#My most confortable blog is here xd
eky11 · 1 year
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Quick meet the artist I did before going to sleep
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misszura · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
(lmao sorry I accidentally unfollowed trying to get to the ask button)
OMG, it's 2am here, and I just received this notification, so instead of watching the celling, trying to find sleep, I'll answer your questions !
(I love asking ! Thank you so much ! )
Others social medias that's it ? I have plenty of them. You can find me on twitter (@ CrazyZura) but it's mostly in french (speaking English in front of a buch of french people is hard y'know ?) I have Instagram, but it's not really interesting (except if watching me make paper boats and leave them at my university is interesting) I think it's resophinement (I'll check before posting) I also have wattpad, but as before it's in french (feel free to have a look on my unfinished works (no It there)) still CrazyZura, but I have a second account where I project to post the fanfiction I'm currently writing ! (I'm almost done ! ) Oh and I have a tik tok account ! I draw a lot, and there is some IT content there certainly CrazyZura (as @ but I think my username us wawawa, because I used to cosplay a gebderbend Wario) (don't ask he is underrated XD)
I never changed my username on those platforms, because I'm kinda a newbe on Internet, i mean, I'm here from 2015 for most of them, before I was on... YouTube i think, and Facebook. I used to have a blog, and my username was something like sosodu44 (my name + from my department) (and I'm on Tumblr for 2/3 months, I still don't know how it works)
(please tell me i understood well the question, sorry if not, I still learning foreign languages)
I'm also a newbe on the IT fandom since I watched them (2017 and 2019 version) during the lockdown, and the 1990 miniseries not long after. I'm still looking for the book, but I can't find any book shop open (and I won't buy it with Amazon.) You laugh at me if I say that I saw those movies while watching the whole Finn Wolfhard filmography ? Because it's thanks to that I'm in the fandom
My favourite characters are Stan, Richie and Patrick, and my favourite ships are probably Stozier (don't hit me please) patrick X Richie, henpat and obviously Reddie (I mean, I think everyone in the fandom like Reddie, right ?) Why ? I kin (it's the term ? Let's say it's the term) Richie and Stan (more Richie, he is my Confort character ) and Patrick, because I have a thing with unsaine bad Guys, my family always make jokes about it. (I can't help, plus the fact that he is pictured by Owen teague improve my love for him) (funfact : patrick is my Confort drawing, when I don't know what draw, it end up by Patrick) (sometimes Vic comes, because i like his character a lot too)
I love this question, because it makes me feel like I'm really a part of something even if I don't do a lot. As said before I draw Patrick a lot, not only, I draw it characters a lot (I need to find where I put my last Bill drawing ) I also have a fanfiction, but I won't post it until it's finished, because I fear to not end it, and I don't want the pressure of people asking "when is the next chapter" (if people ask that) and I'm kinda anxious that if I start post it before I finish it, I'll never finish it... (But soon ! Like before July if I work hard !). And obviously I reblog memes, I share fanarts, cosplays, tik tok, videos, and fanfiction.
Ok so this is the "sophie is going to simp over everyone" time ! Fanfictions writers who inspires me are @ fuji09 (I didn't notify them on purpose, I have to stop bothering them) they're fanfictions are really cool, and there for every tastes, I wish I could have a writing skill as good as them. There is also my friend shayla_mitchel (on Wattpad) she writes a lot about Patrick and she Helps me a lot with my work (plus she is the one who correct the English version, since my translations aren't always the best) (by that I mean : it's sometimes, when the moon is in good therms with Neptune, good enough) (in my language it's fun. I swear) there are those Cosplayers on tik tok, mostly fezilius and Synthestron, moonshine4snails, tarondactyl and aphelion (they're cosplaying with their friends, if you have time watch they're works, even if they don't do only It contents, they're really good Cosplayers that I love) (i just noticed I've mentioned only male/nb Cosplayers, so I add cospla.natro (on Instagram and tik tok) and Ligeia.cosplay (on Instagram and tik tok too) and there is also the reddie videos of kmcarras (on Instagram)
I still don't know how to put links in her (I'll try to figure out while answering) the leach series of Fuji09 (mentioned above) on AO3. A fic called When you say my name by YoungDumbandFullofHeadcanons on AO3 (really a jewelry, but a lot of tw, mostly of transphobia, be careful and take care) and a hard one called "a lot of marshmallow" by MeganRosenberg on AO3 (apparently) kinda hard because it's a violent one. There was others like Above and bellows (I think) i can't find it back to mention, I think the author deleted it.
I'm really proud of the fonction I'm currently writing, even if it's a fiction with an OC and I'm a little ashamed of that(because people judge that a lot). (As said before not posted yet) and my tik toks about Richie and patrick (the two last I've posted.
It's now 3am, and I haven't finished, my phone Will probably get out of power before the end XD (like this I'll see if Tumblr have some automatics saves)
I wish I would, but no... One day, may be if the occasion comes to me :)
I don't really know, I wish we had more content (in french for exemple ! ) But I think the fandom is kinda cool (when we forget all the ship wars and all dramas like this)
I hope I've answered well enough, I'll probably regret doing this that late tomorrow, because I probably forget a lot of things (did i mentioned that i made some It incorrects ? I don't think so) keep asking me things I'm totally open for this (idk if annon are on)
On this, I wish you a good night, or day, or whenever you are and I'm going to keep watching my celling !
Good night 🍈🍈🍈
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dotzines · 5 years
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Artist Spotlights!
🎤 Keldan 🥁 KentuckyTheFried 🎷 Kisse
🎺 lemonbaristas 🎸 LicoriceRoll 🎻 Linkyu
Interview below the cut!
Introduce yourself
🎤 I'm a hobbyist artist. Wander around the Fire Emblem fanbase mostly. Social media: https://twitter.com/KeldanCon 🥁 Hi there! I’m a 19 year old hobby artist with a passion for designing OCs and fantasy/sci-fi characters. I’ve been drawing seriously for the past three years, but only got into digital art in September 2018. I’m active on Twitter (@KentuckyTheFry) 🎷 I’m a commission artist with a media background. I enjoy drawing cats, plants and lgbt+ topics. You can find my art on my website at juliusjoki.com, on instagram at @kissegram or on twitter at @kissecatte. 🎸 Hey there! Im an art student, I draw on both digital and traditionnal, mainly fandom stuff~ You can find me on twitter and insta @Licoriceroll , and tumblr @lico-arts :) 🎻 Hi, I’m Linkyu; I am here as a digital artist, but I’m also an independent game developer at Duality Workshop. My favourite genre is Sci-Fi, closely followed by Fantasy. I like to write dark themed stories, but most of the time I’ll make sure to make them hopeful. I don’t like sad endings. I'm currently most active on twitter, where you can find most of my recent art here: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3ALinkyuTL%20%F0%9F%8E%A8&src=typed_query&f=live
Do you do commissions post? Where can we find the info?
🥁 My comms are always open and available right here: https://twitter.com/kentuckythefry/status/1171914175028875270 🎷 http://teaspionage.com/blog/work-and-commissions/ 🎸 https://twitter.com/LicoriceRoll/status/1151212909067931649 🎻 I do, actually; it's the pinned post of my twitter: https://twitter.com/LinkyuTL/status/1197969362096992257
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
🎤 Between music and contingency podcasts. 🥁 All the time! I actually find it hard to draw WITHOUT something in the background. I usually listen to music, but if I’m in a particularly good headspace and have a ton of work to do, I’ll listen to episodes of Critical Role ~ 🎷 I listen to music almost all the time and spotify is my best friend. I also watch a lot of documentaries while I draw. 🎸 I never do anything without music playing, silence gets too lonely ._. 🎻 Yes, although I tend to avoid lyrical songs because otherwise I end up distracting myself singing along and… not … drawing,,,
What’s your favorite music artist/band? If you could ask your favorite band/music artist one question, what would it be?
🎤 Nightwish. Are you ever gonna make a recorded concert with a full orchestra? 🥁 Right now my favorite artist is Aurora, and if I got the chance I would ask her for a hug - she strikes me as he type of person who would give good hugs xD 🎷 I don’t have a single favourite but I’ve been listening to a lot of Japanese rock music and city pop recently. Right now I’d like to know what art styles the members of BUCK-TICK find the most inspiring. 🎸 My favorite band is BBHF (ex Galileo Galilei) 🎻 Dave Grohl, by far. He is the musical embodiment of the philosophy that I adhere to.
Do you play an instrument? If not would you like to play one? Which one?
🎤 Guitar and keyboard. 🥁 I’ve been playing guitar for twelve years and violin for ten! If I got the chance I’d love to learn cello or harp. 🎷 I used to play the violin before I lost my instrument. I’m also interested in the bass guitar. 🎸 I never took actual classes but a friends taught me the basics of ukulele and piano. Outside of that I just sing a lot~ 🎻 I've played a fair amount of bass guitar, and some normal guitar too. I've started picking up the keyboard again for composition too, and I'd like to do some drums too in the future, actually.
Which song(s) are you going to draw?
🎤 Children of Bodom - All Twisted 🥁 I’m drawing Godhunter by Aviators! (It’s a BOP, highly recommend) 🎷 Morning Hangover by King Quartz 🎸 Im drawing Tsugi no Hi from BBHF 🎻 Definitely Hail to the King, from Avenged Sevenfold. Maybe more?
What do you expect from this zine?
🎤 Keep improving my art skills and find some interesting fellow artists to follow. 🥁 I’m challenging myself, in a sense! I always tell myself I’m gonna draw something based on one of my favorite songs but I never do, so this zine was a great opportunity to just sit down and say “yes! I’m drawing this!” ~ 🎷 I’m excited for creating original work and illustrating music as well as looking at how other people have interpreted songs that I know. 🎸 I think it's great to step ouf of my confort zone when it comes to illustrations: drawing for a song can be a lot more abstract than drawing for a specific character. Being more loose with the interpretation is pleasantly freeing ^^ 🎻 I'm mostly in it for more incentive to draw. I don't get commissioned very often, and I tend to neglect my art for other hobbies instead, so participating in zines forces me to keep the pen moving, you know what I mean? Besides, I get to see some nice art and the DotZine community has been great, so, it's also a nice ride.
Anything else you want to add?
🥁 Just some words of inspiration - whatever it is you’re doing, whatever you’re going through, don’t give up on your dreams! You’re stronger than you know 💕 🎻 Keep Rocking 🤘
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