#Morgana was supposed to be Luna but I forgot her
whatsername94 · 10 months
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@myshallweplay based on your comment about that fanfic someone wrote. I began playing around with sailor guardian poses and slowly this started happening.
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hawksquill · 5 years
Ginny’s hair always looked so alive in the fresh air, flaming with the light of the sun and rippling with the power of the wind. Luna had always envied it. They were in their favorite tree, an ancient and spindly rowan not far from either the Burrow or the Rook, where the Lovegoods lived. Ginny was climbing to a higher branch to look at a bird’s nest when she yelped and turned to see Luna gripping a strand of her ginger hair.
“Oi! What’d you do that for?” she demanded, her face flushing to match her hair. Luna smiled fondly at her, but did not answer.
“Go on and get me an egg from that bird’s nest, the prettiest one. I want to try something.” She held the lock of hair up to the light, admiring it before tucking it safely into her mokeskin bag, where she had already stored several other ingredients for her newest idea. When she looked up from the pouch, Ginny hadn’t moved except to fold her arms across her chest.
“Don’t think you can just boss me around like you do to everyone else, Luna Lovegood. You can either tell me what’s going on or you can get your own egg.” The two locked eyes for a moment before Luna looked away, towards home.
“I’m sorry, Gin. Really, I am. I want to try making this thing…like an amulet, I suppose. For protection. But I’m not sure if it’s going to work, and I didn’t want to go to all this trouble, or for my mum to find out, if it’s just going to turn out to be a dud.”
“Well what makes you think I’d tell your mum, dummy? And why do you need a robin’s egg and my hair for protection, anyway?
“I was going to blow the egg out of the shell and use it to encase the charm, then only put tiny stuff in through the pinhole. And then it could be like a necklace to wear on a chain, see? The hair is small enough to fit in the egg and I think it needs to be sealed with strong feelings, pain so the amulet will protect from pain, and… something else, something positive, to balance the pain,” Luna’s fingers began tracing the edge of the mokeskin pouch. She hadn’t quite worked out how to seal the charm with positive feelings yet, but she suspected a strand of Ginny’s hair might help her summon some.
“Well, alright then,” and within a moment, Ginny was back with a perfectly oval, pale blue egg speckled with turquoise.
The two girls nestled shoulder to shoulder in the crook of the rowan tree as Luna took a needle from her pouch, carefully made a small hole in the eggshell, and blew the egg out of its shell. It fell to the ground below with a wet splat that startled both of them.
“So what else goes in?” asked Ginny, cradling the enchanting fragility of the eggshell with unusual gentleness. Luna retrieved the ingredients from her bag and slowly, carefully slipped each one through the minuscule hole at the bottom of the eggshell: caraway seeds, shavings of cinnamon, and a few drops of juniper oil she had pressed herself. When she reached into the bag for the strand of Ginny’s hair, Ginny put a hand over hers.
“I have a better idea for how to seal the magic. Strong feelings, you said?” And Ginny leaned over and kissed her. Their lips touched with a dizzying clarity and for a moment Luna forgot all about the prophecy and the circle, even that they were only kissing in the first place to seal the amulet. It was just her and Ginny, kissing exactly as she always imagined it would be, vibrant and flaming as Ginny’s hair, which was still tangled around Luna’s fingers.
It was over in a moment, and they pulled apart shyly.
“Morgana, that was a lot of intense emotion,” Luna murmured before inching to the edge of their branch and handing a small glass bottle to Ginny, “Make sure you scrape up some of the dirt right beneath where I fall, and any of my blood if I start bleeding, okay?” Then she jumped out of the tree without another word.
“Wait, what?” Ginny took the bottle automatically and peered at it, only to glance up and find Luna gone.
“Luna!” she shrieked, clambering down the tree and rushing to her friend’s crumpled body, “What in Merlin’s name did you do that for?”
“Pain…to seal the amulet…you kissed me so I needed a lot of pain…make sure you get the dirt and blood,” Luna wheezed, the air having been knocked out of her.
“You bloody idiot! I’m going to get help,” Ginny sprinted towards the Rook, and Luna took a moment to admire the coltish way she ran before allowing the waves of black lapping at the edges of her vision to overtake her.
Excerpt from chapter 4 of Luna Lovegood and the Forgotten Circle.  Read more on AO3 here and FFN here! 
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