#My next goal is to punch a wall on Tuesday to get rid of the anger inside me with physical pain
missskzbiased · 3 years
Okay, so now I'm going venting style because that's my ninja way!
Warning: Really long venting that won't make any difference in your life but will relieve my upsetness. You can just scroll down. TMI about my life
Venting here is what keeps me going lol
So today was a particularly crappy day and it's still 3PM.
I woke up - of course, anxious - and then started to do the things I need to do.
Mom is recovering from a surgery (nothing scary, just a mouth thing but she has some conditions that can get complicated, so it's gonna take a while), therefore we can't get mad at sick people SUHAUHSAUHSAUHSHAUUHSA
She ordered some stuff while I was sleeping and I was lucky enough to wake up before it arrived. I can only imagine that she'd wake me up even if she said she'd ask the guy to come up. Anyway. So 5 min later from waking up (my moody mood lasts more than this) I had to go down to bring up heavy stuff. Then more 5 min got me to go down again to bring up even more heavy stuff. Because she ordered from 2 different places.
She ordered tons of things that we KNOW we won't eat because she can't eat anything and we can't eat like six fucking mangos and I don't know... 24 bananas before it rotters. Not to mention the other stuff. And if she thinks we can, then I don't know what is going on inside her mind.
I have to wash all this but before that, I had to study because I had some classes to watch since the professors posted the videos but I didn't watch it yet because I was studying for the exam. So I watched 3 classes, noted everything down, did the quiz, and had to sort out a group project for one of the classes, that won't be in my hands at least this week /o/
Then I had a meeting to sort out another group project. We decided on each one's part and I'm writing it right now. Well, was, 'cause now I'm venting so I can keep doing it with peace of mind. I'll have to look for some articles and stuff but that's fine, I think I can handle it til 5PM or something
Then after I finish this, I have to do the chores. Make sure that cats, mom, grandma and stuff are alive. Make sure mom did put the ice on her face.
Probably do some exercises, if possible. But I'm on my period, though it's almost ending... Maybe I'll use it as an excuse to not feel guilty for not exercising.
And then eat.
Other complaints: Had like 5 min break to eat before doing the meeting. Will probably not get enough water. Will probably eat just at 8PM or something now. Tiredness.
And now that's it. I feel so much better now.
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The Next One Is Free
A/N: A long long time ago I posted an ask where for people to request befores, afters, or POV changes for any scene/ chapter of any of my stories, and @suchatinyinfinity​ (thanks Dani!) asked for the scene from Passing Through when Ryan and Reader meet from a different POV (which we get from Reader in the main story) and I am sorry it took me so long to get to because I had a blast writing it. It also goes along with the first prompt from this September prompt list- which I am going to try to utilize in some way shape or form through this month in an attempt to write daily. The goal for September is to empty my inbox and catch up on things I have been meaning to write so without further ado... 
Request/ Prompt: Ryan & Reader’s first meeting- POV Remix // September Prompt Day 1- the smell of coffee  
Word Count: 1k
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It was a typical Tuesday morning shift at Caribou. 
The bell above the door hadn’t stopped jingling for more than a few seconds at a time as customers came and went. The chiming sound was accompanied by the near constant clanking of ceramic mugs jumbling together in the dishwasher and the drip, drip, hiss of the coffee pots to create a sort of soundtrack for her to work to. With only one song. One long song on an endless loop. 
Maggie stared through the steam of the espresso machine at the line of customers stretching out from the counter. Their number never dwindled to less than four no matter how quickly she filled cups or frothed foam. The fast pace could sometimes be exhausting, but it did help to make the time fly when she was consistently busy. Her eyes darted up to the clock mounted to the wall on the far side of the room, squinting to read the time as a man with broad shoulders stepped into the line. Ten thirty. One more hour to go. You can do this, Mags. 
By then she had already had her slew of early regulars with their routine orders and friendly smiles, their “have a great day hun”s and their “see you tomorrow”s genuine even if they were also routine. The daily stream of half sleeping students stopping in for a pick me up en route to their 9 am class a few blocks over at the UC Denver campus had already come through too, Maggie recognizing a few of them as classmates from her night classes and making small talk about assignments or upcoming exams as she made their drinks. There was also a group of middle aged women who she could count on every other week to take up two tables in the corner while they discussed whatever it was their book club had read recently. Though it seemed like it would do the opposite, seeing certain faces, chatting with the same people, even if it was about the same thing every time, helped make a monotonous job less so. 
Not all regulars were a welcome sight though, and she groaned as she recognized the broad shouldered man in the gray suit as the jerk who had made her new co-worker cry the previous week with his rude demeanor. Ugh. Not this guy again. It was undoubtedly him though, his voice cutting through the busy space as he spoke into the phone pressed to his ear with the same condescending tone he used to order his coffee. Letting out a sigh, Maggie capped the tiny cups she held and cashed out her current customer, mentally crossing her fingers in hopes that the jerk in the suit wouldn’t cause any problems. Please I just want my shift to end in peace. I have one more hour and then I’m free. I really just want it to go smoothly. 
The next customer, it seemed, had heard that silent plea, the man ordering a small coffee with a kind smile. He dropped his change directly into the tip jar, thanking her in a slow southern drawl with a tip of his head. He wrapped his long, tattooed fingers around the cardboard cup she passed him and stepped aside, heading for the table where creamers and sweeteners were stocked. 
Before she could even process the pleasant interaction though, the jerk was barking his order at her and she felt herself struggling to keep a customer service approved smile on her face. The effort wasn’t lost on the woman in line behind him, and she gave Maggie a sympathetic look. Luckily, the well dressed asshole didn’t have any complaints about his coffee this time, and since his order was simple he was out of her hair relatively quickly. Good. Now get out of here before-
But it was too late for him to leave without incident as dark brown liquid splashed onto his coat. Maggie saw it happening in slow motion, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was already helping a different set of customers when the nice but apparently clumsy woman who had just shot her a look of solidarity had spilled her beverage. And of course it had to be on him. Maggie watched helplessly as the woman tried to diffuse the situation before it became a shouting match, apologizing for the stain and offering to take care of his drycleaning. More than he deserves, but she’s trying. 
He wasn’t having it though, and just when Maggie wondered if she needed to call for her manager, the kind man with warm eyes was back to intervene. Though he didn’t appear to know the woman, he stepped between her and the jerk and addressed the other man directly. He calmly but sternly repeated what the woman had offered, telling the man to either accept her apology and courtesy or move along. For half a second, Maggie wondered if the well-intentioned canvas and denim clad young man hadn’t made things worse by stepping in, but something in the combination of his tone and the way his calm eyes flashed dark and serious must have made the jerk think twice because he left, grumbling about taking his business to the coffeehouse over on Larimer. Oh. Please do. 
Pressing a fully punched card with a hand-written “next one is free!” on the back into the hero of the morning’s callused palm, Maggie thanked him for ridding the shop of the undesirable customer and poured a fresh cup of coffee for the woman whose beverage the jerk had left wearing. Continuing to help the customers in line, Maggie kept one eye on the pair as they introduced themselves to one another, the woman thanking him again and both of them grinning over their steaming cups. Did I just witness one of those coffee shop meet cutes? Like in hallmark movies and fanfiction? 
Laughing to herself, she watched the two of them leave the shop, the bell announcing their departure, and hoped for one more thing- I hope when he comes in for his free one… they come back together. 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the tags please feel free to let me know or use the form at the top of my masterlist! 
Tags:  @something-tofightfor @suchatinyinfinity @malionnes @thesumofmychoices @gollyderek @pheedraws @beautifuldesastre @alraedesigns @dearmarii @fific7 @obscurilicious @luminex3 @vetseras @blackbirddaredevil23​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @yespolkadotkitty​
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