#My baby Dixon
philiponmycracker · 2 months
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Jason Dixon from the deleted scenes, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri (Dir. Martin Mcdonagh)
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darylsdeadboy · 2 months
"not all men" yeah daryl dixon would NEVER
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louifaith · 2 months
Every time Daryl mentions something about his childhood, I want to hold him against my chest and rock him until he falls asleep.
like what do you mean you run to the river by your house to avoid your dad? What do you mean Merle makes you sell your blood??? Every detail he gives is just as horrible as the last.
God, he's so strong for putting up with all that shit. I wish he knew how strong he is. Sometimes a man just needs to be held tight and listen to words of affirmation.
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ashncole · 2 years
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No one touch me 😭😭😭
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norman-fucking-reedus · 2 months
Scud knows the second you find out he took your dildo that he’s in so much trouble, he can almost see the burning look in your eyes but that doesn’t matter now. What matters now is that he has it, and he’s alone. He made sure that the walkie was one hundred percent off, cause god forbid everyone on the channel hear him not doing his assignment.
It always made Scud feel so flithy whenever he started to undo his pants, dropping them down around his ankles. At first he couldn’t get the thing to stick, maybe not because it was a fabric fucking chair, so he huffed. There was a half crush box in the corner, Scud snatching it up and ripping it open, placing it flat on the seat. This time, the dildo stuck, and Scud squeezed a shit ton of lube out. You’d be mad about that too, but that didn’t even matter, not with the way Scud easily slipped down the entire cock without even trying, gripping the small table in front of him for balance.
It was the deepest he had ever had a dick inside him, so deep Scud swore that part of it was in his stomach. He lifted himself up and slid back down, little to no resistance anywhere. Scud didn’t waste any time before he was already loudly groaning and shaking the van, bouncing quickly as each thrust hit a sensitive nerve he didn’t even know was there. He grips the edge of the table tightly with one hand, the other wrapping around his tender cock and tearing a cry from his throat, squeezing around his leaky tip.
He could hear your voice in his head, scoffing at him and looking down on him for being such a “dirty little fucking whore.” Oh he wanted to hear your voice so badly, whimpering as he quickened his pace, wet slapping sounding in the small van from where Scud almost dripped lube from his ass, rolling down and smearing across his nuts. He could imagine the way you point it out to him, asking “can you hear how fucking wet you are for me? so eager and ready for me?” God yes, he could hear all of it, almost downright taste it.
His orgasm was burning hot in his gut, and all he could think about was how fucking amazing he felt. He knows better then to go behind your back, and it makes him feel like such a slut when he thinks about how much that just turns him on. His hand speeds up as he continues to jerk himself, whining and stuttering out curses as each jabs to his insides combined with the harsh stroke of his hand, Scud absolutely falls apart. “Fuuck! Oh God yes- fuck, fucking fuck me” He sobs, hips sputtering as he cums everywhere, head thrown back and stull feverishly moving his hand, sloppily bouncing on the dildo.
His ears were ringing, his chest expanded with every heavy pant, and his legs trembled from where they had been totally overworked, thigh muscles tense and straining. Scud almost passed out in the chair, his entire body going limp after a blinding orgasm.
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
yes I am very obsessed with Scud yes I did change my blog theme to him and so what he’s my perfect innocent little baby boy he wouldn’t even hurt a fly hes scared of them he would never and could never do any type of wrong in his whole life he’s just my little sassy stoner whatever he’s being accused of I can 1000% guarantee you that he had literally nothing to do with it your honor he wasnt even there
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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danaa-scully · 7 months
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The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon or she won't survive.
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normanhypegirl · 2 months
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bring sleeveless Norman/Daryl back 🤭
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holdmytesseract · 10 months
✨️Updating My Taglists✨️
Yup... Definitely have to do that, 'cause it's quite a bit a mess. 🥴 Therefore, we're gonna do that now. 😊
If you'd like to stay on my four taglists or want to be added somewhere, please interact with this post. Comment or reblog. Thank you! ❤️
I'll remove everybody who hasn't said anything - and that's okay! No hard feelings here!
You have 3 days, guys! 🫡
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Here are the current taglists...
°☆• LOKI •☆°
(Includes everything Loki. Blurbs, drabbles oneshots, series and the Ice Flower AU, except the Baby Fever AU.)
@lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @muddyorbsblr @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @theaudacitytowrite @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @linaax @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002 @aagn360 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @kikster606 @somewiseguy @huntress-artemiss @lunarnights95 @fire-treasure-iii @zippythewondersquirrel @alexakeyloveloki @goblinsgirlsarah @lokiforever @bunny24sstuff @anukulee @valencia-rou @itsybitchylittlewitchy @meowmeow-motherfucker @chokeanddagger @smolvenger
(Gonna reblog this post and tag everybody else there, 'cause Tumblr doesn't allow me more than 50 tags. 😑)
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mucherbuncher · 3 months
i wanna bake cookies for him so bad and let him know it’s all gonna be okay
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devnmon · 10 months
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im js like frothing at the mouth. sorry huh
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Here I am again!!
This time I come with the second part of Pregnant. Yes I'm terrible with titles sorry they never were my best part.
I hope you'll like it.
Part 1.
Pregnant. Part 2.
Daryl Dixon x Reader.
One shot.
Warning: Angst. Fluff. Giving birth.
Words: 3600.
Summary: Daryl keeps his word to take care of you while you're pregnant, but the things between you two are complicated.
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @thefemininemystiquee @green-eyedladywrites @hail-yourselves @ruinedbythehobbit @xxtinasxxblog @ravenwings73 @spenciepoo338 @b-tchymoon @minervadashwood @darylssluttt @let-love-bleeds-red @ravendixon @livingdeadblondequeen
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That was already bordering on the absurd. You are lying on your bed, your back against the headboard, you have a book in your hands, you are wearing a comfortable nightgown and your belly is huge. Really; huge. You don't know what the hell you're carrying, but it's certainly not a baby. But that's not the worst of it. The worst of it is Daryl.
The man hasn't left your side the entire time. Maybe it sounds idiotic of you, but he's not doing it in a loving or cute way, he's more like a jailer, sitting next to you the whole time, eyes fixed on your bulging belly, as if he has x-rays and can see through you to the baby's condition. You've tried talking to him a hundred different ways, but he just ignores you.
He's still angry with you, hurt, knowing you were pregnant, that you could an abort still weighs on his shoulders. You have tried to apologize, but nothing you say to him seems to calm his state.
This morning you wake up feeling a light caress on your belly, you slowly open your eyes feeling Daryl's body right behind yours, wrapping an arm around your waist, his hand resting on your bulging belly, you can't help but smile because the fetus moves looking for the warmth that Daryl provides. With gentle movements you pull up your nightgown to watch your belly move each time your baby does. Daryl, behind your body, moves up a little to see it too. One of your side marks the baby's little foot and the archer slides his hand into position, you grimace, some parts are more sensitive than others and sometimes it hits a little too pointedly.
"I have to go to the bathroom..." You say feeling like you're breaking the moment.
"Let me help ya." Daryl gets out of bed and carefully helps you do the same.
"Daryl, really, it's just a pregnancy and I'm already due, nothing is going to happen because I'm going to the bathroom by myself..." You try to talk some sense into him, but he just gives you an intense stare. "Fine, have it your way." You sigh giving up, going to the bathroom, feeling his presence on the other side while you go about your business.
"Denise still hasn't told us what it is..." You suddenly hear the hunter's voice.
A conversation, good, that's good.
"I think she's waiting to hold it." You're trying to joke when you feel a sharp prick. You grimace, but slowly sit up from the toilet.
"Dunno she'll be the first to hold it." You hear him say and a chuckle escapes you.
"Are you going to help me?" you try to provoke him, but again an intense prickling runs through you. "Uh..."
"Yer okay?" Daryl's voice is agitated and he peeks through the bathroom door.
"Yeah, it's contractions..." You explain and he frowns.
"How often yer havin' them?"
"A little... they started when I got up."
"Okay, let's go to the room again, I'll go get Denise." He tells you and grabs your hand to help you.
"Oh, God!" you groan as the pain increases and you bend forward. "I-I think it's coming..." You whisper looking up at him in fright.
"Okay, relax, it's gonna be okay." He promises you, tugging on your hand, insisting you walk. "I'm gonna go downstairs for a moment, okay? I need someone to go to the infirmary..."
"I'm fine, you can..." You gasp again and squeeze his hand.
"I'm ain't moving from here." He assures you and guides you to the window where you lean against. "Take a deep breath, I'll be right back."
Daryl hurries down the stairs, so much so that his footsteps echo like a troop, skips the last few steps and looks in all the rooms in search of someone inside the house. He curses under his breath, with all the people who are living there and now there is no one. It is a cruel irony. He chews his lip, nervously, in his mind searching for a plan that won't force him to go too far away. A whimper in the room gives him goosebumps, he wants to come upstairs to be with you, but you need medical help.
The door opens then, Daryl's heart flips at the sight of his companions, they are carrying some food to restock in the house and their faces change at the sight of him so nervous.
"Daryl, what's wrong?" asks Rick.
"Her water broke, I need Denise." He explains in a bark.
Michonne and Rick look at each other, Tara who goes with them drops the box from between her hands on the table and speeds out of the house, Carol and Michonne quickly go upstairs to help you, Daryl pretends to follow them, but Rick grabs his arm to stop him.
"It's better for us to stay here bro, it can get really weird up there."
"No, I..." He stirs nervously and lets go. "I put it there." He says feeling the tips of his ears redden. "I want to be with her."
"Okay, but try not to make her too nervous and listen to what the girls tell you." He advises him before Daryl runs off towards the stairs.
As he approaches your room he hears the commotion his friends are organizing, he hears them talking to you at the same time as they keep moving around the room. Daryl feels his heart in his ears, he is nervous and scared, the pregnancy has gone well, but what if everything falls apart now?
"God, Daryl I hate you!" you shout from the other side of the door and the hunter instinctively recoils.
"Easy, easy, take a deep breath, you're doing great." Carol's voice is heard. "Try to walk a little, you need to dilate by the time Denise gets here."
Again Daryl hesitates, what exactly is he doing up there, what exactly does he think he's going to be able to help you with? In all those months he's been by your side, watching you like a dog watching a cat, he hasn't moved an inch, he hasn't let you exert yourself any more than necessary, but now, now it's not up to him. He can't help you to make the process go faster, to make you suffer less, in that new world where medical comforts are scarce, his hands on your belly to calm the baby will no longer be of any use. He swallows hard, his fingers trembling against the wood of the door. He closes his eyes when he hears you moan again and shakes his head.
No, he's not going to put you through this by yourself.
He enters the room discovering you leaning against the window frame, panting and snaping loudly through your mouth, one of your hands clutching your belly, your knees shaking and your forehead is beading with sweat. Daryl swallows walking towards you, Carol steps aside to help Michonne, he takes his place next to you, stroking your back, taking the hand that held your belly. You look up between scared and relieved, he smiles trying to calm you down.
"I'm here, Denise is about to arrive." He assures you, his hand rubbing your back wanting to comfort you.
"It hurts so much, Daryl..." You groan, gritting your teeth. "If I don't..."
"Shut up, that's ain't gonna happen." He shushes you. "Let's walk around a bit, ya need to dilate." He doesn't even know where those words are coming from, but he feels his face burning.
"Daryl, listen to me..."
"I said no!" He barks. "Nothing is gonn happen to ya or the baby...please..." He gasps nervously, leaning his forehead against yours.
"Okay..." You whisper feeling the fear coursing through the man's body.
Nothing happens to you, as Daryl has promised you. The labor is long, painful, but you are both fine. Daryl has not left your side at any time. He has helped you through the whole process, even with Denise there, he has been your nurse, he has even dared to look under your nightgown before the doctor arrived.
Now the loud crying of your baby girl floods the whole room, you feel exhausted, physically and mentally, but the baby's wailing quickens your heart in a way you never thought possible. You've always heard about the miracle of motherhood, the bond that forms, you've never doubted it, but you certainly never thought it could be so powerful. As the tears cease to cover your vision, Daryl rocks your baby in his arms, wrapped in a clean towel, her crying has ceased a little, turning to soft babbling. The hunter walks up to you, there is a smile on his mouth and tears in his eyes as well.
"She's healthy and beautiful." He whispers as if he's afraid to scare her with his voice. You laugh and reach out your arms wanting to hold her.
Daryl sits down next to you to let the baby girl in your arms, she stirs a little, but accepts the change, the rest leave you both alone, you pull down your nightgown letting the baby feed for the first time. The archer doesn't take his eyes off every move you make.
You leave the house feeling the heat hit your skin, your long dress of soft fabric relieves the suffocating feeling of summer. A smile forms on your mouth when you hear the squeaks coming from your little girl, who is playing with Dog near the garage where her father is fixing his bike for an upcoming outing.
Things haven't changed much, to your regret, Daryl is still setting boundaries with you, his love is completely invested in your daughter, but you are the woman who kept something so important from him, and he still hasn't gotten over it.
Even though Erin is already two years old.
It's been more than two years since you've had a conversation that doesn't focus on the girl's health, or related to a patrol, a changing of the guard, or the distribution of supplies. It's been over two years since you've spent time together, as a couple, over two years since Daryl decided to move into the basement of the house, leaving only to care for his daughter. He hasn't missed a single day, but you feel sadness when you think about it.
"You're leaving again?" You greet him by walking up to his position, he looks up from the bike to grunt something intelligible that can be deciphered as a 'yes'.
"I'm going out with Erin." He remarks to you matter-of-factly, adjusting a backpack on the back of the bike.
"With Erin? Where? Why?" you ask confused and worried. You know Daryl would never act behind your back, if something happened to the girl, he'd talk it over with you first.
"I'm going to Hilltop, to see Maggie and Glenn, I want Erin to meet Hershel." He shrugs.
"Daryl... How long are you going to keep this up?" you sigh not knowing how to confront him. "I already asked for your forgiveness..."
"It's not about asking, sorry." He gets up from the ground, leaving the rag on the bike. "I trusted ya, more than anyone else, more than a partner, ya know that's hard for me..."
"I didn't mean to keep it from you, I just needed to find the right way to tell you. I was afraid..."
"Ya really think I would have left ya when I found out ya were pregnant? Since when do ya think I'm that kind of person?"
"For the love... I don't think you are like that, Daryl, I never thought so, but this world is in chaos, children are vulnerable..."
"Y'know me so little?" He says with disappointment. "Yes, it's possible I would have freaked out a little and may have said things I didn't feel at the time." He bites his lip and scratches the back of his neck. "But it's ya, it was us..." You lower your head feeling your stomach clench at his words.
"I didn't mean to hurt you..."
"What would have happened if you had lost the baby?" he asks suddenly and you look at him in surprise. "You would never have told me?"
You stammer not knowing what to say, not sure what Daryl really wants to hear. He nods and walks towards you, but still keeps his distance.
"I will not destroy Erin's innocence or happiness, she is our daughter, I will protect her with my life, I will not let her lose her mother." He assures you and the lump in your throat grows heavier. "But now I can't... I need to get away..." He sighs, lowering his gaze. "I need to trust again..."
"Okay..." You whisper lowering your head, feeling your eyes fill with tears.
"I'm going to get a car ready, we'll go more comfortably the three of us." He says and dodges your body to drive away down the community street.
You give him his space, you allow him that time to himself that he needs. You don't quite know if it's the right thing to do, if you should have talked, but on the other hand Daryl has already said everything he felt.
Erin is still his main concern and care. Everything Daryl does, is for the little girl, she is thrilled and you like him spoiling her too, but maybe he should check with you about some things.
"Can we talk?" You intercept him in the hallway of the house.
"I'm busy..."
"It's about Erin." You hush him and he pauses, looking at you. "I think we should set some boundaries." Daryl frowns. "I love the relationship you two have, but you can't just bring her a present every time you come back from patrol..."
"Why not?"
"Because it's becoming a habit, and she's still little, we can mold her personality, But what about the day she just waits on you for the gift you're going to bring her?" You try to talk some sense into him and Daryl grunts low, looking down at his feet.
"Erin adores you, but those gifts may end up forming a personality that we don't know how to control...plus Dog..."
"What's with the dog?"
"Nothing! But after that I think it's impossible to get over it." You smile trying to calm him down and you see his shoulders relax, nodding. "It's our daughter and I don't want to be just me being the bad guy in this... I'd like you to support me..."
"Okay..." he nods again chewing his lip.
"Okay... thanks for listening to me, I'll leave you to whatever you were doing." You wave goodbye heading for the exit again.
"Wait." He calls out to you walking towards you again. "I have some errands Rick asked me to go get." He looks at you through his locks of hair.
"Don't worry, I'll tell Erin you'll be back in the evening."
"Ya wanna come with me?"
You look at him with surprise, of everything he could possibly want to say to you, it was the thing you least expected. You stammer looking for something to say when you see him shrug.
"Carol's watching Erin, I asked her earlier to keep an eye on her."
"...Okay, let's go." You nod smiling a little, following Daryl to his bike.
This situation is not easy for him either. He knows that he himself has provoked it, that he needed some time to think, but perhaps his stubbornness has gone too far, however, every time he remembered that patrol, that he could have lost you, his blood boiled and he was not able to think properly. Erin was your bond, your bridge, what still held you together. Daryl knows that his feelings for you haven't gone away, nor will they, they have just letharged inside his heart, healing from his wounds little by little. He loved watching you take care of your little girl, how you spent sleepless nights when colic kept her awake, how you rocked her in your arms whispering songs Daryl didn't know, how you cursed, without malice, when she began to grow and started teething.
"Auh! You're just like your father." He heard you say one day when he came back from helping Rick with the Alexandria expansion. "Always with the teeth..." That was enough to stop him in his tracks, face red to the tips of his ears and give you some more privacy until Erin finished eating.
You've had the patience to put up with those years the distance he's felt you should have, the boundary he needed, now you've asked him to be a little firmer with Erin and he understands. He understands that it can be a problem in the long run and he doesn't want to spoil the girl either, it's a difficult world far from being able to have any kind of whim and he doesn't want the little girl to believe that she can get everything she asks her father for. At least not whims. By the time you've finished and accepted that he had nothing more to add, Daryl has realized that he's losing you too. That the barrier he's building is getting too high and he doesn't want that to happen.
That's why he's asked you to go with him again, he needs to find that connection that brought you together.
Daryl feels your arms around his waist as you get on the bike to leave the community. His breath catches for a second in his throat, but he disguises it as best he can.
"Are you ready?" He asks you over the noise of the engine.
"Yes, anytime." You grant him and he starts up, your hands tighten a little tighter around him and he bites his lip.
He remembers the first time you rode his bike, it may sound absurd, but it was purely for fun. In fact he found you on Merle's bike, parked in the prison yard. According to your explanation you wanted to check if it was comfortable, as the handlebars seemed too high in proportion to the rest of the vehicle. Daryl joked amused and gave you a little lesson on motorcycles.
He has to admit that when he saw you on his brother's bike, your arms stretched over the handlebars, your body settled on the seat, your legs spread and bent, your feet firmly on both sides of the vehicle, he didn't feel like yelling, to scold you for touching his stuff without his consent. He liked seeing you there, it seemed to fit you well, even though you had no idea how to drive.
"Wanna go for a ride?" he offered making you look at him with raised eyebrows.
"But I don't know how to drive..."
"I'll teach ya, step aside." He asked you pointing to the bike.
Daryl smiles remembering the surprised look on your face, how you awkwardly made room for him behind you on the bike, he settled in pointing out what everything on the bike was for, his chest pressed against your back. It was the first time you'd been so close together since the group ran out of the CDC.
"Clutch, brake, throttle and shifter." He said giving you a gentle tap on your foot. "We'll leave the gear shift for the time being, we don't need to go very fast and this way we won't attract the attention of the dead."
"Okay..." You whispered squeezing the bike's brake by instinct to keep your balance.
"Ya wanna go out and road test it?" he offered once again feeling you tremble against his body.
A lot has changed now, you still don't trust the bikes too much, Daryl knows that, but riding with him you feel safe, secure, you hug his waist like a life preserver and enjoy the ride glued to his body. Daryl missed that too, he's surprised at how easy it was to talk to you, how your relationship slowly developed and now he seems to be back to square one. He frowns tightening his fists on the handlebars of the vehicle. He's not an idiot, he's not going to lose all that because of his stubbornness, you and Erin are his family. The one he has chosen, where he belongs.
The engine slowly stops until you finally come to a complete stop, Daryl rests his feet on the ground and lets you get out first before he does the same. You stand to the side waiting for his orders, you don't know exactly where or what to look for, so you wait for him to say something. However, when he looks back up at you his arms come around you and wrap around you, pulling you tight against his body, hiding his face in your neck.
"I'm sorry..." He whispers and your eyes fill with tears, hugging him too.
"No, you don't have to apologize... I should have..."
"It's okay, that doesn't matter anymore." He breaks the hug and his thumbs brush your cheeks. "I've been too stubborn, but aib't wanna lose ya or Erin..."
"You're not going to, Daryl, that's never going to happen." You assure him and dare to move closer to kiss him.
There is a moment of hesitation, but the two of you kiss intensely. After so long sharing scant contact, that kiss overwhelms you both. You gasp, kissing hungrily, Daryl's fingers tangling in your hair and you cling tighter to his waist, pressing your bodies together until you almost melt against each other.
You had missed each other.
When you return to Alexandria the aura around you both is different, everyone sees it and feels it when you pass by. You've gotten everything on Rick's list, you've let off some adrenaline fighting a small group of Walkers and you've found each other again, it's been a most productive morning and now you just want to get home to your daughter.
Erin smiles and jumps out of Carol's arms when she sees you, she is still small and stumbles over her own feet but nothing stops her from reaching for your arms. You laugh lifting her off the ground to kiss her cheek, Daryl hugs you both, kissing the little girl's head.
"Let's go home." Daryl whispers in your ear, his fingers caressing Dog's head as well.
That night your bed is full again, Erin sleeps with you, cuddled in your arm, Daryl has you snuggled between his, wrapping his arms and legs around your body, one hand resting on Erin's small body, making sure she's there. Dog has made a hole for himself at the foot of the bed, though he's not allowed to sleep there. But no matter.
A night is a night.
The End.
I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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kookiekult · 6 days
Norman reedus in Dark Harbour
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louifaith · 2 months
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I would cradle his pretty face and say "you are strong" "you are enough" "you are loved" obviously giving him a little kiss for each word.
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fallendoctor · 1 year
im sick, tired, and miss them your honor
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kingofthering · 1 year
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NETHERLANDS 2023 | Fabio Quartararo on the Moto2 grid with Jake Dixon and Tony Arbolino.
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cntmtrarts · 1 month
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Crybaby 💖
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