#Nagore Aramburu
frauenvomfcb · 7 years
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pridesofblack · 5 years
Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas will star in "Competencia Oficial"
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Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas, the two most significant countenances of Spain opening to world film, will meet in a similar motion picture by and by. Cruz and Banderas will star in the motion picture "Competencia Oficial", where Argentinian chiefs Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat will sit on the executive's seat. The two will keep on cooperating without permitting time to intercede after Dolor y Gloria. In Dolor y Gloria, marked by Pedro Almodovar, we saw Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas, one of the executive's preferred entertainers, together. Banderas won an honor in Cannes for his presentation in the film and was named for an Oscar Awards. We had the chance to see Cruz in a couple of scenes in the motion picture, yet even with those scenes, he was thought of. Presently the team will rejoin through the motion picture Competencia Oficial. We know Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat, who will sit on the chief's seat, with preparations, for example, El ciudadano ilustre, El Artista, El Hombre De Al Lado. Different names declared to highlight the film incorporate José Luis Gómez, Carlos Hiplito, Irene Escolar, Koldo Olabarri, Nagore Aramburu, Pilar Castro and Juan Grandinetti. The Mediapro Studio, which will build up the film inside its body, had its spot among the new studios of Spain last March. The studio is as of now HBO, Canal Plus, Sky Italia, Disney, DirecTV Latin America, Viacom Intl. Studios held chats with significant organizations, for example, Turner Latin America, Vice, and Amazon Prime Video and worked together with some of them. One of the most aggressive creations among the studio's activities will be Rifkin's Festival, the new movie by questionable chief Woody Allen. Read the full article
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miasanfamilie · 8 years
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jurgenmeister-blog · 8 years
El Matador (Chapter 44)
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Alexia’s Outfit: Top, Leggings, Shoes.
Blanca’s Outfit: Dress, Shoes.
Last night was a success.
From the evening gala, to those three little words and my naughty little surprise for Sergio.
Well, I say success; the morning after wasn’t as smooth as I thought it be. Meaning, well, I’d come off a little more sore than I thought I would. That was nativity showing through. It felt like I'd lost my virginity all over again, but even worse. So worse that to sit or even move was painful.
However, I had training to contend with so my soreness would have to somehow be forgotten with.
It was alright for Sergio, he was as happy as Larry when he woke up this morning, even asking for another little treat but I had to deny him from the pain he'd caused from his violent fucking.
Not that I didn't like it, oh god no, I loved it. The burning pain as he thrusted into me at that speed was something else all together. I'd never felt anything like it and in the space of a few hours I'd experienced two very different sides of sex and two very different sides of Sergio.
Both that I loved equally.
Gentle, loving Sergio was so amazing and breath taking that I felt my heart skip a beat when we made love. The passion was there in heaps, those sparkles in his eyes, the intensity and slowness we had, made everything just perfect. Though the rough, dirty and controlling Sergio was just...well I was speechless on how to describe him. He was strong, aggressive, controlling, powerful, and that dirty talk, well that was enough to tip me over the edge alone.
Anyway, today was a new day and one that I’d be spending the morning at training. Another dread. Not that I hated it or anything because I loved training, from the stretching to the drills and even the five a side games we do as a warm down. But today something told me that that would be a bit more painful than usual.
Painfully I limped into work, hissing with every rub of my thighs against each other. It felt like thrush yet worse.
Entering the dressing room, I tried to blend into the background while the girls chatted amongst themselves, desperate to just sit down and rest of a moment or so. I didn't want to make it obvious that I was in pain and the reason why I was in pain.
Unfortunately for me however, my coach spotted my ginger walking and gasped, panicking. “Ali, what's the matter?” Sami grabbed at my arm, trying to keep it quiet. Problem with that though, he wasn't and soon some of the girls got their attentions caught.
I gulped. “Mhm? Nothing, nothing. I just pushed a little too much in my run this morning.” I played it down, and set my bag down by my locker.
Sami let out a breath of  air, laying a hand on my shoulder. “Will you be okay for training? Because you can do a set in the gym if you feel like you pushed yourself a little too far?” I shook my head and smiled, telling him that I would be alright for training before watching him walk away, wiping his forward.
I smiled in relief and gingerly took a seat next to my locker.
One of the girls, Maria, scoffed next to me. “You sure it was the run that made you that sore?” A smirk to her lips.
In a bit of a panic, I felt my heart skip in fear. “W-what do you mean?” Questioning her weird comment, and one that had gotten me a little rattled.
Maria shrugged but kept that menacing smirk to her lips as we both started to get dressed. “Nothing, just...you seemed to be getting a little cosy with Sergio Ramos last night.” Bumping my shoulder slightly. This wasn’t the first time I’d been asked, or teased, about a man before but Sergio had never been mentioned by name, so that scared me a little bit. If someone like Maria could spot it, and lets face it she really wasn’t savvy, then we had a bit of a problem.
I scoffed and chuckled, playing the mention of Sergio’s name down. “Yeah, Maria, we’re friends.” Rolling my eyes.
“But you were with him? I saw you two at the gala last night.” Her eyes wide in explaining.
“Yeah, like I said, we’re friends, and we went together, as friends.” I explained as simple as possible before I felt someone stand next to me. When I glanced up, I saw someone who always seemed to have my back; Blanca.
“Everything alright girls?” She asked and as captain had this very intimidating and mature stance over Maria and myself.
I nodded and smiled. “Everything fine B, we’re just discussing the gala last night. Right Maria?” Maria blushed and nodded, obviously intimidated by the appearance of our captain and quickly skippered away with an excuse of the toilet.
Blanca and I both watched as she passed before the former looked down to me, smiling but with concern. “You okay?” She asked though I saw her own slightly twitch of the lips. I nodded, with a smirk of my own, not wanting to give much away. “Fancy coming over my place for dinner?” She pondered and I immediately knew why, she wanted the dirt and truthfully, I wanted the dirt on her and Fernando.
“Sounds good.” I shrugged, playing it down and finished getting dressed ready for training. While I was doing so, I could feel the eyes of Blanca on me and I couldn't help smirking.
* * * * * * *
“So how was your evening?” Blanca smirked, watching me painfully move to sit down on my couch as she sipped her tea.
I'd taken up Blanca's offer for some lunch at her place after training because well, we both knew there was a lot to be discussed after the night before, and as you can tell, my “discussion” was pretty obvious.
I couldn't hide the blush on my cheeks as I bit my lip. I didn't know how to tell her what Sergio'd said, so just came out with it. “He told me he loved me, Blanca.” I gushed with happiness, I hadn't stopped glowing since he had said it.
Blanca seemed surprised that Sergio had said ot but I wondered if it was because he'd said is so soon. “I knew that was coming sooner or later, you're all he ever talks about.” She smirked and shook her head, happy for me. “Did you say it back?” Adding enthusiastically.
“Well, no.” I gulped still feeling that guilt of not saying it back. “I said I felt the same way, B. I panicked, I didn't know what else to do.” I counteracted and defended myself though maybe a little too much.
Blanca laid a hand on my arm to calm me down but I knew a bit of a telling off was coming. “You can't keep him waiting on that one Ali, it makes him really nervous and doubt that you actually feel the same way.” She calming said, and nodded.
“But would he be nervous...Sergio he doesn't-”
Blanca nodded her head. “I've known him longer than you and trust me, he may not show it often but he's a worrier and a is probably really nervous.” Explaining, she took a pause before tilting her head and looked my way. “Do you love him Ali? Like really?”
I was quick to nod my head aggressively, feeling a lump gather in my throat and tear of my eye. “I-I do...a-and I'm I'm eighteen. A-and the fact that I'm this young and I'm in love with a guy that's, that's nine years older than me, and we have to keep it a secret-”
“Ssh ssh, Ali calm down.” Blanca chuckled a little. “I get it, you're young and you're in love and yet you have to keep it a secret. But tell him when you're ready okay?” I nodded and wiped the single tear that had dropped. “Good, lecture done, now tell me how was the sex?” She asked in an relaxed manner, one I was sure that if ever adjust too given their history.
I giggled and blushed again. “It was...well it was different from anything I've ever experienced with him.” Honestly saying, I shifted on the couch to get ore comfortable.
“Did beast Sergio come out?” A teasing look on Blanca’s face suggested she already knew the answer to her question. I only nodded, blushing as I did so. “Looks like he did quite a bit of work on you too. Especially with this limping.” She winked. “Someone would assume you two went all night without a break.” She joked.
Blushing once again and something of done a lot lately, especially when it came to my now rampant sex life, I shrugged. “Maybe…” Giving a cheeky wink.
“How many?” Blanca wanted to know the nitty gritty. “Because I know he can go four, five time during the night.”
“Try six.” I giggled and Blanca widened her eyes.
“No wonder you're walking like you are.” She squeaked. “I didn't think Sergio had that in him, and he's 27.” I giggled again at her reaction, Blanca shaking her head.
“Well he became a completely different person. It was rough, not in a bad way, but it was shocking to see.” My voice quiet though I felt so much more comfortable talking to Blanca about sex. “He was dominant and demanding, and grabby.” I giggled, looking down at my cup of tea. “I-I don’t think he even used a condom it was that intense.” I shrugged, remembering he had pulled out before finishing the night before.
Blanca looked at me shocked for a moment, “You let him finish inside you?” Her eyes wide in disbelief.
“No, god no, not that I would have been given the choice last night, but no, he pulled out.” Blanca sighed in relief as I answered. But now I knew it was time to ask about her and her date because so far it had been about me and Sergio, and as much as I loved talking about us two, she deserved to speak about herself. “So.” I smirked. “What about the handsome Fernando?” I saw her blush at the mention of her dates name.
Blanca shrugged, playing her own little success down. “We had a nice evening, he came back to mine, stayed the night.” Strongly hinting that they got up to the same thing as Sergio and I last night.
“How good is he?” I smirked, wanting the details.
“Quite good if I’m honest, but then again I wouldn’t be seeing him if he wasn’t.” Blanca flashed a cheeky grin.
“So you are together, I knew it!” I exclaimed, proud of my discovery. “Omg I can’t wait to tell Sergio.” I smirked.
“Its not that simple, we've been dating a little here and there two months, sleeping together mostly, you know I'm not big on commitment, but I do like him so we'll see where it goes.” Blanca said, recovering from her slip up. “And don’t tell Sergio.” Blanca pleaded. “You saw what he was like with Fernando last night, imagine what he’ll be like if you told him we were dating.”
I shrugged and smiled, but did understand. “I don’t think he’d be that bad…” Blanca gave me a look. “Okay, he probably would. I won’t tell him until you’re ready.”
She thanked me. “I'm glad you two had such a lovely time.” Smiling and sipped her tea.
“Well minus Sergio being a stuttering mess most the night, I’d say it was a lovely night.” I smiled honestly, hoping Blanca would latch onto the stutter comment and enlighten me as to why my boyfriend was such a hard time speaking. Blanca hummed, not answering. “It seemed pretty out of character for him, do you know why?”
Blanca shrugged. “Not really…” She drifted off. “If you knew him as well as Iker and me, well, you’d notice that he does that a lot.” She cautiously approached.
“Blanca what do you mean?” I asked, feeling very Intrigued.
She gulped and sighed, before she began. “Alexia, you cannot tell him you know, you have to let him tell you this on his own terms, but I feel like you have a right to know.” Blanca said seriously as I leaned in closer to her, wanting to know more, to know why he stuttered so much last night. “When Sergio was a child, he had a very bad speech impediment and it led to some nasty anxiety issues for him. He spent a lot of time in speech therapy when he wasn't on the football pitch. Normally, as long as he takes is medication, he can control it, but it's very hard for him and he's very self conscious.” Blanca said not breaking eye contact with me.
“Medication? W-why medication for a speech impediment.” I frowned in confusion, questioning why someone would take medication for something that doesn’t necessarily need it.
Blanca rolled her eyes. “Not for the speech impediment you donut,” She slapped my arm. “For his anxiety.”
“Sergio has anxiety?” I questioned further and she nodded.
“Not majorly but enough to be put on medication for it.” She explained, wanting to move on but I still had questions.
“Why do I never see him taking it then? I spend most my time over his or him over mine, so why do I never see it?”
Her friend shrugged her shoulders. “Because he’s nervous you’ll judge him, probably, I don’t know. Anyway-”
��If he takes medication, then why was he so anxious last night?” I asked, confused and surprised, cutting her off once again.
“Taking the woman you love to a major event for the first time and telling her you love her, that’s a pretty big thing Ali, I think anyone would be nervous.” Blanca chuckled and I couldn’t help but agree with that statement. “One of the side effects of his meds is severe nightmare, and sometimes I don’t know how he deals with it sometimes Ali, his head can go to a very dark place. So sometimes, he does take a break from his medication to calm himself and get a decent nights sleep.” She added, a very sympathetic tone to her voice.
“Why wouldn't he tell me this?” I squeaked out, feeling so sorry for my boyfriend, I was blindsided, I knew he didn't deserve such a thing.
Blanca gave me a reassuring hand on the leg, seeing my annoyed yet saddened reaction to hearing all this and more. This was definitely something I wasn’t expecting. “Ali, he wants to be strong for you. Think about it he's 27, you're only 18; he can't have you see him as this stuttering, nightmare riddled, nervous mess. You're his girlfriend he wants you to see him as the strong, powerful, athletic, successful man he is. Believe me, he's thought about telling you, he just hasn't found the right time.” Blanca said and I finally as starting to understand it all, but Sergio didn't need to be brave like that, I already knew he was.
I wouldn't see him any differently regardless of what he thought. “Typically he only stutters when he's very very nervous, or he's very riled up emotionally, he's very good at hiding it though.” She added.
Nodding at her last statement, I sort of drifted off into my own little world, in a focused thinking zone, if you will. Thinking about why Sergio hadn’t told me and whether telling him I knew or not was a good thing. I didn’t want to force him into telling him me about his stuttering childhood but I also sat questioning whether knowing this changed my opinion of him. It was a big deal for him and I didn’t want him to think that I did. I loved him for how he was and me finding this out would never change my opinion of him. In my eyes, Sergio was still this sweet, kind, caring guy that I’d fallen in love with over these past few months.
And maybe, now I understood why he exhibited this sardonic confidence when we first met; to take away from what he thought was his flaws.
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Nagore: Wow it sure is beautiful tonight.
Xabi: You know what else is beautiful?
Nagore: *blushes* Who?
Xabi: Steven Gerrard
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frauenvomfcb · 7 years
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thomasmuellerfcbayern · 10 years
Hey schön dass ihr den Weg auf meinem Blog gefunden habt :) Hier geht es um die Frauen und...
Hey Leute schaut mal bitte bei dem Blog vorbei :)
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jurgenmeister-blog · 8 years
El Matador (Chapter 43)
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Alexia’s Outfit: Teddy, Stockings, Heels.
We did it.
We just made love.
A four lettered word that I thought would never mean as much as it did tonight.
I’d never believed in love, or true love, any of that bullshit. It wasn’t like me. I wasn’t like Lourdes; the princess fairy tale type. I was realistic even from a young age. But right now, well, maybe this did have that slight feeling of fairy tale like. Maybe I did kind of feel like a princess and Sergio was my prince. Maybe I did feel like Sleeping Beauty finding her Prince Charming, or Anna and Kristoff.
Even if I did, it was a weird feeling. I felt like air, if you could even feel that way.
I led still, staring up at the ceiling as Sergio fell to the side of me. I’d never experienced something so magical like what had just happened. I’d never really experienced sex at all before I got with Sergio, I was a virgin, the most I’d done was a little bit of inappropriate touching and in the space of a few months, not even that, I was making love.
My chest panted unevenly as I led there, Sergio seemed to be the same. The intensity of our passionate love making then was out of this world. It took my breath away, literally. But at the same time, I felt at ease, like a weight had been lifted off my chest. Hearing Sergio say those words and having him make love to me, well it was something else.
I felt mature already, I didn’t feel eighteen but maybe mid twenties, like I’d experienced so much in the space of a few months that I’d aged just as much.
It sounds stupid I know, but I didn’t feel like this eighteen year old that was mollycoddled by her brother most the time. I felt older, wiser and well, more in touch with my mature side, especially with the man next to me. I had an apartment of my own, a career of my own and earned my own money. If that was the definition of an eighteen year old these days, then I wasn’t sure that was right.
“Mhm, that was…” Sergio hummed and pulled me in, I silently nodded and laid my head on his chest, running it along his tensing stomach.
Still in shock of how amazing making love was, I gave a quick glance up to Sergio. “F-fantastic.” I uttered and Sergio smiled, agreeing. The older Spaniard leaned down and softly touched my lips with his, a small peck to round off the whole thing.
I blushed and cuddled back into his chest, letting Sergio bring the cover over us. He mindlessly rubbed at my back, his big manly hands soft at the touch as his fingers ghosted over my skin, almost giving me a tickling sensation. I hummed and let him continue, my eyes fluttering shut.
“I love you.” Sergio muttered against my forehead, delicately pressing his lips to it. The smoothness of his skin was something I’d have to get used to since he’d had his beard shaved off.
I loved the softness of his skin now but as I’d told him at the gala, I missed that little scratch of his beard, both when we kissed and when he pleasured me. It was an added dimension to his pleasuring and even though alone he has amazing skills when it comes to pleasuring me, not having that little painful, alerting, teasing scratch when he did so, was a miss. We’d agreed he’s get at least a little stubble back though, so I was happy about that.
I’d not ignored the words Sergio had just said, I just didn’t know how to react to them. I was sure I felt closely to the same way he did towards me. But saying it myself, well I struggled.
Saying “I feel the same way” the first time Sergio said it to me, was a cop out, I knew that. The thing was, I just could not bring myself to say it. 95.5% I knew that I loved him, that I was in love with him; it was obvious. But that 4.5% stopped me from actually saying the same back to Sergio and I felt guilty for not.
I hoped that Sergio could see it in my eyes and how we made love tonight so that he wasn’t so disappointed and didn’t feel like a fool. Because I did love him and I wanted him to know that one way or another.
From my position, led on his chest, I glanced up at Sergio who seemed to be amused by something. “What?” I smirked in answer, confused by his amusement.
Sergio shook his head and chuckled, the chuckle vibrating against my body. “Nothing, you’re just adorable.” He moved a strand of my hair out of my face as he said that, smiling weekly. I could tell that he was tired, just by that smile and the way his eyes started drooping slightly.
Sergio always had this cute tired look about him, when he wanted to go to sleep or just woken up. He would purr like a cat, which was adorable in itself, but there was this way he’d smile with his eyes shut - something he was doing right now - that always captured my heart and made it swell in cuteness.
I knew he wanted to sleep, so ran caressed his face while he drifted off to sleep. I wasn’t tired though, instead I was pumped.
I had something up my sleep for tonight and I wanted it to be perfect.
* * * * * * *
I watched Sergio sleep a little longer, the moonlight creeping in as I stood at the end of the bed.
He was sound asleep yet I was still wired. My heart racing with excitement. Weeks ago, chatting with Blanca, I found out about Sergio's kinks and since then I've wanted to try something out, especially after such a wonderful evening. This evening wasn't all that I thought it would be, the formal gathering something I really enjoyed and that was thanks to Sergio.
Before I'd gotten with Sergio the furthest I'd gone was heavy petting and maybe a bit of inappropriate touching. But now, in the matter of a month or so, Sergio had showed me his experience and taken me on a journey of discovery of my sexual self. Sergio was a good lover, great in fact and tonight, even when I thought I knew this man, he surprised me with the way he made love to me.
His years of experience was something I wanted to play on, and test myself also with this new found confidence.
Thus, I'd thought a little dress up wouldn't go down badly. I stood at the end of the bed, in a lace teddy, very skimpy and see through, leaving not much up to the imagination. With stocking attached to my garnet and platform heels. I was dressed in all black, blending into the darkness of the room.
I wanted to see Sergio rough and animalistic. Blanca had told me he could be a brute when he wanted to be, and I felt like he's always holding back with me because of my lack of experience. He was always worried about his power, concerned he would hurt me; but who knows, maybe I'd like the pain.
"Sergio." I purred, my voice soft and seductive. He stirred a little but not enough to wake him up.
I bit my lip, unable to contain my excitement as I made my way to his side of the bed, running my hand through his hair. “Wake up daddy.” I smirked hoping that would ran his attention.
He hummed and rubbed his eyes, peering up at me in the darkness. "Love, it's late what are you-" He stopped mid-sentence as I turned on the bedside lamp. Slowly Sergio's eyes engulfed me, taking in my appearance. "What is this?" He asked me, still a little confused as he gestured to my outfit.
I merely shrugged and took a seat on the edge of the bed, letting Sergio get a better view. He thing lace with the light of the lamp let him see the extent of my outfit, as I crossed my legs over. “Just something I threw on…” I drifted off with a pout, pressing my breasts together. “And a thank you for such a wonderful evening.” I added and let my hand drop to his thigh over the cover.
"What do you want me to do, my little minx?" He smirked, starting to play along as he was now more awake.
Leaning in, I seductively whispered; “I want you to fulfil your desires.” Letting my breath hang. “Have me any way you want.” My confidence, to my surprise, brimming.
I heard Sergio audibly gulp. “A-any way I want?” I nodded, his voice stuttering in disbelief. “I can do anything I want to you?” Again I nodded and smirked, crawling into his lap as the bed sheets pooled at his waist. "I can fuck you really hard? And spank you?" Sergio asked as his fingers started to play with the lace, his eyes studying my body.
"Whatever you want... daddy." I answered, knowing that that would get him to unleash a little more. I hadn't really used it since testing his reaction in the kitchen a few weeks ago. I was excited to see what would come of it. Sergio's face darkened, his eyes deep with lust, pupils dilated. Slowly he licked his lips. "Fantastic." He said simply before pulling me into a deep kiss, his fingers exploring my outfit.
I felt his hands slip to the back of my teddy, smoothing over my skin as I grinded against him. He was already hard, and I mean super hard, which I definitely wasn't expecting. But maybe seeing me in this, had gotten him more excited than I first thought.
Sergio lips were all over me, especially to my neck, squeezing my body against his. He'd already become an animal in his own right, scraping and gripping at me like I was a piece of meat.
Not that I minded tonight, while looking like this.
Plus I did say he could do whatever he pleased.
“You looked so hot.” Sergio growled against my chest, pulling at the lace lightly. I smirked down at him and ran a hand through his hair. “You're a goddess.” He whispered and stared up at me.
I smirked again as those words fell from his mouth, not saying anything back but leaning down and kissing him powerfully. Sergio responded by grabbing the back of my head, lacing his fingers in my hair as he deepened the kiss as much as possible, our tongues locked in a battle for dominance, ran by lust.
Sergio pulled away first, those eyes dark black with lust; a glisten of the lamps light in it, adding a sparkle.
“Where do you want me?” I asked, spurring things along and feeling confident.
My boy tilted his head to the side, that mischievous yet sardonic smirk I'd known since the day I'd met him, coming to play on his lips. “Hands and knees.” His voice gravelly with a wink.
I didn't waste any time in doing what he said and positioned myself on my hands and knees, wiggling my bum in the air teasingly. Sergio smirked, already fully naked from our last session of love making. His hard member I could feel against the top of my thigh while his hands gripped at my waist pulling me in closer. Though he didn't enter me.
Instead he wrapped his arms around my stomach before they grabbed my breasts giving them. “I forgot to tell you, how incredibly fucking hot you look in this...thin lace.” He whispered, Sergio's hands wandering anywhere they felt like before grabbing and pulling at my bum cheeks.
I smirked and pushed against those hands. “I knew you'd like it.” Sergio chuckled at my adopted cockiness, who else had I gotten it from?
“Oh I do.” I could sense the smirk to his own lips. “I'd love to rip it off you, but you just look so-” Sergio paused in his speaking, moving the thong part of my teddy to the side, and plunging inside me. I gasped in surprise, my eyes wide. “Pretty in it.”
Gasping for air at his surprise penetration, I had to adjust to him inside of me and the shock of it. But the burn and the feel of pain was something that I found delicious in their own rights.
I couldn't help myself with Alexia dressed like that, giving me permission to do with her whatever I wished. I certainly wasn't going to waste an opportunity like this. Without hesitation I immediately starting slamming into her roughly, eliciting loud moans from both of us. “I'm gonna fuck you so hard you're gonna have a hard time walking straight tomorrow.” I growled, my nails digging into the flesh of her hips.
“Yes Sergio, fuck.” Alexia moaned, seeming to like the pain, because let's be honest, she definitely wasn't used to me being so rough.
Keeping up my heavy thrusts I smacked her ass hard causing her to yelp. “You like that, you like when I'm rough?” I asked in an aggressive tone. It felt so good to release this pent up sexual aggression, I hadn't had a hard fuck in ages.
“Y-yes, fuck I love it.” Alexia moaned as I spanked her again.
“You're so naughty baby, such a dirty little minx.” I growled. “You look so fuckable in this little outfit.” I added before wrapping my arms around her stomach and chest and lifting her up a little still slamming into her. “I'm gonna make you cum so hard.” I moaned into her ear before nibbling on it a little, both of our breaths becoming laboured with the pace I was keeping. “Tell me I'm the best Alexia, tell me I'm the only one.” I commanded, knowing I had become a completely different version of myself at this point but not wanting to stop.
“Y-you're the b-best, fuck- the on-only one Sergio, shit.” Alexia moaned as I released her back onto the bed and moved one hand down to her clit, rubbing it aggressively in an attempt to give her more pleasure.
“You like when I fuck your hard? With my nails and teeth all over you?” I asked in a very dirty tone.
“G-god yes.” She moaned, unable to fathom how much of an animal I had become, my teeth biting at her skin and the lace that sat perfectly on top.
“You're all mine okay? No one else gets you this way, only me.” I growled possessively, loving how she finally let me have her this way.
Although we didn't break the bed this night, I'm sure we were close to it. My stamina thankfully, didn't fail me in these moments and it made me glad my profession included running non stop for ninety minutes. Even though my breathing had become very heavy, I knew I'd be able to keep my pace until we both came. “I-I'm, fuck, I'm so close. Oh my god fuck me!” Alexia screamed as I breathed heavily down her neck.
“Yeah? You want me to let you cum? You want daddy to let you?” I asked her in a deep, raspy voice.
“Y-yes, daddy please.” She moaned and it was impossible for me to resist that woman.
I quickened the pace of both my thrusts and my hand that was rubbing her, careful not to make myself cum because I had been caught off guard by this late night surprise. I was so in the moment I had forgotten a condom, not that Alexia would mind as long as I pulled out. God she felt so good bare, no latex between her and I for the first time. I hadn't really thought about how good it would feel until I was in the moment and after realising going in unprotected with her felt this amazing, I didn't know if I could go back.
Soon, however, I felt Alexia's muscles contract and release as continuous, loud, passionate moans spilled from her mouth. Upon Alexia reaching her arrival, I knew mine was imminent, thus I pulled out, and began stroking myself furiously. “Don't. Move.” I commanded as I closed my eyes and concentrating on finishing. With my tongue sticking out and my lips firmly pressed together I found my release and came all over Alexia's back before collapsing next to her, not aware of how tired I was until I did so.
“Holy fuck.” I breathed out. “That is the best sex I’ve had.” I said, still panting as I did so. “I'll buy you anything you want and take you anywhere you wanna go if it means I get to fuck you like that again.” I joked, but I think she knew I was very serious about that offer. Alexia knew how much I enjoyed sex, let alone how much I loved sex with her.
I reached over and pulled Alexia to my chest, that still heaved slightly, kissing her on the head as I did so. “You were an animal.” She said in a hoarse voice.
I chuckled a little, sensing her surprise at my abilities, she knew I was good, but she didn't know I could be that good. “You unleashed a beast, I’ve told you since day one I loved it rough.” I answered and she nodded against my slightly sweaty chest. “You enjoyed it though right?” I asked suddenly worried I had scared her. She had never seen such an aggressive side, usually I was gentle and attentive, and on this night especially it was a complete change from the love making earlier.
“I’m still processing it, it kind of really blew my mind.” She giggled and blushed. “I think I really liked it.” She added, peering up at me with those big blue eyes.
“Baby you've unlocked the door to a very adventurous and satisfying sex life.” I smirked before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “Any way you want it, I'll give it you.”
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booperesque · 10 years
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fuck off, xabier.
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frauenvomfcb · 7 years
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Xabi Alonso con su familia en su nueva casa
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jurgenmeister-blog · 8 years
El Matador (Chapter 42)
Link To Full Story
As soon as I’d closed the door of Alexia’s apartment, the young Basque was on me like a rash, and I believe the rush of alcohol in her system was the main culprit. Alexia wasn’t drunk, I knew her drunk and she definitely wasn’t that. But I just think the rush of the night and not being able to touch and hold each other so intimately was enough to drive her crazy.
And trust me I felt the same way.
I felt myself melting into her lips and into her kiss, getting lost in the moment myself. My hands instinctively rested on her beautifully figured waist , where I squeezed it, starting to walk us backwards.
We hit the sofa soon after walking into the coffee table and some other furniture, where I lay her down perfect and watched as that gleaming smile took up those fading red lips. She looked like a thing of beauty, and just staring at her reminded me of the red rose petal scene out of American Beauty. I could even remember the quote Kevin Spacey had spoke; “It’s the weirdest thing. I feel like I’ve been in a coma for about 20 years and just now I was waking up…”
And that was how I felt upon looking at this wonderful, enchanting specimen that belonged to me and I to her.
“Sometimes, I feel I’m seeing all at once, and it’s too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that’s about to burst. And then I remember to relax and stop trying to hold onto it, and then it flows through me like rain, and I can’t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.”
Like this whole tale of me and Alexia was a script to a film, a thick thousand paged book, still unfinished by it’s author. Alexia was my fairy tale and I loved every piece of her death defying beauty even if she didn’t see it herself, or even realise what she was doing to me.
I know it sounded stupid, me quoting lines from a movie inside my head, but I just could sit back and watch that scene unfold in front of me right now. Alexia was Angela and I was Lester.
This was my own movie, but instead of an American beauty, Alexi was my Spanish Beauty.
“What?” Alexia sounded, snapping me from my dreamy daze. I hummed and smiled down at her, lovingly caressing her face. “You were staring at me.”
“I was just admiring you nena, that’s all.” I lent down and pressed a soft, meaningful kiss to her lips.
The heat of her cheeks hit me and as I came up for her, that familiar sight of those pink blotched cheeks and tips of her ears was there to greet me. “You’re a sweet guy, Sergio.” She whispered, her hand aimlessly running through my hair.
“And you are a beautiful woman, Alexia.” Whispering back, I decreased the space between us until my lips ghosted atop of hers, though I made no movements to kiss her, only stare into those bright blue glistening gems.
Alexia’s chest rose up and down as we stared in a comfortable silence and as I did stare at my Spanish Beauty, the realisation hit me. The realisation that keeping such a deep meaningful feeling stuck inside of me, locked away, wasn’t going to work. I knew I was ready to tell Alexia I loved her and I wasn’t going to hold out any longer. This had to be said now, those three fateful, relationship changing words had to be spoke now and I felt brave enough to take that first step.
"I love you." I said calmly, not breaking our eye contact.
Alexia stared at me in wonder of my words while choking out her own. “Y-you what?” The surprise evident as I gulped her audibly gulp. “I love you Alexia,” I answered without a stutter in it. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently, it’s what I’ve been so nervous today.” I answered in a soft voice and she looked at me, her eyes so innocent and vulnerable. I could tell that she didn’t know how to react with her, but that didn’t matter to me. “Y-you don't have to say it back if you're not ready, I just want you to know that I love you." I admitted, albeit blushing a little as I caressed her cheek.
Alexia didn’t nod or agree but instead, pulled me down for a deep yet innocent kiss, one of which I’d never experienced with her before. We pulled away with hardly any space between us and a hand on the back of my head. “I feel the same way.” She whispered back, a smile on her face.
She silently got to her feet as I watched her intently, she grabbed my hand, dragging me to her room.
Nerves were biggest thing that had stopped me from saying that to her before and as I did, they were still there, more prominent than ever. Was I sure that love was what I was feeling? Did I say it too soon? What if she didn't feel the same, I mean, after all, she didn't actually say it back, she just said “I feel the same way”, but what if she told me that just to make me happy and inside she was so freaked out she didn’t know what else to say?
All these overriding thoughts raced through my head  but soon they were all erased as I watched Alexia close the door behind us, and I knew exactly what was coming next. Alexia slipped off her heels before she approached me, getting on her tip toes to kiss me as my hands grasped her waist. Her hands gently rested on the back of my neck. I pulled away and pressed our foreheads together, looking down at the floor before into Alexia's deep blue eyes. "I mean it you know? I love you, I think I have for a while now." I admitted, rubbing her sides.
Alexia giggled and blushed, those blotched pink cheeks so adorable. Her fingers played with my bow tie, adjusting it. "I think it's time you take me to bed Sergio." She said in a serious tone, one that suggested that this time it would be love not sex. I nodded and gently lead her to the bed, tossing my jacket to the side, my socks and shoes long forgotten. The removal of the rest of our clothes was slow and delicate as we kissed softly and lovingly. Just as Alexia slipped my bow tie from neck, her phone went off. "Mmm babe, I should get that." She said lazily as I tenderly kissed her neck. I nodded, still continuing my actions as she reached over. "Just a text from Xabs to make sure I got home safe." She said and I stopped, popping my head up. "Wait so he's not coming over?" I asked, almost completely forgetting he said he would. Alexia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Of course not, he said that to scare you off, in case you were gonna try it on with me." She gave my hair a little scruff. "It's what he does babe." Alexia reassured me before tossing her phone to the side, and I knew that would be the last time she’d be answering that.
Carefully she grasped my face and pulled me to her lips again, continuing right where we left off. It was all very slow, but heated nonetheless. All my movements were measured.
Attentively, Alexia slipped my suspenders down my shoulders before her small hands worked to unbutton my shirt. My hand busied itself with gently unzipping her dress. Both of us giving shy little knowing looks. Tonight was our night and we were going to make the most of each moment, down to a tee.
As my white button shirt was completely unbuttoned by my Spanish Beauty, I allowed Alexia to pull it down my shoulders. As she did, she grazed past my tattooed biceps. She smirked as she caught me watching her, and gently began to press kisses against my biceps. We were silent but a silence that spoke a thousand words with each smile and intimate touch.
After my shirt had been removed and suspenders fell to my side, Alexia seemed to want that control and I wasn't going to deny her that. “Stay there.” Alexia whispered with a peck to the lips.
I obeyed her and smirked, laying back in my elbows with my eyes directly on hers.
My gorgeous brunette slowly brought her gown down her body, letting her unsupported breasts bounced out before gathering it at her waist and letting it pool around her feet. She smirked and pushed out her breasts making my mouth water.
“Y-your not, you didn't…” I stuttered and gulped.
“What?” She innocently giggled. “I didn't wear any panties.” She shrugged and took a step towards me, taking my hand and falling into my lap. I was already getting hard just thinking about making love with this woman but now here she was, the image of perfection, sat in my lap.
“I love you.” I whispered as I stared up at her.
Alexia smiled and brought her lips to mine again, our forehead again pressed together. We didn’t speak after that, but let our actions do the talking. I turned Alexia back to the bed, watching her figure bounce as she led there, now watching me. I smirked, seeing her figure in the darkness of the bedroom and how it was like a beacon of light, shining. God was she beautiful, stunning in fact, and she took my breath about.
She wasn’t as shy as our first time, she didn’t cover up her body in shame but gladly let me see her for who she is and every curve of her body, and I loved that. It would be our first time making love, and Alexia was so open and confident in her body that it didn’t make me nervous.
I undid my trousers and slipped them off, along with boxers so that I was just as naked as Alexia was. My member bouncing out, half hard and only going to get harder. Alexia gave a giggle, a nervous one, I wasn’t sure, or maybe it was excited as I crawled on top of her slowly.
We didn’t kiss or moved at all for a few moments and stared deeply into each others glistening eyes in the moonlit bedroom. Alexia giggled again, bringing me in for a cuddle. I chuckled too, wondering what she was laughing at. “What nena, what’s so funny?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know.” She stopped giggling as I kissed her neck softly. “I just...this feels so surreal right now.” Happily sighing and running her fingers through my hair.
“What’s surreal? The fact that you have a hunk of a boyfriend?” I smirked, arrogantly winking at her.
Alexia giggled and slapped my tattooed arm. “If you weren’t so right I’d call you arrogant.” She smirked, stilling aimlessly playing with my hair. But I wasn’t going to stop her, I loved when she played with my hair, it was relaxing. “But I guess. Well, this is...we’re going to make love.” She breathed out and gulped.
“We are.” I smiled and caressed her face softly, bringing our lips together for another meaningful, deep and long kiss. That kiss didn’t get any rougher or lewd but we did keep it up for a while. She hummed in satisfaction of our innocent kiss, my lips starting to wander much to her agreement.
They wandered from her lips to her jawline, kissing along it before I started on her neck, stopping to suck at that delectable smelling skin. Her perfume was my favourite, like heaven on earth, such a sweet scent that you would think was too much and yet, like everything else, it suited her. Alexia let out a gasp as my hand grabbed her leg and brought it around my body, while I focused my sole attention on that neck, sucking and marking her with deep raspberry coloured marks so that people knew she was taken. Our heated areas making the first contact. She was already wet, wetter than I'd ever felt her to be and that made me grow even more. I hustled wanted to taste those juices, delve into that wetness and lap it up.
I felt Alexia grind against me a slight and I let out a warning moan against her neck, pulling my he's up to see that devilish expression on her face.
Moving down her body and taking a mouthful of her left breast, I swirled my tongue around the areola and nipping playfully at her nipple. She hummed and gasped in pleasure as I did so and seeming that she enjoyed that so much, I decided to do it to her other breast, which she warming welcomed with an arch of her back. I didn’t stop there however, and kept my pursuit of her delicious body, moving down to her toned stomach and giving it the same treatment.
“Baby,” Alexia whispered as I landed on her wet heat. I glanced up and saw her staring down at me, biting her lip hard. She didn’t say another word and I took that as my cue to carry on. Slowly, I brought my lips to her heat and tasted her. The divine taste of sweetness hit me and it honestly tasted like heaven, I started to suck at her folds.
I didn’t want us to go too far where she’d climax, but just tip her to that edge, ready for me. I sucked at those drenched folds, flicking my tongue over her slit and delving it inside her opening. Every little movement I made while down there, Alexia reacted to with a moan or pull of my hair. I wasn’t aggressive or fast, I was slow and measured, just as our love would be.
Pulling away, knowing she was close, I kissed back up her body, leaving remnants of her beautiful juices along her body. I made it back to her plump lips and kissed her once again, savouring the taste. “You’re so adorable.” I hummed, running my hand up and down her side. She blushed. “I love it when you moan like that when I eat you out.” Winking lightly.
“And I love it when you eat me out.” Alexia lazily ran her hand over my cheek, giggling.
“Anytime, I can pleasure my baby I’ll do it.” I leaned in for a kiss.
Alexia hummed and pulled away with a smile. “Maybe I can return the favour?” She suggested and moved her hand down to grab my hard member. It had gotten so hard as I’d eaten her out, those moans just adding to my own pleasure.
I was quick to take her hand from touching me and lace our fingers together. “Another time baby, this, is all about you.” Humming, I kissed behind her ear.
Alexia nodded and watched me intently as I slowly reached into her beside table, dipping my hand into the drawer and fished out a condom. Since we'd spending so much time at each other's places, we'd started leaving things there, one of those things being a box a condom because most times we were together we had sex.
But tonight, we were going to make love.
Setting the condom on the bed, I mumbled that I loved Alexia against her neck. I just could not help myself; saying it the first time has sort of opened the floodgates and now I just couldn't help saying it. The more I told he, the more I started to believe it.
I hope that at some point she'd say it because instead of “I feel the same”. I knew it was a big deal but a part of me wanted her to say it back, so I didn't feel so disappointed and stupid by saying it myself.
Alexia began to tug at my hair while I kissed her, my hands blinking fumbling to open the wrapped. After a bit more effort, I rolled it on and lined myself up with her wet, throbbing heat.
I stopped kissing Alexia's neck and looked at her. Her eyes were so soft and loving. "Make love to me Sergio." She spoke softy. I gave her a small smile and kissed the tip of her nose before slipping myself inside of her with ease.
Making love is something that I'd never experienced before, not like this. I'd never made love before and already I knew that this was better than normal sex. Even aggressive sex. It was softer, gentler, passionate but not in a lustful way, and you share this deep connection with the person you're with when you're making my love.
I thrusted slowly inside of Alexia, my hips rolling and grinding. I was so focused on how I was moving and focusing on how I made Alexia feel. After all, this night was about her. I knew that Alexia loved the way I moved my hips and that fact I did not neglect tonight.
We laced our fingers together as I kissed her deeply, grinding. All our movements were slow and full of emotion. Alexia would squeeze my hand she was holding once in a while, all her little breaths, deep and unmeasured. I loved to kiss her necks and collarbones lovingly.
“O-oh Sergio.” She breathed out in such a sensual small voice. “This feels so good.” She moaned, her free hand in my hair, gently pulling.
I smiled and kissed her again, our tongues mixed and melded together as we shared yet another sensual kiss. I kept those smooth, measured thrusts up as I gave her hand a squeeze.
My pace continued as slow and well measured. Making love was no time for sloppy thrusts. Making love requires more experience, focus, and more passion than sex. It means more, and I knew I'd feel better after it than after sex.
"I love you baby." I whispered softly, grinding myself against Alexia.
The passion of the moment was something that I'd never forget, the soft sensual kisses and the gentle squeezing of hands was all so perfect. Although, this whole evening had been far from perfect, these moments were and they were something I'd savour forever. I couldn't care less about them because I was right where I wanted to be. I was making love to the girl I was madly falling for, and there was no place I'd rather be.
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