#Mistaking tommy 4 a kid is thematically appropriate of how little he knows Phil ok it wasnt just a jab at family aus . Because Phil had -
ranvwoop · 11 months
I lied last night you get one (1) au scrap bc i liked the characterization. tommy would say that
Technoblade looked down at the note he'd made for himself, and then back to the café. He was at 14 Prime Avenue, but it couldn't be the place. Phil? Owning a café?
Nevertheless, he pushed open the door. A little bell chimed to announced his arrival.
"Hello, hello," a masculine voice greeted him — it wasn't Phil's, though. In looking up he found a blond, curly-haired boy, blue eyes assessing Technoblade as he stood in the doorway.
Technoblade couldn't quite the exact resemblance, but he felt the need to assure himself that surely Phil did not have a son. He was only — he didn't know how old Phil was, and the boy could be a fast-growing middle school child sure — but just because he was blonde and British did not a son make.
It had been a while since he'd seen Phil, alright.
After a moment of silence between them, he continued, "Can I get you anything, there?"
"Uh, Phil," Technoblade responded, taken from his thoughts. He shook his head. "I mean — I'm looking for a Philza Minecraft...."
"Ohh!" The boy exclaimed, pausing before giving an affirmative nod. "You must be The Blade."
"What?" Technoblade asked.
"The Blade! Phil told me you'd be coming, I didn't know it'd be so soon — you killed that guy, right?"
"... What're you talking about?" Technoblade asked, too incredulous to process it completely.
"I know Phil's letting you stay since you're on the run from the law. I won't tell, I won't tell," the boy insisted, shaking his head for emphasis. "I wouldn't tell a soul."
Technoblade had doubts that this boy had any trouble spreading rumours. "Phil told you that?"
"Right," he responded, before pausing to think. "Well, he was all hush-hush about it, so I filled in the details."
[mmmmtiredm Phil's here now]
“Sorry about Tom,” Phil said, a short chuckle in his voice. “He can be… a bit of a handful, at first.”
“But then I’ll win you over with my boyish charm,” Tommy said. “Phil, Phil – tell him about the boyish charm, Phil.”
"He's a good employee," Phil said,
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