#Narendra Modi Lies
mariacallous · 5 months
Elon Musk will be pleased that his surprise jaunt to China on Sunday garnered many glowing headlines. The trip was undoubtedly equally a surprise to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, who had been scheduled to offer Musk the red carpet on a long-arranged visit.
The billionaire blew off India at the last minute, citing “very heavy Tesla obligations.” Indeed, Tesla has had a tumultuous couple of weeks, with federal regulator slap-downs, halved profits, and price-cut rollouts. Yet, in a very public snub that Modi won’t quickly forget, the company CEO made time for Chinese premier Li Qiang. And well Musk might. Tesla needs China more than China needs Tesla. After the US, China is Tesla’s second biggest market. And ominously, in the first quarter of the year, Tesla’s sales in China slipped by 4 percent in a domestic EV market that has expanded by more than 15 percent. That’s enough of a hit for any CEO to jump in a Gulfstream and fly across the Pacific for an impromptu meeting with a Chinese premier. Globally, Tesla has lost nearly a third of its value since January, and earlier this month, Tesla’s worldwide vehicle deliveries in the first quarter fell for the first time in almost four years. As they are wont to do, Tesla investors continue to complain over repeated delays to the company’s rollout of cars with genuine driverless capabilities.
One of Tesla’s stop-gap technologies—a now heavily-discounted $8,000 add-on—is marketed as Full Self-Driving, or FSD. But, like the similarly confusingly named Autopilot feature, it still requires driver attention, and may yet still prove to be risky. Among the deals said to have been unveiled at Sunday’s meeting with Li Qiang was a partnership granting Tesla access to a mapping license for data collection on China’s public roads by web search company Baidu. This was a “watershed moment,” Wedbush Securities senior analyst Dan Ives said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. However, Tesla has been using Baidu for in-car mapping and navigation in China since 2020. The revised deal, in which Baidu will now also provide Tesla with its lane-level navigation system, clears one more regulatory hurdle for Tesla’s FSD in China. It does not enable Tesla to introduce driverless cars in China or anywhere else, as some media outlets have reported. Press reports have also claimed that Musk has secured permission to transfer data collected by Tesla cars in China out of China. This is improbable, noted JL Warren Capital CEO and head of research Junheng Li, who wrote on X: “[Baidu] owns all data, and shares filtered data with Tesla. Just imagine if [Tesla] has access to real-time road data such as who went to which country’s embassy at what time for how long.” That, she stressed, would be “super national security!” According to Reuters, Musk is still seeking final approval for the FSD software rollout in China, and Tesla still needs permission to transfer data overseas. Li added that a rollout of even a “supervised,” data-lite version of FSD in China is “extremely unlikely.” She pointed to challenges for Tesla to support local operation of the software. Tesla still “has no [direct] access to map data in China as a foreign entity,” she wrote. Instead, Tesla is likely using the deal extension with Baidu as an FSD workaround, with the data collected in China very much staying in China. Despite this, Tesla shares have jumped following news of the expanded Baidu collaboration. Furthermore, Li said there’s “no strategic value” for Beijing to favor FSD when there are several more advanced Chinese alternatives. (We’ve tested them.)
“Chinese EVs are simply evolving at a far faster pace than Tesla,” agrees Shanghai-based automotive journalist and WIRED contributor Mark Andrews, who tested the driver assistance tech available on the roads in China. The US-listed trio of Xpeng, Nio, and Li Auto offer better-than-Tesla “driving assistance features” that rely heavily on lidar sensors, a technology that Musk previously dismissed, but which Tesla is now said to be testing. Although dated in shape and lacking in the latest tech, a Tesla car is nevertheless more expensive in China than most of its rivals. Tesla recently slashed prices in China to arrest falling sales. Musk’s flying visit to China smacked of “desperation,” says Mark Rainford, owner of the Inside China Auto channel. “[Tesla] sales are down in China—the competition has weathered the price cuts so far and [the Tesla competitors have] a seemingly endless conveyor belt of talented and beautiful products.” Rainford further warns that the “golden period for Tesla in China” is “at great risk of collapsing.” Tesla opened its first gigafactory in Shanghai five years ago, and it is now the firm’s largest—but the automaker has been playing tech catchup in China for some time. In addition to Xpeng, Nio, and Li, there are other Chinese car companies competing with Tesla on autonomous driving, as Musk will see if he visits the Beijing Motor Show, which runs through this week.
Beijing is now arguably the world’s preeminent automotive expo, but Tesla is not exhibiting—a sign that it has little new to offer famously tech-hungry Chinese autobuyers. Pointedly, the Cybertruck is not road-legal in China, although that hasn’t stopped Tesla from displaying the rust-prone electric pickup in some of its Chinese showrooms. Likewise, Tesla has just announced plans for a European Cybertruck tour. But, just like in China, the EV pickup cannot be sold in the EU, either—and according to Tesla's lead on vehicle engineering, it likely never will be.
Speaking on tighter pedestrian safety regulations in the EU compared to the US, Tesla’s vice president of vehicle engineering, Lars Moravy, told Top Gear that “European regulations call for a 3.2-mm external radius on external projections. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to make a 3.2-mm radius on a 1.4-mm sheet of stainless steel.”
The “Cybertruck Odyssey” tour—as Tesla’s European X account calls it—may titillate Tesla fans, but it could prove to be about as useful as shooting a Roadster into space.
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Historic moment: Narendra Damodardas Modi  hugged Zelensky; A Slap in the Face to Putin and a Signal to China, Kyiv, Ukraine, August 23, 2024. Source: NEWSADER
P.S. This visit has much more significance than it seems at first... because people in the Global South, who analyze real facts and think for themselves, are beginning to understand what Putin's regime in the Kremlin really is and what immeasurable evil and devastation it is causing in the Middle East, Asia, In Africa and even far away in Latin America...
If you want to be happy and rich, then the first step is to drive Russian influence agents and useful fools out of your country...
The Russians can offer you nothing but lies, theft, corruption, debt bondage, mass political repressions, terror, backward technology, war, hunger and disease...
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critical-skeptic · 3 months
There Are No Gods or Kings, Only Man
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A Scathing Critique of Trumpism and the Rise of Populist Extremism
The era of Donald Trump has left an indelible mark on the political landscape, both in the United States and globally. The ascent of Trumpism, with its cult-like fervor, has emboldened extremist rhetoric and actions reminiscent of a nascent Fourth Reich. This dangerous trend has profound implications, and it is crucial to dissect its roots, impacts, and the broader issues it reveals about contemporary society.
The Cult of Personality
Donald Trump's presidency was characterized by an unprecedented cult of personality. His followers, often referred to as the MAGA (Make America Great Again) crowd, elevated him to an almost god-like status. This idolization is antithetical to the principle that "there are no gods or kings, only man." By placing Trump on a pedestal, his supporters disregarded his numerous failings and embraced a narrative built on lies and demagoguery.
Trump's appeal lay in his ability to present himself as an anti-establishment figure, a billionaire who spoke for the "common man." However, this facade masked his true nature as a self-serving opportunist. The QAnon conspiracy theory, which flourished under his watch, further exemplifies the dangers of blind faith in a singular figure. QAnon followers believed in a shadowy "deep state" and saw Trump as their savior, leading to real-world violence and a distortion of democratic discourse.
Populist Rhetoric and Authoritarian Tendencies
Trump's rhetoric was marked by extreme populism, scapegoating minorities, immigrants, and political opponents. This us-versus-them mentality fostered division and hatred, eroding the social fabric. His infamous slogan, "Make America Great Again," harkened back to an idealized past that never truly existed, promoting a reactionary agenda that sought to roll back civil rights and social progress.
The rise of Trumpism also saw an alarming embrace of authoritarian tendencies. Trump's frequent attacks on the media, judiciary, and other democratic institutions undermined the checks and balances essential to a functioning democracy. His refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election and the subsequent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, highlighted the dangers of a leader who refuses to relinquish power and incites violence.
Global Impact: A Fourth Reich in the Making?
The impact of Trumpism has not been confined to the United States. Around the world, populist leaders have drawn inspiration from Trump's playbook. Figures like Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orbán in Hungary, and Narendra Modi in India have adopted similar tactics, leveraging nationalism, xenophobia, and disinformation to consolidate power. These leaders, emboldened by Trump's example, pose a significant threat to global stability and democratic norms.
The comparison to the rise of a Fourth Reich is not hyperbolic. The parallels between the current wave of populism and the conditions that led to the rise of fascism in the 20th century are stark. Economic uncertainty, social fragmentation, and a distrust of established institutions create a fertile ground for demagogues who promise simple solutions to complex problems. The dangerous combination of charismatic leadership and a disaffected populace can lead to the erosion of democratic principles and the rise of autocratic regimes.
The Broader Problems: Idolatry and Centralization of Power
The rise of Trumpism and global populism underscores a broader issue: the human propensity for idolatry and the centralization of power. In times of crisis, people often seek strong leaders to provide direction and reassurance. This tendency, however, can lead to the elevation of deeply flawed individuals to positions of immense power, exacerbating the very issues they purport to solve.
The idolization of leaders like Trump distracts from the reality that they are mere mortals, subject to the same flaws and limitations as anyone else. This deification creates a dangerous feedback loop, where leaders are emboldened by their followers' unwavering support, leading to increasingly authoritarian behavior. The principle that "there are no gods or kings, only man" serves as a reminder that power should be dispersed and accountable, not concentrated in the hands of a few.
The Way Forward: Embracing Rationalism and Egalitarianism
Addressing the rise of populist extremism requires a fundamental shift in how society approaches leadership and governance. First and foremost, it is essential to reject the notion of infallible leaders. Political discourse should be grounded in rationalism, critical thinking, and empirical evidence, not in blind faith and conspiracy theories.
Egalitarianism must also be a guiding principle. A healthy democracy thrives on diversity of thought and a robust system of checks and balances. Power should be decentralized, with strong institutions that hold leaders accountable and protect the rights of all citizens. Education plays a crucial role in this endeavor, fostering a populace that is informed, critical, and resistant to demagoguery.
In conclusion, the era of Trump and the rise of populist extremism serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of idolatry and the centralization of power. The quote "there are no gods or kings, only man" encapsulates the need for a more rational, egalitarian approach to leadership and governance. By embracing these principles, society can resist the allure of authoritarianism and build a more just and democratic world.
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A few months ago, I was talking with @tellthemeerkatsitsfine and brought up the casual idea of rewatching Last Week Tonight in its entirety and blogging about it. She told me she thought that would be a great idea, and thus, my brain immediately started panicking. "People will SEE your LONGFORM WRITING! You might have to be VULNERABLE and OPEN and people might see you as more than a Pez dispenser for John Oliver content!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!" My anxiety is clearly very fun and very logical.
Anyways, the idea lay dormant, held at bay by anxiety, until recently - I have a brand new computer, free time, and a real desire to try and write something more substantial than "i cannot" on this blog. For real, my longform writing is not that bad! I hope.
With that context out of the way, here goes a new experiment for me - revisiting every past episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Will this be any good? Who fucking knows. But we're doing it. Strap in.
Last Lee Tonight (wherein Lee rewatches Last Week Tonight for an undetermined and probably nonexistent audience) Season One, Episode One
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(original air date: 4/27/2014) Major topics covered: POM Wonderful vs. Coca-Cola; the 2014 Indian election; the NSA
"Welcome, welcome, welcome... to whatever this is."
My enduring memory of Last Week Tonight starting is my mom calling me and angrily asking me why "that guy you like" was on a billboard, like I'd personally been responsible for him getting his own HBO show. I don't know why she was so angry about it, I just remember responding with something along the lines of, "maybe other people think he's hot too?"
Going back and watching this first episode now is extremely weird. As you can probably tell from the list of topics covered above, the show hadn't yet settled into its now famous format, and instead bounced from topic to topic like an R-rated Daily Show. It's not a terrible idea for a show structure. There's some clunkiness to this early iteration of LWT because of it, especially given that there's no commercial breaks to aid with transitions, but it's perfectly watchable. Its weirdness lies almost entirely in the fact that I (and everyone else watching it now) know it's going to become something very different very quickly.
It starts like most LWT episodes start now, with a recap of random shit that happened last week. There's a lot going on in this section - John talks about the banner week for "unrepentant racists and recording devices" as he briefly covers Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy, multiple popes being canonized as saints, and Obamacare websites failing to meet demand. This is a very 2014 series of headlines and they are blasted through in about 5 minutes. Weirdly, John doesn't devote any space to what Cliven Bundy actually said to piss people off that week (and if you aren't familiar with Cliven Bundy, the man is rancid so it could have been a lot of different things), but does show a clip of him being introduced on a morning show holding a dead cow. As you do.
The breakneck speed of this episode is startling coming from our current LWT state. The Obamacare website bit, which takes about 3 minutes in total including the Lisa Loeb cameo, is the kind of thing that they would spend 20+ minutes on in future seasons/episodes. I do love Lisa Loeb and forgot she sang a song on LWT telling Oregon how much their Obamacare website sucks. (One of my favorite songs of all time is "Falling in Love". You should give it a spin.)
From there, we go into the 2014 Indian Election (and, briefly, the 2016 Presidential Election, which, at the time, was 926 days away. JEB!), which had only been discussed on the McLaughlin Report at the time despite being the biggest election on the planet. Its primary focus is the two leading candidates, Rahul Gandhi, described by John as "wow that guy is handsome", and Narendra Modi. John does something intriguing with this piece - it starts very jokey and surface-level before taking a hard turn into discussing Modi's potential involvement in a literal massacre of thousands. I wish John did this more often nowadays. I get that it's probably hard to execute when everyone expects LWT to be the most depressing 'comedy' on television, so a sudden swerve like that is far more expected, but it was a really deft turn that clearly left the in-studio audience unsure of how to react. Moments like that are worth seeking out.
A moment that has occupied my brain since I saw this nearly ten years ago - "how dare you say I take money? How dare you say I take money? How dare you say I take money? How -"
Our first "And Now This" is John McCain telling the same joke about Russia over and over and over again. Repetition is a secret theme of this episode.
We now move on to Pom Wonderful vs. Coca-Cola, or "why two beverages are fighting each other in the highest court of the land". I'm calling this segment Pom Wonderful vs. Coca-Cola bc of its Wikipedia designation, but this segment is far more about food labeling, a subject near and dear to my celiac-ridden ass. Pomegranates, as it turns out, cannot help you cheat death, and Minute Maid has less than 1% pomegranates in their pomegranate juice. The kind of health claims companies make with their foods are still batshit, and it's wild that I have to struggle through reading whole lists of ingredients to try and find gluten while companies pretend their Pop-Tarts are actually beneficial to anyone. This also gives us the first instance of John Oliver urging the audience to do random acts of social vandalism, by definitely not advising them to put fake health claim stickers on food products. I wish I could find the "contains 4 whole pomeranians!" sticker, I definitely used to have that.
A second "And Now This" is a taped segment about cheerleader mistreatment in the NFL. This is also infuriating to behold. I hope things have gotten better for cheerleaders, but given that this is the NFL, I doubt it.
This feels the most like a modern LWT segment, in that it could easily be retitled "How is This Still a Thing" and would only need minimal changes to work. Seriously, pay cheerleaders the money they deserve, they're athletes too.
Finally, we move to the NSA, and John interviews General Keith Alexander, the former head of the NSA. It is obviously important for me to tell you that John is in a different suit for this.
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(Is there some sort of discount store for weird orange vases)
Information security and privacy was a huge cornerstone of the early years of LWT, and yet I'd somehow totally forgotten about this interview. This is basically a TDS field piece, as John questions General Alexander about what the NSA is actually collecting from the US public. He's pushing Alexander hard, and this makes a great companion piece to his later interview with Edward Snowden. There's even insets of reporting on NSA wrongdoing! It's almost indistinguishable from the things he did on The Daily Show, and since I've been in a very nostalgic headspace for that show, I appreciated it.
John admitting he'd abuse the hell out of NSA clearance is hilarious. As is John saying the Washington Football Team is a slightly less tainted brand than the NSA.
As a collective experience, I stand by saying that it's very weird to watch this now. At the time, though, this was exactly what I wanted out of a John Oliver-led show. It'll be interesting to see how this show shifts into its current form over this first season - since I haven't rewatched these episodes in ages, it'll be a "new" experience for me too.
Random notes:
Lee obviously focuses on important things corner: Light blue checkered shirt with blue solid tie and gray jacket is a solid look for John. He also is between bangs and no bangs, giving me a brief period of time to mourn the loss of #bangsappreciationhours. 8/10. Interview suit is more staid but blue is still a nice color on him, 7/10.
It's funny to see the pop-in social media boxes being used for their actual purpose of sharing links, and not for John randomly calling something "#feminism" or being mad about Fifty Shades of Gray. The show has evolved in ways both big and small.
The parts of this episode I was able to find on YouTube are so bizarre. Neither of the main segments seem to be there, but LWT's YouTube channel had the portions embedded above, which, aside from the interview, are such WEIRD things to highlight. I know a lot of these used to be on YouTube, too, but it looks like they've been culled.
Christ the Tumblr post formatter on desktop really hates when I try to click around to edit long ass posts.
Please let me know if this is actually any good or interesting, I truly don't really know if this is of value to anyone.
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Indian Prime Minister: Narendra Modi is a fraud (essay)
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Indians have little wisdom and low civility. Narendra Modi is taking full advantage of this and staying as Prime Minister of India. He is good at deceiving people. In the past, during a forced currency exchange that he orchestrated, he made a baseless verbal promise to the anxious farmers that he would ``drive away those who would harm you,'' and the farmers believed him. His party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, received an avalanche of votes and won in a landslide.
This is a case that clearly shows that the common people in India are stupid and have low standards of civility, but something like this happened recently. He alleged that during the Ukraine war, Modi wooed Russia and allowed Indian students to return safely to India. India's Ministry of Foreign Affairs denies this, saying, ``There is no such thing.'' Modi has no problem telling lies like this. Indian university students believed in Modi and praised him on this matter. Indeed, farmers and university students have little wisdom and low civility. They are people easy for politicians to handle. Isn't that enough to be a scammer? Hey, Modi.
Modi knows the situation of the Indian people very well, so he lies without hesitation. This tendency to lie is probably unrelated to the fact that he was from the lower class of the Shudra caste system and grew up with a strong desire to rise.
In addition, during his 10-year reign, he cultivated IT-related industries and engineers, giving preferential treatment to this field and its human resources, but India's industrial structure has become too specialized in IT. However, because other industries are weak, the unemployment rate among young people is an abnormal 30%, which is worse than in China. Modi will be forced to step down at some point, but for India, the sooner the better.
Rei Morishita
インド首相:Narendra Modiは詐欺師だ(エッセイ)
インド人の知恵は浅く、民度は低い。これを最大限に利用してインドの首相の座に居座っているのがNarendra Modiだ。彼は人を騙すのが上手い。以前、彼は自分自身で策動した強制的通貨交換で、不安になった農民たちに「お前たちに危害を加える奴らを追っ払ってやる」と根拠がない口約束をし、それを信じた農民たちが彼の政党「インド人民党」に雪崩を打って投票し、地滑り的勝利を収めたという。
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tfgadgets · 3 days
PM Narendra Modi At UN
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today reiterated his message for world peace and called for reforms in top global institutions from the high platform of the UN General Assembly. “Reform is the key to relevance,” he said. Speaking at the “Summit Of The Future” at the United Nations headquarters in New York, PM Modi said, “The success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not in the battlefield…
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darkmaga-retard · 29 days
Here is the situation on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
At least six people were killed across Ukraine, including in the central city of Kryvyi Rih and in the southern city of Zaporizhzhia, in a second day of Russian missile and drone attacks. At least nine people were injured. On Monday, Russia launched its biggest aerial assault since the start of its invasion in 2022.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine would retaliate against Russia for its attacks. The air force said Ukraine brought down five out of 10 missiles and 60 out of 81 drones Russia fired on Tuesday, with some of them destroyed by Western-supplied F-16 fighter jets. It said it lost track of 10 more drones and they probably came down somewhere on Ukrainian territory. One more crossed into neighbouring Belarus.
Ukraine’s commander-in-chief, Oleksandr Syrskii, said Ukraine had captured 594 Russian soldiers and taken control of 1,294 sq km (almost 500 sq miles) and 100 settlements since launching its incursion into Russia’s western Kursk region on August 6.
Rafael Grossi, director general at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), visited the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. He said it was vulnerable to a serious accident because it lacked a protective dome that could shield it from missiles, drones and artillery amid the fighting in the region.
Vyacheslav Gladkov, the governor of Russia’s western Belgorod region, said the situation on the border with Ukraine was “difficult but under control” after reports on Russian Telegram channels that Ukraine attacked a border checkpoint at Nekhoteyevka before being pushed back.
Speaking on television, Ukraine’s Syrskii said the situation around Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine was “fairly difficult” with Russia trying to disrupt Ukraine’s supply lines to the front. “The enemy is using its advantage in personnel, weapons and military equipment, it is actively using artillery and aviation,” he said. Earlier, Russia’s Ministry of Defence said its forces had captured the village of Orlivka, which is near Pokrovsk.
Politics and diplomacy
Zelenskyy said he would present a “victory plan” to United States President Joe Biden and his two potential successors, probably while he is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly next month. The plan was designed to ensure Ukraine was in a strong position going into eventual talks to end the war.  “The main point of this plan is to force Russia to end the war. And I want that very much – [that it would be] fair for Ukraine,” he told reporters in Kyiv.
China’s Special Envoy for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui called on more countries to endorse its peace plan for Ukraine, after a round of diplomacy with Indonesia, Brazil and South Africa. “They have maintained communication with both Russia and Ukraine and stay committed to a political settlement to the crisis through dialogue and negotiation,” Li said. China did not attend the peace summit organised by Switzerland in June. It issued a joint peace plan with Brazil earlier this year.
Moscow said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin had “exchanged perspectives” on the war in Ukraine. Modi was in Kyiv last week.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov condemned Ukraine’s move to ban a Russia-linked branch of the Orthodox Church, describing it as an attack on Christianity and a blow to freedom of religion. Kyiv has accused the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) of abetting Moscow’s 30-month-old war by spreading pro-Russian propaganda and harbouring spies.
Russia’s FSB security service said it had opened criminal cases against two more foreign journalists who crossed the Russian border to report from the Kursk region after Ukraine’s incursion. The Interfax news agency said the journalists included a reporter for German broadcaster Deutsche Welle and a correspondent for Ukraine’s 1+1 TV channel. The FSB has now brought criminal cases against at least seven foreign journalists who have reported from Kursk.
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head-post · 1 month
Indian PM to visit Ukraine, weeks after trip to Russia
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a historic visit to Ukraine on Friday, a month and a half after he travelled to Moscow for talks with President Vladimir Putin.
Indian and Ukrainian officials said the visit will focus on strengthening economic ties and co-operation in defence, science and technology.
The Indian PM added that he hoped for the “early restoration of peace and stability in the region.”
However, analysts said the visit could also be an attempt by India to adopt a more neutral stance after tilting towards Russia, given Modi’s recent visit to Moscow and his country’s historic Cold War-era relationship with Russia.
Modi’s landmark visit is the first by an Indian PM to Ukraine since the country established diplomatic relations with Ukraine more than 30 years ago. He will arrive in Kyiv after a two-day visit to Poland.
Analysts say the timing of the trip is aimed at controlling fallout from the Indian leader’s July 8-9 trip to Russia.
Modi visited Russia in early July and met Putin. The Russian leader received the high-ranking guest first at the Kremlin and then at his residence in Novo-Ogaryovo. The main topics of the talks were the situation in Ukraine, use of payment systems and expansion of trade. Putin also invited the Indian prime minister to Kazan for the BRICS summit.
Meanwhile, Minister of Defence Li Shangfu and Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Qiang arrived in Minsk on a three-day working visit to discuss topical issues of bilateral military co-operation. They arrived in Belarus from Russia, where he took part in the Eleventh Moscow Conference on International Security.
Read more HERE
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bhaskarlive · 1 month
Narendra Modi’s 11th consecutive I-Day address, 3rd PM after Nehru, Indira Gandhi
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With his 11th consecutive address on Independence Day from the ramparts of the iconic Red Fort, Narendra Modi on Thursday became the third Prime Minister to do so.
The record lies with first PM Jawaharlal Nehru who hoisted the flag 17 times from 1947 to 1964.
Nehru is followed by Indira Gandhi who hoisted the national flag 16 times, just one short of her father’s record.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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vallejos-nob · 2 months
CARTA TEXTUAL DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PIDIENDO QUE POR FAVOR DETENGAN A DONALD TRUMP, por los ataques que realiza en todo el mundo con tecnologías de neutro espionajes, de manera explicita explica como ataca a presos, veteranos de guerra, personas en todo el mundo envenenando medicamentos que asesinan el cerebro de estadounidenses con una crisis de daño mental en todo estados unidos, aparte de los cargos por los que es enjuiciado. Se conoció que la razón de esta carta. fue por que Donald Trump y el papa Francisco tuvieron varias peleas por dinero y cuentas bancarias de deuda del Citi Blank que el papa Francisco tenia planeado apropiarse sin ser de su propiedad, la pelea produjo que Donald Trump asociado al Citi Bank protegiera varios cientos de miles de millones de USD dolares. Ambos se atacaron con tecnologías de neutro espionaje y el papa Francisco temiendo por su salud le publico la carta.
Pope Francisco.
Dear : my holy father pope Francis and mr President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and mr Charles King Charles and mr prime minister Justin Trudeau and mr president Lula and mr prime minister NARENDRA Modi and mr prime minister Olaf Scholz and mr prime minister fumio kishida and mr majority leader Senator Chuck Schumer and mr U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and ms Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi you all ours great leadership . Please doing all your best help all of us to stop Donald Trump before November 2024 .
You all got my information and you knew exactly how dangerous Donald Trump already liars killing USA veterans and U.S military and all American people and poison medication killing American people brain became mental health crises all over USA .
Killing Americans in jail and mental hospitals and hospitals everyday very seriously scared .
I said again in this world I’m a person very special you all never see and my religions is catholic but I respect all religions we all friends and family love peace we all working together . But I hope someday I will be explain more information about myself .
Me ha son tran all American people and all USA veterans and all U.S military and all police officers and all millionaires and all billionaires people and all human rights all around the world they all 100% love me they all support me .
Donald Trump already damaged to USA very seriously wrong .
Warning to USA if Donald trump win election 2024 became president unites state of America . USA will be the most dangerous country on the world lies killing USA veterans and U.S. military and all American people and mental health crises all over USA very seriously scared .
Donald Trump did not qualify for president unites state of America . Donald Trump his mouth lies too dangerous everyday again please help all of us arrest Donald trump rights and safety for all American people and better for all human rights all around the world .
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nuovos00 · 2 months
Transforming Mumbai into the Global Capital of FinTech_ New Academic Pathways and Infrastructure Projects
As the financial industry undergoes a digital transformation, FinTech (financial technology) has emerged as a critical field, integrating finance and technology to create innovative financial solutions. Academic programs in FinTech are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic industry. This article explores the landscape of FinTech academic programs, highlighting their significance, curriculum components, career prospects, and the importance of merging finance and technology education.
The Significance of FinTech Education
The rise of FinTech has reshaped traditional financial services, introducing advancements such as blockchain technology, digital payments, robo-advisors, and peer-to-peer lending platforms. As a result, there is a growing demand for professionals who understand both finance and technology. According to a recent report by PwC, 82% of financial services companies plan to increase their FinTech partnerships in the next three to five years, indicating a strong need for skilled FinTech professionals.
The importance of FinTech is underscored by initiatives such as those seen in Mumbai, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims to make the city a global FinTech capital, supported by significant infrastructure projects worth ₹29,396 crore. This ambition highlights the critical role that FinTech professionals will play in the future of global finance.
Curriculum Components
FinTech academic programs are typically interdisciplinary, combining courses in finance, computer science, data analytics, and regulatory compliance. Key components of the curriculum often include:
Financial Markets and Instruments: Understanding the Fundamentals of Financial Markets, Investment Strategies, and Financial Instruments.
Programming and Software Development: Learning programming languages such as Python, R, and Java, which are essential for developing FinTech applications.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Exploring the Principles of Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency Markets, and Smart Contracts.
Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Applying data analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms to financial data for predictive modeling and decision-making.
Cybersecurity and Risk Management: Studying cybersecurity measures and risk management strategies to protect financial systems and data.
Career Prospects
Graduates of FinTech academic programs have a wide range of career opportunities in both traditional financial institutions and innovative FinTech startups. Some potential career paths include:
FinTech Developer: Creating and maintaining software applications for financial services, including mobile banking apps, trading platforms, and payment systems.
Data Scientist: Analyzing large datasets to extract insights and support decision-making processes in financial organizations.
Blockchain Developer: Designing and implementing blockchain solutions for secure and transparent financial transactions.
Cybersecurity Analyst: Protecting financial systems from cyber threats and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
Financial Analyst: Using technology to analyze financial data, assess investment opportunities, and provide strategic recommendations.
The Future of FinTech
The future of FinTech education lies in continuous adaptation to technological advancements and industry needs. Academic institutions must stay ahead of trends by incorporating emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and decentralized finance (DeFi), into their curricula. Additionally, partnerships between universities and industry players can provide students with real-world experience and networking opportunities.
The Role of Mumbai in Global FinTech
In his maiden visit to Maharashtra after the recent Lok Sabha election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stones and inaugurated multiple public projects worth ₹29,396 crore. Announcing his ambition to make Mumbai the world’s capital in financial technology and Maharashtra the leading state in tourism, Mr. Modi emphasized the state’s potential to become an economic powerhouse. He highlighted Maharashtra’s rich heritage, including the forts of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Konkan coastline, and the Sahyadri mountain range, as key assets for tourism development.
Addressing media owners and senior management at the inauguration of the Indian Newspaper Society Towers in Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex, Modi urged the media to promote tourism in each Indian state to boost their economies. This initiative reflects the broader vision of integrating FinTech advancements with regional economic development.
Government Initiatives and Infrastructure Projects
Mr. Modi also emphasized the government’s efforts to improve connectivity and infrastructure. Projects include the Thane-Borivali twin tunnel and the Goregaon-Mulund twin tunnel, with a combined investment of ₹22,900 crore, aimed at enhancing Mumbai’s transportation network. Additionally, the Kalyan yard remodeling and the Gati Shakti multimodal cargo terminal at Turbhe in Navi Mumbai were launched to improve logistics and transportation efficiency.
Furthermore, new platforms at the Lokmanya Tilak Terminus and the extension of two platforms at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus were inaugurated to accommodate longer trains and increase passenger capacity.
The Prime Minister also launched the Mukhyamantri Yuva Karya Prashikshan Yojana, an internship program with an outlay of around ₹5,600 crore aimed at addressing youth unemployment through skill enhancement and industry exposure.
The Role of Media in Promoting Economic Development
During his address, Modi highlighted the critical role of the media in shaping national discourse and promoting economic development. He urged media professionals to create awareness about the strengths and potential of various states, contributing to the vision of a developed India (Viksit Bharat) over the next 25 years. By highlighting success stories and fostering a positive narrative, the media can play a pivotal role in driving investment, tourism, and economic growth.
How MBA FinTech Students Can Take Advantage of This Opportunity
MBA FinTech students can leverage Mumbai’s growing status as a global FinTech hub by actively engaging in academic programs and internships that align with industry needs. By staying abreast of government initiatives and infrastructure projects, such as those championed by Prime Minister Modi, students can gain insights into emerging trends and opportunities. Networking with industry professionals and participating in collaborative projects can provide valuable hands-on experience. Additionally, focusing on skills in blockchain, AI, data analytics, and cybersecurity will position students for success in this dynamic field.
FinTech academic programs play a crucial role in merging finance and technology education, preparing students for the evolving landscape of the financial industry. By offering interdisciplinary curricula and hands-on learning experiences, these programs equip graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to drive innovation and shape the future of finance.
Mumbai’s ambition to become a global FinTech capital, supported by significant government initiatives and infrastructure projects, underscores the importance of integrating technological advancements with regional economic development. As FinTech continues to transform the financial services industry, MBA Fintech will remain a key driver in equipping the next generation of professionals to lead this transformation.
As fintech continues to evolve, it will shape the financial landscape, influence government policies, and impact society at large. Embracing fintech’s potential is not just a choice; it is a necessity for businesses and individuals seeking to thrive in the digital age. By staying abreast of fintech trends, fostering a culture of innovation, and maintaining a strong commitment to data security and privacy, we can collectively harness the transformative power of fintech to create a more equitable and prosperous financial ecosystem.
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mariacallous · 2 months
After a period of relative quiescence, everyone has started talking about fascism again. This is, in part, due to the threat of a second term for Donald Trump, which has reactivated a highly polemical “fascism debate” in the United States. But there are plenty of other actual or quasi-fascists elsewhere. The Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, is the leader of a genuine neo-fascist party. In Latin America, Argentina’s Javier Milei has picked up where Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro left off. And, in India, Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party was reelected in June, albeit with a much-reduced majority.
By contrast, much less has been said about anti-fascism. Most commentators and journalists—and even many academics—seem to have accepted that anti-fascism belongs to the 20th century. Which is a little strange. If fascism is real, why not its opposite? And what happened to all of those historical memories of fighting fascism, above all in Europe, but also further afield?
Fortunately, we still have France, the only country that continues to talk about anti-fascism in a consistent and meaningful way across the political spectrum—and one of the few places where this talk translates into a hard electoral reality.
The explanation for this anomaly lies in the concept of the so-called front républicain (republican front). This refers to any coalition or alliance that is designed to keep the far-right from power.
In the late 1880s and 1890s, the front républicain included those who were opposed to the rise of Boulangism, a militarist far-right movement, and those who defended the cause of Alfred Dreyfus, whose false conviction was one of the great republican causes at the time. The clash between an insurgent far-right and the massed republican forces of the moderate right, the center, and the left was subsequently repeated time and again.
There were echoes of the front républicain in the 1936 Popular Front, although this was in a more obviously left-wing key. The same logic was invoked in the 1950s, at the time of Poujadism, and again in the 1980s, when Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Front National began to make its first electoral breakthroughs.
By this time, the front républicain had taken on a clearly electoral dimension. The aim was to ensure that the best-placed candidates from “republican” parties would win in the second-round of an election. This involved strategic désistements (withdrawals) by weaker “republican” candidates, followed by tactical voting.
The most famous recent iteration of the front républicain is usually also considered to be its last hurrah. In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen squeezed past the socialist candidate, Lionel Jospin, in the first round of the presidential election. This was the first time that any far-right candidate had come so close to power, and it was a profound shock.
In response, the entire political class called on the French to vote for the center-right candidate, Jacques Chirac, in the second round. It worked spectacularly: Chirac was elected with more than 82 percent of the vote on a turnout of almost 80 percent. Left-wing voters massively supported a right-wing candidate in order to save the French Republic.
But, as we now know, Jean-Marie Le Pen’s success was only the beginning. Since then, his daughter Marine Le Pen has climbed ever higher in the polls. She qualified for the second round of the presidential elections in 2017 and 2022, when she received 41 percent of the vote. Le Pen’s party, too, has gone from strength to strength. Now rebaptized as the Rassemblement National, it has gradually developed its local and regional presence—and, in 2022, it made a major breakthrough when it won 89 seats in the National Assembly.
For most analysts, the success of Marine Le Pen and the Rassemblement National was easily explained by the atrophy of the front républicain. After 2002, fewer and fewer left-wing voters felt inclined to block the far-right, and a significant minority of right-wing voters embraced it. With each new election, the remnants of a century-old French anti-fascist tradition seemed to fall away. Indeed, many of the most pessimistic result forecasts of the 2024 elections were based on the assumption that it was essentially dead.
Imagine the surprise, then, when the results of the second round were announced on Sunday night. Despite increasing its seats and vote share, the far-right flopped compared to the polls. It was soon clear that voters had done everything they could to stop the Rassemblement National from winning a majority.
All of a sudden, the front républicain was back, and the phrase was plastered across the French mainstream media. Commentators and pollsters scrambled to explain themselves. For those with long memories, it felt as if the spirit of 2002 had been resurrected from the grave.
The simplest way to explain this remarkable revival of anti-fascism is to invoke something that all historians of modern France will recognize: the fear of disorder and social collapse. Modern French history is littered with regime changes, protests, revolutions, and civil wars. The constitutional settlement of the Fifth Republic, born in 1958 during the Algerian War, was specifically designed to ensure stability, and it survived the momentous protests of 1968 and the economic crisis of deindustrialization unscathed.
Still today, voters are scared of the consequences of bringing a far-right party to national power. They fear that a victory for Marine Le Pen or her prime-minister-in-waiting, Jordan Bardella, would unleash violence and instability across the country. On the three occasions when they have realistically faced this prospect—2017, 2022 and 2024—they have pulled back. Each time, they have invoked the front républicain as a defense mechanism.
But there was more to the 2024 elections than simply a kneejerk reaction to the threat of disorder. For the first time since the early 2000s, anti-fascism was imbued with a positive quality. People invested hope in the left-wing alliance, known as the Nouveau Front Populaire. They saw anti-fascism as the basis on which to build a fairer society, with more public spending, a higher minimum wage, a wealth tax, and a reversal of Macron’s pension reforms.
This process was especially striking amongst young people, some of whom were not even born in 2002. Theirs is not the same anti-fascism as those aged 50 or older, who remember the rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen and the Front National. Young activists still talk about “fascism” and “racism,” just like the elders from whom they have learnt their history, but they are doing more than replaying the political battles of the past. They know that they are only one front in a global anti-fascist universe that stretches from the Trump trials to the smooth authoritarianism of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán.
The campaigning of young anti-fascists has been made all the more intense by the fact that the Rassemblement National has succeeded in mobilizing a significant proportion of young people. The struggle to contain the far-right in France is not an intergenerational clash between youthful liberals and reactionary boomers. If anything, old people are the least likely to vote for Marine Le Pen and her acolytes. In fact, young people are fighting for the political soul of their own generation.
The most obvious symbol of this fight is Bardella himself. He is only 28 years old, and his meteoric rise has not passed unnoticed. Some voters in the 2024 elections even asked where the “Bardella” voting slip was when they arrived at the polling booth. They wanted to vote for him, even though he was not on the ballot.
Yet his youthful persona—and his facility with Tiktok—drew a committed response. During and after the elections, French social media was filled with a cascade of anti-fascist memes and counter-videos. Young people, often people of color, lampooned Bardella’s campaign tactics and press conferences. They pilloried his party and the—sometimes very inexperienced—candidates who ran for election, calling them out for their racism, homophobia, bigotry, or plain stupidity.
It helps that some of the emerging figures on the French left are also young. Clémence Guetté, of La France Insoumise, is 33. Marine Tondelier, the current leader of the main Greens party, is 37. And Raphaël Glucksmann, who led the center-left to second place in the 2024 European elections, is 44. They are all politicians who have cut their teeth in a political landscape where the far-right is a fixture, not an anomaly.
It is impossible to say whether this youthful French anti-fascism has a future. In his “letter to the French” after the elections, Macron referred to the front républicain, but it is not clear that he or his allies intend to adhere to it. In particular, the proposal to form a governing coalition without some or all of the left—which several members of Macron’s party have endorsed—would run counter to the spirit of the election results. Meanwhile, the RN is waiting patiently for its next opportunity to show off its electoral strength.
Nevertheless, the recent electoral cycle in France is a reminder that today’s anti-fascism is no longer beholden to the 1930s or 1990s. It has a life of its own—and a whole new generation of foot soldiers ready to go to war against their oldest enemy.
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olehswift · 2 months
First Taylor Swift Horodnitskii Black White, you belong to me completely and only to me, and those words are not joke and have straightforward meaning, and you must take them more seriously than anything else.
1) QES
2) Elon Musk
3) Vladimir Putin
4) Jensen Stoltenberg
5) Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
March 1
6) Alexander Bortnikov
7) Emmanuel Macron
8) Xi Jinping
9) Alex Soros
10) George Soros
11) Avril Haines
April 20
First coffin phone
12) Billie Eilish
13) Nathaniel Philip Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild
14) Jurgen Stock
15) Larry Fink
16) Narendra Modi
17) Sergey Shoigu
18) Nikolai Patrushev
19) Nikolay Bogdanovsky
20) Andrei Yermak
21) Mohammed Bin Salman
(+8 or 10)
May 16
Second coffin phone
22) Alina Kabaeva
23) Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen
24) Vitalik Buterin
25) Ebrahim Raisi
26) Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
27) Malek Rahmati
28) Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem
29) Mehdi Mousavi
30) Second Vladimir Putin
31) Viktoria Godunova
32) Dmitry Medvedev
33) Georgia Meloni
34) David S. Cohen
35) Priscilla Chan
36) Paul Abbate
37) Jon Lenzner
38) Jake Sullivan
39) Ronald L. Rowe Jr
40) Larissa L. Knapp
41) Christopher Asher Wray
42) Olena Zelenska
43) Kimberly A. Cheattle
44) Second Elon Musk
45) George Pavlov
46) Third Vladimir Putin
47) Sergey Brin
48) Mariya Putina
49) Pope Francis
50) Jack Dorsey
51) Mark Zuckerberg
52) William J. Burns
53) Mark Rutte
54) Katerina Tikhonova
55) Second Taylor Swift Horodnitskii Black White.
56) Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres
57) Second Ariana Grande
58) Joe Alwyn
59) General Timothy Haugh
60) Donald Trump
61) King Charles III
62) William, Prince of Wales
63) Anatoly Chubais
64) Fourth Vladimir Putin
65) Robyn Denholm
66) Lawrence Edward Page
67) Igor Olegovich Kostyukov
68) Kyrylo Budanov
69) Katy Perry
70) Second Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
71) Jeff Bezos
72) Sergey Naryshkin
73) Volodymyr Zelenskyy
74) Cara Delevingne
75) Kamala Harris
76) Sergey Sobyanin
77) Second King Charles III
78) Li Qiang
79) Joe Biden
80) Second Christopher Asher Wray
81) Christopher G. Cavoli
82) Jenna Marie Ortega
0 notes
angel0news · 3 months
BJP's 'Bal Buddhi' Re-Plug On Rahul Gandhi's Ram Janmabhoomi Movement Claim
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's remarks on the Ram Janmabhoomi movement led by BJP veteran Lal Krishna Advani has drawn a sharp response, with the BJP doubling down on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "childish mind" jab at Mr Gandhi.
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BJP veteran and Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan described Rahul Gandhi as "bal buddhi" (childish) and accused him of "spreading confusion and lies".
"Rahul Gandhi is a childish person who has not matured yet. He has not yet become the Leader of the Opposition properly. He says we (INDIA bloc) defeated the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. Rahul ji, Ram is our existence, our ideal, our life, our God, and Ram is the identity of India," Mr Chouhan told reporters.
Referring to the Ram Janmabhoomi movement, he said, "This movement has thrown the Congress out of power many times and paved the way for the construction of a divine and grand temple, but Rahul Gandhi only lies."
Mr Chouhan also accused Mr Gandhi of lying in Parliament about Agniveer martyrs and the government of not providing a Minimum Support Price.
"He (Rahul) knows nothing else other than lying and spreading confusion. That is why this 'Bal Buddhi' person Rahul Gandhi keeps saying anything that comes to his mind. No one understands how he was able to defeat the (Ram Mandir) movement.
"Just saying whatever comes to mind has become the tendency of the Congress. Under his (Rahul Gandhi) leadership, the Congress will invite only misfortune," he added.
BJP leaders have been infantilising Mr Gandhi and saying he has a "childish mind" after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "balak buddhi" jab at the Congress MP, now Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha.
The remarks in question were made by the Congress leader during his visit to Ahmedabad. He was speaking about the Faizabad Lok Sabha seat -- of which Ayodhya is a part -- by Congress ally Samajwadi Party.
"By defeating the BJP in Ayodhya, INDIA bloc has defeated the Ram Mandir movement that was launched by the BJP veteran Lal Krishna Advani. What I am saying is something very big… Congress party and INDIA bloc defeated them in Ayodhya," Mr Gandhi said Saturday.
The Rath Yatra was launched by Mr Advani to shore up support for the construction of a temple at the site in Ayodhya believed to be the birthplace of Lord Ram. The yatra was taken out in 1990 and multiple communal clashes were reported along its route. Two years later, the 16th century Babri Masjid located at the Ayodhya site was demolished by Hindu activists who believed it was built on the ruins of an ancient temple to mark Ram's birthplace. Nearly three decades later, a Supreme Court ruling paved the way for a construction of a Ram Temple at the site.
With the BJP playing up the Ram temple construction in its election campaign, the Faizabad election was keenly watched, and the BJP's defeat there was a key talking point on result day.
While speaking in Ahmedabad, Mr Gandhi also claimed that the BJP would be defeated in its stronghold Gujarat in the 2027 state polls. "Together we are going to defeat them in Gujarat. We will defeat Narendra Modi and BJP in Gujarat just like we defeated them in Ayodhya," Mr Gandhi said.
This would be quite a task because in the 2022 election, the BJP swept the state, winning 156 of the 182 Assembly seats and the Congress managed just 17.
Mr Gandhi's remarks also drew the criticism of Chirag Paswan, Union Minister and leader of BJP's ally Lok Janshakti Party (Ramvilas).
Responding to the Congress leader's remarks, he said, "First up of all, Rahul Gandhi should learn it is Faizabad Lok Sabha, not Ayodhya. Ayodhya is a Vidhan Sabha constituency and is part of it. In such cases, if they think Ayodhya's win is big for them, then we are also analysing our mistakes and working towards it. They couldn't even cross the mark of 100+ seats in Lok Sabha and are claiming big things, I think their pride won't stay for long. In upcoming days, there are elections in various states, the results will show how strong NDA is."
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dreamstz1 · 3 months
Why India's Leader Narendra Modi Stands Tall Amid Challenges?
In the colorful tapestry of Indian politics, one figure stands out as a towering presence: Narendra Modi, the charismatic leader who has captured the imagination of millions with his bold vision and unyielding determination. But beyond the headlines and political theatrics lies a narrative teeming with ambition, resilience, and the complexities of leading the world’s largest democracy.What fuels…
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xnewsinfo · 3 months
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday conveyed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy throughout a gathering that India will proceed to do the whole lot in its energy to help a peaceable answer to the Ukraine battle and that the trail to peace lies by way of " dialogue and diplomacy".The upcoming Swiss peace convention for Ukraine additionally figured within the Modi-Zelenskyy talks held on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, and the Ukrainian president thanked the prime minister for sending a high-level delegation to the conclave over the weekend. week in Switzerland.In the course of the assembly, Modi instructed Zelenskyy that India believes in a "human-centric" method to discovering an answer to the battle in Ukraine.In a put up on 'X', the Ukrainian president stated that he and Modi mentioned the Peace Summit and the problems on their agenda and that he thanked the Indian Prime Minister for sending him a high-level delegation.Pavan Kapoor, Secretary (West), Ministry of Exterior Affairs, will lead the Indian delegation on the Peace Summit, officers stated.Modi described the assembly with the Ukrainian president as "very productive" and stated India is keen to "additional cement" bilateral relations with Ukraine."I had a really productive assembly with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. India is keen to additional cement bilateral relations with Ukraine," Modi stated on 'X'."With regard to the continuing hostilities, he reiterated that India believes in a human-centred method and believes that the trail to peace is thru dialogue and diplomacy," he stated.The Ministry of Exterior Affairs (MEA) stated Modi and Zelenskyy exchanged views on the scenario in Ukraine and the upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland."The Prime Minister conveyed that India continues to encourage peaceable decision of the battle by way of dialogue and diplomacy, and reiterated that India would proceed to do the whole lot in its energy to help a peaceable answer," he stated.Modi thanked President Zelenskyy for his heat needs as he assumed workplace for a 3rd time period."We mentioned the event of bilateral relations and commerce, particularly within the context of the functioning of the Black Sea export hall," Zelenskyy stated in 'X'."We explored the opportunity of exchanging experiences in using new applied sciences in agriculture," he stated."We additionally talked concerning the World Peace Summit and the problems on its agenda. I thank Prime Minister Modi for sending a high-level delegation to the Summit," the Ukrainian president stated.Switzerland will host a number of world leaders on June 15 and 16 in an try to chart a roadmap to convey peace to Ukraine. The Indian delegation on the summit is predicted to be led by a senior diplomat.Exterior Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal, each leaders reviewed bilateral relations and exchanged views on the scenario in Ukraine."Fostering India-Ukraine partnership! Prime Minister @narendramodi met President @ZelenskyyUa of Ukraine on the sidelines of the fiftieth G7 Summit in Puglia, Italy," he stated on 'X'."The leaders reviewed bilateral relations and exchanged views on the scenario in Ukraine. The Prime Minister conveyed that India continues to advertise peaceable decision of the battle by way of dialogue and diplomacy," he stated.Exterior Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Exterior Affairs Secretary Vinay Kwatra have been a part of Modi's delegation on the talks.Zelenskyy is thought to have briefed Modi on numerous elements of the battle.The Ukrainian studying stated that the 2 leaders mentioned the event of bilateral relations and the opportunity of exchanging experiences in using new applied sciences in agriculture."The president spoke concerning the functioning of the Black Sea transport hall, which permits rising exports of sunflower oil to India and the turnover of different product classes," it says.It stated Zelenskyy "knowledgeable Modi concerning the preparations for the World Peace Summit and thanked the Prime Minister of India for the anticipated presence of the high-level delegation on the occasion. The leaders mentioned the Summit agenda."Modi had additionally met Zelenskyy on the sidelines of the earlier G7 summit in Hiroshima in Could final 12 months.India has been sustaining that the battle in Ukraine have to be resolved by way of dialogue and diplomacy.The assembly between Modi and Zelenskyy got here earlier than the Swiss Peace Summit.India stated on Wednesday that it's going to take part within the upcoming peace summit on the Ukraine battle at an "applicable degree." Switzerland has invited Prime Minister Modi to attend.Printed by: Ashutosh AcharyaPrinted in: June 15, 2024
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