#My players prevented: Panic in a highly religious district over the graveyard's previously peaceful but worryingly numerous undead
witches-and-weirdos · 8 months
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Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours
(I'm splitting this in 2 answers) @undyingmedium
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After the sun sat, Nillan lit a small candle and meditated on the day's unexpected developments. "A medium with an ancient ghost, and a tiefling that looks like a stitched-together devil. Every ghost she spoke to here says she tried to help, and was respectful when declined. She is clearly at the start of becoming undead from her... 'dad's' influence. Whatever that ghost once was, it is clearly an ascendant of some kind... The man seemed genuine too... I must doubt that Miranda wouldn't sense any of this, but I could mask myself long enough too so far... maybe the gang wars distract her enough..." A slow deep breath, then a slow exhale. "It is worth a chance. Maybe we won't have to ambush the paladin after all. It was a terribly risky plan anyway, and now things might just line up well enough yet to make do without it. If you sent them Ginerva, I thank you." She kissed a bone on the short chain of metacarpals she held for prayers. "We will still need to be ready for it, and either way I will have to keep an eye on them. A very particular trio, with so perfect timing, and the ascendant has to be important."
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