nuceassc · 2 years
"Atty. Alex Lacson on Transformational Leadership Toward Our Dream Philippines"
Issue #05 by Azrielle Palencia
The NU-Manila College of Education, Arts, and Sciences (CEAS) Student Council has successfully left a fruitful and substantial gift for its members as the council concludes the final day of the webinar centered on the theme 'Leadership in Crisis.’ The lecture proper was specially instructed by Atty. Alex Lacson, a former senatorial candidate, current Director of the Institute of Solidarity in Asia, an advocate for youth education, etc.
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As the program began, Feejay Nario, the Vice President of the CEAS Student Council, warmly acknowledged the guest speaker, Atty Alex Lacson. The advocacies, experiences, and affiliations of the guest speaker were highlighted.
Atty. Alex Lacson delivered a PowerPoint presentation titled “Transformational Leadership” in the context of “Our Dream Philippines.” He began by telling a narrative about an ideal first-world country, which he later identified as Denmark. He also mentioned the first-world countries that he considered as prosperous and developed. Afterward, Atty. Alex specifically posed the question “How about our Philippines?”  which raised the subject of the general state of our country.
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Atty. Lacson described how the country’s ranking dropped since the late 1960s. The 2018 World Bank report on the economic status of ASEAN states that our poverty ratio lingers around 21.6%, totally behind 6 ASEAN countries in the economic ranking. In learning poverty, the survey shows that 90 of 100 children experience difficulties in learning. Atty. briefly discussed what stems from these kinds of poverty. The causes he mentioned were: 1.) Corruption, which disrupts the allocations of the national budget that are meant for the public. 2.) Many LGUs do not deliver, which means some of the micro government units fail to efficiently serve their people. He also introduced political dynasties that controlled the LGUs and how it is correlated with rural poverty 3.) Many NGAs (National Government Agencies) do not deliver, the main reasons also stuck around corruption, inefficiency, incompetence, and self-serving leaders. 4.) Greed in Business Sectors, even though the tremendous growth for the past decade was evident, poverty wasn’t necessarily reduced. He later presented a study that shows that the richest families and their businesses mostly benefit from the growth of the economy. 5.) Wrong policies and programs, the last and final cause that Atty. presented.
He emphasized that leaders play a pivotal role in transforming the system. A Transformational Leader should be genuine and should follow through. Afterward, he discussed the Biggest Reform we need. Among the most urgent reforms he first laid out was the Removal of Presidential Powers to appoint the members of the Judiciary, Ombudsman, COA & COMELEC. He expressed that it is one way to enhance the transparency of every investigation and basically the justice system. He believed that implementing this reform would be far more effective than switching the type of government we have.
Furthermore, he also made the point of being a transformational citizen as well. He concluded by stating the words “We are all part of the solution”. Atty. Lacson overall indicated the changes we need in order to progress into a transformational country. His factual and evidence-based lecture overall opened people's eyes to the challenges we face as we aim toward betterment.
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The webinar isn’t only an hour-long lecture. Still, it’s an essential reminder to be vigilant, and ensure that we should do everything in our power to participate in championing the people’s growth and development. Atty. Alex Lacson’s talk was impactful and succinct. It was a pleasure to learn from a truly competent leader as we end the 2-day leadership training.
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nuceassc · 2 years
"Chel Diokno on Leadership Webinar: Get Justice for Everyone!"
Issue #04 by Precious Fernandez
A 2-day leadership webinar on Justice System and the Filipinos and Transformational Leadership amidst the Attacks on Activism was organized by the College of Education, Arts, and Sciences (CEAS) Student Council of National University last October 11 and October 12. Attorney Jose Manuel "Chel" Diokno, a former senatorial candidate, human rights lawyer, and chairman of the Free Legal Assistance Group, was invited to speak on the first day of the leadership training.
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To officially start the program,  Dean Leo S. Del Rosario of the College of Education, Arts, and Sciences extended warm greetings to the audience and offered inspirational remarks. Dean Leo also left behind words that encapsulate a true leader. "Overcoming the crisis makes one a leader", he emphasized. Following that, Ulyson Buere, President of the CEAS Student Council, introduced the event's speaker, Attorney Chel Diokno.
With the theme "The Filipino and the Criminal Justice System: Injustices among the Poor and Marginalized," Atty. Chel discussed the problems with the justice system and what should be done to fix them. The length of time it takes to resolve cases in our nation is the first problem with the justice system, according to Atty. Chel. Further, this occurs because there is a lack of judges that will preside over the court and not everyone is aware of this situation. Furthermore, he mentioned the Philippines' low conviction rate that contributes to the issues of the justice system. With a conviction rate of 25%, only one offender is convicted out of four injustice offenses. “It is not the severity of the punishment but the certainty of it”, he added. Last but not least, the closed system is one of the problems with the judicial system, where ordinary people have no understanding of how the law works, and only lawyers, legal professionals, and law students understand the law. Chel advocates legal education for everyone to give knowledge about the law.
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Atty. Chel Diokno discussed the problems with the legal system in a simple and concise manner. Everyone was able to understand what he said when he presented the facts, views, and ideas surrounding these subjects. In order to address these issues, he urged everyone to bring up the justice system on various platforms and make it a priority at the federal level. He urged the audience to force leaders to be part of the national agenda in order for them to hold accountable for these issues.
Afterward, he ended the discussion with these words, “We all should have the right to reach our full potential and we can only do that if there is accountability and empowerment in our country.” In addition, he answered the questions of the audience and defined the great attribute of a true prosecutor by achieving justice for all and who deserves it.
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The webinar not only provided information about the justice system but also marked the listeners' minds by empowering them to reach their full potential in resolving these issues. The presentation of the event was successfully and precisely delivered. Having the honor to learn from a human rights lawyer, advocate, and educator makes it more impactful and motivating.  
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nuceassc · 2 years
"Unang Linggo, Unang Yugto: A CEAS Frosh Kamusthan"
Issue #02 by Carla Mae Comiso
As the new academic year approached National University, a new set of students and officers emerged. The new group of College of Education Arts and Sciences Officers, alongside several Recognized Student Organizations and University-Wide Organizations, have arranged an activity with the theme, "Unang Linggo, Unang Yugto: A Virtual Kamustahan", for the first-year CEAS students. The said event was held on August 20, 2022, at 3:00 pm via Microsoft Teams.
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This Kamustahan, along with the other events, was intended to warmly welcome the new breed of NU Bulldogs and accommodate them to the CEAS Community. Before these freshies enter college, their CEAS family ensured they get a glimpse of what college life offers. They sought to establish a warm atmosphere for the students to feel encouraged and at ease because their seniors were rooting for and watching over them.
The event started with Ms. Milena Bonite and Mr. Jaron Lugo, the event's masters of ceremonies introducing Mr. Ulyson Buere, the newly elected President of the CEAS Student Council, in giving his welcoming remarks. He emphasized that as long as the seated officers are in the student council, the CEAS Community can reach out to them without hesitation. He also addressed the freshmen and told them that he wanted them to feel welcome despite their classes being done remotely. After Mr. Buere's speech, the past events and accomplishments of the previous administration from the student council were reminisced such as the webinars, competitions, and workshops.
There were also intermission numbers in between the talks of the representatives from the different organizations prepared by the freshies. Mr. Khristian Esteva, an AB Political Science student, gave justice to an OPM song he covered. At the same time, Mr. Jake Loreno from BS Psychology showcased his talent as a drummer. Last to perform was Ms. Divine Señosa, an AB Political Science student, with her soulful rendition while playing her guitar.
The Recognized Student Organization (RSO) such as NU-GEMS, The Comm.Pendium, NU SEED, NU OPEM, NU SSLE, and NU Psychology Society ensured that they were recognized by the first-year students. They were able to introduce and provide an overview of the organizations they represented. Meanwhile, the hosts introduced the University-Wide Organizations such as NU Mountaineers, NU Youth For Christ, NU PEERS, NU COMEX Brigade, The National, 551st Media, and the NU Chorale. The representatives were proud to present their past events and accomplishments from the previous terms. They also mentioned some of the activities and events that are soon to be announced, and freshies were asked to look forward to the exciting occasions each organization is preparing.
One of the representatives, Mr. Walter Delos Reyes, the President of the NU Guild of English Majors (NU-GEM), a famous student leader, and a remarkable CEAS student, was asked to talk about NU-GEM. He stated that the NU-GEM is the official student organization of the Bachelor of Arts Major in English Language Studies and that this program was recognized and awarded as the "Most Research-Productive Program." With their tagline, "Shed Light, & Serve with Brilliance," they aim to do projects and training activities to meet the program objectives of the AB-ELS program under the NU CEAS.
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After the talks, the masters of ceremonies made sure that the freshies were still enjoying themselves, so they carried out some energizers wherein the students actively participated. There were three different icebreakers, and the winners were given SM gift checks and special awards. Certificates were presented to all the winners and active participants.
The last to speak was Ms. Ma. Honey Bell Vicencio, a guidance coordinator at the university and a board member of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association. Ms. Belle discussed the guidance office and the services that they can give and offer. As she defined it, the NU Bulldogs Guidance Services Office is where students' wellness is supported, such as their emotional, academic, and career concerns. She also summarized all the webinars and seminars they did. The programs and services they always offer, wherein the Student Wellness Assessment Program (SWAP) and the Student Module of Interactive Learning Experience (SMILE) are included. Ms. Vicencio also mentioned that there are organizations under the GSO. One is the Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), which supports and uplifts the LGBTQA+ Community at the National University.
For the closing remarks, Ms. Ashley Gepulla, the CEAS SC Secretary, thanked every freshie who attended, the RSO and University-Wide Organizations' representatives who shared and talked, and everyone who made the time and effort to listen and be part of this special event. She closed the program by leaving an inspirational message explaining why students should join an organization. Believe that joining an organization will set experiences, nurture students, and open doors of opportunities.
The Kamustahan was very informative with all the existing organizations inside and outside the CEAS Community. It benefited the freshies who are looking for their own family outside their academic life. We believe everyone has their place on this campus and may contribute to a good outcome and a successful academic year.
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nuceassc · 2 years
"Oath-Taking Ceremony"
Issue #01 by Sigrid Doux Mia
It is indeed the beginning of a new era, especially for the newly elected officers who partook in the Oath-Taking Ceremony for the incoming 2022 to 2023 academic year last August 10. The event was spearheaded by the College of Education, Arts & Sciences (CEAS) Student Council and hosted by fellow CEAS students: Ms. Gwenell Buenaseda and Ms. Luvlene Ferrer.
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Despite the event occurring virtually via Zoom and Facebook live, the Oath Taking Ceremony was dutifully fulfilled by all the student leaders from the student council and the Registered Student Organizations (RSO) under the courses in CEAS. Promptly starting around 10 am, the hosts formally greeted all the attendees and reminded them of the proper decorum to be expected during the ceremony. Dr. Leo S. Del Rosario, the Dean of CEAS, welcomed all the attendees to the event by recognizing this momentous day for student leaders as they promised service and commitment to their positions as newly elected officers. He imparted the message that there will always be opportunities to showcase our skills and that we, as students, must soar high and reach our dreams. Before ending his welcoming remarks, Dr. Del Rosario commended everyone – the students, faculty, and organizations who made this event possible.
Following the Dean of CEAS was the Director of the Student Development and Activities Office (SDAO), Mr. Marc Rey Galido, with a message for students and officers alike. "As student leaders, it is important to represent your constituents – always have your ears open," said Mr. Galido. He enlisted three things expected from student leaders, especially with the campus' transition into a hybrid blended learning setup. First is to have empathy, next is to have an action plan, and lastly to produce results. The SDAO Director provided a lovely metaphor for setting perspectives regarding the concerns of the students. As officers who provide service to the CEAS community, they are expected to represent and amplify the varying circumstances of students with appropriate resolutions. With that, he wished all the officers the best of luck and ended at that.
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Ms. Maribel Belleza's presence was then acknowledged in place of the absence of Dr. Del Rosario in taking charge of the oath-taking process of the newly appointed CEAS Student Council Officers and its course organization officers. Afterward, the Student Council officers presented their general plan of action for this academic year. A very dynamic, diverse, and educational event will be set in stone with their Welcoming of the Freshmen, Battle of the Bands, Know Your Status: HIV Awareness Month, Drink or Spill: NU's Untold Love Stories, and so much more. As all the attendees look forward to the awaited promised events, the new administration's promises are all waiting to be fulfilled like prophecies. The outgoing CEAS President, Miss Elyedhia Quillopo, provided her insights as a leader. She recalled how fast the time went, how it was only yesterday that she was taking the same oath these new officers were taking. Miss Quillopo learned four essential things in serving as a student leader; first is to believe in yourself; second is to know your purpose and why you serve; third is to remember that even as a leader, you are not alone; lastly, is learning how to rest.
As the ceremony was coming to a close, from the outgoing president to the next, Mr. Ulysson Buere provided his warm 'thank you's to everyone who had made this event possible. Mr. Buere recognized that the task and responsibility of being a student leader is no small feat. Working both as a representative of the student body and as a student himself, he instills the ethos of working smart and hard to be able to balance the responsibilities of both positions and recognizing Ms. Quillopo's anecdote that, at the end of the day, we, students, and officers, should learn how to rest and to take it slow. Congratulatory remarks to all the officers were given as well as the presentation of certificates for the outgoing Student Council and a certificate to Ms. Bellaza on behalf of the Dean.
As the Oath Taking Ceremony ended, it marked a new era for the CEAS administration. Faced with their difficulties, especially the demanding transition of the HyBlend Learning setup, students from all walks of life look forward to the promise of a smooth academic year. The responsibilities of being student leaders will stay with these officers for the rest of the year, and their journey has just begun.
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