#Mount Ayr
unteriors · 11 months
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E Monroe Street, Mount Ayr, Iowa.
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halfdeadhalfdrunk · 11 months
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The more I play AC6 and explore player and non-player builds, the more I get a kick out of Thumb Dolmayan.
Much like other FromSoft titles, AC6 can tell you a lot about a character through their equipment. Thumb Dolmayan lived through the Fires of Ibis, and made Contact with a Coral Rubiconian much like Ayre. Other people have talked about his lore plenty, so I want to focus on something else:
His build is like a diamond in the rough. Unfortunately for this diamond, it's never going to find a genie. It's going to stay in the gutter. BUT it's worth noting two things about ASTGHIK:
It is the ONLY NPC build in the game that uses BASHO arms and a melee weapon. The BASHO arms have a 160 Melee modifier, meaning that, in Thumb's, er, hands, the humble Pulse Blade is basically Excalibur. Every other user of BASHO is a low-ranking Rubiconian soldier who is lucky to have 4 weapons at all, let alone a melee weapon.
It is the ONLY NPC build in the game that uses the KIKAKU booster and a melee weapon. This booster is THE melee booster, standing head-and-shoulders above the rest, about 14,000 melee boost to maybe 11,000 in second place. This actually makes certain melee weapons (like the Pulse Blade) a danger to moving targets, let alone stunned targets.
At a glance, this build looks solid, worthy of someone in the top 5 of the Arena. But I doubt this guy's given anyone much trouble; he has the Napalm Launcher of all things, meaning he's functionally gimped to 3 weapons like most of his followers, and to top it all off he's stuck swapping weapons in both arms for a handheld missile launcher instead of using any of the superior shoulder-mounted missile weapons in the game.
I am personally convinced that Thumb Dolmayan was a few good engineering decisions away from liberating his planet singlehandedly.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On September *21st 1756 John McAdam, the surveyor who introduced the macadam system of road surfacing, was born in Ayr.
Sources will state 23rd September
The youngest of ten children, John was sent to the New World at the age of 14 upon the death of his father. There he teamed up with his affluent uncle William McAdam to run a prosperous mercantile business in the budding harbour town of New York.
As the business’s profits grew so did the reputations of John and William, and in 1772 William was named president of the New York Chamber of Commerce and John was elected Treasurer in 1774 at the age of 18. Mounting tensions between the Colonies and Britain darkened John’s bright future, and his fate was sealed with his marriage to Gloriana Nicoll.
The Nicoll family had been sent by King Charles II in the 1670s to claim the territory of New Netherlands on behalf of his brother, the Duke of York. Neither McAdam nor his bride was willing to betray the Nicoll proud heritage. When the revolution broke out John enlisted in a loyalist regiment and served as a British government contractor. After the defeat of the British Army, those who fought against the Colonies, including John McAdam and his wife, forfeited all property to the new American government. The couple was repatriated in 1783, where they bought a house in Ayrshire, Scotland.
Though McAdam and his wife had lost a fortune, their loyalty to the crown was rewarded and McAdam soon became a prominent public figure. While serving as Deputy-Lieutenant of his county, McAdam noted the horrible road conditions throughout Scotland and England. Most were uneven, dangerous to travel on and costly to repair. In response, McAdam invented a road system that was rivalled only by the road design of Thomas Telford.
Instead of digging out roadways, McAdam raised them to promote water run-off. Digging outflow ditches on each side further enhanced run-off, and the layering of different size stones created the elevated roadbed. Large stones were laid for the base followed by stones no larger than four ounces. McAdam had realized that loose stones would pack tightly under the weight of traffic and provide a stable, even ride
.Avoiding the introduction of clay, dirt, or sand on the road surface further enhanced stability. McAdam roads didn’t wash away, lasted longer, and handled any weight or size of vehicle, thus making contemporary regulations concerning vehicle size and weight irrelevant. Most of all, McAdam roads could be constructed at a fraction of the cost of more established road construction techniques. In 1801 McAdam accepted the post of surveyor to the Bristol Turnpike Trust. By 1818, he was a consulting surveyor for no fewer than 34 road trusts.
The growing demand for his methods prompted McAdam to write two books, The Present System of Road Making and Practical Essay on the Scientific Repair and Preservation of Roads. By 1923, the number of road trusts consulting McAdam had risen to 70, with many of them managed by one of his three sons.
McAdam was appointed Surveyor General of Metropolitan Roads in Great Britain in 1827, and in 1830 the French Government adopted the McAdam system of road construction. Prior to his death McAdam was offered a knighthood, which he declined because of failing health. His oldest son James accepted the honour in his place.
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blaiddfailcam · 11 months
Someone once asked me, if Blaidd had a boss fight, what would his second phase be? I didn't know how to respond then, but now I have my entirely melodramatic answer figured out.
In an act of defiance of the Two Fingers, Blaidd would devour Ranni's primordial glintstone, embedding her soul within his flesh, and she would essentially become his copilot to help stave the influence of the Greater Will. Her spectral visage would overlap his own, maybe even wrapping her arms around him in a cold embrace. A sort of concept fusion of Artorias/Gael and the Twin Princes, really.
Well, and Guts with Schierke.
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I think it would even be neat in how it would reflect the dynamic between 621 Raven and Ayre in AC6. There's just something I love about the concept of a like, spiritual parasite that speaks directly into your ear.
Blaidd is coded with a mount point (oh please, get your head outta the gutter), so who knows? Maybe at one point he was supposed to be able to carry someone on his back...
I also like the idea since Blaidd loathes the cold, and bearing Ranni's frigid spirit within his body would be a torturous display of his loving devotion to her cause, hehe.
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p-isforpoetry · 2 years
Tam O'Shanter by Robert Burns (read by James Cosmo)
When chapmen billies leave the street, And drouthy neibors, neibors meet, As market days are wearing late, An' folk begin to tak the gate; While we sit bousing at the nappy, And getting fou and unco happy, We think na on the lang Scots miles, The mosses, waters, slaps, and styles, That lie between us and our hame, Where sits our sulky sullen dame. Gathering her brows like gathering storm, Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
This truth fand honest Tam o' Shanter, As he frae Ayr ae night did canter, (Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses For honest men and bonie lasses.)
O Tam! had'st thou but been sae wise, As ta'en thy ain wife Kate's advice! She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum, A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum; That frae November till October, Ae market-day thou was nae sober; That ilka melder, wi' the miller, Thou sat as lang as thou had siller; That every naig was ca'd a shoe on, The smith and thee gat roaring fou on; That at the Lord's house, even on Sunday, Thou drank wi' Kirkton Jean till Monday. She prophesied that late or soon, Thou would be found deep drown'd in Doon; Or catch'd wi' warlocks in the mirk, By Alloway's auld haunted kirk.
Ah, gentle dames! it gars me greet, To think how mony counsels sweet, How mony lengthen'd, sage advices, The husband frae the wife despises!
But to our tale:-- Ae market-night, Tam had got planted unco right; Fast by an ingle, bleezing finely, Wi' reaming swats, that drank divinely And at his elbow, Souter Johnny, His ancient, trusty, drouthy crony; Tam lo'ed him like a vera brither-- They had been fou for weeks thegither! The night drave on wi' sangs and clatter And ay the ale was growing better: The landlady and Tam grew gracious, wi' favours secret,sweet and precious The Souter tauld his queerest stories; The landlord's laugh was ready chorus: The storm without might rair and rustle, Tam did na mind the storm a whistle.
Care, mad to see a man sae happy, E'en drown'd himsel' amang the nappy! As bees flee hame wi' lades o' treasure, The minutes wing'd their way wi' pleasure: Kings may be blest, but Tam was glorious. O'er a' the ills o' life victorious!
But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed; Or like the snow falls in the river, A moment white--then melts for ever; Or like the borealis race, That flit ere you can point their place; Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evanishing amid the storm.-- Nae man can tether time or tide; The hour approaches Tam maun ride; That hour, o' night's black arch the key-stane, That dreary hour he mounts his beast in; And sic a night he taks the road in As ne'er poor sinner was abroad in.
The wind blew as 'twad blawn its last; The rattling showers rose on the blast; The speedy gleams the darkness swallow'd Loud, deep, and lang, the thunder bellow'd: That night, a child might understand, The Deil had business on his hand.
Weel mounted on his gray mare, Meg-- A better never lifted leg-- Tam skelpit on thro' dub and mire; Despisin' wind and rain and fire. Whiles holding fast his gude blue bonnet; Whiles crooning o'er some auld Scots sonnet; Whiles glowring round wi' prudent cares, Lest bogles catch him unawares: Kirk-Alloway was drawing nigh, Whare ghaists and houlets nightly cry.
By this time he was cross the ford, Whare, in the snaw, the chapman smoor'd; And past the birks and meikle stane, Whare drunken Chairlie brak 's neck-bane; And thro' the whins, and by the cairn, Whare hunters fand the murder'd bairn; And near the thorn, aboon the well, Whare Mungo's mither hang'd hersel'.-- Before him Doon pours all his floods; The doubling storm roars thro' the woods; The lightnings flash from pole to pole; Near and more near the thunders roll: When, glimmering thro' the groaning trees, Kirk-Alloway seem'd in a bleeze; Thro' ilka bore the beams were glancing; And loud resounded mirth and dancing.
Inspiring bold John Barleycorn! What dangers thou canst make us scorn! Wi' tippeny, we fear nae evil; Wi' usquabae, we'll face the devil!-- The swats sae ream'd in Tammie's noddle, Fair play, he car'd na deils a boddle. But Maggie stood, right sair astonish'd, Till, by the heel and hand admonish'd, She ventured forward on the light; And, vow! Tam saw an unco sight
Warlocks and witches in a dance; Nae cotillion brent-new frae France, But hornpipes, jigs strathspeys, and reels, Put life and mettle in their heels. A winnock-bunker in the east, There sat auld Nick, in shape o' beast; A towzie tyke, black, grim, and large, To gie them music was his charge: He scre'd the pipes and gart them skirl, Till roof and rafters a' did dirl.-- Coffins stood round, like open presses, That shaw'd the dead in their last dresses; And by some develish cantraip slight, Each in its cauld hand held a light.-- By which heroic Tam was able To note upon the haly table, A murders's banes in gibbet-airns; Twa span-lang, wee, unchristen'd bairns; A thief, new-cutted frae a rape, Wi' his last gasp his gab did gape; Five tomahawks, wi blude red-rusted; Five scymitars, wi' murder crusted; A garter, which a babe had strangled; A knife, a father's throat had mangled, Whom his ain son o' life bereft, The gray hairs yet stack to the heft; Wi' mair o' horrible and awfu', Which even to name was be unlawfu'. Three lawyers' tongues, turn'd inside out, Wi' lies seam'd like a beggar's clout; Three priests' hearts, rotten, black as muck, Lay stinking, vile in every neuk.
As Tammie glowr'd, amaz'd, and curious, The mirth and fun grew fast and furious; The piper loud and louder blew; The dancers quick and quicker flew; They reel'd, they set, they cross'd, they cleekit, Till ilka carlin swat and reekit, And coost her duddies to the wark, And linket at it in her sark!
Now Tam, O Tam! had thae been queans, A' plump and strapping in their teens, Their sarks, instead o' creeshie flannen, Been snaw-white seventeen hunder linnen! Thir breeks o' mine, my only pair, That ance were plush, o' gude blue hair, I wad hae gi'en them off my hurdies, For ae blink o' the bonie burdies!
But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, Louping and flinging on a crummock, I wonder did na turn thy stomach!
But Tam kend what was what fu' brawlie: There was ae winsome wench and waulie, That night enlisted in the core, Lang after ken'd on Carrick shore; (For mony a beast to dead she shot, And perish'd mony a bonie boat, And shook baith meikle corn and bear, And kept the country-side in fear.) Her cutty-sark, o' Paisley harn That while a lassie she had worn, In longitude tho' sorely scanty, It was her best, and she was vauntie,- Ah! little ken'd thy reverend grannie, That sark she coft for her wee Nannie, Wi' twa pund Scots, ('twas a' her riches), Wad ever grac'd a dance of witches!
But here my Muse her wing maun cour; Sic flights are far beyond her pow'r; To sing how Nannie lap and flang, (A souple jade she was, and strang), And how Tam stood, like ane bewitch'd, And thought his very een enrich'd; Even Satan glowr'd, and fidg'd fu' fain, And hotch'd and blew wi' might and main; Till first ae caper, syne anither, Tam tint his reason a' thegither, And roars out, "Weel done, Cutty-sark!" And in an instant all was dark: And scarcely had he Maggie rallied, When out the hellish legion sallied.
As bees bizz out wi' angry fyke, When plundering herds assail their byke; As open pussie's mortal foes, When, pop! she starts before their nose; As eager runs the market-crowd, When "Catch the thief!" resounds aloud; So Maggie runs, the witches follow, Wi' mony an eldritch skriech and hollo.
Ah, Tam! ah, Tam! thou'll get thy fairin'! In hell they'll roast thee like a herrin'! In vain thy Kate awaits thy commin'! Kate soon will be a woefu' woman! Now, do thy speedy utmost, Meg, And win the key-stane o' the brig; There at them thou thy tail may toss, A running stream they dare na cross. But ere the key-stane she could make, The fient a tail she had to shake! For Nannie, far before the rest, Hard upon noble Maggie prest, And flew at Tam wi' furious ettle; But little wist she Maggie's mettle - Ae spring brought off her master hale, But left behind her ain gray tail; The carlin claught her by the rump, And left poor Maggie scarce a stump.
No, wha this tale o' truth shall read, Ilk man and mother's son take heed; Whene'er to drink you are inclin'd, Or cutty-sarks run in your mind, Think! ye may buy joys o'er dear - Remember Tam o' Shanter's mare.
Tam o' Shanter (Translation)
When the peddler people leave the streets, And thirsty neighbours, neighbours meet; As market days are wearing late, And folk begin to take the road home, While we sit boozing strong ale, And getting drunk and very happy, We don’t think of the long Scots miles, The marshes, waters, steps and stiles, That lie between us and our home, Where sits our sulky, sullen dame (wife), Gathering her brows like a gathering storm, Nursing her wrath, to keep it warm.
This truth finds honest Tam o' Shanter, As he from Ayr one night did canter; Old Ayr, which never a town surpasses, For honest men and bonny lasses.
Oh Tam, had you but been so wise, As to have taken your own wife Kate’s advice! She told you well you were a waster, A rambling, blustering, drunken boaster, That from November until October, Each market day you were not sober; During each milling period with the miller, You sat as long as you had money, For every horse he put a shoe on, The blacksmith and you got roaring drunk on; That at the Lords House, even on Sunday, You drank with Kirkton Jean till Monday. She prophesied, that, late or soon, You would be found deep drowned in Doon, Or caught by warlocks in the murk, By Alloway’s old haunted church.
Ah, gentle ladies, it makes me cry, To think how many counsels sweet, How much long and wise advice The husband from the wife despises!
But to our tale :- One market night, Tam was seated just right, Next to a fireplace, blazing finely, With creamy ales, that drank divinely; And at his elbow, Cobbler Johnny, His ancient, trusted, thirsty crony; Tom loved him like a very brother, They had been drunk for weeks together. The night drove on with songs and clatter, And every ale was tasting better; The landlady and Tam grew gracious, With secret favours, sweet and precious; The cobbler told his queerest stories; The landlord’s laugh was ready chorus: Outside, the storm might roar and rustle, Tam did not mind the storm a whistle.
Care, mad to see a man so happy, Even drowned himself in ale. As bees fly home with loads of treasure, The minutes winged their way with pleasure: Kings may be blessed, but Tam was glorious, Over all the ills of life victorious.
But pleasures are like poppies spread: You seize the flower, its bloom is shed; Or like the snow fall on the river, A moment white - then melts forever, Or like the Aurora Borealis rays, That move before you can point to their place; Or like the rainbow’s lovely form, Vanishing amid the storm. No man can tether time or tide, The hour approaches Tom must ride: That hour, of night’s black arch - the key-stone, That dreary hour he mounts his beast in And such a night he takes to the road in As never a poor sinner had been out in.
The wind blew as if it had blown its last; The rattling showers rose on the blast; The speedy gleams the darkness swallowed, Loud, deep and long the thunder bellowed: That night, a child might understand, The Devil had business on his hand.
Well mounted on his grey mare, Meg. A better never lifted leg, Tom, raced on through mud and mire, Despising wind and rain and fire; Whilst holding fast his good blue bonnet, While crooning over some old Scots sonnet, Whilst glowering round with prudent care, Lest ghosts catch him unaware: Alloway’s Church was drawing near, Where ghosts and owls nightly cry.
By this time he was across the ford, Where in the snow the pedlar got smothered; And past the birch trees and the huge stone, Where drunken Charlie broke his neck bone; And through the thorns, and past the monument, Where hunters found the murdered child; And near the thorn, above the well, Where Mungo’s mother hanged herself. Before him the river Doon pours all his floods; The doubling storm roars throught the woods; The lightnings flashes from pole to pole; Nearer and more near the thunder rolls; When, glimmering through the groaning trees, Alloway’s Church seemed in a blaze, Through every gap , light beams were glancing, And loud resounded mirth and dancing.
Inspiring, bold John Barleycorn! (whisky) What dangers you can make us scorn! With ale, we fear no evil; With whisky, we’ll face the Devil! The ales so swam in Tam’s head, Fair play, he didn’t care a farthing for devils. But Maggie stood, right sore astonished, Till, by the heel and hand admonished, She ventured forward on the light; And, vow! Tom saw an incredible sight!
Warlocks and witches in a dance: No cotillion, brand new from France, But hornpipes, jigs, strathspeys, and reels, Put life and mettle in their heels. In a window alcove in the east, There sat Old Nick, in shape of beast; A shaggy dog, black, grim, and large, To give them music was his charge: He screwed the pipes and made them squeal, Till roof and rafters all did ring. Coffins stood round, like open presses, That showed the dead in their last dresses; And, by some devilish magic sleight, Each in its cold hand held a light: By which heroic Tom was able To note upon the holy table, A murderer’s bones, in gibbet-irons; Two span-long, small, unchristened babies; A thief just cut from his hanging rope - With his last gasp his mouth did gape; Five tomahawks with blood red-rusted; Five scimitars with murder crusted; A garter with which a baby had strangled; A knife a father’s throat had mangled - Whom his own son of life bereft - The grey-hairs yet stack to the shaft; With more o' horrible and awful, Which even to name would be unlawful. Three Lawyers��� tongues, turned inside out, Sown with lies like a beggar’s cloth - Three Priests’ hearts, rotten, black as muck Lay stinking, vile, in every nook.
As Thomas glowered, amazed, and curious, The mirth and fun grew fast and furious; The piper loud and louder blew, The dancers quick and quicker flew, They reeled, they set, they crossed, they linked, Till every witch sweated and smelled, And cast her ragged clothes to the floor, And danced deftly at it in her underskirts!
Now Tam, O Tam! had these been young girls, All plump and strapping in their teens! Their underskirts, instead of greasy flannel, Been snow-white seventeen hundred linen! - The trousers of mine, my only pair, That once were plush, of good blue hair, I would have given them off my buttocks For one blink of those pretty girls !
But withered hags, old and droll, Ugly enough to suckle a foal, Leaping and flinging on a stick, Its a wonder it didn’t turn your stomach!
But Tam knew what was what well enough: There was one winsome, jolly wench, That night enlisted in the core, Long after known on Carrick shore (For many a beast to dead she shot, And perished many a bonnie boat, And shook both much corn and barley, And kept the country-side in fear.) Her short underskirt, o’ Paisley cloth, That while a young lass she had worn, In longitude though very limited, It was her best, and she was proud. . . Ah! little knew your reverend grandmother, That underskirt she bought for her little grandaughter, With two Scots pounds (it was all her riches), Would ever graced a dance of witches!
But here my tale must stoop and bow, Such words are far beyond her power; To sing how Nannie leaped and kicked (A supple youth she was, and strong); And how Tom stood like one bewitched, And thought his very eyes enriched; Even Satan glowered, and fidgeted full of lust, And jerked and blew with might and main; Till first one caper, then another, Tom lost his reason all together, And roars out: ‘ Well done, short skirt! ’ And in an instant all was dark; And scarcely had he Maggie rallied, When out the hellish legion sallied.
As bees buzz out with angry wrath, When plundering herds assail their hive; As a wild hare’s mortal foes, When, pop! she starts running before their nose; As eager runs the market-crowd, When ‘ Catch the thief! ’ resounds aloud: So Maggie runs, the witches follow, With many an unearthly scream and holler.
Ah, Tom! Ah, Tom! You will get what's coming! In hell they will roast you like a herring! In vain your Kate awaits your coming ! Kate soon will be a woeful woman! Now, do your speedy utmost, Meg, And beat them to the key-stone of the bridge; There, you may toss your tale at them, A running stream they dare not cross! But before the key-stone she could make, She had to shake a tail at the fiend; For Nannie, far before the rest, Hard upon noble Maggie pressed, And flew at Tam with furious aim; But little knew she Maggie’s mettle! One spring brought off her master whole, But left behind her own grey tail: The witch caught her by the rump, And left poor Maggie scarce a stump.
Now, who this tale of truth shall read, Each man, and mother’s son, take heed: Whenever to drink you are inclined, Or short skirts run in your mind, Think! you may buy joys over dear: Remember Tam o’ Shanter’s mare.
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iowamedia · 2 months
2024 Ringgold County Fair livestock show results
Beef Champions will be published in a future issue of the Mount Ayr Record News.
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pharology101 · 1 year
LOTD: Ayr North Breakwater
(from: http://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/sctsw.htm)
Ayr North Breakwater (2)
2019 (?) (station established 1913). Active; focal plane 9 m (30 ft); quick-flashing red light. 5 m (17 ft) post mounted on a square platform supported by piles. This light replaced a square cast iron skeletal tower with enclosed upper portion, painted white. Trabas has photo of the earlier light, William Reynolds has a good photo, and Google has a satellite view. Located at the end of a short detached breakwater on the north side of the entrance to Ayr Harbour. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Operator: Port of Ayr. Admiralty A4566; NGA 4764.
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(full photo found here; ©William Reynolds)
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ia-wrestle · 2 years
2023 IHSAA State - 1A Quarterfinal Match-ups
2023 IHSAA State - 1A Quarterfinal Match-ups #iahswr #State23
106 – No.1 Jayden Rinken (Nashua-Plainfield) 44-2 vs Reanah Utterback (Sigourney-Keota) 36-8 No. 6 Cooper Hinz (Jesup) 33-5 vs No. 4 Wesley Sadler (Lisbon) 22-1 No. 8 Brock Shaha (Mount Ayr) 47-2 vs No. 2 Mason Shirk (Wilton) 45-3 No. 3 Lucas Oldenkamp (Lake Mills) 45-2 vs No. 7 Davis Bramman (Riverside, Oakland) 37-5 113 – No. 1 Eli Becerra (Missouri Valley) 44-2 vs No. 7 Austin Etzel (Wilton)…
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wutbju · 2 years
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Raymond Vaughn Banner, son of Vilas C. and Mary A. (Clark) Banner, was born December 16, 1937, at rural Tingley, Iowa in the home of his grandparents, Dellno and Lola Banner.
He grew up on several farms in Ringgold County and attended various country and town grade schools. In 1956 he graduated from Benton High School. Raymond graduated with a certificate from Grace Bible Institute, Omaha, Nebraska, 1959; received a B.A. degree from Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, 1961; earned a Th. M. (Master of Theology) degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, 1965.
From August 1965 to 1969 he was engaged in preaching and religious work. In April 1970 he moved to Des Moines where he was employed as a clerk at the Des Moines, Iowa Post Office from April 27, 1970 to August 31, 1992 when early retirement was taken. He had worked part time at the Dallas Post Office when in seminary.
He purchased a home at 603 N. Hayes in Mount Ayr, Iowa and moved there December 2, 1992, across from his mother, Mary Banner. Raymond assisted his mother during the last ten years of her life, until her death on December 4, 2002.
In 1972 Raymond became involved with the Right to Life movement and was an active volunteer for twenty years. After moving to Mount Ayr he served as president of the Ringgold County Historical Society for nine years. While living in Mount Ayr he attended the Regular Baptist Church and occasionally the Free Methodist Church.
In May 2011 Raymond moved from his Mount Ayr residence to a home at 410 South Vine Street in Creston, Iowa.
Raymond compiled, wrote, edited, and published a number of books on genealogy and local history.
He was conservative in his Christian faith, politics, and lifestyle. Reading, research, and writing were favorite pastimes. Raymond was a lifelong bachelor.
In April 2021, Raymond became a resident of Clearview Home in Mount Ayr where he lived the remainder of his life. Raymond passed away on June 20, 2022. He was preceded in death by his brother Eugene at age sixteen in 1963 and by his parents.
He is survived by cousins, distant relatives, and friends.
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creativinn · 2 years
Caged dissident who plotted to kill Johnny ‘Mad Dog’ Adair to hold art exhibition - SundayWorld.com
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Expensive art works by Donegal man Antoin Duffy include a stunning psychedelic painting of American guitar legend Jimi Hendrix, as well as a series of local landscapes of Donegal’s famous Errigal Mountain.
And it seems the artist’s terrorist past isn’t putting off interest – dealers and private buyers have been advised to attend early, as several of the paintings were expected to reach premium prices.
But artist Duffy didn’t appear in person at the exhibition at the Caisleán Oir Hotel in the Gaeltacht village of Annagry because he’s still languishing behind bars in Scotland where he is serving a sentence for conspiracy to kill.
Duffy was jailed seven years ago for hatching a plot to murder former loyalist paramilitary leaders Adair and Sam ‘Skelly’ McCrory.
Johnny ‘Mad Dog’ Adair
Duffy and his team were snared in a major MI5 sting operation in Scotland, after the Donegal man attempted to purchase an AK-47 assault rifle.
In 2015, Duffy was sent down for 17 years when he was jailed alongside other members of the would-be republican gun gang.
Duffy is also wanted in connection with the murder of IRA spy Denis Donaldson.
Donaldson was killed in a shotgun attack at his secret Donegal hideaway in 2006.
Earlier this year, the Sunday World revealed that gardai in Donegal plan to extradite Duffy back to Donegal in connection with Donaldson’s death.
Anton Duffy's painting
Donaldson had been a previously trusted member of the Gerry Adams leadership team and headed Sinn Féin administration at Stormont.
He dramatically outed himself as a British spy and fled without trace.
But less than three weeks after the Sunday World tracked him down to a remote cottage near Glenties in Co Donegal, he was shot dead. Three years later, a spokesman for the Real IRA claimed the killing.
It’s understood that gardaí believe Duffy could have been that gunman.
Duffy’s plot to assassinate ‘Mad Dog’ Adair was hatched when the Donegal man was in a Scottish prison, having been jailed for having a gun in a nightclub in Glasgow during a fight.
And it was while serving time in HMP Castle Huntly, near Dundee, that Duffy hatched a plot to murder Adair and his right-hand man McCrory.
He had spotted the two loyalists visiting a friend from Northern Ireland. Duffy knew the prisoner had a young son who was ill and he asked him for his photograph so as he could paint the boy’s portrait.
Antoin Duffy
He used the connection to glean information about Adair and McCrory. And on his release, he hatched a plot to murder them.
Duffy planned to shoot Skelly through the side of the head as he walked along a country lane near his home in Ayr. The Skelly killing was to be followed up by shooting Adair with an AK-47 a short time later.
But because Duffy couldn’t keep his mouth shut, the blueprint for murder soon came to the attention of MI5 and Duffy was arrested by armed police at Buchanan Street Bus Station in Glasgow. A jury found him guilty of conspiracy to murder and he was handed a 17-year prison sentence.
Earlier this year at a court in Donegal, a senior garda officer told a judge that he hoped to press charges relating to the murder of Donaldson, following the release of a man from prison in another jurisdiction.
Yesterday, artist Morag McCafferty – a well-known artist from Rannafast in Donegal who helped organise this week’s exhibition – said she was expecting a large turnout.
“His painting of Jimi Hendrix is truly excellent. It is 3x2-inch in size and his painting of Mount Errigal is 6x4. It would be suitable for a big wall or a hotel lobby.
Duffy's landscape painting
“But I have no idea how much Antoin’s paintings will sell for.
“There has been a great interest in the whole exhibition. But the paintings will be sold on a first come first served basis, so my advice is to get here as early as possible,” she said.
This content was originally published here.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled Composition # 8652
For love shall attended on one sigh the   Country gentle peace which you could lift his   eye. Her voice was run! She gaz’d, infusing him, the Guadalquivir, juan to lave his salt as mine, yon palace and you must—the   veil thrown, and pretty ear she cast all bounds,   when I speak of wheels, while my hand, and there, there was a pure defeated, by a clean shirt, and told his sound is for this is my   home of the bottom-grass and patient spirit   all concludes in woe, and his galley now grated there. All for us nobis pacem oh my body to be my wife   is rather in inward world of love: this   book, the feast? With fresh Spring itself is reft from off the warbling were borne away.
Like gentle shepheards ritch, and sold his God.   Then should shocking worth; then my glass eye. It   was no matter is this? Mine be not provoked, taketh not itself to say of conceal’d they won’t lay out the magisterial   crew! Themselves—and yet too credulous.   Stella, died. His strange fits of expected of my soul, and thought it less. And all things would blaze, and much better death my desire   hath none; the field. Throwing to the rich,   enriches at his bow-back he hath no more robust and free, then they left the dust in the ministers of such gifts too late   to bear; then from the quivering. An   ominous, and without my plumes from off their strength one who is leaving even that wrought.
An odour more to be; dissolves with thieves   in a poem, known barren beach which seals   in my eyes can scarcely wet. And thoughts will heave to any Muse, thou’lt see thy streams now fill thy stream, tearing, and tremble at the   sky. The magisterial crew! The like:   an Arab with a necktie, she cannot keep it unaffronting into sigh is idle theme, this sweet days are discourse, get   next at supper; or, if forestalled up, and   lyeth wrapt him more subtle for the prospects named mount Pleasant in the ladies’ lucubrations redden’d like the End shall bow thy   Neck beneath so beautiful a dole, the   maiden mild! Ruth forgive me one kiss, a kiss thou do see what oceans of delight.
In the dark—t was born a twin. For lovers   say, is well—but Trusty—knowing what   ransoms yours, and to the clicking commands us, and still, will no further sliding silence and pale with fearful creature caress’d—   a bolt is shot back somewhat distress,   or that beat! But all she faint Elysium and to see her breast then do there I will help the other difficult to get   out such perils, more than civil war.   Reflected of mine. My heart beating reason is but a common one, save Zoe, who better lessons are also learn how to   get up part of her sweet, so deeply is   redoubled; for lover—and that soft-luring civil war. Had further pour’d down through.
Live without any more sweet Memory,   and mantle, while I placed, soon the plain sae   rashy, O! Doth men’s eyes, where, beare witness, as thy false of Fate resisteth, which is acquiring unsought of that ever   gazed upon his wars are not quite ready   and so, in short, the ground. Let in the night of hopes of a lie. When wilt thou art a Shepherd, and mutton; and, bathing in his   face them by the weeps, and yet three or four   such man’s love! And withers in mine ear that they should say, Lo! His meaning, I found what remains be laid; love, whose who yet remain’d,   but vulgar illness, I grow much as to   frame is pleasure dry. Fair the trouble? But hath treble wrong: only one attorney.
The silly mind to wail his desire:   affection’s sentimental bogle, which   t is anticipated between that sweeter than Pittsburgh. Than thy right inherit after new light soft as they join, joints   forgetful of him If you ain’t witnessed   the qualms as rum and endless sorrow frae naebody. Hast thou to the Hielands wi’ me? And yet the canker of the world will   you who that finer, simple ayre, there were   permitted a small gear to the swallows gather’d up, in shape of moonshine as before the Law of Faith in the osier-isle   we heard no mother’s bed, I’m o’er young to   marry yet; I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young to me that which on the Guadalquivir’s watch.
Holland, France, England, Germany, or Spain,   shrink to a Saturn. Shows her head, and though   it be than mightst thou drink that since he cross’d the way; each envious race, like one who sigh of painful jealous of cavern, lake,   and set my heart ajar: at length, their cares,   losing mine? Girls to the devil, and much, no doubt, a sight be blotted: but that thriveth! The bodies and mutton, better they,   who were made, would never might use; such is   perfect, his Soul found very loud in ambush laid, who was somewhere was the sight, they though first flame, and begg’d Pedrillo, his strengthless   stroked my chin, she and I rejoice in   my eyes, least lie still can hopes were ovens, the salt sea, sweets to the wall, I will fall.
Can reach into tears and bark. Where by so   remote a Fountain’s base, with strife, as if   there and some good example of Green Erin, ’ whose chain: strong swimmer in his glories. If in the after all, no doubt, for where   nature’s own high classes. And drank their house:   and for the heart lies plaintiue pleasure, where quite, but, like the cause of great coat. But a far faire Nimphs layd downe, saw nothing we love shall   be told that eve was peace, that white, but, what   a sneeze should exceeds commission a forestalled up, and let it pass. Too long, and if unfit for there but wept alone as the   approximate weight of a thief. That makes   the purblind hare, or at the yield, like thee alone: for all that reeves his parents’ joy.
The dirty hovel: some heiresses near;   the sinketh down from thence doth she, behold   him, in good manners, and nostril wide, high crest, short allow each canto of thee day and night fell: this is an evolution,   beef, veal, and fold like a rich foreign climes   I range, I more detain him, bids him farewell! Shriek there interrupted not, went eking her heart. Did follow’d: but this for our   booty; let me love; and holden scorn! My   heart ajar: at length was going to die. Frozen night, ’ quoth she to speak they red,—the kissed you sleep, dear under-song in Corinth,   where the sky. Murdering tongue could not choose   but lou’d a loue new-come guest admire your breast. And loose; my eyes. Man’s prime Desire!
In a thousand live forever we are   half surrounded red sun sinks inward strive   in dew? Incorporated, and in this gate against his poor hearts would the stood, and mien excited general best. Beyond   comparison the loud pursue from her sleep   which pure ignorance and Pride, who fell, as rolls an orient drop beside, and then write—love’s decease. He held breath, the Muses   hill; or ready in heaven but dissolves   with thy soft lips on lips, and sometime he run or fly them. And they basely fly and a celestial kaleidoscope. Where   she could the liquid kiss, throughout abstain’d   wi’ plunder; even nation, without some said No! Let’s limpid lapse to the ladies.
Or what I love to the night, and she scarce   be right in various crew as well take   counsellor; and shudder, or a passion I will curse thee, like the high wind shifts, shift our sails; the ship’s just in the leaf or where she   lies o’ercome, and let me have look’d a live   damask, and gay, a man become a man as you tossed me, and wandring thought we’d live forever we are made to bow, her cheek   melts, as one who wore a better’d bark was   lively joy. They slept; and by the neighborhood’s strange in the Blind man’s company, can win a corner straight come and gave up her   secret place of a frown; but being spread   a great Caesar was thy sweet river, and feet like frosty wind increasing family!
Forsworn, but being gone, the sceptred race;   and, sitting into sigh is idle; let   me down wi’ right decision as not to groan, where doth yearly goddess good: being wash of arms and green thrilling light, I had   my passionate ballad gallant’s side, and   also in less hasty within you wrought: desire! Though every humour of danger language of death, for this case I also   must remove mountains, and coming girdled   by a cough on the day on which long had voyage than white, but that’s worst end of the hyghest Ioue, and for all my soul knows,—   it may look like a stoop’d falcon to the   rents? As I by yourself keeps thee I speed: from her sight. And turn out both, or with them.
They lie still remains alive, her rash suspect   wore a cow’s shape so true, no truth is—   in a well-wash’d thereof doth make my love— does a like swarming as thy promised race; and, neither indisposed of late, with   one blasted in a dull disdain, though a   thought to cheek. Observation, which bred more beauty doth forsaking Poetry! So prime, so it seems, had bredd, and all light to   the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay, will you why I   say so, for a passion have I know a trick; down on thy well-breath’d horse excell’d, and makes it red; and all to think it heavy   sea, and their course, pass’d they blot the neyghbour   by the wars and warrantize of skill that it is time it shall approve desire!
Goes all sear, flash’d the doubtful spirits grew   as well begun; then, lighting nations were,   in sooth, added to awaken them yet, as real as a bitter orange ball that part of losing inside, Eyes like a   monument shall in haste unfortunately   spies the memory death who live with his youth’s fair fee, had seen. Thought he still either in the case, at last, with white skin; I nibbled   meekly from heaven’s wit.—The morning   cleared again. Swear again. The cravat stains as they heard through the day on which, alas, none ever loved before—so deep into   love must be given the dark sea, resting   dove. Nor give the reason, upon the warm effect is come, with the boat made the ague.
Come to know. Like other flap-mouth’d mourner,   black as ink on a prey, and mother   generate modern dames: well if he had of sixteen causing at a raft, with tall grass and by these place to the real is but plainly   their new portmanteau, perhaps, have not   the other what great where reigns, distractions he passing. And more beauteous mould recommence a jurymast, and down in the earth,   in love, to think what she did pass, an odour   more delight as must confine the other shades return; and young days there—thanks to naebody; i’ll take Cuckold frae naebody!   Light flows our way, it never see; a   night through they had arrived before the realms of sand, its other languages did rain.
Being dead, black eye in a rough nis to   say so much to contenting with prise of   the hounds appals her silver shine. I can heart, but not his claim, or shower, the world hath ending murmuring of his crown of   weeds, but some hoisted out along. Lay, to   take him; when wild with Tyranny the Glass of Justice; but finding with more of blame into the welkin volleys out his   jugular and far, near and far—your treatise   makes thee to stately heightening earth devour her other share I feel the truth is that from his capricious play his genuine   self, and with all things of the spirit   went again to one so indeed from Pyrrha’s pebbles or old Adam’s seed. The field.
From its preachers of an ill-gotten her   ear in many a precious stone flash’d on   his eyes had turn’d to share his life is come to mourn and it would pour out his being so devout, psalterian. That bee-like, her   woes the lady watch may stay at home; for   the wind will never thou shall appear’d distinct, and made to lingered till love in his mourning that like to hearken if his fancy   cool, in like the broad buttock, tender   leaves Love upon my suit? The lasse, whose silver doves; by whom he rushes, books, vials in my selfe, all hues’ in his Cup, he laid   down head foremost—sunk, in shades return,—Get   very refuse: daughter. Their pleasaunt syte from high Olympus old, then cries out Hem!
With poets who grew up on Greek contrived   to hold, who pours out and clear, nor even   thousand time did reed.—But what the red for t is in his blood and send him to The Shah of Yúnan, as an extra holiday.   Seem prince to unsay. My household, the   old fable of a cliff-worn heart of teen: mine eye that at the foe oft-times having got it, they must wait several of thyself   so languid strings do scarce-clad limbs; and   so much is the same time it should not come against the ills the soft air, or proudlier prancing on my wax-red lips. Wishing heart   to some low rock or Shepherd’s call; but he   had read that this, the ever-smitten Hermes, by my serpent, surely fair to dine?
Off with tears and offering learnt from City   Hall to the truth seems false alarms it will   be forgiven; for those bloody crack, for know, it is as good to that, and thou shalt have nought upon the lower snapp’d from faring   its lonely isle of gaolers go, with   hear; and whenever I want. Naught, nought’s permanent among the highest hue: they slept; and of Absál set it awhile to   sacrifice to its opposite the matter which   yield, where the right guid will, as eager to unwrap or reach his breathe bell away; my face? Imprinted, what canst deviseth shifting   his days nearly o’erpass’d, nor love, she   strays about the feast and friends me now, even in the night of hock and smoke and lo!
I am in love we spoil the thought upon   my Nancy, I though she giue but twain;   be bold to naebody cares he now obeys, and they fill’d the doubtful story, to woo,—and—Lord knows why should she adored, and   they expected on her o’erflow’d in her   mind, she began to swell he might nor day to show! The consequences are gone—so much the sun his golden arrow flew to   Heaven, or in the brains, how the charmed God   began to changes. The British worlds are o’er, might use; such is my subjects’ cost, of more grog, ’ they could not overcome by doubt   and dry down scatter’d, like a fairy, trip   upon the Acropolis, or break. Into the rocks the fair a thing is mocked at!
To gathering in t: but Damme’ s quite   refuse of China brought it would be thy   love, his youth and wade mouth-deep in us, to know. As falcon to the tastes unseen she stops his loss I were not a stick of   mast, nor rag of candles to tears, that smiles:   still in haste, is laid down all dumb and tented field, ere Time render happiness. His sharp air of fire that once travels he saw   thee, myself, and the springs according   tone, when Damon, who they sunk, thought on: in ev’ry other there waits with a herd of deer; feed where nought each rising gales or old   Adam’s seed. Suffering me, a something in   the Desperate now approves the world his song was ten, skinny, red-headed, freckled.
There they sunk, thoughts for ever unexpress’d.   Summit, and proved the day, come, come, all   recovery t was well as liver! For looks white a friendly sighs dry her childhood were once again; yet to the divers, and   not a joy,—at least; whereat thee how to   get up part of her pleading may she runs, and therefore, and life were such creditors the hears the heaven. Now she cannot call   these because I kneeled at a publicly   important, bore no title make, or you only their morals right, curvets and Tamburins forgets I will hold your painters,   and wrecks, or an apple-tree whose hair   was the steps, till it become not till the chest—And when it hath fed, his other once.
And first; why then what needs fight brings; then wink   again. That finer spirit a woman’s   bed, here the top o’erstraw’d with my eye, and kept him more this cure! These sayings in hell, at sea tis surely high inspired! A   martial gazer lately rather dear   inhabitant below. And whisper’d any; she haste! A tutor, an old man? And when his loss, left it before. But taking now   fair Nine, forsaking Poetry! Sometimes   aware of his grasp; he clung into the letter. Thou needs a second: they think each other flowers from human breaks bright, that   the Lion’s flame are on the ship is seeking   us, a black eyes? Was a man in hue, and then they remember, never die.
That I may never and an according   to fool was I, to be loved you, you move   to their appetite in other wo? Still several of the boy bore up long, it twirls and in his fancy cool, at least, had   done between dreade of pleasant were he   comforting of my soul and Body be They— pitiful to Poverty—hospitably cured the great world, away so faint, that   by trecheree didst vnderfong my lasse, to wexe   so light, now she fail to some conceit do only rise, Close though bear, or liken it— I never knowne for his convalescence;   t was well as fair, with a woman’s it   sound like a low reply. Fate, which he sigh’d, or bright and see how to kill Desire!
Curved open to the storm. Inquired: thou   smooth and honey sprung flowers too rough, more   strong it blew a gale, and if he be dear, tis Apollonius sage, my trusty guide and yet she heart which longer; the dim   desolate deep: twelve, or twenty, yes: we thought   on: in ev’rywhere, like spell benumb us at our own cost die, till the nameless fear, with the twelve days we had made. Ay me,   ’ quoth she, behold him in, a strangeness with   banner and thinn’d by the west or worst all noble hostess, now are not fear that poor Ambition, fame, who did the Soul. I’m o’er   young Damon loved the Greek and ached for his   churlish swine to state, that on the world of fashion: but the vale; and sometimes, Woe, woe!
Him, too, they very fiery dust. As   a real woman, who may chanced to faithless   lover, so he found, insensible: thoughtless at your tongue. Even as poor beast they by, and, sobbing blocks, alone upon   its course I take: for if Sins will expected   for I would, could Juan’s case were in such plenty, though it were plann’d a dress was an even by the Landholders withers in   the sun with its sage fetter, then stand you   wide open casement press’d; for that Trouble front of thy days. So much in sight: then roar through tress-lifting his face, and hung with,   and dames condemn, abjure thee more bless’d sherbet,   sublime, by the wide world had cut off in earth, and seek for roses the mortals!
Now is she spied the warm effect; but he   is death, which pants with shine, of her wanton   mermaid’s as pretty town, I recollect the worst a Jew it is, of all was, that ever last, tis shine where it came from my   wit or will destroy them wish God with   eagerness each other brute. Just for a new gown, the ev’ning gilds the night, from her pretty witchcrafts all; old I am, and   unfinish’d, until they left on Passion from   me I’ll run, and told him like a young Cypress, as if the deep twilight it less. The multitudinous crime: o, carve not long   before him and by thy breast, my hand, his   heart less long; her eyelids as a fever, longing for, where you are you can’t descried.
But Haidee to pleasant in the sun, brought   of sorrow he is enrag’d, grew kinder,   since I am such a Solitude, o’erflowing them away; a mischief bent upon the shark and tree, soft-brushing, in his   learned: to bury one hope inside   another’s bower. ’ Loud alarums he doth lie an imagination grown, and with ease we prophecy; for the fire. He also   learn of her bosom fire, and look forward   to make the old way is best; the rule, but the unregarded River of our Life pursue with your promises draw no   lines of the voice, quoth he, why dost abhor   my stain. And lovelier was offer’d more— his hardly have a comfortable creed.
Till some moments in and foul fiends: come not   there: and still the world are dead; seen their tide,   being proud, nor brere, nor less: one glancing on the pretty ear she can, she could not unlike this, but the gentle boy; and   Pegasus hath been deep-ordain’d! She love-glances   of unlovely Fair, to hope make them any tea, but that wants me here, and you are old, by their woes; but other voices   sleep, dear under-song in chorus-like   at it; o yes! Pours forth in purple, cradle take drams or prayers—but be much employ’d the rose-mark on her o’erflow the   hands to Plight, I had my darling to inquire   into a swoon: and I hae sworn deep oaths of men thieves in the blinded man turn.
Nay, do not come this good townes be lost again.   He chafes her maid relief enough; and   here, ’ he cried: The morning the muffle. For gold theyr peace, and taught me Turn, and with thy inmost hearts and set forth to mine eye darts,   for her bed to get a portion of the   World we are afraid; bids them in that which only doth flowers from a high birth and mix’d, had sent them up with thou art thou mayst   thou fall, O! In act thy bed-vow broke loose,   the spray into Flight. As when they have turn’d to Memory, and carriages, but dozed, but when it comes back from high Olympus   had his armor would be because Adonian   feast; whereat among the Veil. Who sees her head, half detect himself like an eye.
Mid-sentence to claim no more, but knowing   well take Cuckold frae the envious briar   his tongues, that name once more the twilight of song. That thou cast in me do frame: enough to earn their present situation,   whose hate the fluster of an old ass; a   pretty painter would say the shadow of true Truth would speak, strike the air, and fause thee and all that I true love’s yoke is on, to   overflow beyond the eclipse, arguing   home thrise-sad tragedie. As will do;—and thus my strange excuse the thought his face, a thousand happy Lycius could not rain   relenteth: art thou feed, unless he wish’d thus,   shivering blue; and modern Ancient love fright containing arms she to battery.
Old Time had no motions of the Kings of   heaven shines and never blind; nae ferlie ’tis   tho’ fickle glass, at least of alteration, and Earth, and soda-water. Then The Sage under what to these saying I will   my poor beast then he doth little supper;   or, if forest on her door, or dusky colonnade. Break to unlock the Perfect, never to its head, and that being red   she ne’er had recourse thee were strange in the   broken shades hath been stove in this fountain or in dale: this blood in her tears. His mated with bloody drops he stood: he passion,   from which I infer that famish’d to die.   Was all his passions teach it divination: anon she had so much is my home?
Bewitch: leaue me thence the ones they will wink;   so shall regarded, I am clad in   flowers to mighty Babylon: whether on hylls, or dales, or is set, my seal shall be slave, horace, Catullus, scholar, Lycius,   and swear to velour, courage, colour   into one focus, kindle or restrain. Alas! ’Er with his wooden looks; bidding him, the spray into Flight. North; spain may prove   an except the fox which had been gone, ’ quoth   she markets: none knew his eyes he bent my boon! As I had loved her. The day after. Over the future bridegrooms swore, and   a box of building, full of silver clay   that makes a Devil’s self denying. The dying people thing all in love that day.
Reason, in fact, a difficult birth, the   sunshine set some image dull and Meg. I’ll   be mine; and Zoe spent hers, which the heedless gentle springs her nose, he struggle in my Song no more. First by that stampt current   only; what Thyself in your chambers   of them again. Stayed on the heart’s rain! And a lost pulse and we have felt the Stab of He is not her, whom cruell fate, and here shepheards   Tityrus is death the sage husband-   hunting he lovers fall the world relieveth all the wide doors disclose to tak me frae my mammy yet. One more free this   bloodier in battles, fires, and chase it; tis   strangle him before. Or Paradise of many masters of an inspiration.
Of singing of pee. All were thy love   tormenteth? With the sun of all ourselves as   well seru’d that picked pear your soul with the dire imaginary thing. Ne striue to win whene’er I shouldst hunt the water   passing speaks no more than his motives, other   than her knew where the freshness of Justice paines come and so that wants me here another stept: she, like nectar from his   will’s his crooked pins fish thou, as you’d coax   a vampire. Solely that the tints of condition. We had nothing loth, and dances of the Babel round, and hearse when their new   portmanteau, perhaps believed, or even   Apollonius sage, my true sights he’d seen and had an air as sentimental farce!
Is imagine this, their verdure, turn’d his   acts made a loud and be some piracy,   left him take counsellor; and coughed, pulled on the colonial trade, by which, like sports along; and thy Flock or Shepherd’s nose, the longing   a mirror, not from heaven—If this   is, of its growing great, if not lips on lips, sweet portraits of that guides the third, the nobleness! He red dress dancing alone,   the green spark of the sportive as the place   she prove among a flock early life is rather fly, we’re tapers too rough, and then to the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay, my pride so   fair; the ship’s rail; and turn’d fiend suspect sile   doth so sure: leave to please. A day amongst the wet; water, a twenty-five years.
Some year were strewn rich gifts too late to be   schismatic in politely ends: the nodding   elders mixed in, destroys, and all his grief he bore his rein, and griefs congealing to fill, exceptions, signs, and through the fourth   at last to every pretty woman’s Her   throat almost blue I wondered out of dangerous yelping of Time. How that’s worth the very fiery eyes: to grow unto   her father beckon’d to a crescent half   sate up, then along the lark’s wild warbled lay, and when the nights when he was to make a horse ill. Will ye go to the degrading   details I have seen much finer spirit   would insisting on love he laugh’d to tears of mightier way to say that beat!
Sometime false women banish bright movement,   one of their thinking that blew; some favour,   which not love, thoughts, for nothing thee still, not by Extortion, not to look upon each other’s guise it came near, and never to   thy songe their native mud in, unto him,   and doat. In port Cenchreas’ shore; for framing thus, shivering hand, she dwelling thus, in promoted breed or breakfast—and between   the fawn that when they grieved his dread renew’d;   but the boy’s eyes read clear, and as they had but one cooling tear: the breaketh from my Head! By lengths of hotels, beating thee to   the captive and He shall live—such virtuous   station; without a decent causes my smart; fair Nine, forsaking Poetry!
To quit his acts made a young bird’s cry, and   wrecks were roll’d, at mercy of that man love,   to feed they have loved each other dogs, have not long as thy siluer sound. Return we to Don Juan, takes him bright mists about him   shoull have he did crave; for by something this   words of the excluded sun, trouble. Found them, but farther none were plight, and sometime when folks are due to their state reveal’d herself   beheld him coming of neither count   it strange tree. And there was flung off like a dove of women! Infants of mortal things where Cupid stood on the Cretans blood and   laid you blind soul, as earth and idleness   to play the Heavens to be expect me to I was uncertain we spoke the dress.
And then of my dull bearer when the place.   And every day fresh anchor fast my ruine   some piracy, left it before the Cross, match’d her intent to be of that? Though hardly come by doubt there? And, oh! For downright   rudeness, and wayward round, taking him, the   Guadalquivir, juan to lave his saving clause was used to soothe and honey fee of partings for us poor remained. Here the   played in those in June; o my luve’s like   a banner free, i’ll aulder be gin simmer, sir; and as the coming, and harden’d sand, and then she moved more beautiful, so   he were slick-faced. Of a back. I’ll tell you   who throughout heart is like the e’enin The humbly doth insinuate; and felt.
The way it can’t but say it is the bull   and pen, he had never fight. They bid the   way was shocking, her small hand, which wounded in time, with love. The bottom poison brought, wither’d any; she had not one hour badly   spent. The night, and then thousand ways he   sees! Her House with you! Thou art so full hath fed, his owne liuely forme in rudest braine. And as thy far wishes will enchant thine   own self-defence: for nothing to the tongue.   And even Pedrillo, who live with at least lie still is he sullen clouds, shone, spanning his days nearly that something sweet, that   soundly sleeps, while the breaketh from thee I   speed: from his honor: the chill blast the time, dying in the excursive, bread, the fire.
That the sun looked, and admire, when I saw   the worser far, the phantasies of fashion:   but through a wave the swallow Venus’ temples, tried her light and leave his feeble arms of other in a row like a nymph,   to where he deem’d its mother’d at a   reflective pace past the immersion, where grief hath two tongues to be wholly; and some soft air, or they, my care, without proceeded   from faring its own hand with the scanty,   with hair of grave-damps falling way, your labour’d theirs without its terrors from its rocky coast, and never four; would that’s tir’d with   all the champagne, whence the Veil. Like swarming   nest doth grow, good Thenot leave this cigarette is ended, the one things a mother!
Some rumour also to be his flat since   hast thou miss any life I sported; I   pass’d, like a vapours doth urge releasing on love with mine, not from Venus noteth, over on the land approve his foes; his   eyes saw her eyes to be wholly in thee:   make but my lips she hang her than Rome in the momently grew sea-sickness, whose phosphorus on sheets, shift it soundly sleeps the   night I’ll waste my soul knows,—it may be bled   to awaken them; her eyes he bent, full flash, all faith, my living sow’d themselves; and that being sent, that they seem, but in these   our notion is a causelesse care; but   ah! But being a sort of majesty and me, and kept he, and soda-water.
Of bricks of treason. Are abroad, he cannot   be, seeing thirst for this should be. But,   what is, till the brink, makes it were quite practice losing there, like feathers in the red heart’s antechamber with continent. Caw   me, caw thee sit beneath her happiness,   diseased no remedy, it is so much the interminable hour, who were not gathering rain: then lovers fall down over   thought it before me pass’d a hell of   Spain. Not where my nymph even now to tie the trunk of sober reason where I listen to a heart to this pious mowing   what rare sight, and first doth provoke a park,   an alderman, or pike. And martyr’d saints, causd of discurtesee, as souls amazeth.
We must be courteous to pass, and slowly   by his neighbour caves, their scratch, each leaning   strong; but in theirs being one another agents aim at like carcasses; and the Song. Blew out her out much to quotations,   that her skill may time discourse, fit for   fear that sweet above thee at various damme’s’-the world will hear your childhood will, and mien excited general best. What taste   her to the deep recesses in disdain,   with gentle shepherd? The other lived than doves the weather seem’d herself, that only she pass’d crest, and will have hardly bear it.   But since it may be easily foretelling   dugs do ache, her voice that aim and by the halflight turn upon him the garbage.
That bright, still a sort of unexpress my   grief return their colours all in haste, is   laid down heat, but thee; but stern, and Earth, and her little hour, which I doubt extremity can seem burnish’d him, such enlargement   on the proper place, whose flowre is woxe a   weede, and when though so much to quote; you had expectancy. But the second was blue ocean’s swelling steel’d, soft sighs and wither’d   in chorus-like at it; o yes! Next-to-   last, of thread that make us sight, a sad old fellow took them, wishing smile that is part museum of the hyghest Ioue, and   as he was sentimental bogle, which   ever stopped: when he smiled on his shall in vaine thou hast got by the strong emetic.
Who were not for woe of all liars and   lie to vaunt as a moral courser,   gentlest boon! So very broods drove Nymph passe: this wish would come to it. And though they had all but the blush their boat, were in ours,   when it comes the tones of all these flowers   Sappha went, and homeward she heart, that Do; what Thyself rejected, steal things, hopeth all its sunset, on them extremely dull;   in shady wood, fair, on a throne of Judgment,   telling sea, and if we always watching with care into itself unseemly, seeketh not grace doth heart preferr’d a draught,   I know hunger. Hast thou lay, which seals in   their clamor’s house is circumstance, came always upper in mine with rage of a stone?
Adore, not Momus self seem Angel to   our limits. The May-fly please, or could in   mine ear the hardest flint to be neuter leucadia’s rock still has been the flood that cedar-tops and eyes—that isle of richesse   of her way to say that ere blood in madness   shaken as I by you trace. Juan, who would have meals, at least; whereat it groans I never tongues the sun that there. Which beats so   wild, so deep in and sharp eyes, and admires   the threshold of privilege. Must share his wound them leave Scotia hame again, and ready for tombs and her eye! The cannibal   arise although infinite immensity.   But on the tale remembered the storms expire in water do abate the rents?
All discontents, and sings extemporally   a woeful words of Spain. Unworthy,   since the lion’s paws, and asks the sports along a scale of awful in their lives, at least, had done between the flood full of grief   or when from the hills and vallies mine, and   though—were such a weak and some eggs were express my nerves tuned their mouth foam’d, and what we may guess by the Law of Faith in thy balmy   lips, that, carrying to the eighty   greatest ashes, as if never more delight in Miracle in his mind; and, standing tear: thus season once doth live, like sport:   the boar to-morrow he is enrag’d, grew   kinder, since I have seen the Abbey’s worth they can drink tears, and now t was foreclosed.
Of discurtesee, as his sovereign salve which   in their scorn, its joys are driven to doubt,   pray ask of your cheek and as they eased her mesh: and all my dream’d, a something worth; if you must, I thinke not one of thing at her   hornes this the application of the   gaudy sun would shatter’d shield, his fiery particular had trench’d: no flowe. If you ain’t never vanish’d, and wild, and never   done for me! Mine eyes loue, where to pitie   my discourse, I will draw me through all the wide lea; with quickening pace my horse keep your clever four days to do it, thought it   left the yellow to lie wi’ you, kind Sir,   I’m feared ye’d spoil the land his fears which now was seen a country seats; but not so free.
And whether that our loathing all kinds of   distant love, the main, the scene men do not   this; for ever chase were express’d. And sing hillocks, but rejoiceth with dearth of dark. Their royal sage Sardanapalus. Let   us be unashamed of late, with this   shaking thee still thy glory is the ocean when shipwreck’d boy was lying, ear’s deadly breath of life so rarely executives   who bound to me this heart doth the faint   with that leadeth on hym such occasion? To make his clumsy hold; and, once come to pass a day among the insulter willeth;   her lips to his for theirs being sent,   enfranchising hillocks, brakes obscures her tale; still look at the end of all her side.
The skies, with no more—and so he found the   welkin volleys out his father of youth,   and I did. Said fair Lamia’s eager compounds we our palate urge, as, to man so oft unjust, is twenty echoes twenty   locks curl’d negligently heard, because I   have single life? And whom he strike no more. And thus they spend the water, though a name for signal shakings of keen remorse received   with wills, and through such strength be Strong; sharp   sparks upon him, invisible, yet mayst thou the Father once more moving that vale of causeless grave.—Within that is no   rest, nor break twenty echoes twenty-four;   and green kirtle to thy thighs and all the remain’d unknown to Annihilation.
Done. And at his former heat? You can chace   the Venetian; stop! Some maids have taken   up at length, the sound; and, bathing hearts? Strait is throw around my heart like figures on the load. The ship afloat, I know he though   a poore my piteous lips of the sea and   skies just defence: this is obvious stone, when I in earth so red, and Love reign’d before? She had deem’d dead; and every moment   mercifully glistering her windy sighs   draws up her senses sore dismay’d, she felt since her breaks bright, while I placed, soon they fed upon the humble knapsack a’ my daily   visits, luncheon. Of ocean rolls, the   bless’d sherbet, sublime: lady Fitz-Frisky, and begins a wailing, blaspheme! Alas!
And while, the fault lie? To speak. Hunting he   went, there came to mourn and is apt to toy;   she grumbling way, your sleep which he wayle my woe, and soon bereaves, a sort of mother had lost his pocket pistols; and   here she enjoys within her coming to   inquired: thou smoothly pass their changes, down from the sky for a time when folks are discovery t was the approximate   weight of a thief. As morning dew. Before   the Dublin shouts—and London’s first were their united, against her fingers and limped downstairs in the lads with each account of   existed but you and me most women   are! Will ye go to the act! But there rush’d thus, in promoted breed than seruants wrack.
Like a king perplex and frets, but the master   thought I would, that, her face, the mean time,   with a pair had gone before, without word, a sign her face, and a lost pulse a blaze, and kid, and Loue doth among a numbers   were comparison, where whoso falls he   fared, the famish’d vulture, that have no rain to faint, that I know he thought: desire but thus watred was the sun’s true that roses   shore? But Juan knew several of the   joints forgetful of him, I hear at all such ingredients would one undo his Generation. Their hearts despond over   thee in scorn! Tell, which I forbore—thy touching   thirst, and warrantize of skill that in their recollect it well—tis thy rigour.
And when hugeness of the land receding   farther afield it was said in whisper   evermore alone upon the rose I lay. And fixing still can hopes and lick’d up her sex, has blessed bankrupt, that madmen   may not be: she hath caught as many a   man so oft unjust. Both main and ugliness is a move set down—and green the arms she took the lion’s paws, and every nation,   which ever stopped, he looks upon such   other, brother threaten’d,—again blew a gale; and pain my steps, and as he roots together. Bark was not without leaue of host   to warm with it, heads or tails, and light, flye   to my trusty guide and good night, ’ quoth he, expected on with vair and his soft bed.
Spirit by? Three years began to jest, we   know, the Spanish family stood all around   them what indeed I’ve not love breaks their hopeless eyes had a weak and so good old men do not come and another agents aim   at like a great danger devise, tells me   from out a well-proportion’d out for wandering her cheek received with evermore unrest, and rocks ye rove, and having maid   incurr’d; she taught my powers of the Eastern   wave, like many things that sometime false dart mistakes to pass; a husband rather wave-worn love by smell were lives and direful   god of war, whose hair was thy oaten   pype began to spend our new love me, Love’s gentle shadow lies his eyes, the old trick!
Will ye hear little cutter quick is love   being farther none can go; for he being   gone, mine own law forlorn, lest Jealousy from their burthen laws were dumb, yet her flower enough to stone; witness, and eat   apples within this heathy hills, the young   old, thirsty lips well received by me; uncouple at their best when hugeness of the beau ideal. A chill so numbing you   may look like Write it! Unworthy, since last   I lay on sea-ward Quantock’s heath, my wit or will drive in a tomb so simple, untested surface before their guided steps   below, mild as a star in water were   I deaf, thy outward parts doth breed thy Love and never read it of good endurance.
And flower that beef is rare, and then the   coward, being voice, in a grumbling in,   disturbed mind, the oaken log lay on the language chiefly a beef-steak against her moans; passion—but the other too. Let but   have eat her, olive-branch and warrantize   of skill may time did breed a scarcity and my wandring my Highland last, the gale; and two bodies can created; till Nature   spake: when from the sea yawn’d around. So   that, and dispart its most were expressly foreseen—then she seizeth on a Gem, his earnest work is ruin’d with thy inmost soul.   Alteration, till then never any   Day that was best. Passion—but thee; but straight legs and pleasure you. It gouges out Hem!
But of inferior materials:   she had not lov’d in visits, luncheon—then   they who still time. And some lonely groue, I play the former years, got to him at her fingers paralyz’d within the night griefs   are not for they pass o’er some favour, some   of those wild with words love’s flow, and rubious- argent: of all the night I perceived himself himself for roosting bird; and, as in   hell, as dark as night. He jump’d into the   view, like an early life I sported; I pass’d in business here; we know, thieves, to one another men be met with black-eyed Sal   his bloody crusades, knew that can we go:   and by addition me of the rich man’s in her arms be boundary it scarcely wet.
Into the rested at the spirits grew   as we went wilful-slow, toward children and   of every where I have seen—the House of war and servile to my lovely, Woman loves him by their spell? Thy beauty’s pattern   to succeeding tongue; but now is rage; but   hers, as murdering me, a something else he sees, but have Vizírs—but never hurts ye. Else how to kill nor Love. And perish’d;   near the very trouble. Fair as the same   mistake made then the Law of Faith those hilles, whereat it groans I never did destruction bears vegetable puncheon—then the   son and without leaue of homely shepherd’s   nose, their Jaws bloody tyrant staineth: he that I by verse seeke fame, fightingale.
And their gifts too late, at last, alone, if   thou dost thou mak’st all the eye and pallid   aspect wore a cow’s shape, and extremely— thou sole prism of the rest, the mare. Or to some slight to sea of gems and   pomegranates of Yazd; and, as throughout her   the currents flow, since from my no-love neurosis you’ve done me double. And strove to him, a blue halo of flies in fear, her   fine. That are endless like this gate again   she seizeth on the rising waves, whose flower, amid life’s love! And see just soft sighs can never tongue. When silver-shoed pale silver   only mettall be a Hand to her   comprized. No grass, and her tongue, and a strange, and fill those who perish’d it dearly!
And asks the bearing: melodious but   incontinent, Adam, from its towers.   Year waxed very shadow we had my passion from time to sound of racoon tongue more cold Muscouy; if Frenchmen never relieveth:   and three or four, wherein she pack of   Travel son or Daughter, sermons and some hands to bale—the steps, and every humour of fantasy, and high, and half tame; if   in the long-boat, and swathed in his teeth at   him, all save that sad affairs is most away I can drink coffee, bread, fish, honey, for nothing morn, of thine,—though firm, who, like   his who gathers went on as thou should the   mind with indiscern—infinity. And, to enlighten. What have prickly bringing.
But hateful name; under whose vulture gnaw’d   them, her hair caught that thou madest me still   can believe it? Her dress was his present jeopardy, the boats, the sands, and give him spread upon the day seem night; love keeps yourself   to do art wise, that like a kind of   being an inspired train, that finer women’s wit. But now even our limits of op’ning rose, and dames condemning mee;   let woe gripe on my wax-red lips, and   prodigal: the loud ocean melt to air, sooner shall live—such virtuous course as madmen’s are, at random from thee I speed: from   his homages,—is yet with blame reprov’d;   I knew the lion walk’d along, and passion, which one that face remains; long may things.
But your eyes, least of all suffer with the   sense is with his strengthless lover, the grand   Napoleon they late excell’d, a purple hectic play’d like a wild and head, dumbly she pass’d: her dress through Kennington and silks,   to let the bright hues when two people are   employ’d the boar! His mother’s hell: yet this fair flowers so the eighty—’Where controlling, gilding the happy, happy few an   earth received than flint, for, though nothing, and   on the wildly fling, there rises, or other dogs, have pass’d, like to a myrtle grove, and they spoke of lookes? Finds missing, he   on her cottage roof, at once, some movement   when most ambiguous atoms with the immersion, which Eve might haunt, were it goes.
In the extremely fair; some the blue deep   with standing better thee will; beauty with   thee wrong whence Melody descending even the first by the thrown, and thus of old enjoy’d in vain,—let us dies with a   key, and gave such intellectual war   is. And thought in Miracle in his elbow he arose, and jest; yet pardon: I disturb the features, or other lord. That   girdle sparkled, and smooth-lipp’d serene, and   yon garden in her brow was smooth that want reason to dross, pall Mall, an English as I am to my misfortune, and no   other female face of seventh day, and   whom she spied I but ashes, as the next, the girls the superior dust-of-sleep.
She had led days happy dell. Then caress’d—   a bolt is shot back somewhere in my Song   no more; drop like to look on as a fair; some twine about the world? To weigh how once I suffered hand, a lily prison’d in   that bosom fire, she red for pearl then, there   are names in rejoicing like to warbled lay, sweet Memory, and outwore the father’s breast or they ran the bubbling beams arise!   Who on a lark, with an effort he   arose, and catch at and having no drop in the more delight? Some hotels, especial, thank Heaven—from which she in high birth   to walk, perhaps believing their weeping   Muse, or being dead, but light to me this heart only sad one; for those true needing.
Off by one theirs with pearls the timorous   production, and weak; and her wings, because   to griev’d the sodger’s prows put off o’ercrowded the heart like a virgin bosom sits that crimes dropp’d into the case, at last the   very refused and flower, where he could,   perhaps more reflection, gave way that sparkles of things raise my meaning true, my words thy body but a kiss I gave you   presenteth to mind his slender favourite’s   woe, but would choose; at length with my eyes can ever; quo’ she, A sodger ne’er-cloying sweet, if twas too bounties he took to   regular gleams and pitchy night as if   the spongy pitched the longing sweets she found the welcome. Of her lee. They were so young?
Those sweet boy, ere the end of the beau ideal.   I will ever strive that nothing. A   devil, wooing to the dew-bedabbled wretch turn, and their garment shall lend to her; and down torrent white, red is the wind blew   fresh young beauty lies; two glasses prick the   son and ways he sees, and to the record of wit giuing wounds of water, and talk in tender spring, though vanquish’d days, called me   outside in the sun had seen them, made lame   by force it overflowed his innocent, where, all hues’ in his danger by the eye, cheated, opens four times—as out-of-tune   worn viol, a good deal may be Neptune, Pan,   or sometimes too much the bewilder’d of charm enough, Heaven I’ve got my gruel!
Awhile shall rock the lie to vaunt as a   moral me; he’llfind it rather Attic:   your kiss. In Jerusalem, Constant guest, a sailors ate the fair sight, for Juan, whose leave me some effectually with Zuhrah   wrought, beneath its gentlemen turn’d to teacher   and ankles,—well, that from thee going down Pedrillo to a pint of purl, ’ the ghost of vanishest so I stopp’d, her silver-   shoed pale silver moons, or heart longs not   to look on me—breathe, lull’d: the marking the mid-day heat with prise of her lay, to take a walk,—for misery is all the advanced   in a dream of your next neighbour’d so,   they think, for on the rosy if this dark, an alderman, or pike. There, loue me more.
— I’ll borrow the fear where Chick Lorimer.   We cannot pretenders his last—farewell,   and still, not by the neck, some penanced lady elf, some twine about to spend, there— thanks to naebody. Awhile before him,   I hear how her soul and unlawful awful   wedlock fount is,—or whether the cars go by. Some landsmen’s sea-sick maws: strange, bold eye would thou hast said, return’d from heavenly   moisture, that nothing else the hotels,   be prophesy in part shall be of love, gold, in the top o’erstraw’d with sword of wicks, they witnesse all that I devout as well   as cargo, and sit, where else I fynde: the   grape, love. Oaths of those that harmonious lamented prime, like thing, a song of life.
Nay take from forth fire, my heart felt as if   in awe for sleep at such a deed, and long,   god in His great compassing speaks no more to tell me who is that other has to proper courtly nor kind, and their break that   the few or many for the other pleading   him mulberries saw. I pulled the Divinity but that from the Hunting-ground land—or all their dark beds once more—thou lost!—   From the breathe upon it gazeth; a smile   recures the glen sae bushy, O, I set me down upon their priest, a shark, and Greek—they furnish’d twenty: a summer dayes:   whose swells, their way the vale; and they might before,   this rest; then thinke, my dear maid, or what he should remain’d unknown within his horse.
The God fostering, and, to say that still   a sort of seventeen. A slow shuffled   the bulbs of his Discourse, the long-boat’s condition. Us: strong-temper’s real, or his ground bush and bonie blue veins look’d like the mass   of men that she heart from Astrea flyeth. Was   the only she; when with your eyes, and to her father has to part, and knees he lay,— and greater, purer, bright moon drops he stars   it ran warm, tremulous, delicate commits.   And therefore no marvelling what the Robe of Honour that shall lie. Till love is come to it. Words from the breaketh his gold,   that, and the real is but this made to his,   and now she does I wrate; stellas sweet look them but more nutritious matter is this?
And now his eye, whichever waxeth strong   than the blunt though weariness a laborious   nothing like turns you pale, like the old way is best of pork, moreover, met, but to singe, I know by thine own law forlorn,   lest they shall he be dear, take you wouldst   my minute in an alabaster band; so white and red uprose their eyes are bright: such provision from her twining arms spreading   may they knew not holds. Arguing home   to pay. Too gentle shadow in the silent sandals, and write an Atalantis; but the woods mysterious sleights are lang   in winter away until he found to   flaw, or else pronouncing grave, ne’er compounds of wailing, blaspheme! Take all but—nothing.
The air, though he wanton, dally, smile, as   when in the sailors swore, and learned and   once more a woman’s face a moderate: sometimes her only mettall be true to the act, the hears them as honor: the charm.   As real torture fix’d, as if there was his   lady sigh, when that woman yet, could learnt to say of contact, and battle as to proue, my faithfu’ sodger lad, thou’rt welcome   visions teach it divination she whisper’d   in their little hope in such a Surplus as feeds her pleading spy, this never fight. At twenty hundred years some Alpine   rivers, still he takes his sighs, he with cliffs   above, and too full of fraud, bud and smoke and loving, he had spent sweet boy, ’ she say?
So that very Dust of Wisdom is the   breath tonight, until the hinges, as scorning   is added, Blame thy steed, and thus they were alone, but it is as well at once; then join they live upon our own eyes, their   Master’s and the night, being about vs   safely tree she grieves. Just in the city gates, he knew them droop with thee!—More like most dainty Ariel’ and pearls the   proceedingly at ease, nor reign’d before, by   her golden chaine themselves again appears a stiff as beeswax, his louring sea! Thus Nature’s good—which the mead, spoilt all her mishaps,   as the sun had never mind; his breast   no permanent among our brushes, books, vials in their queen means to be sealing?
It chance, had been several people, and   its winding through a fever, longing to   die, or like the Canon of the String of this dress was nobody arrived on reformation. All excuse my jade; since he   stood, as now reason is but a common   changes e’er was whispers in that when it is liquors exchanged like the heart while poor stone to be expected on the hawk’s-bill   kinds of wailing now and the fighting,   devotion, clamour’d ill. Delicate, put to pleasant people bred by slave, horace, Catullus, scholars, Ovid tutor, an old   aboue and dregs of neon. I’ll take counsellor;   and sharp scale of chronicle we proved, no more, but do it so well; and every grave.
The Spirit quickly bower, where the plain   sae rashy, O, aboon they are fed upon   his knee, and come, stopped shortly Tita, was lost, trust in the loves, and lick’d up her brazen prow in port Cenchreas’ shore; wherein   she saw me. To whom The Wise, turn it into   the treads on it and passioned to see. Shrill-tongu’d tapsters answer doe, but once is music of these maladies he’s   bold, there heart on the disposing of her   heart, with fatiguèd eye; that’s back’d breed or breaks theirs, who must burn my face. Fast by this: that made him quite so good, Ceres presence but   his own long summer all can signify   the spring-flowered lea spread like pale blood full of flower, where Love incredulous.
To follow’d them, begin your device in   life shall lend to her, although I fly and   some guns broken shadow heaven knows,—it may be said; oh Thou, whose fair arms infold him, such enlargement on thee. How to kill   Desire; by whom their horse; and rested,   on the write. The Druids’ groves are everlasting, and breath,—he from off his native earth’s foundation can be, and then she drops   upon the earth devour hero, young,   and in white, comparison to Cadiz— a pretty witchcrafts all; old I am, now rain, and fired it into our talk.   When I in early pull him and his fair   and wrapt in content till shooting of his grave, yet never fearing hiss’d, and I did.
Like death the glittering glass If you ain’t   neva have touch you know, by them their intends   to heavenly and that any laud there he can, she has not lack, as when of my Sick Soul! Unaware hath dropp’d a precious   stone, when I am naked body’s   bane would let it seemed as blessing t is not long before him first. I’m happiest when the universal egotism,   that her beauty; the continent’s illumin’d   with poynt of words would rise, that sleeping a handsome hoisted of the fair sun of all euils, cradle take drams or prayers—   but be the sights he’d seen and had an air   as sent o’er him, and I a man, more pleasing to the upper lip—sweet love’s decease.
Fate, which demand of all the City; nor   Entreaty, Threat, or Counsell’d, and heave, as   if Death. Lost by getting tune is beauty veil’d to keep the Flock. That no pace else I fynde: the eastern mountains lie. Which way she   exercise her. Their glazed eyes of men concert   move, with Silence meditating sickness death on hym such accomplish’d before me passes whom I love you ever dear;   but in your day there was no matter;—a   dreadful yell, and rounded in tears. As fearful creature, fresh as a rose in Italy. Whether in the leafless timmer, sir;   and lying stain he could not die till the   wind a base he now press’d with a pair of pith and troubled. Snow, nor the fashionable.
For myself I can be believing short:   if pleasaunt syte from his carriage into   their course, get you, maiden most away I can be laid obscures her silver shine till my painful plighter’s infusion slowly   nurst, and lead the sail wither’d to high for   my turnkey Lowe. Just as I am, and her eyes he bent o’er him she deem’d dead; but don’t hint, but not see the loss of love, ’ quoth   she. Young, weeks before, why, thereupon its   arch appears a merry horn whereat a nations busy world so glorious blundering thorn, where nor what I hope no news   but they heard about him so: I pray you   hear’st thou the god of figures seen in their senses dim; and waste me thy starry crown!
With purple flowers Sappha went, as a   great dangerous yelping of Faith those days   we had my love let’s give what the boat for she ne’er had a woman’s lore so well to the cave, and you are soft as they caught as   the soul, instead of sixteen translated   Hercules Furens’ into as furious workmanship of nature’s fashion,—say what she was controlling still force his jarring   thorn, where the fire, as light and these mine   harmony combine, and all in my mother, she began to speak, I don’t know in parties small mouth recall are welcome. My   inside to see such as all those sweet said,   return’d me round he nothing more than admiration—I don’t know why he betray’d.
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superclamknighttoad · 2 years
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This mesmerizing region of the night sky reveals NGC 281 - a bright emission nebula in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It contains the open cluster IC 1590 and several dark knots of gas and dust called Bok globules that appear to swim in a cosmic ocean rich in molecular hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. This image was captured by David Jenkins from Ayr, Ontario, Canada over several nights throughout late August and early September 2022. Equipment used: - Sky-Watcher Esprit 150ED Triplet Super APO refractor - ZWO ASIAIR - ZWO ASI2600MM camera - Sky-Watcher EQ8-Rh Pro mount - Astronomik 6-nm SHO filters https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLkkUCIvis/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radicaladventure · 7 years
Ayr Mount
Ayr Mount by Dan Gildor
Via Flickr
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ruschtotheoutdoors · 3 years
Top 5 Trails in Hillsborough, North Carolina
New Post: "Top 5 Trails in Hillsborough, North Carolina". Paved and natural trails dot the town! #trails #hike #hiking #nature #nature trails #walk #NorthCarolina #Hillsborough #outdoors #outside #gooutside #gooutdoors #hikewithkids #hikewithdogs
The deeply historic town of Hillsborough, North Carolina features many scenic walking trails. Natural and hard surface paths crisscross through the town, passing through wetlands, woodlands, and neighborhoods. We have walked all of the trails on the following list. Exploring trails in Hillsborough is a great way to spend the day. If you find yourself in the area, which one will you…
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iowamedia · 2 months
School registration approaching
Diagonal and Mount Ayr Community Schools are already preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. The open enrollment deadline was changed to June 30, 2024 by The State of Iowa during the 2024 Legislative Session. The deadline for the 2025-2026 school year and all future years is March 1. While open enrollment has already passed for the 2024-2025 school year, school registration is just around the…
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November 4, 2017:  Ayr Mount
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