quakerjoe · 5 years
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When hashtags like #MoscowMitchTraitor appear many times in a tweet, it is an attempt to get the hashtag trending. If you use #MoscowMitchTraitor many times in a tweet, you will only encourage this behavior. Please do not use #MoscowMitchTraitor many times. #MoscowMitchTraitor
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tyrras · 5 years
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Ty flips off Dump every day for 4 years, possibly less. #resist #maga #impeachmenttrial #worldwar6 #wewantwitness #trumpsdna #loganact #mrunderwear #wewantwitnesses #randpaulresign #trumpsremovaltrial #borderwall #trumpdefense #johnboltonmusttestify #bolton #moscowmitchtraitor #arrestrandpaul #trumpimpeachment #gopcoverup #shamtrial #goptraitors #trumpdefense #trumprally #americanswantwitnesses #trumptapes #dershowitzlogic #thursdaythoughts #somanyreasons https://www.instagram.com/p/B79g6r9nSmH/?igshid=194pogcc9yi1k
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dragoni · 5 years
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How did #MoscowMitchTraitor get richer? He divorced the mother of his children and married Elaine Chao, who is using her transportation secretary position to boost up their family’s shipping company.  
Raise your hand if you would love to see Mitch and his Elaine in handcuffs.✋
— Andrea Junker @Strandjunker
✋ ✋
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pinkshoping · 5 years
Just Say Neit To Moscow Mitch
You ran a clean campaign against Barr...and lost. Moscow Mitch will throw every dirty trick at you, please fight fire with fire or you will lose this election as well. But, there’s something we can do. In my state, I’ve called for Vote-at-home policies.#MoscowMitch  #MoscowMitchTraitor #MoscowMitchMcConnell #DitchMitch #ElectAmy #GunControlNow #GunReformNow #GunSenseNow order your Just Say Neit To Moscow Mitch t shirt now>>>>https://teespring.com/stores/just-say-neit-to-moscow-mitch
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instagramhere · 5 years
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#moscowmitch #fuckmcconnell @senatemajldr @mcconnellpress #moscowmitchtraitor Visit more: https://ift.tt/2LRirHy
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logoflowss · 5 years
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Hi Dear,Do you need a #Logo #design? Please Visit my link +Thanks a lot https://goo.gl/bYRniz#ThingsThatGiveMeAnxiety #WednesdayWisdom Mario Lopez #WednesdayWisdom #NationalAvocadoDay #MoscowMitchTraitor Bernardo Silva #HappyBirthdayHarryPotter #STAY1stAnniversary
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denisinwales · 5 years
Glad I could help. Hope this sends #MoscowMitchTraitor home in November. https://t.co/iwSNIVDmi6
Glad I could help. Hope this sends #MoscowMitchTraitor home in November. https://t.co/iwSNIVDmi6
— DenisCampbell (@ClientLoyaltyDC) March 18, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ClientLoyaltyDC March 18, 2020 at 10:52PM via IFTTT
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skatg · 5 years
When hashtags like #MoscowMitchTraitor appear many times in a tweet, it is an attempt to get the hashtag trending. If you use #MoscowMitchTraitor many times in a tweet, you will only encourage this behavior. Please do not use #MoscowMitchTraitor many times.#MoscowMitchTraitor
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) January 7, 2020
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ltlredx · 5 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/LiberalFenix
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muckraker169 · 5 years
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quakerjoe · 5 years
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A CUPPA JOE for 21 January 2020: Let the Games Begin
Today, the Impeachment Trial of trump begins and I’d like to remind you all of something. This is not a trial to see whether or not trump is going to be removed from office and then tried for his crimes. This is not about trump. We already KNOW Moscow Mitch is going to do everything he can to whisk this whole thing on through, sloppily and haphazardly, and he’s going to exonerate the permanently impeached angry orange.
 This trial is about you. It’s about all of us in the United States, and the world is watching. WE are the ones on trial today. We KNOW beyond shadow of a doubt right now before this even begins that trump is guilty of a multitude of corruption charges and abuse of power to enrich himself. It’s been clear since before, during and after the Mueller Report. There’s enough evidence in the REDACTED version of it to warrant trump’s removal from office. The recent interview with Parnas has just pissed a ton of gas onto this dumpster fire and we know it, even if a fifth of what he said is true.
 Here’s what’s likely to happen. Fuck-all nothing. McConnell’s “rules” set this sham of a trial up to be done after midnight and during a time that will minimize the time Chief Justice Roberts can attend. He’s setting things up so that not only will new evidence NOT be admissible, but that the EXISTING evidence won’t be either. He thinks he’s got enough GOP support to pull this off, and he may be right. The Democrats have many, many charges to throw at this administration, but so far they’ve lead with their weakest hand and everyone’s having a nutter over it.
 WE are on trial now. WE must decide if this is a severe miscarriage of justice being carried out by the GOP and the Senate, of if we’re going to show the world that we simply don’t give a flying fuck and that we’re perfectly happy to let a corrupt bag of dicks tear down what little is left of our Republic and full-on burn the Constitution to ashes as we slip into Kleptocracy and become a Oligarchy; a Fascist state run by the rich and supported by the feckless idiots who can’t be bothered to study a bit of political science on their own because schools don’t really seem to teach it anymore.
 WE THE PEOPLE are the ones on trial here. We’ve literally reached a point where we’re trying to save not only our nation, but to save sanity, reason, our place on the world stage, and most importantly, the planet itself. If the GOP doesn’t hold an actual, fair trial complete with accrued evidence from before the submission of the Articles of Impeachment as well as after and allow for the calling of Witnesses (like an ACTUAL TRIAL does and this IS a trial) then they’ll have demonstrated that they are irrefutably corrupt and MUST be recalled by their states and summarily FIRED. They CAN do that. Kentucky, for instance, CAN recall McConnell and fire his sorry ass if they 1- even KNEW they could do that (it’s not like the GOP would make that public knowledge) and 2- really WANTED TO. The eyes of the nation are looking at them and wondering “Why do you keep sending this asshole to DC?”
 EVERY Senator today is on trial. We, the VOTERS are the judges, juries, and executioners come time for the election. If YOUR members of Congress have been hampering the investigation into ‘Individual 1’ and have supported measures to protect him from the reach of Justice, then you had damn well take notice because one day it may be YOUR guy on the dock and looking at a trial. The GOP had NO problem with interviewing everyone-and-their-mother during Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial but now the complete opposite is the accepted norm for trump? Fuck off, GOP; seriously? Right out in the open you’re doing this crap? You don’t even pretend to want to carry out justice anymore. YOU are the ones on trial, GOPers. YOU on the Left aren’t out of the woods either. If you Dems don’t get your heads out of your asses up there at the DNC and LEARN from 2016 that we are in a time where brave, bold measures are needed to unfuck the situation we’re in and that a centrist, “Status Quo” candidate will only get trump re-elected come 2020, then We the People need to replace ALL of you from the top down apparently.
 Once this sham of a trial is done and over with, and it will be oddly quick and not remotely thorough, trump is going to walk back to the White House or, more than likely, Mar-A-Lago, and sleep like a babe. This WILL happen. He’s going to curl up to go to sleep, laughing the whole time because not only did he win, but We the People LOST. We ALL lose this trial. Rule of Law will not mean fuck-all NOTHING. What little respect there is left coming from our allies around the world will be gone. Nobody will trust the USA be it fighting terrorism or trade agreements. Meanwhile, the GOP will continue to wield power, your rights will wane away, and the economy, while seeming great for the rich twats on Wall St. will continue to be stagnant for the Average Joes out there and this notion of the “Middle Class” will become simply “The Working Poor” altogether.
I mean, face it- the Middle Class are the Millionaires. The Upper Class- Billionaires. The Poor- That’d be YOU. You think you can retire at a certain age? You think your pension will carry you through retirement? (I hear most of you asking ‘my what?’ here) You think you’re safe from crippling medical bills? You think the GOP cares about YOU? Don’t be thick. You think Democrats are coming to save the world? Bollocks. They’re paid to lose. Centrist assholes like Biden are the GOP if yesteryear. This is why Clinton lost in 2016, people. We the People do NOT want the goddamn status quo, but the Dems will offer us that because we’re spiraling down the drain under the GOP so to them, they’ll get to keep the corporate cash because they’ll be slowing down the rate of decay compared to the GOP. Yeah; great choice, Democrats.
 Until we get more BRAVE Democrats willing to take a Progressive stand and call the Corporate Dems out on their bullshit and make trump and his cohorts accountable for their crimes, we as a nation are going to lose this trial that We the People are under right now. We ALL are going to lose, from the stupid fuckwits who thinks trumps just all that, to the frustrated, disenfranchised Independent voters who are going to throw their hands up and just NOT vote because there’s NOTHING to vote for. We are ALL on trial today. Today we will see, not the shit-show going on about trump, but the absolute, Olympic-grade fuckery of the Senate under the GOP, and if YOU, the Average Joe, don’t get active and recall those GOP assholes or at the VERY LEAST vote their asses out of office come November and hold them ACCOUNTABLE, then YOU lost this trial. We will have lost our nation, and from here on out, as the wings of liberty collapse, the wages plummet, and the inevitable rumblings of revolution grow louder to the point where the nation collapses into the next Civil War, we’ll have nobody to blame but We the People Who Did Nothing and we’ll deserve the horrors that follow. Let’s not let it get to that, eh?
Once this little shit-show is over, it’s up to YOU to get the current GOP shit-birds OUT so that an actual FAIR trial can happen. If Pelosi is every bit this legendary mega-mind her fans are raving about, then she’ll see to it that NEW charges are compiled and that trump becomes the first to be impeached TWICE. With a new Senate and a REAL trial to work with, maybe then justice will be carried out. Today’s inevitable debacle will be, or at least SHOULD be a wakeup call to ALL of us that the GOP is unwilling to uphold the Rule of Law that oddly enough the rest of us are expected to obey. The time to hold them and their supporters accountable is past due- Democrats needed to take the Senate last election cycle, not JUST the House. It wasn’t this big Blue Wave like they’re advertising. Loss of the Senate has led to where we are now and that’s on We the People. This is why there’s a mile high stack of passed, bi-partisan legislation sitting on McConnell’s desk right now collecting dust- because ‘We the People’ allowed him to remain in charge of the “Get Nothing Done” Senate.
 So, I wish you good luck today. Pay attention, because with our current track record here in the US, We the People seem incapable of actually having the balls to call out our own government’s fuckery and we’re about to see nothing happen at all and the consequences will be the collapsing of the pillars of which hold this nation up. We’re witnessing history with this, and I’m betting that this is the beginning of a very horrific end of the United States of America. This is, of course, a bet that I’d be more than happy to lose.
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tyrras · 5 years
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Ty flips off Dump every day for 4 years. #resist #maga #ripgop #loganact #presidentwarren #dowjoans #eattherich #russianinterference #resignbarr #impeachtrumpagain #russiancollusion #impeachedforlife #bloomberg #trumpisarussianasset #gopcowards #tds #trumpderangementsyndrome #presidentelizabethwarren #moscowmitchtraitor #goptraitors #mondaymotivation #middlefingermonday #somanyreasons https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-WGlJHR4I/?igshid=xnfadhiqb61r
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dmcnelly · 5 years
RT @mmpadellan: Seeing these billboards up in the home state of #MoscowMitchTraitor is AWESOME. Hopefully enough Kentuckians get sick of him embarrassing their state and VOTE HIM OUT. #WednesdayWisdom https://t.co/tFnFWp4KYT
Seeing these billboards up in the home state of #MoscowMitchTraitor is AWESOME. Hopefully enough Kentuckians get sick of him embarrassing their state and VOTE HIM OUT.#WednesdayWisdom pic.twitter.com/tFnFWp4KYT
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) July 31, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/D_McNelly August 01, 2019 at 10:17AM
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instagrampho · 5 years
via Instagram Web Viewer Trend Posts
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tyrras · 5 years
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Ty flips off Dump every day for 4 years. #resist #maga #ripgop #acquittedforever #rogerstone #doj #departmentofjustice #disbarbarrnow #impeachtrumpagain #impeachbarrnow #trumpnotfitforoffice #medicareforall #impeachedandnotexonerated #impeachedforlife #impeachedpresident #madamespeaker #vindictivedictatortrump #gopbetrayedamerica #gopcowards #moscowmitchtraitor #goptraitors #wednesdaywisdom #somanyreasons https://www.instagram.com/p/B8eoC4bnMNS/?igshid=1iv0kmafk570o
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tyrras · 5 years
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Ty flips off Dump every day for 4 years. this one feels special. #resist #maga #ripgop #acquittedforever #trumpnotfitforoffice #bluelivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #antifa #impeachedandnotexonerated #impeachedforlife #impeachedpresident #trumprally #trumprallynh #hookersforjesus #madamespeaker #vindictivedictatortrump #gopbetrayedamerica #gopcowards #notguilty #moscowmitchtraitor #goptraitors #americafirst #votethemout2020 #impeached4life #middlefingermonday #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #somanyreasons https://www.instagram.com/p/B8aQfyygqRw/?igshid=2vp8nnfv7mc5
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