they drive around 15,000 miles (24,000 Km) per year that is almost twice more than the drivers from other age groups (see table 1).
Gender also has a significant impact on driving habits. The male drivers seem to be more prone to driving long distances. According to the Federal Highway Administration of the US on average male drivers cover around 60% more distance than female drivers (see table 1).AgeMaleFemaleTotal (per year) 16-198,2066,8737,624 Miles / 12,270 Km20-3417,97612,00415,098 Miles / 24,300 Km35-5418,85811,46415,291 Miles / 24608 Km55-6415,8597,78011,972 Miles / 19267 Km65+10,3044,7857,646 Miles / 12305 KmAverage16,55010,14213,476 Miles / 21688 Km
Income Level
Parkinson’s Law suggests that more we make more we spend. This rule applies to the mileage as well. Our income highly influences our behavior when we consider different methods of transportation. For instance, high-income makes us more willing to use our car for transportation on a daily basis even for significantly longer distances. On the other hand, if the income doesn’t allow us such luxury, we are more likely to use public transport.
Consider two different individuals. One person who admires traveling and covers long distances with an automobile each month and another person who lives close to work and uses car once in a while. You may have guessed that the mileage of these two cars will be significantly different. This example indicates the role of the lifestyle while determining the mileage of the automobile.
Cultural Traits
The culture that we are born in influences our character and lifestyle in general. For instance, in the Netherlands people use cars solely for certain situations and prefer bicycles for everyday life. On the other hand, In the US many towns are situated close to megalopolises and automobiles are the main method of transportation. Citizens of this towns will have to use an automobile on a daily basis if they work in the megalopolises.
The purpose of the car
Every automobile has its own purpose in the family especially when there are many families with more than one car. It is difficult to find an automobile that will offer all the advantages at once. Therefore, the purpose might vary from family transportation to speedy driving. Similarly, sometimes the car might even have several owners in the family that will significantly affect the mileage.
In order to determine what is good mileage on a used car, it is vital to know the average distance that we can use as a baseline. The average mileage around the world is 12,400 miles (20,000 Km) per year. However, these statistics differ depending on the country. For instance, as indicated in the table above, the average distance traveled in the US is 13,476 miles (21,688 Km).
Usually the appropriate department of each country states these statistics specifically for their country. Therefore, you can always check the relevant website that will provide the most up-to-date data for your country.
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To understand what is good mileage on a used car it is vital to know the differences among the carmakers. The mileage is an important differentiating factor that automobile producers state when they introduce a new model. Despite the complex nature of a car’s life expectancy, the mileage still represents the decisive factor for car buyers.
To determine the life span of different automobile makers we cannot simply rely on the statistics that they provide. Most of the time they tend to overstate such characteristics to boost the sales in the short-term, hoping that after 10 years of car exploitation the owners will not be able to recall the misleading characteristics. Here are automobile manufacturers that truly meet or exceed the expectations and have proven to have superior life expectancy:
Toyota: Automobiles of this amazing car maker can sometimes exceed 250,000 miles (400,000 Km);
Mazda: Can go up to 200,000 miles (320,000 Km);
Ford: Even though Ford has a noticeable place in this list, it only applies to trucks and SUVs models;
Chevrolet: Similarly to Ford, long-lasting nature applies to trucks and SUVs only;
Let’s look at the limit that you have to keep in mind when buying a used car. Imagine buying a used automobile that you have to keep under maintenance each month. This is quite common when a car has already reached its limits. Therefore, it is crucial to know the margin of the automobile’s life span that you have to observe.
150,000 miles (241,000 Km) is a limit that applies to most of the carmakers. The most vital takeaway is to keep the expected life expectancy of your car model in mind. Let’s look at the example that will show the importance of this criterion when you make a buying decision. However, as we have seen in most cases it can be irrelevant figure.
Let’s take the example of the US. if you buy 10 years old average Toyota car in the US, it will have mileage around 130,000 miles (217,000 Km). As we have mentioned Toyota Automobiles can go up to and even exceed 250,000 miles (402,000 Km). Hence, you will be left with 120,000 miles (185,000 Km) driving that also means almost 9 years of life span.
On the other hand, there are a plethora of cars that cannot go up to 100,000 miles. Therefore, buying such automobiles with the mileage as low as 70,000 miles will mean around 2 years of life span left.
Any mileage below 110,000 miles is a reasonable mileage that you would not like to exceed when purchasing a used automobile. As you have seen there are many factors that you have to consider while determining the lifespan of your car or a car that you intend to buy. However, as we have discussed in the previous paragraph, some automobiles cannot even last more than 100,000 miles. It is essential to make in-depth research before you decide to consider any offers.
If you intend to buy second-hand automobile firstly use the optimal mileage suggestions that we provided to find the most reasonable options. Secondly, look for reviews online related to the longevity of those cars. I would not suggest relying solely on the statistics that manufacturers state on the official websites.
This information will be enough to estimate the remaining life expectancy of the automobile in terms of mileage. Simply devide this number by the average yearly mileage (12,400 Miles worldwide, 13,476 Miles in the US) and you will get the approximate number of years that the car will serve you. For more precise results you can take into account your driving habits or usage data from experience and determine your average early mileage.
Don’t expect to get the precise assumptions. Whether the previous owner took good care of the car or not will highly impact these presumptions. There is always a risk when you buy a second-hand automobile.
Keep your car’s mileage reasonable
If you would like to sell your second-hand car or just keep your car mileage reasonable you have to make sure that the health of your automobile is in optimal condition. Even though it might even be a useless indicator in certain cases, you may find it problematic to sell an automobile with high mileage. Therefore, it is essential to keep it at a reasonable level.
If you find this step unnecessary you may have to think again. It will also help your automobile last longer as wear and tear significantly affects the condition of the car. Even if you don’t consider selling your automobile in the near future, avoiding unnecessary journeys with your car will save you time and money required for its annual maintenance.
As you have already seen the mileage of your car is an important characteristic that you have to be cautious about. However, sometimes this data might be misleading if your automobile is not functioning as it has to. For instance, even the slightest changes in the tire size can significantly affect the mileage in the long run.
The mileage is calculated by multiplying the number of wheel rotations on the circumference of the wheel that came with an original automobile. Any changes to the size of the tire to enhance the appearance of your car or even wear and tear will affect the mileage that will be recorded in the memory of your automobile.
To solve this issue, you can always be proactive and make sure your tires are of optimal size. It would be almost impossible to prove buyers of your second-hand car that the mileage is significantly exaggerated.
How to check the performance of the car if mileage is so useless indicator? The best way to check your automobile’s performance is to find an optimal testing environment and compare this data with the performance statistics provided by the manufacturer. However, you would like to avoid recording unnecessary mileage that will even worsen these stats.
You can purchase a premium-quality Mileage Stopper, install it on your own in less than half-hour, and test the performance of your car. This module is useful for multiple purposes and you can always find good use for it later.
Now you have all the information that you might need to determine what is good mileage on a used car. Multiple factors affect the performance of the automobile. However, the mileage is used to portray the whole picture of your automobile’s condition. Calculating the optimal amount of distance traveled by the used automobile is not as easy as it might seem. Many underlying factors influence the overall life expectancy and you have to make required assumptions.
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Life in Morden, Surrey
For many reasons, living in Morden, Surrey, can be a terrific choice. First, Morden is ideally situated with excellent transportation options, including the Northern Line tube station and several bus lines, making it simple to travel to central London. Morden also has a variety of amenities, such as a sizable shopping mall, supermarkets, and a variety of eateries and coffee shops. It also has a lot of parks and green areas, like Morden Hall Park, which is great for relaxing and doing outdoor activities. Morden is also a family-friendly neighborhood with various excellent schools and nurseries, offering a wonderful setting for kids to grow up in. Overall, the town of Morden is active and diversified and provides attractive living options. 
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Wimbledon's Best Window Cleaning 
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Morden Hall Park in Morden, Surrey
Morden Hall Park features great places. Its top features include the park, the Rose Garden, Garden Centre, a Second-hand bookshop, Eating, a Wetland habitat, children and young people hub, and a natural play area. The park is an oasis of green urban with other sites to enjoy. Visit the two-and-a-half acre of the inter-war Rose Garden. Here you can find fifty formal flower beds, with around 45 different varieties of rose, all from the Edwardian period. You can also find a second-hand bookshop that sells paperbacks and hardbacks of all genres. If you want to find food, there are various hot and cold drinks, dishes, and treats at the Potting Shed Cafe. Organized activities for schools and groups are a lot. Also, a Natural play area with swings, climbing cargo, zip wire, and more. 
Link to maps
National Trust - Morden Hall Park Morden Hall Rd, London, Morden SM4 5JD, United Kingdom Head south on Morden Rd/A24 240 ft At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto London Rd/A24 Continue to follow A24 1.6 mi Turn right onto Tudor Dr/B279 354 ft Turn left onto Dudley Dr 0.1 mi Turn right onto Aragon Rd 246 ft Turn left to stay on Aragon Rd Destination will be on the left 0.2 mi Wilsons Window Cleaning 139 Aragon Rd, Lower Morden, Morden SM4 4QG, United Kingdom
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