#My friend went as Teruki hehe
lunar-lair · 4 years
Alright so,,,,,,
Y'all know that galaxy brain concept where Reigen adopts Teru, right?
Y'all know how some parents take 50 fucking years to send in doctor's notes, right?
So,,,,,a Concept:
Reigen becomes friends with a secretary at Vinegar Mid., featuring my notes dumped directly from my headcanons doc because I'm lazy and I've be meaning to post them anyways
Reigen ends up becoming good friends with one of the secretaries at Teru's school after a couple of mishaps
First is when he calls Teruki in sick, explaining after her confusion that he was his new guardian (hehe Reigen adopting Teru...the Biggest Brain move tbh) and that Teruki has a 104° (fahrenheit, I'm American, I swear) fever and probably wouldn't be showing up for a while. She simply says that he needs to provide a doctor's note by the end of the week and Reigen's like 'great, I already have one' and she's like. Quiet for a second before she goes, "You already brought him to the doctor?" with a bit of reverence in her voice.
He raises an eyebrow, though he knows she can't see it. "Uh, yeah? I kind of got, y'know, concerned when my kid woke up with a 104° fever??"
And she explains that most parents don't take their kids to a doctor for a couple days, sometimes; like they'll call them in sick for a couple of days without a doctor's note and show up on the 3rd or 4th with one, and some of them even directly say that they were waiting for it to go down because they didn't want to pay the bill. Some couldn't get in an appointment, if they had no clinic to go to, but in all of her years as a secretary, rarely anyone went to the doctor immediately.
The two end up on the phone for the next half hour, talking about how stupid their generation could be, before they finally hung up.
'Huh,' Reigen thought to himself as he went to see how Teru was doing. 'She was nice.'
'I like that guy,' the secretary thought as she hung up. 'I've heard plenty about Hana-...Reigen?? ...that boy, and he definitely needed a good parental figure in his life.'
They meet again when Reigen goes to the school to pick Teruki up-again, the kid managed to get sick, though it was just a really awful cold that he decided he couldn't handle anymore, calling Reigen at lunch and basically saying 'Dad pls save me I'm Miserable.' And Reigen, like the reasonable man he is, did exactly that, because while colds technically can't keep you away from school, God do they suck and sickness shouldn't be the only reason you stay home. 
They met eyes and then Reigen glanced down at the woman's placard, noticing the name and pointing loosely at it. "Oh, hey, you're the nice secretary I got last time Teru was sick. How've you been?"
They ended up talking for a while again, and Teruki was just content to lean against Reigen's side for a little while.
They finally met one more time at a random coffee shop, finally in a free space without time restraints or sick kids to worry about. They sat down at a table together, and they really hit it off; they had similar thinking about how their generation turned out, and how kids really needed better parents. She had one of her own, so they ended up looking like the two parents of kids who are friends who brag about said kids, but they really didn't care bc 'holy shit another parent!!!' Esp on Reigen's part, since he was surrounded by kids and espers who were still putting their lives together.
They ended up trading numbers to keep in touch, and it's been history ever since. They meet up sometimes to talk, but they're basically each others' Other Parent friends. They aren't super close, really? They're just cool friends who met on some weird circumstances, really. (If nothing else, it's a fun story to tell.)
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iketeruki · 7 years
I am sorry if this question is kinda out-of-the-blue-ish but how was it to meet An Cafe? I love to hear other people their experiences!! And I love your blog!!
No need to apologize, i love sharing my experiences and memories! and thank you so much, this warms my heart a lot. ♡ im sorry it took AGES to answer. ^^;So i’ve seen An Cafe twice but the first time i had “only” the regular ticket cause i wasn’t fast enough to get the vip upgrade…. i was so sad back then but the whole concert was amazing experience already!But since we’re talking about actually meeting the band, i’m only going to talk about the 2014 concert’s meet&greet. if you want to hear about the concert as well, pls tell me and i’ll gladly tell about it too. Okay so throwback to march, 2014. I came to hang out in front of the concert place a lil too late to see An Cafe going inside so i didn’t see them then but i heard that they had happily waved to the fans waiting outside and everyone had been so shook that they hardly could wave back and say hello, hehe. but i was early enough to meet Junior. He took pictures of the fans outside and when he saw my fan , he chatted with me a moment about it. (it was one of those you see on gokutama rock cafe album’s dvd) After going inside the venue, i was quick enough to buy my concert merch. (i bought the bag and t-shirt) and then we went to the concert hall that was still empty. We stood in a half circle, everyone had gotten their VIP stuff and we were waiting for An Cafe. We were told to cheer loud so they’d come from the backstage and we did. An Cafe walked to the room and first they looked at us , a little smile on their face. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes at first, it felt so unreal. and i became SO SHY. At first were told to ask them questions. There were some questions like “what is the first thing you think when you hear Finland” etc. I was so shocked i couldn’t really say anything and i kept on staring each member like “are you really there omg?” Miku noticed my fan at one point and just kept on staring at it for a moment .At one point we didn’t know what to ask anymore so teruki had a questions for us. “Who, from the an cafe, is the most moomin?” We had to choose one and when they said the name of the member we had chose , we had to cheep/clap. I think i chose takuya but miku won. if i remember correctly.after that we went to line and it was time for the photo. At that moment we could give presents to the members if we had any and we could have a small chat. As i said, i was feeling really shy. My two friends and I had had a little fanproject where we did shirts for each member. I did one to teruki , my one friend (who couldn’t come to the concert) did one for kanon and my other friend did the ones for miku, yuuki and takuya. Tho i helped with figuring out what photos we put there on yuuki’s and takuya’s. (so it was a plain white t-shirt and we painted)Since my friend who did one to kanon wasn’t there, my other friend (who did yuuki’s, takuya’s and miku’s shirts) gave the shirt to kanon and i could give mine to teruki.. so teruki was so confused when he was only one who didn’t get the shirt. then my friend pointed out at me, saying i would give him the shirt. 
When it was my turn, Teruki turned his attention on me and was walking towards me. at the same time i was asked who my favorite member was and even though i very well heard it, i answered “what?” and i was asked again and then i could answer teruki. I walked towards the members and teruki was like “WHOOOAA AWESOME” when he saw the fan i was holding and i was a lil awkward like “whoa why are you like this help is this really happening?!?!” and then teruki noticed the t-shirt and he was singing “t-shit, t-shirt, t-shirtt” and i was just laughing a lil and gave it to him with nodding and saying “yess, it’s for you.” i had painted a cat , similar to the one he had posted photos on fb. and i wrote nyan nyan. (it came from that one interview during my heart leaps for “c” era)he praised it and looked at it and all of the members were watching it as well. Even though i was super shy, i was brave enough to ask for a hug and he was like “yeah of course.” then i thanked him for everything. Then it was turn for miku and i hugged and thanked him as well. Then when it was time for Kanon, i remembered that i had a bracelet and card my friend gave me. She adores kanon a lot and i promised to give those to him. Miku looked at the card as well and was like “ohh that’s so well drawn”. Then I hugged and thank Takuya as well. Yuuki was leaning of the fence behind, he thought i wouldn’t want to hug him ??? so when i came in front of him and asked for a hug , he was like “yeah sure” HIS HUGS ARE THE BEST I FELT SO WARM HONESTLY. he was so sweet and he thanked me that i wanted to hug him ? and i thanked him for coming to finland and being a sweetheart. Then we took the picture, i was next to teruki and danggg i was nervous. before taking the picture i noticed i still had my stuff and i was trying to search my friend and i was like “omghe jw jonna where are you?” but in english in stead of finnish. well jonna heard it, but so did miku and he repeated what i said but in that high pitched voice. you know that what he used during ryuusei rocket/cherry saku yuuki era on that one comment where he first says normally “nyappy” and then high pitched “nyappyyy” :DD i was like “did u just”anyway, after the photo teruki gave me the signed cd. he usually says thank you. but he somehow got what i was thinking when i wrote the nyan nyan on the shirt. so he said nyan nyan. in the same way they did in the interview. (idk if they said nyan nyan in the interview but in sounds similar). i was so happy and shocked and rgoh . iT WAS AWESOME.anyway, i got in the first row on the left side. i was right in front of kanon and i saw teruki perfectly as well. and it was one of the best concerts in my life.after the concert we stayed outside the concert venue and saw An Cafe. Their car was parked right in front of the front door so we stayed and said goodbyes and good nights. Kanon was super tired so he didn’t say much nor did Takuya. But Miku chose his seat so he had a perfect view on us and he looked like he wanted to get out of the car and come to talk with us etc. i told him im going to miss him and an cafe and he was looking at us a bit sad and said he is going to miss us too and he promised to come back as soon as possible. and he thanked us and i said “no thank YOU for coming”. Yuuki was super sweet he came a bit later and told us good night. Teruki was the last one to go, it took him a while tbh. and when he came out he was eating pizza and when he noticed us he started to laugh a lil and raised the pizza piece and said “oishii desu” and then he thanked us for the concert. sorry this came out longer than i was expecting. but that’s my experience.Oh and i wanna add something, a lil random but what warms my heart still.A little before 2012 tour started, i tweeted miku that i was so happy to see an cafe and i couldn’t wait the concert. and i told him also that i was sure that the setlist would be awesome anyways, but it would personally mean so much to me if ryuusei rocket was on the setlist. It wasn’t at that year (obviously they’re not changing the setlist 2 days before the concert starts) but he started to follow me a little after i tweeted that. And on 2014 tour’s setlist, RYUUSEI ROCKET WAS THERE. i’m not saying it was right after that and it might have been a coincident but i like to believe that it might have had something to do with the tweet. Anyways, i was so happy after that happened. 
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