#Named after queen of metel Doro Pesch
dragonmama76 · 7 months
Not a Fair Fight
@steddiemicrofic prompt: pin, 388 words, rated:G
Some days Steve felt like the fight would never end.  First was the demogorgon, then the mind flayer, the dogs, the bats and finally Vecna.  But that all felt like nothing compared the battle happening now.  Steve wasn’t sure what he had walked into, but this one couldn’t be won with his nailbat. He would have to keep his wits about him.
Hands on his hips, Steve cleared his throat, “Does someone want to tell me what’s going on here?”  Two matching sets of eyes immediately met his.  They hadn’t heard him come in, but now it was a race to see who could make their argument faster and louder.  Steve held his tongue and tried to listen as they spoke over each other.  He was unwilling to give either side the benefit of the doubt.  Both could be equally stubborn, irrational and childish.  He didn’t know how this started, but he needed it to end.  
“One at a time or no one at all!”  Steve demanded.
“I want. My birthday party.  At Chuck E Cheese!”  Doro whined, stamping her foot.  “It’s not fair!!  Jenny and Andy BOTH got Chuck E Cheeses parties!  I HATE being famous.”
“Be reasonable, chicken,” Eddie pleaded, “We can have an awesome party here at home with pizza and we can play  hide and seek, musical chairs, and pin the tail on the donkey!!”
Steve couldn’t help the snort that emerged.  Pin the tail on the Donkey?  What was Eddie thinking?
“Chuck E Cheese has a band that comes out and plays every half hour!” Dorothy whined.
“Daddy has a band that can play the WHOLE TIME if you want!!”  Eddie countered.
“Oh my God, Daddy, that's SO embarrassing!!”  Dorothy cried.
“I’ve won three Grammys…” Eddie sulked.  
“Okay, loves,” Steve broke in, “Before someone’s feelings really get hurt-” He looked pointedly at Eddie, who frankly, should not be taking this so personally but who was sulking anyway.  “Let’s get a few things straight.  Dorothy Munson, YOU are not famous. Maybe someday, but not today.  However!” Steve pinned his daughter with a look, “Your father is, and he absolutely cannot stroll into a Chuck E Cheese on a Saturday without a security detail.  You don’t want that on your birthday so we are going to sit down and compromise!” 
“Fine,” his daughter sighed.  “So…Disneyland?”
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