#NCT AG.Scenarios
yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT World 2.0 Episode 4
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The first fan dance, Team Who Who Dat
Most was between Jaehyun and Ten at the beginning of her teams fan dance
Moxy failing at holding back her laughter
When they were split off in a group, Moxy had a little dance in the middle
Hannah and Juno were catcalling her
At the end, Moxy was between Winwin and Ten
DEFCON calling Moxy cute during her solo part
Next dance, team 00600
Juno was between Haechan and Jaemin at the beginning
During the Shoot part, Juno almost fell over because she was leaning too far back but Shotaro reached over to balance her
Next dance, The Old Go First
At the beginning, Aurora was in the back literally jumping so her fans could be seen
“Why did your put shorty in the back” Hannah
Aurora added a little jump when her team did their pose at the end
Moxy fell over laughing after Sungchan tried to explain the name of his teams dance
Last team, OFN
Hannah was behind Kun when they came together
Moxy was leaning into Mark’s side when they began to crow
Hannah was up front with Jungwoo during the crowing part
While the next game was being set up
Moxy: *in english* What the hell is that?!
Aurora: is this that thing that’s in sports anime??
Next game, Vaulting Horse
Group 1 goes first
Moxy goes after Yuta
“Everyone Hail To The Pumpkin Song!!!” All the members sitting down start singing to cheer on Moxy
She floats over the vault with ease
Group 2, Juno has a bit of difficulty in her arms but makes it over
Group 3, Aurora also makes it over with ease
Group 4, Hannah just floats over and even poses after
Increase to 1.90
Three of the girls make it over
Moxy actually ends up doing and action roll after her challenge
When Winwin is taken out, Moxy joins the group hug
Juno just lands on top of the vault and sits there like the queen she is. But as regal as she looked she was eliminated
When this happens, all the boys bow to her. Juno does the princess diaries wave back
Aurora does her teams pose like Taeyong
Increase to 2m
Aurora was eliminated
Moxy made it thru but barely
Hannah once again made it look easy
Increase to 2.2 m
When Ten makes it over, Moxy races over to hug him
Moxy goes after Mark, she looks a bit nervous as she calls out her challenge
There’s a shot of Haechan and Renjun filming her
Moxy runs, jumps up and vaults over.......but her butt scrapes the top just as she makes it over.
The ref deliberates for a moment but puts up the X, Moxy is eliminated
After Shotaro’s jump, Moxy wanders over and wraps her arms around his waist for behind
“You did so well Taro!”
“Thank you noona!” 🥺🥺🥺
Hannah goes after Johnny. She announces her challenge, runs up, jumps but lands on top of the vault cause her elimination
Johnny helps her down and they both are consoled by their group mates
Relay Race
Since Moxy, Juno and Aurora groups already had six members they were made coaches
Hannah was the sixth runner for her team
Moxy was pep talking Mark at the start of the race
Aurora was massaging Doyoung’s back
Juno was talking strategy with Jaemin
“GO JOHNNY GO!!” Hannah when Johnny starts his sections
“PPALI TEN OPPAAA!” Moxy cheery for Ten
When Xiaojun pops his ballon, Hannah takes off
Her group members are cheering her on, Lucas was running beside her
When Hannah wins, her group slams into her. Lifting her up and celebrating at well run race
Moxy, Juno and Aurora squeeze Hannah between them to congratulate her
In the next episode
Moxy is with the eating team
Juno is with the photo booth team
Aurora is with the fishing team
Hannah is with the skyscraper team
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT World Episode 3
What the girls are wearing
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“It’s 2012!! Where am I?? This isn’t my room?!” Moxy
“Unnie! The multiverse must have captured us!!” Aurora
Moxy is in group 1 with Mark, Winwin, Ten, Yuta, Jaehyun, and Hendery
During their group cheer Moxy is kneeling with Between Yuta and Ten
Juno is in the 00 line team
During their cheer, Juno is standing between Shotaro and Jeno, holding her hand out like Iron Man
Aurora is in team 3 with Taeyong, Doyoung, Chenle, Sungchan, Jisung, and Taeil
After the group fell, Jisung wrapped an arm around her waist to make sure she was ok.
“You’re ok?” Jisung asked.
“Jisung. I can handle a fall from two feet. I’m more concerned for you.” Aurora gentlest rubs Jisungs knee Author note ~ Jisung!! Get better soon!!
Hannah is on team 4 with Johnny, Xiaojun, Lucas, Kun, and Jungwoo
During their groups cheer, Hannah is between Lucas and Johnny
“Aww!! you guys are cute!!” Hannah after the 00 lines theme song
Juno barely did the dance
“Juno, you gotta dance!” Jeno
“Look I am on your team but I will not join in on Haechan’s antics...” Juno we shall see Juno 👀
When Doyoung said his joke about Taeil being old, Aurora hugged him with Chenle
Defcon to team four “Why is your group called only five needed when you have six members?”
Johnny “Because we are gonna handle everything today. Hannah won’t have to raise finger.”
Jungwoo “Yeah, we are even gonna carry her around today!”
They honestly carry her the whole episode. Johnny and Xiaojun carry her the most
Moxy “I don’t think it’s fair that one team has three of our strongest members!”
Mark “Who’s the third?”
Moxy “Xiaojun, obviously...”
Before the arm wrestling competition
Team 1
“ I think we need to put Moxy up early cause she is strong!” Yuta
“Really?” Ten arm wrestles with her and Moxy wins
Team 4
Hannah is sat on Johnny’s lap laughing while the boys brag about winning
Team 2
Juno is looking at the iPad with Haechan and Renjun
Team 3
Taeil has Aurora in a hug close to his side
Team 1 vs Team 2
Moxy goes against Yangyang
“Everyone one hail to the pumpkin song!” Haechan calls out and every bows as Moxy steps forward
“Relax, relax. The pumpkin queen has arrived!!” Moxy steps up the Yangyang and the lock hands
The match starts at a stale mate before Yangyang gained the strength to win. Knocking Moxy out.
“Don’t worry Moxy! Oppa’s got this.” Yuta whispers in her ear as he walks up to Take on Yangyang
Juno pushing Yangyang forward when he is being held back
“WAHH! Oppa is the best!” Moxy says in a cute voice. The camera catch Haechan looking a bit angry at Moxy fawning over Yuta
Thats supposed to be me!!! Haechan’s thoughts....
Moxy hopped on Mark’s back after he won
Moxy clutching Jaehyun during Marks match with Jeno
Team 3 vs Team 4
“Let’s get our match out of the way.” Hannah and Aurora step up first. Hannah makes quick work of Aurora beating her in seconds
Hannah goes up against Taeil next and is taken out just as quick
Aurora relaxing against Taeyong’s chest. Taeyong has an arm wrapped around her. 
“Aurora give me a cheer.” Doyoung before his match with Johnny
“Hwaiting.” Aurora says it real dry
At the team 1 table, Moxy stands up when Sungchan starts to win against Lucas
“THATS MY BABY!!” Moxy when Sungchan wins
Aurora fans Sungchan’s face after he wins against Xiaojun
Juno at the team 2 table
“Lucas is not gonna let Sungchan win twice.”
After the match is over, Moxy runs over and tackles Sungchan
“IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!” “Thank you noona!”
Team 1 vs team 4
Moxy steps up against Jungwoo
“Moxy-ah, I will let you win. If you do some aegyo for us?” Jungwoo
Moxy just puts her arm on the rest, “I’d rather lose with my dignity in tack.”
Moxy and Jungwoo lock up.
The 00 line start chanting “PUMPKIN QUEEN!!” In support of Moxy
The match is close but soon enough Jungwoo out powers Moxy for the win
“Ohh Yuta oppa!” Moxy and Mark hug Yuta after his loss to Johnny
Second game - penalty shot
Team Old Go First vs OFN
Aurora steps up and her blocker is Johnny.
Aurora tries to distract him, “Oppa! Saranghae!!”
Johnny blocks her shot
Hannah goes up against Chenle. Hannah missed wildly
Team Woo Who Dat vs team 00600
Moxy steps up against Jeno. Moxy fakes Jeno out and makes her goal
Juno goes after Moxy. She takes her kick but it bounces off the post but goes in. The girls tie the game
After 00600 wins, Juno joins in the cheer with more enthusiasm
Team 00600 vs team Old Go First
Juno steps up but this time her kick misses, going above the goal post.
Hannah steps up and misses too. Her shot hitting th me goal post. Hannah sinks to her knees in defeat
“INJUNNIE!!!” Moxy cheering for Renjun when it’s his turn
Now is when the author Izzy realizes every one has numbers on their back. Here are the girls numbers
Moxy - 77 (the number stands for PQ or pumpkin queen)
Hannah - 02 (two is her favorite number)
Juno - 14 (AG’s debut date)
Aurora - 03 (her birth year)
During lunch, Mark takes Moxy’s crust when she finishes her pizza
Haechan rubs his hand against Moxy’s back when he stops by Team 1’s table
Aurora and Jisung wander over to where Juno, Jeno and Jaemin are seated at their table.
The boys of OFN were tending to Hannah, fixing her plate and pouring her soda.
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT World 2.0 Episode 2
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 Juno’s Mission
“Juno’s mission is to show off her fashion expertise and match the stage outfit to the member.” Juno stands and brings her hand to her ear, making her member cheer louder. 
“You got this Juno!” Moxy shouts. 
“Juno mission start!” this first picture pops up. 
“Ok that’s definitely boom era. that’s the outfit with the bones on it. But which member is it?” Juno thinks for a second, “Oh I got it!! It’s Jaemin, he’s the one wearing stripes.” 
“Correct.” the announcer says. The next picture comes up.
“That Aurora from NCT AG’s Breakthrough comeback.” Jeno answers quickly. and the announcers says she’s right. 
“How did you get that?” Kun asks.
“Aurora used to complain about that outfit a lot. She didn’t like it.” Juno answers as the next picture come up. 
“OHH this one’s easy! It’s WayV, it’s Ten oppa and its Bad Alive.” Juno is correct again. 
“Juno has to get one more right, right?” Aurora asks and Jisung nods. The next picture comes up. 
“Ohhh man.” Juno is stumped. The longer she looks the more confused she gets. The time passes but a light bulb goes off in her head. 
“Is that Haechan from Simon Says era?” Juno gets her last question right and wins her mission. She dances to celebrate.
Aurora’s Mission
“Aurora, you have to solve this riddle.” Aurora moves to the end of her chair, ready to hear the riddle.
“This is gonna be quick, Aurora is really good at these.” Jisung comments. The announcer reads the riddle
You have me today,
Tomorrow you’ll have more;
As your time passes,
I’m not easy to store;
I don’t take up space,
But I’m only in one place;
I am what you saw,
But not what you see;
What am I?
“Aurora mission start! Memories.” Aurora answers straight face. The white lights come on. Aurora finishes her mission. The older members of NCT look in awe of Aurora’s quick wit. 
“That’s why I’m top of my class.” Aurora leans back in her chair looking smug. 
Extra Moments from the Episode
“Finally...” Juno mutters softly after Taeyong completes his challenge
“I want food!” Hannah whines while walking over to Jungwoo’s box
Aurora being in awe of Jungwoo’s knowledge of chicken
“JAEHYUN OPPA!!!” All the girls scream for his challenge
“Watch home break all of them in one shot!” Moxy comments
Moxy cringing at Chenle
“Please don’t hurt yourself Lele!”
Hannah dancing to kick it when Johnny mission is announced
Moxy after Johnny won “You looked so cool, oppa”
Cue Johnny being flustered
During the break
Aurora snuck up on Jisung and scared him. Cue Jisung jumping out of his chair in fright.
“Don’t do that Rora!!”
“Couldn’t help myself
Hannah posing for a picture with Renjun and Doyoung
Moxy fixing Shotaro’s hairwhile checking on him like a mom
Juno singing Love Song with everyone
During Hendery’s mission
Juno “AH, Jisung! Why don’t you and Chenle go help him!” Jisung shakes his head furiously
Juno looking disgusted during Lucas’ mission
Juno laughing at Doyoung complaints about doing a group mission
Aurora “Have we watched Kingdom, unnie?”
Moxy “Not with me you haven’t! I do watch that stuff!”
Renjun “Scary.”
Moxy “SURE AM!”
When Jaemin’s mission is announced
Juno “Here comes the hoverboard ace!”
Moxy “OOO SEXY!” Jaemin turns and winks at her
Hannah looking horrified when Mark pulls out the frying pan
Moxy “Why is THIS his mission!!!”
Author Izzy - Can we have a conversation about how Haechan rushed over to help Mark????
Moxy trying and failing to hold back her laughter at Mark first attempt
Hannah wanders over to help Mark with Jaemin
“Make sure to get the whole spatula under the egg to pick it up in one piece”
Sungchan “Don’t put ketchup on Moxy unnie’s. She doesn’t like it on her eggs”
For Sungchan’s mission order
Moxy was between Yuta and Renjun . Hannah was between Shotaro and Jeno.
Juno was between Jaehyun and Johnny. Aurora was between Johnny and Hendery.
Moxy bouncing her leg, hoping Sungchan gets it right.
Moxy, Queen of Music Mashups She puts a peace sign next to her eye, smiles then walks thru the portal
Hannah with Iron Will She walks thru the portal doing the dougie
Quick Witted Aurora She trust falls thru the portal
Fashion Forward Juno She hits a pose, snaps her fingers then struts thru the portal
Hannah and Moxy walk out of the portal, arms linked
Aurora somersaults thru the portal to get to the sports field
When Juno walks thru, Jeno helps her step down
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT AG in NCT World 2.0 ep 1
Here is what the girls were wearing
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(I’m gonna cover The other girls missions in the next episode)
Moxy’s Mission
“Next up, Moxy!” 
A smile appeared on her face as the members  around her cheered her on.
“Fighting unnie!!!  “MOXY!!!”   “Let’s Get It!!”
Moxy kneeled down and opened her box only to see A NCT Dream album, a NCT 127 album, A Wayv album and a NCT AG album. Moxy pulled the albums out, confusion written on her face. 
“What is this!” Moxy exclaims, laughing a little.
“Let’s test Moxy’s music knowledge since she know so much. Your mission is to guess the song in our mashup. To win you must guess all the song correctly. There will be four mashup for you to guess. If you get any of them wrong, their will be a penalty.” 
Moxy and some of the other members looked shocked at her mission. 
“Pssssh, Moxy noona can do this in her sleep. She won’t fail.” Haechan leaned forward as he spoke. Moxy walk to a platform in front of all her members.
“MOXY FIGHTING!!” Doyoung shouted. 
“Moxy challenge.” Moxy smiles. 
The first mashup beings to play. 
“Ummmm This is definitely Dream. I can hear Haechan..........Uhhh I hear Boom.” Moxy’s faces scrunches up as she tries to discern which songs she is hearing.
“OH I GOT IT!!! It’s Boom, My First and Last and Trigger The Fever.” Moxy answers. 
“Correct!” The lights around them flashed white. The members of NCT cheering  her on. The next mashup played.
“AHHH! This is AG. Umm, I already hear SLAP and Breakout. But what is that other song??” Confusion fills Moxy’s face again. 
“What is that.” Juno asks Aurora who sits next to her. Aurora shrugs, not knowing either. Some time passes before realization crosses Moxy’s face.
“IS THAT JUMPIN’!!!” Moxy laughs again as she answers. 
“WHATT!!” The girls from AG are surprised as well. 
“I would have never gotten that...” Juno comments from her seat as the next mashup plays. 
“Oh that’s 127. Which makes it harder cause they have a bigger discography. Umm, I definitely hear Cherry Bomb and Highway to Heaven but whats the last one.” Moxy stops talking focusing of separating the sounds for the song she doesn’t already know. Haechan begins to hum Wakey-Wakey to help Moxy out. 
Moxy glances in Haechan direction, the answer finally coming to her. 
“I got it! It’s Cherry Bomb, Highway to Heaven and Wakey-Wakey.” Moxy gets it correct again and every cheers. 
“Are you ready for the last mashup?” The voice asks. 
“Yes.” Moxy puts her hands on her knees as the last mashup plays. 
“It’s Wayv.” Moxy says. The camera pulls in on Moxy eyes moving everywhere as she tries to think. She hears the whispers behind her. Other members trying to help her. 
“OH MY GOD!! I know two but the last one isn’t ringing a bell.” Moxy jumps in frustration. 
Time passes and Moxy decides to just take a stab. 
“Ok I think its Take Off, Bad Alive and After Mdinight?” Moxy answers. A second passes before the light flash red. Moxy got it wrong. 
“The correct answer was Take Off, Bad Alive and Dream Launch.” Moxy and her members moan in disappointment. “Because Moxy got one answer wrong she will face the penalty.” Moxy stands waiting for her penalty to be brought out to her. It’s a huge, bright pink bow that she has to wear. Moxy shake her head and puts the bow on. 
Hannah’s Mission
“Next Up is Hannah.” the members of NCT cheer her on as Hannah stands from her chair.
“Hannah your mission is to show us your strength by beat on of your members score on the punching machine.” Hannah looks shock at what her mission is.
“I have to beat one of them?!” Hannah exclaims. The staff roll the strength machine out while Hannah thinks over who she should choose. A light bulb goes off in her head.
“I choose Yuta oppa!” the members around her cheer for her as Yuta walks up with a smile. Yuta preps his arm then goes for his punch. The numbers go up and up until they settle on 785. The members around them cheers for Yuta’s score. Meanwhile, Jeno and Mark are pep talking Hannah.
“Remember use your forearm and drive with your elbow.” Jeno helps Hannah take off her jacket.
“Relax you got this.” Mark says while he rubs her shoulders.
“SHOW US YOUR MUSCLES!!” Chenle yells over. Hannah poses showing off the little muscle she has. The members all give a big reaction.
“Alright, Hannah mission start!” Hannah holds her forearm up. She goes for a bit of a run before she lands a hard punch on the arm of the machine. The number once again go up until the land on 799. The white light go off with Hannah’s success. Jeno picks her up and spins her around in celebration.
The girls chanting for Taeil
Aurora mocking Jisung
“You’re supposed to be the young one that’s good at technology.”
Hannah coaching Jisung from the back
Aurora saying the Peter Piper tongue twister perfectly. 
Moxy cheering on Ten whipped
“You got the Ten oppa!”
Hannah trying to warn Yuta
“Wait Oppa! You didn’t start the challenge....”
Hannah singing Shoulder Gangster Renjun
Moxy getting frustrated with Renjun
All the girls calling Haechan Aegi Pudu when his challenge comes up
Aurora swaying in her seat, eyes closed, while Taeil is singing
Juno and Hannah holding up fake lighters while Taeil sings
Moxy came down from her seat to see Yang Yang try his mission. She came down with Lucas
“Lucas oppa, if you go down I’m coming.”
“Let’s go then.”
Juno trying so hard not to openly laugh at Xiaojun
Juno “If I tried what Winwin oppa is doing, I would get stuck that way...” 
Shotaro did the dance to Breakout by NCT AG
Moxy running down and hugging Shotaro after his challenge.
“You did so good!!” Moxy squeezes Shotaro. “Thanks noona.” 
Moxy was back hugging Haechan during Jeno’s challenge
“You ok, noona?” Haechan asked her
Moxy hummed an answer, “Just missing you...”
Hannah checking on Jeno after he’s done
“Taeyong oppa Fighting!!” Aurora
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
[Un Cut] Take #1|2020 YearParty Behind the Scene #2
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Lost shot - Mark was standing at the front, Moxy steps out from behind him, the two look at each other and snap. The members of Dream and AG step out from behind them and form a V. They all stare down the camera for a moment then walk off in different directions. 
Moxy and the pants agenda
“I want pants so bad!!! Why do have to wear a skirt!! I feel like I can’t move!”
“But you can move??” Mark
“Shut up Mark! I didn’t mean literally!!” 
Moxy shooting with Jaemin, Juno, Jungwoo and Taeil
Moxy and Jaemin dancing in front or each other, Jeno shaking his head at him. 
Johnny carrying Aurora on his back
“Am I heavy, oppa?” “Aurora you literally are the weight of a feather” 
Moxy adjusting Haechan’s hair….
“It’s just this one strand I promise.” 
Juno tucked under Jeno’s left arm 
Juno climbing walking around playing a game of avoid touching the lasers. Renjun casually pushing her over. 
“RENJUN!!” “What! I was just helping you reach the floor.” cue Jeno laughing in the background.  
Lost Shot - Hannah and Jaemin walking from one direction. Jeno and Juno walking from the other direction. The two groups walking past each other in the middle but not hitting each other
Juno walking past Jeno’s interview like she was looking for her dressing room
“Your dressing room is the other way.” Jeno
“Oh is it?? I had no idea.” Juno
Moxy watching Ten’s solo shoot. She notices the camera and fans her face. 
Hannah, Chenle and Jisung, using NCT 2020 symbols on their jackets like walkie talkies 
“Chenle to NahNah unnie over.”
“Chenle you are a go for NahNah unnie, proceed with your message.” 
“Jisung looks cute today, I guess. Over.” 
“I do agree with you Chenle. Jisung does look cute today over.” Cue Jisung blushing. 
Lost Shot - Mark and Aurora duo shots!!
Aurora whining at Jungwoo until he gives her a bite of his snack
Hannah doing the dance to Turn Back Time while waiting for a camera rest
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT AG in the 2020 YearParty BTS video
The Cameras caught Moxy and Aurora doing the Ohnanana challenge from tiktok
Juno, Shotaro and Yuta (The Japanese Line) taking a family photo
Juno being carried on Jaemin back with Jeno next to them
Hannah teaching Jisung how to play red hands 
Lost Shot - The girls are sitting in a group. When the camera comes to the center, the all look to the camera
Lost Shot - the boys of NCT standing in two lines. The girls walking in between them, pausing to look at the camera, before walking off again
Lost Shot - Haechan sitting on a stone looking box. Moxy has her legs in his lap. Haechan’s arm is around her waist. Moxy has an arm around his shoulder and is leaning into his chest. The two of them staring down the camera (Looking like the King and Queen they are!!)
Hannah laughing at Ten and Jungwoo’s antics with Sungchan
Aurora laughing so hard at Johnny dancing that her face was turning red.
Johnny getting Aurora to join him
“That right! Get it Rora!!” 
Hannah on Haechan cam
“Next up Hannah noona! Noona how was filming today?” 
“It was fun but you know what was better?” 
“Seeing your face Haechanie.” Haechan mock choking after Hannah compliment. 
Hannah hanging onto Renjun’s arm during the Haechan cam segment
Juno’s message to fan
“Czennies!! Get ready for NCT 2020. We are all working hard to give you guys the best we can. We hope you all enjoy.” 
When Juno waves at the camera, you can clearly hear Jaemin and Jeno cheer for her
Hannah cooing and taking pictures of Doyoung back hugging Johnny
In the background, you can clearly see Moxy relaxed, leaning on Haechan as she talks to Renjun
Aurora, Jisung and Shotaro doing some popping moves while they wait
In the ending shot of the video, Aurora is playing with Jisung’s hair
“I had a lot of fun today. Usually I only see AG unnies and Dream oppas, but getting a chance to hang out with the older members and the wayv members made me really happy. I made a ton of new friends today and I can’t wait for you guys to see the finished product.” Jisung fist bumps Aurora when she finishes. 
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT AG’s Resonance Single - Welcome To The Jungle Overview
Welcome To The Jungle mv concept
The girls are laying in a bed of jungle flora that is hanging from the ceiling of a club. Taeyong walks over and shows the girls a picture of a two guys, Shotaro and Sungchan. Taeyong asks the girls to bring the men to him by the end of their performance. The girls begin to be lowered to the floor. Hundreds of people surround the floor and start screaming as they are lowered. The girls are held by restraints until they reach the ground. Juno sings first and as the hook ends, the girls restraints are let loose and they jump put, clad in jungle themed clothing. club members around them shouting and clawing at them. The girls jump down and the chase begins. 
Throughout the club, the girls are stalking around and dancing with club goers, the keep their eyes on Shotaro and Sungchan. The dance closer and closer to the two boys. as the big rap bridge part starts. Hannah and Moxy grab Shotaro. Juno and Aurora grab Sungchan. The lead them to the middle of the dance floor and seat them in two thrones. The girls finish their dance and the crowd cheers around them. Shotaro and Sungchan cheer as well, beginning to stand up. Moxy and Hannah push them back down. 
“You should stay there, our boss wants to talk to you.” Moxy says to the boys. Taeyong walk to them. Taeyong runs and hand down Moxy’s arm before facing the boys.
“Shotaro and Sungchan, nice to meet you. My name......is Taeyong.” Taeyong smile and the video goes to black. 
Welcome To The Jungle Teasers
In the teasers the girls are laying in those beds of jungle flora from the video. Each girl is laying in the bed before they look at the camera and say, “Welcome To The Jungle.” 
The girls have different outfits in different animal prints. The prints are; Snake, Giraffe, Tiger, zebra, and cheetah. The zebra outfits are used for the solo shots in the video and the dance performance video. The cheetah outfits are used for the club scenes in the video. I’m going to describe the cheetah outfits for you. 
Moxy is wearing a cheetah print,one shoulder top with a cutout on the side, cheetah print skinny jeans jeans, and black shoes
Hannah is wearing a black,long sleeve bodysuit, cheetah print skinny jeans and black shoes
Juno is wearing a cheetah print high low top, black jeans and cheetah print shoes
Aurora is wearing black cargo pants, a black tank top, a cheetah print bomber jacket and black shoes
All of the girls have black, wavy hair except for Moxy she still has her hair in braids in. 
Some fans noticed that the club goers would glitch when the girls touched them. That was done on purpose. It’s was supposed to signify that this was a trap, set up by Taeyong for Shotaro and Sungchan’s characters
This was also done to stay within COVID restrictions
This song was released in English only
NCT AG fans loved the choreo for this song. The girls took inspiration from Tiger Inside and had movements that looked like they were swiping at people with their claws. 
This songs dance offered a lot of time for girls to show off their dancing with a focus on small groups and less on big groups
During their first performance, all the girls had stiletto nails and for the coming up promos, the girls scratched at the camera with their nails. For their comeback performance, the stage was decked out with jungle fauna. The girls started the performance on single platforms placed at different heights. Instrumental from the song played as the girls walked to their positions. 
All fans think this concept fit the girls the best. Fans praised the sound of the song and really liked the different influences in the song. 
The four girl’s were able to really show off their rap prowess in WTTJ. 
There is a big rap section in the song where Juno was given a chance to try rapping out. Fans and the SM executives were very impressed with her performance.
During Moxy’s rap verse, one the line ‘Do your dance but they play my song’ Moxy will jokingly do a little bit of choreography from past NCT songs
This is the first NCT AG video that had other NCT members in it. Some eagle eyed fans, noticed the other members of NCT in the background of the video
This is also the first video to not include the bright yellow light that transports the AG members to their next video. 
The girls promoted for a week and won three of the six shows they were on. During one of their wins the girls were up against The Make A Wish team and the From Home team. When they won, the boys rushed the girls with hugs and congrats.
Dream posted a cover of them doing the dance to the chorus of WTTJ. 
A tik tok tread went around of people starting the video bare faces. The line ‘Welcome To The Jungle’ played and the person would cover the camera the uncover it to reveal a done up face. The members of AG also did the challenge, the videos going viral in a matter of hours
One day AG performed WTTJ the same day NCT U was at The Show with Make A Wish. She had to rush after the Make A Wish performance to get into costume for WTTJ.
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
NCT AG - [UnCut] Take #6 Welcome To The Jungle music video BTS
The video starts with shots of the girls getting ready. Getting, their make up and hair done. The instrumental for WTTJ playing in the background. 
Moxy dancing across the floor in front of the bar in the club. 
Aurora shooting her lip sync while posing on ones of the couches in the club
Juno dancing on the top of the bar
Hannah strutting across the floor
“Everybody look!!! It’s a mother and her children.” Hannah points the camera at Moxy who is trapped between the sleeping forms of Sungchan and Shotaro. 
All the girls standing around Shotaro and Sungchan while they film the final shot of the mv with Taeyong. 
Taeyong grabbing Aurora and cuddling her to his chest
“Our AG!! The girls looked fantastic today. I was really happy to be included on this video along with Sungchan and Shotaro. Czennie make sure to give lots of love to AG and Welcome To The Jungle!! Anyeong!!” Taeyong waves goodbye. 
Shots of AG doing the choreography in the middle of the dance floor. 
Juno and Hannah practicing their prowling around the club
“I shot Make A Wish over the past two days. Now WTTJ and From Home are shooting today. I heard that the rest of NCT shot their scene for our music video a while ago so make sure to see if you can see our members in the video for WTTJ. Czennie, I’m working really hard to make these video the best for you so I hope you enjoy.” Moxy winks.
Juno braiding Aurora’s hair in a fishtail braid
AG + Shotaro and Sungchan playing Among Us
“The body is in reactor next to Simon Says.” Hannah
“I’m in nav on the other side of the map.” Aurora. 
“Moxy noona faked a task earlier.” Sungchan
“We all have worked really hard for this comeback. Not just us but all of us in NCT. we hope the fans enjoy our hardwork and support us well. Gamsahamnida!” Juno bows. 
Moxy and Aurora faking slaps in the dressing room. 
“I really like this song!! It’s like a step up from Breakout. All the girls had a rap verse this time around and its soo cool!! Like I’ve been proud of all our songs but this one holds a special place in my heart. It feels like AG had taken it to the next level and I can’t wait for the fans to hear.” Aurora smiles. 
Aurora getting a piggy back ride from Juno. 
More shots of the girls prowling around the club while the music plays. 
“HAECHANNIE!!!” Moxy runs into Haechan’s arms when he shows up with Doyoung after the From Home shoot. hey brought churros and drinks for the girls, Sungchan and Shotaro
Haechan and Doyoung messing around with the members during their break
MOCHAN CRUMBS!!!! When Haechan showed up, the only time Moxy left his side was to say hug Doyoung. 
Haechan already knowing Moxy’s rap verse by memory
“How do you know the song already!!” Doyoung
*looking smug* “I have an all access pass.” Haechan 
Haechan when he leaves
“How long do you have?” Haechan
“I think we have two more hours....” Moxy
*hugs Moxy* “I’ll try and stay up but I left my extra hoodie for you in the dressing room. Be safe getting home.” Haechan
Haechan manages to kiss Moxy’s temple before Doyoung pulls him away. 
When MoChan were saying goodbye the caption said, ‘The star crossed lovers saying goodbye to each other’ even the editors ship them together
The girls shoot their teaser images last. When they are done the girls say thank you to the staff on the shoot before heading back to their dressing room. 
The video ends with the girls waving to the camera as they climb into their van to get home.
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
Moxy walks into frame and grabs her coin. She places it in the dispenser and turns the nob. Her ball pops out. She opens it and sees the paper inside.
“Ooooo what could this be??” Moxy smiles and opens her paper and reveals the picture of glasses. 
“Oo! I got glasses.” Moxy reaches over and puts the wire frames on. She turns to the other camera and checks herself out. Moxy writes down her name. 
“Ohhh, I’m with Xiaojun, Jaemin and Jeno! This is gonna be fun!”
“I wonder what we should do?” Moxy scratches her head.
Moxy points at the camera,”Yeorobun! I’m really like my group for our vlive. I can’t wait for you guys to see it but don’t stay up too late for it. Sleep is important! Bye guys!” Moxy salutes the camera and walks off. 
Hannah walks over with Chenle pointing at the dispenser.
“Noona! You gotta out the coin in and get your prize.” Chenle waits while Hannah turns the handle and gets her ball. She opens it to find a mood ring. Chenle starts laughing madly. 
“What are you laughing at?” Hannah exclaims.
“You’re.....with me, Noona!!!” Chenle manages to say before bursting into laughter again. 
Hannah walks over to the board and writes her name. “I’ve never worked with Jaehyun and Winwin oppa’s before. I see wayyy too much of Chenle but I think we got a good group.” Hannah claps.
“I want everyone will enjoy the vlives and I hope its not too awkward.” Hannah crosses her fingers and walks out of frame. 
“Why is there two N’s for the NCT pairing?” Juno asks while she opens her ball to reveal the other N.
Juno barks out a laugh, “HA! I guess that’s why.” Juno walks over to the other camera and checks out her hair. Juno takes a glance at the board and her eye’s light up.
“I”M WITH JISUNGIE!!!!” Juno cheers. She then reaches over and writes down her name. 
“I guess Mark and Jungwoo are cool too.” Juno smirks. 
“Ummm everyone, I’m really excited to do a vlive with everyone and I can’t wait for you to see it.” Juno winks and walks out of frame. 
Aurora walked over and glanced at the managers who pointed her to the dispenser. 
“Oh is this the coins for it?” Aurora asks. She places her coin in the slot and turns the handle. Aurora picks up her ball and wrenches it open. 
“What was this held together by, superglue!!” Aurora see the bow pop out and puts in on. 
“Alright who’s my partner??” Aurora says to the other camera. 
“OH! It’s Yuta, Ten, and Haechan oppas!! Oh this is gonna be fun!” Aurora celebrates a little. 
“I’ve gotten closer to Yuta oppa and Ten oppa recently with practice for the new album. So Im excited to interact with them even more.” 
“Czennie!!! Please wait patiently for our vlives!! I hope you enjoy.” Aurora spins around and walks out of shot. 
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
Comments from the Make A Wish Dance Practice Video
This is what Moxy was wearing
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“I’m gonna need a clothing haul from Moxy on the AG youtube channel cause she always be cute.”
“MiMiFam! Wanna dress up as Moxy for Halloween?? Just wear all black, leggings and there you go!!”
“Moxy’s hair was going everywhere in their video. 
“You know Moxy was feeling herself when she starts sticking her tongue out.”
“Moxy swag is already on another level. I feel like it somehow went up more with her appearance in Make A Wish”
“I hope SM sees how well Moxy did and starts giving her more lines in 127 songs”
“Moxy somehow keeps some of her gymnastics training for cheerleading and pairs it with hip hop freestyle and its really cool to watch”
“I think Moxy knows how much she is bias wrecking us. Look at that smirk on her face during her ‘I can do this all day line’!!!”
“I know our pumpkin queen put in that work to make sure their wouldn’t be a different between they way her male members do the dance and the way her body does it. Like I see no difference. 
“Moxy little jump after the cheer was cute!!”
“This is further proof that Moxy and Shotaro OWN the dance break!!!”
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
Unboxing NCT’s Resonance Pt. 1 The Future Ver. Album
Aurora is in a the group with Johnny, Ten, Hendery, Jisung. 
She was sitting between Ten and Johnny
“Hello Everyone!!!”
Aurora laughing at Ten rubbing the symbol on the front of the album.
“Come on Jisung!! You should have been prepared!!!” Aurora whining at Jisung’s struggle
“I’m trying, OK!!” 
She opened her album like Ten
“Wow that’s cool, Ten oppa!” 
“Haechan oppa told me to do this earlier when I saw him (proceeds to shake the crap outta her album) 
Aurora Ooo-ing and Ahh-ing at the photos of her members. 
“Look at how great Moxy unnie looks?? You guys unnie looks freaking great!!” 
Johnny “Freaking?”
Aurora “Hannah unnie won’t let me say the other word....”
Aurora also got a Haechan yearbook photo. She puts in her pocket
“Its for Moxy unnie....”
When talking about the limited edition cards, Aurora tells the fans not to spend all their money cause they got another album to buy later on. 
“I’m also sorry to international fans cause they don’t get the yearbook cards.”
Jisung “But they get the postcards.”
“Yes but that’s not the yearbook photo cards. I’ll try and steal some for international fans.”
Johnny “Don’t steal!” 
Ten “I’ll help!” 
When Johnny pulls out the poster,
“I am in love with the outfits from the future version of the album. When we wore them for the photo shoot, I felt like we looked out of this world.” 
Hendery “Like aliens.”
“YESS!!” Hendery and Aurora high five. 
She shyly tried to hold up a code for the camera but the editors blurred it. 
“You guys! Vote 24 hour relay so Moxy unnie and I can have an excuse to listen to Paramore at three am.”
Ten “Just Paramore??” 
Aurora “We add Fall Out Boy for variety.”
“How did you even notice that oppa?” Aurora’s reaction when Hendery points out the images on the lyrics sheet.
Aurora holds up Renjun’s full picture as her favorite.
“I just think oppa looked really cool. The glasses fit his face well and Renjun oppa is really photogenic so I don’t know how anyone could pick someone else.” 
Taeyong walks in a hugs Aurora from behind and kisses the top is her head. 
“Why don’t we get hugs and kisses?” Johnny
“Because she’s cuter than you.” Taeyong
“This is the size of the first Harry Potter novel.” Aurora point out the size of the photo book. 
“I hope the fans love the album. We all worked really hard and I can’t wait for you guys to see the rest of what we have in store!! Bye” Aurora’s ending message. 
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