#My Transformers Fancon: Gaiacons I
krinsbez · 6 years
My Transformers Fancon: Gaiacons, Part I
-Thundercracker of Centurion transforms into a jet fighter. He has a cloned body, a Harvested Spark, and is genderless. All his life, he has loved to fly. His greatest ambition has always been to push the limits of flight and aerobatics, to fly faster, further, and with greater agility than anyone else. Joining the Primal Vanguard's Exploration Corps alongside his clone-siblings Starscream, Skywarp, and Slipstream was a natural extension of this ambition, and together they reached the top, forming the core of the elite Seekers. However, Starscream had grander ambitions, and like the other Seekers, Thundercracker loyally followed their chief into the Decepticon ranks. Thundercracker remains steadfast in his allegiance to Starscream, but he's started to have doubt. He still enjoys proving his superiority via aerial combat, but wanton slaughter and destruction for the sake of destruction doesn't appeal to him. Of course, with Tarn looking for any opportunity to make Starscream suffer, it's not safe for a Seeker to be anything but completely dedicated to the cause. He was well aware of this, and so accepted being assigned to Earth with good grace. In the last century+, however, he's come to look upon Earth not only as a bolthole but as a refuge, learning to love being able to take to the air and just fly.
-Slipstream of Centurion transforms into a jet fighter (different kind then Thundercracker, though). She has a Cloned body, a Fissioned Spark, and is female. After her clone-sibling Sunstorm was institutionalized*, she has dedicated herself to making sure her other clone-siblings remained grounded, so to speak. Her primary weapon in this has been her razor-sharp wit. Given Starscream's pomposity and ambition, Skywarp's malicious mischievousness, and Thundercracker's intense hyper-competitiveness, she spends a lot of time tearing them down with devastating remarks and acidic sarcasm. Unfortunately, she's had to do this so often that she can't stop herself from snarking at everyone. Including people she really shouldn't be. Unlike Thundercracker, she hates being exiled on Earth, due primarily to being desperately bored.** -Bitstream of Burthov transforms into an AWACS.*** He has a Stim-budded*** body, a spliced Spark, and is genderless. He joined the Vanguard Exploration Corps for a chance to have the most advanced sensor suites installed, but after being admitted into the Seekers, found a family to which he is fiercely devoted. A master of "information engineering", he is a brilliant hacker and cryptanalyst who prides himself on being able to break any encryption and crack any non-sentient computer system wide open. In order to test his skills, he periodically takes a peak into the private files of 'Screamer's rivals. While snooping around in Cryotek's he was not as careful as he should have been, and was discovered. Believing that Bitstream may have tumbled onto his big secret, Cryotek thereupon quietly set out to have him silenced. After several narrow escapes, Bitstream went to Stascream and shortly he was on his way to Earth. He's got sensors out the wazoo, enabling him to pinpoint the weaknesses in any opponent. Is a laid-back easygoing fellow (as long as you don't bring up that treacherous turncoat Skyfire), who makes friends easily. In recent decades, has probably been most active in prosecuting the war on Earth, infiltrating and attempting to subvert human information systems and being opposed by Cosmos. *For reference, Sunstorm is a crazy powerful Outlier who is nearly indestructible and so radioactive that he often sets things on fire by standing next to them. He suffers from the delusion that he is "the living Will of Primus", to which he attributes his power. The Seekers sprung him from the nuthouse after joining the 'Cons, but he ended up being assigned to the Warriors Elite instead. **I have this vague idea that her primary entertainment is carrying on an affair with Ironhide and/or with Powerline. The intent is to demonstrate how lackadaisically both sides are prosecuting the war, and to throw into relief the way TFs think about sex differently than we do. I'm not sure this is a good idea, though.
***Yeah, I decided that outside of the core three, the rest of the Seekers would not actually be palette swaps of ‘Screamer.
(Note: this Slipstream concept was created pre-Cyberverse, so she’s based entirely on the TFA version; I’m considering whether or not to alter her to includes some Cyberverse traits, what do you guys think?)
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krinsbez · 5 years
My Transformers Fancon: The Story, part IV
Shockwave quickly takes stock of the situation and comes up with a plan. Not being one for subtlety, said plan is fairly direct; she orders Shrapnel, Kickback, and Bombshell to produce a small army of Insecticlones. After Shrap, 'Shell, and 'Back have recovered (there's a reason they don't spawn clones willy-nilly; it takes a lot out of 'em), she dispatches said Insecticlones to  attack the Ark. When this force is defeated, she immediately sends the Gaiacons to make an attack. When they too are defeated, she sends the Insecticons. Tarantulas and Co. are likewise defeated, but the Terrabots, etc. are exhausted and thus no match for Shockwave when she launches an assault by herself. Said assault is devastating, leaving half the 'Bots in stasis lock* and the rest in needing  serious time in a CR chamber. As Shockwave proceeds to bull her way through the Ark's auto-defenses, a desperate Alpha Trion (he can still fight, and fight well, but his advanced age means that his stamina is very limited; also, no one wants to risk losing him) takes out the Key to Vector Sigma and tries something drastic. When Shockwave confronts the old bot and demands that he turn over Nova Prime's corpse, he politely explains that this is impossible. Because he'd just used the Key to retrieve Nova's Spark from the Well of All Sparks and put it back in his body. Shockwave is then tossed into a bulkhead by the revivified Nova. Faced with the greatest warrior in Cybertronian history, Shockwave does the logical thing and retreats. *And possibly some dead, I haven't decided yet; thoughts?
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krinsbez · 6 years
My Transformers Fancon: The Terrabots, Part I
So, now that I’ve teased you with the beginning of the story proper, it’s time to start in on the Earthside cast. i will begin with the local ‘Bots; as our main cast is a team that has been working together for some time, I’m giving them a sub-group name, in this case the Terrabots (the opposition will receive the somewhat clunkier name of Gaiacons)
I will present in each case, the character's current alt-mode, origin, gender-if-applicable, and then some history/personality (as opposed to just the last). -Alpha Trion is a triple changer, transforming into an attack helicopter and a vintage roadster. He's true-budded with a harvested Spark, and is male. You already know his history. I think I gave a discussion of his personality previously, correct me if I'm wrong. -Kup of Thetacon transforms into a pickup truck. He's stim-budded and has a harvested Spark, and is genderless. Though not as old as Alpha Trion, he's been around for a long, long time. In the pre-Prime era, he was a mercenary who traveled from city-state to city-state, fighting for whoever could pay him. He was a member of a company that was working for the Overlord of Iacon when he first heard Prima preaching. Specifically, he was on the way to a bar when he passed by Prima's soapbox as someone made the mistake of taking a swing at the Prime (as you may have noticed, from my previous references to him, Prima's style of preaching was often fairly confrontational and tended to piss people off). Prima easily dealt with the guy, Kup was impressed with his fighting skill and tried to convince him to join up. Prima countered by suggesting Kup give up the mercenary life. Prima won that argument and Kup became one of his acolytes. When Alpha Prime formed the Primal Vanguard, he was one of the original members. When Nova Prime turned the Vanguard into an army, Kup was designated as an officer. During the Golden Age, Kup became a member of the Vanguard's Exploratory Corps, and spent millions of years traveling the universe, encountering all manner of weirdness (one of the reasons he’s still alive and non-decrepit). He's always been a wanderer, never content to sit still for long. In part because of this, he's spent the Great War bouncing around from posting to posting; he's had stints at numerous outposts and as part of numerous units under the umbrellas of everything form Special Ops to Science Command before landing his current gig as part of Alpha Trion's security detail. He's seen a lot over the years, and being a garrulous sort will happily go on about his experiences forever if given the chance.
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