#Nao-chan is a fashion icon and I love her
daisynik7 · 4 months
started skip and loafer today and I'm only two episodes in so far but I urge everyone to WATCH THIS. my heart, MY HEART 🥹
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chymxrical · 7 years
Ohana Magazine: Exclusive Interview with Tora!
               Interviewer: Oh hai hai hai hai! Interviewer Riyu speaking! Today at Ohana magazine we got to interview Ohana, Alice Nine, and Diawolf member Tora!
Tora: -bows- Thank you for having me today.
Interviewer: To start off! How have you been Tora-san? Has the new year been treating you well?
Tora: -clasps hands together- So far, the new year started with me having mountains of work to do.
-Both Tora and interviewer laugh-
Interviewer: Is that so?! Poor Tora-san! Your managers pressuring you guys too much?
Tora: -waves his hand- No no, nothing like that. Just the band coming up with new songs and the upcoming tour this year is being planned. So, lots of work.
Interviewer: -nods head- Ah yes, lots of work. Ah but! Aside from work, this interview was supposed to be a New Year’s look back interview! So let’s get back to business.
Tora:  -laughs- Yes please.
Interviewer: Let’s step back to New Year’s then, to Christmas and so forth.
Tora: Step back?! -says a bit surprised- That’s gonna be tough since good things happened after Christmas!
Interviewer: It did?! Ah well, let’s reverse it a bit then! Let’s start from January of 2016.
Tora: Such a big time skip. I can’t remember everything you know?
Interviewer: Oh okay okay -bows head in apology- Then, please just tell us all of your best memories of 2016 Tora-sama.
Tora: I mostly remember work related memories.
Interviewer: Work related?!
-both laughs-
Tora: Yeah! Because so many good memories happen during work. We did a tour, lots of photoshoots, and our single release LIGHT AND DARKNESS.
Interviewer: Oh your new single! So fantastic! Everything from the music down to the pictures were lovely! So aesthetic!
Tora: -smiles sheepishly- Thank you. The band is always going through different transformations and evolving. We keep on moving forward thanks to our friends and family, but most especially to our fans.
Interviewer: Everyone did their best this year! Yatta! But any special memories you’d like to share with the readers?
-a sudden ‘oohhh’ noise came into the background-
Tora: Where did that come from?! -laughs-
Interviewer: It’s to add effect!
Tora: But, for special memories. I was happy to have met so many new people and have memories with them. I guess I can start with my friend’s kid? I got to take care of the most adorable little god-kid... Wait is that how you call them? -laughs- 
Interviewer: -laughs- I’m not sure either! But, you’re the kid’s godfather yes?
Tora: -nods his head- Yes yes. And I’ve been hanging out with my friend Kiz as well.  I’ve been introduced to Italian food and now, I love it!
Interviewer: He loves it! The model and fashion icon Kizasi-sama Tora-san is hanging out with!
Tora: I love it. -chuckles- And then, the adopted little sister that I never wanted -laughs-
Interviewer: Adopted?!
Tora: I treat her like a younger sister. The sister I never wanted -laughs- But, Dara is fun anyways. There’s someone to tease aside from Nao.
Interviewer: Dara... Could you be referring to 2ne1′s Sandara?
Tora: Yeah, she’s annoying. Me, Kiz, and Chae could be leisurely sipping on our coffee’s while eating donuts but, she’s the little sibling who won’t leave grown ups alone.
Interviewer: Aren’t Chae and Dara supposed to be the ones who are in a group of friends?
Tora: -makes a shush sound and action- The three of us are mature adults. And then, there’s Mii and X.
Interviewer: Oh! So mysterious! Who is X?
Tora: X is X!
Interviewer: So mean! Such questions! Such mystery!
Tora: Yeah, they’re a mysterious bunch. I’ve only gotten to know Misami-san a little while though. She’s a great friend. Joins me in my quest of teasing Dara and everyone else. -laughs-
Interviewer: Tora-san is a bully! -gasped shock-
Tora: Believe it or not, I can get bullied a lot more times.
Interviewer: We shall trust your words for now.  
Tora: Trust in me like how I believed cute Nao-chan will one day become even more sexier. -he smirks whilst flapping the hem of his shirt-
Interviewer: Oh and there it is! Another about the band! Oh but, Nao-san’’s transformation has stunned a lot of fans!
Tora: Even the members.
-both laughs-
Tora: Our bonds have gotten stronger. Most especially mine and Nao’s.
Interviewer: Bonds between men!
Tora: Gets deeper every year yes. -nods- Eventually, I’ll ask him out on a date -laughs-
Interviewer: And there it is! A famous strike of visual kei fanservices!
Tora: Fanservice?! I would never. -jokes-
Interviewer: Tora-san, it’s not good to lie!
Tora: Nao is the member whom I’ve been getting close with recently.
Interviewer: Oh! Hot hot hot! On towards a different topic!
Tora: Eh?! Different topic?!
Interviewer: A different topic! How did you spend December Tora-san?
Tora: With the band actually -laughs- doing work as per usual. I sadly had no date on kurisumasu ebu. -fakes a sad sigh-
Interviewer: There there Tora-san! That special person is right around the corner!
Tora: Right around the corner?! So scary...
Interviewer: I don’t understand how that was scary but, let’s leave it be!
-both laughs-
Interviewer: And lastly, how did Tora-san spend the few hours of 2016?
Tora:  With the band.
Interviewer: Eh?! No way!
Tora: Yeah -laughs- Ah, although I did ask Nao-san to go to a new year’s party with me. So, it was fun.
Interviewer: Ooh! Getting real cozy with Nao-san I see!
Tora: The bonds of men have gotten stronger.
Interviewer: Cheers to the bonds of men!
Tora and Interviewer: Cheers!
Interviewer: And that’s all the time we have for today’s interview! Thank you so much Tora-san for your time.
Tora: Thank you for having me today.
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