willowser · 10 months
listened to evermore from beauty and the beast i'm SICK
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
Once again I tell myself I’m a scary writer who has spooked my followers multiple times
while I cry and replay ‘Evermore’ from the new Beauty and the Beast film over and over again
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sweethomelima · 5 years
Text || Samcedes
Mercy: Sam, hey its Mercedes
Mercy: Oh if this is the wrong number Sorry.
Sam: No, I told you I didn't change it
Mercy: No this isn't Sam, or no it is Sam because I didn't change it?
Sam: this is Sam
Sam: I didn't change my number
Sam: always been here.
Mercy: Well okay hi. Hope you had a good day today.
Mercy: First I wanted to thank you for not acting weird or anything last night. SJ had fun talking Marvel with you.
Sam: Yeah, you too!
Sam: I was kind of in my element there
Sam: I could've fielded DC too
Mercy: I am sure he would have given you a run for your money, he loves the Flash and Batman.
Mercy: So we are leaving tomorrow and I wanted to see if you had the papers, and if you wanted to see him again before we left.
Sam: I am an expert in Batman!
Sam: Already?
Mercy: Well he will be glad to hear that.
Mercy: Our lives are in L.A. Sam.
Sam: I have them
Sam: I didn't sign them yet
Sam: I'm still reading them
Mercy: Sam there is nothing there that would cause any issues. It's just a divorce.
Sam: My mom said never to sign something you haven't read
Mercy: Okay I understand that
Sam: Just gonna take me awhile.
Sam: idk how long
Mercy: Sam what do I have to do to get you to just sign them now?
Sam: I need to read them. I said that
Mercy: Sam I know if I leave here without them they will never get signed. Why are you holding on so tight to something that was over years ago? Its a divorce stating what's yours is yours and what's mines is mines, simple to the point.
Sam: I just said I wanna read them
Sam: that's it
Mercy: And you also said you don't know how long it will take you to read like 6 pages. I have to go, I can't be here for a long time.
Sam: we both know I'm not very smart
Mercy: That's a lie.
Mercy: You are smarter than you give yourself credit for.
Sam: Still can't read very well
Sam: so I can't tell you how long it'll be
Sam: I have to do other things too, like cleaning my apartment and go to the gym
Mercy: You can read just fine Sam and we both know that.
Mercy: Okay now I know you are playing games.
Sam: it does take me extra time. That's not a lie.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but cleaning your apartment? Really?
Sam: It's very dirty
Mercy: I bet it is
Mercy: I need you to work with me here(edited)
Sam: I am.
Sam: I'm going to read them! I already started!
Mercy: Fine.
Mercy: Soooo we didn't get to talk about you, how is your family?
Sam: Doing well, you know.
Sam: The kids are almost done with high school which makes me feel old but
Mercy: You are Sold
Sam: Don't remind meeeee
Mercy: How is your mom? I have been meaning to talk to her but I know she is might hate me.
Sam: For going to LA?
Sam: I don't think she does
Sam: she always said I should apologize for not going with you haha
Mercy: For leaving, for not telling her about SJ, even if you didn't believe it she would have.
Sam: Yeah, well. She doesn't know about him
Sam: Like I didn't
Mercy: You didn't tell her?
Sam: I've been a little busy trying to come to terms with it myself
Mercy: Maybe I should just go and let you mail it to me.
Sam: If that's your choice.
Mercy: Fine!
Sam: Great.
Sam: I'll send them
Sam: When do you need them?
Sam: I'll get them to you then.
Mercy: Monday
Sam: And when are you getting married?
Mercy: You don't get to know that.
Sam: Okay.
Sam: See, I'm trying to make sure I have them to you when you need them
Sam: I want to have time to think about it.
Mercy: What is there to think about Samuel?
Sam: A lot.
Sam: like maybe I should get to see SJ.
Sam: so maybe we need a custody thing.
Sam: I don't know
Mercy: That stuff I'm pulling? I wrote you and told you that I was pregnant, that you should just swallow your damn pride and come to me, and you sent back divorce papers, so don't get me started on that one.
Sam: You sent ME divorce papers!
Sam: and no letter
Sam: Jesus Christ, is this what you think is fun now?
Sam: Fucking with some townie loser you used be with?
Mercy: Are you serious right now?
Mercy: Like I can't tell if you are playing with me right now.
Sam: I'm very serious. It's not funny.
Mercy: Then stop playing around and be serious. I got your papers, which is why I find it funny that you never signed it. I get you were bitter but to abandon your pregnant wife?
Mercy: I always thought you were better than that.
Sam: I didn't do ANY of that
Sam: I mean, the last part happened inadvertently but I didn't send anything! Or get anything other than some divorce papers which, yes, I did not sign.
Mercy: My manager handed me the papers they were addressed to me, sent from you.
Sam: if I sent them, don't you think I'd have signed them first
Mercy: Sometimes you are scatterbrained.
Sam: I think you sent me divorce papers when you found out you were pregnant because you didn't think I was ready or something
Sam: I was
Mercy: Wow, for the record Sam, I thought you would be an amazing father. Ima gonna go.
Sam: Great
Mercy: It was nice seeing you Sam, if you could tell your parents before tomorrow about YOUR SON that would be great since I will let him meet them before I leave Lima for good.
Sam: How am I supposed to explain an eight year old I JUST found out about and how the fuck I missed that?
Mercy: Figure it out. I had too.
Sam: You keep acting like I knew.
Sam: Like you don't know me well enough to know I could never not step in.
Mercy: I told you Sam, I put that on everything, I don't know what happened, if you blocked it out, if you are trying to justify not being here by saying I didn't but I know my truth.
Mercy: I may not have told the world I have a child, because by the time I got on the scene and really started making a name for myself he was 2 and I didn't want that life for him, so I never said anything to maintain some privacy in my life. But you, I told you.
Sam: You didn't.
Sam: This isn't funny.
Mercy: No its not funny not at all.
Mercy: You really didn't know? Not in all these years? Because I swear to you I sent you that letter telling you about him.
Sam: I didn't get a letter.
Sam: Just divorce papers.
Mercy: This makes no sense
Sam: Hey, were on the same page for once
Mercy: Sam I promise you I sent you the letter, and then I got divorce papers in return
Sam: and I didn't send them.
Sam: if there was a letter, I'd have been there
Sam: could have called
Mercy: Call the man who refused to pick up his life and move with me for my dream?
Mercy: I couldn't call you, it hurt too much
Sam: You could have come back when you weren't recording.
Sam: I have a life here, Mercy.
Mercy: Come back to a man who didn't want me.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but I had a future there.
Sam: I did want you
Sam: I've always wanted you
Mercy: I guess it doesn't matter now does it?
Sam: Yeah
Sam: Your whole story is fucking me up
Sam: I don't get how this became my fault?
Mercy: I asked you to come with me Sam, I told you I wanted us to be together, I gave you the ticket to come. You didn't.
Sam: I said the same thing, but you didn't like my way
Mercy: I was scared, scared if I stayed in Lima, even part time, that I would lose myself.
Sam: Yeah
Mercy: I am trying to be honest with you. I thought you would just come when you were ready
Sam: I'm not ready
Sam: I know you and probably everyone else from glee "outgrew" Lima
Sam: I still haven't.
Mercy: I know. It's why I had to move on Sam, and you had to find someone who wanted the same things you do. You deserved that.
Sam: I never wanted anyone else
Mercy: Sam I just
Mercy: Sam I want you to be happy
Sam: Yeah
Sam: I said I'll send them
Mercy: Send what?
Mercy: Oh I wasn't even thinking about thing right now
Sam: I'm just saying. You want to leave again and I'm not stopping you
Mercy: I know you aren't. You moved on too.
Sam: I didn't.
Mercy: You did. You can say you didn't but the truth is if you didn't move on we would still be together.
Sam: because I didn't go to LA?
Sam: Why was I the only one who had to give something up
Mercy: You weren't! I had to give up you! SJ had to give up a father! You aren't the only one who lost something Sam, I lost you.
Sam: yeah, I lost you and him too.
Mercy: You can have a relationship with him if you want.
Sam: And so will your fiancé
Mercy: He's not a bad guy.
Sam: Hey, I never said he was
Mercy: Just thought you should know
Sam: I don't care about him
Sam: [ five minutes later ] No, we both know that's a lie. I hate him
Mercy: Why do you hate him?
Sam: You'll know exactly why if you stop and think for a second
Mercy: Because of SJ
Sam: Not Just
Mercy: What do you want from me Sam?
Sam: Do I need to say it!
Mercy: Well I certainly don't know
Sam: You.
Mercy:-[Deleted] Sam don't do this.
Mercy:-[Deleted] I just got over you...
[five minutes later]
Mercy: I can stay for a few more days so you can spend time with SJ.
Sam: Yeah, maybe we can figure out how to tell my mom lol
Mercy: I'm gonna let you do that one
Sam: No help?
Mercy: Fine
Sam: I doubt she'll buy the truth
Sam: Which you apparently don't buy either.
Mercy: Why wouldn't I tell you?
Sam: I don't know!
Mercy: I don't wanna go back around in a circle like this.
Sam: I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me
Mercy: And I keep telling you that I did. I wrote you I felt if I called you I would break down and a letter was safer...
Sam: I didn't get a letter!
Sam: I don't know why you don't believe me
Mercy: I don't know why you don't believe me.
Sam: Because I only got the papers you sent me.
Mercy: The papers I sent back to you
Sam: Right because I sent you unsigned papers
Sam: I thought you agreed I wasn't dumb lol
Mercy: I don't know what to tell you.
Sam: Okay
Mercy: So where does that leave us Sam?
Sam: Not where I want to be
Mercy: when are you free?
Sam: i'm free now
Mercy: I was going to take SJ to the Zoo, you can come with us.
Sam: I'm always up for being with you
Sam: And SJ. Really hoping he'll like me lol
Mercy: SJ loves you he's still talking about you. Just so you know going to a Zoo or park with me is often... crazy I wanna say.
Sam: Good.
Sam: is it bad I want him to like me more than your fiancé?
Sam: Probably not. I'm his father.
Sam: You think I don't remember how you get?
Mercy: it's not bad Sam, SJ is your son of course you want him to like you
Mercy: He will like you just fine.
Mercy: I mean it's been years
Sam: Hopefully.
Sam: And maybe I'll have to come to LA and see him.
Sam: I remember everything about you
[Mercy:Deleted] So you will go to L.A. for th-
Mercy: yeah maybe.
Mercy: I will have the car pick you up unless you just wanna meet us there
Sam: Whatever works for you.
Mercy: You gonna be okay being driven around in a town car?
Sam: Unless you're gonna let me pick up you two in my old truck?
Mercy: Soooo if I tell you something you gotta keep it secret
Sam: Now I'm curious
Mercy: My driver is my bodyguard, under my contract I can't go anywhere without him.
Sam: Are you saying I'm not able to protect you?
Mercy: Not at all its just in my contract
Sam: Sneak off
Mercy: Yeah I get fined for that
Mercy: He won't bother us, you won't even know he's there
Sam: I don't know if I believe that but!
Mercy: But?!...
Sam: But I'm good
Mercy: You gotta be clear babe you coming with?
Sam: Babe?
Sam: I'll meet you there
Mercy: What? Why did you call me Babe?
Mercy: Okay
Sam: You called me babe and I was questioning it
Mercy: I did?
Mercy: Oh I did, I'm sorry
Sam: It's fine
Mercy: We will see you there.
Mercy: SJ wants me to wear my "Spidermom" because he is wearing his, if you want to wear Spiderman you can
Sam: I got you
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