#My house is pink and I'm collecting every flower and my sheep stable violates every animal welfare law <3
kleefkruid · 1 year
Since I got given a tv screen I also got my hands on an old ps4 and I've been playing minecraft on my study break, a game I only played a bit in 2011 and didn't look at since, and I have to say, it really is the game that stimulates my internal autism and ADHD goblins equally.
I can be mining in straight lines for hours, researching a strategy that will give me the most natural resources, while every type of rock goes in a neat labeled chest and I compare their in-game uses to their real life uses. (copper my girl you are being done dirty)
OR I'll be in the nighttime wilderness diving of a cliff with 10+ zombies running after me, carrying 3 pieces of gold horse armour but no sword, because I lost track of my house while pursuing a shiny shape on the horizon.
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