doomedandstoned · 6 years
As “France’s Most Hated Band” CULT OF OCCULT Visits U.S., We Review ‘Anti-Life’
~By Clem Helvete~
Live Photographs Courtesy of ByMetal
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Photo by Allison Gandar Photographie
There’s just no way around it, CULT OF OCCULT is one of a kind among the French scene. To be honest, I think the band is one of a kind, period. But that’s like, my opinion, man. Rare are the interviews with the quartet from Lyon and let’s just say that their reputation usually precedes them. Truth be told, Cult of Occult couldn’t care less about scene gossip and is only here to deliver earth-shattering, bleak music which leaves the listener wondering what the hell just happened. Leaning more towards the musical entity than the traditional band, Cult of Occult focuses on making its sound evolve with each album and lets the music speak for itself.
In order to fully understand where Cult of Occult’s new album stands, it is essential to put it in context by talking a bit about the band’s previous effort first. The devastating Five Degrees of Insanity was released in 2015 and is a no-hold-barred statement in brutality and heaviness. The fascinating artwork perfectly illustrates the music and lyrics and the album is filled with anxiety-inducing, slow-pace, downtuned riffs coming together to create jarring soundscapes.
Although this may sound over the top, it is exactly what Cult of Occult is: over the top. The music is extreme, difficult to get into, and may feel actually physically taxing to non-initiated listeners. It is pretty clear that the band has no intention to do the work for you and will not compromise in order to appeal to a wider audience. Absolutely no effort is made to alleviate the tension or ease you into the music.
To say that Cult of Occult’s next release was anticipated is an understatement, but how would it top the savage energy and ruthlessness of Five Degrees of Insanity?
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For the next three years following the release of the album, the four headed beast toured extensively through Europe, sharpening its teeth and digging its claws into the European scene. In 2017, it was announced that Cult of Occult’s next album would be released on Music Fear Satan, home of French heavy hitters Hangman’s Chair. The album, titled 'ANTI LIFE' (2018), would be composed of one “song” divided into four tracks. The title made complete sense, the band is rather well-known for its misanthropic attitude, but the one song thing felt a bit gimmicky at the time as Bell Witch’s Mirror Reaper had basically just came out and crushed everything in its way. Was this format about to become the next attention-grabbing trick in the doom scene? As soon as the pre orders were open, I purchased my copy of Anti Life and waited impatiently. Fast-forward a month or two later, this is when I realized what a foolish mistake it was to doubt Cult of Occult’s ability to subvert expectations.
There is a lot to unpack here, and it may take quite a while to form a fully-fleshed out opinion on the album. Yes, it’s an overwhelming piece of music. Yes, you have to push through the thick layers of sound and fuzz to make your way through the album. Yes, you will feel like you just got punched in the gut. But, what a rewarding experience it is!
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Anti Life clocks in at 53 minutes and 30 seconds. Yet, it will make you lose track of time and you won’t realize that almost an hour has passed by the time the last feedback fades away. Each part is seamlessly connected to the next one and every single element has a precise role to play in the creation of this airtight, four-act, monster of a song. The record feels like one intricate piece of music and the structure is far from being gimmicky. It is actually difficult, if not impossible, to think of Anti Life as anything but one monolithic composition.
Just like Five Degrees of Insanity, the artwork of Anti Life is a visual manifestation of the album’s overall themes and atmosphere. It is dark, hard to grasp, it feels like moving through a haze surrounded by strange silhouettes, and it becomes increasingly mesmerizing the more you come back to it.
So how was Cult of Occult able to top the heaviness and brutality of Five Degrees of Insanity without becoming a goofy parody of itself? Well, the band managed to pull it off by adding depth and dynamics to the music. When it comes to creating contrast, Anti Life is an outstanding accomplishment. Cult of Occult plays with rhythms and atmospheres to make heavy even heavier. Of course, the production is what you would expect from such an album. It sounds aggressive and every single note hits you right in the chest.
ANTI LIFE by Cult Of Occult
The album starts with a slow build-up of feedback culminating in the first strike of the album. A gut wrenching roar forms the words “I want to get out! Stop it now!” as the instruments are menacingly and slowly hammering in the background. The agonizing riff is played at a crawling speed, the guitar and bass sound abrasive and the mood is incredibly heavy. The slow pounding drums drenched in reverb and combined with long dragging chords give the impression of being imprisoned in an endless void where a dull buzzing noise keeps echoing. This impression is reinforced by corrosive vocals shouting “I’ve lost my mind, mentally and physically ill.” Every single element plays a part in establishing that there is no escape possible.
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“Every night, full of drugs and liquor, I see, floating above my bed, the Devil. This woman in white dress, Satan herself.”
ANTI LIFE by Cult Of Occult
With the second act comes the feeling that all hell is about to break loose. The tempo slowly intensifies then suddenly comes to a halt while eerie sounds take over. A razor-sharp guitar lead reels you in through the thick fog created by the bass and drums as the vocalist shouts his way to insanity.
ANTI LIFE by Cult Of Occult
The third part begins with “Those Walls! Asylum! Asylum!” as the guitar, bass, and drums are once again pounding together. The track slows down and languidly creeps to what is, without a doubt, my favorite moment in the album. As the rhythm section hammers a funeral dirge, the guitar launches in a forlorn sounding lead comprised of multiple layers, which builds up to the climax of the track.
ANTI LIFE by Cult Of Occult
This is where the last “movement” of Anti Life, and the final step towards irreversible madness, starts. Cult of Occult is back doing what it does best, pounding flesh and bones to a pulp. The faint guitar in the background is joined by a spellbinding and disturbing melody as the album comes to a close.
I’d rather not spoil the experience by revealing too much about the final notes of Anti Life. All I’ll say is that Cult of Occult closes this impressive piece of work masterfully.
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There is no questioning it, the band has managed an impressive feat on many levels and clearly has a better grasp on its sound and craft than ever before. The members of Cult of Occult are known for their enthusiasm for cheap, strong, canned beer and one could say this album feels somewhat similar. Anti Life is intoxicating. It doesn’t look pretty and polished but it will hit you hard, make your head spin, rattle your bones, and leave you lifeless on the curb. If heavy and dark means anything to you, you will come back to it over and over, only to hear new layers and details with each listening.
Cult of Occult launch their West Coast tour alongside Cloven and Dark Castle this week, beginning tonight at Black Lodge in Seattle. Do not miss out on this one! If listening to one of the band’s album is quite something, it is nothing compared to experiencing it live. The amps are deafeningly loud, the atmosphere is so thick you can cut it with a knife, every beat feels like being hit by an unseen force, every note adds to the oppressive atmosphere, and the vocals will shred your ears and heart. Leave all hope at the door and let the thick wall of distortion and heavy pounding take over. Trust me, it’s worth it.
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Cult of Occult Stage West Coast Invasion!
                                       ️11/13 - Seattle, WA at the Black Lodge
                                       11/14 - Portland, OR at High Water Mark
                                       11/15 - Eugene, OR at Old Nick's Pub
                                       11/16 - Oakland, CA at Eli's Mile High
                                       11/17 - Los Angeles, CA at Los Globos
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hopeheartfilia · 3 years
Honestly the first time we heard Martins statement I just immedietly went "I love that boy id kill for him hes precious" and I think I am yet to be dissproven
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mistamarcus414 · 4 years
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@fiservforum aka The Four One Forum just announced a special edition of their annual Milwaukee Talent Search competition to find the best talent in the city! This time they are asking us to submit our special talents from home – So Here is Me(aka @mistamarcus414) Performing my Verse from @keepnitmil's "Welcome To My City"! #FiservForum #FourOneForum #MKETalent #WelcomeToMyCity #414Milwaukee #MilwaukeeGotTalent #MilwaukeeTalentSearch #SaferAtHome There are two different ways to submit your videos: 1. Submit your video directly to one of the Fiserv Forum social media platforms, tag Fiserv Forum and use #MKEtalent! 2. This option is your opportunity to showcase that video for a chance to perform at future Bucks Game, Fiserv Forum Event, or at the Deer District https://bit.ly/2YqImLE (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qg7sEBsUz/?igshid=15axosj6g328x
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