#Nakshatra Pada Paddhat
Nakshatra Pada Paddhati (NPP) A New Revolution in Predicting Through Nakshatra Padas
Duration: 4 months
Date: Sep 30th 2022
Fees: Rs 18000 + 18% Taxes
NPP was discovered by Lavanya ji in the immortal Tamil Astrology book of Late Shri Natarajan titled “Vichitra Jothidam” (VJ System) which is a unique work on astrology and nakshatra padas not found in any Astro literature in the last thousands of years.
Uniqueness: No other Technique employs 108 padas in one singular chart in a systematic predictable manner except Sarva Chancha Chakra of Late Shri C S Patel where 9 planets are employed. Nadi system takes 27 (9 X 3) placements while NPP (Nakshatra Pada Paddhati) system takes 81 placements to study a single chart, constructing a chart titled “Graha Uraivu Chart i.e Graha Friction Chart”.
What is lacking in General Astrology Vs NPP
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