#Muse: Battletoads
muses-inn · 4 months
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[🚀] Crash landing was certainly not part of Zitz' top ten of the day. Needless to say, he's in a surly mood as they stand in front of the wreckage that was once their leased spaceship. How is he going to explain that? They'll never get out of their depths that way. "Yeaaah well, that ship is trash", Rash states in the same unremarkable tone as if he just announced rain for the rest of the day, which earns him a sharply hissed "Thanks for pointing out the unmistakable, Captain Obvious" from their enraged leader. The sunglasses one merely shrugs to that. "Hey, I didn't think that guy would actually shoot us down, okay? I was just kiddin', man!" "What else did you think that guy would do after you told him that we're going to arrest him for space-littering? Our LEASED ship was not made for 'getting shot down by a mercenary-fighter-class ship', MAN!"
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"Hey, I told you, let's lease the ship with guns, but you said 'Noooo'--"
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"Uhm, guys? We're having company." To Pimple's rather distressed comment, the other toads now turn around to see that they're indeed being watched. Eavesdropped, even? Zitz quickly flashes a very awkward grin. Add stress now to his anger and annoyance, it doesn't mix well.
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"Oh, heh-- hiiiii. We, uh, we didn't just crash land on something that was yours, right? Look, we're kinda sorta flat-broke at the moment, but we can pay you for any damage in maybe ten years?"
@outofthiisworld (for Doc) / SC
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segmentedsuperstud · 3 months
[🚀 Zitz] "We're not here to try and take your suit. We're just looking for new batteries to power our ship and then we're on our way again." [⭐ Rash] "Dude, that suit is RAD, though. Where did you get it?"
Jim didn't know much, but he did know quite a bit about his super suit. The biomechanical marvel was powered by a very special battery: A mysterious, one-of-a-kind particle of energy, both indestructible and irreplaceable. And Princess What's-Her-Name herself had told Jim very plainly to never let that suit or that battery fall into the wrong hands.
Sure, these guys said they were only looking to power their ship, but how could Jim be sure? How did they know he had a battery? Where could Jim get cool sunglasses like that? ...could he even wear sunglasses?
Besides... didn't frogs eat worms?
Too many questions. Jim's head was starting to hurt.
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"Doesn't matter where I got it, its mine!" Jim spat back defensively, "If you're lookin' for batteries, you're barkin' up the wrong tree!"
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polliwogpugilists · 9 days
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Do you like tubular 90's superheroes? Do you dig shameless self-referential humor? Do you just really like eating flies? No? Well, come check out these buff, bodacious bros anyway and leave a complaint in the complaint box so we can burn it!
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outofthiisworld · 1 month
“And what about me?” (the Battletoads for Doc?)
✦˖° Send “And what about me?” and my muse will give yours one compliment!
[🧪] “Well, it can’t be said you three don’t know how to liven up a space, that's for sure. There was a bit of a mumble under his breath, something along the lines of for better or for worse. 
Yet, he cleared his throat and the usual disgruntled scowl on his face softened into a smile. There was a lot to be said about these three toads, but the most important that stood out to Doc was:
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“Despite all your wily ways and magnificent magnetism for outrageous antics … you three always pull together and do the right thing for the right reason. Thank you by the way, for cleaning up my garden.”
Sure, sure: it was after they all crash-landed their (unpaid) ship and destroyed his garden in the first place, but— details schmetails!
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gardengremlin · 2 years
Clown Hours; Half-way through creating a multimuse for various fandoms again next to technodromes, I realized 'nah I can't be assed anymore lmao' and deleted the whole thing instead. I'm good with what I set up on technodromes. But maybe I will create a little abode similar to the Battletoads sideblog for Trigun IF my interest for the series really manages to stick around. I'm just definitely done with IDW sonic and as much as I love Rise!, I don't think I touch these muses anymore either.
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chronolium · 2 years
He's just not really taking off, but I think I'm good with the muses I already have anyway. Dropping Rash from Battletoads, he was housed in TS - 07.
Rash will be dropped for you!
— Silk.
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mrauthor3ds · 7 years
Smash Musings - Shovel Knight, take two
Decided to just redo the Shovel Knight moveset. I felt that it should actually have more focus on what’s special about the Blue Burrower: the Shovel Blade. So, I redid a few things, notably the special moves.
-= Overview =- This follower of the Code of Shovelry is as unorthodox as he appears. His weight is above average (odd for someone a little shorter than Mario), yet he can leap as high as Mario. Of course, he still falls fairly fast, so recovery may be tricky. Making use of his unusual specials is key, especially his signature Shovel Drop.
-= Specialty: Shovel Drop Charge His standard special, Shovel Drop, lets him bounce off foes multiple times. If he does 2 or more in a row (even against a shielding foe), he'll build up charge which can be used to make your next smash attack instantly charged. The more charge you have, the longer it will last, so it's a good idea to get a lot of bounces in so you have plenty of time to get your mighty smash attack out there.
-= Neutral Attack: Slash, slash, then rapidly jabs Shovel Blade forth for the flurry attack (Toad Gear attack combo). -= Side Attack: Swings Shovel Blade forward and up. (normal attack) -= Up Attack: Swings Shovel Blade overhead from the back forward. -= Down Attack: Digs at the ground. Usually pops foes upward, but if their damage is at 50% or more, this will bury them instead. -= Dash Attack: Punches with Dust Knuckles. Possesses super armor. -= Side Smash: Slashes forward with the Shovel Blade. Also a reflector. (charged attack) -= Up Smash: Jabs Shovel Blade straight upward. Strongest against aerial foes. -= Down Smash: Spins Shovel Blade around self twice quickly.
-= Grab: Snags foe with the Fishing Rod. Also a tether recovery. -= Pummel: Beats foe with Shovel Blade's handle. -= Front Throw: Scoops foe away with Shovel Blade. -= Back Throw: Catapults foe behind with the Shovel Blade. -= Up Throw: Catapults foe upward with the Shovel Blade. -= Down Throw: Digs around foe, burying him/her.
-= Air Neutral: Stabs Shovel Blade around in a forward-spin somersault. Meteor smash at the beginning hit. -= Air Front: Lunges forth with Propeller Dagger. Moves forward a good distance on the first use (along with a great reduction of vertical momentum), then just slightly on successive uses until landing. -= Air Back: Swings Shovel Blade behind. (normal midair attack) -= Air Up: Upward backflip slash. -= Air Down: Drill-stab downward. Not a meteor smash, but hits multiple times.
-= Standard Special: Shovel Drop: Dives straight down with the Shovel Blade (hops upward if used on the ground). Will bounce slightly off any foe hit, allowing for multiple consecutive bounces. Doing two or more will save up temporary charge for an instantly full-charged smash attack. Hold the button on impact for a high bounce, which will spike whoever's hit and end the attack session. -= Side Special: Drop Spark: Casts a fast-moving spark along the ground. Hugs along surfaces. In the air, it's just a fairly-strong jab forward, but it serves as a reflector. -= Up Special: Shield Bounce: Shield Knight will appear from under Shovel Knight, bouncing him upward a little and keeping her shield held up in midair. Use the Shovel Drop on her shield to go even higher. -= Down Special: Dig Up: Scoops at the ground to fling something - several small gems (multiple projectiles)), a large gem (single strong projectile), a Mole Minion (fast-moving enemy on the ground), or a bomb (doesn't go far and explodes after a little bit). The order is set at the start of the match, with 3 instances of small gems, 3 instances of the big gem, and 1 each of the Mole Minion and bomb. In the air, this just does a quick scoop attack, popping foes to in front of Shovel Knight. -= Final Smash: Treasure Trove: Catches foes around himself in a circle with the War Horn. Cue cinematic team attack with Plague Knight (bombs), Specter Knight (dash slash), King Knight (bash), and Shield Knight (strike between Shovel Blade and shield).
-= Palettes =- Normal Red (Final Guard) Purple (Conjurer's Coat) Gray (Dynamo Mail) Green (Plague Knight) Dark-Red (Specter Knight) Yellow (King Knight) Black (Black Knight)
-= Entrance =- Leaps in, holding his Shovel Blade up high. (level entrance animation)
-= Idle Animations =- - Shoulders Shovel Blade for a moment. - Almost nods off.
-= Taunts =- Up: Swings Shovel Blade and holds it up in triumph. Side: Strikes a toad-ally awesome pose. (Battletoads pose event) Down: Taps Shovel Blade on the ground.
-= Victory Poses =- - Leaps in and raises Shovel Blade up repeatedly in triumph. (victory animation) - Raises a goblet alongside Shield Knight. - Empties out a treasure chest, drawing out a big gem.
-= Other =- - Shovel Knight's stance is mirrored when turning. This makes his Shovel Blade appear in his other hand (similar to how Sonic's mouth swaps places when turning). - Midair jump resembles the cartwheel jump used with the Ornate Plate.
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muses-inn · 4 months
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[More toadally rad Battletoads facts and stuff.]
Their Size
The Battletoads are TALL. Zitz: 6' 8" (203.2 cm) Rash: 6' 3'' (190.5 cm) Pimple: 7'4" (223.51 cm) They maintain their size in their TMNT Rise! AU. Also, a headcanon/observation by yours truly, Pimple grows even bigger when he gets really mad. He goes from 223cm to around 235cm during a fit and returns to normal size afterward.
Their Age
At the beginning of their adventures, Zitz was 20, Rash 17 and Pimple 19. They were trapped in a simulator for 26 years, which makes them canonically 46, 43 and 45. But, personally I think there are some time-gaps in between their earlier adventures of around 2 years in total, so I headcanon them to be: 48 (Zitz) 45 (Rash) 47 (Pimple). If they're personally asked about their age, tho? Zitz will give a very accurate answer after doing the maths real quick. And then lament about the 26 years they spent in a simulator without noticing. Pimple will just shrug because he didn't keep track of his age and doesn't really care either. And Rash will flat-out lie about his age every damn time. Sometimes he's 18, sometimes he's 20, and the next time he claims to be still 17.
Their Origins
Zitz' actual name is Morgan Ziegler, Rash' name is Dave Shar and Pimple's real name is George Pie. They were best friends and game testers before they got sucked into the gamescape and are in an alternate reality ever since .They have no recollection of their origins. They also never really talk about it. Are they brothers? Best friends? It doesn't matter. They are the Battletoads and they always stick together. Your muse is free to give them alternate nicknames. The Toads will likely roll with it if they like it. In the 2020 game, Pimple wears a robe that says 'Ron' on the name tag while he works at the Spa, and he clearly just went with that. But, we can also explore their origins in a thread.
Their Dynamic
Zitz is their fearless but also slightly insecure leader. He vibes with Pimple and also gets along well with Rash. He's the middle-man, keeping them together and knows how to deal with the other two. He's the one you want to call when Pimple flies into a fit of rage or to talk some sense into Rash. Rash is the quirky youngest of the trio. He is always up for fun and action and generally a cool guy to have around. But he can be all over the place with his whirlwind of moods and quickly shifting attention span, making it very likely that he has ADHD. He can go ballistic on someone real quick, but 3 seconds later it's all Kumbaya again. Pimple is the reformed bully and heavy hitter of the Toads. He's grown tired of senseless violence and tries to solve a problem peacefully. He only fights passionately now if it is for a good reason. As a result, he bottles all his anger and frustration up now until he explodes. He will literally blackout during a rampage, having him shocked over his own deeds once he snaps out again. Among each other, Pimple and Rash can be the source of frustration to each other due to their different personality. But they still love and care for each other deeply. If one is in trouble, the other will jump in to help them right away. They always vary between calling each other 'brothers' and 'best friends'.
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muses-inn · 4 months
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[😎] "YEEAAHHH! Let's go on a new journey!!"
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[🚀] "Rash, it's 3am, go back to SLEEP!"
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[🪨] "Did a spaceship just crash into our hotel room?"
UPDATE: Pimple's Page now holds all three Battletoads and got changed from /pimple to /battletoads.
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muses-inn · 15 days
continued from here @segmentedsuperstud
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Rash rises his hands, but while he assumes a defensive posture, he doesn't really seem all too concerned.
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[⭐]  "Hey bro, chill your upper end. We're cool! I mean, we're literally and figuratively cool already as we are. We don't need any suits to be more badass. I just tried to make you a compliment, man."
Pimple frowns at Rash and then at the other fellow.
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[🪨]  "Wow, I'm actually pretty sure that this might have been the deepest thing Rash said in a while."
The third toad sighs before continuing with a rather cryptic remark.
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[🚀] "Yeah well, that all is pretty much pointless anyway if we don't get off this planet and find out who's doing... well, you know what."
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muses-inn · 3 months
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Choso would be so confused about the Battletoads tho. Him: Are you brothers? Them: Yeah no. Maybe? We never talk about it. Him: ???? Why would you not talk about it???
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muses-inn · 4 months
POV: You just don't piss off Pimple. It's wrong on so many levels.
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muses-inn · 4 months
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[⭐]  After another successfully performed concert, the Battletoads disappear behind the curtains of the stage to refresh themselves before spending a little time with their fans afterward. Their After-Parties are the biggest fun as far as it concerns Rash. You know, just talking to the fans, giving autographs, enjoying good drinks... that's life. Does he miss the days back in the arena and on the streets, where they would brawl against thugs and competitors day in and day out, though? Eh, sometimes. Letting off some steam by beating bad guys and being celebrated as heroes never gets old. But the Battletoads themselves, they don't really get any younger as the years pass, and Zitz, who's the oldest, would complain that he feels like he's grown out of this whole 'fighting business'.
While sipping some undefinable booze from a rainbow-tinted bottle, he's spotting a very massive character in the crowd. He looks familiar, actually. But where has he seen that Shell-wielding fellow before? The Toad places the half-full bottle back on the table and makes his way to the huge Turtle.
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"Hey big guy! Do I know you from somewhere? I'm pretty darn sure I've seen that big ol' snaggletoothed face of yours before!"
@nightwatchr (Rise! Raph)
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muses-inn · 4 months
I love the Battletoads OST's and there's loads of awesome remixes too. Like this one <333
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muses-inn · 4 months
The Battletoads, 2020 Just gonna gently placing this here for those not knowing them and wanting to take a peek ^^/
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muses-inn · 4 months
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