#Morten Henriksen
dkavisen · 2 years
Kan være færdig ved EM-slutrunden
Kan være færdig ved EM-slutrunden
Assistentlandstræner Lars Jørgensen kan have været med på bænken for sidste gang ved EM. Onsdag testede Kaja Kamp og Lars Jørgensen positiv, og ifølge EHFs coronaprotokol kræver det fem dages isolation, hvis man er positiv med en helt frisk omgang coronasmitte. Det vil i så fald betyde, at Jørgensen hverken er med i fredagens semifinale mod Montenegro, eller kampen på søndag, der enten bliver om…
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donospl · 1 year
LIVE: Sokołowsko Jazz meets Punkt Festival 2023
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Fredrik Lundin & Odense Jazz Orchestra - It Takes All Kinds To Make a World
“It Takes All Kinds To Make A World” (11th Nov, April Records) pairs critically acclaimed saxophonist and composer Frederik Lundin with the forward-thinking Odense Jazz Orchestra in an original set of intricately composed music which bridges the gap between avant-garde emotion and heavy groove. But this is much more than simply a collection of newly-commissioned big band jazz.
Inspired by the fearless nature of 70s music, the 18-piece ensemble uses dense harmonic textures, chaotic free-ness, and a wide range of dynamics to tell the stories encapsulated within each tune. Yet despite the affected horn solos, synth textures and slick drum grooves, this an undeniably modern, transportive listening experience.
It Takes All Kinds To Make A World may be dealing with a host of negative subject matters, yet the record ends on a positive note: a call for humility, tolerance, benevolence, open heartedness, curiosity and open-mindedness.  Fredrik Lundin - Tenor- and mezzo soprano saxophone (mezzo solos on 1, 2 and tenor solo 4) Odense Jazz Orchestra: Conductor and Artistic Director: Torben Sminge Morten Øberg – Alto and Soprano Saxophones, Clarinet, Flutes Guy Moscoso – Alto Saxophone, Clarinet Flute (Alto Saxophone Solo on 6) Finn Henriksen – Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute Hans Mydtskov – Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet (Tenor Saxophone Solo on 5) Ole Visby – Baritone Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Contrabass Clarinet (Bass Clarinet Lead on 3) Ari Bragi Karason – Trumpet Tomasz Dabrowski – Trumpet (1, 2, 3 and 6, solo on 1 and 2) Jesper Riis – Trumpet (4 and 5) Jakob Holdensen – Trumpet, Hans Christian Ilskov Erbs – Trumpet, Flugelhorn Stefan Ringgive – Trombone, Flugabone (Trombone Solo on 5) Mikkel Aagaard – Trombone (Solo on 6) Anders Ringaard Andersen – Trombone, Accordion John Kristensen – Bass Trombone, Tuba Makiko Hirabayashi – Piano, Rhodes, Synthesizer Morten Nordal – Electric and Acoustic Guitars, Lap Steel, Dobro and Loops (Guitar Solo on 6) Kasper Tegel – Bass Chano Olskær – Drums Cover Art and Design by Morten Agergaard All music composed and arranged by Fredrik Lundin
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bodoposten · 1 year
Stortinget representert på høynivåmøte for NATO-landene i Litauen
Stortingets 3. visepresident Morten Wold og 4. visepresident Kari Henriksen deltar denne uken på et høynivåmøte for parlamentsledere i NATO-landene i Vilnius, Litauen. Møtet er en del av opptakten til NATOs toppmøte i Vilnius i juli 2023. Tema er krigen i Ukraina, globale sikkerhetsutfordringer og hvordan NATOs medlemmer kan styrke eget forsvar. Møtet startet torsdag og avsluttes…
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truepdf · 2 years
Fearless Leadership: Managing Fear, Leading with Courage and Strengthening Authenticity
All management starts with self-management – handle fear and become an authentic leader. Often, the problem with management is not theoretical, but practical. Managers know enough about leadership, but a lot of them do not act accordingly. They know what should be done in a given situation but fear the discomfort and uncertainty that comes with it.
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lgwood · 2 years
The Mastery Journal: Online Media Room
 This course started off with looking at and evaluating the press rooms of other brands.  This was very insightful because it helped me to understand what makes a good online press room.  From looking at the design of the online press room including the layout, content as well as the voice and tone was very insightful.  Was the information helpful to the journalist that has a deadline and needs to pull something together very quickly?  Not only is the media room useful for journalists but it is also a place where a brand can share its message with various stakeholders both internal and external and completely control the messaging that is placed there. I quickly realized that the online media room is a very important source of disseminating information for any brand.  I was tasked in this course with creating a webpage to present my capstone project content in a way that was engaging. This was a really great hands on exercise in putting this content together in a meaningful way. Some of the content that had been created in earlier classes now found a home on this online media page.
 I also learned a lot in this course about what content marketing is and what should be the goal of content marketing. According to Brian Honigman, brands need to really zero in on their niche audience and create content that appeals to that audience. (Honigman, 2020)  Morten Rand-Henriksen sheds even more light on the importance of content strategy because of how everything flows on the internet and how much less control there is over how content is viewed than with traditional publication sources. (Rand-Henriksen, 2016) When creating content, the creator wants to ensure that the right content, reaches the right person and that the person gets the right message. (Rand-Henriksen, 2016) (Honigman, 2020)  It is very important to develop a content strategy and to create strategic goals for the content that is created. Overall this course has been very enlightening and has given me tools that I can utilize to create a content marketing strategy for my personal goals as well as assisting clients with reaching their strategic goals.
Honigman, b. (2020, January). Content Marketing Foundations.
Rand-Henriksen, M. (2016, June ). UX Foundations: Content Strategy.
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50thirdand3rd · 6 years
"Oh By the Way...It's Natalie Sweet – Debut LP
“Oh By the Way…It’s Natalie Sweet – Debut LP
Happy Valentine’s Day, BBs! Yeah, I know, Valentine’s is commercial and puts all this pressure on people to be romantic or have a sweetheart or get a Valentine card. Yeah, well, not on my watch! I know it’s early, but getcha dancin’ shoes on and dress to impress, we’re gonna have some fun ’cause I got somethin’ sweet…Natalie Sweet, that is!
Oh by the way… is former Shanghais front woman and…
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eurovisionsongaday · 6 years
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Forbrydelsen (The Killing)  -  DR1  -  January 7, 2007 - November 25, 2012
Crime Drama (40 episodes)
Running Time:  50 minutes
Stars: (Series 1)
Sofie Gråbøl as Inspector Sarah Lund
Søren Malling as Inspector Jan Meyer
Troels II Munk as Chief Inspector Erik Buchard  (episodes 1-11)
Morten Suurballe as Chief Inspector Lennart Brix  (episodes 11-20)
Lars Mikkelsen as Troels Hartmann
Bent Mejding as Mayor Poul Bremer
Marie Askehave as Rie Skovgaard
Bjarne Henriksen as Theis Birk Larsen
Ann Eleonora Jørgensen as Pernille Birk Larsen
Nicolaj Kopernikus as Vagn Skærbæk
Farshad Kholghi as Rama
Michael Moritzen as Morten Weber
Julie Ølgaard as Nanna Birk Larsen
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metalby · 4 years
Course of Fate "Endgame" from [Mindweaver] 2020 ノルウェーのプログメタルバンドによる1stフル.2003年に結成されデモ音源の発表を経て2013年にEP[Cognizance]を発表し,こちらが本格的なデビュー作になるのかと. Vo : Eivind Gunnesen Gt : Kenneth Henriksen Gt : Marcus Andre Skaar Lorentzen Key : Carl Marius Saugstad Ba : Daniel Nygaard Ds : Per-Morten Bergseth という6人組.
Course of Fate [Mindweaver] 2020 (Spotify) 影響を受けたバンドにQueensryche, Evergrey, Dream Theaterなどを挙げているだけあり,モダンではなくバンドのアンサンブルを重視した90年代後半ぐらいのプログメタル.昔,Dream Theaterフォロワーを追いかけていた青春時代を思い出した.EvergreyのダークさをまとったQueensrycheみたいな感じで,テクニックごり押しではなくクリアなオーセンティックなサウンド. アートワークはStan W Deckerが担当. ----- 2020 [Mindweaver] ----- https://www.facebook.com/courseoffate/
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Course of Fate [Mindweaver]
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donospl · 1 year
MUZYCZNE ZAPOWIEDZI: Sokołowsko Jazz meets Punkt Festival 2023
Sokołowsko, 8-10.9.2023 Fundacja Sztuki Współczesnej In Situ, organizatorzy Sanatorium Dźwięku (Zuzanna Fogtt i Gerard Lebik) oraz norweskiego festiwalu Punkt (Jan Bang i Erik Honoré) zapraszają na pierwszą edycję Sokołowsko Jazz, która odbędzie się między 8 a 10 września w Sokołowsku. Inspiracją dla stworzenia Festiwalu stały się przede wszystkim aktywności norweskiej sceny jazzowej  oraz idea…
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 110+ Sami faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Joni Mitchell / Roberta Joan Mitchell (1943) Sami, Norwegian / Irish, Scottish - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Ann-Jorid Henriksen (1951) Sami - actress and musician.
Harriet Nordlund / Gerd Harriet Linnéa Nordlund (1954) Sami - actress, screenwriter, and author.
Mari Boine / Mari Boine Persen (1956) Sami - singer-songwriter and producer.
Åsa Simma (1963) Sami - actress, singer, director, and screenwriter.
Marit Hætta Øverli (1964) Sami - singer.
Kristin Mellem (1965) Sami - singer, violinist, composer, and conductor.
Siri Broch Johansen (1967) Sami - singer and author.
Ann-Mari Andersen (1969) Sami - singer.
Anna Morottaja (1969) Inari Sami - musician and instructor.
Sara Margrethe Oskal (1970) Sami - actress, director, producer, writer, and artisan.
Ulla Pirttijärvi (1971) Inari Sami - singer.
Ursula Länsman (1971) Inari Sami - singer.
Victoria Harnesk / Eva Catharina Victoria Harnesk (1972) Sami - singer and lecturer.
Katja Gauriloff (1972) Skolt Sami / Inari Sami - director.
Inger Elin Utsi (1975) Sami - actress and journalist.
Tuuni Partti / Tuuni Länsman (1975) Inari Sami - singer.
Ane Brun / Ane Brunvoll (1976) Sami - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Mariela Idivuoma (1976) Sami - tv host and journalist.
Pauliina Feodoroff (1977) Sami - director and screenwriter.
Katarina Rimpi / Ella Katarina Rimpi (1978) Sami - singer and painter.
Anni-Kristiina Juuso / Ánne-Risten Juuso (1979) Inari Sami - actress and radio host.
Elin Kåven (1979) Sami - singer and dancer.
Sofia Jannok / Brita Maret Jannock (1982) Northern Sami - singer-songwriter and radio host.
Brita-Stina Sjaggo (1982) Sami - singer.
Suvi West (1982) Sami - actress, tv personality, director, and screenwriter.
Máddji / Ánne Máddji Heatta (1983) Sami - singer, composer, and former footballer.
Tiina Sanila / Tiina Juulia Sanila-Aikio (1983) Skolt Sami - musician.
Mari Kvien Brunvoll (1984) Sami - singer and percussionist.
Åse Kathrin Vuolab (1987) Sami - actress and screenwriter.
Maxida Märak / Ida Amanda Märak (1988) Sami - actress, rapper, singer, and activist.
Elizabeth Lejonhjärta (1990) Gambian, Senegalese, Sierra Leonean / Sami, Tornedalian, Swedish - model, blogger, social media personality, and writer.
Victoria Lejonhjärta (1990) Gambian, Senegalese, Sierra Leonean / Sami, Tornedalian, Swedish - model, blogger, social media personality, and writer.
Mette Henriette (1990) Sami - saxophonist and composer.
Emelie Nilsen (1993) Sami - guitarist.
Viktoria Eriksen (1993) Sami - drummer.
Aggie / Agnete / Agnete Johnsen (1994) Sami - singer-songwriter.
Inger Karoline Gaup (1995) Northern Sami - singer.
Marja Mortensson (1995) Southern Sami - singer.
SUNNA / Sunna Máret Utsi (1995) Sami - singer.
Ida Ovmar (1995) Sami - model and Miss Sweden 2016.
Susanne Guttorm (1996) Sami - model and Miss Norway 2018.
Lene Cecilia Sparrok (1997) Southern Sami - actress.
Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen (1998) Sami - singer-songwriter.
Ánne Mággá Wigelius (?) Sami, Norwegian, Finnish - actress, singer, and dancer.
Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers (?) Kainai Blackfoot / Sami - actress and filmmaker.
Sara Marielle Gaup (?) Sami - singer.
Mia Erika Sparrok (?) Southern Sami - actress.
Anna Kärrstedt (?) Northern Sami - singer.
Sami Surma-Heine (?) Sami, Possibly Other - model.
Katarina Barruk (?) Ume Sami - singer-songwriter.
Berit Margrethe Oskal (?) Sami - singer.
Laila Totsås (?) Southern Sami - musician.
Anna Kråik (?) Southern Sami - singer (Halhta Tjalhta).
Inga Elisa Påve (?) Sami - musician (Adjágas).
Miira Suomi (?) Northern Sami - singer (Somby).
Unna-Maari Pulska (?) Northern Sami - percussionist (Somby).
Milla Pulska (?) Northern Sami - pianist (Somby).
Jaakko Gauriloff (1939) Inari Sami - singer.
Lance Henriksen (1940) Sami, Norwegian / Latvian, Irish - actor and artist.
Niiles-Jouni Aikio (1947) Inari Sami - actor, singer, and dancer.
Roger Pontare / Fred Roger Pontare / Roger Johansson (1951) Sami - singer.
Nils Gaup (1955) Sami - director.
Halvdan Nedrejord (1956) Sami - pianist-songwriter, keyboardist, organist, accordionist, and composer.
Ánde Somby (1958) Sami - musician, artist, and writer.
Gustav Hylén (1958) Southern Sami - trumpeter (Halhta Tjalhta).
Mattis Hætta (1959) Sami - singer.
Frode Fjellheim (1959) Southern Sami - singer, keyboardist, and pianist.
Wimme / Wimme Saari (1959) Sami - singer.
Paul-Anders Simma (1959) Sami - director.
Áilloš / Ingor Ántte Áilu Gaup / Iŋgor Ántte Áilu Gaup (1960) Sami - actor, singer, and filmmaker.
Paul Waaktaar-Savoy / Pål Waaktaar Gamst (1961) Sami - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, pianist, and drummer.
Torgeir Vassvik (1962) Sami - singer-songwriter, guitarist, harpist, drummer, percussionist, and composer.
Sverre Porsanger (1963) Sami - actor, musician, and director.
Johan Sara (1963) Sami - singer-songwriter, guitarist, percussionist, and producer.
Mikkel Gaup (1968) Sami - actor.
Niko Valkeapää (1968) Sami - singer, artist, and writer.
Peter Nuottaniemi (1970) Sami, Finnish - bassist-songwriter and comic writer.
Paal Fagerheim (1971) Sami - musician.
Per Heimly (1972) Sami - photographer.
Olle Sarri / Nils Olof Fabian Sarri (1972) Sami - actor.
Per Niila Stålka (1975) Sami - singer.
Tommy Wirkola (1979) Sami - director, producer, and screenwriter.
Lawra Somby (1980) Sami - singer and poet.
Simon Marainen (1980) Sami - singer and poet.
Åsmund Wilter Kildar Eriksson (1980) Sami - bassist.
Lásse Kvernmo (1981) Sami - actor, guitarist-songwriter, and journalist.
Niillas Beaska (1982) Sami - actor.
Espen Elverum Jakobsen (1982) Sami - guitarist.
Amoc / Mikkâl Antti Morottaja (1984) Inari Sami / Finnish - rapper and singer.
Áilu Valle (1985) Northern Sami - rapper.
Kitok / Magnus Ekelund / Nils Åke Magnus Ekelund (1986) Sami - rapper-songwriter, singer, and producer.
Aleksander Kostopoulos (1987) Sami - drummer and percussionist.
Fred-René Øvergård Buljo (1988) Sami - rapper, musician, and producer.
Niillas Holmberg (1990) Sami - actor, musician, poet, and activist.
SlinCraze / Nils Rune Utsi (1990) Sami - actor, rapper, and journalist.
Mio Negga / Mio Elis Elof Negga (1990) Sami / French - singer, bassist, producer, and artist.
Reuben G Libby (1991) Moroccan, Unspecified Native American, Sami, English, French, Scottish - screenwriter.
Nikolaj Gloppen (1992) Sami - bassist.
Simon Stenvoll Pedersen (1992) Sami - drummer (The BlackSheeps).
Alexander Touryguin (1993) Sami - bassist.
Leo Gauriloff (?) Inari Sami - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Johan Kitti (?) Sami - singer.
Nils Johansen (?) Sami - guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and artist.
Ole Mahtte Gaup (?) Sami - rapper and composer.
Lars Ericsson (?) Southern Sami - bassist (Halhta Tjalhta).
Tomas Nyqvist (?) Southern Sami - percussionist (Halhta Tjalhta).
Juhani Silvola (?) Sami - musician (Adjágas).
Timo Silvola (?) Sami - musician (Adjágas).
Petter Marius Gundersen (?) Sami - musician (Adjágas).
Ole-Morten Indigo Lekang (?) Sami - musician (Adjágas).
Stian Einmo (?) Sami - musician (Adjágas).
Oula Guttorm (?) Northern Sami - guitarist (Somby).
Juho Kiviniemi (?) Northern Sami - bassist (Somby).
Lars-Ánte Kuhmunen (?) Sami - singer.
Johan Anders Bær (?) Sami - singer.
Berit M. Oskal (?) Sami - singer.
Renee Zellweger (1969) Sami, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian / Swiss, German - actress and producer - Has worked with Woody Allen.
Jonne Järvelä (1974) Sami - singer and guitarist - Appropriated dreadlocks.
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riffsstrides · 3 years
Trygve Seim - Sangam (2004)
Trygve Seim's wind ensemble is establishing itself as a brilliant orchestra whose inventiveness knows no bounds. Here it celebrates the standstill, the slowness, the miniature, the small variation. It lets the beauty emerge completely carefree. And that with the holy seriousness of those who know. Seim, blessed with the utmost saxophone finesse, develops into a storyteller, a dream inventor.
Trygve Seim: tenor and soprano saxophone; Håvard Lund: clarinet, bass clarinet; Nils Jansen: bass saxophone, contrabass clarinet; Arve Henriksen: trumpet; Tone Reichelt: French horn; Lars Andreas Haug: tuba; Frode Haltli: accordion; Morten Hannisdal: cello; Per Oddvar Johansen: drums; Øyvind Brække: trombone (4); Helge Sunde: trombone (4); String Ensemble with Christian Eggen conducting (4).
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ylvisinenglish2 · 7 years
Brothers in Comedy (article from Her and Now magazine)
Were saved by the theater in Fana
With the program "Stories from Norway" the Ylvis brothers are back with a whole new TV genre, 17 years after their stage debut.
Text: Lise Lottle Winther-Bay Photos:  Morten Henriksen and Scanpix Translated by: Elaine
"To hear people laugh is lovely! That's why it's great to be back. We love doing this," pleased brothers Bård (35) and Vegard (38) tell Her og Nå. Ylvis have been on a TV break since spring of last year, when they finished off "I Kveld med Ylvis Live" on TVNorge. Now they're back on the same channel with a new and unique concept. In each of the seven episodes you'll be presented with a musical based on real events. "Stories from Norway" is nothing less than a pioneering project. "We've found stories that in different ways describe the distinctly Norwegian way of being," says Vegard. "We present seven of them in OUR way." The stories are beautifully staged with the help of factual interviews and 40 new songs from the humor duo -- where the music gets inspiration from well-known musicals. The brothers point out that "the events are not actually funny, but seen after the fact, they have something to them. Especially with our somewhat impish, Norwegian way of tackling them." Such as the first episode about the much talked of diving tower in Hamar. In the episode, the brothers interview people who were central to the long and motley affair, which after many years got a happy ending. Even if the price tag ended up being 25.8 million kroner instead of the 1.5 million that was planned. "Lucky for us, the people we've spoken with are self-deprecating enough to laugh along with us," says Bård. "Yes, because we do make fun of people a bit," admits Vegard, who thinks that sometimes Norwegians can seem like a three-year-old trying to dress itself.   "The pants go on backwards and the shoe gets on the wrong foot. Sometimes we just bite off more than we can chew, and we become the little country in the north that's trying as hard as it can. It occurs to us that the two spent their childhood in Africa, part of that time in Angola. "Could your upbringing have given you an "outside looking in" view of Norway? "Well," says Bård drawing it out, "I don't know any different than growing up in two different parts of the world. Maybe...?" "As the oldest I remember better coming back to Norway," adds Vegard, who was a teenager when they moved to Bergen. "I'll certainly never forget that you, Bård, had godawful ugly clothes," he teases. "You looked awful!" "But you didn't?" "Yes," says Vegard happily. "I'm sure I did too. In the beginning we didn't understand all the social codes in Norway." They've said previously that the theater in Fana was their salvation. There they entered a world where they could do what they loved best: singing and roleplaying. Later they were discovered and premiered their show "Ylvis - a Cabaret". Since then they've become a well-known and loved comedy duo. "The idea that we're in too deep has occurred to us -- frequently," they freely admit. "Not least during the year and a half that we've been working on these stories." To make a completely new TV concept is not without its challenges. "Luckily we've got a lot of experience behind us -- and each other," they quickly add. They also emphasize, modestly, that they're not alone in making the new shows but have many talented people on their team. With an English title and songs sung in English, is it natural to assume that the Fox brothers are hoping for another viral hit? "English is used where our sources provided it, but our focus is to entertain the Norwegian people," confirm Vegard and Bård Ylvisåker.
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orum · 5 years
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#Repost @kamilla_joergensen • • • • • • I dag udkommer Omslag 2020 på Antipyrine, red. Tanja Nellemann Kruse og jeg. 20 forfattere og 20 billedkunstnere har bidraget med et omslag til en fiktiv bog. Bidragyderne er: Lise Autogena & Joshua Portway, Jacob Borges, Jan Bäcklund, C.Y. Frostholm, Rasmus Graff, Christina Hagen, Thorgej Steen Hansen, Lise Haurum, Ida Marie Hede, Mia Helmer, Peter Holst Henckel, Mette Østgaard Henriksen, Andreas Vermehren Holm, Jytte Høy, Jakob Jakobsen, Hanne Nielsen & Birgit Johnsen, Kamilla Jørgensen, Åse Eg Jørgensen, Line Kallmayer,Jeuno Kim & Seewon Hyun& Choi Haneyl, Thomas Hvid Kromann, Tanja Nellemann Kruse, Pablo Llambías, Louise Vind Nielsen, Joakim Norling,, Lise Nørholm, Signe Parkins, Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen,, Cia Rinne, Asger Schnack, Martin Glaz Serup, Jens Settergren, Åsa Sonjasdotter, Sternberg,Morten Søkilde, Morten Søndergaard, Pär Thörn, Christian Vind, Iben West & Klaus Marthinus, Peter-Clement Woetmann, Kristoffer Ørum (her: KH7artspace) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7bHrwshy8E/?igshid=380rnr0n2q5k
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Binance And Litecoin Go Bank Shopping
Throughout the course of Bitcoins rise, one of the biggest questions posed has been whether banks will ever be open to accepting cryptocurrencies.
However, a series of recent investments made by Litecoin and Binance may indicate that actually cryptocurrencies who will be the ones to start accepting banks.
Last week Tuesday, it was announced that Litecoin had acquired a 9.9% stake in a WEG Bank AG. The stake was first purchased by a crypto-to-fiat payments company called Token pay, then passed on to Litecoin in exchange for recruiting technical talent that would help the bank bring crypto payments to customers.
Then on Thursday, Binance had announced that it bought a 5% stake in ‘Founders Bank’ based in Malta. The goal of the investment is to “lay the groundwork for a new bank whose owners will be digital-coin investors”.
If the EU grants them a license to begin operating, they will become the “first decentralized and community-owned bank.”
These 2 events are likely the start of an important trend in the crypto space. As leading crypto companies become increasingly wealthy and influential, the need for acceptance from the traditional finance world becomes less important. Rather than crypto companies like Binance and Litecoin asking permission for big banks to accept them, they are simply taking the initiative and forming their own banks.  
The implications for struggling banks
From the perspective of a small and/or struggling bank, the odds are already stacked against them as larger banks siphonine away their customers and standard costs of operation (KYC/AML compliance, processing costs, etc) destroy their profit margins.
Struggling banks may very well be taking note of these recent investments as an indicator that there is a new emerging market to move into in order to differentiate themselves, and also that they can perhaps avoid some of the technical and regulatory challenges of accepting cryptocurrencies by simply allowing a larger crypto company to make an investment in their business.
Mixed signals from the crypto community
Many online have expressed their approval of the recent investments and how they could signal shifting power dynamics between crypto companies and banks that would ultimately lead to closer collaboration and faster mainstream adoption:
Read this slowly. Think big! LTC/token buys into bank. Bank runs Lightning node. LTCF builds link between LN and SWIFT SYSTEM. Token issues Cards. Basically, LTC becomes decentralized Ripple! More banks adopt tech. BOOM!!! There’s more on today’s and tomorrow’s video! Watch both!
— Bitcoin Ben (@bensemchee) July 11, 2018
However, others expressed concern over the investment decisions and how it is actually a sign of cryptocurrencies becoming the very thing they’re supposed to disrupt:
And then become the bank. Yay, i cant see the positive in this. We change it in to the same thing. Just that now banks use crypto insted. Nha fuck that. No more banks that is the reason im in this crypto world.
— Morten Henriksen (@sirzippy1986) July 11, 2018
How to centralise the storage of a decentralized currency
— Thibaut rey (@thibautrey) July 11, 2018
As the relationship between banks and crypto continues to evolve, it’s important to remember that ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’, which means that in the short term, what may seem like a cooperation between opposing forces, is actually a smart business strategy to aid the advancement of crypto as a whole to more users, while also adding an element of decentralization to traditional banks that still serve a very important purpose despite their shortcomings.
Billions of people still remain out of the loop with regards to the value of cryptocurrencies, and as Binance founder CZ states it:
Effectiveness and adaptability is a consideration. A small step towards decentralization/freedom that can be adopted by 1.2 billion people is more impactful than a big step that can only be adopted by a dozen people.
The post Binance And Litecoin Go Bank Shopping appeared first on CryptoPotato.
Binance And Litecoin Go Bank Shopping published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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