#Modern!Lance Shnitz
theangrycomet · 3 years
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D-Crew AU Tangled Timeline: Eugene and Lance were almost adopted by Quirin and Ulla when they were around 14-15. 
Details below Cut
Ulla (picture above) found them hiding out in one of the barn when getting Admiral (their trail horse). Eugene and Lance were on the run from a successful mark when Lance ran over an old, rusted out trap. 
This may or may not have been where Varian got his hemophobia, because when Eugene finally managed to get that thing off there was blood EVERY where. 
The Ritter’s got Lance to the hospital, but between the mangled state of his leg and how long he’d had the thing stuck around it, he had to get it removed. 
Between Quirin, Eugene, and Ulla’s magic touch he healed pretty quickly. 
Ulla was surprisingly knowledgeable on the innerworkings of prosthetics and nerve ports, but Quirin simply raised a brow and let her do her thing.
After a couple of months, Ulla suggests an idea to her husband when their making dinner. Since it seems Varian has already gotten attatched to the boys and that they’ve been doing so great with Quirin, that maybe it’d be a good idea to start looking at some adoption papers. 
Quirin, knowing what it’s like to be on the streets at 15, and was trying to firgure out a way to broach this to his wife, agrees, much to Varian’s delight (and the eaves dropping teens) delight. 
Ulla goes missing three days later. 
Corona police are convinced Quirin had something to do with it, despite every person in Old Corona vouching that he didn’t. Because of this, the adoption is denied despite Quirin’s efforts (as that’s what Ulla would’ve wanted). 
At some point the Corona police connect the Thefts from a few months ago to the teens staying at the Ritter’s Farm, and Eugene and Lance flee the scene. 
Eugene and Lance are welcomed at the Ritter’s place any time; it serves as a kind of safe haven. They never stay for more than a few weeks at a time, but it’s the closest thing the two have to a definition of Home. 
Varian always gets excited at their visits, wanting to hear their stories or show off his latest inventions. They teach him theiving tips and trick (borrowing phones, running along fence railings, going around unseen) Occasionally Varian can be seen making adjustments to Lance’s leg, though with how Ulla built it, it seems to be growing with him. (He and Eugene realized pretty quickly that this thing is well beyond the current technology, Varian confirming)
Quirin does what he can for the two, having no idea that Eugene’s his old boss’s son. 
Varian and Quirin are the only ones allowed to call Flynn and Lance Eugene and Arnwaldo, but they tend to respect that they what they want to be called.
Part of why Eugene stole the Crown was to help pay for Varian’s SFIT Tuition, because a) there was no way in heck he wasn’t going to make it in and b) SFIT’s expensive with out a bunch of scholarships. 
So IMAGINE with me, Eugene’s flat out offense that CASSANDRA was the one to introduce Varian to Rapunzel, as some sort of evil mad scientist. 
(The people of Old Corona seems to see him more as an oddity than a menace, so I believe it’s just New Corona that has a problem with Varian even before the whole rock thing)
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