#Muse: [Vhal'ra]
umbralsound-xiv · 5 days
Prompt #14 - Telling
Character: Vhal'ra
Age: 12
Location: The Black Shroud, 4, Seventh Astral Era
Warnings: None
Wide, lavender eyes regard the face of his older brother with such wonder, ears still a little too large for his head high and attentive.
"That's so cool! You killed a dragon? All by yourself?"
His brother laughs, shaking his head that bore the self same colour as his younger sibling.
"Not all by myself, 'ra. Dragons are strong, fearsome things---"
"Well you're strong too, right?"
The boy, not even in his teens, chirps back to his brother, who simply huffs a laugh, ruffling the sky blue mop of hair.
"-Yes-, but people are always strongest working as a team. That's why i work together with other adventurers, to take down something no one person could do alone..."
"I bet someone could! What about the Warrior of Light!" Vhal'ra exclaims. "They're strong, right?"
A rare laugh is given from Vhal'to, smiling at the thought. "You still remember all those old stories i used to tell you as a mewling, hm?"
"Yup! Of course i do! That's why i want to be an adventurer, just like you!"
Vhal'to pales just a little. The warm smile lessens a hint, though the younger is yet to notice. "You... Do?"
"Yup! You always go so many cool places, and see some amazing stuff! I want to do that too! And you always help people, too!"
Vhal'to opts not to pay the comment too much heed, offering a huff as he shook his head.
He was just a child. He'd change his mind, eventually.
He hoped.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Prompt #7 - Noisome
Character: Vhal'ra The Lavender Beds, A Few Moons Ago
It's with a laugh and a sigh that the young Keeper finally finds his bed, hair still wet from the bell-long bath he'd settled in, and somehow then it wasn't enough to completely eliminate the trademark stench of morbol breath.
Old, well worn boots left baking in the Thanalan sun. Forgotten vegetable offcuts displaced behind a counter. A long forgotten popoto in the pile, left to rot to mulch.
There was an awful lot of ways to attempt to word the indescribable smell; an odor he'd unfortunately picked up on his person sometime during the last contract.
Or, well, it wasn't a contract exactly. He'd called the company to a situation he'd stumbled across. But it was enough that it felt like a contract to him.
A real battle. With real mercenaries. Of course, Vhal'ra had always wanted to be an adventurer just like his older brother, but being a mercenary wasn't all that different, so long as you worked for the right people. Everyone in the house seemed nice enough; sure, some yelled and threw glasses, some bickered and argued, but it sounded just like the tavern tales Vhal'to had told him of from his travels.
How he would love to tell him, the next they met. Be it back at the Clan in some respite, or a chance passing on the road. Would he be proud of him? Would he finally be the one to tell his own tales, while his brother sat and listened in awe?
A wide grin sits on his features, and he bundles beneath the blankets to catch some well deserved sleep, pride swelling in his chest...
...And a mug of hot chocolate in his stomach.
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umbralsound-xiv · 6 months
Good Advice.
Man, i was so tired. And today, i hadn't really done anything... Sometimes we need to rest though, i guess. I decided to stop out in the house for something to eat... It always turns out that there's someone i've not met yet!
Laurent Mercier swung the door to the company house open, sighing absently as he caught the swinging weight with his heel, hooking it back forward with a step and letting it close behind him. He muttered to himself as he made his way down to the kitchen, something being more trouble than it was worth, and idly called out from the stairs. "Gyordon, please tell me you have dinner ready… Voidsent are much harder to find when the house they're playing in is, in fact, full of garbage to hide in."
Halfway through his meal, Vhal'ra brings a forkful of mashed popotoes up to his mouth, ears pinned upright to hear the descending voice. Although there was no Namazu present for the moment, still-steaming set of pans remained on the stovetop. Vhal'ra quickly gulps down the mouthful to speak. "---Hey! Gyordon's on break, but there's leftovers if you like stew and mashed popotoes!" Vhal'ra's eyes find Laurent, in his fine coat and wielding the ever present rapier, and don't move an ilm. "That's a cool sword! It's… A rapier, yeah? Like a red mage?"
'to had told me about those! There's one in his adventuring folks! I can't remember her name, though...
Laurent Mercier blinked curiously at that. "…. We pay for him to take breaks? Huh." His eyes finally glanced over to the young Miqo'te and a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he tried to suppress the snicker. "Ah, well, I guess he's earned it this time, that smells absolutely divine… er, oh. You think it's cool now? But, it's not even doing anything yet." As if responding to a challenge, he snapped his hand forward, snatching the blade from its scabbard and flicking the slender sliver before him. He gently squeezed his hand around the hilt and fed his aether into the blade, causing it to alight with a faintly shimmering spectrum of color, which intensified as it came to the blade's edge.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "I mean… We all gotta take breaks sometime, yeah?" A tilt of his head then, as Laurent spoke. "…Doing anything? What do you mean? Does it----" Wide, purple eyes stare at the shimmering blade, words interrupted by a gasp. The Keeper almost drops his fork, before sensibly settling it on the side of the plate. "That's--- That's so cool!" He stares a little longer, the silence almost a little awkward before he adds. "---I'm Vhal'ra!"
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Laurent Mercier chuckled at the wide-eyed response to the sword trick. "It's even cooler when it cuts something, but, I will refrain." He sheathed the blade once more, then smiled briefly at the Keeper. "Laurent. My pleasure to make your acquaintance, Vhal'ra." He offered a bow with one hand across his waist, then uprighted and turned towards the stew to fix himself a share.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Laurent!" Vhal'ra chirps, as though it was some way of memorising it. "You're a mercenary too then, yeah? Or so i would assume! Did you just come back from a contract?" The questions begun, and he quietly remembers not to neglect his own food, quieting himself to eat again, and perhaps give Laurent a moment to respond before yet more questions would inevitably follow.
It's so cool to meat a real mercenary! Not that... I don't live in a house full of them, and i guess by contract i kind of am too, but... It's different|
Laurent Mercier hurries through the tedium of scooping the stew, ladling himself a generous portion into a bowl and making his way to a seat across the table from the younger man. "Well, we are a contract company, so that would by extension make me one of said mercenaries, yes. Ah, suppose you could call it that. A little Blanga had decided to make itself at home in a dilapidated building. Chased it into the dark of the interior, but it had a wealth of hiding places to lurk in."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "And you killed it?" Another forkful of popoto. "---What's a blanga?" He asks, unknowing, but clearly eager to learn. Attention not waning for a second, he stares at Laurent in some kind of quiet awe. "--Well, i know not everyone who comes here works here, and not everyone who works here is a mercenary. You can never be sure! But i guess the sword should have probably given it away…"
Laurent Mercier: "A blanga is a gargoyle-looking sort of voidsent, long spindly limbs, wings, horns. It almost got away, actually, but the dresser it hid within was suspiciously alone in the room, with all of the mess pushed away from it. So, it sort of made itself stand out."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Huh, a voidsent.. I've fought a few of them, but… Well, i know how dangerous they can be. You fight them often?" Another tilt of his head, this time in the other direction. "I mostly fought imps. But i've fought all kinds of things now! Treants! Golems!" Eyes lit up, he grins. "What's your favourite thing to fight?"
Laurent Mercier couldn't help but grin at how eager and dead serious Vhal'ra was being, even as the questions rattled off rapid fire. "Hmmm. I fight voidsent regularly enough, sure, though mostly low-strength small creatures. The bigger, more powerful voidsent are another matter entirely, but not often are those the ones poking around abandoned buildings and ruins. You just getting into the trade then? Are you a blade wielder? Archer? Mage of some variety?" At the last question, he paused as he gave the question some thought. "A -favorite- to fight…? Well, mimics rank pretty high on the least-favorite list… Ah! There were a few larger creatures in Gubal, thing looks like a gargantuan wolf-man. That was… a thrilling duel. Pelt was resistant to all kinds of aether, and it was strong enough to crush the stone around us with its attacks."
Vhal'ra Ansahk bobs and nods his head to Laurent's words, making a mental note of the creature's appearance, and then to Laurent's words. "Oh! Greatsword! I'm still… Kinda starting out, but you gotta start somewhere, yeah?" A mouthful of food is followed by a, "---Mimics! Those are those things than can look like… Other things, yeah? My brother told me about those!"
Laurent Mercier nodded at that. "Yep, frustratingly deceptive little buggers. Everything from chests to windows, fireplaces, I even fought one that was disguised as a piano once, but generally once they get so big they have a harder time blending in and have to find a more permanent place to remain." He peered over the young man once more, considering the heft of a greatsword in his grip, and amusedly deciding that the weapon likely swung him as much as the other way around.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "…A piano?" Vhal'ra remarks, with awe, confusion, and what should probably be considered a healthy amount of fear for a mimic. "That's… Pretty cool, though! You must have had lots of cool adventures!" There's a brief pause while he clears his plate, leaving barely a scrap. "I've only been gone from home for about… Maybe a cycle? Maybe a little longer. But it's been fun, so far. What about you?"
Laurent Mercier took the opportunity to help himself to a few bites from his bowl, the speed of his eating betraying the depth of his hunger. As Vhal'ra resumed his questions, Laurent offered a slight shrug. "It's been a while now, but my journey was…. atypical. I've been out and adventuring though for a handful of years, ten or so. The company offers lot of niceties and quality benefits, not to mention we seem to have a knack for getting into the unusual and extraordinary."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "That's why i'm here! I… Kinda stumbled into your folk by chance. I… Uh, bit off a little more than i could chew, but there wasn't much i could do about it. But, your guys came to help me, and i joined up, and everything's been swell ever since! Ten cycles!" The Keeper gives a brief, descending whistle. "…That seems like such a long time. Though, i know it isn't. What made you want to adventure? Or, well, be a mercenary, anyway. Similar work and all that!"
Laurent Mercier: "Ah, well glad to hear they came along to help you out of that tight spot. It's a shame how many young adventurers end their career at the beginning receiving some gruesome injury from overestimating their own ability and diving headlong into danger. My advise would be to always be afraid. Fear for your life keeps you on edge, makes you wary, cautious. You stare at the dark corner, wondering what might be around the bend, instead of walking past it and being ambushed." He enjoyed a few more spoons of stew, now mostly finished his bowl, then he continued. "Well. I left my actual home when i was still too young to be out on my own. Fortunately, a kind soul in Ishgard took me in and helped to shape me into a fine young man, rather than a ruffian. I became an adventurer in order to help repay my adoptive father. Metaphorically, moreso than actual money."
A small, almost unsure nod is offered in response. Vhal'ra seems to think a little on those words before giving any sort of proper reply. "…That's good, though. Good that there's nice people to look out for you. Nice that you wanted to repay him in such a… Nice way. That's pretty honourable, right?" A small incline of his head, almost unsure if he'd used the word correctly. "Always be afraid…" He echoes, considering. "…Are you afraid?"
I... Think i get where he's coming from? I mean, there's a thing about being so afraid you can't do anything about it, but i think he means in like... A healthy fear? Like or fire, or going out to dangerous places on your own. Caution, y'know.
Laurent Mercier smiled sadly at that, and nodded again. "I strive to honor him, so I sure hope so. " At the last question, Laurent's eyes alone flickered to Vhal'ra's and studied him for a long, scrutinizing moment. "… I'm still alive because of it, and the things that I feared proved to be mere nuisances. And yet the fear remains. It changes, mind you. You'll stop fearing the imps and bombs, as you become familiar with them, but you must still fear those you are yet to understand. And even after you do, the fear remains that someone else may fall victim to one or another. Yes I am still afraid… Not so much for myself, but for those important to me, my family and my friends. I fear losing one of them, I fear my mistake may bring harm to them. And so, that fear keeps me diligent. Not paralyzed and impotent, but sharp and focused."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Huh…" Another trail of words into a long silence. Briefly considering, his expression knits into one briefly troubled, before he dismisses it. "I… Guess when you say it like that, it makes sense. Kind of how you're told to be wary of things like fire, or raptors when you're a kid. Stuff that… Can hurt you, if you're not careful." The contemplative silence returns, if not just for a moment. "…You must be pretty brave, then. If you don't have anything else to be afraid of, only… losing people close to you. I… Hope that one day i'm strong enough to protect my friends."
Laurent Mercier: "It's not the only thing I have to fear, but it's the thing I fear most. To be forced to stand and watch, to bear witness as someone is hurt or killed. " A few more bites, and a hum of approval at the flavors, before he set his empty bowl down on the table. "It's sort of like that, but in a much more intensely visceral way, like if you remembered that while raptors were calling to one another in the jungle around you. It would sit squarely at the forefront of your mind, and every snapping twig would have you bracing for a leaping raptor to burst from the undergrowth. That's the awareness that saves your life, the difference between warding away the ambush, or falling victim to it."
Laurent Mercier then smiled at Vhal'ra and nodded reassuringly. "If you can do that for yourself, stay alive and build upon your skills, bit by bit, little by little, you'll be protecting people by the time you realize you've even gotten stronger at all."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "So… I gotta pay attention to the little things. Being… Wary. Cautious. Better to assume something's a threat than pretend your safe…?" He phrased it like a question, unsure. "I'm trying! It's hard work, but that won't stop me! Me and Ally are heading out sometime on a contract! Do you always fight alone? Or with other people?"
Laurent Mercier: "Well, let's put it this way. If your weapon is raised, and it's a normal chest, you're no worse off. If your weapon is holstered when you see the teeth…" He shrugged, then chuckled and leaned forward, onto his elbows. "Well, evidently you've done a plenty good enough job so far, considering you are, in fact, still alive. And familiar with imps, evidently. My journey began alone, I play well with others but I'm perfectly content working on my own. I'm no super soldier, but I've seen my share of scuffles."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense! I mean, people might look at me weird for threatening the furniture, but… It's like you said, yeah? Can't be too careful." Another firm set of nods are given in Laurent's direction. "Well, you've been doing it for ten cycles, and you've got a cool sword! You must be really good! Maybe we'll fight together, sometime! Though, uh… I'm still not good enough to go on proper company contracts, i think. Or at least… Not the ones the commander puts up…"
...I... Don't think i could fight people, yet. I know i will. I'm kinda dreading it...
Laurent Mercier grinned lightly and nodded, tapping on his chin thoughtfully. "Adventurers are like journals. It has the potential to become almost anything at first, but the only way to fill the journal is one entry at a time. Some will be bigger days than others. The longer the journal, the more stories inside. And no two are the same." When the topic turns to contracts posted by Bexy, the Duskwight reached up and rubbed at his neck. "Well, don't be too eager to come along to those, Vhal'ra. There's a simplicity to flushing voidsent and beasts and magical creatures from the roads and homes. Adventuring itself becomes… Messy. If you stay at it, you'll have to steel your heart, for you will be tried and the faint and meek will quit. To stand at her back requires resolve. To be found lacking that resolve will have consequences on that battlefield."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Journals… Huh. Maybe i should start keeping one. Maybe?" A small pluck of his shoulders. "…It'll mean i keep my writing practised, too. That's a good idea!" The enthusiasm seems to wilt a little at the topic of contracts, a small, downturned curl of his lips in the wake of Laurent's words. "I… Don't know if i have the resolve she needs. I've… Never hurt a person, before. But… I know i probably will, at some point…" His ears slowly lower, then. "She sounds scary."
Laurent Mercier: "It can be a good measure of your own growth. You sometimes look back and read certain passages and think of the moment differently now than you had written then, a new creature you experienced becomes a creature you had all but forgotten. And penmanship is critical, "It is the slurring of the script" as Mr. Mercier would describe poor handwriting. " He chuckled at the fond memory of his sudden push into primary schooling from the life of a vagrant. As Vhal'ra seemed to wilt, he waved a hand dismissively. "She sounds imposing, but is quite lovely. She cares deeply for this company and all of its members. Even Gyordon." He snickered lightly at that before continuing. "You won't know, until the time comes. Like I said, simply keep at adventuring. Don't -rush- to join us, but one day your adventuring will bring you to that very crossroads, and that will be a day you can write a long, thoughtful entry into your journal. It will shape and define you as you move forward."
Laurent Mercier: "Stay alive, and you'll find your path."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Stay alive…" The words are murmured, but he gives a nod regardless. "I… I think i can do that!" A face, then. "I -hope- i can do that. But i guess, i wouldn't have too much to worry about if i didn't, hah." The small laugh is given as he raises to his feet, beginning to clear away the plates as he carried them into the kitchen. "Well… I guess i just gotta keep doing what i'm doing. Though, you've given me an idea! I'm gonna go out to Gridania, and i'm gonna buy a book. And i'm gonna fill it with my adventures!"
Laurent Mercier peered quizzically after Vhal'ra, surrendering the bowl without much fuss, but the Keeper seemed to be taking the important pieces along with him, if maybe a little more literally than Laurent had intended them. "It's a good idea. Be sure to compare your handwriting by the time you fill it. You have to make the first entry right when you get it, though. To record 'The beginning' of the adventure."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Yeah! Then, i'll do that as soon as i get back with it." Dishes away, he quickly returns to the table, offering the grin which wasn't so often far from his features. "Thanks for talking with me! It was… Informative. I won't forget your advice, Laurent!"
Laurent Mercier smiled at the genuine excitement behind the Keeper's mannerisms and personality, and offered a gloved hand to the man. "Sure. I wish you luck in your adventures, and I look forward to hearing about them. Or reading them, if you're inclined to share from the journal. I have an apartment in the Mist, so you just might bump into me out near La Noscea"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Well, i haven't been out that far yet, but… I'll let you know!" A similarly gloved hand is offered in turn. Less of a handshake, more of a fistbump. "I'll see you round, yeah?"
Laurent Mercier returns the fistbump with a graceful transition, opening his fingers as he withdrew his hand in a mini "pow" from impact. "You may, yeah. I'm around the company office here fairly often. Around Bexy a fair bit, too, so maybe if you sign up for those contracts down the line, mm? Take your time, but we can always use another comrade in arms."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Then, maybe i'll run into you here sometime, if not on a contract… At least, somewhere down the line." Smiling brightly, he dips his head, and makes for the stairs. "Have a good sun, Laurent!"
Laurent Mercier: "And you as well, Vhal'ra."
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umbralsound-xiv · 6 months
The Things We Must Do.
Another suuuuper long sun. Not awful though, but man did i ache! A good kind of ache, though. The sort that makes it feel... Worth it.
Vhal'ra Ansahk strolls along the path, stretching out his arms with a groan. Blade at his back, Vhal'ra had at least managed the sun relatively unscathed, if not a little weary. He seems destined for the company house, headed there in a slump… At least until a familiar pink-haired figure catches his attention. Turning on his heel, lowered ears suddenly perk, offering the keeper a friendly wave. "Hey! Ally! It's been a while!"
Alari Nelhah had been looking down at her hands in her lap for quite some time, ears slightly droopy before they too perked up in surprise at the voice, looking up with startled eyes to see a face she recognized. "O-oh! Uhm… Hi, Vhal'ra." She smiled meekly at him, though she could not muster a wave in return. Instead her hands kept fidgeting and gripping slightly at the fabric of her skirt.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "You doing okay? It's been a bit! I know it's been a little quiet at the company save for the odd scuffle the commander asks for help with." He approaches to perch on the bench beside her, giving his usual cheery smile. "How's the training been going?"
It's been a bit since i talked to her proper! Between training and little contracts and everything else, it's actually been fairly busy...
Alari Nelhah: "I… I'm doing okay. Uhm… I have.. been training, a lot." Her hands clutched the fabric of her skirt in a tighter grip as she averted her eyes, hesitating. "… It.. I think I have improved." It took a moment before she dared meet Vhal'ra's eyes again. "How have.. you been? Have you also been… training?"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "That's great! And… Yeah! I mean, today i fought a ziz! How cool is that? It didn't even hit me! My sword feels way lighter, but i'm not sure if i'm just getting stronger, or if i wasn't thinking about it as much. But still! Training is good, especially if you've improved!" Vhal'ra chirps, looking to her… And lowers his ears when she only briefly meets his eyes. "Uh… I'm sorry if i'm bothering you. Just dawned on me you might've come out here for peace, rather than to listen to me talk your ears off…"
I... Uh. Y'know, i'm not oblivious to me being so talkative, that sometimes i don't catch myself fast enough on the case that i've annoyed them. Ally doesn't seem quite like herself, but... ...Maybe she's tired?
Alari Nelhah manages another little smile towards Vhal'ra as he tells her of his adventures. "No, I… I like listening to you, Vhal'ra. Truly. And… I do believe you have gotten stronger. It.. I can see it." She took a moment to look him up and down before she got flustered by her own staring and her eyes shifted to her hands again. "You… weren't hurt, I hope?"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Nope! Well, i tripped over a treestump on the way back because i was tired, but no, not really." Sighing with a bemused huff, he combs his fingers through his hair. "Well, if i ever do talk too much, i don't mind you saying, yeah? Folk back at the Clan always said i asked too many questions. What about you? I can imagine archery training… I've heard getting welts from a bowstring -really- hurts…"
Alari Nelhah: "It… it does hurt when it happens, yes. And it.. happens now and then, but… It hasn't been.. too bad. It doesn't happen that much anymore, thankfully…" She fidgeted with her hands, wishing she was holding something she could fiddle with as she considered what to say next. "I uhm… I actually.. joined Bexy.. I-I mean the commander… on a battle recently."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "You did? I… I saw the note, but i didn't think i'd be good enough for anything like that. And… I know you were fighting people, so…" He looks over over, suddenly far more worried than he had been. "You okay? Did you get hurt? You managed to do what you… Went out to do, yeah? I wasn't sure what, but… It sounded a bit cryptic."
That's so cool! And... Kinda dangerous? Though i guess i don't really know what was going on there. I just figured... Y'know. It's a little more than my level. Not sure i'm ready for fighting another person, yet...
Alari Nelhah: "I-I'm… uhm…" Alari's hands tightened in her lap. "I-I wanted to help… I.. I knew it would be dangerous… But I wanted to.. do something…" She clutched her hands so tightly her arms began to shake, unable to look at Vhal'ra as she spoke. "I-I'm okay, I was.. only a little hurt, it… has healed now…" The more she spoke, the unsteadier her voice became. "I-It was so.. different from hunting… To.. to aim at… people.. and…"
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Vhal'ra Ansahk slowly bobs her head to her words, a wide, encouraging smile at first. But at the waver, at the way she began to shake from holding himself, that smile lessons, and his ears slowly lower. "…Ally, you…" He hesitates a little, not wanting to say it outright but not wanting to jump to the wrong conclusions. "You… You fought people." He pauses, looking to her. "…Hurt them?" He'd hoped it was just that, though he fights to meet her gaze.
Alari Nelhah: "I-I…" she starts before her breath hitches. "I-I hurt them… I-I killed-…" One hand moved up to cover her mouth in an attempt to prevent the sound of a sob escaping her throat. "I-I have always struggled with my aim… I-I should be proud that I… hit my marks so well, and yet…"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "You… Oh… Ally…" It's clear Vhal'ra doesn't know what to say, how to make it better. All he can do is rest a hand on one of her trembling forearms. "I… I don't know how it feels. I… I know i probably will one day, but… Oh, Ally, i'm sorry…"
I... I don't know what to say. I mean... We're adventurers, yeah? I know that doesn't make it any easier, or make it feel better, but.. Oh, Ally, i'm so sorry. ...I don't know how to make it better...
Feeling the comforting hand on her arm was enough for Alari to finally give in to the lump in her throat and let out a whimper, not even attempting to prevent the tears that formed in her eyes from welling over. "I-I had never before… N-now I have someone's.. blood on my hands… Why do I feel so… terrible about this..!" She sniffled as she began wiping her cheeks as best as she could. "I-I can still hear the… terrible sound of their screams… I-it haunts me even in my sleep…" Finally she turned to face Vhal'ra, nose red from crying, eyes glossy and rosy cheeks wet with tears. "V-Vhal'ra, I… I don't know what to do…"
His hand retreats from her arm, as though he'd somehow worsened her state, but he listens before adding anything, ears wilted and a rarely seen frown on his lips. Shuffling over a little, he opens an arm should she want the comfort of a hug, but it's entirely on her terms if so. "Even… Even if they were bad. Or if they were gonna hurt you, or someone else. I think… I think it's pretty normal about feeling bad about hurting someone. Killing someone, even if they're our enemies, you know? I... I… I don't know what to do. I don't think my advice would be very good. Maybe… Maybe talk to some of the others? Surely… It wasn't easy for them either, yeah? Not the first time, maybe…"
All i could think was to give her a hug. Even if i can't really give any good advice, i... I didn't want her to feel alone. And, y'know. I guess it's... Normal to be upset. After killing someone. Maybe when... I have to. I hope i'm upset, i guess. It would be scary if i didn't feel a thing...
Alari Nelhah sniffled and attempted to wipe her eyes again as she glanced at the opened arm. While she did hesitate for a moment, any feelings of embarrassment was soon cast aside as the yearning for comfort was stronger and she soon found herself having shuffled closer and leaning into the hug. "I-I don't know… It.. looked so easy for the others, like… Like it was nothing… Like they were… hunting…" She paused, thinking of what she had seen. "I-is that what it's like? Is… that what we have to learn? To… to fight? To become stronger?"
Vhal'ra Ansahk wraps his arm around her shoulder, offering a gentle pat as he comforted her. "I mean… They are mercenaries. I know it doesn't always mean we have to fight other people but… I know sometimes we do. They've just been doing it a lot longer. Maybe… Maybe they were just as scared as you, the first time. I… Don't know. I think… I think if you weren't upset about it, that would be… Worse somehow. Like it wouldn't have been… Important. So… I think it's okay that you're upset, even if i'm sorry that you are…"
Alari Nelhah sniffled softly as she listened to Vhal'ra's words, her sobbing slowly but surely calming down the more she listened and talked. "Th-they all looked so confident… It.. is so hard to imagine them like… Me.. like… us." She again lifted her hand to wipe her cheek. "Vhal'ra, do you… You said you think it will happen to you sometime too.. right? Do you.. does the thought… frighten you?"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "…Yeah. A little. Mostly because i don't try to think about it, but…" He doesn't release her, and part of it may very well be in discomfort for his answer. "I think it's one of those things that… It's scary in the moment. But if you have to kill someone to protect someone else, or yourself, i mean… It's the better option, yeah?" Despite his words, his expression doesn't seem to brighten any. "Not… A good option. Not really. Just a better one. I think it's one of those things which is scary when it's happening, and… Then a different kind of scary, when it's finished happening…"
Alari Nelhah listened quietly, carefully watching Vhal'ra's expression as he spoke. "To kill to protect… I.. I can understand that. It's just…" She fiddled a bit with her hands in her lap again. "This… something about this felt… almost wrong. Despite them being.. enemies…" She sighed to give herself pause. "It.. the goal was to… kidnap one of them… For information. When I hear myself say it, it sounds so… gruesome."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "That.. When you say it out loud…" Vhal'ra shakes his head, but doesn't let go. "…You just went to help. I mean… There's gotta be some reason why they… That's…" He struggles, brow knit. "There's gotta be a reason they're doing it, yeah? Like… They wouldn't just kidnap someone for no reason, or… At least more than information? I… Don't know. Do you?"
Kidnapping people. I... I always thought that was something bad people did. But... We're not like that. I can't really say i've met the commander. She passed by me in a hallway once, and i didn't even get chance to say hi, but... There has to be a reason, yeah? 'to always said the world isn't so black and white.
Alari Nelhah: "I-I don't know… Bexy- I mean… The commander said that they were of the same group of criminals that… she had been hunting before. Those who… took Eir and Sayuri. They… did something bad to Sayuri, and… the commander wants to know how to fix it. I-I think…"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Then… Maybe after it's fixed, they'll let him go…?" He doesn't sound so sure. "I… Know they did bad things. Things that hurt good people. I don't… Think killing is ever good, but… I think, if i had to, i'd want it to be someone like that. Someone who hurts people for fun, or… Someone like them. You were just doing it to help, and… I don't think that's a bad thing. If… It makes you feel any better, it won't change anything!" He looks to her, mustering a smile. "…We'll always be friends, at least. Even if i don't really know how to help, or if something bad is happening. Even if it's at some weird hour. You ever need a friend, i won't be far!"
Alari Nelhah almost looked surprised by Vhal'ra's final words. She simply looked at him for several seconds before her eyes glossed over again and she had to wipe them,sniffling as she managed a genuinely grateful smile. "Th-thank you, Vhal'ra. It… I can't describe in words how much it means to me. I'm… so happy to have you as a friend." Though it was a little embarrassing, she decided to lean into the hug once more to enjoy the soothing feeling of it. "… You too. If you.. ever need a friend, someone to listen… or talk to, or… if you need help in any way… I want to be there."
Opting to join the other arm into the hug, he embraces her properly; a tight, comforting thing that seemed well practised for someone his age. He does eventually let her go, giving her the usual smile he normally did. "I know you will be, Ally. You're a good friend. A good person." He confirms with a nod, as though it were fact and couldn't have been anything other than the truth. "Don't you let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself."
Alari Nelhah smiled shyly before nodding. "Okay… And.. Vhal'ra, you are also… a good person. You're someone who… cares for others. Who always sees the… good things in life, no matter what. I… I admire that. I hope that… I can be like you someday."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Well, i sure try to be!" He beams, almost as a response to her smile. "It's why i left home! I always wanted to be an adventurer, or a mercenary, just like my brother! Helping people… It's nice, you know?" At her latter comment, even he gets a little red in the cheeks. "A-admire me? But i haven't done anything really worth admiring!"
Why... Why would she want to be anything like me? I've never done anything amazing or special...! I haven't even been on a proper contract!
Alari Nelhah: "B-but I think you have!" Alari responded in earnest. "Just now you were out battling dangerous beastkin, and… I know you always try to help when you hear that someone is in need. You… never hesitate, even if there is danger involved. Even when things are unknown… you always give it your all." Her gaze drifted in thought. "… I want to be like that too. Ready to do what is needed… even when things are uncertain or scary. Because… because somewhere, someone needs you."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "But Ally… You already have…" Vhal'ra nods, trying to convince her. "When the Commander was looking for people, you went to help! It was scary, but you were brave, Ally! You -are- brave! Sure, i'm a lot better than i was when it comes to fighting beastkin, and i'm not scared of most of them now… But you went to help, even when things got scary. That's brave."
Alari Nelhah had to look down at her hands in her lap for a moment as being described as 'brave' was making her feel strangely flustered. "… Brave… I.. thank you." While she was still looking at her hands, there was a soft smile on her lips. "… I still don't feel great about what happened. But… I feel like I am growing. It's a good feeling. For so long I have felt like I never could grow." She looked up at him. "Uhm… Vhal'ra? Can I… can I come with you sometime?"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Come with me?" He asks, head lopping to one side. "You mean… Out helping people?" There was a pause, almost uncertainty whether he'd just her her right, blinking those pale purple eyes between fronds of hair.
Alari Nelhah nodded shyly. "I… think I won't cause so much trouble with my aim anymore. I… I want to try. I… I also want to help people, like you do. And… see how you do it."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "That would be -awesome-!" The word is almost cheered, ears high and a smile bright enough to lift his mood. "We can be our own little adventuring duo! I'll fight them up close, and it'll be way easier knowing you're with me!"
...It's like 'to's adventuring party! It's like how it started! Me and Ally! We could do so much cool stuff together! So many contracts! I can't wait!
Seeing the excitement on Vhal'ra's face caused Alari to smile a little more confidently. "I-I hope I'll be able to help you… in any way I can. I think… knowing I'm not alone will make me feel… braver too." She looked up at the sky for a moment to determine the current time before standing up, looking to be doing a lot better now than before. "Thank you again, Vhal'ra. I… I feel much better now. I think I will be going back to the company house now." She tilted her head a little. "Uhm.. do you… want to come along? I-If you were heading that way too, I mean…"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Yeah! It'll be nice knowing someone has my back!" He pushes off the bench to join her, far more full of energy than he had been than when he'd first arrived. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Ally. You ever need anything, whether it's someone to listen, or a hug or… Anything, you just ask, yeah?" Grinning, he tilts his head. "…And yeah, i was heading back too. I should probably grab something to eat before i turn in for the sun…"
Alari Nelhah: "Uhm… I-I should probably also eat somethi-" Alari did not manage to finish her sentence before a grumbling from her stomach rudely interrupted her, causing her to stare at Vhal'ra with big eyes as her face heated up in embarrassment. Clearly it had been some time since she last ate. "..!"
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "---We'll get something together! There's always good food in the kitchen, and if not, we can just have sandwiches!" He begins wandering up the path, not so much minding for the sound of imminent hunger.
While flustered, Alari still made sure to keep up with Vhal'ra's energetic steps, even if her own were much more timid and awkward. "That.. sounds really nice. Let's… let's get something to eat, then." While her face was still burning from embarrassment, she still managed a small smile Vhal'ra's way as they made their way to the company estate.
...I wonder what we'll do first? Maybe i should start looking? Maybe an escort, or maybe we could go hunt something that's been causing bother! Together, we can do a lot more! ...Just... Maybe not anything with people. I don't want to upset her, and... ...I don't think i'm ready for that, either.
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umbralsound-xiv · 7 months
VALENTINE. how does your muse feel about valentine’s day? - Vhal'ra
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"I mean, i'm still kind of learning about it...! It's... That whole celebration about love, yeah?" The young Keeper gives the subject as much enthusiasm as he does with anything else less known to him; that is to say, with wide inquisitive eyes, and a smile to match.
"...Well, i've never been in love. Had... Crushes... I guess..." The very admission sends a small flutter of red at his cheeks, but he doesn't look away, instead retaining the grin. "Nothing serious, though! It sounds nice, for people who want to celebrate! Sure, you can tell anyone you love them anytime you want, but i think it's the same way that gifts are nice anytime, but they feel different on your namesday!"
Slowly rolling his shoulders, they pluck into an indifferent shrug. "I dunno. At least that's how i see it. I think it's a nice thing, even if i don't really have a reason to celebrate it."
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
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“I was just taking a little time to rest at a tavern after helping someone out! Someone needed some things moving from Quarrymill to here, and i wanted to help! Sometimes it’s the little things, y’know?
Anyway, i didn’t really plan on staying too long, just sort of... Watching what was going on around me! It was fun to see so many people coming and going, so when this really tall man in blue armor came in, i couldn’t take my eyes away!
He had the coolest sword, and i couldn’t stop myself from mentioning it! He even came over and talked with me! His name was Dusk, and he was an adventurer, just like me! Granted, he’d been adventuring for much, much longer. He was all the way from the East, from a place called the Azim Steppe!
We had a whole bunch in common! Brothers who were adventuring before us, using different swords, who had been all kinds of places! He worked for a company too, and asked me if i wanted to adventure together sometime! He even bought me food!
...He’s super nice! It was really exciting, getting to share a meal with a fellow adventurer, and just talk about all kinds of things!
Maybe one day... I’ll get to buy an adventurer a meal, when i’m the much more travelled one...!”
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umbralsound-xiv · 2 years
💓- A memory about their friends (For two OCs you feel like talking about!)
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Werlyt, 1, Seventh Umbral Era
"...Furthermore, you will be required to work alongside recent conscripts, and will be given orders by a new superior."
The very words seemed to fill the room, where Eir and his small detatchment had been assembled. Thus far they had all remained together; only the occasional new face that never stayed around for so long joining them in the effort. Above all, Shio's expression seemed to sharpen, whilst the rest seemed to hold their usual attentive glance, betraying any emotion that ran beneath.
"I will allow you to be acquainted in a few moments. Glory be to Garlemald... Dismissed."
Only when the centurio left the room did they exhale, and shared glances and opinions.
"A new superior. Great! Just what we want. Another stuck up bastard to take orders from. If they are a Garlean, i swear---!" A midlander with deep blue hair storms across the room to a corner, a fighting glare given up at Ox, who simply gave a dejected sigh.
"---Shio, they... They might not be. They might be just like us."
Naoko's words only bring an irritated sigh forth from her, causing both to keep their quiet.
Eir, however, says nothing. Only the anxious shift of his weight, from one foot to the other. He is only stilled as Ox settles his hand on his shoulder; the much shorter Viera pausing to look up to the Hellsguard.
"...It will be fine, Angeir. We aren't being seperated." Ox looks up to the rest of the room. "We are simply having additions, like as not, they're unlikely to be permanent. They haven't been so far."
The few words seem to bring him some comfort, and the small group linger in silence a short while longer until footsteps echo down the corridor.
Breath held, each of them focus on the door.
...Which barrels open in an instant.
A Seeker is the first to emerge, her bellowed words enough to widen every pair of staring eyes in the room, much to her own humor. Rough cut blonde hair pokes out from beneath a helm, ruby red eyes matching the rest of her uniform.
Behind her, a Lalafell laughs; his face clear of any usual dirt and grime, beside a single smear of ash on the side of his cheek, undoubtedly missed in some attempt to clean up for the occasion.
Finally, a Keeper slips through the door, turning to close it behind him, expression a somewhat bashful one. Sand coloured hair brushed his shoulders, as he turned to the Seeker who simply rolled her shoulders.
"---What? You said to give them a friendly greeting!"
"...Not scare them half to death, Telli..."
Judging by the reaction of Eir and the others, it was likely what had happened; eyes wide and faces as stark and struck as though they had heard an alarum. But the outburst was enough to dispel the tension in the room, as Ox huffs a laugh, moving forth for an introduction.
"A'tehligo Oen Mhuri! But, just call me Telli, since it's a real mouthful." Her hand is sharply extended to meet that of Ox, whose hand she shakes with such vigor that even he seems surprised by it.
"Blind Ox. Pleasure to meet you, Telli."
Eir's gaze flicked left and right over the newer faces. He'd still not spoken a word, opting to let the others give introduction first.
"Shio." The Midlander calls from the back, having not opted to move, still. It was her sole word, but it commanded people to listen.
"Yolra Akolra! ---Yol for short! You need something blowing up, i'm your guy!" Proudly, he thumbed at his chest, seeming to care little for his diminutive stature compared to the rest in the room.
"Uh... Naoko." The other Midlander edges forth, towards the Keeper, a hand offered even as he didn't quite meet his gaze. "...Naoko Jen Maeda..." The hand is taken, and shook, even as the scarred man stole a glance at the cane on the back of the newer face. "...Your weapon... You're a healer?"
A sharp flick of sandy ears yields an affirmation, as the Keeper nods his head. This motion, however, had not gone unnoticed by Eir. From his quiet position at Ox's side, his gaze settles on the only one left in the room to be introduced besides himself. Were someone to notice, it might even be considered staring.
"Indeed i am." He smiles warmly, dipping his head. "Juhni'a Jen Ktarbha... It's an honour to fight alongside you. I'll also be your acting superior until further notice, so... If you have any need of anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"
His statement doesn't earn any ire from Shio, by some miracle. She simply gives a sharp sigh and keeps to herself.
The room is filled by small sounds of affirmation; likely, they would not have so long to socialise before being thrust into some duty or conflict before long.
Juhni'a looks over the various faces in the room. If he was to be responsible for them, he was going to get to know them, too. He'd mentally put name to face; at least until Eir's staring gaze passed his view, which he hurriedly threw at the furthest wall. Juhni'a opts to close the gap, halting within arms length of the Viera.
Wide, pale eyes. Eir's own silver ones met them for a while, no single word passing his lips which led to an awkward silence. Slowly, Juhni'a extends a hand and furnishes Eir with a softer smile, with an intent to comfort him.
"...I know it can be a little... Unnerving having to answer to someone you've never met." He spoke softly. Despite being a Miqo'te, the two were almost the same height. "...I don't think i caught your name...?"
"...Angeir-- Oen Rava." Eir half stuttered, and only noticed the hand after many long moments of it lingering there, half hesitantly reaching out to return the intended gesture. What few words he struggled out were simply his name, and nothing more followed. Eir does not part his hand, and Juny had waited for the decidedly more anxious of the two to part first. Eventually, the Keeper pulls back with a short laugh.
...Which is echoed as Telli bellows one from behind Ox, half doubled from the interaction.
"---Seems you're making impressions on someone, Juny! Look at his face! He's as red as a tomato!"
Eir's gaze darts to to the ground. He himself hadn't been fully sure of his own reaction, and now it was mentioned the burning of his cheeks had only intensified. The rigid, jittery feeling in his legs had taken hold, at least until Ox's hand settled on his shoulder again.
"...Angeir is the reserved sort. Every new face sets him ill at ease... He will come round to speaking in time."
Those few words had afforded him the space he needed to gather himself, as he gave a small sigh of gratitude, and half a nod. Ox had known him longer than any in the room, and had wisened to his mannerisms.
They were unlikely to be permanent, he thought. A thought that would usually bring him comfort, instead bringing a small frown to his features.
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The Black Shroud, 9, Seventh Astral Era
He had given his farewells to all but one. A gleaming greatsword on his back and a wide smile on his face, Vhal'ra could scarcely wait to see the world.
...But he could wait just a little longer to see her.
"Kohru! Kohruuuu!"
The young, steely haired Keeper bounds through the boughs and up the side of a small hill, where a campfire crackled and the sound of metal against stone punctuated the air.
"---Since when did you use my full name, Vhal'ra?"
He pulls into view, and his nose wrinkles at the sound of his own. A lavender haired Keeper with her hair pulled from her face works on yet another flint arrowhead, adding it to the pile... Despite the wand at her hip.
"...Since i'm trying to get your attention, 'ru! It's... It's time! I'm leaving tonight! Now! I already said bye to mum and the rest, and..."
"---And you didn't want to go without saying goodbye to your favourite cousin. Is that it?"
Vhal'ra's ears wiggle atop his head, as he stands more proudly. He furnishes her with a grin.
"...Something like that, 'ru."
Kohru drinks in a long inhale through her nose, as she slowly picks herself up to her feet. Despite her mannerisms, she was a few cycles younger than him, even if she had grown tall and wirey in her short years. Arms curl around him, which he accepts in turn.
"...'ra. Don't you be going and doing anything too stupid, yeah? You'd better have all your limbs in tact when next you visit."
"---I'm not gonna lose any limbs!"
"---No eyes, either."
"---No eyes either! I'll be fine, 'ru! ---'to was!"
She releases him to a small frown of an expression, which she fights for some optimism.
"...Just don't overdo it, Vhal'ra. Come back with scars and stories, but at least come back in one piece."
A firm pat to his back sees her release him, a smile exchanged between the two. They were cousins, certain enough. But they were friends before any bond of blood was considered, often found in the company of the other.
...Company she'd miss, for certain. But those were not thoughts she'd share with him, to dissuade him from his travels.
"...I will! And more stories than scars, you'll see!" He beams wide and bright enough to lend merit to his intentions, at the very least. "...And... uh... Good luck on stuff with my Mum. I'll know you'll be fine, but... Still."
"...I will." She responds, though there's not quite as much vigour in her words. "...Good luck, Vhal'ra. We'll be here, waiting to listen."
A final smile given to him, before he lunges in for another parting hug; warm and close, no matter how brief it was. He tried not to linger on the thought of not knowing when the next meeting would be.
And then, without another word, he parts. Flashing a smile, he dissapears between the trees, bound for adventure.
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umbralsound-xiv · 2 years
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“Finally, i managed to catch one of the leaders at the house when i was visiting - Miss Adelle! I’d been thinking about the prospect of maybe working here... And i’ve asked plenty on my travels about the Shroud.
I... Asked her for an interview. Alari came along too! It... Kind of helped, knowing i wasn’t alone in it. Sure, i was a little nervous, but... This is what i want.
Miss Adelle said that there were other things we could do here, too. Things like hunting, or just... Any kind of odd job the house needs. She said some of the things might be a little... Too much for us right now, when it comes to contracts. But if there’s something we feel confident in and isn’t beyond our capabilities, we’d be welcome!
I know i’m just starting out, and that i’m not quite up to the same skill as a bunch of the others here, but we have to start somewhere, right? And what better place than here, with a bunch of nice people who only want to do the right thing?
As soon as i’d got my linkpearl, i went to the fancy new bar they had and got a drink! Alari joined me, and i’d mentioned we should probably make a toast, right?
...That’s what mercenaries do! And, that’s us, now!
So, we did! To future, and glory! It was a nice thing to share with a friend... It’s kind of exciting that we’re starting at the same time!”
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Prompt #26 - Last
Character: Vhal'ra The Black Shroud, Present Day
The sun hadn't been a terribly difficult one; barely even a blemish on his blade from the rather less than eventful escort he had provided himself as. Pulling the waterskin from his hip, Vhal'ra opts to take a seat on the cool moss of a fallen tree, resting for a few moments before he would make the rest of the trip home.
It's the plump, black berries that steal his attention, then. The last he'd eaten them was in a small pie the same evening he had left his Clan proper. Reaching over, he pulls a handful free, and to sink his teeth into them and close his eyes, he's reminded of the place he came from.
Clan Ansahk was never a particularly large Clan, four or five generations at the very most, and even some still alive now were present when it was founded. Most of the Clan consisted of children and younger adults; many nieces and nephews from his older sisters, and cousins from his aunts.
But perhaps the most prodigious and unusual aspect was that of all his siblings, so many of them were brothers. Men were not so common to be born in any Keeper society, so to know his own parent had mothered five of them at some point in her life always came as something of a shock.
He'd never known what had happened to Vhal'a. Only that he was a young, happy child once, in the few words he'd ever managed to get from anyone enough to speak of him. His death was a mystery, and Vhal'ra had long learned not to ask about it.
Vhal'to was always the favourite. A vaunted adventurer, skilled with his weaponry, travelling the realm to explore, to fight for glory and for coin. Vhal'ra had always wanted to be just like him, even as a child; bringing home stories to bring a crowd to a campfire.
Vhal'li had found his own way, now. Always the quieter sort, his visits back to the Clan were few and far between, always resounding with the clatter of bottles and potions. He'd left to learn, to ply his coin as a travelling apothecary. Vhal'ra never spoke with him often. It must be a busy job, being an apothecary, he thought.
Vhal'sae was no longer a brother, but a beloved sister. Saeri, so she had titled herself upon her descision often helped with the children, and could make even the most mothbitten clothing look as good as new with just some stitches and string.
And then... Vhal'ra. The last of his brothers. The last of all of his thirteen siblings. An adventurer just like his brother, seeking to do good and see the world, following in his footsteps. He'd yet to make his mark proper, even if he had been gone almost a cycle now, but he had already learned so much.
And so much more he had yet to learn, though the young Keeper surely knew it.
Bringing himself to his feet once more, the taste of sweet berries on his tongue, Vhal'ra makes way for the company house, to rest and prepare for wherever his feet might take him next.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Prompt #23 - Suit
Characters: Eir and Vhal'ra Ul'dah, Present Day
The two had never met before, but that hadn't mattered. A quiet request from Eir to Mist was given sometime during their last meeting, when she had saught him out now that he'd returned and recovered enough to have a conversation where he was at least calm enough to hold a teacup without spilling it.
Eir had something of a conundrum. He had need of clothes for a wedding. His wedding, at that, and only the finest would do for such an occasion. And, in order to find the finest silks Eorzea had to offer, he would most certainly have to venture into Thanalan; a region already perilous enough for those prepared for it, and only more so for someone in his particular set of circumstances. He wouldn't set foot out of the city, even Mist had spared the funds for two airship tickets, but nor would he go alone.
His company was an enthusiastic one, a Keeper of blue hair and a bright smile, a gleaming greatsword at his back. They had never met, no. Mist had assured, however, that he was up to the task.
"So you say there's places even hotter than here?" The young voice chirped behind Eir, looking around the immediate area; noting each face. He'd been told to watch for any with a red mark, and gave a firm nod to Mist for the instruction, earlier.
"Thavnair is perhaps just as hot, but it is... Humid. Thanalan is a dry heat." The conversation had done wonders for Eir's nerves, thoughts occupied with answering Vhal'ra many questions rather than linger on the prospect of who could be lurking in the shadows.
"What's the difference?" Vhal'ra asks again. His pale gaze shifts from looking at where he was going, back to the faces of many other people, and back to Eir.
"Imagine the warmth after a long, hot bath. Now, imagine that it does not go away. No amount of towels will dry you, and the cloth sticks to your skin on all but the coolest days."
"...Sounds uncomfortable. Guess i'd need something light, if i ever went though! It's good to know!"
The young Keeper's optimism was almost unshakable; enough to be contagious and bring a smile even to Eir's worried lips. Leaving the airship landing, the two begin to move through the Gold Court.
"So, where are we going? Mist said you wanted to go to Ul'dah, but... You didn't want to go alone. I... Guess it makes sense. I... Know something happened..." He hadn't known much, and even Vhal'ra and his ceaseless curiosity had kept him from asking. "---But don't worry! If something happens, i'll protect you! Promise!"
Such an earnest declaration only brings half a huff of amusement from Eir's lips. "...I worry less, with promises like this. We should be fine in the city proper..."
A firm nod seals Vhal'ra's earlier promise. "Yeah!" Confidence, as they take a brief pause before turning a corner. "...I've only been to Ul'dah a few times, but i mostly know where i'm going! We won't get lost! Have you been here a lot?"
"Plenty of times. I dance... Or, i will when i have recovered."
"...You dance? Like... For the company? I didn't realise they hired dancers!"
"Not exactly. My job outside the company is a dancer. I... Run messages for the company, for my duty there."
"Oh!" Vhal'ra chirps again. "...So you're not a mercenary?"
"I am not much of a fighter, no. That skill belongs to my... Fiancee." The last word comes with a hesitation only in that he had never really spoken the world aloud before, a warmer smile on his features. "Sayuri. You have met, i think?"
"Yup! We have! She's a Seeker, yeah?" Vhal'ra nods, tilting his head before he turns it to look over his shoulder. "...What's a fiancee?"
"...It's someone you love dearly. Someone you plan to marry, and have already asked."
"Oh. Huh! Marrying..." His brow knits, as though puzzling something out.
"...An eternal bond. Someone you wish to spend the rest of your cycles with. I know it is not a fixture in Miqo'te culture, so much."
"Oh! Yeah, i... Heard my brother talk about it once? He was invited to one, i think!" The Keeper hums. "...It's nice you've found someone like that!" He gives a pause, then. "But... Why do you have to go all the way to Ul'dah?"
"It is tradition to wear something nice. And though i have many nice clothes, i have none suitable for a wedding, much less my own. I am hoping they have Thavnairian silk..."
"...It sounds nice..." Vhal'ra muses, looking over into one shady corner where a couple seemed to bicker. "Maybe i'll go to Thavnair one day." He hums at the prospect, entertained. "...Maybe i'll even find someone, too!"
Eir glances to the Keeper, brow lofted. "I am sure you will. You have plenty of time, young as you are."
"I'm not that young! I turned eighteen cycles!"
Eir's brow knits, and a long sigh is given. If he didn't feel his age before, he certainly did, now.
"...One hundred and twenty six, earlier this cycle."
"That's so old!"
Eir makes a face.
"...And you're not even wrinkly!"
Eir continues to make the face, though a tug of a smile is seen at the corner of his lips.
"How?" His youthful features scrunch into suspicion. "...Unless you're teasing me!"
"...Viera live longer than most. It is no jest. I have lived a long life. Been a good many places."
"...Where's your favourite?"
"That depends." Eir considers, closing in on the door to the Weaver's Guild. "...Thavnair is often my answer. But right now... Here, in Eorzea. It... Is where i met her." The answer is given with all the tenderness one might expect, as Eir gently sets a hand to his chest.
Vhal'ra beams again. "...That's really sweet. How did you meet? At the company?"
Eir nods. "Yes." A quirk of his lips, then. "...I was stabbed."
--- If Eir ever thought the Keeper would run out of questions before, he certainly wouldn't be doing so, any time soon.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Prompt #19 - Weal
Character: Vhal'ra The Black Shroud, Present Day
He half limps through the brush, and it's a wonder the hulking greatsword at his back doesn't topple him over. Some sickly brown-green ooze clings unpleasantly in thick globs over his attire, blessedly saving him from the brunt of the assault.
Vhal'ra can barely see from the sky blue hair in front of his face, all spattered and sticking to his cheeks in uneven places. He'd need a bath when he got home. At least one, maybe another just to deal with the smell of it. Lofted brows are on almost every face as he enters the small settlement, and only a grin is given in return when he stops before the one who he'd taken the contract from.
"I... Did it! I got them! They--- Ow. They won't come back... For a bit..."
The young Keeper gathers his breath, half through complaints and half through laughter, and the elderly Wildwood who was no longer strong enough to fend the seedkin off on his own gives a hearty chuckle.
"It certainly looks like it." The old, hoarse tone manages, before counting up a handful of glimmering gold coins; a few extra for good measure. "...What did you say your name was, boy?"
"Vhal'ra!" He beams, pushing his hair from his face, bright lavender eyes. "Vhal'ra from Clan Ansahk!"
"You've done a good job, young Vhal'ra!" The pouch of gold is pushed into the Keeper's hand, a reward for his dilligence. "You just be careful now, you hear? Get home safely!" The elder sighs, though it's a pleased, comforted thing. "...The realm could do with a lot more like you."
Vhal'ra blinks, wide eyed. Coin is stowed, and he manages to shift his weight onto his better leg, where the welts from the whip-like tendrils of seedkin had struck hard enough to tear the fabric.
"I... I will! Thank you!" He calls, and makes his way homeward.
A full coinpurse. Wounds, sure enough, but nothing to worry about. An ache for him to know he'd done good, done the right thing.
And a smile.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
👄 Vhal’ra about Alari, perhaps?
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"Ally is nice, y'know? But it's the kind of nice where it's just a normal thing! No big fancy gestures -- Though those are great too, don't get me wrong! But it's almost like it's just... How she is. Sure, she's a little clumsy, and kinda shy... And it's kind of endearing, but-- That doesn't matter!
...It kind of upsets me to think of how her family treated her. Like she wasn't good at anything, or maybe they just didn't give her chance, or even maybe teach her properly, or never found the right thing. Who does that? Who kicks out their own daughter from the Clan? It's awful! She didn't even do anything bad!
She could be bad at everything ever, and i'd still be her friend!"
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
😘 - For: Vhal'ra, About: Mheirya!
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Them as a person : "Mhei is nice! She's... Not always good at showing it, though, but she's trying! I can kind of understand why she is how she is, but that doesn't change anything. She's my friend!"
Level of attractiveness : "I mean, she's pretty! Her hair and eyes are really bright to look at, even if she does... Tend to stare a lot."
What annoys them most : "...It's not her fault, you know? It's... Hard to talk to her sometimes, maybe because of what she's been through. I wish it were easier... And that i knew what to say. But maybe just being friends with her is enough...?"
What they like the most : "She seems to like hanging out with me! And... Well, i like that she likes to, you know? When i left my Clan, i thought it was gonna be real hard to make friends, since... I'm pretty inexperienced, and way out of my depth with most folk i meet. But she wants to chat and hang out all the same!"
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : "Hang out! And talk, probably. I wonder if she likes being hugged? After everything she's told me, i think she needs one, and i'm not sure she could talk for the full four bells, even if i could...!"
Overall opinion : "She's my friend! She's quiet, but that doesn't matter! Mhei is a good person, and i think she's pretty cool, and fun to hang out with, even if she doesn't really like talking too much. We're slowly figuring out the things she likes... That's fun, right?"
Rating : High! - One of the first friends made away from the Clan!
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
😘 - For: Vhal'ra, About: Zihre!
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Them as a person : "I like her! She's pretty cool, y'know? Kind of intimidating, considering she's a Karahli and all of her duties and things, but not like, unnapproachable or anything! I'd like to hang out with her more!"
Level of attractiveness : "I... I mean. I've not... Really thought of her like that! Only seen her with her mask off a couple of times... She's cute! But i somehow think she might be offended if i called her that..."
What annoys them most : "Nothing really... Annoying? I don't know her well enough to be annoyed, y'know? I guess she's a little scary, but in like, a nice way! She makes me a little anxious when it comes to my sword... What if i did something wrong with it?"
What they like the most : "I like how confident she is! She's got this huge, big responsibility she's preparing for, and it doesn't seem to bother her even a little! I can respect that!"
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : "We'd talk! Though, uh... I don't know why we'd have to be locked in a closet to do that. Sounds a little weird. But yeah!"
Overall opinion : "I like her plenty! She's confident, and strong, and honestly pretty cool! I'd like to get to know her a lot more, but i'd say we're friends. Yeah!"
Rating : High! - A cool friend to hang out with!
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
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“...What a busy sun! For... Mostly good reasons? Good-ish reasons. I fought a bunch of powerful monsters! With everyone else, too! I was like a real contract, even if i didn’t mean for it to be that way!
...I was just coming home from the Shroud after a little work, and saw a bunch of... Weird looking beasts that were acting all funny. They killed almost all the boars in the area, and looked like they were coming closer towards one of the settlements... I couldn’t just let them, but there was no way i could have taken them on my own, so i called for help!
And... People came! So many people! Olly, and Mikhi, and Phei! Morgane! Some Xaela twins that i’d never met before, called Baruun and Zyyn, along with another who used water named Khasar! Even Mhei came to join us!
...It was... Kinda scary, but kinda thrilling, too! People did all kinds of cool stuff, and i helped Olly take down a morbol! We managed to get back without too much trouble, even if some people were a little injured. But it felt... It felt like being a proper mercenary, a real adventurer, even for a little!
I learned Mhei joined the company, too, which was exciting!
After we’d all pulled ourself up enough to walk, we went back to the company house. Maggie had cooked us some really nice stew and baked bread to go with it, and i was pretty hungry so i went to get some of that! Some of the others came down with Mhei, too! Khasar repaired Morgane’s shoe, and i asked him a bunch of questions about the things he’d fought and the places he’d been, along with a Viera man called Erjon who said he was almost eighty cycles old!
...That’s so old! At least, for us. I wonder what it’s like to be Eighty? I wonder if i’ll ever live that long...?
Some people left to rest up, and i was just finishing my food when Sayuri came downstairs! I didn’t really get a lot of time to chat with her, and... I... Didn’t really get chance this time, either.
...She and Erjon spoke. And... I don’t know. I don’t know if she’s always cold, but she seemed in a bad mood from the get go, which only got worse as they talked. Apparently... Erjon upset someone close to her? And it just... Got worse from there. Her glass of water froze, and Olly and Maggie came down the stairs and she was scared, and we went into the kitchen to kind of... Avoid what was happening, but it was just...
...She’s really scary when she’s mad.
She did throw the glass, but not at Erjon. It shattered on the stage, and... When i was sure Maggie was alright, i went to help her.
...I don’t know what happened. But people don’t react like that for no reason at all. And she seemed upset, so... I helped her pick up the glass, and talk. I thought it might be nice to tell her the other people like her, too! I know there’s someone else in the company with ice, and Mhei, and... Vex, who i met the other sun! I was in the middle of talking to her, trying to keep her mind away from whatever happened, but she just... Bolted and left without a word...
...I didn’t mean to upset her...!
...I don’t know what i did wrong...
The others reassured me, and told me it was okay, and Olly made me hot chocolate. And... They’re probably right, it might not be my fault, but... I’m still a little worried.
I’ll be sure to apologise, next i see her.”
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
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Thanalan is... It’s so hot...
I’d helped out fighting off some of the littler creatures... Not sure what they’re called, i’ve forgotten, but they’re covered in spikes, and i somehow managed to not get any in me!
But i needed a break... It’s too warm...
A small rock tumbles down the smaller cliffside ahead, clicking across the rock before landing in the dirt. The object is shortly followed by S’vexrha, who jumps down it with all the grace of a cat and approaches the rock, a foot being flung forward to kick it across the soil before her crimson gaze rises enough to note the Keeper in the shade, her ears pinning back ever so slightly as she eyes him with caution - abandoning the rock she had been kicking in favour of an attempt to simply wander on by.
Vhal'ra Ansahk blearily blinks, as beads of sweat trail down his forehead. Thanalan was warm the last he visited, but the heat seemed almost inescapable now. Pinned beneath the shade of rock and tree, he'd simply opted to wait for the worst to pass, or at least catch his breath before making the final push onwards to the Shroud. Somewhat numbed by the blistering heat, the sound of a passing rock and following footfalls steal his attention, ears flicking forth as he squints of better make out the shape... Another Miqo'te, undoubtedly, but more noticable was the weapon on her back. Vhal'ra immediately brightens, daring not to leave his beloved shade, but calling out instead. "Hey miss! That's a cool weapon!" He greets, offering a friendly wave.
...I’ve never seen a weapon like that before! It was like a stick, almost... With a long, bladed point that curled in. I wonder how it’s used!
...Or... If it even is a weapon, after all...
S'vexrha Tchuma's lips tugged into a thin line as she eyed the Keeper once more, studying his features a little better. Noting the lack of a mark, the tension in her body eases slightly. ".. Thanks." Her word was uttered rather hurriedly, gaze averting a touch.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Wait... Uh..." He catches her tone, ears wilting a moment, and daring to make a few steps forth for the sake of curiosity. "It... Is a weapon, right? I wasn't sure if it was for farming, or anything! I didn't mean to offend!"
S'vexrha Tchuma came to a halt as he stepped closer, tail swatting lightly against her own leg. ".. No-- you're right. It is a weapon.."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "That's so cool! Where'd you get it? I've never seen a weapon like that before! How long have you been fighting... Are you an adventurer?" His barrage of questions is given with little care as he moves closer, ears wilting as he steps into the blazing sun.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. It was given to me." She paused, eyeing Vhal'ra cautiously once again. ".. There's no direct answer to that question.. and no, I am not." Her ears flicker at some unheard sound, her lips tugging slightly thinner for the briefest of moments.
Vhal'ra Ansahk blinks in some confusion at the vagueness of it all, clearly a little puzzled but no less curious. "You're... Not?" He looks over her, then. "...What d'you do, with a weapon like that, then?" His gaze casts outwards, to the various sheep that peppered the mountains. "...Are y'like... A shepardess, or something?"
...It’s the only thing i could think of! The... Sheep here are kinda big.
...They are sheep, right?
S'vexrha Tchuma grimaces. ".. I'm not an adventurer, but I still fight. The answer to how long I've fought is just.." She pauses, raising a hand up to the back of her neck - cramming a finger underneath her collar to scratch at her skin in thought for her choice of words. "..Depends if you count with a weapon, or without one." Her hand dropped down, head shaking slightly.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Both, i guess! Some people know more'n one weapon, which is really neat! How many do you know?" He tilts his head in curiousity, the mop of pale blue hair dropping to one side. "I'm Vhal'ra!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. With, since I was fourteen. Without.. Five." She gave a small shrug. ".. One." A longer exhale left through her nose, gaze shifting in a random direction before settling atop Vhal'ra anew. ".. Vex."
To make people angry? Vex?
It’s gotta be short for something, right?
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Well, it's nice to meet you, Vex! That's... An interesting name. Huh!" His ears give a short wag as he looks to her again. "Do you live out here? In Thanalan?"
S'vexrha Tchuma offered another faint shrug. "..Not really. It is my name, but shortened." Her gaze directed to the ground, where she slowly prodded a foot against the soil before letting her gaze lift once more. ".. I do. I assume you do not, as you are.. not familiar, and while Keepers are not completely unheard of.." She gestured towards him lightly. ".. You tend to suffer a little more in the sun than Seekers."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Hah, yeah, it's..." He trails, giving a wry little smile as his gaze drops into the reddened dirt. "...It's only my second ever time here! I'm from the Shroud, but i wanted to go a little further! Mostly i help out with little things here and there. It's... Kinda hard fighting in the sun, though..." Regardless, his attention doesn't divert for long. "---Uh, i didn't mean to distract you! You... Looked like y'were going somewhere!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Explains why you call out to a random stranger." She paused, ears flickering. "Many here are.. unkind." Another pause, before she corrects herself. ".. Horrible." She huffs. "..It is hard for many, the Shroud may be preferable." Her gaze shifted, one hand lofting to motion towards the spring beyond the bushes. ".. Water."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "They... Are?" He blinks. "I haven't met anyone horrible, everyone i've met so far has been pretty nice! Though... I have heard how dangerous Ul'dah has been. I've not been to the city proper, yet!" Despite the warning, he sounded just as enthusiastic at the prospect of a visit. "---Oh! I mean, yeah, i suppose water's good for coolin' off. Wasn't sure if was safe to drink, so..." He pats the waterskin on his belt. "...Have... You met these... Unkind folk, Vex?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Ul'dah is.. less. Crap city, though. Merchants are more akin to swindlers, the supposed guards reek of corruption." Again, she kicked at the dirt. "Probably too dirty to drink directly, but boiling it beforehand works." Her ears twitch at another unheard sound, prompting S'vexrha's eyes to narrow briefly before lightly shaking her head, then peering at Vhal'ra once more. ".. Yes."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Oh.. I... I didn't know. That... Doesn't sound so nice. Though i'll be sure to be careful if i go!" He nods a small handful of times, a serious expression taking his features. "...Well, that's... Good to know. Though i don't really have the means to boil anything, so..." He slowly rolls a shoulder. "...I never fought a person. Hope i never have to, at least... Maybe... Maybe not for a while." For the first time since their meeting, he shows true hesitance. "...Have... You?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Best not, to be honest." S'vexrha grimaced, then lofted a brow. ".. Plenty of sticks around. Shouldn't be too hard to start a fire by normal means if you lack the magical ones." Her lips tug once again. ".. I have."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Well, maybe one sun i'll have to! I'm an adventurer... Mercenary?" He sounded almost unsure. "I help people that need it, more than anything. I..." For once, there's a question he decides against asking, offering a smile that doesn't look as genuine as the rest. "I don't think i can use magic! At least... Probably not?" He pauses. "I never really tried seriously... But starting a fire isn't too hard without it! I just... Uh... Don't have anything to boil anything. But that's okay! I have enough to get me home, it was just... Warm, so i figured i'd stay here until it was..." A flat pause, then. "Less."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I see." S'vexrha shifted on her feet, offering a small nod. ".. It has a tendancy to make itself known if you can, whether you want it to or not." She paused, a slight grimace gracing her features for a mere moment before fading. ".. That's.. fair."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...Can you use magic?" Vhal'ra asked, looking over her again as though that would somehow allow him to learn all the more quickly.
S'vexrha Tchuma raised a hand and held her palm upwards - a flicker of flame springing forth to sway in whatever wind existed before she closed her hand into a fist and allowed it  to die out. "Yes."
Fire! She made fire! That’s so cool! It just appeared out of nowhere!
...I wish i could do that!
Vhal'ra Ansahk almost bounds towards her, wide-eyed. "THAT'S SO COOL!" He calls out just a hair short of a shout, staring at her palm and almost frowning when it vanishes. "---And you can fight? You must be super strong, Vex!"
S'vexrha Tchuma's ears pin back, instinctively fleeing backwards a step - a new spark of fire temporarily shooting across her arms from the sudden movement, flickering into nothingness. A small cough leaves her, before she shrugs slightly. ".. Not.. really."
Vhal'ra Ansahk catches the pin of her ears, mirroring his own. "A-ah, sorry! I... I didn't mean to spook you... I..." It's only now he's considered that the whopping greatsword looming over his shoulder might paint him somewhat of a threat. "I'm not one of those horrible people! I... I just wanted to see!" His words rang with apology, but he gives her space regardless. "---But you got that--- Whatever it is! On your back! And you have magic, too! How -couldn't- you be strong?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I'd know if you were." She uttered her words quietly, one ear rising just a touch. ".. A scythe." She rolls her shoulders, then shakes her head. "I'm just.. not."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...But you got scars!" He'd noted them quietly, gesturing to her shoulders. "Scars mean you're strong! Right?"
...That’s what ‘to always told me! Scars mean you’ve fought for something, and you won!
...I have a scar now, too! It... Kinda hurt, but at least i’m still here to talk about it!
Of course she’s strong, i can see at least a few!
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Scars can also mean you got the shit kicked out of you but survived."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...Which means you're strong enough to! Not..." He suddenly adds two and two together, then. "You... Someone..." It's almost panic, as he struggles to grasp that which he assumes is the truth. "...Why would they...?"
S'vexrha Tchuma lofts her brow. ".. I do not know what you mean."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Is... Is that what happened to you, Vex...?" He's almost afraid to ask. "...Someone was... Horrible to you?" His eyes settle on the scar at her shoulder, frowning.
Why... Would someone do that to her?
She seems so nice...?
I know there’s awful people in the world somewhere. That people do terrible things sometimes...
But... Why to her? For what reason...?
S'vexrha Tchuma paused, considering her next words, or actions.. opting to merely sink her head into a nod.
Vhal'ra Ansahk stares, and slowly hangs his head. For once, he's without words for a time, before a defiant wrinkles pushes it's way onto his forehead. "Well, the whole world isn't like that. I'm not like that." He stares at Vex for a long, long time... Before extending a hand. "---Do you want to be friends?"
S'vexrha Tchuma blinked, clearly surprised by his question. Her ears flatten and she spends a prolonged time merely staring at Vhal'ra. "Friends..?" She paused, shoulders slouching. ".. I-.. would not be a good friend to have.." A small frown graced her features as her gaze lowered.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Why not? Of course you would! Being friends is easy!" The hand is still stuck out towards her. "You just... Decide you're friends, and that's that!"
S'vexrha Tchuma's own hand slowly raises, before she balls her hand into a fist and pushes it back down. "..Some people are better friends than others." She exhaled. ".. You, I can imagine.. are a good one. Me.. Not.. so much.."
Vhal'ra Ansahk slowly lowers his hand, flexing it a little before it relaxes at his side with an awkward quiet that follows. "...I try to be..." Something just doesn't let it drop. "Why wouldn't you be a good friend, Vex?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I do not know how to be one. I do not know what you expect of me, but chances are I am incapable of fulfilling it."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "You..." He pauses, a little slack-jawed. "...You don't know how to be a friend?" A frown. "You've never had a friend before?"
Of course she’d be a good friend! It’s easy to be a good friend, you just hang out, and you’re there for them when you need them, and...
...I don’t... Understand...
...Doesn’t she want to be my friend...?
I... I mean, i guess... Not everyone does.
But if she’s never had one before...?
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. No."
Vhal'ra Ansahk immediately pulls the hand back up to her again. "I'll be your friend. We can hang out, and talk about all kinds of things, and maybe even go on errands together! It... It isn't hard! I don't expect anything, really! It's... It's just... Nice."
S'vexrha Tchuma eyed his hand, ears drooping once more. She draws a deeper breath as if in preparation to speak, yet linger a touch prolongedly at any words she may or may not utter. ".. Harder for me.. than you think.." She frowns, a saddened expression to be sure as her gaze remains on his hand, the tiniest twitch of her fingers suggesting she may wish to grab his hand.. yet clearly prevents herself from doing so.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "But... Why?" Sadness mirrored, then. "I don't... Understand..." Again, it draws away, and he edges back, a fear he'd made her uncomfortable somehow. Silence settles, and he slowly pulls his lips into a frown. "...Is it m'questions? Mum always said i asked way too many questions..."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. No, no. It's nothing to do with you. It's--.." She swallows harshly, letting her ears flatten. Sparks of flame flicker across her arms but swiftly fade away once more, before she raises a hand up to lightly trace her fingertips along the red mark upon her cheek.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Wh...?" He watches as the flames race over her arms, distracted but attention slowly settling on her face. "...Is that... Facepaint?" Another pause. "---You can't be friends with me because of your tribe...?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Not.. tribe." She frowned deeper, sadder. "..Horrible people."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...Horrible people?" His confusion was apparent, as he stared at the red mark further, attempting to glean some sort of further meaning from it. "...You can't be friends with me because of... Horrible people...?"
Oh that’s... Awful.
...The horrible people are... Horrible to her. That’s why she can’t... Why she can’t say things, or be friends, or...
Why would people do something like that to her?
S'vexrha Tchuma nodded weakly.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...I don't... I don't get it... They... But you're free, aren't you? Can't you just leave? ---You don't want to be part of them, right? You're nice! You... You were nice to me!"
S'vexrha Tchuma shook her head. "..I-.. I am-.." She hesitates, drawing a deep inhale. "..I am not f-.." Her voice simply dies mid sentence, features contorting in slight agony as her hands dart up to curl around the back of her neck. She inhales sharply and sways on the spot, her tail swatting against her leg as her chest heaves a little more sharply from her breathing in response to whatever sudden pain was just caused to her. Judging by her previous hesitation, it might've been an outcome she was expecting, or it's all too confusing to piece together.
Vhal'ra Ansahk lunges in close without thinking, hands raised... But to help in what way, he wasn't sure. "What--- What's happening? Vex...?" He half panics, ultimately opting to just hover about her until whatever it was that took her subsided. "...Did..." A trail, as he chews his lip. "---Did they do that? Just then?"
---Did they hurt her? I... I wasn’t sure what was happening, or how to help, but i...
...These people are awful!
I have to be able to help her somehow, right?
S'vexrha Tchuma exhales sharply and slowly adjusts herself to stand more straight, eyes pinning shut for the briefest of moment before she lets her gaze settle atop Vhal'ra. She gave a vague nod, rubbing her hands along her neck. She hooked two fingers into her collar and tugged it downwards while raising her head, letting the crackly scars which surround and extend across her neck land on view. "..--Free." She finally manages, followed by a small shake of her head, as if trying to bypass whatever happened beforehand.
Vhal'ra Ansahk watches as her hand moves, following it with his gaze... Which widens as it meets the collar. "---That's... That's awful... Vex..." His nose wrinkles in some sort of defiance. "---Can't you take it off?" A moment of thoughts dismisses his answer - Of course she couldn't. "---Can't anyone help?"
S'vexrha Tchuma shakes her head.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "---There has to be something! Someone has to be able to help, somehow!"
I... I refuse to believe she can’t be helped! There has to be someone, somewhere, right?
She can’t just be like this forever, it’s not fair!
I’m... I know i’m not strong enough to do anything, but someone... Someone...!
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. No. Numbers... high." She exhaled a deep sigh. ".. Too high."
Vhal'ra Ansahk looks a little hopelessly, then. His voice falls into almost a murmur. "...Is... Is there at least something i can do to make it better...?"
S'vexrha Tchuma frowned weakly and shook her head once more.
Vhal'ra Ansahk slowly taps his foot in thought, lingering on the silence between them. Only as a thought crawls into his mind does he eventually speak. "...Does it... Hurt? To touch you? Because of the fire, or the... Y'know..." He gestures to his neck.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Not.. that I know of..? I'm.. kinda warm to the touch, but.. shouldn't be all too warm, I don't think.."
Vhal'ra Ansahk steps in, and firmly attempts to wrap his arms around Vex; of course, leaving her any room to retreat should she wish to.
S'vexrha Tchuma's body tenses as Vhal'ra's arms wrap around her, eyes fluttering from the surprise of it all. Her ears flatten, a deeper breath becoming drawn.. before she sinks into the hug, and hesitantly allows her own arms to lift up and wrap around his waist in return.
Vhal'ra Ansahk gives a little squeeze, lingering for a little while. "...I... I can't help. But i hope that at least... Made things feel a little less awful. At least for a little..?" He parts with a hopeful little smile, some small attempt at reassurance.
It... It always helped me. When i was feeling rough, or... When i was upset. Even if it didn’t make it go away, it made everything feel that little bit less awful.
...I hope it helps her, too.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I-.. it's.. been a long time.. since last I was--.." Her arms slipped down as he released her, an almost pained yet genuine smile managing to grace her lips. ".. Thank you, Vhal'ra."
S'vexrha Tchuma scoffs at you.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...So long as it helped." He smiles, nodding. "---You're real warm. Vex. Unless it's just... Thanalan..." He stares at the sky, as though it would make the offending heat any less dreadful.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. More than I can describe." She mumbled. ".. Probably both. I am.. aligned to fire."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Oh! You're aligned too?" He asks, head tilting in some curiosity at her words. "...I've met others like you, too!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I know one other, and.. know -of- a third.. But never met them." She gave a shrug. ".. We are not so common, I suppose. But linger here and there."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Every Seeker i've met so far! I've got a friend who's the same with earth! And then there was this one woman back home who was super, super cold!"
S'vexrha Tchuma's ears flickered slightly, her head tilting. ".. The one I know--.. is.. also a Seeker." She paused. ".. Wind."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Oh, huh! That's interesting... I wonder how it all comes about? Before i left the clan, i never knew anyone with anything like that! I've seen magic before, sure! But this is different!"
...Maybe it’s a thing with all Seekers? Every single one i’ve met has some kind of fancy attunement!
It’s pretty cool, honestly!
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Some call it a curse, others a blessing.. I'm not so sure, myself."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...I mean... I think it's pretty cool. But then, i... Don't have to live with it, so..." A slow roll of his shoulders, then. "...Does it cause you problems...?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Sometimes. More often when.. I did not have a lot of control over it. It's.. better now." 
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Well, it's at least good to know that it's less of a hinderance to deal with than it used to be. But it bet it's useful, right? Lighting fires, boiling water... I bet you never get cold, huh?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. It is. And.. No. I do not." She raises a hand, and gestures towards the sun. ".. I'm also not particularly offended by the sun."
Vhal'ra Ansahk passes a short pout over his shoulder towards the sun, which dipped ever lower towards the horizon. "...That sounds nice." He half sulks, brightening almost a moment later. "I bet there's so much you can do! You could even make charcoal and draw, or even cook!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: "... I can write. Poorly."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Iiiit's... Not my best talent!" Vhal'ra laughs, a little embarassed. "I can read and write enough to get by!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I.. can't."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Well, it's... Not the hardest to learn, but it's a lot. But writing poorly's better than not writing at all! I'd write letters home, but... It would take me so long to figure out what to write, by the time i'd written it it might have just been easier to pay a visit..."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "I am.. trying to learn.." She mumbled, prodding at the soil with her foot. ".. It's hard."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...It was for me, too, when i learned. My aunt taught me, but then i got busy doing all kinds of other things and helping out, and by the time it became useful again, i'd forgotten most of it. It'll get easier with time, though!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: "I don't really.. get a lot of time to practice." She grimaced. ".. Secret from.." She raised a hand to gesture at her mark mid-sentence. ".. They'd be.. angry."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Angry... Why?" He again adds the reasoning together. "...They made it so it's hard for you to talk... I guess writing would pretty much make that pointless, in their eyes..."
S'vexrha Tchuma nods to you.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Communication." She pauses, as if trying to fool  whatever forces make her unable to speak freely. "..Cut it."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "...Yeah." Vhal'ra nods, finding some understanding in what she meant. "...Makes it more important to learn, though. And at least you'd be able to make something to write with pretty much whenever you wanted, yeah?" Another small flick of his ears, then. "---Maybe we could write eachother letters!"
That’d be fun! We could hide them somewhere in Thanalan so she wouldn’t get in trouble, and at least we’d be able to keep in contact!
S'vexrha Tchuma smiles weakly at you.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Yeah." Her ears flickered, a weak smile lingering on her lips. ".. Maybe. I.. am not sure."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "We don't have to send 'em anywhere, just hide them under a rock or something! Though i can't write well.. It might take a while!" He laughs. "...But even then, i plan to work in Thanalan more often... Hopefully on suns where it's a little cooler. So hopefully, we'll run into eachother again!"
S'vexrha Tchuma smiles weakly at you.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. One can hope."
You motion joyfully to S'vexrha Tchuma.
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "---Yeah! Though..." He contemplates. "...Are you... Always by yourself, out here...?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. No."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "And i'm guessin' these horrible people aren't as nice as you..." A small frown, then. "---Then, if i see you with people, i'll keep away, but... That doesn't mean i won't give a wave or something when they're not looking!" He beams.
...I don’t want to get her into trouble, or anything if they see her talking to me...
Though i’d want to go talk, it’s probably for the best if there’s others...
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Be careful."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "I will! Don't you worry!" He promises, though he's not exactly inconspicuous. "...I should be getting back, though. It's getting late, and i've been out all sun, and it's still a fair walk home..."
S'vexrha Tchuma glances towards the sky, frowning at the setting sun.. which has only now offended her with how low it had gotten. ".. I should.. return. Before they recall me.." She sighs, unhappily, yet forces a weak smile Vhal'ra's way. ".. It was nice to meet you.. And.. thank you for the hug."
Vhal'ra Ansahk: "Anytime!" The chime of his words was muted by her mention of recalling, taking a few steps back. "...Be... As safe as you can, yeah?" He tried to hide his worry, but his ears betrayed him. "I'll be around soon enough!"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I will try. And I hope you will do the same. Be wary of these." She gestured towards her mark.
Vhal'ra Ansahk nods; a short, uncertain thing... As he commits the mark to memory. With his parting words said on a happier note, he opts not to tarnish it, simply giving her a wave before running towards Highbridge in the setting sun.
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