#Mushroom export data
exportimportdata-blog · 3 months
India, with favorable climate and advanced mushroom cultivation techniques, exports thousands of metric tons of mushrooms annually. Key exporters include Techno Agri Bio and Weikfield Foods. Despite challenges, India's future looks promising. Check out our blog for more details.
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henrywilson123 · 5 months
Recent global mushroom trade growth is fueled by changing consumer preferences, health awareness, and food industry expansion. India is a notable player in this trend, with its mushrooms gaining unexpected global acclaim, yielding lucrative returns for traders. Explore more on this intriguing development and delve into the complexities of mushroom exports from India.
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eximpedia1 · 7 months
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
4 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙
; this is my submission for fluffvember by @maehemthemisfit!
; Tighnari x Reader, fluff, romantic
; When Tighnari was gifted a Kamera by the Traveler, after taking a photo of you by accident, decided how he'd put it to good use.
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"Hey, you haven't touched your food!"
"I will in a second."
Already at your wit's end to keep your hunger at bay, you finally bit into the delicious pita pocket Collei had packed for your patrol today.
While Tighnari continued to tinker away at the device in his hand as the cuisine next to him sat neglected. It was a gift from the Traveler from their recent trip to Fontaine, an enhanced(?) version of the Kamera that has the ability to both print the captured photo immediately as well as store the image in data form.
Naturally, scholar that he is, the forest watcher had been poking and pinching the device to fully understand it.
He even brought it with you during your patrol together, it capturing his attention even as you sat on one of the picnic tables scattered around the forest to eat your lunch.
... heh, capturing, captured, Kamera. Oh no, Cyno's infected you -
CLICK. And a flash after almost made you drop your food on the table.
"What the heck?" Desperately rubbing the white spots in your vision, you briefly saw a surprised expression pass by Tighnari's face as his attention still stayed on the device.
"My bad, I guess that's what that button does." He seemed content, you can tell just by looking at his tail that wagged enthusiastically behind him so openly. You were about to groan a complaint at him when the sound of gears and grinding caught you both off-guard.
Leaning close, you both watched as the Kamera began sliding out a piece of white paper. And there in all its glory is your face:
Pita pocket held near your chewing mouth as your cheeks were stuffed, your gaze off to the left signifying your preoccupied thoughts beforehand as a breeze gently swept your strands. Despite the impromptu shoot, somehow it turned out really well.
"Ohhh, that's some high quality print." But before you could take the photograph, his deft hands picked and pocketed the thing. Tighnari was already pulling away from the table as he cleaned up the place.
"The film for this is expensive and exported, every print is precious." He watched as you huffed to yourself, gathering your items into your bag as he reminded you that break time is over. Perfectly oblivious to the cheeky smile he dons as he decides how he would use his new toy.
The patrol continued as usual with the occasional small talk, but it relatively stayed in peaceful silence without much to say. His mind was elsewhere, you can tell by how his brows furrowed and his attention fleeting here and there.
His fingers twitched again when you spoke up. "Sooo, why did you bring the Kamera with you?"
"I was thinking of updating the field guide, perhaps a less comprehensive version, a digest with accompanying images."
Tighnari bit back a smile at the sight of you perking up at the idea, watching you copy his movement earlier to inspect the forest floor for any interesting floras to add into the digest. Flowers, flowers is a good start, can't go wrong with them.
You were always so eager to help, your companion shook his head endearingly as you started mumbling local flowers under your breath, completely enamored by the new task.
Patrol soon became a foraging trip as you lead the way with Tighnari following behind, Kamera already in his hand but not yet taking a photo of anything. Instead, he would point at a flower that looked to be the healthiest in the bunch which you would carefully pluck to join the bundle growing in your arms.
Lotuses, Viparyas, Sumeru Rose, Mint, Padisarahs, huh there's not really a lot of flower variations in the Avidya Forest actually.
"I think I got all of the flowers? Well, I added the mint despite not being a flower." Tighnari looked up from the mushroom he was inspecting to see you grinning at him, flowers overflowing in your arms. "You think we should add mushrooms into this -"
"Can you hold that pose for a second?" His eagerness seeped through his request as he raised the device. Even his ears twitched with excitement.
Nodding, you made sure that all the flowers (and mint) could be viewed in the shot. CLICK!
"Nice, did the flowers look good? I thought it would have been better to lay it out instead." You don't see the printed photograph this time as you focused on bunching up the flowers for an easier hold.
"Yeah, the flowers..." Yet when you looked at him, his attention was on the photo again with a soft and satisfied smile.
The patrol was thankfully uneventful after that. Something as engaging as a spinocrocodile or rishboland tiger encounter wouldn't really be good for a fragile Kamera in hand. You wouldn't be much help to Tighnari if you want to maintain the quality of the flowers you gathered either.
Some of the forest rangers already went back to Ghandarva Ville after their respective patrols well into the early evening, making the place livelier than it was that morning.
Stepping up to the platform, you were pleasantly surprised to see a familiar figure sitting under a lantern outside.
"Ah, Master Tighnari, (Y/N)! Welcome back from your patrol!"
"Why are you out here?" Placing your haul on the table, you took a seat next to Collei while the Forest Watcher sat across. "Studying?"
"Yeah, I can't quite grasp some of the concepts still so I thought a change of scenery would help." Leaning over as Collei tapped her pencil on her notes, Tighnari leaned his cheek to his palm, watching the two of you talk animatedly about the topic at hand.
"Oh, I remember this! Tighnari LOVES to make this topic difficult in his tests," the man in question scoffs and rolls his eyes. "But if you look at it this way -"
Eager to get some help, Collei passed the pencil to your awaiting hand as you started writing a new section in her notes. The way the trainee forest ranger presses against your side to get a closer look, how you make eye contact when emphasizing an important note to which Collei earnestly nods to, when you smile when you sense her progress -
CLICK. The both of you looked up from the study session with wide eyes, just in time to see Tighnari lower the Kamera with a smile.
Shaking your head, you kicked his foot under the table gently. "Precious print, my ass."
"A section highlighting the forest ranger's mentoring capabilities could be good." Was his immediate response, which you scoffed at with an easygoing smile.
"Don't worry about it, Collei." Your attention shifts to the younger female to ease her confusion on the matter. "He's just being a goof. Where were we? Right, so..."
The next day started beautifully for the Chief Officer, happier than when he finished his research, happier than when he ate his favorite mushroom.
How could he not be extra enthusiastic of the day when it started with him looking at the pictures he had taken, now tucked neatly on his table for later perusal. It looked better seeing it under the natural lighting of the morning, almost as if the image sparkles.
And when he saw you waving at him first thing in the morning, the day just got significantly better.
"Good morning, Master Tighnari." His eyes followed the hand that cards through your nicely dried hair. "Oh, you're taking more pictures today?"
"Yes." Eyes flickering between your form and the Kamera in his hand, a bright idea popped in his head. "Actually, can you stand there for a second?"
Confused but compliant, you watched as Tighnari placed the Kamera on a tree stump nearby, adjusting the angle and distance as he looked at you through the lens.
And when he was seemingly satisfied, he left the device there to join you where he left you.
Before you could ask, his lean arm snakes around your waist securely. "I found out that there was a timer option." That wasn't the question in your mind anymore tho!!
It wasn't until he started leaning forward did you finally realize his intention, hand grasping at his sleeves as the feeling of his warm breathe tickles your waiting lips. Your eyes closed with the distance, the gentleness reminiscent of a good morning kiss.
Just as soft as the flower petals you plucked yesterday, as filling as an afternoon meal, as sweet as the happiness of being with him —
CLICK! Your eyes flew open at the sudden flash.
Oh, that sneaky fox! But before you could comment on it, Tighnari leaned over to chase another kiss, his triumphant smirk melding with your lips.
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Unveiling Opportunities in the Middle East Biochemicals Market: Trends, Challenges, and Growth Prospects
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Middle East Bio-chemicals Industry:  Examining the Evolution and Potential of the Biochemical Sector
Emerging Technologies Drive Growth The middle east bio-chemicals industry has seen remarkable growth over the past decade, driven by emerging technologies and innovations across various sectors. The region is leveraging its strategic location between East and West as well as skilled human capital to position itself as a leader in this dynamic field. Research and Development Surge Considerable investments into research and development across universities, private firms and government labs have fueled discoveries and applications across healthcare, agriculture, energy and more. Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology alone has invested over $1 billion annually since 2017 in synthetic biology, biomanufacturing and genomics. The UAE launched the Mohammed Bin Rashid Initiative for Global Promotion of Arabic Science in 2020, committing $600 million over 5 years. Gulf nations like Qatar and Oman have also boosted R&D spending as a percentage of GDP to over 1%, according to World Bank data, a key indicator for innovation capacity. This surge in funding has paid dividends with breakthroughs emerging in life-saving drugs, sustainable fuel alternatives, drought-resistant crops and more. Regional research collaborations are also on the rise, leveraging complementary strengths. Healthcare Advances Lead Transformation The bio-chemical sector has enabled groundbreaking progress in healthcare across the Middle East, improving quality of life and transforming previously underdeveloped industries. Major vaccine production facilities in Egypt, Jordan and Morocco now supply regional and international demand. Saudi Arabia's National Industrial Clusters Development Program established the first monoclonal antibody manufacturing facility in the kingdom in 2021. Advances in regenerative medicine are gaining momentum as well, with Dubai launching its 3D-printed cornea transplant program in 2017. Precision medicine initiatives using AI, machine learning and genomic data are underway in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to develop customized treatment protocols. Regional powerhouses like Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries led the way with WHO prequalification of Hepatitis drugs, insulin analogs and more. Agricultural Innovations Tackle Desert Challenges Addressing the region's water scarcity and degraded soils through bio-chemical innovations is a critical priority. Breeding programs have developed drought-resistant crop varieties like sorghum and date palms in countries such as Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan. The UAE exported its first shipment of aquaponically farmed mushrooms and leafy greens in 2020, significantly reducing water usage. Meanwhile, Saudi National Center for Biotechnology research helped develop innovative soil bioremediation techniques to counter heavy metal soil toxicity. The use of genetically engineered microbes, beneficial plant-microbe interactions and other synthetic biology applications also show promise to strengthen agricultural productivity and sustainability. Regional collaboration on Desert Research initiatives is increasing to optimize solutions. Energy and Environment: Focus on Sustainability Developing sustainable and renewable energy alternatives as well as environmental protection measures are major motivators for the bio-chemical sector. Joub Jarrah Refinery in Bahrain became the world's first to deploy biobutanol technology at commercial scale in 2020. Jordan is investing $200 million to advance algal biodiesel production through its National Biofuel Center. Meanwhile, Dubaiculture in the UAE established the region's largest integrated microalgae facility in 2018. Environmental initiatives include banning single-use plastics across GCC nations. Egypt's National Research Center made international headlines with its discovery of an enzyme that breaks down plastic in record time. Projects tackling plastic pollution, wastewater treatment, desalination and more demonstrate the sector's environment-first approach.
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aimarketresearch · 6 months
Bio Based Leather Market Size, Share, Trends, Key Drivers, Growth, Challenges and Opportunity Forecast
Global Bio Based Leather Market research report gives detailed market insights with which visualizing market place clearly become easy. The market report endows with an utter background analysis of the  industry along with an assessment of the parental market. This market research report puts forth the comprehensive analysis of the market structure and the estimations of the various segments and sub-segments of the  industry. The process of formulating Bio Based Leather Market report is initiated with the expert advice and the utilization of several steps. To perform several estimations and calculations, the definite base year and the historic year are considered as a support in the report.
Detailing about the actions of key players with respect to product launches, joint ventures, developments, mergers and acquisitions and effects of the same in terms of sales, import, export, revenue and CAGR values is also conducted in the Bio Based Leather Market business report. The report contains key information about the industry, market segmentation, important facts and figures, expert opinions, and the latest advancements happening across the globe. This market report surely assists in the journey to accomplish the business growth and success. Employment of well-known statistical tools and coherent models for analysis and forecasting of market data makes Bio Based Leather Marketing report outperforming.
Global Bio Based Leather Market was valued at USD 16530.00 million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 35952.21 million by 2029, registering a CAGR of 10.20% during the forecast period of 2022-2029. In addition to the market insights such as market value, growth rate, market segments, geographical coverage, market players, and market scenario, the market report curated by the Data Bridge Market Research team also includes in-depth expert analysis, import/export analysis, pricing analysis, production consumption analysis, and climate chain scenario.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Major Points Covered in TOC:
Bio Based Leather Market Overview: It incorporates six sections, research scope, significant makers covered, market fragments by type, Bio Based Leather Market portions by application, study goals, and years considered.
Bio Based Leather Market Landscape: Here, the opposition in the Worldwide Bio Based Leather Market is dissected, by value, income, deals, and piece of the pie by organization, market rate, cutthroat circumstances Landscape, and most recent patterns, consolidation, development, obtaining, and portions of the overall industry of top organizations.
Bio Based Leather Profiles of Manufacturers: Here, driving players of the worldwide Bio Based Leather Market are considered dependent on deals region, key items, net edge, income, cost, and creation.
Bio Based Leather Market Status and Outlook by Region: In this segment, the report examines about net edge, deals, income, creation, portion of the overall industry, CAGR, and market size by locale. Here, the worldwide Bio Based Leather Market is profoundly examined based on areas and nations like North America, Europe, China, India, Japan, and the MEA.
Bio Based Leather Application or End User: This segment of the exploration study shows how extraordinary end-client/application sections add to the worldwide Bio Based Leather Market.
Bio Based Leather Market Forecast: Production Side: In this piece of the report, the creators have zeroed in on creation and creation esteem conjecture, key makers gauge, and creation and creation esteem estimate by type.
Keyword: Research Findings and Conclusion: This is one of the last segments of the report where the discoveries of the investigators and the finish of the exploration study are given.
Some of the major players operating in the bio based leather market are
Toray Industries Inc. (Japan)
 Bolt Threads Inc. (U.S.)
 Ananas Anam (U.K.)
 Modern Meadows (U.S.)
 Nat-2 (Germany)
Natural Fiber Welding Inc. (U.S.)
 Ultrafabrics (U.S.)
 ECCO Leather (Netherlands)
 Fruitleather Rotterdam (Netherlands)
 Tjeerd Veenhoven studio (Netherlands)
 ARD (Canada)
Flokser A.S. (Turkey)
 DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products (U.S.)
 Parexel International Corporation (U.S.)
 Natural Fiber Welding, Inc. (U.S.)
 Atlas Hessen Biotech (Germany)
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exportimportdata13 · 11 months
Global Mushroom Trade 2023: Detailed Market Analysis and Growth Opportunities
This blog will discuss the detailed analysis of how Mushroom exports from India, including Mushroom export import data and highlighting the key trends and challenges for the Mushroom export and import market. Read more: https://www.exportimportdata.in/blogs/global-mushroom-trade.aspx
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sagarg889 · 1 year
Image Based Barcode Reader Market Outlook, New Business Opportunity & Demand Analysis by 2030
According to a recent report published by Future Market Insights, the image-based barcode reader market is expected to grow rapidly between 2020 and 2030.
Rapid Industry 4.0 adoption has resulted in the deployment of advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and cloud-based computing across the manufacturing sector. Businesses have been able to streamline asset tracking and monitoring as a result, leading to an increase in the use of barcode readers.
Because of concerns about the spread of a new coronavirus, end-users are using barcode readers to ensure contactless transactions between individuals. This technology is used by retailers to analyse user data and expand their customer base through virtual platforms. Airports, for example, use QR codes to filter visitors and track contact information.
According to these trends, the use of image-based barcode scanners is only expected to grow in the forecast period.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report with Table of Contents and Figures @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-11940
“Mushrooming online business activities will lay a red carpet for the image based barcode reader manufacturers to walk smoothly towards better revenue prospects,” concludes an FMI analyst.
Key Takeaways from FMI’s Image Based Barcode Reader Report
Retail and commercial sector shall capture 33% of the overall revenue share
Global image based barcode reader market shall surge at a CAGR of 7% between 2020 and 2030
North America is the market hegemon, capturing nearly 28% of the revenue share
Smartphone based scanners are acquiring immense popularity due its high degree of convenience
Image based barcode readers sales will surge by 2020-end, attributed to heightened ICT spending, valued at US$ 689 Bn
Image Based Barcode Reader Market- Key Trends
Barcode readers mounted automated robots are becoming mainstream across the retail and commercial sectors
Smartphones with sophisticated barcode readers such as Android 9 and Apple 13 are immensely catapulting revenue prospects
2D-based image barcode scanners are acquiring high traction owing to their ease of operability
Intensive marketing campaigns by leading players is helping them carve a foothold within the landscape
Holding capacities are expected to witness an uptick of nearly 2000 data characters, ranging from supply chain management figures to inventory stocks
Image Based Barcode Reader Market- Region-wise Analysis
East Asia exhibits tremendous growth potential in the coming years, with China & Japan experiencing the maximum expansions
Countries such as the United States have already attained maturity, being used for a hassle-free shopping experience
South Asia shall expand 2.4x during the 2020-2030 forecast period
Image Based Barcode Reader Market- Competitive Landscape
The image based barcode reader vendors are capitalizing on the trend of surging QR-code popularity to acquire a competitive edge over others. Prominent companies such as L’Oréal, Nissan, Tesco, PayPal and Starbucks are all leverage QR-codes to enhance customer experiences.
Kaspersky, for instance, has launched its QR code reader and scanner which is compatible with Apple and Android phones. Its scanner prohibits any access to unsecure links, thus making at an extremely safe application. Similarly, Google Playstore and Apple Store provide the Bar-Code reader which allows copy pasting on the web and export on Google drive.
Know More about Image Based Barcode Reader Market
A new market research report published by Future Market Insights (FMI) on the global image based barcode reader market report provides extensive insights into the market demand trends and analysis of opportunities over the forecast period. The report analyzes the image based barcode reader market through seven different segments – imaging type, product type, end use, technology, connectivity, sales channel, and region. The image based barcode reader market report also offers in-depth assessment of pricing by different key market dynamics, life cycle analysis, and technologies that are being deployed in the manufacturing of image based barcode readers and product adoption across several end-use industries.
For more information on this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/image-based-barcode-reader-market
Image Based Barcode Reader Market Taxonomy
Imaging Type
1D Image/Code Scanning
2D Image/Code Scanning
Product Type
Portable/Handheld Scanners
Rugged Scanners
PDS Scanners
Smart Phones
Automatic Readers
Cordless Scanners
Fixed-Position Scanners
Stationery Scanners
Presentation Scanners
Retail and Commercial
General Manufacturing
Logistics & Warehouse
Commercial Aviation
S Mounted Lens
C Mounted Lens
Autofocus/Liquid Based Lens
PoE (Power over Ethernet)
Sales Channel
North America
Latin America
South Asia & Pacific
East Asia
Middle East & Africa
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exportimportdata · 4 years
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Export Import Data Solutions provides you 100% authentic and updated Mushroom Export Data with shipment details. It is a renowned market research and export-import data provider company in India. Do fill the easy sign-up detail form to get free samples of export data of Mushroom.
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greenexport · 3 years
Fresh Fruits Export from Pakistan
Green export production is easily acquired and exported around the world, thanks to export facilities and staff in all major continents. To give the best approach to Fresh Fruits Export from Pakistan, our organization combines years of experience with some new ideas. We take pride in operating professionally while still providing personalized service. Understanding customer requirements, we feel, is critical to the successful implementation of export projects. We try to meet and surpass our customers' expectations by providing the highest quality products and services.
As agriculture is Pakistan's largest industry, it can also help to improve the country's trade balance. It's a big industry that has to be broken down into different sectors, with a few less-explored regions in particular. As a result, we’ve chosen Fresh Fruits Export from Pakistan. There is a sizable horticulture export industry in Pakistan, despite its agricultural economy, which is only a minor player. In 1998, the worldwide horticulture market was valued at $77 billion. Fruit and vegetable sectors accounted for $60 billion of the $77 billion global horticulture import industry in 1998, while fruit and vegetable juices contributed $6 billion. 
Cut flowers accounted for $5 billion, bulbs for $4 billion, and spices for $2 billion. Fruits took the lead with 40% of the vote, followed by vegetables with 38%, and fruits and vegetable juices with 8%. As a result, Fresh Vegetable exports from Pakistan make up a significant portion of the horticultural industry (86 per cent). Flowers take up to 6% of the market, followed by bulbs at 59%, and spices at 3%. Nature has blessed Pakistan a lot with land and a vast climate that are favourable to the cultivation of a diverse range of fruits and vegetables.
Punjab contributes 59.6% of the country's total yearly agriculture production, followed by Sindh at 8.6%, Balochistan at 25.6%, and NWFP at 6.2 per cent. Pakistani fruits and vegetables are very much in high demand around the world. Pakistan exports fruits and vegetables to the United States, Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, India, and Sri Lanka at the moment. Mango, kino, apple, dates, pine nuts, oranges, and guava are some of the most popular fruits, while potato, onion, mushroom, garlic, and chilli are some of the most popular vegetables. Looking at the data, it is clear that Pakistan is significantly reliant on a single market for each commodity.
Following England and Saudi Arabia, Dubai is the most important market for Pakistani mango. For Pakistani fresh apples, Sri Lanka is the only major market. The buyer specifies his terms in this circumstance. To acquire decent pricing on Pakistani fruits and veggies, it is necessary to explore new markets around the globe. The Export Promotion Bureau is working hard to find new markets and help prospective exporters to expand their business. The most exportable fruit in Pakistan is kinoo, which accounts for 32.5 per cent of total exports to the Middle East, followed by Indonesia (22.5 per cent), the Philippines (16 per cent), Sri Lanka (11.6 per cent), and the remaining 17.4 per cent to other markets in the country.
Citrus fruit is ideal to protect guys from prostate cancer, according to recent London-based research (Dawn 1 1.11.2001), which Pakistani producers should capitalise on. Only 97 per cent of fresh apples are exported to Sri Lanka. There is no other market for apples under bad conditions. To keep up with the rising pricing, exporters must look for new markets. Citrus fruit is ideal to protect guys from prostate cancer, according to recent London-based research (Dawn 1 1.11.2001), which Pakistani producers should capitalise on. Only 97 per cent of fresh apples are exported to Sri Lanka. There is no other market for apples under bad conditions. To keep up with the rising pricing, exporters must look for new markets.
Fresh fruit and vegetable markets in Europe are vast and mature, with consistent demand. Europe's continued reliance on overseas sources is due to the necessity for year-round availability and desire for novel exotic goods. The off-season, as well as the increased demand for avocados, blueberries, mangoes, and sweet potatoes, provide the best chances. Competition for these items is typically severe, and ever-stricter rules, particularly in Northern Europe, put pressure on you as an exporter.
As much tropical product is dependent on specific seasons or tropical temperatures that are not available locally, Europe imports a large amount of fruit and vegetables. The majority of European buyers strive to develop a year-round assortment and seek perfect partners to help them do so. As an exporter, your best prospects will come when there are supply gaps or when you are a counter-seasonal supplier. 
Producers all across the world, including those in Europe, are attempting to extend their season by introducing new types. Late hybrids such as Nadorcotts (or W. Murcotts) from Spain, as well as South Africa, Morocco, and Peru, are now responsible for much of the increase in mandarin production. Your window of opportunity may be influenced by these shifts in varietal choice. 
To maintain a long-term business connection with our customers, we believe in "best quality at a competitive price." For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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exportimportdata-blog · 3 months
How Has the Boom in Mushroom Exports from India Been Analyzed?
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Mushrooms, the delectable and highly nutritious fungi, have enhanced our cuisine for millennia. The expansion of the food industry, rising consumer preferences, and growing awareness of health benefits have significantly boosted mushroom exports from India in recent years. Once a niche product, mushrooms are widely used in the food industry, healthcare, and other fields. With notable market trends and ample room for expansion, 2023 looks promising for the mushroom industry. By 2028, the mushroom market is expected to reach a projected value of USD 63.0 billion, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% based on trade data.
This blog will provide a detailed analysis of mushroom exports from India, including mushroom export data, key trends, challenges, and insights into the mushroom export market.
Is the Mushroom Export Business Profitable in India?
Exporting mushrooms from India, particularly oyster mushrooms, is a lucrative business. According to mushroom export data, between 2019 and 2024, the mushroom market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.2%. This growth is driven by increased awareness of mushrooms' health benefits, rising demand for organic produce, and the growing popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets.
Mushroom cultivation in India can yield significant profits, reaching up to $190,000 annually. Moreover, mushrooms require less area and are ready for harvest within three weeks of casing (covering compost with a thin layer of sterile soil or materials like chalk powder).
By 2023, the mushroom market in India is expected to be valued at billions of dollars, with a market size of roughly USD 1.18 billion, growing at a healthy rate of over 12% annually.
Top 5 Mushroom Producing States in India
As an agricultural country, India has immense potential to develop various mushroom varieties. Let's explore the top mushroom-producing states in India:
Bihar Bihar is India's largest producer of mushrooms, producing over 28,000 metric tons in 2021-22, accounting for 10.82% of the country's total mushroom production.
Maharashtra Maharashtra is the second-largest producer, contributing over 9% of total production, mainly known for button and shiitake mushrooms.
Odisha Odisha ranks third, producing over 9% of the national total, with a focus on oysters and crimini mushrooms.
Haryana Haryana is the fourth-largest producer, known for cultivating button and oyster mushrooms, contributing over 5% of the national total.
Punjab With over 400 mushroom growers, Punjab has an average annual yield of 45,000 and 48,000 metric tons.
Mushroom Global Market Report 2022-23
The global mushroom market has grown significantly, from $57.18 billion in 2022 to $62.44 billion in 2023, a 9.2% CAGR, according to global mushroom export data. This strong market is projected to maintain its growth, with an expected value of $90.88 billion by 2027, increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8%.
The rising demand for vegan foods contributes to this growth as consumers increasingly adopt plant-based diets for health, animal welfare, and environmental reasons. The Asia-Pacific region emerged as the largest market in 2022 and is expected to remain the fastest-growing region during the forecast period. Major mushroom-exporting countries include Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
How Much Mushroom Does India Export?
According to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), India exported 7,768 metric tons of fresh and processed mushrooms worth Rs. 123.64 crore (US$16.16 million) in 2022-23. This represented a 173.8% increase in volume and a 151.8% gain in value compared to 2021-22, as per mushroom export data from India.
Mushroom Exports from India: 2023-24
Here is the updated table for mushroom exports from India:
Mushroom Export Data Details
Number of Indian Mushroom Exporters: 2,968
Export Value: US$16.16 Million
Quantity of Mushrooms: 7,768 metric tonnes
HSN Codes for Mushroom: 07095100, 07115100
According to data from mushroom exporters in India, fresh mushroom exports increased by 250% over the previous year, indicating continuous growth in the business.
India's Mushroom Export Destinations
India's primary mushroom export destinations include:
European Union: 55.5%
Middle East: 23.7%
North America: 13.5%
ASEAN: 5.7%
Others: 16%
The most exported varieties of mushrooms are button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), followed by oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes).
Major Players in the Mushroom Market
Top players in the global mushroom market include:
Scelta Mushrooms B.V.
Monaghan Mushrooms
Okechamp SA
CMP Mushrooms
Costa Group
Bonduelle Fresh Europe
Drinkwater Mushrooms Ltd.
Okechamp S.A.
Shanghai Finc Bio-Tech Inc.
Mushroom Exporters in India
Here is a list of top mushroom exporters in India:
SK Agro Fresh Foods
H.R Exports
Madd Foods
Aadhya Mushroom Farms
Mukund Exports
8D Exports
Kirat Mushroom Centre
Veggie Nation
Kwality Foods
Daily Mushrooms
Obstacles in the Mushroom Import and Export Industry
The primary challenges in the mushroom export market include:
Lack of market research on mushrooms.
Inability to implement new technologies.
Need for more investment.
Uneven farm-gate prices and profit margins.
Limited supply and increasing costs of raw materials like rice straw.
Poor quality of mushroom spawn and the risk of diseases.
Accurate market insights and reliable trade data are essential for overcoming these challenges. Platforms like ExportImportData.in provide updated and precise mushroom export data, helping traders make informed decisions.
How to Export Mushrooms from India?
Export of mushroom from India can be straightforward. Here's a step-by-step method:
Determine Your Target Market: Identify countries with high demand for Indian mushrooms, considering import restrictions, consumption trends, and price preferences.
Get High-Quality Mushrooms: Source mushrooms from renowned farms that comply with strict quality standards and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
Obtain Required Licenses and Permits: Register as an exporter with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's (FSSAI) Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) and obtain necessary permits like the Export Commodity Authorization (ECA).
Establish Strong Supply Chain Management: Ensure timely and consistent delivery of mushrooms to export destinations with proper packing, chilled shipping, and tracking mechanisms.
Acquire Market Research Report: Conduct market research in the destination country to identify potential buyers and importers. Participating in trade exhibitions and industry events can help meet new clients and distributors.
Utilize Reliable Data Platforms: Visit platforms like ExportImportData.in for updated import and export data, providing valuable insights and lists of mushroom exporters and importers.
Despite challenges like inflation and market fluctuations, the demand for mushrooms continues to rise in domestic and international markets. With the right strategy and knowledge, the mushroom export business from India can be highly profitable. Accessing accurate and updated mushroom export data is crucial for success in this growing market. Visit ExportImportData.in for more information and to connect with reliable trade professionals.
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henrywilson123 · 5 months
Increasing health awareness, evolving consumer preferences, and robust growth in the food industry have fueled a global surge in mushroom trade. India emerges as a key player, its mushrooms gaining unexpected popularity worldwide, yielding significant returns for traders. Delve deeper into this phenomenon by exploring mushroom exports from India. Explore the Blog "What makes exporting Indian mushrooms an attractive choice for traders?"
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eximpedia1 · 7 months
Analyzing Mushroom Export Data for Global Insights
India's mushroom industry rises with diverse varieties, export potential, and promising market insights, shaping global trade dynamics positively.
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lastnightbrawls · 3 years
How the Melt is Creating Energy
The Mesmerals Market is a global leader in the fields of alternative energy and alternative medicines. The market is seeing a number of players entering the game, with major players like Emerson and Chemist to name a few. The industry is seeing growth, with new companies mushrooming every month. A lot of the companies in the market are specializing in specific sectors like microorganisms and cell and tissue engineering. With so many players in the market, it is important to understand the current trends and the mel's market forecasts to choose the right company.
Microorganisms: The market is seeing a major influx of Microorganisms Players. Two of the first players to enter the mel's market are Glutathione and Spirulina. These two companies are seeing growth in the energy arena. They are both looking at ways to produce energy from microorganisms. Other companies are looking at how to use mels' nutrients to make it into a source of supplemental energy.
Cell and Tissue Engineering: The mel's market is also seeing Cell and Tissue Engineering companies getting into the act. This is a very strategic market for companies who are looking to make their mark. The meals market has the potential to reach huge levels and provide companies with an endless source of resources. Companies that are well versed in this field will have the upper hand in any negotiation with suppliers.
Biotechnological Plants: There is one company in the mel's market that is starting to take the mel's market by storm. It is located in Australia and is called GenFX. It is a biotechnology company that uses mels market research for energy production and commercialization. It has already captured a huge market share in Australia and is increasing every week.
Oil Companies: Another group of companies who are keeping a close eye on the mel's market forecast are oil companies. They have a number of options they can choose from to increase their mels market Research Reports production. One of these options is to increase the rate of their melt extraction. This is particularly important for those in the North Sea regions where oil is the main commodity.
Governments and Non-Profit Corporations: Finally, there are some large corporations who have been keeping a close eye on the mel's market as well. They have developed a large research and development facilities, which are geared towards researching alternative forms of energy that are much more environmentally friendly. Most of these companies are quite proactive about their environment and their own carbon footprint.
In the mel's market, the demand for gas will continue to grow. It is anticipated that gas prices will continue to rise for the next several years. However, one can expect that with global demand growing for gas mels, the number of drilling rigs dedicated to producing mels market share will continue to grow. Many of the large gas producing companies like Shell and Enron have news operations at sea. They also have production facilities on land that are able to support additional production.
Other sectors which are expected to benefit from the mel's market include biofuels, transport, construction and infrastructure. Although mels market players are not directly related to these sectors of the economy, they tend to go hand-in-hand with gas prices. As well as prices continue to rise, you can expect that these sectors will see an increase in demand for their products.
The mel's market is also good news for the environment. Because there is no demand for gas, less natural resources will be needed. As a result, landfills will not need to be populated. This is a positive step towards reducing the impact of the carbon dioxide that is produced through combustion.
Another benefit of the mel's market is the minimal amount of drilling that will be required to support its production. Since there is very little gas demand, there will be very little investment required. In addition, it can save time for geologists who typically have to drill thousands of feet into the ground to extract oil and gas. Instead, mels market forecast can drill to a much greater depth.
One of the major challenges that geologists and other people who studied the mels market Industry research had faced in the past is the difficulty of accessing the deposits that hold mels. The meals market has solved this problem. Now anyone can tap mels market research reports as long as they have access to the right contacts. This allows geologists to go after more mels market Analysis as the market grows.
Summary: The research team projects that the Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MELs) market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 Kanebo Cosmetics Inc.
 Toyobo Corporation Ltd
 Jeneil Biosurfactant Co. LLC
 Saraya CO. Ltd
 AGAE Technologies
 Rhamnolipid Companies, Inc.
 Ecover Belgium
 Groupe Soliance
 MG Intobio Co. Ltd.
 Synthezyme LLC
 Allied Carbon Solutions Ltd.
 Lion Corporation
 Kaneka Co.
By Type
 Composition 50%
 Composition 95%
By Application
 Skin Care
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MELs) 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MELs) Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MELs) Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Mannosylerythritol Lipids (MELs) market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
For more information, contact us : https://www.reportmines.com/ 
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reportsanddata · 4 years
Frozen Vegetables Market ,Manufacturers, Type, Application, Regions and Forecast to 2027
Reports and Data has published a report on the Global Frozen Vegetables Market.  It includes a database of all market essentials, with key facts and figures represented in the form of tables, pie charts, graphs, etc., giving the reader a better understanding of the market. Currently, the Frozen Vegetables  market is witnessing industry-wide development. The research study presents a detailed analysis of the industry and projects the future market growth by examining the current growth factors, opinions of industry experts, and other industry-related information derived from reliable sources. The report offers estimates for Global Frozen Vegetables  Market Forecast till 2027.
To Buy This Report, Click Here @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/frozen-vegetables-market The report includes descriptive profiles of major companies, which consists of the legal names, headquarters, website, market standing, historical development, and top 5 closest competitors derived by inspecting their gross revenue, along with contact information. Every company’s growth rate, gross revenue, and profit margin have also been discussed in the study. It also assesses other expansion tactics implemented by leading companies including mergers, acquisitions, and product launches.
Extensive profiles of over ten leading manufacturers and over ten retailers have also been included in the report, along with a historical assessment of the market for the years 2021 and 2027, highlighting the recent development observed in the market. The report discusses the key micro- and macro-economic influences that were present in the market in 2021. The assessment includes accurate market insights into potential market opportunities and roadblocks in the industry. The report assimilates statistical data derived from authentic sources in the industry, facilitated by expert opinions.
Dole Food     Company, Inc.
Ardo NV
HJ Heinz
Simplot     Australia Pty. Ltd
General     Mills
Aryzta AG
General     Mills Inc.
Kraft Foods     Group Inc.
Ajinomoto     Co. Inc.
Cargill     Incorporated
Europastry     S.A.
Kellogg     Company
Nestle S.A.
Flower     Foods
 By Product Type:
Green Peas
Baby     Carrots
Green Beans
By Nature:
By End-user:
Food     Service Industry
Retail     Customers
 Scope of the Report:
The all-encompassing research weighs up on various aspects including but not limited to important industry definition, product applications, and product types. The pro-active approach towards analysis of investment feasibility, significant return on investment, supply chain management, import and export status, consumption volume and end-use offers more value to the overall statistics on the Frozen Vegetables  market. All factors that help business owners identify the next leg for growth are presented through self-explanatory resources such as charts, tables, and graphic images.
Grab Your Report at an Impressive Discount! Please Click Here @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/3851
Key selling points of this research study
1.            The study gives an in-depth evaluation of the evolving competitive scenario that gives the reader/client a competitive edge.
2.            It offers a holistic view of all critical aspects boosting or limiting the growth of the sector
3.            The market intelligence report derives an eight-year forecast, including historical, contemporary, and potential market prospects, projecting the estimated progress of the market.
4.            It aids informed decision-making by offering an exhaustive database of the pivotal market segments and sub-segments.
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sagarg889 · 2 years
Image Based Barcode Reader Market Analysis, Segments, Leading Player, Application by 2030
According to Future Market Insight's recently published report, the image-based barcode reader market is expected to grow rapidly between 2020 and 2030.
Rapid adoption of Industry 4.0 has resulted in the deployment of advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and cloud-based computing throughout the manufacturing sector. This has enabled businesses to streamline asset tracking and monitoring, resulting in a surge in the use of barcode readers.
Concerns about the spread of a new coronavirus have prompted end-users to use barcode readers to ensure contactless transactions between individuals. Retailers use this technology to analyse user data and expand their customer base via virtual platforms. Similarly, airports use QR codes to filter visitors and track contact information.
According to these trends, the use of image-based barcode scanners is only expected to grow in the forecast period.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report with Table of Contents and Figures @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-11940
"Mushrooming online business activities will lay a red carpet for the image based barcode reader manufacturers to walk smoothly towards better revenue prospects," concludes an FMI analyst.
Key Takeaways from FMI's Image Based Barcode Reader Report
Retail and commercial sector shall capture 33% of the overall revenue share
Global image based barcode reader market shall surge at a CAGR of 7% between 2020 and 2030
North America is the market hegemon, capturing nearly 28% of the revenue share
Smartphone based scanners are acquiring immense popularity due its high degree of convenience
Image based barcode readers sales will surge by 2020-end, attributed to heightened ICT spending, valued at US$ 689 Bn
Image Based Barcode Reader Market- Key Trends
Barcode readers mounted automated robots are becoming mainstream across the retail and commercial sectors
Smartphones with sophisticated barcode readers such as Android 9 and Apple 13 are immensely catapulting revenue prospects
2D-based image barcode scanners are acquiring high traction owing to their ease of operability
Intensive marketing campaigns by leading players is helping them carve a foothold within the landscape
Holding capacities are expected to witness an uptick of nearly 2000 data characters, ranging from supply chain management figures to inventory stocks
Image Based Barcode Reader Market- Region-wise Analysis
East Asia exhibits tremendous growth potential in the coming years, with China & Japan experiencing the maximum expansions
Countries such as the United States have already attained maturity, being used for a hassle-free shopping experience
South Asia shall expand 2.4x during the 2020-2030 forecast period
Image Based Barcode Reader Market- Competitive Landscape
The image based barcode reader vendors are capitalizing on the trend of surging QR-code popularity to acquire a competitive edge over others. Prominent companies such as L'Oréal, Nissan, Tesco, PayPal and Starbucks are all leverage QR-codes to enhance customer experiences.
Kaspersky, for instance, has launched its QR code reader and scanner which is compatible with Apple and Android phones. Its scanner prohibits any access to unsecure links, thus making at an extremely safe application. Similarly, Google Playstore and Apple Store provide the Bar-Code reader which allows copy pasting on the web and export on Google drive.
Know More about Image Based Barcode Reader Market
A new market research report published by Future Market Insights (FMI) on the global image based barcode reader market report provides extensive insights into the market demand trends and analysis of opportunities over the forecast period. The report analyzes the image based barcode reader market through seven different segments - imaging type, product type, end use, technology, connectivity, sales channel, and region. The image based barcode reader market report also offers in-depth assessment of pricing by different key market dynamics, life cycle analysis, and technologies that are being deployed in the manufacturing of image based barcode readers and product adoption across several end-use industries.
For More Information on this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/image-based-barcode-reader-market
Image Based Barcode Reader Market Taxonomy
Imaging Type
1D Image/Code Scanning
2D Image/Code Scanning
Product Type
Portable/Handheld Scanners
Rugged Scanners
PDS Scanners
Smart Phones
Automatic Readers
Cordless Scanners
Fixed-Position Scanners
Stationery Scanners
Presentation Scanners
Retail and Commercial
General Manufacturing
Logistics & Warehouse
Commercial Aviation
S Mounted Lens
C Mounted Lens
Autofocus/Liquid Based Lens
PoE (Power over Ethernet)
Sales Channel
North America
Latin America
South Asia & Pacific
East Asia
Middle East & Africa
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