#Mr Ali Roghani
Artificial intelligence tool
Ali Roghani
Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Expert
R&D Manager at IT Researches ltd
CEO at Talee Limited
Stock Market Value Prediction Engine Fingerprint Verification System for
Biometric Authentication Finacial Data Forcasting supported AI
Algorithms Smart Bio Body Gesture Recognition supported Image Processing
Algorithms Traffic Sign Detection and car place Recognition
Application (AutoDrive) Large pattern recognition system using multiple
ANN's Multiple Face Detection and Recognition System for security
tracking Data Steganography in multiple media types Intelligent Guidance
System National System of marine data monitoring and forecasting Using
Hadoop for getting customer Insights from social networks Audio
fingerprinting .Net Library for AI Developers Automatic Linguistic
Indexing of images Behaviour Tree Designer(Behaviour Tree Editor
Application) Blind source separation of audio signals (Based on
Independent Component Analysis (ICA)) DNA Translation and Sequence Read
Simulator Disabled Assistant Education Automation and Learning
Management System GN Dashboard - AI tool Publications.
Artificial Neural Networks: Applications in Financial Forecasting
Big Data Analytics For Beginners
Big Data Overview: From a technical business perspective
I new friends!I am open to any new challenge so feel free to contact me! Email : [email protected]
0 notes
Ali Roghani
Ali Roghani
Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Expert
R&D Manager at IT Researches ltd
CEO at Talee Limited
Mechanism for predicting stock market value Fingerprint verification system for biometric authentication Sending financial data based on AIA algorithm Intelligent identification of biometric gestures based on image processing algorithm Traffic sign and license plate recognition system (AutoDrive) Large image recognition system System with multiple ANNs Can identify and identify multiple Faces, used for secret security data on multiple media types. Intelligent guidance system. National Marine Data Monitoring and Forecasting System. Use Hadoop to obtain customer fingerprint information on social media.AI developer’s network library language automatic image indexing behavior tree generator (application for editing behavior trees) blind audio segmentation (based on independent component analysis (ICA)) DNA translation and reading sequence simulator Disabled assistant learning automation and management System GN Dashboard-Artificial Intelligence Tool Publications.
Artificial Neural Networks: Applications in Financial Forecasting
Big Data Analytics For Beginners
Big Data Overview: From a technical business perspective
I new friends!I am open to any new challenge so feel free to contact me! Email : [email protected]
0 notes
Artificial Intelligence & Big Data ExpertR&D Manager at IT Researches ltd
Ali Roghani
Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Expert
R&D Manager at IT Researches ltd
CEO at Talee Limited
Stock Market Value Prediction Engine Fingerprint Verification System for
Biometric Authentication Finacial Data Forcasting based on AI
Algorithms Smart Bio Body Gesture Recognition based on Image Processing
Algorithms Traffic Sign Detection and License Plate Recognition
Application (AutoDrive) Large pattern recognition system using multiple
ANN's Multiple Face Detection and Recognition System for security
tracking Data Steganography in multiple media types Intelligent Guidance
System National System of marine data monitoring and forecasting Using
Hadoop for getting customer Insights from social networks Audio
fingerprinting .Net Library for AI Developers Automatic Linguistic
Indexing of Pictures Behaviour Tree Designer(Behaviour Tree Editor
Application) Blind source separation of audio signals (Based on
Independent Component Analysis (ICA)) DNA Translation and Sequence Read
Simulator Disabled Assistant Education Automation and Learning
Management System GN Dashboard - artificial intelligence tool
Artificial Neural Networks: Applications in Financial Forecasting
Big Data Analytics For Beginners
Big Data Overview: From a technical business perspective
I new friends!I am open to any new challenge so feel free to contact me! Email : [email protected]
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