#NFT Developer for Hire
codezeros · 2 years
Codezeros is a leading NFT development company that helps in designing and developing NFT and next-gen NFT Marketplace for various use cases like Art, Games, Music, Investment, etc. We help you launch your NFT for all your business needs. We have a team of skilled and experienced blockchain experts who have in-depth knowledge of various blockchain protocols and NFT standards. With a wide range of NFT development services, we provide continuous support and maintenance and hassle-free upgrades to the latest versions. 
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espsofttech06 · 4 months
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nandani01 · 6 months
NFT Development Services UAE, USA, India | NFT Marketplace Development Agency
Explore top-notch NFT development services in UAE, USA, India, with our expert NFT marketplace development agency. Connect with us for cutting-edge NFT solutions tailored to your specific needs.
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solulab76 · 10 months
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tuckergordon · 1 year
A Guide to Hire an NFT Developer
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For companies and individuals wishing to establish, manage, or trade NFTs, hiring an NFT developer can provide a number of advantages. A blockchain network can be used to create and deploy NFTs since NFT developers are knowledgeable in both blockchain technology and smart contract development. Additionally, they may assist organizations and people in navigating the difficulties of NFT standards and creating customized solutions that are catered to their particular need.
Challenges of hiring NFT developers
Despite the rising demand for NFT developers, it can be difficult to find the suitable candidate due to the small number of experienced workers in the field. Finding an NFT developer with the right qualifications and experience might also be difficult due to the NFT industry's rapid evolution and the continuously shifting regulatory environment. When employing an Hire NFT developer, you may encounter the following difficulties:
Finding the right developer: Finding a developer with the abilities and experience necessary to produce superior NFTs is one of the major hurdles. This necessitates a thorough understanding of NFT protocols, smart contracts, and blockchain technology.
Technical complexity: NFT development can be technically complex. Finding a developer proficient in multiple programming languages and with experience working with various blockchain platforms is essential.
Limited pool of talent: There is a small pool of developers with the required training and expertise because the NFT sector is still relatively young. Finding the ideal developer for your project could become difficult as a result.
Cost: There is a large market for NFT developers, but it might be expensive to hire one. It's important to set a reasonable budget and be willing to pay for high-quality services.
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Have you heard of NFTs? They're non-fungible tokens that allow businesses to keep track of items securely without worrying about losing track of them. These tokens are incredibly versatile, being used for games and a wide variety of applications outside gaming as well. 
They offer unique features such as the ability to keep track of an item's history and the guarantee of authenticity, making them the perfect way to protect your business or product. Check out this video to learn more about the exciting world of NFTs and how they can help you take your business to the next level.
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i4technolab · 2 years
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NFT, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be replaced or traded for something else of equal value. In the world of digital marketing, NFTs can be used to create unique and collectible digital assets, such as exclusive content, limited edition items, or special offers.
Looking to hire Ethereum Blockchain developers for your business?
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xbsoftware · 2 years
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ruthsimon · 2 years
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emotional-engine · 1 year
In case you missed - GREAT Neopets News!
I didn't see anybody talking about the news here, so I thought that I could share a summary.
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The Neopets Team announced today that they're under new management. They're no longer affiliated with Jumpstart (which announced their closure back in June) or their parent company NetDragon.
In their blog post in the official Neopets Medium page, they confirm that they are now an independent company:
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(Dominc Law, worked for NetDragon and was an old school Neopets player. He put together a team to work on saving the brand.)
Also in that blog post the team talks about how they are well aware of the problems the site has been through in the last decade, they acknowledge the lack of resources which resulted in the Neopets website being left broken.
Going ahead, they are going to focus on community requests, such as speeding up the process of Flash Games conversion, clearing up the page conversion backlog, bug fixes, mobile compatibility issues and improving customer support.
Most importantly, in my opinion, they clear up that they WILL NOT go forward with any Metaverse bullshit, and will instead work on creating a game that feels like Neopets:
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At this point, they have secured $4M in funding from various (unnamed) investors with additional funding from the management buyout. For the first time in forever, it looks like TNT has the resources they need to move the brand forward. In the blog post, they mention they have already hired developers and artists to work on the fixes the site needs.
From what it looks like, the game will be a mobile social life-simulation, parallel to the current website. We don’t have to worry that neopets.com will be replaced by a mobile app.
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As of now, they have announced:
A brand new plot, scheduled for early 2024
A 2 million(!) NeoCash giveaway
More transparency with monthly updates from the team, scheduled AMAs
Neopets will be under the control of a new, unified entity: World of Neopia, Inc - the website will remain the same (neopets.com)
A Brand Ambassador Program
No longer going forward with NFT/Metaverse stuff
At the end, they published a FAQ with some answers that I found to be good and very interesting:
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You can read the entire blog post here.
Or watch the YouTube announcement (which is way shorter):
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onemillionfurries · 8 months
not for nothing, but around 2021 the CEO of the studio behind palworld was tweeting about ai generated pokemon designs, and how he “can almost not tell the difference,” referencing that exact article, actually. I do not think every single design was ai generated or that any ai references were used from start to finish with no human touch, but the CEO is very openly interested in ai technology and its applications in game development! I don’t think its a stretch to guess it may have been used somewhere in the pipeline. and as someone who also messed around with fakemon generators when the tech was still a bit novel, some of the designs do have that ai stink to them, even from around that time.
yeah i chose that article specifically bc i knew that the CEO had referenced it in a tweet. I WANTED to get into it in the post, but it was also 9am and I hadn't gotten a wink of sheep that night (... bc i was up all night playing palworld WHOOPS--) (im writing this off a 2 hour nap so pls forgive me if it's incomprehensible)
I remember the whole "palworld used ai to gen its monsters" narrative literally started because someone qrt'd someone pointing out that CEO's tweet and extrapolated that because the CEO spoke positively on AI generated pokemon, then the game MUST have AI generated monster designs which... wasn't what the original tweet was saying at all. but unfortunately nuance and reason is like poison to twitter so the speculation spiraled from there. (not like tumblr is much better. but I at least have the space to explain myself here, however poorly that may be :P)
And like, the unfortunate thing is that nearly /every/ CEO is interested in AI. their whole job is to make money, not art. some are just louder about it than others. with the insane crunch that the pokemon developers go through, I wouldn't be surprised if AI is also used in those games somewhere in the pipeline, whether that's in the past or a future release.
Let's also not forget when the pokemon company international was interested in hiring simeone with knowledge in NFT/web3 technology. if we're automatically assuming that open interest in something means that it's implemented, or that it will be at some point, then we better get to boycotting pokemon now!
I wanna be clear that I'm not defending the use of AI art in game development. it may very well be that AI /was/ used somewhere in the Palworld pipeline. I just don't want people to be asserting something as true with little to no actual evidence. ever since I got "called out" by an ex-friend of mine for some heinous shit that i quite literally never did, I've been a lot more diligent in figuring out if something people are freaking out about on social media IS actually true, or if it was a mountain made out of a molehill, as it tends to be 99% of the time.
(btw I'm curious as to what pals you think have that AI stink to them? im generally trying to avoid spoilers for later game pals bc i wanna discover them on my own, but if you wanna send a list or something that I can look up when im further in the game I'd be interested.)
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elfdragon12 · 8 months
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Here's Hudson Sault, otherwise known as the pro-wrestler Hot Shot!
Hudson grew up in NYC, living in an apartment building with his parents. Life wasn't easy, his father working in transport and his mother working at a local market, but they got through it. Hudson especially enjoyed spending time with his friend nicknamed "Ricochet" (@wolf-mask).
Growing up, he also watched pro-wrestling on TV and fell in love with it! As soon as he could, he signed up for wrestling in school. Not quite the fun drama and wild moves of "pro-wrestling", but it was a way to move towards his goals. Around the age of 16, he found a pro-wrestling school that would accept him. He spoke to his parents. They were hesitant, but also knew that this was a way for him to grow out of the station that their family was stuck in. They got the money together and he signed up to start his journey.
His eagerness and general athleticism earned him the name "Hot Shot" and it stuck. In general, his character is that of a guy who likes to have fun, to the point that folks sometimes forget that he's a serious wrestler. He has a strong technical style and skilled in submission holds.
His in-ring persona isn't too far from his true personality Hudson has developed good friendly as well as professional friendships, like with Tejendra "Thunder Clash" Chandra and Rochelle "Road Rage" Ashton. Once he signed onto a large company, he discovered that the company was looking for more support staff. He put in a word for his childhood friend and got Ricochet a job focusing on the ring crew.
Tejendra, Rochelle, Hudson, Ricochet, along with some others do fun videos along their journeys on the road. They play games, do physical challenges, and generally have fun. Based on a suggestion from Ricochet, they call themselves "The Wreckers". However, as tensions rise and murmurs amongst the working class intensify, these Wreckers might be getting up to more than just simple fun and games.
Author's notes:
Those wrestling fans among you might notice some heavy inspiration lifted from pro-wrestler Xavier Woods/Austin Creed as well as his gaming channel Up Up Down Down. Yes. UUDD actually was great inspiration for what the IDW2 Wreckers who hide their missions under the guise of being televised adrenaline junkies would do in this humanformers AU.
Side commentary that there should be a union for pro-wrestlers to protect them from mistreatment by companies like the WWE who hire wrestlers on as "independent contractors" and will fire a female wrestler for having an Only Fans account while proudly touting Logan Paul who has actively scammed his fans out of millions of dollars with NFT and cryptocurrency scams. There may eventually be a Hulk Hogan-expy snitching on wrestlers talking about unionizing. (This is not a Hogan-friendly household.)
I've had this artwork ready to go for so long. Just couldn't get the brain to make a bio. Forced myself to finally get it done.
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solulab76 · 10 months
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csolarstorm · 2 years
The news has been going around that The Pokemon Company is hiring a "Corporate Development Principal" with knowledge and ties to the blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse.
As much of a nightmare that blockchain Pokemon would be...this doesn't necessarily indicate intent the way we think it does. It's entirely possible that The Pokemon Company just wants industry information. Unfortunately these things are part of our current market. Square Enix is apparently still really into the idea of blockchain games. If this indicates anything, it's that like other video game companies, TPC wants knowledge of current trends.
Pokemon typically plays it pretty safe with the main games. They had to be convinced to even bring them to Switch. (And with the dip in quality control they may have been right.) So if they did somehow dabble in NFT's, I'm guessing it would just be more side merchandise, and it would take a lot of success to get anywhere close to being a part of the main games.
All the same, I have an exit strategy should NFT's infiltrate the main series. I've been really discouraged with the franchise lately.
Edited: Took out part about the "Corporate Development Principal" being a purely financial position. It actual seems to be related to advising the company about what direction to take, which is why all these outlets are so afraid.
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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are individually unique, unlike fungible tokens. Because they are unclonable or distinguishable unlike traditional identification mechanisms such as barcodes and RFIDs which can be easily copied or cloned, NFTs protect the security of your company's supply chain, inventory management system, and digital properties. In addition to game assets, NFTs are useful in other domains where there is a need for certification that each item has not been duplicated and is original. Watch this video for more information on how you can leverage Non-Fungible Tokens for your business today!
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dannythedog · 2 years
"what if they got a bad explanation and trusted their team" I doubt this, honestly. Sam owns a Tesla and fucks really hard with Elon Musk. There's no way he isn't familiar with the concept of minting non fungible tokens or crypto. Not to be mean to you babe but we really need to stop babying these dudes, they're adults and they fully know what they're doing and have hired a whole team to help them with the stuff they don't... They didn't just develop a whole nft rewards system accidentally
Idk how long you’ve been following me or if you even do but majority of the time I’m pretty realistic about the things they do. I’m up Sam’s ass and I’ll still point out the shitty things he’s done. I don’t necessarily baby them lol this is all a ‘what if’ situation. I do believe that they were probably pitched a great idea and weren’t fully aware of the implications. They probably were like oh yeah this’ll be a fun way to get fans more involved with us!
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