#Mouldy Lahabread drama
toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Finding Alpha - 4
Little buddy!!! What brings you here? I shouldn't be surprise you caught wind of it all. What with the whole thing that deals with souls and memories. What makes me, me and not Azem or Ardbert or even Tenzen? It can be confusing but someone told me I am me and the me of the here and now is what matters.
"Kweh?" This new look? I dunno. I think its a shard or alternate dimension life trying to hijack me. She is almost Ascian in all but mortality and powers. Would it be like the Yorha raids again? I don't really know. She's Elidibus and Emet and yet not quite. The conversations I have with her about destroying worlds to restore a bleached world was interesting. As far as she can tell, it has been five years for her.
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"KWEH?!" So long as she does not threaten where I am and the shards.
--------Pandemonium spoiler below-----------------------------
"If you need someone to talk to. you can find me with the Students of Baldesion. "
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Umm Zero... He's my mentor.
( Hylnyan be hanging with him for a day or two. After Pandemonium she deserves this. The only change was the lack of Estinien in this scene. She even bought a new outfit though not for this reason. The rains have ceased but now The Emissary pops in roulette and it do be cloudy here.)
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“Umm Zero…. He’s my mentor. Wisdom does not always come from reading dusty old tomes. Think what you will of him but his eyes see much.” The Miqo’te strode forward arms wide as she embraced the pale hair Hyur.
It was good to see her in high spirits after how they had to threaten to bundle her back to Ishgard to convalesce under the watchful eyes of Lord Edmont and Aymeric.
Moving a little way from the others, he could sense she had much to say by the ferocity of the thumping her tail gave him. He doubts her concerns were about Zenos’ former weapon. He gave her a warm smile to signal that he was ready. “Should your Sharlayan ears and eyes contact you before this. They might have drawn your attention to a recent report about an incident in the Aitlascope. Whether you rather read their report or the one I filed with Tataru or hear it from my own mouth is up to you.” She patted his hands lightly.
“For you to harbour such concerns. I would be a fool not to hear it.” “The resolved incident involves The-- Elidibus and souls of the dead Ancients. I had to take a trip back to Elpis past and aid them in containing their creatures’ outbreak.” She was looking for the right words to use. And being careful about it. Thancred suspected why
“Go on.” “I met Lahabrea.” “…” “Lahabrea of the past. Like Elidibus and Emet. I saw the path they would end up taking.” “…” “But my main concern is if you had came into contact with an auracite know as The Heart of Sabik?” He rummage through his thoughts, he’s aware that she knows he does not speak much about his time under Lahabrea’s control. For her to bring it up like this. “My memories of the time are somewhat jumbled and hazy. There were days I could not account for.” He doubt he could get the answers she needs by his own ability to remember.
“One of the researchers of the Aitlascope had had memories of an Ancient, the one who put out the distress call awaken in him. Should he asks to meet you and you wish for me to accompany you. Let me know. The Heart of Sabik is in the hands of a shard of Lahabrea’s son.”
“… I understand your concerns and will keep your words in mind. Who else have you spoken to about this?” “Only G’raha and technically Fourchenault.” “I should hear you out.” He squeezed her hand in assurance as they headed for a spot to rest. No sense rushing when her mind isn’t at ease. By now he knew better than to brush aside her concerns.
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"I see island life had been treating you well." "I been behaving yes. I have a package for you." She passed him a box of biscuits, it had a couple of letters tied to it. The neat little handwriting was greatly familiar to him. "My thanks." "My house in Shirogane is ready to receive you as the guest of honor, unless you prefer visiting the island or my apartment. My mate will prepare a feast for you." "That will be something to look forward to indeed.... Your m.... Your mate?! He has return??!!" How did you find him?!!" ".... I didn't, Meteion dumped him at my feet and would only say that Bahamut had been uncoiled and there were great wishes of happiness for me. Certain parties agree that retrieving him was payment enough." "That is good news. I look forward to visiting then. "
TL;:DR - The lady ain't good with words, she works more by instincts due to her hunter upbringing. There are only a few people who are able to piece together her lack of words. so far Thancred is the main person who could, the other ones would be Yugiri and Lucia, amusingly the aides are good reading this.
Wefies now at own page
Might upgrade to daylight version. but its seems cloudy all the time.
Might shift this part back to Pandemonium later
Yes there was a line of thought that occurred, if Heart of Sabik was already influencing the desire of Lahabrea for a long time after the conclusion of Pandemonium.
Are Thancred (during Lahacred), Gaius and Nero affected by it?
Thancred if he either comes into contact with it during Lahacred. The need to do good and be better? Or that he kept thinking he not good enough? Post ARR behaviour? Washed off riding in the Flow? Or into Heavensward-Stormblood as well? Wash off during the trip to The First? HW Thancred was this?
Gaius if he's near enough during the installation of the Heart Was that what ignited his Shadow hunting?
Same with Nero Does it increase his obsession with Cid O_O
I would think it worn off for the first two, if Alma (Ivalice raid fuzzy now) be the reference. Nero be interesting though if it did affect him that way.
I will LOL if Zero's mother turned out to be WoL's 13th shard
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Is this dynamics what Emet saw?
I done this back in end Shadowbringers and Estinien did not disappoint. Except for finding the right pic to use. Various Past and Present lives relationship fell in place.
While it isn't a 100% replication but the vibes that parallel was what mattered.
Emet definitely caught the vibes in my ShB playthrough and that saddens him further about how Helen (Azem) had be so immersed in her current life that she managed to build a team dynamics that was kinda similiar to the one he once had with her.
Thancred - Hythlodaeus partner in-crime, enabler, Emet's wingman, best buddy with Azem. In the absence of Estinien, Thancred would be the Hades stand-in
Estinien - Hades The grumpy one that backs Azem up regardless of how he feels. Complains a lot but you can count on him. Ends up needing to be the responsible role model to Themis that Azem isn't
G'raha - Venat You know very well G'raha could do it and done it he did
Alisaie (Ryne) - Themis
That whole wanting to shoulder responsibilities bit and looking up to the WoL as a role model of sorts. Alisaie's more the little sibling to Hylnyan than Alphinaud could ever be. In the absence of Estinien, Alisaie would be the Hythlodaeus stand-in while Ryne remains the Themis.
Ryne actually shares this bit too. She came out of her shell around the time she wanted to go on patrol with Hylnyan to fight Sin Eaters in Rak'tika).
Themis would be the one that kinda makes a flighty Helen try to ground herself to be a good role model for Themis. But her out of the box ways is unorthodox to normal folks and Hades.
I'll update after breakfast if I manage to find a pic or add more.
why it bothered Emet was it created doubts and made him question himself.
Maybe he was afraid that Hythlodaeus' soul got accidently set adrift and reborn into one of these lower beings
Hylnyan's lack of memories brings to question whether or not rejoining could even bring Azem!Helen back. Hylnyan is curious but neutral about Emet.
Would he be able to handle it she hates him for the rejoining? For her relationships might contain new souls or sundered soul who might not become the dominant personality of a rejoined soul. (Her mate was plan to be a minor sundered soul of someone on Elpis or a new soul. Him, Ryne, her friends this is why she fights Emet.)
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
I had Themis for only a couple of patches
If anything happens to him. I'll.... (Very ugly crying warning here spoilers. I'm glad I put MSQ team for the last. I need to dump Hylnyan with friendly NPCs and let her digest this. She'll likely be staying with Ameliance and annoying Fourchenault for a bit before she goes to Thavneir)
*proceeds to smack the upside of Elidibus' head whenever Seat of Sacrifice pop and prepares to come back maybe for Circle 11 to pluck feathers
("Lahabrea sensei~~~~~~~~~~" Is kept at arm's length to prevent from blowing crying snot on his sleeves)
It was difficult to lie to him even though he was a replicant, memories made tangible. How curious she didn't hate him as much as she thought she should.
It turned out to be him alright. she made a note to visit the young man. Being one of the few people in an almost similar situation. He was like Gaia in a sense. It would strange to live with this other set of memories.
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"Lahabrea sensei!!!!!!"
She suspect he knew what she was, perhaps his mind was still clear enough to put the puzzle together based on his own experience with splintered souls. Perhaps he doubt Azem was truly as skilled or ethical to create a familiar as she.
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Before going back to Elpis, puts on mythril foil hat
Elidibus did it in the name of balance *smacks Elidibus on the upside of his head
Heart of Sabik already influencing Lahabrea. Can't mess with the timey whimy ball Marty. Big Fat Tacos were meant to be made. Tis a fixed point in the timeline
A convocation traitor appears?
Ascian or Ancients were responsible for the creation of Sharlayan!
Jenova is coming, Fight the Sephiroth! Unless High Seraph doesn't link back. Fight the Sephiroth! Reunion!
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Since person of interest took the souvenir. I would need another piece of souvenir for Hylnyan's house. I accept the bird bow but I want Amaroutine furniture.
Went back to visit. Hegemone is the only one left on the "arena lobby". Erichthonios is in an inaccessible. Lahabrea and Elidibus are gone now. Person of interest is still accessible and interactable in Aitiascope lobby.
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My wee bro, be this like Seat of Sacrifice where he keeps popping? Granted I need gear.
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Teleports back to Elpis Pandemonium immediately
(Before accepting the receipt of completion from the Pandemonium Raid 12 quest giver. Let me have my moment since I don’t know what would change after I click complete.)
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“Hylnyan! You are bac-! Ooof” Elidibus exclaimed as Azem’s familiar grabbed him in a tight hug. “Dare I ask? About what I had done to deserve this sudden show of affection?” He smiled
“For being so duty bound. Think of it as a quirk of Azem’s familiars. Let me collect my thoughts.” There was no room for complaints and his curiosity got the better of him.
For being so duty bound that you forget who you are at times and all that you have left is duty moving you forward. I pitied you when we first met, then I realised you were losing your sense of self along with your memories to become what others hope for.
Duty and a desire to test yourself against Azem's supposedly finest familiar to date is all that is left to you. I should thank you for showing me your form even though I have to pluck your feathers.
Serve. Save. Slave. Slay. The burdens of responsibilities upon your shoulder. I pitied you but I have my own responsibilities too.
“Come on. I need to speak with Erichthonios too.” She broke off the embrace., her face a neutral mask. And they head inside.
Stepping inside, Erichthonios spotted them and move to greet them. Again Hylnyan caught the red headed man in a bear hug. Lahabrea rose an eyebrow at Elidibus.
“Quirk of Azem’s familiar.” He shrugged it off with a smile.
“No.” Lahabrea said with a stern voice when the young woman release his son and turn to him.
"The esteemed Emet-Selch may lower himself to indulge Azem's familiar. I will not. Using imploring eyes on me will not increase your chances."
The Pandemonium Trio's lines remains the same from circle 9-12. Whatever went down didn't/haven't/doesn't affect them pre completion. Why I am so worried about this?
Elidibus kinda grew on me, he's the little brother that Alphinaud isn't. This kinda makes me wonder if he end up either always comparing himself to Azem or that particular familiar of Azem.
Come on devs, light party dungeon run with Eli-kun and maybe Venat.
Okay now I go back to click to complete Pandemonium. Hylnyan needs someone to discuss Pandemonium with. Preferably someone who's a parent. Probably Fourchenault so that she can slap him on the upside of his head about the twins, if she can reach his head.
Eli-kun needs a hug. The trend I notice in Shadowbringers started early. All he knows is Duty
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And that Lahabrea sensei is extra tempered because of the bad tacos.
After clicking complete the trio are all inside. Erich's lines is painful
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
I remove withered flowers. Why do you look so sad
No I'm not stripping down to my small clothes, glamour is the end game. Little Sister's 2.0 looks would so in tune with Kill la Kill
Immediately teleports back to Elpis
Umm okay, ends up asking which female character is a mother figure for Hylnyan. She has father figures but the most distinctive mother figure is more a funky cool big sister. Temulun is more towards a wise grandmother. Tataru is worried little sister.
Borrows Ammeliance to hang out with for the moment in the absence of a mother figure. I need go to work and digest this.
Excuse me while I go sit with Birb app Shikonyan's series about Pandanyams Trio to recover.
Angemon!!! DigiEvolution!!!!"
Mother knows best - Last boss's dance track. someone's raid. she's a terrifying combination of FGO's Circe and Medea design
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Curiosity killed the coeurl
Further mouldy Lahabrea sensei family drama continues
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Teleports back to Elpis immediately.
Oh and if you done your Ivalice Raids
Pre 6.4
In the event something happens to the Crystal Tower and Elidibus becomes the barrier maiden to another big bad.
What if Athena reincarnated into Y'shtola
The horrifying thought that Erichthonios might have became the Heart of Sabik
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Are we forming a light party?
"Or are none of us healers? Eli-kun? I can tank if your healing is good enough."
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The more I know the more parallels I see. Lahabrea's background is so intriguing. Would have to find some time to let Thancred know if he wishes to hear.
Totally just here for the popcorn
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Well? First Thancred, then Gaius and Cid, maybe Emet. Is playing therapist for the daddies going to be a thing now? Who do I charge this to? Does Lahabrea or Elidibus have some kind of cache to pay for all this? How much moonstones do I have to trade now?
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I need to know where Erichthonios went. All my ancients are parked on the beach for lols. If he is sundered. Did he come back as someone I know? Mayhaps someone close to Lahabrea? Gaius? Or is he a redhead like G'raha?
Has Athena reincarnated into someone I know? What if she's Y'shtola? The horrifying thought that Erichthonios might have became the Heart of Sabik
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Erichthonios is closer than one thinks.
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Please... stop trolling these people....
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Stop channeling your inner Azem.
How puny the two of them are.
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Its a bit unfortunate that Breeches of Light had not drop and Helm of Light is a collector's item. Behmoth head of somehing or other anyone?
What's up Eli-kun?
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It scare me somewhat that's he's so trusting in fate. I can see a bit of the present Elidibus in him.
Finally, this stops being cold weather gear and both black and white version gets usage. Element of choice started off being lightning vs ice. But since she's partial to air theme and lightning won because "Azem created coeurls on account of wanting to blast fish out of water"
Yes Lightning. air that burns, Light that burns. Outfit went from black (when rouletting trials) to white when doing this specific quest line. Is really impartial since am curious to know what happened.
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Not going into the raid blind for the moment. Forgot to check and Asphodelos: The Second Circle's Hippokampos has this Dammed if you do(DIE!!!) and dammed if you don't(3/4 of health gone) mechanic with the flood waters that messes with your ingrained need to avoid AOE. Dang scary this, but I like it better than Eden's Titan?!
Don't mind me, I'm just here for the mouldy details on the Lalabread. so many questions
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Sooo much mouldy bread crumbs
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side note - I do this Emet and I do this to Elidibus. I realised I don't use Hades or Themis unless period appropriate? Because she has no memories of the past? She knows them as the sum of all their trials? Except Venat is always Venat?
Messing with Themis
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In the name of locking horns with the huge horn helm villians of FFXIV
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